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01x33 - Guardians of the Sappenwood Tree/Over the Hills and Far Away

Posted: 01/01/24 16:59
by bunniefuu



SNOOK: ♪ It's a big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ It's a big world

♪ Such a big, big world

♪ It's a big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ It's a big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ Don't you agree?

♪ Big enough for you and me ♪

♪ I'm a big old sloth

♪ I may be slow

♪ But see my friends swing high and low ♪

♪ Come to the big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ Come to the big world

♪ Such a big, big world

♪ It's a big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ It's a big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ Find your tree house, the tree's so tall ♪

♪ It's a big world after all.

Hmm, there must be somebody

who can help me fix this leaky roof.

Hmm. Who can I get?

Oh, hey, Bob.

Do you know anything about leaky roofs?

Well, nothing really, Winslow.

Uh, but I do know how to keep my, uh, ants dry.

That's good enough for me, Bob.

Come on. We got a roof to fix.

Well, I, uh, I can't be away long, Winslow.

The, um, ants mightmiss me.

You know, they get lonely.

[ chuckles]

Bob, there's thousands of those little anty guys

crawling all over each other at your place.

How could they ever get lonely?


look at that tree with those leafy branches.

It's perfect for fixing our monkey hut roof.

But it's got such pretty yellow and red flowers.

Maybe we should use something else.

We need to patch that hole,

and pretty or not, we got to use something.

[ bees buzzing]

[ Scottish accent ]: Get out of my tree, you stripey little stingers.

You're nothing but a bunch of bumblers.

I say, I said it. Go on.

Go home crying to your queen.

Would you get away from my tree right now?!

And stay away, all of you!

[ buzzing ]

And where do you think you're going, monkey?

Uh, thanks. Um, uh, to pull some branches

off that tree to fix my roof.

Oh, really? I don't think so.

Well, we'll just see. Yeah!

Whoa! Watch out, Winslow.

You will never get past me, monkey.

Oh, yeah? Ha! Ha!


BOB: Uh, Winslow,

he can fly in almost any direction.

Um, I think we should give up and run away.

Yes, I got four wings, so I can hover.

Fly backwards as fast as I do forwards.

Fly loop the loop, so get back.

Okay, so you can fly a bit.

But why can't I take some braches off that tree?

Because it's my tree, that's why.

My family has taken care of it forever,

so I'm not about to let a monkey near it.

So if I were you, I'd go somewhere else.

Well... hey.

Uh, Winslow, I think we should... leave.

Let's run away now!

We'll be back, dragonfly, and next time you won't be so lucky.

Ooh, I'm so scared.

Uh, bye.

And one and two, stretch.

One and two, st...

Oh, hey, there.

Oh, you're wondering what I'm doing.

I'm exercising.

Even us sloths have to exercise now and then.

And one and...

Hey, Snook, I need you.

Hey, Winslow. What's going on?

Do you know anything about dragonflies?

You know the kind; big, red, mean ones.

Whoa. Sounds like an insect I'd avoid.

But you know, Winslow,

dragonflies aren't usually mean.

Well, this one is.

I just wanted to pull some branches off this tree

to fix the roof on our monkey hut,

but this crazy dragonfly wouldn't let me near it.

Hmm, he wouldn't let you near the tree?

Did he say why?

[ mimics accent ]: He just said his family

had taken care of it foreverrr.

Whoa, interesting.

I wonder what that's about.

Well, let's go see what Madge knows about dragonflies.

Well, sometimes dragonflies have been known

to keep other dragonflies away.

Yeah, that's true,

but this one's keeping Winslow away from a tree.

There must be a reason why.

Yeah, it's just a tree.

Brown trunk, green leaves, seen one, you've seen them all.

Oh, yeah, and it has, uh, yellow and red flowers.

Red and yellow? Hmm.

Do they look like these, Winslow?

Yeah, that's them, Madge.

Well, I guess they are kind of pretty.

Hey, that's a sappenwood tree, Madge.

Whoa. I haven't seen that tree in a long, long time.

What's a sappenwood tree?

The sappenwood tree is so useful for so many things

that there are hadly any left.

Most of them have been cut down.

Yeah, we're very lucky to still have one in our forest.

I thought they were almost extinct.


It stinks? I didn't think so.

It smelled okay to me with those flowers and all.

No, no, it doesn't smell bad, Winslow.

Extinct means that it's rare

and maybe one of the last few its kind.


Who knows, Winslow, my dear?

This sappenwood tree may be the last one ever.

What? The last one ever? In the whole big, big world?


If I was the last marmoset in the big, big worrld,

I'd like someone to protect me.

