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02x03 - Making New Friends/Little Things

Posted: 01/01/24 17:11
by bunniefuu

Nngh! Uh!

Hey, welcome back to the big, big world.

♪ It's a big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ It's a big world

♪ Such a big, big world

♪ It's a big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ It's a big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ Big, big world

♪ Don't you agree?

♪ Big enough for you and me ♪

♪ I'm a big, old sloth

♪ I may be slow

♪ But see my friends swing high and low ♪

♪ Come to the big world

♪ It's a big, big world ♪

♪ Come to the big world

♪ Such a big, big world ♪

♪ It's a big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ It's a big world

♪ It's a big, big world ♪

♪ Find your tree house, the tree's so tall ♪

♪ It's a big world, after all


Ha ha ha!

Again? Again!

Snook: ok. One more time!


Coming in for a landing!

I'm so glad you're here.

Me too!

Well, hello, snook.

Hey, burdette.

You look beautiful today.

Thank you, snook.

I was just thinking the same thing.

So, snook, are you going to introduce me?

Everyone's talking about your new friend,

And I wanted to be the first one to meet her.

Oh, absolutely, burdette.

I'd be happy to introduce you to, uh--

Um, where is she?

Well, she was right here.

Did you see where riona went?

Where did she go?

I thought sloths were sloooow.

I mean really, why wouldn't she want to meet me?



Whoa, burdette. I'm not sure where she went.

Well, maybe she just doesn't want to meet me.

No way. My guess is she just hasn't met

That many new friends.

Huh? There she is!

Oh, riona!

Well, hello, riona.

I'm burdette.

Pleased to meet you.

I'm sure we'll be really good fr--

Oh, my.

Usually everyone's so happy to meet me.

It's ok, burdette. Riona's just a little bit--

Well, I should be on my way.

Lots to do flying around and all.

A quetzal's work is never done.

Oh, uh, burdette.


Hey, little girl, it's ok.

I get shy myself.

And when you're small, it's sometimes hard

To meet new people.

Hey. Would you help riona feel better?

Riona, did you know we have lots

Of friends out there?


Just watch. Hey. Give me some paw!

Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!

Way to go!

Riona try? Riona try?

Go ahead!

Giving paw is a great way to meet new friends.

It's how we shake hands here in the world tree.

Ha! Ha ha ha!

Heh heh heh. See, riona?

Meeting new friends can be great.


Well, you know, riona, I can remember when you

Met someone new

Who? Me!

I'll never forget the day you arrived.

I was practicing my air guitar.

You didn't know me, but I knew you!


You were shy and didn't know

What to make of me at first,

But I've known your mom for a long, long time!

She is my sister!

I'm so glad you're coming to stay with me, riona!

Give me some paw.



Ha ha ha!

Riona like snook!

Aw. Ha ha!

Hee hee hee!

See? You were shy at first but very friendly,

And that's how you came to be a part

Of the big, big world family.

Hmm. Hmm.

Riona meet big, big friends?

Oh, sure!

Hmm. Well why don't I take you around to meet everyone?

Ha ha! Monkeys? Bob?

And burdette, too.

All right then. Let's go!




Come on, winslow. Move.

Don't rush me, don't rush me.

I'm plotting my master plan!

Genius at work. Aha!

♪ Da da da da da da ♪

Take that! Ha ha!

You are so going to lose.

Whoa. That's going to be tough.

Hmm. You really got me there.

I guess all I can do is...

No! No! No!

No! It can't be. Aw!

Hey, guys. Oh. Playing checkers?

Yep! That's what friends are for!

Nothing like a great game of checkers

Right, winslow?

I guess.

Hey. Who's the little slothette?

This is riona!

She's going to be hanging around for a while,

If you know what I mean.

Oh. Well, pleased to meet you riona!

Any friend of snook is a friend of ours!

Give me some paw!

Ha ha ha!


Aw. She's sooo cute!

Heh heh heh!

Well, come on, riona.

We're off to meet bob!

We'll see you soon!


Ok. Let's play!

I am so going to win this time.

"So as she was sleeping, the ants came home.

Someone's been eating my porridge,"

Growled the papa ant.

Hey, bob. What you doing?

Oh, uh, hello snook.

I'm reading "goldilocks and the ants,"

To my ant friend here.

Ooh. We love the classics.


Bye, ant.

This is bob!

He's an anteater who loves ants!

Bob, this is riona.

A baby sloth?mm-hmm.

Hi...little...sloth! Too...also!

Um, hi, bob.

Huh? She knows my name!

She knows my name!

And she learned it right away.

She's so smart!

Ha ha ha! Yeah.

Maybe once we get settled in

You'll come by and give riona a chance

To meet the ants!

Will do!

Hey, welcome to the world tree, riona!

Bye, bob!

See you.

No burdette?

That's ok, riona. I'm sure we'll come

Across her soon.

Let's swing home.

Where could they have taken off to?

Burdette, you're back!

Hey, we were just at your nest!

