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01x21 - Hide and Seek/Take Care of Yourself

Posted: 01/01/24 16:48
by bunniefuu



SNOOK: ♪ It's a big world

♪ It's a big, big world ♪

♪ It's a big world ♪

♪ Such a big, big world ♪

♪ It's a big world ♪

♪ It's a big, big world ♪

♪ It's a big world ♪

♪ It's a big, big world ♪

♪ It's a big, big world ♪

♪ Don't you agree? ♪

♪ Big enough for you and me ♪

♪ I'm a big old sloth ♪

♪ I may be slow ♪

♪ But see my friends swing high and low ♪

♪ Come to the big world ♪

♪ It's a big, big world ♪

♪ Come to the big world ♪

♪ Such a big, big world ♪

♪ It's a big world ♪

♪ It's a big, big world ♪

♪ It's a big world ♪

♪ It's a big, big world ♪

♪ Find your tree house, the tree's so tall ♪

♪ It's a big world after all. ♪

-Any ants yet, Bob? -No, not yet.

Hey, Snook, I just had a thought.

Yes, Bob.

Maybe the ants are just playing a game with me, you know?

They're just trying to hide from me.

Oh, you mean like hide-and-seek, Bob?

Yeah, that's it, like hide-and-seek.

Uh, but with my nose, I should be able to find them.

You'd think.

You'd think.

[ sniffing]

Hmm. Nothing near here.


[ gasps ]: Boy, I would really like to play hide-and-seek.

Would you, Snook?

Oh, yeah, that sounds like fun.

Okay, I'll count to ten, you go and hide,

and then I'll come and look for you, okay?

Okay, Snook, but don't count too fast, will you?

No problem, Bob.

I'm a sloth, remember?

I don't do anything fast.

One... two...

Do you like playing hide-and-seek?

Three, four.

It's a fun game,

but it's also a very important game

for animals who live in the forest.

Um, five, six.

Did you know that?

Mm. Oh, I don't know.

Tree, bush.

Um, eeny, meeny, miny, mo. Hmm.

Seven, eight,

nine... ten.

Coming, Bob, ready or not!


[ laughs]: Oh.

Can you see Bob?

Isn't he right behind that green bush right there?

Um, Bob, I can see you.


How did you find me so fast, Snook?

Well, the bush wasn't wide enough to hide behind, Bob,

and it's green, ad you're brown and black,

so I saw you right away.


Oh, I never was good at hide-and-seek.

Oh, it's all right, Bob.

Hey, why don't you hide again,

and this time, think about blending in.

You know, disguise yourself with your surroundings.

Animals do that a lot.

Okay Bob, I'm going to count again,

this time to five.



Okay, Snook.Two...

You won't find me this time!

Hmm. Oh!

Three... four...


Ready or not, here I come!

Hmm. I wonder where Bob went.

Bob? Oh, Bob!

Do you see Bob?

You're doing a great job this time, Bob.

Hey, Bob, what are you doing?


[ quietly ]: Snook is looking for me.

We're playing hide-and-seek.

[ whispering]: Oh, hide-and-seek?

I love that game.

I want to play, too.


Okay, Bob, you win.

I can't find you!

Oh. Hey, Smooch.

What are you doing here?

She's hiding with me, Snook.

Oh, oh!

There you are, Bob.

Whoa, good hiding.

Oh, thanks, Snook.

I want to play.

Let's play again.

Okay, you guys go hide, I'll count again.

Okay, Bob, let's go hide.


One... two...

I'm going to get you guys.

Three, four...

[ whispers]: So, where are we going to hide, Bob?


Let's hide right here.

Oh, I'll hide behind these flowers.


Ready or not, here I come!

Bob? Smooch?

Whoa, you guys are good at hiding.

[ quiet giggling]

SMOOCH:Oh, oh.

Ooh, I've got an itch!

Oh, oh!


I thinkI smell an... ant.


Oh, there you are.

Found you!

But I think you gave yourselves away.

You were blending in pretty well.

Why did you leave your hiding spots?

Well, I got an itch.

And I smelled an ant!


Some things are just more important

than hide-and-seek, I guess.

Oh, sorry I gave us away, Bob.

That's okay.

It's funto blend in, Snook,

and play hide- and-seek.

