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01x28 - Madge is Missing/The Anteater Songbook

Posted: 01/01/24 16:55
by bunniefuu



SNOOK: ♪ It's a big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ It's a big world

♪ Such a big, big world

♪ It's a big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ It's a big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ Don't you agree?

♪ Big enough for you and me ♪

♪ I'm a big old sloth

♪ I may be slow

♪ But see my friends swing high and low ♪

♪ Come to the big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ Come to the big world

♪ Such a big, big world

♪ It's a big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ It's a big world

♪ It's a big, big world

♪ Find your tree house, the tree's so tall ♪

♪ It's a big world after all.

-It is totally not. -Is so totally so.

Not, Is Not.

Is Not. Is!

There are only three kinds of vines.

Oh, I say there are more.

No way!

So way. You are so wrong.

Madge will tell us.

She knows everything.



Oh, Madge!

Hmm. Where is she?

She's always here.

Well, I'm sure she's coming back.

Let's just wait a little bit.


Huh. Huh.

[ both humming]

Wow. This is taking forever.

Yeah we've been waiting so long.

How long do you think we've been waiting?

Doesn't it seem like forever?

Madge is always around.

Where could she have gone?

Hi, guys.

Gee, Madge isn't back yet?

She wasn't here this morning, either.


I wonder where she went.


You haven't seen Madge either?

We better go ask Snook where she is.

Maybe she lost her glasses.


Maybe I'll check with Burdette.

She can get a bird's-eye view

to see if she can spot Madge from the air.

ALL: Yeah!


Madge is missing!

Hold on, slow down.



Okay, now, where were we?

We waited a really, really, really long time.

So long.

And she never came.

Bob hasn't seen her either.

Where is she?

What if something's wrong?

Yeah. What if a gigantic wind

lifted her up and blew her away?

Uh, Winslow,

now even I think you're getting carried away.

Oh, so that's what you were saying.

Well, let's think about what we really know,

and what we don't know.

We don't know where Madge is!

We know she's not home, and we know she's not here.

Well, she must be somewhere else.

But where?

Where would a map turtle go?

Good thinking Smooch. Hmm.

Well, you know Madge isn't just any map turtle.

She's actually very large for a map turtle.

And she has been around a long time.

Well, that's why Madge knows everything.

Yeah. I bet if Madge were here,

she'd know how to find... her.

Well, if Madge were here,

we wouldn't have to find her.


Oh, right.

Well, I think Madge may have just taken a little trip

or gone out for something.

It sure is tough when someone who takes care of you

isn't around, but you know, they always come back.

But we waited.

Well, I do know that if Madge were here,

she'd look for an answer in her books.

Well, what are we waiting for?

Oh, Madge?

Well you're right about one thing-- she's not here.

Told you.


Maybe if we can find a book about map turtles,

I bet we can get some ideas where Madge might be.

Good thinking, Smooch.

How come she gets all the "good thinking"?

I'm the one that knew she wasn't here.

I could tell right away.

Hmm... Uh...


Take a look at this book.

See what you guys can find out.

I'm going to see if I can find Oko.

Maybe he's seen Madge.

Okay, Snook.

Oh. Hey. Smooch, Look.

This book is about us!

No way.

Hey, it's all about marmosets.

A whole book about us?

Did you know most marmosets are born twins, like us?

Oh, and look, some marmosets use burping

as a friendly social gesture.

[ burps ] Really? I don't get it.

[ laughing]: Me neither.

[ burps ]

[ laughing]

Oh! Look! This one's got a picture of Burdette!

It's about quetzals!


Did you know that quetzals like to live alone?

Huh. Oh, oh. And that when they're molting--

you know, losing their feathers

they don't sing!

Well, if I were losing my feathers

I wouldn't want to sing either.

Wow, look.

Madge has a whole book here about vines.

[ laughs]

Now I know I'm going to find out I'm right.

Okay, let's look.

See, look. It says here,

there are over , different kinds of vines.

See I was...


Oh... How could that be?


Oh, oh. Hey look.

A book about map turtles.

This is it!


Look how small most map turtles are.


Aren't they cute?

Wow. Madge isunusual.

Most map turtles don't get anywhere near as big as Madge.

Oh. And most of them have markings

like a map on their backs, but not like Madge's.

She's got what looks like a realmap on her shell.

And, and they have no ear openings

so they don't hear very well.

Well, I hope this book gives us some kind of clue

to tell us where Madge is.

Of course, I suppose I could tell you.

Madge! Madge!

You won't believe how much we learned

about quetzals and marmosets!

And vines.

I can't believe there are that many different kinds.

They all look the same to me.

But we didn't

get a chance to find out that much about turtles.

Well, I suppose I could tell you that map turtles,

like all reptiles, are related to dinosaurs.

