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01x30 - A Bird Tale/Friendship

Posted: 01/01/24 16:57
by bunniefuu



SNOOK: ♪ It's a big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ It's a big world

♪ Such a big, big world

♪ It's a big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ It's a big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ Don't you agree?

♪ Big enough for you and me ♪

♪ I'm a big old sloth

♪ I may be slow

♪ But see my friends swing high and low ♪

♪ Come to the big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ Come to the big world

♪ Such a big, big world

♪ It's a big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ It's a big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ Find your tree house, the tree's so tall ♪

♪ It's a big world after all.


I could look at that all day.

Me, too.


We're watching the birds.

Want to see?

[ birds singing ]

Aren't they beautiful?

Have you ever wondered what it would be like

to fly like a bird?

Where are they all going, Snook?

They're migrating.

My what? Migrating.

Migration is something that some birds, insects

and some other animals do.

Every year at a special time, they leave their home

and travel someplace else.

Oh! Migrating.

Well, why would they want to leave their home?

I love it here.

I'd never want to leave home.

Well, birds and animals

that migrate do it for many reasons.

Sometimes when the weather changes,

they migrate to go somewhere warmer.

Some migrate to find food

that during certain seasons is hard to find at home.

Some even migrate to have their babies.



They stay for a while, sometimes months and months.

And then afterwards,

they always travel back to their homes again.

So all those birds up there

are moving to another place to live?

SNOOK: Mm-hmm.

Hmm. I'm going to miss them.

Me, too.

[ Bob and Wartz sigh]

Oh, don't worry, guys.

They'll be back.

Oh, look, there's a butterfly!

I'm going to ask him if he's a migrating one.

Hey, uh, butterfly!

Um, Wartz?

Tag, you're it.

Tag, you're it.

Wait. Are there tag backs?

Um, did we say?

Um, I don't know, Bob.

We didn't say.

Okay, then.

Tag, now you're it!

[ laughs]

And no tag backs.


[ gasps ] Look, it's the birds!

Bye, birdies!

Have a good trip!

Oh, dear.

Where did I put it?

Oh, hello, Wartz. Hi, Bob.

BOTH: Hi, Burdette.

What are you looking for?

Oh, it's just something

I need to take with me when I go.

Uh, maybe I left it at Snook's.

Got to fly!

I wonder where she's going.

Yeah, me, too.


[ both gasp ]


B-B-Burdette is leaving?

She must be, uh, migrating.

Oh, no.

This is terrible.

We need a plan.

But what?


Oh, I've got it!

What, Bob? What?

We will stop Burdette from leaving.

Oh, great idea, Bob!

Thanks, Wartz.

I thought so, too.

I've just got one question. What?

How do we stop her?

I knew I left something out.

[ sighs and gasps ]

Wait! I know.

Snook said birds and animals that migrate

do it to get food or for a new climate.

So all we have to do is make sure

she has everything she needs right here.

Hey, yeah.

We can collect her favorite foods.

Um, she likes fruits and berries

and, ooh, those wild avocados she likes.


And we can find leaves and things

that will keep her warm.

And if we get all the stuff she needs,

she won't have to go anywhere else.

Come on!

We've got to hurry before she leaves.

So, I see you're planning to hang around,

little butterfly.

BURDETTE: Uh, Snook!

Hey, Burdette.

What can I do for you?

Snook, I was wondering if you have that eucalyptus leaf

I found the other day?

I don't know where I put it!

Oh. No, Burdette, I haven't.

Oh, dear.

You see, I'm going to visit my cousin Burdeen.

Oh, Burdeen, of course.

She lives not too far from here.

How is she?

Well, right now she has a bad case of the sniffles,

and I wanted to bring her some eucalyptus

to make her feel better.

Great idea.

You know, I think I might have a leaf

you could take to Burdeen.


Oh, this is great.

Thank you, Snook.

I'll take it right over.

See you!

♪ Ta, ta, ta!

♪ Ta, ta, ta.

Tell Burdeen I hope she feels better.

Now, where was I?

Oh, yeah.

Little butterfly, as you were saying?

Right this way, Bob.


Burdette's never going to want to go

when she sees all this stuff.

Yeah, she'll be set forever.

Yup. Just a...

[ clears throat ]

...a little bit further.

[ panting ]

Um, um...

exactly how much further?

Just to Burdette's nest.

[ birds singing ]

Oh, dear.

Come on, Bob. We better get moving

if we want to make it to her nest before she leaves.