Well, hide-and-seek is a really important game

for us animals.

Knowing how to blend in

with our surroundings can get us out

of some pretty tricky situations.

You mean to hide from more dangerous animals

in the forest?

Exactly, Smooch.

And that's why all us animals are born

with our very own natural camouflage.



BOTH: Oh, camouflage.

What's that?

Camouflage means you can blend in

with things around you, so no one knows you're there.

We animals do it all the time.


it's great for hide-and-seek.


Everywhere you look, animals and insects are blending in.

Like, uh...

Oh, look at that Mantis.

A mantis?


I don't see anything.


Look-- a Mantis.

SNOOK: It uses its color and shape to blend in with a twig.

Now that's camouflage.

Come on,Snook.

Let's play hide-and- seek again.

This time, I won't let the, uh,

ants distract me.

Well, let's get everybody to play!

Smooch, you go tell Winslow, and you guys go hide,

and I'll start counting again.

Good idea, Snook.See ya!

See you, Snook.

Uh, you won't find me this time.

[ chuckles]

See you, guys!

Or-Or not!

[ laughs ]

Winslow! Winslow!

Where are you?

[ laughs]: Ha!

You didn't see me, did you?

I'm good at hiding.

How did you know we were playing hide-and-seek?

Bob told me. Come on, let's go hide.

Winslow, Winslow!

Wait for me!

SMOOCH: Winslow!

Hey, Wartz. Have you seen Winslow?

Yep, yep, I saw him.

But that was yesterday.

Why are you looking for him?

Well, haven't you heard?

We're all playing hide-and-seek from Snook.

He's trying to find us, but we're using camouflage

to blend in so he won't see us.

I was going to tell Winslow about camouflage,

but he ran away too quick.

Oh, camouflage.

I do it all the time.

I blend in with almost everything in the forest,

because I'm green.

As long as I keep my red eyes closed, of course.

No one can camouflage themselves as well as a tree frog.

Burdette's got green feathers.

She must be good at blending in with the forest, too.

Yeah, and Snook hangs upside down.

No one would expect that.

Hmm. I wonder how Madge blends in.

Hmm. Yeah, I wonder.

Huh? Uh... whoa.

What's happening, Smooch?

The rock is moving!

[ both scream ]

[ both grunt]

Well, hello, Smooch and Wartz.

I didn't mean to startle you.

But I heard you were playing hide-and-seek.

So I thought I'd join in, too.


We were sitting on you!

[ chuckles] That's right.

I can use my shell as camouflage,

because it blends in with the rocks.

That's some pretty good camouflage you have, Madge.

Why, thank you, dear.

Well, I must be off.

Books to read, charts to make.

Now, run along.

And don't let Snook find you.

Oh, and why don't you all

come to my house for tea when you're finished?

Okay, Madge. Thanks.

Where should we hide now, Smooch?

Got you!

[ Smooch and Wartz scream ]

Oh. We're too late.

You found us.

Good one, Snook.

[ chuckles]

We were so busy talking to Madge about how she blends in,

we forgot to hide from you.

Oh, so Madge was playing, too.

She didn't disguise herself as a rock, did she?

[ gasps ]

How did you know?

It's one of the things that turtles can do really well,

especially a wise, old turtle like Madge.

Hmm, I wonder what happened to Winslow.

Bob told him we were playing hide-and-seek.

He must think you're still looking for him.

Oh. Well, come on, Smooch.

Let's go find him.

See you, guys.

See you.

Winslow! Where are you?!

Winslow, I think you've won!

We can't find you anywhere!

Come on, you crazy monkey, where are you?

Here I am! [ laughs]

[ singsong]: You didn't find me.

Nope. You were pretty good at hiding, Winslow.


I would have hidden there longer

if these ants hadn't started tickling my feet.

I didn't see them hiding under the leaves.

Well, I guess ants are good at hide-and-seek, too.

Ants? Did someone say... ants?

Hello, little guys.

I'm coming to find you.

Hey, Bob!

Don't you think you should count to ten

before you go looking for ants?

[ chuckles] Well, come on.

I hear Madge is making tea for everyone.

[ gasps ]

Yeah, let's go!

I hope she has some honey.