Well, I just felt like I hadn't

Really met riona, and--

Hello, um, burdette.

Well, hello!

So, how do you like living in sloth central?

Snook's not exactly neat or anything.

I mean, take a look at that fur.

I'd love to give him a nice haircut,

But I guess everyone can't be

As perfectly groomed as I am!

What's a bird to do?

Ha ha ha!

Oh! And I wanted you to have this!

Oh! Like!

It's a friendship bracelet!

Yay! Friends!

Well, I have to be off now

To fly high above the rainforest canopy!

That's what I do,

But I'll be back real soon!

Bye-bye now.


Bye, burdette.

Wow. It's great to meet new friends, isn't it?

Love new friends!

Ha ha ha!

♪ Making new friends, it's not so scary ♪

♪ Maybe you're feeling shy ♪

♪ It's somebody new, but don't be wary ♪

♪ Go ahead, give a try

♪ Put up your paw and show you're friendly ♪

♪ Give them the old high- ♪

♪ Sharing a smile

♪ It's great to be alive ♪

♪ Making new friends

Friends. Ha ha!

♪ Soon you'll be running, swinging, laughing ♪

♪ Think of the games you'll play ♪

♪ Play

♪ All the best things in life ♪

♪ Start out this way

♪ Making new friends

♪ Hey, come over here

♪ Now you've put your things away ♪

♪ You sure have learned a lot

♪ It was so much fun to play

♪ Now tell me about the best parts of your day ♪

Um, best parts?

Right, riona.

What were the best parts of your day?

Meet everybody!

Oh, yeah! Everybody was really excited to meet you, too.

Yeah. Riona meet bob.


Hmm. I think you and bob really hit it off!

And, um, riona meet monkeys!

Ha ha ha!


Monkeys funny!


Winslow and smooch are two very funny monkeys.

And burdette. Aw, pretty.

It's a friendship bracelet !

Ha ha! Yay!

Yeah, burdette is pretty

With all those colorful feathers.

And now, riona, you have a lot

Of new big, big friends!

Ha! Friends! Hee hee hee!

♪ We're off to find new friends ♪

♪ We're on the road again

♪ Come with me

♪ On a road that never ends ♪

♪ Out in the big, big world

I'm here today at the wainscott common school.

Let's go inside!

Hi, snook! Hi, snook!

Well, hey, everybody!

I'm so happy to see you guys today.

So I have a question.

Um, do you guys have any live animals

Outside of your school like sloths or monkeys.

No. We have mussels.

Wow! Cool. What other kinds

Of animals do you have outside your school?



I have dogs!dogs.


Those guys are so funny.


Oh. And did you just say hawks?


Whoa. That is amazing.

Do you ever have sloths outside your school?

No! No!

Well, you do today! Ha ha ha!

Listen, guys.

Whatever you do, don't tickle my feet

Because sloths are very--no, no!

[All laughing]

♪ Do something nice for the tree ♪

♪ Do something nice for the tree ♪

♪ The tree has done so much for you and for-- ♪

Oh, hey there!

I was just getting some things together.

I'm going to pull down some dead lianas.

Oh, that's rainforest talk for vines.

Just one of the little things I do to help

Our environment here in the rainforest, hmm.

Jungle vines are awesome.

Did you know that some of them grow bigger than trees?

Me, too. Riona help!

Oh, you want to help?

Well, it's great that you want to help,

But pulling down dead vines is

A little dangerous for a baby sloth.

But--but want help

Tree, environment!


Whoa! Where did you learn that word?


Hey. Can you say that with us?


Wow! Good job.

Environment. That's the world around us!

We've got to take care of it.

Riona pull vines for environment!

Pull vines?

Oh, I'm sorry, riona, but you can't.


Hey, snook.

Oh, hey, bob.

Oh, hey, riona. Oh, my, you're sad!

Did I say something wrong?

Nothing you said, bob.

Riona's sad that she can't go pull down dead vines

Up in the canopy with me.

She wants to help the environment.

Environment. Help tree!

Oh, my, riona. That's way too dangerous.

I wouldn't even do that!

Oh.i know!

I have an idea!

We could do some things for the environment

Around here.

What do you think, snook?


Great idea, bob!

After all, it's the little things

That can make a big difference!

♪ From the fish in the sea to the birds up above ♪

♪ Every creature's heart's got a whole lot of love ♪

♪ And all of us together from the young to the old ♪

♪ Can put our hearts together ♪

♪ And change this world

♪ Little things become big things ♪

♪ When you try to dream big dreams ♪

♪ Don't waste water when you take a bath ♪

♪ All the fish in the ocean will appreciate that ♪

♪ You can't leave garbage anywhere that you please ♪

♪ I think you understand now repeat after me, sing ♪

♪ Little things become big things ♪

♪ When you try to dream big dreams ♪

♪ Little things become big things ♪

♪ When you try to dream big dreams ♪

So, you know, there were a lot of things

I was supposed to do.

Maybe you guys can do them!

Yeah, snook. We'll help!

Yay! Ok.

