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02x02 - Winslow Is It/The Fourth R

Posted: 01/01/24 17:11
by bunniefuu

Nngh! Uh!

Hey, welcome back to the big, big world.

♪ It's a big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ It's a big world

♪ Such a big, big world

♪ It's a big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ It's a big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ Big, big world

♪ Don't you agree?

♪ Big enough for you and me ♪

♪ I'm a big, old sloth

♪ I may be slow

♪ But see my friends swing high and low ♪

♪ Come to the big world

♪ It's a big, big world ♪

♪ Come to the big world

♪ Such a big, big world ♪

♪ It's a big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ It's a big world

♪ It's a big, big world ♪

♪ Find your tree house, the tree's so tall ♪

♪ It's a big world, after all

♪ Hmm hmm hmm

♪ Hmm hmm hmm

♪ There's nothing I like--

Oh, hey there.

You caught me whipping up a bit of morning tastiness for riona.

It's her favorite-- -leaf salad

And a little rainforest berry cereal on the side.

Now, let me see what we need.

Whoa, didn't I have some leaves right here?

Hmm. Oh, well.


I could have sworn that there were leaves here.

Well, luckily, I've got some more.

Good morning, riona.

D'ah! Ha ha ha!

Riona! Hungry? Yeah.

Well, I made you breakfast.

Come on. Let's eat. Ok.

Ahh, there's nothing like a relaxing morning

To sit back and just relax.

Whoa! Incoming!

Whoa! Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!

Vine-swinging landings just never get old.

Aren't you guys done with breakfast yet?

It's time for action.

We came to see if riona wants to play.

What kindof games

Do you guys have in mind?

Well, there's vine-swing tag...

Upside down pineapple toss...

Not to mention your usual coconut catch,

Oh, creeper jeeper jump rope, and...

My personal favorite-- canopy hide and seek.

Oh, that's perfect--

Not too hard for riona

But fun for you bigger guys.

Yeah. I am so totally the best at hiding.

I'm better than the game.

I'm better than the invisible man.

No one ever finds me.

Perfect. Then you're it.

What? Me? It?

No, no, but I'm so good at hiding.

I'm terrible at being it.

Oh, why did I open my mouth?

Hey, and let's get bob and burdette.

Then we can really have a big game.

You, snook? Me?

Oh, yeah, snook. You've got to play.

I'm kind of big to hide.

That'll make it even more fun.

Why does that make me think I don't have a chance?

Oh, well, let's go. Does everybody know the rules?

Rules, schmules. Let's play.

Otherwise, I'll be it forever.

Oh, one second, winslow.

Let me explain for riona.

♪ Hide and seek, let's play hide and seek ♪

♪ Hide and seek, let's play hide and seek ♪

♪ Hide and seek, let's play hide and seek ♪

♪ Hide and seek, let's play hide and seek ♪

♪ If you're it in hide and seek ♪

♪ Close your eyes and do not peek ♪

♪ And while you slowly count to ♪

♪ Rhinoceros, rhinoceros... ♪

♪ Your friends find a place to hide in ♪

♪ When your counting is done

♪ Say, "ready or not, here I come" ♪

♪ Look around, look up, look down ♪

♪ Till one by one, your friends are found ♪

♪ If there's someone you can't find ♪

♪ And you've looked near and far ♪

♪ Call 'em out of hiding

♪ Say, "come out, come out, wherever you are" ♪

♪ Come out, come out wherever you are ♪

♪ Hide and seek, let's play hide and seek ♪

♪ Hide and seek, let's play hide and seek ♪

♪ Hide and seek, let's play hide and seek ♪

♪ Hide and seek, let's play hide and seek ♪

♪ I love to hide where no one can find me ♪

♪ I could hide day

♪ But I get nervous when they come looking ♪

♪ Try not to wiggle, try not to giggle ♪

♪ Or you'll give your hiding place away ♪

♪ Hide and seek, let's play hide and seek ♪

♪ Hide and seek, let's play hide and seek ♪

Yeah. All right.

Ok, and remember, when you get caught,

Come back here, and we'll all have

Some yummy rainforest cake

And some berries for a snack.

Ok, everybody. Time to play.

Yeah. Play. Ha ha ha!

Rhinoceros, rhinoceroses, rhinoceroses...


Bye, snook. Riona hiding.

Ok, riona. You go hide.

Hmm, now, where do you hide a big, old sloth?


Everybody always finds me first, but not this time.

I'm using camouflage.

