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01x05 - All Night Long

Posted: 01/01/24 18:41
by bunniefuu
- Jakers! ♪ It's the tales of our pal Piggley

♪ Ireland is the world he loves so well

♪ Wriggles out of spots that are downright stickley

♪ How he does that only he can tell

♪ Piggley, Ferney, Molly, and Dannon

♪ Never miss a chance to have too much fun

♪ In Tara or Raloo

♪ Lots of excitement for everyone

♪ Curiosity's in a hurry

♪ Leaving on time to stop and think

♪ The line between wild and crazy gets blurry

- Jakers! ♪ The adventures of Piggley Winks

♪ Something in the way his eyes start blazing

♪ Tells us he's on to a brand new plan

♪ His lips curl up it's downright amazing

♪ Looking for mischief well he's your man

♪ Piggley, Ferney, Molly and Dannon

♪ Never miss a chance to have too much fun

♪ In Tara or Raloo lots of excitement for everyone

♪ Jakers go to bed just to wake up early

♪ To get in trouble or on the brink

♪ The line between wild and crazy gets blurry

♪ Jakers the Adventures of Piggley Winks

(serene instrumental music)

- Oh what a glorious day for listening to the wind

rustling through the trees.

(wind blows)

- Oh no.

Crummy old wind!

- Dumb leaves.

- Hey what's this now.

- Mom wants us to sweep up the driveway.

- But it's too windy.

- Every time we get the leaves and stuff into a pile

the wind comes along and bufushish!

- Well that's a bit of a challenge alright.

(wind blows)

- I quit.

- Me too.

- Are my ears deceiving me or did I hear me own flesh

and blood say the word quit.

- Grandpa, when something's this impossible,

you have to give up.

- I don't know about that Seamus.

Me pals and I back on Raloo Farm once had this situation

where the odds were hugely against us, but did we give up?

- Did you?

- Yeah, did you?

- Well, no it's a long story.

And me old lemonade glass seems to be nearly empty huh?

Thank you boys.

Well me story begins at the beginning with me friend

Dannon and I in a very serious horse race.

- Whoa, you raced horses?

- Of course we did.

It was a great matter of pride who had the fastest steed.


- Come on, come on!

- Go on !

- Come on, come on.

- Sweets wins!

- Oh I'm sorry to interrupt your horse race Piggley.

- That's okay dad, I'll win tomorrow.

- Not likely.


- So are you going off fishing to Lake Bagara?

- Yep, bright and early tomorrow morning.

- What's so great about fishing?

- Well now, at Lake Bagara you never know

what you might see.

Like the time not too long ago when I was out fishing,

I wasn't catching so much as a cold,

then all of a sudden, I hooked the strangest thing.

A hat, a red hat.


It wasn't too long before a fella came swimming by

looking for that hat.

I gave it back to him and he thanked me kindly.

Then he disappeared beneath the water.


- Janey Mac!

- Then what happened Dad?

- Well now, the next thing I know,

like a streak of light, me boat was jetting across the lake,

sure I couldn't see what was pulling me

then suddenly I came to a stop.

I was at a part of the lake I had never seen before.

Looking around I thought, I saw that fellow

with the red hat swimming away.

Then a fish tail as big as your side

slapped the water.

And he was gone.

- Jakers, a merman.

- Oh a fishy fella.

- Well I can't say for sure lads.

All I know is that very place where me boat stopped,

turned out to be the best fishing spot of all time.

- Me father could spin a great yarn so he could.

But I don't think he expected us to react

to it quite the way we did.

- Daddy, will you take us fishing with you, please?

- Oh.

- Oh will you, will you please Mr. Winks.

- Will you take us?

- Well er.

- So we can meet the merman!

- Yuck, fish are smelly.

We'll stay home Sweets.

- Oh please Mr. Winks we're begging you.

- It's a long time sitting in a boat you know.

Nowhere to go, nothing to do.

- We don't mind, we loves sitting with nothing to do.

- It's a lot of responsibility.

- We love responsibility.

- Oh yeah.

- I'll be leaving at the crack of dawn.

- We love, love getting up early.

We'll all spend the night here so we can leave

first thing in the morning.

- Now hold on a minute, I didn't say I'd take you.

- Please!

- We'll see how things go in the morning.


(plucky music)

- [Piggley Voiceover] Me friends and I were determined

to turn his "we'll see" into a definite yes.

Our plan was to show him that we were truly responsible,

and rightly worthy of going to Lake Bagara.



Never in the history of the world had three children

been so perfectly and politely helpful.

(serene music)

- Did you all brush your teeth?

And wash your hands and face and ears?

Why aren't you in your pajamas?

- We want to be ready for Lake Bagara in the morning.

- Even before we wake up.

- So can we go?

- [Piggley Voiceover] We'd been so good, so responsible.

We knew exactly what Dad was going to say.

- We'll see how things go, in the morning.

- Goodnight now. (distressed music)

(serene music) (snores)

- Listen to that, it's like living in a buzzsaw factory.

