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01x34 - Oko's Birthday/Spinning a Tale

Posted: 01/01/24 17:02
by bunniefuu



SNOOK: ♪ It's a big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ It's a big world

♪ Such a big, big world

♪ It's a big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ It's a big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ Don't you agree?

♪ Big enough for you and me ♪

♪ I'm a big old sloth

♪ I may be slow

♪ But see my friends swing high and low ♪

♪ Come to the big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ Come to the big world

♪ Such a big, big world

♪ It's a big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ It's a big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ Find your tree house, the tree's so tall ♪

♪ It's a big world after all.

s birthday.after all. ♪

No way!

It's Oko's birthday?

How do you know?

I've never known exactly when Oko's birthday is.

Oh, Snook, my dear,

there are still a few things this old turtle knows

that you have yet to discover.

I bet there are, Madge.

I bet there are.

So when is the old monkey's birthday?

Well... today.Today?!

I have to get him a present!

Yeah. Exactly what I was thinking,

my dear Snook. Hmm.

Now, what would this wise, old monkey

want for his birthday?

Finding the right gift for a friend

on their birthday can be hard.

Have you ever had that problem

Trying to think of a present for your mom or dad?


Did I hear someone say birthday?

Whose birthday is it? Whose? Whose?

Will there be cake?

I love birthdays!

Is it mine? I don't think so.

Will there be party bags?

Winslow, I-I don't know about any of that.

MADGE: Yes, Winslow, dear,

it's Oko's birthday and we're trying to figure out

what he might like for a present.

Um... uh, toys?

Isn't that what everyone wants.

I think that's pretty clear.

I don't think the old monkey

would really like a toy,

although I'm not sure.

You never know with Oko, do you?

I'd like to give him something

he'd really appreciate.

Hmm. Last year I gave him a piece of beach glass.

He really liked that. Yes.

That was very good, Snook.

As I recall, I gave him a hammock.

Yeah, he never slept in it.

I heard he gave it to an elephant

as a hair net or something.Very nice.

Oh, my.

Sometimes it's really hard to figure out

what other creatures like.

All I can think of are, well, toys!

I know what you mean, dear, Winslow. Wait!

What if we all get him one present together?

Great idea, Snook.

That would be perfect!

Now we just have to think of something

wonderful for the old monkey.

I suggest... toys!

Or did I say that already?

I think you may have.

We should all try to think like Oko.

Try to be Oko.

Then, we'll be able to find him a perfect gift.

Hmm, let's see.

Well, Oko sure has a big heart.

You're right, my dear Snook.

Oko has room in his heart for all of us.

He sure does.He sure does.

[ heartbeat thumping]

♪ Can you feel it

♪ Deep inside of you?

♪ Your heart is always beating like a drum ♪

♪ Can you hear it

♪ The thump of every creatures' heart beating ♪

♪ Together in the sun?

♪ Listen to your heartbeat

♪ Yeah, it always sounds sweet

♪ Listen to your heartbeat

♪ And know that you're not alone ♪

♪ Birds and tigers

♪ Even little ants and butterflies ♪

♪ Have hearts that move their blood ♪

♪ Thumpin', pumpin'

♪ But more than this

♪ The most important thing a heart can do is love ♪

♪ Listen to your heartbeat

♪ Yeah, it always sounds sweet

♪ Listen to your heartbeat

♪ And know that you're not alone ♪

♪ Listen to your heartbeat

♪ And know that you're not alone. ♪

[ heartbeat thumping]

[ panting ]: Hey, Smooch,

we've got to find the perfect gift for...

What are you doing?

Reading. Isn't that obvious?

Well, yeah, but you're standing upside down

and the book...


It helps me concentrate on the book.

Okay. So...

Smooch, we've got to find the perfect gift for Oko.

It's his birthday!

I have one word for you: toys.

Yeah, that's what I said, but no one agreed.


[ chuckles]: King Coconut here.