[ Wartz grunts]

[ grunts]

We're almost there, Bob.

I'm tired just watching you.

Um,, are you okay?

And one last...


[ groaning]

[ sighs ]

We made it!

Oh, Burdette!


we've brought you all the stuff you need.

[ sighs ]

You'll never have to go and do that migration thing!


[ panting ]


She's gone!

Bob, do you think we're too late?

Oh, I knew we should have gone faster.

I-I got here as fast as I could.


I-I miss her already, Bob.

Me, too.

And I didn't even get a chance to say...


[ both crying ]

[ both crying again ]

BOTH: Oh, Burdette!

BOTH: Oh, Burdette!

Oh, my.

Uh, hey, guys.

What's wrong?

Oh, oh... oh, Snook!


It's so...


[ crying]

[ Wartz and Bob crying]

We tried to stop her.

We brought her food and stuff

so she wouldn't have to go.

But... but...

we're too late.

[ crying]

BOTH: She's gone!


Uh, do-do you mean Burdette?

Oh, Burdette!

[ both crying ]

She's migrated!



Do you think that Burdette has migrated?


I think we have a bit of a misunderstanding here.

Uh, guys?

Guys, it's okay.

Burdette didn't migrate.

[ both sobbing]

Don't try to make us feel better, Snook.

Nothing will ever be thsame.

[ both sobbing]

Look, Wartz, one of her feathers.

[ both wailing]

Oh, guys!


[ groans]

Oh, hello, Snook.

Oh, hey, Burdette.

Snook why is everybody crying?

And what is all this stuff?

[ sobbing ]

It's because Burdette is gone.

It's terrible!

[ sobbing ]

Well, if you don't mind,

could you tell me where did I go?

You migrated.

You just migrated away.

And you won't be back for months and months and...

Burdette? Burdette?

Oh, Burdette, you came back!

Are you still going to migrate?

Oh, of course not.

I was never migrating.

I'm just not that kind of bird.

Why, I've never migrated a day in my life.

That's true.

I can confirm that, Burdette.

Then where were you going?

I just went nearby to visit my sick cousin.

I was trying to tell you guys.

And, besides, even when birds and insects

and other creatures migrate, they always come back--

just like Stripey the bee.

Oh, yeah, I forgot about Stripey.

And to think, we brought you all this stuff

so you wouldn't migrate.

Oh, isn't that sweet.

Well, is anybody hungry?

There's certainly enough to go around.


Let's have a "Welcome Back Burdette" party.

Uh, even though you didn't really go.

All right!

Those berries look good to me.

Thanks, Burdette,

you're the best.

Um... got any flies?

[ laughter]

♪ In the tree, or even in a pasture ♪

♪ A monkey travels faster

♪ Than a sloth could ever dream ♪

♪ And, Ick, who would beat me in the ocean ♪

♪ But sliding in slow motion

♪ Just works the best for me.

We all have different ways!

ALL: ♪ This is how we get around

♪ This is how we get around

♪ In the air, or on the ground

♪ This is how we get around.

SNOOK: ♪ A frog can hop from log to log ♪

♪ While an anteater like, Bob

♪ Can scurry in-between. ♪

I like scurrying!

♪ And, yes, while birds use aviation ♪

♪ I have to use my patience to get from A to B. ♪

Wow, so slow!

What can I say?

ALL: ♪ This is how we get around

♪ This is how we get around

♪ In the air, or on the ground

♪ This is how we get around

♪ This is how we get around

♪ This is how we get around

♪ Right side up, or upside down ♪

♪ This is how we get around.

[ song ends; laughter ]


♪ From a distance I can see

♪ A world that is for everyone ♪

♪ I can hear a dawning that has just begun ♪

♪ And everywhere I go

♪ I see creatures that are big and small ♪

♪ All within the curve of the world ♪

♪ Everybody sing it, yeah

ALL: ♪ The curve of the world♪

♪ Is blue and green and green and blue♪

BOTH: ♪ Green and blue

♪ The curve of the world is for you and me and me and you ♪

BOTH: ♪ Me and you, hey

♪ We can see a world that is for everyone♪

♪ And we can hear a dawning that has just begun ♪

♪ And everywhere we go♪ ♪ Yes

♪ We see creatures that are big and small♪

♪ Big and small, yeah

♪ All within the curve of the world♪

♪ All within the curve of the world♪

♪ Everybody sing it now ♪

♪ You and me and the curve of the world. ♪

[ laughter]

Boy I love reading about animals.