Camouflage means you can blend in

With things around you

So no one knows you're there.

Lots of animals use camouflage all the time.

Winslow: ready or not, here I come after you guys.

Yikes! I better find some place quick.

Ok, you guys.

This is going to be over so fast.

A giant sloth has to be easy to find, but where is he?


Have you seen him?

Hmm, that snook is trickier than he looks.

I know I can find bob.

He's the easiest, and--

Um, gee, where is he?

Hee hee hee!

Hee hee hee!

All right. Burdette. Ha ha!

Um, huh.

You'd think it'd be easy to find a brightly colored quetzal bird.


If I know my smooch, she'll do something obvious.

I know I can find her easily.


Hee hee! Ha ha ha!

Hmm, you guys are hiding too good.

I told you I wasn't good at being it.

Hee hee! Ha ha ha!

Hee hee hee!


[Clears throat]

You know, smooch, you are just too good.

I'll never find you.

Ooh, ha ha!

What? Aha! Gotcha!

Ohh! Pretty good, winslow.

You're not bad at being it, after all.

See you at snook's for some rainforest cake.

Whoo hoo hoo! Yeah, you will.

Hmm. Oh.

Ha ha!

[Clears throat]

These flowers look a lot like burdette's feathers,

But the flowers are so much prettier.

How could you possibly think that?

Why, my feathers are much prettier

Than these tawdry leaves.

Really, winslow, after all, I went through so--

Gotcha! Oh, dear.

Guess I fell for that one.


♪ Oh, where, oh, where, oh, where is bob? ♪


Oh. Hee hee!

Um, oh, oh, yeah.

[Clears throat]

Oh, look. Over there.

What a cute, little ant by that plant.


Gotcha. Aah!

Ha ha ha! Nice camouflage, though, bob.

Oh, well, at least I wasn't the first one.

Yeah, but I still got you.

Hee hee hee!


Ok, so that leaves snook and riona.

Snook should be easy because he's so big.

Wow, I don't see him anywhere.

He's really good for a sloth.



Ha ha! Watch this.

[Whispering] gotcha.

No. The octopus took my suitcase.

Ah! What? Oh.

Oh, way to go, winslow.

At least I had a nice nap.

All right, but, snook,

I haven't seen riona anywhere.

Hmm, she must have found a really good hiding place.

Yeah. Well, I give up.

Come out, come out, wherever you are?

Hmm, maybe riona didn't understand the rules.

Maybe she went back to the tree house, snook.

That's what you said to do.

Ah, good idea, winslow. Let's go back and see.

Good job, winslow.

Thanks, guys, but, uh, has anyone seen riona?

We can't find her.

Really? But I saw her hiding near snook.

Yeah. That's right.

I wonder where she can be.


Where-- oh, she must be pretty close.

I can hear her giggle.

Riona? Riona?

Hmm, do you see her?


Wait a second.

Oh, riona, there you are.

Smooch: oh, riona, you weren't lost at all.

Hide and seek.

That's some pretty good hiding, riona.

Yeah. You're the winner.

All: yay!

Wonderful. Yeah.

Hide and seek.

♪ Hey, come over here

♪ Now you've put your things away ♪

♪ You sure have learned a lot

♪ It was so much fun to play

♪ Now tell me about the best parts of your day ♪

Best part-- hide and seek.

Yeah, riona.

Let's talk about the best parts

Of playing hide and seek.

Winslow learn to seek.

Gotcha! Oh...

Yep. Winslow did have a fun time

Learning to seek, I think,

And everyone did a great job hiding.


Bob and burdette used camouflage.

They blended in with the things around them.

Hee hee hee!

Hee hee hee!

Cam-- cam--


That tricky.

Yeah. Camouflage is tricky,

But the hardest one of all to find was...

Who? Who hard to find?

You, riona. Oh, hee hee!

Come out, come out, whereever you are.

Aw, yep. That was fun.

♪ We're off to find new friends ♪

♪ We're on the road again

♪ Come with me on a road that never ends ♪

♪ Out in the big, big world

Hey, here I am on the road.

I'm looking for trees that are different

From the trees we have in the rainforest,

Trees that you might have near where you live.

Trees are amazing.

Did you know that trees can take dirty air

And change it into clean air?

I think trees are pretty cool.

Hey, next time you see a tree,

Give it a hug.

Trees need love, too.

Ah, thank you, tree.

Whoa, isn't this tree great?

It's so big and strong.