Really? And dinosaurs are cool.

And we love company, just like you marmosets

Map turtles are very, very social.

Which explains why I have been away.

It does? Yes.

I was visiting my sister Henrietta.

Her grandchildren were just hatched.

They hatch in the sand near the sea

and I had to pay her a little visit.

Oh, really?

Baby turtles. Oh...

I'd love to have seen that.

Me, too.

Well, I think you can.

He's right here.

My grandnephew...




Look how small he is.

Oh, he's so cute.

Hey, Willie.

Welcome to the big big world, Willie!

Can I pick him up?

Yes, but be very careful, he isjust a baby.

Hey, Willie.

How'd you like getting born in the sand?

We found that out in one of your books, Madge.

Oh... [ chuckling ]

It is very important to hold him securely

but not too tightly.

The little ones are very fragile.

We were so worried.

Yeah, Madge.

Why didn't you leave a note

so we would know where you were?

Oh, my, b-but I did.

I-I... I left it right on the table here.

Oh, my, where is it?

Mmm... Oh, my, oh, ah, I guess I forgot.

I was going to tell Snook, but he was napping.

Oh, and why were you looking for me this morning?

Um, well, we had a question for you.

Well, ask away, my dears, ask away.

Oh, that's okay, we looked it up ourselves.

Right, Winslow?

Yeah. I still can't believe

there are so many different kinds of vines.

They all look the same to me.

Well, come on, Willie.

Once you're a little bigger, we're gonna have

to show you around the World Tree.

Oh, Willie.

Oh, you should have seen uswhen wewere babies.

♪ You were a beautiful baby, such a delightful soul ♪

♪ You were a beautiful baby, such a sight to behold ♪

♪ Lying there just like a little, loveable lump of gold ♪

♪ You were such beautiful babies when you were one day old ♪

♪ Now we've grown up for a while ♪

♪ And it's been a lovely ride ♪ [ laughs]

♪ I was just happy to be there ♪

♪ Growing up by your side ♪

♪ But I can never forget ♪

♪ The first day your eyes opened wide ♪

♪ You were such beautiful babies ♪

♪ No, I just can't deny

♪ Yes, two of the most beautiful babies ♪

♪ That I could ever find.

[ chuckling ]: So cute.

[ chuckles]

There's so much to tell you about the World Tree.

Oh, yeah! You're gonna really like it here!

[ giggles ]: Yeah. Oh!

Wait until you meet Snook.

Oh, yeah! He's even slower than you!

Oh, uh...

I-I didn't mean that... you were slow.

I mean, you are-- after all, you're a turtle.

I just mean, uh, well, he's a sloth,

and sloths are slow, too... I guess.

I mean... oh, what did I mean? [ giggles ]

I think Winslow means

that you guys will have a lot in common.

Yeah, that... must have been it.

Yeah. You're gonna really like Snook, Willie.

He's very gentle and laid-back.

[ laughs]: Boy, is he!

Sometimes he's so laid-back, he's fast asleep!


Hmm.Hmm. So,

I wonder when baby turtles get their teeth.

Don't you know, Winslow?

Turtles don't have teeth.

[ gasps ]: Well, then how do they eat?

Well, they have beaks,

kind of like birds, so they can use their beaks

to tear apart stuff they want to eat.

Oh. Well,

even if you don't have teeth, Willie,

you're all rightwith us!

Huh? [ gasps ]


Oh, hey, look, Winslow!

I think Willie really likes you.

[ laughs]: Oh!

Willie boy, we're gonna have so much fun

swinging from vines, climbing trees,

eating bananas!

Uh, Winslow... Yeah, Smooch?

[ laughs]: I don't think turtles can swing on vines--

especially little baby ones like Willie.

Oh. You're right.

Well, then we'll just have to have fun...

hanging around.

Right, Willie? [ laughs]


♪ From a distance I can see

♪ A world that is for everyone ♪

♪ I can hear a dawning that has just begun ♪

♪ And everywhere I go

♪ I see creatures that are big and small ♪

♪ All within the curve of the world ♪

♪ Everybody sing it, yeah

ALL: ♪ The curve of the world♪

♪ Is blue and green and green and blue♪

BOTH: ♪ Green and blue

♪ The curve of the world is for you and me and me and you ♪

BOTH: ♪ Me and you, hey

♪ We can see a world that is for everyone♪

♪ And we can hear a dawning that has just begun ♪

♪ And everywhere we go♪ ♪ Yes

♪ We see creatures that are big and small♪

♪ Big and small, yeah

♪ All within the curve of the world♪

♪ All within the curve of the world♪

♪ Everybody sing it now ♪

♪ You and me and the curve of the world. ♪

[ laughter]

[ Bob clears throat ]

♪ It's a big world

[ quietly ]: ♪ It's a big, big world ♪

♪ It's a big world

♪ Such a big, big world. ♪

That's very good, Anty!