And I think that is exactly how this dragonfly feels

about his tree, and that's why he scared you off.

Hey, maybe,... maybe I could help him.

I could become a guardian of the sapenwood tree.

Guardian of the sappenwood tree, right on.

And if the tree is flowering, my dear,

you might ask the bees to come by to pollinate it.

Well, I don't think that's going to happen, Madge.

The dragonfly was chasing the bees away

before he chased us.

Yes, dear.

You have to persuade the dragonfly

to let the bees pollinate his tree.

If you don't,

there'll be no seeds and no more sappenwood trees.

Sounds like the perfect job

for the Guardians of the Sappenwood Trees.

♪ Dun,dun, dun!

♪ Nobody's going to be alone

♪ Everybody's going to lend a helping hand ♪

♪ Watching every tree and lake and stone ♪

♪ Giving back for the love of this land ♪

♪ Living and growing together, ooh-ooh ♪

the highest heights ♪Reachr

♪ When we're living and growing together ♪

♪ Ooh, everything will be all right ♪

♪ Yeah

♪ Mother Earth has a lot to give ♪

♪ You can help yourself

♪ You can help youself

♪ But please don't take too much ♪

♪ Tomorrow, someone's going to grow and live ♪

♪ In the same circle of life that we touch ♪

♪ Living and growing together

♪ Ooh, ooh♪

♪ Reaching for the highest heights ♪

♪ When we're living and growing together ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh♪

♪ Everything will be all right, yeah, yeah. ♪

You know I don't really want to see that dragonfly again.

He was kind of... [ gulps ] scary.

Well, don't worry, Bob--

you've got a hat, you're going to be fine.

Right but I don't really understand about the hats Winslow.

What are they for?

Bob, we are the Guardians of the Sappenwood Tree.

♪ Dun, dun, dun!

And we have to let the dragonfly know.

Do you see him anywhere, Bob?

Um, uh, not yet, but I get the funny feeling, he...

he's, um... [ gulps ] watching us.

So you're back for more trouble!


Um, hey, dragonfly, what do you think you're doing,

scaring us like that?

Hmm what do I think I'm doing?

Well, I think I'm about to chase

a monkey and an anteater

away from my tree.

Now go away!


Oh, we come in, uh, peace.

You'll be in pieces when I get through with you.

We are the Guardians of the Sappenwood Tree.

♪ Dun, dun, dun!

And we want to help you.

What? Help me?

Oh, yes.

Did you know that your tree

may be the last one of its kind left in the big, big world.

The last one?

Oh, no, things are worse than I thought.



Once there used to be so many Sappenwood Trees,

and we dragonflies lived in their shade.

Mm, that sounds nice.

But one by one they were all cut down or destroyed,

and no one planted more.

Well, that's why we're here to help you.

But you were going to take its leaves

to patch your monkey hut.

WINSLOW: Well, not anymore.

Because now we Guardians are here to help you, dragonfly.

You are not alone.

BOTH: ♪ Dun, dun, dun!

Hey, this isn't a trick so you can get past me

to pull off the branches, eh, monkey?

No. We want to be your friend.

Friend... ha! I haven't had a friend for a long time.

I've chased everyone away.

Well, uh... all you need now

is to let the bees pollinate the flowers,

and, um... oh. Oh, bees?

[ bees buzzing]

What? The bees-- they're always trying to get at my flowers,

but I won't let them.

But, dragonfly, uh, the tree needs the bees.

Yeah, yeah, bees can pollinate the seeds

and help the Sappenwood grow more trees.

What? You mean we can grow more Sappenwood Trees?

Yes, and we Guardians of the Sappenwood Tree...

♪ Dun, dun, dun!

...are here to help make

that happen.

Yeah, pretty soon we could have a whole forest

of Sappenwood Trees.


Well, thank you, Guardians.

Uh... ♪ Dun, dun, dun.

DRAGONFLY: Hey, maybe I should

join you guys.

No problem, dragonfly.

I like your hats, too.

Okay, bees, do your stuff.

[ bees buzzing]

DRAGONFLY: I still don't feel right about the bees.

♪ From a distance I can see

♪ A world that is for everyone ♪

♪ I can hear a dawning that has just begun ♪

♪ And everywhere I go

♪ I see creatures that are big and small ♪

♪ All within the curve of the world ♪

♪ Everybody sing it, yeah

ALL: ♪ The curve of the world♪

♪ Is blue and green and green and blue♪

BOTH: ♪ Green and blue

♪ The curve of the world is for you and me and me and you ♪

BOTH: ♪ Me and you, hey

♪ We can see a world that is for everyone♪

♪ And we can hear a dawning that has just begun ♪

♪ And everywhere we go♪ ♪ Yes

♪ We see creatures that are big and small♪

♪ Big and small, yeah

♪ All within the curve of the world♪

♪ All within the curve of the world♪

♪ Everybody, sing it now ♪

♪ You and me and the curve of the world. ♪

[ laughter]

[ sighs ]

Mm, mmm!

