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01x02 - Prodigal

Posted: 01/20/14 21:09
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Bitten"...

Elena: It happened last night. It almost happened in front of Philip.

I had to lie to get away.

Clay: The only difference between humans and anything else is the persona.

The mask behind which we hide all desires.

Be careful out there.


...Blue, What you got?

Well, it looked like a wolf k*ll, but I could smell it was not merely a wolf.

Some random Mutt kills on our territory. Why?

The Pack needs you.

( ♪ )



( ♪ )

You're gonna have to do better than that if we're tracking a Mutt.

Missed you, too.

Are you the welcoming committee?

Or did Jeremy finally chain you up to the front gate where you belong?

Easy. I just wanna help with the bag.

It's fine. I've got it.

( ♪ )



♪ You came like a butterfly into my dream ♪
♪ Flying through the reels of deleted scenes ♪

Don't be nervous, okay? We're gonna be fine.

Oh, when you put it that way... I feel nervous.

Look, this is a big deal, bringing me home to your family.

What if Jeremy doesn't like me?


Okay, then I'll come clean -

I've never met anyone's family before, not... you know, in this context.

Not in the context of... This is someone that I love and I want to spend the rest of my life with, and if you don't like me, then...


I got you.



( ♪ )

Welcome home.


Nothing's changed.

Some things have.


You let Nick buy all your clothes when you lived here.

I thought you hated shopping.

You don't think I could pick this out myself?

You tell me.

I guess what I'm saying is, uh...

You look... good.

I clean up pretty well when I'm a human.

Where's Jeremy?

He's not here.

Elena, you should eat something.

You must be starving.

Where is he?

He's running.


Look, I'm not here to talk, or to catch up, or whatever else you had in mind.

I'm here because a wolf needs to be tracked.

And it was clear everyone else was gonna keep pressuring me until I came back.


I just want this done so I can leave.

The sooner Jeremy knows that I'm here, the faster I can start tracking the k*ller.

I'm not here for us.



( ♪ )

(Two g*nshots in the distance)




( ♪ )

( ♪ )

Season 1, Episode 2

Stop. I'm not letting you out there.

I have to...

You have no idea what's going on around here.

The locals, the hunters. There's a bounty out for a wolf.

All the more reason we should be out there making sure Jeremy is okay.

It's not safe.

Clay: There, he's back. Now, let it go.

I'm only trying to protect you.

( ♪ )


Come here.

I'm so happy you're home, Elena.

Are you all right?

Yeah, I'm fine, I'm fine.

I picked up the scent of the hunters by the western property line and I cleared out immediately.

Were they sh**ting at the Mutt?

I didn't smell him out there.

But any snapped twig or rustling leaf is gonna be met with b*ll*ts until this situation is resolved.

All right.

What's your take?

It's been quiet lately.

And then this, out of the blue.

With you home, now, we have a much greater chance of finding him.


Look, just so we're clear, I'll help you track the k*ller.

But once we do, I'm out again.

We'll start tomorrow, when we're all together.

No, I can go now.

If you go out alone and you find him, he's gonna try to k*ll you.

Are you prepared to k*ll him?


Then I will send Clay with you.

No, I'd rather go with the local psychopath.

You forget, darlin'. I am the local psychopath.

I'll wait till everyone's here.

It's been a long day. I think I'll go unpack.

Okay. Everything you need's here, just as you left it.

( ♪ )

She came back.

It's a start.


Hey, Philip.

This is my girlfriend, Rachel.



I thought you'd be in Upstate New York with Elena.

No, I'm leaving first thing. Philip is Elena's boyfriend.

Rachel: Terrible news about the accident.

Yeah, any time kids are involved.

I hope they're all right.


Yeah, my cousin's kids. I didn't want to worry you.

Children are incredibly resilient.

Yeah well, if they're with you, I'm sure they're in good hands.

I should get going.

It was great to meet you.

You too.

You don't need to spare my feelings, okay?

You're right. Let's go.

( ♪ )

("Runnin" by No Sinner)

♪ Caught in a fever ♪
♪ You know she's burnin' away ♪

Can I sit down?


Just for a second. Just till I finish my beer.


So, you a hunter?

For the wolf?

