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01x07 - Teacher Creature

Posted: 01/01/24 18:44
by bunniefuu
- Jakers! ♪ It's the tales of our pal, Piggley

♪ Ireland is the world he loves so well

♪ He wriggles out of spots that are downright stickley

♪ How he does that, only he can tell

♪ Piggley, Ferny, Molly, and Dannan

♪ Never miss a chance to have too much fun

♪ In Tarra or Raloo, lots of excitement for everyone

♪ Curiosity's in hurry, leavin' no time to stop and think

♪ The line between wild and crazy gets blurry ♪

- Jakers! ♪ The adventures of Piggley Winks

♪ Something in the way his eyes start blazin'

♪ Tells us he's on to a brand new plan

♪ His lips curl up, it's downright amazing

♪ Looking for mischief, well he's your man

♪ Piggley, Ferny, Molly, and Dannan

♪ Never miss a chance to have too much fun

♪ In Tarra or Raloo lots of excitement for everyone k

- Jakers!

♪ We go to bed just to wake up early

♪ To get in trouble or on the brink

♪ The line between wild and crazy gets blurry ♪

- Jakers! ♪ The adventures of Piggley Winks ♪

- It's the big truck road rally!

The race is on between the Super Seamus Special

and Sean's Mighty Mud Machine!

- [Together] Go!

(making engine noises)


- And the Mud Machine takes the lead!

- Take that! (laughing)

- Boys.

Why aren't you dressed?

We're going to get our pictures taken.

- I'm dressed, mom.


- Oh, Meg.

- Well now, isn't this a fine picture we'll be taking today?

- Oh, just once I'd like to get a nice picture

of these kids.

- Ah, yes, a good photograph is something

to be treasured for a lifetime.

Why I have one ... - Uh, Dad.

- Right.

We don't have time to be hearing about

an old picture of mine, now do we?

- Come on, come on, let's go, hurry up.

- Even though I almost lost my best friend forever.

- You almost lost Uncle Ferny?

- What happened, Grandpa?

- [All] Yeah, please tell us, tell us!

- We want to hear a story.

- I promise by the Raloo oath, it won't take any longer

than it takes.

- (laughing) Oh, go on and tell it, Dad.

I want to hear it too.

- It all began one rainy afternoon on Raloo farm.

Molly and I were getting along famously,

just as we always did.

(door opening)

- It's Mammy.

- Mammy!

Mammy, Mammy!

What's that you have, Mammy?

- It's a package from your Uncle Squiggly,

for Piggley.

Oh, sorry, pet, you got the last one.

- What is it, Piggley, what is it?

Is it a toy, can I see it?

- Jakers, it's a camera.

- Oh, let me try it, Piggley.

- Don't be daft, you don't even know how to use a camera.

(shutter clicks)

(Molly giggling)

Oh, I've got to show this to Ferny and Dannan.

- I want to come as well, please!

- [Narrator] Ferny, and Dannan, and I spent the whole day

(shutter clicks)


having the time of our lives.

(shutter clicks)

(gasps) (shutter clicks)

- Hey, hey, hey, hey!


- I'll get you!


Oh, I'll get you!

Slow down! (shouting)

(shutter clicks)

- Wowy, wow, wow, wow.

I've been photographed, captured on film,

recorded for posterity.

Just picture it, my face appearing everywhere,

newspapers, magazines, the post office.

Hold it, strike that post office,

I don't want to be that wanted.

I could be big, I could be famous.

I could be big and famous.

I could go to the big city, meet up with destiny,

get a decent cheeseburger.

I gotta get that kid to take another picture of me.

Maybe a nice by glossy, a couple of candids,

some good commercial sh*ts.

Maybe a full-figured cheesecake matte finish.



(shutter clicks)

- Great, what's next?

- Uh, Piggley (whispers).

- Oh no, can't you wait?

I've only got one more picture to take.

- I'll take her, Piggley.

You two can catch up to us later.

- Thanks, Dannan.

Okay, Ferny, one last shot.

- Uh, uh, Piggley, could you, uh,

maybe take a picture of me?

A nice one, for me dad.

- That's a great idea, Ferny.

We'll make you a mighty king,

and that'll be your castle.

- Oh, that'll be grand.

- You'll be standing in the window,

waving at all your subjects.

- Oh, okay Piggley.


- Come on, Ferny, squeeze.




(shutter clicks)


- Piggley, you didn't take the picture, did you?

Did you?

- (laughs) Oh, it's great, everyone'll love it.

- No, you can't show it to anyone, not anyone.

Promise me.

- Why not, Ferny, it'll be funny.

- But me undies are showing.

- (chuckles) I know.

- Please, Piggley, promise me you'll tear that picture up.

- Okay, I promise.

- Absolutely for sure?

- Absolutely for sure.


- Promise on the Raloo oath.


- On the Raloo oath.

I swear, by our friendship, to fulfill my promise.

If I don't, may my hair turn purple

and me lips shrivel into stinky prunes.

(relieved sigh)

Jakers, these are brilliant.


- What's so funny, Piggley Dink?

- Hector!

- What have you got there?

- Just, just some photographs.

- Boring, boring, boring, boring.

Ha, great! (laughs)

Now this is funny.

- You can keep it if you want to.