Did you know that trees stand outside all year long,

No matter what the weather is?

But that doesn't mean they don't need taking care of.

Maybe you can find a tree in your neighborhood

That you can help take care of.

Hmm, this looks like a good sleeping branch.

Maybe I'll take a nap.

"P" is for "parrot."



Oh, hey, you guys.

Riona is learning her alphabet.

"P" for "parrot."


Good, and "q" is for...

Oh, "quetzal." Burdette.

Oh, that's right.

"Quetzal" starts with a "q,"

And burdette is a quetzal bird.

Ok. Now here's a tough one.

What starts with an "r"?

"Riona," "riona." That's me.

"Riona" starts with "r."

That's right. "Riona" starts with an "r,"

And you know that "r" is a very important letter.

"R" is also for "rainforest."

That's where we live.

Rainforest. Love rainforest.

Yeah. Me, too.

I love the rainforest,

But "r" is also important for the environment

Because "r" is the first letter in the words

"Reduce," "reuse," and "recycle."

Redude, resue... And bicycle!

Not quite but close.

It's reduce, reuse, and recycle.

Let's say it together.

Reduce, reuse, reduce, reuse,

Uh-huh, and recycle. And recycle.

Hey, say it with us.

Both: reduce, reuse, and recycle.

Yeah. Good.

Snook, what that mean?

Oh, well, "reduce" means using less.

"Reuse" means to use something again,

And "recycle" means to make it into something else.

They're all important things to do for the planet.

Big "r" words.

Yeah. Big "r" words is right,

Words that start with the letter "r,"

And actually, there is a fourth "r."

Really? Mmm-hmm.



Yeah, because if you don't remember

To reduce, reuse, and recycle,

You can't remember to take care of the world.

♪ Remember

♪ Remember

♪ The fourth "r" is remember

♪ So reduce, reuse, recycle, remember ♪

♪ Don't pour too much if you can't drink it up ♪

♪ Remember

♪ Then if you want more, you can use the same cup ♪

♪ Remember

♪ And if your cup should spring a leak ♪

♪ Recycle it and see what new things it can make ♪

♪ Remember

♪ Remember

♪ Remember

♪ Remember

♪ Remember

♪ From january through december ♪

♪ To reduce, reuse, recycle

♪ Remember

♪ Remember the world in everything you do ♪

♪ 'Cause you're part of the world ♪

♪ And the world's a part of you ♪

♪ Remember

♪ Remember

♪ You can be the earth's defender ♪

♪ So reduce, reuse, recycle

♪ And remember


Reduce, reuse,

And recycle and remember.

Ha ha! More, more.

Ok. Well, hey,

Let's go see if we can see

The rs right here in the world tree.

Whee! Ha ha ha!

Oh, my darling, dear, sweet ants--

Oh, darn.

No. No. All wrong.

My friends,

Tree dwellers, my fellow insects--

No. That's not true.

Uh! Ahh.

Hey, bob.

What's happening?

Hi, snook, riona.hi, bob.

I am writing an invitation to the [gulp] ants,

But I just can't find the right way to start.

Hey, what are you doing

With all that crumpled-up paper?

Oh, well, we were swinging through on a vine,

And all these pieces of crumpled paper came falling down.

Hmm, that's odd.

I was just writing on paper,

And I did crumple up a few,

And then I threw them, and--

Let me see one of those.

Oh, my, those are my pieces of paper.uh-huh.

But I threw them away, and--

Oh, my, I've been wasteful.

Oh, don't feel bad, bob.

It's easy to make a change.

You just have to reduce

How much paper you're using to write one note.


Oh, you're right, but I am so worried

If I don't write exactly the right words,

I'm afraid they won't ever come.

Hmm, that is a tricky problem, bob.

Let's think.

Hmm. Hmm. Hmm.

Hey, bob, maybe thinking is the answer.

Huh? How could thinking

Help me reduce how much paper I need?

I've got it. I've got it.

Do tell, bob.

Well, snook, it seems to me

That I could reduce the amount of paper I use

Just by thinking of what I want to say

Before I start writing on the paper.

Genius. Bob, you are an environmental wonder.


Hey, bob, would you mind if we take

Some of this crumpled-up paper?

I'm sure we'll use it for something.

No problem, guys. See you.

Uh! Hey, guys.

Both: hey, snook, riona.

Ooh. Oh, monkeys sad.

Yeah. Guys, what's with the sad faces?


There is nothing...


Nothing. Nothing to do.

