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01x03 - Ferny is a Bug

Posted: 01/01/24 18:39
by bunniefuu
- [Piggley] ♪ Jakers! This is the tales of our pal Piggley

♪ Ireland is the world he loves so well

♪ Wriggles out of spots that are downright stickly

♪ How he does that only he can tell

♪ Piggley, Ferny, Molly, and Dannan

♪ Never miss a chance to have too much fun

♪ In Tara or Raloo, lots of excitement for everyone

♪ Curiosity's in a hurry

♪ Leaving no time for soft and bleak

♪ The line between wild and crazy gets blurry

- [Piggley] ♪ Jakers! The Adventures of Piggley Winks

♪ Something in the way, his eyes start blazing,

♪ Tells us he's on to a brand new plan

♪ His lips curl up, it's downright amazing

♪ Looking for mischief, well, he's your man

♪ Piggley, Ferny, Molly, and Dannan

♪ Never miss a chance to have too much fun

♪ In Tara or Raloo, lots of excitement for everyone

- [Piggley] ♪ Jakers! We go to bed just to wake up early

♪ To get in trouble or hum a brink

♪ The line between wild and crazy gets blurry

- [Piggley] ♪ Jakers! The adventures of Piggley Winks

(bright music)


- Ah, you're smelling sweet this morning.

- [Meg] Stop! - Ah!

- Grandpa, make them stop.

- I'm guessing you're talking about your brothers then,

eh, Meggy?

- Hi, Grandpa. - Hi, Grandpa.

- We were just showing Meg our new pet.

- His name's Bugsy.

- Oh! Nice.

He's a handsome fella.

- Grandpa!

- Bugs aren't so bad as you might think, Meg.

There are lots of very helpful bugs

right here in my garden.

- Ew! Where?

- And of course my dear friend Ferny was a bug once.

- What? - What?

- Uncle Ferny was a bug?

- I've never told you that before?

A fine looking bug he was, too.

- What kind of bug?

- Was he creepy?

- How come he was a bug?

- Well, now, I'd love to tell you all about it,

after I finish weeding my garden, that is.

Hopefully, I'll not be too tired.

- We'll do it, Grandpa.

- Here, take Bugsy.

- Grandpa, you rest.

(bright music)

- Ah. Well.

I couldn't ask for nicer grandchildren, now could I?

Let's see.

As I recall, it all started on a bright warm summer day.

I was doing me chores,

trying to finish up so I could go and play with my friends.


- [Grandpa] All of a sudden I found meself under...

- Ah! Attack! Oh, bug attack!

Ah, get away! Shoo! Go!

(yelling, clucking, buzzing)


- Careful with them fairies, son.

- Fairies?

Why they're just bugs, Dad.

- They could be bugs.

Or they could be fairies in disguise.

Fairies do that, you know.

- Blech. Nothing this ugly could be a fairy, Dad.

- Careful, they don't care much now for insults.

They just might turn you into a bug as well.

(clucking) - Oh!

- Fairies work in mysterious ways, you know.

- (laughing) You're just having me on.

Aren't ya?

- (laughing) Why don't you run along and play now, Piggley?

These chickens are fed enough.

- Thanks, Dad.

- Bye, Mam.

- Now what do you want to tell the boy

stories like that for?

- (laughing) Don't worry.

Not even Piggley would believe that one.

(bright cheerful music)

- Jakers.

I've got to tell Ferny about this one.

(horns beep)

(mysterious music)

- OK, flock, listen up.

There will be no aimless wandering today.

Today we will wander with purpose.

Today I'm going to teach you all about this place

we call home.

(cars puttering)

- This is the city.

The hubbub of excitement.

The hey-nonny-nonny and the hullabaloo.

Can you feel it?

Can you feel it!

(cool jazz)

- Can you feel your own pulse?

(cars puttering)

- I'll take that as a maybe.

(camera flash)

- Whoa, hey.

Give me little warning folks, wow.

Okay, everyone.

Walk this way.

(jazzy music)

- Ferny! Come on down!

I've something to tell you!

- Okay, Piggley. I'll be there in a minute.

(tongs clink)

(fire crackles)

(tongs clink)

- Papa!


- Good morning, mijo.

- Can I go play with Piggley?

- We're going to visit your Auntie Vacha for lunch today.

(watch clicks)

- But I suppose you can play for a couple of hours.

- Oh thanks, Papa!

- Why, uh, why don't you take this?