Don't you ever get tired of eating bananas, Winslow?

Oh, yeah, sure.

But you can never get tired of eating bananas.

Well, wouldn't you like to eat something...

you know, different for a change?

Huh. Oh, once I shared a mango with Snook,

but I don't know, bananas are the best.

Nice, yellow, all in one package.

No mess, no fuss.Yummy.

Hmm. Yeah, I guess so.

Well, don't you ever think

you'd like to live somewhere else in the world?

Just to see what it's like?

Leave the World Tree?

Are you crazy?


You're so boring, Winslow.

You never want to do anything.

Well, Snook's house is pretty cool.

I wouldn't mind going there.

But don't you want to go someplace else in the big, big world?

Oh, in the big, big world?

Yeah. I want to go where Madge has been.

I want to go to everyplace on Madge's shell.

I want to explore the big, big world

and find out what it's really like.

Well, not me.

I am going to explore the inside of this banana for now.

Especially the soft, chewy part.

Well, you go right ahead, you lazy monkey.

You never want to do what I want to do.

I'm going to go find Snook

and go exploring.

See ya.


Hi, Snook.

Oh, hey, there, Smooch.

What are you up to today?

I'm going to explore the big, big world.

Oh, great. You're going to... What?

Explore the big, big world.

Go from one part of the whole world to another,

and see everything in between.

Whoa, that's a lot to do.

Are you doing it all today?

Yep. I hope to be done by lunchtime.

I'll be hungry by then.

Well, that's a great idea, Smooch,

but the world may be a whole lot bigger than you expect.

Maybe we should start by exploring something a little closer to home.

Oh, home's okay, Snook,

but I really want to see everything.

That's what explorers do, right?

Hmm... well, explorers explore lots of things,

and an explorer knows about geography.



Geography, what's that?

Geography is the study of the world and its life.

Its life?

Oh, that's us, right?


When you study Geography,

you learn how to get around different kinds of places

just like you learn about where you live.

And I bet you know how

to get around where you live really well.

Well, Snook, I know how to get around the World Tree mostly.

But what about going beyond the blue horizon?

Beyond the curve the of world?

Whoa, that may be further than you think, Smooch.

Well, we'd better get going.

I want to see it all.

Uh... before lunch?

Okay, Snook, here's the thing.

Will you go with me to all those places or not?

Whoa, well, you know us sloths, Smooch. We're homebodies.

Like to do the same thing, stay in the same place.

Not that I haven't thought about exploring.

Coming or not, Snook?

Winslow's been exploring the inside of a banana,

and if you don't want to go with me, I'm on my own.

Well, that's a long way to go on your own,

and you should have some grown-up company,

and I'm always up for an exploration,

so I guess I'm in.

I think I can take you

to a few places you haven't seen before.

Great! Let's go!

[ sighs ]

My nutty sister.

She wants to explore everyplace in the big, big world.

What could you ever find anywhere

that we don't already have here?

Yikes! Wait.

What if she finds something really cool

and goes there and sees it before I do?

I'll never live that down.

Hmm! I've had enough bananas for one day!

I'm going to go exploring, too! Hmm-hmm.

Maybe I'll take one more banana for the road.

Hello? Smooch?

I'm ready to explore!

Huh! No one here.

Hey, sloth? Snooky? Oh...

I wonder where they've gone.

Oh, let's see. Um... Oh, right.

Smooch said she was going to go everywhere on Madge's shell.

I'll just go see Madge and figure out where they went.

Brilliant, Winslow. Brilliant.

If I do say so myself.

Wow! Snook, I've never seen that waterfall before.

Yeah. There are so many different places

around the World Tree,

and they're all beautiful.

Yeah, it's beautiful.

Okay, let's keep going.

I want to explore some more.

More? But didn't you want

to get back in time for lunch?

Yeah, but I want to see everything!

We're explorers, right?


♪ Sometimes it gets so boring

♪ Just hangin 'round this tree

♪ And I know that past the curve of the world ♪

♪ There's so much more for me

♪ With creatures so amazing, and lots of open space ♪

♪ A monkey smart as I am

♪ Can't get tied down to one place ♪

♪ I want to see everything

♪ Everything

♪ I got to see everything

♪ Everything

♪ Like, I bet there's places

♪ Where waterfalls fall down to up ♪

♪ And I want to see those little flowers Madge calls buttercups ♪

♪ Well, the great beyond might not be full ♪

♪ Of everything you think

♪ Oh, Snook, there's so much out there ♪

♪ We might miss it if we blink

♪ I want to see everything

♪ Everything

♪ I got to see everything

♪ Everything

♪ I want to see everything

♪ Everything

♪ You know, I got to see everything ♪

♪ Everything

♪ Right now!

