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01x04 - The Case of Big Sty

Posted: 01/01/24 18:40
by bunniefuu
- Jakers! ♪ This is the tales of our pal Piggley

♪ Ireland's the world he loves so well

♪ Wriggles out of spots that are downright stickley

♪ How he does that only he can tell

♪ Piggley, Ferny, Molly, and Dannen

♪ Never miss a chance to have too much fun

♪ In Tara or Raloo

♪ Lots of excitement for everyone

♪ Curiosity's in a hurry

♪ Leaving no time to stop and think

♪ The line between wild and crazy gets blurry

- Jakers! ♪ The adventures of Piggley Winks

♪ Something in the way his eyes start blazing

♪ Tells us he's on to a brand new plan

♪ His lips curl up, it's downright amazing

♪ Looking for mischief, well he's your man

♪ Piggley, Ferny, Molly, and Dannen

♪ Never miss a chance to have too much fun

♪ In Tara or Raloo

♪ Lots of excitement for everyone

- Jakers!

♪ They go to bed just to wake up early

♪ To get in trouble or on the brink

♪ The line between wild and crazy gets blurry

- Jakers!

♪ The adventures of Piggley Winks

(whimsical music)

- Grandpa, is Seamus in here?

- Sean, come on, I got the mega speaker hooked up.

- Cool, I got the Play Cube.

I'll get an AB connector.

- I'll grab the joysticks.

- What's going on now?

You boys are as busy as a pair of crows in the chimney.

- We're hooking up our Play Cube to the big screen TV.

- Then we'll load D Dragon Hunter.

- Cranked up three amp to DBs.

- And chase dragons til our thumbs crack.

- So you've got your TV, your dragons, and your DBs,

but will you be needing your imagination at all then?

- Not if we hook it up right.

(Seamus grunts)

- Be careful now,

that's an awful lot of power you'll be using.

- [Seamus] Oh yeah!

Yeah, yeah!

- [Sean] Whoa!

Get him, get him!

- [Seamus] Yeah!

- [Sean] Crank it out!

Over there, over there!

What happened?

- [Seamus] What did you do?

- [Sean] I didn't do anything.

(Grandpa chuckles)

- [Seamus] Hey, turn it on. - It is on.

Grandpa, we blew a fuse, there's no power.

- Our game won't work, you gotta fix it.

- Ah sorry boys, I'm completely out of fuses.

What would you say to playing

with this little cube instead?

- Wheres the screen?

- and the firing buttons?

- It's a radio, boys.

You don't fire it at all

and the screen is up here.

- [Radio] And now back to classic radio theater.

- Jakers, it's my favorite show.

- [Radio] Tonight, episode four of that great old series,

Piggley Trotter, Private Eye.

- Piggley Trotter was the greatest detective

to ever have a radio show.

My family and I never missed it.

Every episode started the same way.

- [Radio] This is my town, a good town, with good people

and one bad one.

Master criminal Big Sty had given my the slip again

and I was calling it quits for the day.

I headed for home, taking a short cut through the park.

That's when she walked up.

She was prettier than a French poodle.

With a smile that made the chickens cackle.

- [Radio] Mr. Trotter.

I need your help.

- It's a mysterious lady.


- [Radio] Helping is my specialty, ma'am.

- [Radio] I think I'm being followed.


Followed by Big Sty, master of disguise.


No, I.

- [Radio] Come with me, ma'am.

I'll take you down the station where you'll be safe.

- No, no don't go with him, mysterious lady.

Don't go.

- [Radio] She's not going anywhere with you, Big Sty.

(gasps) (shushes)

- [Radio] Curses, how did you know it was me, Trotter?

- [Radio] Policemen don't wear rubber boots.

- [Radio] No, foiled again.

- [Radio] Join us again next time when Piggley Trotter.

- Bed time.

Come on now, let's go.

- Ah not yet.

- Piggley.

- Not until I catch Molly Sty, master of disguise.

- Piggley.

- I know it's you, Molly Sty.