- Your watch?

Are you serious?

- Just make sure you're home before noon, mijo.

- Oh, I will indeed!

And I'll take good care of your watch, Papa.

Te lo prometo!


- Come on, Ferny.

- Janey Mac, Piggley.

Will you stop your whinging?

I'm right here beside you.


- I have to be home by ele...

- No! (dramatic music)

- You'll see - Did you get it?

Did you get the bug?

- I sure did.

- Oh, no.

Eh, he's a goner.

- It's just a bug, Piggley.

- No, it isn't, Ferny.

Me Dad says that fairies disguise themselves as bugs.

- Are you telling me this might be a fairy?

(cars puttering)

- Oh, no.

What do you think'll happen to me?

- Well, sometimes the fairies turn us into bugs, too,

if we make them mad enough.

- Oh, do you think this one is mad enough?

- I don't know.

Hey, let's go see what Dannan thinks.

- Okay, Piggley.

(bright adventurous music)

- So, what do you think, Dannan?

- Do you think the fairies'll turn me into a bug?

- A bug? Hmm. Let me think.

That's a tough one.

No, not at all!

- Really? Do you think I'm safe then?

- Of course you are!

Bug aren't fairies.

Your Dad was just teasing with you Piggley.


- Oh.

- Of course, I knew that.

- You did?

Then why didn't you tell me, Piggley?

- Ah, come on. Let's play hide and seek.

I'll be It.

(gorilla noises)

- Pretend like I'm a big gorilla,

looking for all the animals hiding in the jungle.

(conga music)

(gorilla noises)

- You two better get hiding.

I've already counted to in gorilla.

(gorilla noises)

- (laughter) Let's go!

(conga music)

(sneaky piano riffs)

- (laughing) He didn't see me!


- Ugly bug, get away, go on, shoo!

Ugly bug, you...


- Oh, no!

I mean, I'm sorry Miss Fairy Bug.

I didn't mean that.

Um, you're not a bit ugly.

Please don't turn me into a bug.

I hate bugs.

I couldn't stand the sight of meself.

And Papa would be so upset if I were a bug.



- Papa!

Auntie Vacha!

(tense flutes trilling)

(clock ticking)

- Oh, Janey Mac, I'm late!

(clock chimes)

- Piggley! Dannan!

I got to go!

- Ferny! Ferny!

Ferny Ferny Ferny!

- Ferny? - Ferny!

- Hey, Ferny!

- Where could he be, Piggley?

- I don't know.

Maybe he's back here.

- I'll look through the trees.

- Ferny! Where are you?

(adventurous music)

- Don Toro's watch.

Ferny would never leave this.


- Ferny, is that you?

It is! It is you!

- [Dannan] Well? Ah.

Did you find him?

(huge stomps)

- Nooo!

(adventurous music)

(birds chirping)

- Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey!

- I'm sorry about that, Dannan.

But I had to save Ferny's life.

- What? What are you talking about?

- The fairies, Dannan.

They turned Ferny into a bug.

(mischievous music)


- That's a good one, Piggley.


- That's the best joke yourself and Ferny

ever tried to pull.

- It's not a joke, Dannan.

Look: I found him under this.

- Don Toro's watch.

But, but, but...

Ferny would never...!

He'd rather...

He wouldn't.

Oh, Ferny.

Ah! You're a bug!

(sneaky music)


- Oh, what are we doing to do?

- Let me think, uh...

Hey, Piggley, I've got a book about fairies.

I'll go and get it, while you take Ferny home,

and feed him some lunch.

- Right.

And we'll meet back here, quick as a wink.

- Right.

- Right.

Don't worry, Ferny.

Everything's going to be okay.

(bright music)

(sneaky jazz music)

- Okay, flock, let's stay together now.

Everyone find a place where you can see.

I see the town left you cold:

movies, radio, indoor plumbing,


What you guys obviously want is history.

Okay, so take a look at this wall.

It's a Roman wall.


- And these Roman guys were full of...


They loved stone.

They built everything from stone.

Even napkins.

And that, my friend, is what led to the fall

of the Roman Empire.



- The Romans would come in,

take over a country,

throw a party,

get onion dip all over their faces,

and then they tried to wipe it off

with their stone napkins.

Clonk, boom.


- Out cold.

(camera flash)

- [Wiley] Oh! Oof! Lose the camera, Shirley.

- [Piggley] Oh! Come on, Ferny, eat it!

You love cheese.