All bow down to the king.

[ with English accent ]: King Coconut.

He's got to love that.

[ chuckles]: Oh, that's a good one.

Ooh-ooh! And what about...

[ giggles ]

...Princess Papaya?

[ giggles ]

I beseech thee, Princess Papaya.

[ smooching ]


Okay, okay, so maybe that's only funny to us

and Oko won't like it.

Yeah, probably.

[ gasps ]: Ooh, I could give him some of my art supplies,

like those new brushes that someone gave me.

Wasn't that Oko? Oh.


[ singsongy ]: Hello, monkeys.

This is so exciting.

Yeah, Oko's birthday.

Yeah, I know.

Don't you think we should give him toys? Hmm?

Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Uh, Winslow, I think Burdette disagrees.

Madge told me that we should try

to think like Oko.

Yeah, she told me that, too.

And then, we'll find him something wonderful.

I love wonderfulthings.

Well, don't you?

They're all just so, well, wonderful.

Ah... yeah.

[ clears throat ]

[ imitates Oko]: Oko would be very happy with toys,

but otherwise, a new walking stick would be very good.

[ laughs]

Huh? What do you think?

Well, what I think is that Oko doesn't have to worry

about being the wisest monkey in the tree.

He sure won't find much competition around here.

And Oko likes his old walking stick the best.

It's ancient.

Ancient? Really old.


Well, what about a new bed?

Nah, he likes

to sleep wherever he lays his head.

Then maybe we...

[ imitates Oko]: hold coconut and share it with a friend.

You know, get him something for Tai Chi, like a, like a...

Ooh-ooh-ooh! Like a...

[ sighing ]: Huh?

Well, I guess that's the beauty of Tai Chi.

You don't need anything to do it, and you can do it anywhere.

Yeah, right.

BURDETTE: But, Winslow,

I actually think that's a brilliant idea.

[ chuckles]: Whoa!

You think I'm brilliant?

News to me.


Let's get him lots and lots of coconuts and fruit

and all the things he loves and have an Oko celebration.

Great! An Oko celebration.

Yeah! And to think I thought of it.

I'll go tell Snook and Madge what we're doing.

Hey, Madge.

Look at all the great fruit we got Oko.

And I have a wonderful birthday cake on the way.

[ chuckles]

Snook and Oko should be here soon.

Oh, my.

I'd better go finish up the cake.


Yeah, and Burdette found all these berries that he loves.

Mmm. Mmm.

They're delicious.

[ chuckles]


This is the best banana I've ever eaten.

[ chuckles]

Mmm. Good berries, too.

[ groans]



Ah! Wow!

That was some great fruit.

It sure was.

Oh! Oko's just going to love...


What on earth?

Oh, uh, Madge!

Um, uh, how's the cake coming?

[ nervous laugh ]

Oh, my,

all the fruit you've collected for Oko's...

birthday is...

well, gone.

Well, here's a banana!


I knew we should have gotten him a toy.

OKO: Well, hello!

WINSLOW & SMOOCH: Uh, happy birthday, Oko.

Yeah, we gotyou lots

of all the kinds of fruit you like.

Uh, guys, where is all the fruit?


I'm afraid that it may be gone.

Well, it's still here, kind of...

in my belly.

[ laughs]

It was really good, Oko.


[ laughing]

What's he laughing about?

Maybe we've driven him over the edge.

Are you okay, Oko?

[ laughing]

I am very fine.

Happy, in fact!

My best birthday present ever

is to see such contented little monkeys

after eating so much fruit.

Really? Really?


In fact, when I was a little monkey,

I did the very same thing!

[ laughs]


Oh, can you tell us more about it?

Ah, I would love to, little one!

What could be better than a birthday

with all my friends?

This is the perfect gift.

Well, hopefully, this is the perfect cake.


[ laughing]

♪ Happy birthday [ chanting]: Happy birthday, happy birthday.

♪ Happy birthday Happy birthday, happy birthday.