I hear the bounty is, like, 1000 bucks.

I am a hunter.

But I'm not interested in the money.


Just the k*ll.

To avenge that poor girl.


Four years ahead of me in high school.

She was voted Most Likely to Succeed.

And you? Let me guess...


No, I'm still a junior.

Are you even allowed to be in here?

There's a curfew for anyone under 18 until they nab the wolf.

I can't walk home by myself.

Well, that works out perfectly.

Drinks are on the house. My sister's not.

( ♪ )

Pete's bus is now officially late.

(High-pitched ring)

Woman's voice: How's Christie's family holding up?

Such a pretty girl.

They're planning a closed-casket service.

Braxton and his boys were parked out near the Stonehaven place this morning.

Said they might've seen something.

Let's wait for Pete outside.

I've seen you around town a couple times over the years, but we've never officially met.

Antonio Sorrentino. This is my son, Nick.

We're old family friends of the Danvers.

My hunting pals said maybe they saw a wolf up on your property.

If the wolf is settling on the Danvers property, ...we're gonna have to come up there.

Of course.

We've all heard wolves up there before.

Yeah, they pass through, but they keep on the move, you know.

Well, we just wanna catch the animal and resolve the issue.

I just got word there's another girl missing.

That's two in one week, for a town where nothing much ever happens.

Pete: Hey! (Chuckling)


We eating here? I'm starving.

We are heading home.


(Groan, chuckle)

Um, we are eager to help out, however we can.

Appreciate that.

Good night.

("Famous for Fire" by Adaline)

( ♪ )

♪ Hello there ♪
♪ How are you ♪
♪ I've been waiting ♪
♪ To hear from you ♪
♪ I've been waiting ♪
♪ Without time ♪
♪ And it feels ♪
♪ Like I'm a song ♪
♪ That begs ♪
♪ Begs to be sung ♪
♪ I'm a melody without words ♪

Clay: (Whispering)




You shouldn't be here.

Tell me to leave.

Tell me you don't wanna see me.

Or that you don't want me to see you.

( ♪ )

(Sharp inhalation)

( ♪ )

All you have to do is tell me "no".

( ♪ )





Nick, what are you doing?

I'm here to wake you up.

And to tell you that you look...


I look the same, Nick.

Same as I did a year ago, pretty much the same as I did five years ago.

See, it's not all "curse" being one of us.

Prolonged youth. Now there's some silver lining, right?

Yeah, but that just means that when we're old, we're old for that much longer.

Just take the compliment.

Or what?

Wouldn't you like to know.

Wouldn't you like to try.

It's too bad we can't blow off steam with a run, huh?

Ah... I wish we could.

It's been so long since I've been able to run freely.

(Bell chiming)

Breakfast is served?

Yeah, dad's been at the grill for the past half hour.

We'd better get going before Peter eats all the bacon.


Or, I could...

Stay in bed with you all day, if you'd prefer.

Nice try. But no dice.

Now run along, little pup. I have to get dressed.


Little pup?


You've seen the bone I can bury.


(Cellphone chiming)

Morning, beautiful.

What's the update?

It's still touch and go.

But I should know more this morning.

Yesterday was mostly errands.

Philip: (On phone) Hey, I ran into Logan yesterday and I kind of mentioned that your cousin had kids.

His girlfriend seemed surprised. I hope I didn't put him in the doghouse.

Oh. You met Rachel too?

I'm... I'm sure it's fine.

Good. When this gets settled, we should have a drink with them.

Uh, so, you have a big day there?

Ah, just meeting with a potential new client.

What are you doing?

I'm just getting up.

I can't remember the last time I didn't sleep next to you.

It was last night.

Shut up. You know what I mean.

Yeah, before that doesn't matter. Let's just focus on getting you home.

Clay: (Clearing throat)

I better get going. Everyone's waiting.

I'll talk to you soon, okay?

Okay. Love you.


( ♪ )

You gonna track a Mutt in those clothes?

Or maybe you're leaving.

You can stop with the sentry act. I'm not going anywhere.

No, you're just trying to get out of here as soon as you can.

Oh. So now you're eavesdropping?

I didn't hear anything.

Was there something to hear?