What I need is a nice glass of warm milk.

Now that should put me out like a fuzzy light.



Anytime now.

I'm waiting.

Aha, she's got a handle like a pump.

She's a pump cow.

(moos) (thuds)

Got milk?


- Dannon, are you sleeping?

- Yes.

- Oh, okay then.

- Piggley, do you think your dad will take us with him


- I don't know Dannon.

- You mean we might not go?


- Well, I'm sure he'll take us

when he sees what great fishermen we are.

- Oh.


I'm not that great.


- Sure you are Ferney.

(instrumental music)

You just need a little practice.

- You mean now?

- It's the middle of the night.

- Right, so we still have plenty of time to practice.

- Oh, okay then.

- Let's practice.


- Pure night air, now that's the secret

to a good night's sleep.

Ever smell a barn?

They're not minty fresh.



- I caught something!

- Oh Janey Mac, I've got something too Piggley.

- Hold on to it Ferney. - Don't let it get away!

- Mother nature is stealing my blanket!

And she's very strong.



- Come on then, pull!


(yells) (thuds)

- What's all this ruckus now?

- Bahaha what, where, who?

Wow, what a dream I had, so vivid so real so painful.

Sleep is tough, not sleeping is even tougher.

What am I gonna do?

Maybe I should sleep on it.

- You're dad looked quite mad Piggley.

- Mm hmm, do you think there's any chance

he'll still take us with him?

- I don't know, but I do know that it gets mighty cold

on the lake.

Dad complains about it all the time.

- So.

- So if we were to pack up a nice blanket for him

it might cheer him up a bit.

- And if he's happy, maybe he won't be mad at us anymore!

- And if he's not mad,

maybe he'll take us to the lake with him.

- Oh I know there's blankets in here somewhere.



- Hey, look I found a blanket.

(thuds) (giggles)


- Look at me!



- Oh hi Dad, I can explain, you see.

- Explain to me how you think you can sit still

on a boat when you can't even stay in bed?

- But we were gonna-- - Bed.

- Yes Dad.

- And I don't want to have to come back here again.

- Janey Mac Piggley why'd you start a pillow fight?

- I didn't start it.

- Did so. - Did not.

- Did so. - Did not.

- Did so. - Did not.

- Did so. - Stop!

- [Dad] Piggley!

- We're asleep.

- [Piggley Voiceover] Now I know you're thinking

it was looking grim.

And it's true, we made a few misjudgments.

But we weren't giving up that easy.

Not when their might be a merman to be seen

in that old lake.


- What are y'all doing?


- We're makina a picnic lunch for Dad.

- Why are you doing that?


- It's for the fishing trip tomorrow.

- I'll take Molly back to bed,

you guys go ahead and make the sandwiches.

- Will you make one for me too Piggley, please?

- Okay, okay just be quiet.

- Sweets too please?

- Fine.


- Oh I wish we could eat the picnic lunch now Piggley.

- It'll taste better on the lake Ferney.

I'll give the sandwich to Molly

so we can all go back to bed.

- Okay Piggley.


(radio music blares)



- Hello Mr. Winks.

- I don't want to have to come back here.

(serene music)

- [Piggley Voiceover] At that point it was looking

near impossible that we would ever see Lake Bagara.

- Oh well, we can always play pirates tomorrow instead.

- Pirates will be fun.

- Or we could go out and catch some grasshoppers.

- I think I'd rather be playing pirates.

- No, no I don't mean tomorrow.

I mean tonight,

we can go out and catch some grasshoppers tonight!

- [Piggley Voiceover] Now when things are at their

absolute worst, the truly inspired find their best ideas.

- Grasshoppers are the perfect fishin bait.

- Fishing?

- If we had a jar of grasshoppers,

Dad would have to take us.

I got one.

- Almost.

- Watch it.

- Come here.

- Gotcha gotcha!

- Come here.


- Gotcha!


- [Dad] I wouldn't be hearing children outside would I?

- We're all asleep Dad!

- And when morning finally came.

- Dad, wait for us!

- After playing around all night,

do you really think you deserve to go with me?

- But Dad?

We weren't playing.

- I'm sorry. - But the Merman.

- Maybe another time Piggley.

What's all this now?

So is this what you rascals were up to last night.

You know you should all be out picking spuds today

for keeping everyone up all night.

But I suppose your hearts were in the right place.

So are you gonna stand there all morning,

or are we going fishing.


- [Piggley Voiceover] And off we went for some fishing

on Lake Bagara.

Oh we did have a grand time.

Even though it wasn't exactly the way

we had pictured it to be.


So you see lads, if you just keep trying

there's nothing you can't do.

- Come on Seamus, I've got an idea

for a way to rake those leaves.

- Like what Sean?

- We can use the garden hose to get the leaves all wet,

that way the wind can't blow them away.

- Think it'll work?

- Maybe not, but it's worth a try.

- I'll turn on the water.

- Ah, solving the impossible.

Born inspired, try anything.

That's me grandsons.

(upbeat music)