Well, first I promised the monkeys I'd grab

Their leftover banana peels and bring them down

To the compost pile.

We can do that! Right, riona?

Uh-huh, uh-huh.

And then, I told burdette I'd sort

Through her garbage for recycling.

Do that! Yay! Do that!

Ok. This is great!

You two are a regular green machine!

Go for it, and I'll meet you

Back here this afternoon!

Bye, snook!

Bye, snook!

Bye, guys!

Ha ha! Let's go, bob!


Smooch! Winslow?

Nobody here.

Hmm, gee, I wonder where the monkeys--

Bob! Aah!


Banana peel.

Oh, well.

Ok. Just put that banana peel

In this bag,

And then we'll-- ok, good, good.


Oh, my.

Well, let's start picking them--

Bob, watch out for the--

Whoa, whoa, whoa, aah!

Banana peel.

Ow! Heh heh. Yes.

Banana slippery!

Yes, slippery. Be--be carefuuuulll!

Ugh! Ow.

Um, bob ok?

Oh, my.

I don't know if I'm cut out for this!

I think I've skated on enough banana peels

For one day.

If you don't mind, I'll hold the bag

And you get the peels.



Oh, oh, oh!

Hold on, riona. I don't know if I can--

Banana peels fun!

Yeah, fun.



Burdette! Burdette!

I don't think burdette's here, riona.

I wonder where she keeps all of her garbage.

Bob, look!

I can't imagine she's got that much garbage.


Oh, my.

That's a lot of sorting to do.

I wonder where she got all of these bottles and cans.

Separate! Recycle!

Yeah, riona. I think that--



Aah! Ohh!

All done.

You can say that again.

Well, we better take these banana peels down

To the compost pile.

Ok! Let's go!

Ok, bob! Make compost.

Ha ha ha! More!

Ha ha ha! Hee hee!



All done, bob!


All done.




Ooh! Huh?


Compost, snook, plants!

You want to bring the compost

Up to snook's plants?

Uh-huh. A lot.

A lot of compost?


Well, that's a good idea.

Come on. We'll use the bucket to carry it up.

Ok! Let's go!

Let's go.

Hey, guys. How's it going?

Oh, oh, oh! Snook!

Look. See. Plants and compost.

Compost for my herb garden? thoughtful.

Whoa. Thanks, you guys!

You're welcome, snook.

It was all riona's idea.

Yeah, but, bob helped.

I tried to help as much as I could.

Oh, bob. You look a little tired.

Me? No. No way. Uh-uh.

We did so many things.

Yeah! Fun!

Yeah, yeah. So much fun, fun.

Wow! That is so great.

Riona, you and bob make a great team!


Hey, what do you say?

You guys want to do some more tomorrow?

Yay! Yeah, more, more, more, more!

Fun, fun, fun!

Well what do you say, bob?



Snook! Shh, bob sleepy.

Whoa! I guess all those little things

Also added up to one tired anteater!

[Both laughing]

Oh. Shh, shh.

♪ Hey, come over here

♪ Now you've put your things away ♪

♪ You sure have learned a lot

♪ It was so much fun to play

♪ Now tell me about the best parts of your day ♪

Best parts time!

That's right, riona.

It's time to talk about the best parts of your day?

Yeah. Ahem.

Um, riona did little things.

Little things that made a big difference.

You gathered the monkeys' banana peels

For the compost.


Hee hee hee! Funny.

Banana peels are pretty funny.

And pretty slippery.

Yeah. Uh-huh! Hee hee hee!

Then you sorted burdette's recyclables.



Ooh! And compost for snook!

Oh, right. You put compost on my herb garden,

And then, bob needed a good nap.

Shh. Oh, right.

See you soon.

See you soon.


♪ The world goes spinning round and round, it's true ♪

♪ We've had our time, and now we're through ♪

♪ But you and I forever will be friends ♪

♪ We'll try to touch the sky where clouds never end ♪

♪ And we'll search for wonder all around ♪

♪ And you'll find me hangin' upside down ♪

♪ And you and I together in a big, big world ♪

♪ We'll try to touch the sky in a big, big world ♪

♪ You have to go, I know it's time ♪

♪ So, give me

♪ This whole world is yours and mine ♪

♪ La la la la la la la la la la ♪

♪ La la la la la la la la la la ♪

♪ We're off to find new friends ♪

♪ We're on the road again

♪ Come with me on a road that never ends ♪

♪ Out in the big, big world

Hey. Here I am on the road.

Well actually I'm at the shinnecock indian reservation.

We've been invited by the sons and daughters of tradition program

To visit a very special place called the long house.

Let's go inside.

We want to be able to share something with you today,

One of our oldest teachings.

One of our oldest teachings our songs and also dances.

So one of the things I'd like you to participate in

Is one of our old-- what we call our stomp dance songs,

And this is an audience participation dance, as we call it.

[Singing in native language]

♪ And now it's time to go

♪ But we will meet again

♪ I'll be here

♪ Or just around the bend

♪ Out in the big, big world