I have people who like to know where I am.

People or person?

You can stop digging.

It's not as if you care.

Every day for the last year, I fought the urge to find you...

To see you.

And yet, you've stayed away.

I was under orders from Jeremy.


You wouldn't disobey.

It's not in your nature.

And you think you know my nature.

Pete: Is she up yet?

Jeremy: I haven't seen her this morning.

We're waiting on Logan?

No, he's gonna come later today.

This smells so good.

No, we'll make sure everyone's here first.

I don't know about you guys, but I'm starving. Oh, look.

Hey, good morning, Sleeping Beauty.

Oh, watch the... um...

The grease.


What's a little grease between friends, huh?



How are you?

Hi. Huh?


Chi se move mangia, e chi sta fermo secca.

"He who moves, eats. He who sits still, dries up."

So move...

And eat.

Elena: I guess it's a symptom of city living.

I've been trying to get my appetite back to the way it was.


I tell the crews I travel with that I have an abnormal pituitary gland, otherwise with all the food I eat, I'd be reality-show huge.

I think it's easier when you're a guy.

Get some fruit?



So, have you heard from Logan?

He's on his way here.

We don't have to wait. I can track now.

You can't change in broad daylight. It's too risky.

And going out as a human is not an option.

Send the guys with me. But I can still track as a human.

Elena, you've been away from the Pack for a year.

Why don't you take the time to refresh your memory about the Mutts.

All of your files are downstairs, just where you left them.

We're gonna go over my plans for this evening when Logan gets here.

And until then?


And rest up.

Ready to "rest up"?

I don't need to rest.

I have work to do.

Clearly, she's out of practice.

Take it easy on her.

I don't need you guys to take it easy on me. Okay?

Prove it.

Five minutes. Back patio.


( ♪ )

Tell me you're not letting him off easy.


Nick: You're a horrible liar.

City life has made you soft.


(Fighting grunts)

I stand corrected.

Corrected, yes.

Standing? Hardly.

Oh-ho, "sweep the leg".

Nice move, Cobra Kai.

Looks like someone's been waxing off too much in New York.

What have you been doing in Toronto?

What, for sport?

We can start there.



What? It's a good workout.



Hard to practice this stuff anywhere else.

Clayton Danvers? Spectating at a fight?

There's a first.

Not spectating. Assessing.

Assessing the ass-kicking I'll give you?

Oh, God... And why would I want to humiliate my oldest and dearest friend?

I'm going to shower.


Don't you wanna see me destroy this guy?

Actually, yes. I do.

Now you've done it.


( ♪ )
Nick: Dammit!

Can't you just let me win once in our lives?

That's not in my nature.

Same thing since we were kids, huh?

No, this was different.

This time, you managed not to piss yourself.


She's right, you know.

We could be out there right now, tracking the Mutt as humans.

He seems to hunt at night.

That's the time when we can best track him.


And the minute we find him, Elena will leave again.

We all want her back.

The best way of bringing her back is just give her a chance to remember that this is her home.

Well, we can only hope that the good here outweighs the bad.


( ♪ )

Male voice 1: ...made certain, from this point forward, the two factions of werewolves the noble Pack, who set and maintain rules; and the Mutts, lone wolves who are to be policed and punished.

Male voice 2: Of the rules, the foremost is maintaining the secrecy of our kind.

We are forbidden from undergoing the Change in front of humans, or from k*lling them, unless the Change occurs in their presence.

Male voice 3: The only way for a woman to become a werewolf is to be bitten.

It has long been speculated that women are not sufficiently strong enough to survive the process.

( ♪ )


( ♪ )

Pete: I've tried to make sense of all this for the past year.

But you, missy, have a filing system that goes beyond cryptic.

It's not cryptic to me.

Jeremy put you on Mutt detail?


Like an idiot, I volunteered.

What you see is how you left it.

You'll want to add Zachary Cain to your shit list.

I haven't had a chance to update the file, but Clay had a run-in with him in Wenatchee a few months back.

Good to know.


Each Mutt tracked and accounted for.


A lot of memories of being on the road with Clay.

God, I really used to hate this room.

Yeah, no shit.

But your history lessons...

They really made me love coming down here.