♪ How old are you? Happy birthday, happy birthday.

♪ How old are you? Happy birthday...

♪ Count the candles on your cake ♪

♪ Smear your name for good lu's sake ♪

♪ We want cake!

♪ We want cake!

♪ It's a brand-new birthday song ♪

♪ That you can sing ang

♪ But even though it's new

♪ It isn't new for you

♪ So, shout it loud and clear

♪ And full of birthday cheer

♪ And hope that every year

♪ Your wish comes true

♪ Happy birthday, happy birthday ♪

♪ How old are you?

♪ How old are you?

♪ Count the candles on your cake ♪

♪ Smear your name for good luck's sake ♪

♪ We need more cake!

♪ We need more cake!

[ chanting]: Happy birthday, happy birthday.

Happy birthday, happy birthday...

♪ From a distance I can see

♪ A world that is for everyone ♪

♪ I can hear a dawning that has just begun ♪

♪ And everywhere I go

♪ I see creatures that are big and small ♪

♪ All within the curve of the world ♪

♪ Everybody sing it, yeah

ALL: ♪ The curve of the world♪

♪ Is blue and green and green and blue♪

BOTH: ♪ Green and blue

♪ The curve of the world is for you and me and me and you ♪

BOTH: ♪ Me and you, hey

♪ We can see a world that is for everyone♪

♪ And we can hear a dawning that has just begun ♪

♪ And everywhere we go♪ ♪ Yes

♪ We see creatures that are big and small♪

♪ Big and small, yeah

♪ All within the curve of the world♪

♪ All within the curve of the world♪

♪ Everybody sing it now ♪

♪ You and me and the curve of the world. ♪

[ laughter]

[ buzzing ]


Oh, I missed!

[ groans]

Oh, missed again!

Catching dinner is hard work.

Do you have to catch yourdinner with yourtongue?

[ buzzing ]

Hmm, hmm.

Oh, missed!

[ panting ]

Hey, Wartz, you got to come see!

Huh? Come see what, Bob?

This amazing thing I found.

It's stringy and sparkly, and, uh...

Well, just come look!

[ panting ]

Bob? Bob?!

Oh, well,

maybe it'll take my mind off being hungry, whatever it is.

[ Wartz grunting]

See, isn't it beautiful!?

Wow! What is it?

It's a spider's web.

Oh, right.

Spiders use them to catch... flies!


Hey, Wartz, do you think the flies are mad

when those spiders eat them?

Boy, I wish I had one of those right now.

You do, Wartz?

Oh, yeah.

Oh, hey, a spider!

Wow. Hey, spider.

Any luck catching flies?


That spider-- he's so smart,

he just builds his web, then sits back

and lets the food come to him.

But you're good at catching flies, too,

aren't you, Wartz?

Yeah, but I think

that spider is catching my food before it gets to me.

I haven't caught a fly all morning.

Gee, I wonder what it would be like to be a spider.

Wow, I never thought of that.

What do you thk you would do all day, Wartz,

um, if you were a spider?

Well, there's one thing I know I'd do,

and that's just sit back, relax,

and wait for breakfast, lunch and dinner to buzz my way.

Hey, Wartz, maybe we could make you a web.

Make me a web?

Wow. Is that possible?


If a little bitty spider can do it, why can't we?

Hey, why not?

But spiders make that stringy stuff, too.

Anteaters can't do that, and I can't.

Well, then, we'll have to look around

for something else to use.

Hmm. Oh!

[ plays note with vine]

Hey, vines!

Wouldn't they be perfect for a frog web?

Good idea, Bob!

Let's go build one!

[ grunts]

[ grunts]


[ humming ]

BOB & WARTZ: Oh, Winslow!


Help? Help!

Bob? Wartz?

Where are you?

BOB: Down here, Winslow.


[ grunts]

Guys, uh, what you doing?

Eh... hi, Winslow.

Oh, is this a new game?