I hate it, but you!

You love it.

- [Ma Winks] Oh, those bugs are eating everything

in me garden.

I better put the chickens out after them.

Well, hello, little man.

I see you've made yourself some lunch.


- Oh, yes. I have. Jeeze!


(mischievous music)

- Hm, hm, hm, hm, hm.


- I love it.


- Piggley, are you all right?

- Mm-hmm.

(swallows, grunts)

- Plaugh!

- Piggley!

- Uh, sorry, Mammy.

- Have you been playing in that itchy hay again?

- Yes. Uh, that's it.

I, I'm just a little itchy from the hay.

- Well then, it's bath time for you, little man.

- Huh?

(determined music)

- A bath, Fern.

I took a bath for you.

That's the last time you get to hide under my sweater.

- [Dad] Piggley.

Hold on there, son.

Mother said you had some itching trouble today.

Are you feeling better now?

- Mm-hmm.

- I've got a little ointment for you to rub on.


(clearing throat)

- It doesn't smell so great,

but (sighs) it keeps the cows from itching.

It'll work wonders for you.


- Now, no more playing in the hay today, okay?

(mischievous music)


- We've got to get you changed back, Ferny, soon.

- [Meg] Ew, Grandpa!

All that time you had Ferny in your mouth?

- [Seamus] Put Bugsy in your mouth, too, Grandpa!

- (Laughing) No. No, no, no thank you. No.

You won't catch me doing that again!

Now, getting back to me story.

(camera flash)


(sad trombone solo)


(bright adventurous music)

- Huh! You don't smell so great, Piggley.

Maybe you should have a bath.

- Ah, nevermind that.

What are we going to do about Ferny?

I don't know how to take care of him, Dannan.

He won't even eat cheese!

Ferny! - Ferny!


- [Grandpa] I'll tell you this:

it's truly amazing how fast and far you'll run

when you think your best friend has taken flight.


(dangerous music)


- Piggley, we're never going to catch him.

- We have to, Dannan. He's our best friend.

- Oh, look! He's landing!

- Jakers! Not there!

The chickens are out!

(adventurous music)


- Hold on, Ferny!


- I got you!

(clucking) - Oh? Ow.

- Don't worry, Piggley. I'll handle these chickens.

Shoo! Shoo! Go on, get away, go!

Shoo, shoo! Go!


- Run for your life!


- Don't let them get Ferny!

- Don't let them get me!



- Dannan, they got him.

The blooming chicken got Ferny.

- Oh, Piggley. What are you going to tell Don Toro?

- Me? You knocked me over.

- But it was your mother's chickens that ate him.

- Well, you were supposed to hold them off.

- Well, you were supposed to hold on to Ferny.

- Piggley, maybe we should both tell him.


- Okay, Dannan. We'll both go and tell him.

(sad, tense music)

(fire crackling)

- Buenas noches, niños.

(fire crackling)


- Uh, hello!

- Are you looking for Fernando?

- Uh, no.

- Uh, we know where he is.

- You do?

- He's inside a chicken!

- We tried to save him.

Honest, we did.

But the chicken ate him,

right out of my hand.


- Oh, eaten? By chickens?

My Fernando?

How could that happen?

- It was the fairies.

- They turned him into a bug.

- We found him with this.

- We are so sorry.

- Janey Mac, you found it!

- Ferny! - Ferny?

- You found the watch!

Oh, thank you.

I thought it was lost for sure.

I was sick with the worrying all day

at Auntie Vacha's house.

She had a big chocolate cake,

and I could only eat two pieces.

Ah, here Papa.

I'm so sorry.

- Oh, well. Accidents happen, Fernando.

Just be more careful next time.

Now remember:

and this is very important,

make sure your friends know

when you're leaving them.

They worry too, you know.

- I will, Papa.

Thanks for finding the watch, you two.

And thanks for worrying.

You're the best friends I could ever have.


- Wow.

- That's an awesome story, Grandpa.

- And it was just long enough for you to finish the weeding.


- Hey, what are you doing, Meg?

- That's our bug.

- Why did you let him go?

- Bugs should be free.

Besides, Bugsy looked hungry.

- We just fed him.

- A whole bunch of lettuce.

- Well, now he can eat Grandpa's lettuce instead.

- My lettuce!

(magical music)

- Would you look at him eat?


- Ah well. It couldn't be anyone but Ferny,

with that appetite.


(bright music)

(instrumental theme music)