Yeah well, you're part of this history, too.

The only woman to survive being bitten... Make that a big part of this history.

One thing I never really understood.

I mean, your life could take you anywhere.

When Jeremy calls... Why do you come back here?

Dude, Jeremy saved my life.

Nobody likes to talk about it...

But this Pete you know... wasn't always the case.

About 12 years ago, I was on the Warped Tour.

I was pretty strung out at the time.

And, uh, this one night, I took this groupie back to my room.

And in a haze of dr*gs, I started to change in front of her.

I panicked and I k*lled her.

I phoned Jeremy right away, begged for my life, told him I would turn it all around for him.

Dominic Sorrentino was Alpha at the time and...

He'd've sent me to my death if Jeremy hadn't fought for me.

I knew you had a tough past, but...

k*lling a human?

Jeremy fixed everything, including me.

Gave me the time to go walkabout, sort myself out.

It's what he's done for you for the last year.

So yeah, when Jeremy calls, I come back.

You know, everything he's doing is about our survival.

Right? About the long game.

And like it or not, you're very much a part of that plan.

I don't want the warm embrace of the family.

After what I did...

After k*lling Jose Carter, all I wanted was out.

Yeah well, the support of the Pack... the family, this house...

Without these things, we're bound to fail.

Yeah, but with these things, we're bound to k*ll.

I don't ever want to do that again.

Well, nothing says you have to k*ll.

But you're taking it a step further, you're trying to be human.

And that's just as dangerous.

You try and push the wolf down, Elena, the wolf won't stay down very long.



(Clattering objects)

I'm not falling for it, Caitlin.

You may be three years and three months older than me, but I'm not af...

( ♪ )

So, I caught up on all the recent scents and locations of the usual suspects: Mutts with a history of run-ins with the Pack.

For starters, Zachary Cain.

He was running a car theft ring in Wenatchee.

Clay caught him, shut it down.

But I don't have anything recent on Malcolm Danvers.

My father?

He's dead.


Eight months ago.

We got word got that he'd been challenged by a Mutt in Churchill.

Someone was always taking a run at him. Eventually, he had to lose.

I don't know what to say.

My father hated me...

Ever since I was born.

I guess I wasn't the son he imagined having.

And after the battle for the Alpha, there's no way we could reconcile.

I don't grieve the man.

I guess I might grieve for the father he might have been.

Good fathers are hard to come by.

No one hates the Pack more than Daniel Santos.

Clay k*lled his brother, Daniel was excommunicated...

That's a good thought, but that was not his scent.

Look what the wolf dragged in.

Logan: He's not kidding.

He basically dragged me down here from the front doors.

It's good to see you, Logan.

Everyone's here, let's get started.

A local girl was k*lled by a Mutt.

Her body was dumped on the outskirts of town.

Now we have hunters on the edge of our property.

And with the bounty on this wolf, you can be sure that there will be more.

We're gonna put an end to this. Tonight.

Now, Elena has pulled up files on Mutts with the most recent vendettas against the Pack, starting with Zachary Cain.

I left him hurting. He got the message.

Let's not forget that we could be dealing with anybody who's crossed our path in the past.

Peter and Logan, I want you in West Bear Valley.

Antonio and I will cover Main Street.

And I want the rest of you to check out the industrial area.

You can change if you have to, but obviously, discretion is the key.

( ♪ )

( ♪ )

How do you want to do this?

I'll go...

We split up.

We split up, meet back here if we find nothing.

Signal if we do.

We're changing?

We'll cover more ground.

What about the hunters?

We stay upwind of them. We'll smell them before they see us.

Simple fact is, if we find this Mutt, I wanna be in wolf form.

You're not gonna k*ll him.

He m*rder*d a girl.

And he'll pay.

But no k*lling while I'm around.


Okay. Let's run.

Um, I'm just gonna...

( ♪ )

(Low growl)


( ♪ )


(Growling, snarling)

I'll meet you inside.

( ♪ )

Don't ever pet me like that again.


This place smells like death.

How did you find it before me?

I didn't. I followed you.

I don't need a bodyguard.

It was for my own protection. You have a better sense of smell.

You'd clock the hunters way before I could.


It's a little "East Village" but I'm not putting on that negligee out there.