A little louder would be good, though.

[ whistling yawn] Huh?

Oh... you're tired.

Well, that's okay.

Hmm. Come back tomorrow,

and we'll continue with your singing lessons.

[ gasps ]: Oh!

Oh, hi!

I-I didn't see you.

Ooh, I'm so glad you came to see, um, me.

[ chuckles]: Hey, so, how are you doing?

Oh... that's nice.

Um, what should we do?

I mean, since you're visiting me and everything.

Hmm? Hmm.

Oh, I wish I had known.

I would have prepared something, but I didn't.

Hmm, what to do, what to do.

What does everyone else do?

Oh, my!

[ gasps ]: I know!

Hey, want to hear some songs from my songbook?


Okay, let's begin.


where ismy songbook?

Oh, maybe it's down there.

[ chuckles]

No, that's not it.

Um, mmm...

What's that? Ew!

Oh! [ chuckles]

Here it is.

This is my own personal anteater songbook.

I love these songs.

And what better way than to start out

with a song about, uh... me.

[ chuckles]

I hope you don't mind, but it's kind of my favorite.

[ musical intro plays ]

♪ The way of the Bob

♪ Is a friendly and soft, gentle way ♪

That's me!

♪ I even enjoy it

♪ In moments when I'm not afraid ♪

It's not very often, but...

♪ That's the way

♪ Of the Bob

♪ That's the way

♪ Of the Bob

♪ Nothing's quite like it

♪ The wonderful way of the Bob

♪ And I keep a watch over the ants ♪

Those guys are just so cute!

♪ I sit down and just think about them ♪

♪ When I get the chance

Every day, I think.

♪ That's the way

♪ Of the Bob

♪ That's the way

♪ Of the Bob

♪ Nothing's quite like it

♪ The wonderful way of the Bob

♪ The way of the Bob. That's me!

That's me.

You know, everyone thinks I worry too much.

Do you think I worry too much?

Well, you know what I think?

I think... I worry too much.

But what can you do? I'm a worrier.

[ chuckles]

But maybe that's why I like this song somuch.

[ musical intro plays ]

♪ When your world looks kind of scary ♪

♪ And the stormy weather blows

♪ And the branch you thought would never move ♪

♪ Starts rocking to and fro

♪ Just remember, soon your troubles ♪

♪ Will all vanish like a dream

♪ It was only Mother Nature just a-blowin' off some steam ♪

♪ So if you're worried

♪ Don't worry

♪ Yeah, if you're worried

♪ Don't worry

♪ 'Cause when things go wrong

♪ It's not long till they're right again ♪

♪ Yeah.

Huh. I know.

Here's a good example of something I was afraid of,

and when I learned about it, I wasn't so worried anymore.

In fact, I think it's really cool.

[ whispers]: Echoes.

Do you know about them?

♪ Listen for your echo

♪ For its never far away

♪ And it really loves to talk about ♪

♪ Most anything you say

♪ You should listen for your echo ♪

♪ For its never far behind

♪ Always trying to catch up to you ♪

♪ Give it just a little time!

♪ Its your echo [ echoing ]: ♪ Echo♪

♪ Hear your echo [ echoing ]: ♪ Echo♪

[ echoing ]: ♪ Yode-lay-hee-hoo! ♪

♪ Yode-lay-hee-hoo! [ coughs]

I guess my yodeling's a little rusty.

Come on, Bob.

♪ Listen to your echo any time you feel alone ♪

♪ And you'll recognize a friendly voice ♪

♪ From somewhere back at home

♪ Yes, your echo is about the nicest someone ♪

♪ That you'll meet

♪ You can tell it your opinion and it always agrees! ♪

♪ Its your echo [ echoing ]: ♪ Echo♪

♪ Hear your echo [ echoing ]: ♪ Echo♪

[ echoing ]: ♪ Yode-lay-hee-hoo! ♪

♪ Yode-lay-hee-hoo! ♪ Yode-lay-hee-hoo! ♪

♪ Yode-lay-hee-hoo! ♪ Yode- lay-hee-hoo!♪

♪ Yode-lay-hee-hoo!

You know, I was wondering,

and I've never had a chance to ask you.

Um, how is your tree?

What? You don't live in a tree?

Wow. That's really cool.

Oh, you live in a home.

Well, this tree is my home.

Do you like to do nice things for your home?

We try to do something good for the World Tree all the time.