(playful tense music)


- Mommy, make him stop.

Piggley, stop, stop.

- Ace detective Piggley Winks wins again.

- Let's go, ace.

To bed with you now.

- When I grow up, I'm gonna be just like Piggley Trotter.

I already got the name

and catching bad guys is my game.

I'll be a gumshoe, a private eye.

A sleuth hound.

- But Piggley, I thought you were going

to be an ace detective?

- Exactly.

And what about you?

If you really are Fernando Toro.

- Oh but I am.

- [Grandpa Voiceover] The day after I listened

to a good Piggley Trotter episode

was aways a bit difficult for me friends.

- Now how do I know you're the real Fernando Toro

and not Big Sty, master of disguise?

- Do you think I could be?

- Well you know what they say.

Crime is everywhere.

- But I really am me.

I'll show you.

I just learned to stand on me head yesterday.

Watch this.


(energetic drum roll)


Let me try that again.

- Don't bother.

You're Ferny alright.

- But I didn't do me headstand.

- Ah sure, you never could.

- That's right.


So I am me.

- Come on then, we've got work to do.

- Are we playing detectives today, then?

- We're not playing detectives, Ferny.

We are detectives.

- [Grandpa Voiceover] So we concocted our first

assignment of the day, to find Dannen

and make sure she really was Dannen.

You never can be too careful about these things, you know?

Dannen, however, was not at all impressed

with our questioning.

- What, what, what?

What kind of crazy question is that?

Of course I'm the real Dannen.

Who else would I be?

- Well you could be someone with the same flat feet.

- And same little red sweater.

- And round black glasses.

- And pink bow.

- Well, if I am this other someone,

who looks just like me, then how did I find out

about the time you tied balloons

to a chicken coop, sending it sailing way up over the farm

until it got tangled up in a giant bush?

- Oh.

Oh she's Dannen alright.

- Oh she's Dan indeed.

- Well, I'm glad we got that settled.

- Me too.

Now you can be a detective with Ferny and me.

- No today, Piggley.

Me mother and I are going into town

to do some shopping together.

I'll see you boys tomorrow.

- [Grandpa Voiceover] I wasn't the only one

in the Winks family with dreams

of being a famous detective.

Me sister, Molly, had a few dreams of her own.

- Look sweets, she's a mysterious lady,

just like the one on the radio.

(energetic fanfare)


Oh no, our lady is gone, Sweets.

Let's go and find her.

(suspenseful playful music)

(sheep baaing)

- Great, the flock.

I got rid of this before they.

Hello, flock.

(sheep laughing)

Okay, okay, that's enough.

Give me those.

For your information, this is a disguise.

With this bow, I can mingle, find out things,

get to know stuff and as we all know,

knowing stuff is power.

Power which I will use only for the good of the flock.

Now, if you'll excuse me.

My bow and I have work to do.

- [Molly] Here sheep, here sheep.

Where are you sheepie?


- Woof.

Time to go undercover.

Deep undercover.

- Where is that sheep?

- [Grandpa Voiceover] While Detective Molly

continued her search for the missing mysterious lady,

Ferny and I headed to town

to work on our next case.

(whimsical instrumental music)

- You see anything strange, Detective Ferny?

- No, not yet.


(suspenseful instrumental music)

- Do you hear that, Ferny?

- Footsteps a coming.

- Hurry Ferny, hide.


- Oh it's just Mr. Hornsby.

- It's not just Mr. Hornsby.

It's the greatest case in the history of detectiveing.

- Now what do you mean by that, Piggley?

- We're going to find out what a teacher does

on Saturday.

- Jenny Makers.

(whimsical tense music)

What do you think he's buying in there, Detective Piggley?

- [Piggley] Ah teacher stuff most likely.

You know, school things.

- Is a shovel a school thing?

- Ah that will do just fine.

Thanks a lot, Ms. Nanny.

- Oh maybe he's going to bury a treasure.

- Or dig one up.

He might even be looking for Cull Colin Sheer.