The Mutt isn't here.

Any bead on his scent?

It's new to me.

It almost smells newly-turned.

You're telling me you can smell "newly-turned"?

I'm telling you, this smells different.

Nick: Chunk of scalp?

No wonder it smells like death in here.


Another k*lling.

I knew I should've gone out last night to track him.

Then that could've been you.

We should get back to Jeremy with this news.

Unless you want to stay here and wait for this Mutt, snap his neck.

No-no-no. He might smell us and steer a wide berth.

Best thing is to change and head home so we can regroup.

Change again?

Oh, you want us to walk back?


We'll change out here. We'll meet you outside.


Nick & Clay: (Grunting in pain)

(Bones cracking)


Nick & Clay: (Growling outside)

( ♪ )


Come on.


( ♪ )

(Indistinct chatter, laughter)

Man: Oh, shit. (Growling)

W-what do we do?

We k*ll this thing, we get the bounty.


( ♪ )

It's no one we've met before. It's someone new.

I mean, I think he's newly bitten in.

Mutts bite to k*ll.

Besides, the chances of a human surviving a bite are negligible.

Throw in the su1c1de rate after the first Change, and we're looking at an incredibly rare situation here.

But chances aren't entirely nil, right?

Well, if he's new, he obviously doesn't know the rules.

And if he doesn't know the rules, clearly he doesn't realize that he threatens to expose all of us if he changes in front of a human.

Okay. We set up a perimeter around his place, and we watch.

When he comes out, we grab him, very quietly.

I expect discipline, Clay. I want him alive.

I want to know who bit him.

We cannot have Mutts being made indiscriminately and unleashed on the world.

Let's move out.

Clay: Wait up.

What was with you last night?

You took forever to change at the Mutt's house.

If I had my way, I wouldn't change at all.

Twice in one day was too much?

Don't change the subject.

Okay, the fact of...

The fact of the matter is, you "pet" me.

You let me.

You're lucky you still have your hand.

I don't want you going on this hunt unless you stay by my side.

I'm not going on the hunt.

It's not why I came here.

We both know that's not true.

Elena, would you come here for a minute, please?

Some local kids are posting rumours about a wolf.

I doubt they'd be alive if they saw the Mutt.


That was me.

There's no excuse. I'm sorry.

This town is under a curfew.

There's a bounty on wolves.

And it will only keep escalating until we catch him.

I helped track, like you asked.

The rest can take it from here.

I asked you to help me catch him.

And I'm asking you not to do that to me again.

Jose Carter was enough...

Mr. Carter, you promised proof of a werewolf.

The collectors I represent would like definitive proof.

And you will see it.

What is it?


I tracked him, caught him mid-transformation.

I took his arm with my machete.

That werewolf is still down there.

Game hunters would pay me a lot of money to go down and find him.

How many others have seen this?

You are the first.

I'll take it off your hands now. Just name your price.

It doesn't work that way.

I'm willing to pay whatever you'd like.

My plan is this -

The hunter with the highest bid comes down to Ecuador with me to catch it.

I thought you were gonna k*ll it.


But first, we're gonna make it tell us where the others are.

Because where there's one, there could be hundreds.

I'm sorry, I can't let you do that.

You're not taking that anywhere.

Please, don't do this.



(Fast heartbeat)

(Thud of impact)

Jose Carter threatened to expose us.

k*lling him was the right thing to do. It was the only thing to do.

For you, maybe. But for me...

I lost my humanity.

I tore into him like he was a present.

And the moment after, I realized that everything that is here...

You, Clay, the ability to run, none of it was worth it...

If I had to be that...

Thing again.

That "thing" is who you are.


I want to be who I am in Toronto.

A normal person. Not a k*ller.

Elena, this is a very different situation.

This Mutt could k*ll again.


And you'll find him, and you'll k*ll him.

And I do not wanna be a part of that.

May I go?

You can't go, not yet.

We're not done.

I am.

That's not what I'm talking about.

You're gonna want to see this.

(Dog barking)

Hey. Hey! We could call the sheriff.

Yeah, we could. But Blue's got the scent.

And we ain't waitin'.


What is it?

( ♪ )

He's just a child.