♪ Do something nice for the tree ♪

♪ Do something nice for the tree ♪

♪ The tree has done so much for you and for me ♪

♪ So let's do something nice for the tree ♪

♪ When you're stretched out in her shade ♪

♪ Or tasting the fruit that she's made ♪

♪ While the wind in her branches sing sweet serenades ♪

♪ Let's do something nice for the tree ♪

♪ There's only one tree that's so tall and so strong ♪

♪ So give her a wreath or gobble some bugs ♪

♪ Or what the heck, you can just give her a hug! ♪

♪ Do something nice for the tree ♪

♪ Something nice for the tree ♪

♪ Do something nice for the tree ♪

♪ We could search the whole world ♪

♪ And we never would find

♪ A tree quite like this one, she's one of a kind! ♪

♪ She gives every day, we can give this one time ♪

♪ Let's do something nice for the tree. ♪

You know, Snook says

if you do something nice for the tree,

it will do something nice for you.

I don't mean like giving it a present or anything,

but maybe just treating it nicely and giving it good care.

I like to find out new ways to care about our big, big world,

but sometimes I worry about finding out about new things

because, well, I'm a little worried

about what I might find out.

Um, do you like to find out about new things?

♪ On a hunt for information gonna pick up lots of clues ♪

♪ It's the kind of education

♪ Where we're learning while we do ♪

♪ To a beat that's super groovy ♪

♪ I know you're gonna wanna shout it ♪

♪ Look it up, turn it 'round write it down ♪

♪ And find out all about it

♪ Find out all about it ♪

♪ Find out all about it

There's so many different ways to learn.

♪ Every day there's something new ♪

♪ So let's go out and try to find it ♪

♪ What are the things that make it different? ♪

♪ Or make other things just like it? ♪

♪ And if you think you've learned it all ♪

♪ I'd have to say I kind of doubt it ♪

♪ Look it up, turn it 'round, write it down ♪

♪ And find out all about it!

♪ Find out all about it!♪

♪ Find out all about it!

♪ Is it an animal, a vegetable, a mineral? ♪

♪ Find out all about it!

Discover something new!

Well, it's time for my last song.

Um, uh, did I do okay?

I hope you liked my songbook.

Um, this one is really good,

especially if you make mistakes now and then.

You probably never make mistakes, but I do.

Well, just a few, I guess.

But I always try to do my best, and you should, too.

♪ Everybody has a goal, the sweet dream inside the soul ♪

♪ That makes you wanna chase it by and by ♪

♪ Your destination might be far, getting there might be hard ♪

♪ But man, that doesn't mean you shouldn't try ♪

♪ Just do your best, do your best ♪

♪ You will always pass the test if you do your best ♪

♪ If you do your best

♪ Do your best, do your best

♪ Hold up your head, stick out your chest ♪

♪ And do your best

♪ You can do your best!

[ laughs] ♪ So come on in, don't be shy

♪ I can see it in your eye

♪ You just can't wait to let the fun begin ♪

[ both laugh]

♪ I know you're wondering what you've got ♪

♪ And it's probably a lot

♪ But you will never know unless you jump on in! ♪

♪ And do your best, do your best you will always pass the test ♪

♪ If you do your best, if you do your best ♪

♪ Do your best, do your best

♪ Hold up your head, stick out your chest ♪

♪ And do your best

♪ You can do your best!

You can do it.

[ laughing]

I can't believe that's all the songs in my songbook.

I can't wait until there are more.

Hey, next time, let's hear what's in your song book.

See ya!

Uh, good-bye! So long!

Uh, ooh, I got to go.

♪ The world goes spinning 'round and 'round, it's true ♪

♪ We've had our time, and now we're through ♪

♪ But you and I forever will be friends ♪

♪ We'll try to touch the sky where clouds never end ♪

♪ And we'll search for wonder all around ♪

♪ And you'll find me hanging upside down ♪

♪ And you and I together in a big, big world ♪

♪ We'll try to touch the sky in a big, big world ♪

♪ You have to go, I know it's time ♪

♪ So give me five

♪ This whole world is yours and mine ♪

♪ La, la-la, la, la, la, la-la, la, la ♪

♪ La, la-la, la, la, la, la-la, la, la... ♪

Hey, you're back.

You know, there are so many amazing creatures

that live here in the World Tree.

Yeah, we got marmosets, anteaters, turtles, monkeys,

birds, ants and frogs... and you.

Yep, you're an animal, tool

One of my favorite animals is my friend Wartz.

He's a red-eyed tree frog.

Tree frogs are really great climbers.

Yep, most of them have sticky pads on their feet,

and those pads help them climb trees

and leap through the treetops.

Whoa. Tree frogs sure are amazing

And I think Wartz is the most amazing

tree frog I have ever met, don't you?

I just love learning fun facts about my animal friends.

Well, like Ick, for instance.

He's a fish.

Did you know that many types of fish don't sleep?

They rest with their eyes wide open

and take it easy.

But if I were a fish, I'd miss just lying back

and taking a good old-fashioned snooze.

In fact, [ yawns] I think it might be time for a nap

right about now.