Hmm, maybe that's because I am one.


You reading about animals, too?


Okay, here's a question:

who do you think is the slowest creature?

Take your time.

Were you guessing me?

Well, thank you!

I like to think we sloths are the slowest creatures around,

Ahem!I mean, we're so slow, in fact,

Ahem! that we...


Oh, hey, Snail!

Hello, Snook.

I'm afraid I must differ with you.


Oh, that's okay.

Oh, so you disagree?

Yes, I disagree, differ-- whatever.

But I think I am slower than you.


Well, you may be slower than me, Snail.

You're certainly smaller.

Thank you.

Us snails pride ourselves on being small, slow, and slimy.

Yup, and you've got me on all three of those.

I tip my paw to the slowest of all creatures: the snail.

Well, thank you.

[ groans]

I guess that's the one good thing about being a snail.

Oh, I wouldn't say that.

Hey, what's wrong, Snail, you sound a little down.


Yeah, I guess I am, cause...

[ groans]

there's no one to play with!


No one in the whole World Tree?

That's what I said, Snook.

No one wants to be my friend.

Oh, I don't believe that.

We make friends all the time,

even when we least expect it.

Yeah, well, I don't expect anything.

I don't think I get along with anyone.

Oh, that's just not true, Snail.

You get along with me.

Hey, remember the time Rocky and Winslow became friends?

You want a shell?

You couldn't handle a shell!

Oh, yeah?

Well, you couldn't handle

swinging through the trees!

I could, too.

I dare you.

I dare you to wear a shell.

You're on!

[ straining ]


Whew, made it.

Rocky, you were right--

it's not easy having a shell.

But I've never been up in a tree so far.

Nice view.

Yeah, it's one of my favorite places

to watch the sunset.

It's awful warm up here,

and I'm kind of missing the mud.

Hey, my shell is pretty hot, too.

[ sighs ]

I don't think monkeys are meant to have shells.

And I'm not meant to live in a tree.

Okay. Okay, come on,

I'll take you back to where I found you.

BOTH: Yaa!

See, Snail?

We're making friends all the time,

even when we don't realize it.


I do not know.

I think we snails are mostly loners.

Especially, when it comes to worms. Huh?

Yes, even a worm isn't lowly enough

to be friends with a snail.

Oh, now, I don't believe that.

What makes you feel that way?

Wormy and I had this misunderstanding,

and next thing I know, Wormy is not talking to me.

I guess things really have gotten bad

when a worm won't talk to a snail.

Yeah, they certainly have.

Well, it's important to treat your friends nicely,

but misunderstandings do happen,

and that's okay.


I did not know that!

Oh, yeah.

Do you remember the time

Smooch got so mad at Wartz and Burdette?

What's the matter, Smooch?

You're the matter, Wartz!

You're in my garden, eating my plants!

I'm not.

You are!

Oh, well, actually I'm not.

I'm eating...

Well, don't let me catch you here again!

Oh. Okay.

If that's the way you want it.

I-I was only trying to help.

[ Burdette humming]


[ Burdette humming]

[ clears throat ]

Burdette, what are you doing with myberries?

You're eating them too soon.

They're not ripe!

I know they're not ripe.

I'm just trying to help you and I...

By eating everything in sight?

Eat everything?

I don't think so.

Well, I dothink so.

I would really appreciate it

if you could leave my garden alone.


Well, okay then.

Ugh... monkeys.

So Burdette, what were you eating in smooch's garden?

I was picking off all the berry bush bugs.

I thought Smooch would appreciate not having

to pick them off herself.

So you were helping me?

The grubs and bugs would have eaten your lettuce

and berries if it hadn't been for Wartz and Burdette.

That's about it Smooch.

But I'm happy to come back to your garden

anytime if you want me to.

You grow the best little flying bugs ever.

Thank you, Wartz.

And of course you can come back to my garden.

You, too, Burdette.

I am so sorry.

Aww, that's nice.

See Snail, Smooch misunderstood

what Burdette and Wartz were doing at first,

but when she found out later, she said she was sorry

and everything worked out just fine.

I guess misunderstandings do happen.

Yeah, they do, but friends are important

and good friends work together to solve problems.

Really? They can do that?

Yeah, remember what happened when Winslow,

Bob and the dragonfly joined forces

to protect the Sappenwood tree?

Da, da, da!

You will never get past me, monkey.

Oh, yeah? A-ha!

BOB: Uh, Winslow?

He can fly in almost any direction.

Um, I think we should give up

and run away.