Okay, a six-letter word for "tortoise."

Hmm! Well, you'd think I'd know that. Huh!

Six letters. Yes. Let's see...


"Madge"? That's only five letters.

Madge, it's me.

Winslow? Winslow, where are you?

I'm here, Madge.

I'm just trying to get a good look at your shell.

Winslow, really. I don't understand.

Don't worry, Madge.

I'm just trying to figure out

where Smooch and Snook

went off exploring to.

Oh, really? They went off exploring?

Yeah. Without me.

It wasn't their fault.

I was busy exploring a banana.

Oh, really?

Now, why am I not surprised at that?

But, Madge, I really don't get it.

What is that whole thing on the back of your shell?

It's a map.

Oh, right. A map.

A map shows a bit of the geography of the world.

But what does that mean?

Maps? Geography? I don't get it.

Well, dear, a geographic map shows you where things are--

like oceans, mountains, deserts, rivers, forests--

and how they all connect.

That's something I'd like to see.

So, could you point to the place on your shell

where you think Smooch and Snook went?

Which ocean do you think they went to?

I really want to catch up with them.

Well, that may take a bit of figuring out, Winslow.

The world is a lot bigger than you think.


Whoa. I think I need a rest, Snook.

We've done an awful lot of exploring.

Yeah, we sure have.

Let's take a rest.

[ sighing ]: You know, we've explored a lot today,

and I haven't seen one ocean

or one mountain or desert or anything.

Yeah, well, those places are pretty far away, Smooch.

Sometimes you have to take an airplane or a train

to get to those faraway places.


Yeah, and if you get far enough from the rain forest,

you'll find cities. Big cities

filled with tall buildings.

I bet you've seen a city.

You may even live in one.

I wonder what that would be like.

It sure would be different than where we live.

Okay, but how do we get to the oceans?

Well, we may have run out of time

to get to an ocean today.

I'm really tired, but I'm not giving up

until I see an ocean today!

Hmm. Oh, well, I've got an idea.

We have another way we can explore

if you're willing to go with me.

Lead the way, Snook.

Wow! That looks like a great place to be.

Yeah! Look at those waves.

Oh, I bet you could have fun in those waves.

Yeah, well, I've been known to ride a few waves in my time.

But that was when I was a traveling sloth.

Wow! Riding waves?

Oh, I could get into that!

Me, too.

Oh, now, look at this.

Ooh! That makes me cold just looking at it.

Hey, Winslow, I'm really glad

you decided to go exploring with me.

Me, too. I never realized it could be so cozy.

Yeah. It's really cozy.

Right, Snook?

Right, Smooch.

Ooh! Let's see those waves again.

[ birds chirping, insects buzzing ]

♪ The world goes spinning round and round, it's true ♪

♪ We've had our time, and now we're through ♪

♪ But you and I forever will be friends ♪

♪ We'll try to touch the sky where clouds never end ♪

♪ And we'll search for wonder all around ♪

♪ And you'll find me hanging upside down ♪

♪ And you and I together in a big, big world ♪

♪ We'll try to touch the sky in a big, big world ♪

♪ You have to go, I know it's time ♪

♪ So give me five

♪ This whole world is yours and mine ♪

♪ La, la-la, la, la, la, la-la, la, la ♪

♪ La, la-la, la, la, la, la-la, la, la... ♪

Aw, hey.

I just love how different

all the creatures that live here in the World Tree are.

You can meet a lot of different animals, too.

Visit the zoo, and maybe you can come back

and tell me about some animals that I've never met.

See ya.

Smooch and Winslow are very amazing animals.

They're marmosets.

A marmoset is a kind of monkey.

Hey, do you know that marmosets like to live

with other members of their family,

like their brothers and sisters?

No wonder Smooch and Winslow

have so much fun sharing a house.

Uh... except when Winslow leaves his stuff

on the floor, of course.

I sure am lucky to have so many interesting friends.

Like Oko.

Did you know there are some monkeys

called howler monkeys, who can howl so loud

that their calls can be heard

almost two miles away? Whoa!

If you were a howler monkey,

you could have quite a long-distance conversation.

No need for a telephone.

You could just open the window and howl to your friend

who lives down the street.

But I think your mom or dad might ask you to keep it down.