Hmm, there's nothing worse

Than two monkeys with nothing to do.

Hmm. Wait. I have an idea.

[Paper rustling]

♪ Ta-da

How about a little soccer?

Wow, that's magic. Did you just make that?

Wow, this ball is cool,

Oh, but is it made out of paper?

Yep, made out of some of bob's banana paper.

Reuse. Monkeys and snook reuse.

You've got it, riona.

We took bob's banana paper,

Which was made to write on,

And reused it

By making it into a ball.

We found a way to use it again.


Hey, riona, you try.

Play, play. Hee hee!

[Splash] uh-oh.

Eww! Muck.

No ball?

So much for our reused soccer ball.

What are you going to do with it now?

Snook, um, recycle?

Oh, you're right.

There's got to be a way to recycle

This muddy, drippy banana leaf soccer ball.

Well, while you guys figure it out,

I'm going for a mud bath.

Want to join me, smooch?

Hoo hoo! Yay! Mud.

Ha ha! Ha ha!

Hee hee hee! Monkeys funny.

Yep. That's why they call them monkeys.

Come on, riona.

I have a great idea where we can take

This muddy, dripping banana leaf paper soccer ball.


Drop it right in, snook.

It's always great to add to the compost heap.

A compost heap is a great place

To put old leaves and fruit so they turn into dirt

That can help make things grow.

Eww, smelly.

It sure is, riona,

But that's the sweet smell of recycling.

Oh, oh! Third "r"--recycling.

Oh, yeah.

Reduce, reuse, recycle.

Great job, riona.

Hey, what about the fourth "r"?

Fourth "r"?sure.

The first "r" is reduce.

The second is reuse.

The third is recycle,

And the fourth "r" is...


Wow, remembering is important, too.

I never would have remembered to think of that.

And we'll all remember it now.

Ha ha ha! Hee hee hee!

♪ Hey, come over here

♪ Now you've put your things away ♪

♪ You sure have learned a lot

♪ It was so much fun to play

♪ Now tell me about the best parts of your day ♪

Best parts, best parts.

Yeah, riona.

Let's talk about the best parts

Of learning about the rs.

Best was singing new "r" song.

♪ Reduce, reuse, recycle, remember ♪

And then we helped bob reduce how much paper he used.

You just have to reduce how much paper

You're using to write one note.

And reuse--

Banana leaf paper soccer ball.

That's right,

Resued a banana leaf paper soccer ball...

Wow, this ball is cool.

And finally, recycle all that

Into the compost heap.

Glad we remembered.

Hmm, I'm glad we remembered, too,

But the best part for me--

Being here with you.

♪ The world goes spinning round and round, it's true ♪

♪ We've had our time, and now we're through ♪

♪ But you and I forever will be friends ♪

♪ We'll try to touch the sky where clouds never end ♪

♪ And we'll search for wonder all around ♪

♪ And you'll find me hangin' upside down ♪

♪ And you and I together in a big, big world ♪

♪ We'll try to touch the sky in a big, big world ♪

♪ You have to go, I know it's time ♪

♪ So, give me

♪ This whole world is yours and mine ♪

♪ La la la la la la la la la la ♪

♪ La la la la la la la la la la ♪

♪ We're off to find new friends ♪

♪ We're on the road again ♪

♪ Come with me on a road that never ends ♪

♪ Out in the big, big world

Hey, here I am, on the road.

Well, actually, I'm on a farm.

This is scott. Hey, scott.

Now, scott, you work here at the farm?

I do. I work here at this farm.

Well, what do you grow here at the farm?

Well, we grow lots of vegetables.

We grow about

Different kinds of vegetables.

What is in this field right here?

This is a field of carrots,

Thousands of carrots.

Scott, do you think--

Would it be ok if we actually saw a carrot

That came from the ground?

You can see it. You could eat one if you want it.

Yeah. Let's try pulling up a carrot.

All right. All right.

All right. Here we go.

Ok. This is so exciting.

I'm going to see a carrot come out of the ground.

Here we go. Look at that.

I think I see a carrot. Is that--

It's a whole bunch of carrots.

Wow, it must be so much fun to work here

At quail hill farm,

Which is part of the peconic land trust.

Can I give you a hug, scott?

You certainly can.aww, thanks.

Wow, aren't fruits and vegetables cool?

♪ And now it's time to go

♪ But we will meet again

♪ I'll be here

♪ Or just around the bend

♪ Out in the big, big world