Yes, I've got four wings, so I can hover,

fly backwards as fast as I do forward,

float, loop-the-loop... so get back.

Okay, so you can fly a bit, but...

why can't I take some branches off that tree?

Because it's my tree, that's why.

My family has taken care of it forever.

So I'm not about to let a monkey near it.

So if I were you, I'd go somewhere else.

[ buzzing ]

Whoa, whoa, whoa... hey!

Uh, Winslow, I think we should--

whoa-- leave.

Let's runaway... now!

We'll be back, Dragonfly.

And next time, you won't be so lucky.

Ooh, I'm so scared.Uh, bye!

We are the Guardians of the Sappenwood Tree.

Da, da, da!

And we want to help you.

What? Help me?

Oh, yes.

Did you know that your tree

may be the last one of its kind

left in the big, big world?

The last one?

Oh, no, things are worse than I thought.


Oh, yes. Once, there used to be so many Sappenwood trees

and we dragonflies lived in their shade.

That sounds nice.

But, one by one, they were all cut down

or destroyed and no one planted more.

Well, that's why we're here, to help you.

But you were going to take its leaves

to patch your monkey hut.Well, not anymore.

Because now we Guardians

are here to help you, Dragonfly.

You are not alone.

Da, da, da! Da, da, da!

Wow! Guardians of the Sappenwood tree.

Da, da, da!

They were so brave.

Oh, I wish they had asked me to join.

Well, you'll just have to ask them next time.

[ gasps ]: Ask them?

Yeah, it's okay to be shy, Snail,

but sometimes you have to ask

if you want to play with someone.

Oh. I might have to give that a try.

And remember, everyone can be friends

no matter how different we are.

♪ Everyday brings something new ♪

♪ Whatever changes we go through ♪

♪ I'll still be me, you'll still be you ♪

♪ We'll still be friends through thick and thin ♪

♪ If it rains for one whole week ♪

♪ If I catch cold and I can't speak ♪

♪ If I win at hide and seek

♪ We'll still be friends

♪ We'll still be friends ♪

♪ We'll still be friends

♪ We can take the changes as they come ♪

♪ And we'll still be friends

♪ We'll still be friends

♪ We'll still be friends

♪ We can take the changes one by one ♪

♪ We can take the rain and take the sun ♪

♪ We can take tomorrow as it comes ♪

♪ And we'll still be friends

[ all laughing]

[ giggles ]: You are right, Snook.

I am going to march right out and find me a...

[ gasps ]:Worm!

Phew, it took so long to get up here.

I bet!

Uh, Snail I was, um, wondering...

would you like to, well, play?

Would I?

Would I? Let's go!

Yay! Yay!

Want to race?

Ooh, how about tag?

You're it! I'm going to get you.

No, you're not!

[ laughs]

This could take awhile.

♪ The world goes spinning round and round, it's true ♪

♪ We've had our time, and now we're through ♪

♪ But you and I forever will be friends ♪

♪ We'll try to touch the sky where clouds never end ♪

♪ And we'll search for wonder all around ♪

♪ And you'll find me hanging upside down ♪

♪ And you and I together in a big, big world ♪

♪ We'll try to touch the sky in a big, big world ♪

♪ You have to go, I know it's time ♪

♪ So give me five

♪ This whole world is yours and mine ♪

♪ La, la-la, la, la, la, la-la, la, la ♪

♪ La, la-la, la, la, la, la-la, la, la... ♪

Aw, hey.

I just love how different♪

all the creatures that live here in the World Tree are.

You can meet a lot of different animals, too.

Visit the zoo, and maybe you can come back

and tell me about some animals that I've never met.

See ya.

SNOOK: Animals sure are cool.

Especially turtles like my friend, Madge.

Did you know that Madge

doesn't have any teeth?

And it's not because she's so old.

Turtles have hard, sharp edges

in their mouths instead of teeth.

And those are what Madge uses to munch her food.

She uses her mouth almost like a bird uses its beak.

Hey, can you think of one of my friends who has a beak?

[ chuckles]: That's right. Burdette.

My friend, Oko, is a monkey.

And we all know he is one interesting animal.

Did you know that the fastest

monkeys can travel through the trees

as fast as miles an hour?

That's probably as fast as the bus you ride to school.

Can you imagine that?

Boy, I sure can't.

But I'm a sloth and we're pretty slow.

Being as fast as a monkey would really

come in handy in a race.

Wouldn't you like to be fast like Oko?

He's a pretty cool monkey.