Well, not really.

We were trying to make a frog web.

Uh, what's a frog web?

Like a spider's web, but for frogs.

And bigger.

Oh, I don't get it.

What-what would you need a frog web for, Wartz?

Oh, so I can sit around

and let the flies catch themselves, Winslow.

It's going to be much easier when I do,

if we ever get out of this, uh...

[ grunting]

...frog web.

Um, could you help us?

Oh, I get it.

But I don't think spiders get caught

in their own webs, do they?

Winslow! Winslow!

[ laughs]: Okay, okay.

Um, well, where do I start?


Wow, a real frog web.

Thanks, Winslow.

Well, happy fly catching.

Got to go.

[ laughs]

Okay, Bob, what do we do now?

That's simple, Wartz.

We sit back and let the web catch you some breakfast.

Wow, this is going to be great.

We better go hide and then come back.

We don't want the flies to get suspicious.

You know how insects are?

I do?

Yeah, you know, like, um...

[ gulps ]: the ants.

Oh, right, the ants.

Yeah. Let's go.

[ laughs]

I can't wait to see all the flies, Bob.

Where are you going to put them all, Wartz?

Are you kidding?

I'm just going to eat them all up.

[ straining ]

Wartz, have you ever seen a fly that looks like that?

I don't think I'd like to eat anything that looked like that.

What is this thing?

What is Oh, it's Smooch!

Smooch, that frog web is just for flies.

I don't think it's going to work

if you keep hanging around in there.

Yeah, I think you're going to scare away the flies.

Bob, Wartz...

get me out of here!

Oh, okay, Smooch.

Um, Bob?

Maybe there's more to this web making than we thought.

[ grunting]

[ sighs ]

If you ask me, guys,

you should get some expert advice.

[ sniffs]


Papaya pie.

Oh, hey, guys.

Do you want some pie?

Flies? [ inhales ]

No, pie. Ah...

I think I said "pie."

No, I want some flies.

And I'm really, really hungry.

I need food.

[ chuckles]

I know what you mean, Wartz. I'm hungry, too.

In fact, I was just about to eat my...

Snook!Hey, Bob.

You can't eat now.

I can't?

No. We need help with our frog web.

Frog web?

Yeah. We were hoping it would help us catch flies,

like a spider's web.

Snook, do you know how to build a spider's web?

Well, Bob, that might be a little tricky.

That part we already know, Snook.

Well, you see, every animal has something it does best.

Sometimes there are things we all have in common,

but no other animal can spin a web except for a spider.

I bet there are some things that you're good at

that you do best, too.

We tried to use vines

to build a web for Wartz to catch flies in.

That must have been fun, Bob.

Actually, it wasn't.

We got all tied up.


Well, you should be glad

that the vines weren't sticky like spider silk.

Spider silk?

What's that?

It's what a spider builds its web from.

It's an amazingly strong, sticky material

that a spider makes inside its body

and then weaves into that beautiful web shape.

Then we did catch something.

Really? What was that?


[ laughs]: I hope you let her go.

Yeah, we had to.

Well, come on, Wartz, show me your frog web.

Okay, you guys go ahead.

And I'll wait here.


[ inhales ]


I can't wait to see this frog web, Wartz.

[ Winslow straining ]

WARTZ: Not again!

This frog web is a real menace.

Hey, Winslow.

Hey, Snook.

Winslow, you know that my frog web is just for flies.

I don't think it's going to work

if you marmosets keep hanging around in there.

SNOOK: Uh, Wartz?

This frog web may be better at catching marmosets than flies.

Really? I guess it looks that way.

Uh, guys?

Yeah. You see, spider webs are really finely-woven

so little creatures like flies or moths get caught.


It doesn't really bother bigger creatures like monkeys.


I guess a spider's web

is harder to build than I thought.

I don't want to bother you, but...

Well, spiders have spun their webs for such a long time

that it just comes naturally.