Jakers, I better tear you up before I get meself in trouble.

(laughs) It's a good one though.

Hmm, maybe I'll just show it to Dannan first.

Huh, I'm sure Ferny wouldn't mind if she saw it.

- There he is, my shot at the big time.

I could be on Broadway, in the movies, on the radio.

No, no, not the radio,

they can't see me on the radio,

not even if they sit real close.

How do I look, flock?




Oh, don't do that!

You'll scare the wool right off of me.

Okay, it's showtime!


- Piggley! (gasps)

- Oh no!

- What's wrong, Piggley?


- Oh no!

- What are you chasing?

- A picture, of Ferny with his undies showing.

- His underwear? (laughs)

Oh, I'd love to see that, I would.

- There it is, hurry!


(chuckles nervously)

We've got to get that picture back, Dannan.

- What do you mean, we?

- Oh, nevermind, I'll get it meself.

- Good luck to you, Piggley Winks.

I'll always remember you.

(funereal music)



Maybe you better just leave the picture.

- No, I'm going back in, Dannan.

- Ah, you'll be sitting on a cushion tonight.

- No, I promised Ferny I'd tear it up,

I took the Raloo oath on it.

- Look!

He's gonna eat it.

- (chuckles) That's even better than tearing it up.

Come on, let's go tell Ferny.

- I'm right behind you, Piggley.



(fishing reel clicking)


- Oh (laughs) oh yes.


Nice undies, Ferny.


That's getting to the bottom of it. (laughs)

- Hey, hey, hey, hey, what's everyone looking at up there?

- I bet it's that funny picture I took.

- What funny picture?

- Hector, is that my picture?

- It sure is, Piggley.

Everyone loves it.

It's a real winner.


- Oh no.

But how did it--

Where did it--


- You said a goat ate it.

- But he did.

I saw it.

I saw him eating it.

- You said you'd tear it up, Piggley.

You promised.


- I was gonna tear it up,

but the wind blew it, and a goat got it,

and he was eating it like this (makes chewing noises).

Honest, Ferny.


(door slams)

- Oh, Piggley, you should have tore it up.

- I know, I know.

I'm sorry, Ferny.

(car honking)

I'm sorry, I'm really sorry.

I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.

Really, I'm huge sorry, sorry!


I'm sorry, Ferny.

(door slams)

- [Narrator] (sighs) I could see that it was going to

take more than an apology to get my friend Ferny back.

So I came up with a plan.

(thunder crashing)

We took Ferny's embarrassing picture and pasted my face

over Ferny's face.

- [Meg] What for?

- [Narrator] The plan was to get the new picture printed up

into the local newspaper.

That way, the whole town would see me with torn britches,

and they'd forget all about Ferny.

Unfortunately, neither of us noticed when me head fell off.

- [Meg] So you sent in Ferny's picture?

- [Narrator] We did.

- [Seamus] And did they put it in the newspaper?

- [Narrator] Oh yes, they did indeed,

right smack in the middle of the front page!





- Fernando, you cannot stay hiding in here forever you know.

- But I can't go outside, Papa.

Everyone in the world is laughing at me,

and me underwear.

- You know, there are two kinds of laughter, mijo,

the kind where people laugh at you,

and the kind where people laugh with you.

(wood breaking)


(both laughing)

I know that you feel embarrassed about what happened,

but sometimes a mishap can be funny you know.

So, why don't you go find your friend Piggley

and the two of you can have a good laugh, together.

- Piggley's not my friend anymore.

He made a promise and he broke it.

- He made a mistake.

Friends forgive each other when they make mistakes, mijo.

(cart wheels squeaking)

I bet Piggley's working right now

on a way to earn your forgiveness.

- We like Ferny, Ferny is the best!

Piggley is sorry that he caused such a mess!

Piggley really blew it, he's thick as a plank!

Piggley wasn't thinking, his mind is all a blank!

Piggley is sorry, all he does is mope,

he just can't help it, he's such a big dope!

- Thank you, Dannan.


(makes trumpet noises)

- And now, Piggley's official apology

to his very, very, very, very good friend, Fernando.

(clears throat)

- Dear Ferny,

I want to ... (shouts)

Oh hey, hey now!

Stop it now!

(air escaping)

- Look, Ferny's britches are torn again!


(air escaping loudly)

- This is not going so well, is it?







- That's getting to the bottom of it.




- Piggley!

- Ferny!

- Wahoo!

- What are you doing, Ferny?


- Don't you know, Piggley,

it's much better when they laugh with you

than when they laugh at you.

So let's have some fun.

- Wahoo!


(shutter clicks)

- This picture is one of me all-time favorites.

You know, sometimes the best pictures

are the ones that aren't so perfect after all.

- (chuckles) I hear what you're saying, Dad.

- Does that mean we don't have to dress up

for our picture today?

- Not a chance.

Now go get cleaned up, all of you.

- [All] Aw, Mom, okay.

- We're leaving in ten minutes.

So, Dad, whatever happened to the other picture?

The one of Ferny and his torn britches?

- Ah well, I tore that one up,

just like I promised Ferny.

- (chuckles) Good for you, Dad.

Okay, come on, come on, come on, let's go.

- I did tear it up, Ferny,

but I just couldn't resist putting it back together again.


(theme music)