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01x01 - Pie Filling

Posted: 01/01/24 17:50
by bunniefuu
♪ Jakers is the tale of our pal Piggley

♪ Ireland is the world he loves so well

♪ Wriggles out of spots that are downright stickley

♪ How he does that only he can tell

♪ Piggley, Ferny, Molly and Dannan

♪ Never miss a chance to have too much fun

♪ In Tara or Raloo lots of excitement for everyone

♪ Curiosity's in a hurry

♪ Leaving no time to stop and think

♪ The line between wild and crazy gets blurry

♪ Jakers! The Adventures of Piggley Winks

♪ Something in the way his eyes start blazing

♪ Tells us he's on to a brand new plan

♪ His lips curl up it's downright amazing

♪ Looking for mischief well he's your man

♪ Piggley, Ferny, Molly and Dannan

♪ Never miss a chance to have too much fun

♪ In Tara or Raloo lots of excitement for everyone

♪ Jakers! Go to bed just to wake up early

♪ To get in trouble or on the brink

♪ The line between wild and crazy gets blurry

♪ Jakers! The Adventures of Piggley Winks

(gentle instrumental music)

- Outside now all of you.

- Oh Mom, not fair I was just about to crack level eight.

- No you weren't, no you weren't.

And besides it was my turn.

- No, you need some nice fresh air and exercise.

You've been playing that video game all morning.

- We can watch TV instead.

- Or a DVD.

- No.

- Aw Mom, there's nothing to do out here.

- Imagine that.

- Aw Mom.

- There all yours Dad.

Good luck.

(car engine rumbles)

- She's gone. - Let's go in.

- We can finish our game.

- Or watch TV. - Yeah.

- I get the remote! - Do not.

- Oh man it's locked.

- Now uh.

- Hey!

- The key!

- Grandpa.


- Roger - niner, bandits at o'clock.

I'm going into dive (hums).

- What are you up to Grandpa?

- Ah, coming into land.


The old undercarriage isn't what it once was.

When I flew my airplane on Raloo Farm.

An XKG way capped tiger it was.

- Pilot Piggley reporting.

All checks are checked and we're A one.

Roger Dodger, over and under, down and out.

Ready for take off control.

- Pilot Piggley, can I be ground control.

I think I'm getting airsick.

- Get a grip control, ready and steady as she goes.

Zero with a bogey on her tail.

- Ew where?

(serene music)


- Pie!


- What's with this grass?

It's got no flavor, no oomph.

Needs salt, maybe a touch of oregano.

(upbeat music)

Hey, we're grazing here.

On ba-a-ad grass.

Hey you know what?

Of course you don't, but follow me anyway.

Those kids are always eating.

I bet they got great stuff.

And they don't even have to pull it out of the ground

with their teeth.

- Uh oh, doors!

You wouldn't be wanting a piece

of me apply pie now would you?

- Hitch up the caboose fellas,

the gravy train just pulled in.

(whistles) (thuds)

Hey that was good, was that you Brandy?

How do you get your hooves in your mouth like that?

- Jakers.

You know what Mammy, I could eat that whole pie

and the plate it sits on.

Think I'd like to try a bit of that one too.

Just to make sure it's as nice as this pie.

- Oh you greedy little man, that's for your supper.

- But I'm ready for supper.

- It'll be here soon enough.

- Uh uh uh.

- Oh come on Dannan, I was only gonna look.

- It couldn't hurt to look, could it.

- Your mammy said it was for supper,

and supper isn't for ages yet and--

- Only look.

- Well, alright, but no tongues.


- According to my nose, which is quite a bit bigger

than yours, it doesn't smell like

there is enough sugar in it!

- Smells just fine to me.

- But what if Mammy made a big mistake

and didn't put in enough sugar?

Now wouldn't that be just terrible?

She'd be so embarrassed.

Jakers, she'd say, never again will I be able

to hold my head up in polite company.

I didn't put enough sugar in my pie oh!

And that's why I think I aught to taste it,

just to make sure.

- Well?

- Well, perhaps if I gave a second opinion.

- You're right Piggley, it'd be such a shame for you mammy

if her pie wasn't up to standard (slurps).

(tense music)

- Do you think your mother will notice Piggley?

- Only if she looks.

- Oh no what have we done, what have we done?

This is a disaster, a disaster!

This is all your fault Piggley,

we're gonna get in big, big, big, big trouble!

- I think it's about time I went home.

Got to get cleaned up and that.

- Hey, not so fast Ferny, you'll miss all the fun.

- Fun?

Oh Piggley, when your mommy gets back

we're gonna be her-- - Find a nice,

big hot apple pie.

- What are you talking about Piggley?

We've just eaten the pie!

- And now we're going to make another?

- Huh? Us?

- Make another, how?

- How hard can it be?

All we need are some apples and things.

Come on!

- Hey, Piggley, wait for me,

I know where there's some great apples!

- Lower, lower.

That's it, hold it.


Oh that's music to my nose.

Holy hair ball they sucked the pippins right out of it.

And they didn't even make snicker doodles.

Pull me up Flock.


I want pie, and those kids are my meal ticket.


Will somebody please tell Fluffy

to quit getting so close to the gears.

(upbeat instrumental music)

- Ha, there, the best apples in the world.

Oh, well I think.