[ clears throat ]

Just like there are some things, Wartz,

that you do naturally better than any other creature.



Yeah. Come on.

Let's go look at that spider's web you guys found.

WARTZ: Okay.

Guys. Guys!

Oh, sorry, Winslow.

Did we forget something?

Well, um, me.

Oh! Sorry, Winslow.

Here, we'll give you a hand.

Whoa, aren't spiders beautiful?


And they catch flies, too.

Oh, well, as I recall,

you're a pretty good fly-catcher yourself there, Wartz.

Eh, not today.

I'm all washed up, no good.

I couldn't catch a fly if it fell into my mouth.

Do you really think so?Yep.

I hate to say it, Snook--

I mean, I might never catch a fly again.

Oh, I don't know, Wartz.

I always thought you were pretty talented

in the fly catching department.

Well, I was, but now...

Mm, tasty. Where was I?

[ laughs]

Something about how you can't catch flies.

Oh, that's right.

I just don't have a chance to...

Wait a second.

I just... [ gulps ]

caught one.

I'm back!

I'm catching flies!

Way to go, Wartz!

I'm catching flies, oh, yeah!

Hey, spider, watch out.

I think you've got some competition out here.

I'm catching 'em, oh, yeah!

All right, I'm catching 'em!

Oh, yeah, it's me! I'm back, oh, yeah!

♪ When you're munchin' in the jungle ♪

♪ There's no telling what you'll find ♪

♪ There's a list of savory favorites ♪

♪ For each creature of each kind ♪

♪ Some eat ants or leaves or mangos ♪

♪ It depends upon their mood

♪ Yeah, it might seem strange, but to someone ♪

♪ It's just food, food, food

♪ Yeah, food, food, food

♪ Food, food, food

♪ There's nothing I like better than my food, food, food ♪

♪ And I think I'll pass on water bugs ♪

♪ For lunch with my friend Ick ♪

♪ But the sorghum leaves I ate for lunch ♪

♪ Would probably make him sick


♪ Yeah, food, food, food

♪ Food, food, food

♪ There's nothing I like better ♪

♪ Than my food, food, food

♪ Come on now!

♪ Food, food, food

♪ Food, food, food

♪ There's nothing I like better ♪

♪ Than my food, food, food

♪ I said there's nothing I like better than my ♪

♪ Food, food, food.


♪ The world goes spinning round and round, it's true ♪

♪ We've had our time, and now we're through ♪

♪ But you and I forever will be friends ♪

♪ We'll try to touch the sky where clouds never end ♪

♪ And we'll search for wonder all around ♪

♪ And you'll find me hanging upside down ♪

♪ And you and I together in a big, big world ♪

♪ We'll try to touch the sky in a big, big world ♪

♪ You have to go, I know it's time ♪

♪ So give me five

♪ This whole world is yours and mine ♪

♪ La, la-la, la, la, la, la-la, la, la ♪

♪ La, la-la, la, la, la, la-la, la, la... ♪

Hey, you're back.

You know, there are so many amazing creatures♪

that live here in the World Tree.

Yeah, we got marmosets, anteaters,

turtles, monkeys, birds, ants and frogs.

And you.

Yep, you're an animal, too.

There are lots of cool things

to learn about animals-- like Wartz.

Wartz is an amphibian. Did you know that?

You're probably wondering, hey, what's an amphibian?

Well, an amphibian is an animal that can live both on land

and in the water.

Do you remember when Wartz had his metamorphosis?

He grew from being a tadpole swimming in the pond

to a frog that can hop on land.

Can you think of another kind of animal

that has a metamorphosis?

As far as animals go,

we sloths are about as slow as they get.

We won't ever win any races, that's for sure.

Unless it's a race to see who's slowest.

We're the slowest-moving mammals in the world.

We even digest our food slowly, really slowly.

It sometimes takes us sloths a month to digest a meal.

That sure is a long time

for food to travel through your body.

Don't you think?