- Well I'll be a leprechauns uncle.

- Now come on, let's follow him

and remember, keep a low profile.

(tense playful music)


(tense playful music)

So far so good.

He doesn't have a clue we're here, Ferny.


This is no time for laying down on the job, Ferny.

- Just saving up me strength, Detective Piggley.

- Sheepie?

- [Grandpa Voiceover] Meanwhile, Detective Molly

was hot on the trail of her own case.

The case of the mysterious lady.

- Flock, you gotta hide me.

I need your help.

I said, I need your help.

Oh, okay.

I see what's going on here.

When I don't need you, you're always around.

Now that I do need you, you're deserting me.

Come here, hide me.

Get over here.

Hide me right now.

(playful instrumental music)

I'm your leader.

I'm telling you to stop.

Stop flock.

Please, I'm begging you.

- Sheepie.


- [Piggley] Step aside, step aside.

Ace detectives coming through.

- Ace detective, Ace detectives.

Ace detectives, can you please help me find

me lost sheep?

- Sorry ma'am all booked up for the day.

You'll have to take a number.

Good day, ma'am.

(energetic playful music)

- You're trapped, trapped like a pack

of puffy white rats.

Now quit kidding around.

Hide me.

- Hooray.

There you are, mysterious lady.

I found you, my mysterious lady.


- [Grandpa Voiceover] Another case solved.

- These footprints are really fresh, Detective Ferny.

We'll catch up to him in no time.

(suspenseful jazz music)

So this is what teachers do on Saturday.

Case solved, Detective Ferny.

Good job.

- Oh thank you, Detective Piggley.

So uh, what exactly do teachers do on Saturday?

- Well they cook secret formulas.

- And there's rocks in the secret formula, Piggley.

- Well this is the kind that makes you smart.

He puts in some of the rocks from the old castle

so he'll be really smart about history

and he puts them in two at a time

so he'll be really smart about math.

- That's amazing.

- All teachers do it.

Some of them use different recipes

but they all make your brains grow.

- Do you think we could try some of it?

- Oh this is powerful stuff, Ferny.

This could make you so smart,

your head would grow huge with so much brains in there.

- [Ferny] But think about how easy

Mr. Hornsby's tests would be.

- Well, maybe it would be okay if we just had a little bit.

Go ahead, you first, Ferny.

- Oh okay.

- [Piggley] Feeling any smarter yet?

- No but I burnt my tongue.

- Let me try.

- [Hornsby] Piggley.

- Hello, Mr. Hornsby.

- Well I see you two have tasted my soup.

I made some extra just for you.

- Us, how did you know?

- Well I figured you must be pretty hungry

after tailing me all about town.

- Oh and don't forget the castle.


- Ah yes, the castle.

The dark rooms make perfect breeding grounds

for mushrooms.

- [Both] Mushrooms?

- Piggley thought you were digging up treasure.

- Ferny.

- These mushrooms are a treasure.

That's why the soup tastes so good.

I decided to try cooking it the way

our ancestors used to cook their food long ago.

Instead of using a flame, they would use cooking stones.

They dropped the stones in the soup

and heat it up nice and hot.

- Jakers, that's brilliant.

- And you do this every Saturday?

- No Ferny, I do lots of things on Saturdays.

I read, visit friends, sometimes I wash my clothes

or clean my house.

- You wash your clothes?

- Yes, teachers do that too.

We also listen to the radio and,

oh my, it's almost time for Piggley Trotter Private Eye.

- You listen to Piggley Trotter?

- Oh it's my favorite program.

Would you two like to come over

and listen to it with me?

- Of course.

- Yes.

- I'll phone your parents and let them know

I'll be bringing you home after the program.

- And that my dear young grandsons

was my first and greatest case

as ace Detective Piggley Winks.

- Wow, did you have other cases?

- Did you ever catch a real criminal?

- What about chasing D dragons till your thumbs crack?

- Later.

- Tell us another story.


- Alright then, let's see now.

It was a warm quiet night.

(upbeat instrumental music)