- Couldn't we just settle

for the second best apples in the world?

- [Piggley] Hey I know this orchard.

My uncle once told me that this orchard

is filled with fairy folk and is guarded from outsiders

by a fierce and mysterious beast.

It's a big hairy thing.

And it snorts something terrible.

And it's breath is as hot as fire.




You were right Ferny, now there's a grand looking tree.

I've almost got it,

jakers Ferny, I'm doing all the jumping.

(growls) Why are you breathing so hard?


And snorting?

And when did you start shaving?


(boinks) (screams)


(growls) (snorts)

It's gonna take a bigger, and fiercer and mightier beast

to keep us from getting our apples, right lads?

- Right. - Right.

- I think I better stay here and look after Molly.

She is a little young to be scrapping with beasts you know.

- It's not really a beast, it's just an old goat.

- A very nasty old goat.

So I'll stay here and make sure nothing happens to you.

- Okay Ferny (screams).


Go away!



(screams) (boinks)


- There, glad I was here to look after you, aren't you?

- Right, this is a job for all three of us.

- What what what?

- Not scared are you Dannon?

- Scared, me, me scared?

Ha, scared (laughs).

I'm scared.

(instrumental music)

- [Ferny] Oops, butterfingers, sorry.



- Hold it Grandpa, hold it.

You mean the goat rammed all three of you into the air?

- In a goat costume?

- Now boys, do I look to you the sort of person

who'd make up a thing like that?

- Did it make your rump sore?

- Well I do still get a bit a twinge in my backside

every now and then.

- So did you ever get enough apples to make a pie Grandpa?

- Oh yes, that we did.

I'm not saying it was easy.



But it was well worth the effort.

- You did it, you got the apples!

- Well come on then, let's go and make another pie.

Before that thing has another go at us.


Go go go go go!

- Psst, hey buddy.

Hiya handsome.

Like those apples huh?

Ever had them in a pie?

Sure you get crumbs in your beard,

but you could use one of them little combs,

get it right out.


Right you're busy, you've got goat business.

I gotcha, there's no business like goat business.

Forgive me, I'll just help myself to a few

of your apples here before I take my leave, is that alright?

Wow wow, this is good, this is good, this is really good.

My tongue is throwing a party for my mouth.

What aroma, what bouquet, this is so delicious.


- [Piggley Voiceover] We went back to the house

with all our apples, my mother was just heading off to town

so we had the whole kitchen to ourselves.

- So we've got apples, and we still need eggs,

milk, and sugar for the pie.

- And flour.

- Dannan, you get the eggs.

- I'll get the flour.

- Ferny, you get the milk.

- Uh right, milk.

- I'll get the flour.

- Okay Molly, you go with Ferny to help get the milk.

I'll get the sugar and we'll all meet back here.

(instrumental music)

I'm sure Mammy won't notice a little cup full of sugar

out of her sugar bag.

Oh there we go, sugar.

- Piggley?

- I got the eggs, and we got the milk,

and did you get the sugar Piggley?


- Right, well done everyone.

Now we've got everything we need.


- Bucket.

- That's milk Ferny, and eggs.

- And flour.

- Good, now for the apples.

(thuds) (snorts)

Hello goat.

You wouldn't by any chance be after these apples?


(screams) (crashes)

- Janey Mack Piggley it's your mother.

- What are we going to do?

- Oh your mother's gonna be powerful mad.

- Plan B, Molly, you go keep Mammy busy outside.

We're going to clean up like captain clean

of the clean brigade on a rally clean cleaning day.

- Okay Piggley.

Mammy, you came back!

- Why yes, I live here don't you know?

- Oh, I'm so glad you came home.

Now you can, uh, you can, hear me alphabet.

- Oh not right now pet, I have things--

- A B C Q R I am not so nearly done.

- Come on come on come on come on!

Molly can't keep her out there forever.

- Molly dear.


- Would you look at that!

- Molly, oh.

- Six and J and E and V there's lots more so listen to me.


- Piggley!

The pie!

- The pie!

- [Ferny] Oh Piggley, you're a genius.

- [Dannon] And such a great pie maker.

- [Ferny] Hurry it up will ya?

- There apple pie ala Piggley.

- Perfect!

- S R T and U and.

- I've got to put the groceries away now.

- It wasn't my idea.



- Well now, what's this?

Ferny, you should get out in the sun a bit more,

you're awfully pale me boy-o.

All three of you are.

You know what you need,

you need a nice piece of my delicious pie.


- But, I mean, we can wait until supper time.

- I insist, you deserve it.

- That pie tasted every bit as bad as a bullfrog's bunion.

But guess what, we ate it, we ate every last bite.

Just thinking about it makes me stomach turn somersaults.


- Gross.

- Yes it was a bit gross.

But we'd had fun that day with the goat and,

we didn't watch a single video screen

from morning till pie time.

- Wow, amazing.

- I don't know how you did it?

(horn beeps)

- Mom's home, video games!

- I get the good TV.

- Wait, I think I'll come along

and play a video game with you.

- Well um.

- You wouldn't be worried that your old Grandpa Piggley's

already on level , and you're all still stuck

on level three, now would you, hm?

I can always give you a few pointers you know.

- Okay. - Cool.

- I'm first.

- Grandpa is.

- Which game?

(instrumental music)