♪ From a distance I can see

♪ A world that is for everyone ♪

♪ I can hear a dawning that has just begun ♪

♪ And everywhere I go ♪

♪ I see creatures that are big and small ♪

♪ All within the curve of the world ♪

♪ Everybody sing it, yeah ♪

♪ The curve of the world is blue and green ♪

♪ And green and blue ♪

♪ Green and blue ♪

♪ The curve of the world is for you and me and me and you ♪

♪ Me and you, hey ♪

♪ We can see a world that is for everyone ♪

♪ And we can hear a dawning that has just begun ♪

♪ And everywhere we go ♪ Yes ♪

♪ We see creatures that are big and small ♪

♪ Big and small, yeah ♪

♪ All within the curve of the world ♪

♪ All within the curve of the world ♪

♪ Everybody sing it now ♪

♪ You and me and the curve of the world. ♪

[ laughing]

[ Madge sighs ]


[ straining ]

Oh, my.

And two...

[ straining ]

Okay, ah.

And three...

[ straining ]


Oh, hello.

I was just doing my daily exercising,

squatting, actually.

There are three very important things to do to be healthy:

exercise, eat good food and get lots of rest.

It's very good for all of us to...

Oh. Oh, my.

Oh, oh.

I think I may be stuck.

[ straining ]

Hi, Madge.

Oh, my, Burdette.

I may need a little help.

Oh, what should I do?

A little lift would be good.


[ straining ]

Yes, that's better.

Are you okay?

What were you doing, Madge?

Oh, dear Burdette, I was just doing

a little bit of exercising.

It's very important to keep healthy, you know,

especially at my age.

Oh, I know, Madge.

Well, that's why I love to fly.

Not that I'm your age.

But you should try it, Madge.

I fly everywhere. Burdette...

You know, it's such wonderful exercise.

Excuse me, Burdette...

I fly up, I fly down.

Burdette dear...

I fly all around.Burdette!

Oh... yes, Madge?

I'm quite a large and old turtle.

And as far as I've ever seen,

there has never been a flying tortoise.

Very hard and heavy shell, you know.

Oh... of course.

Sorry, Madge.

Quite all right, my dear.

The truth is that we all have to take care of ourselves

and be healthy.

Oh, I know, I know.

Why, remember the time when Winslow went sap crazy

and was eating sap like a crazy monkey?

Oh, yes, I remember that sap as well.

[ chuckles]


We were just wondering if you'd seen Winslow.

He's running all over,

eating all the sap he can find.

Oh, my, that crazy monkey.

He won't be feeling too well eating like that.


That's why we need to find him.

Well, I must say, being a bird,

I like to eat small meals all through the day.

Well, that way, I never feel too full to take off and fly.

Wow, Burdette.

That sounds like a perfect way for a bird to eat.

Being a sloth, I like to eat just one or two big meals.

It's a nice,

slow way of eating.

Oh, how nice for you, Snook.

But that would never work for a bird like me.

Why, I once had an uncle who ate so much at one meal

that he couldn't fly at all.

[ sighs ]

This is all really interesting, Burdette,

but we really need your help to find Winslow.

Could you fly around and see if you can spot him for us?

Well, I suppose I am the best one for the job.

It's true.

Eating properly is clearly one of the most important things

to do to stay healthy.

Not too many sweets.

Uh, you don't eat too many sweets, do you?

Well, you know me.

I'm always eating nuts and berries,

berries and nuts,

nuts and berries,

with the occasional delicious wild avocado thrown in.

Yes, dear, you are quite good at eating the right things.

Thanks, Madge.

And I also try to get my beauty rest.

Do you like to get your beauty rest, Madge?

Oh, me? Beauty rest?

[ chuckles]

Well, yes, I suppose.

Yes, getting good rest is so important.

Oh, Madge, do you remember when our funny little friend Wartz

decided he would never sleep again?

Ah, yes.

As I recall, Wartz was planning on just playing forever.


Do you know what a sleep routine is?

Everyone has one, you know.

Wartz has been a little overexcited, and he can't sleep.

Oh, no.

But sleep is so important.

It sure is.

[ sighs ]

Um, I thought it might help him to hear about

how everyone else around here sleeps and why they like it.

Actually, I wanted to know if you'd like to play with me.

Certainly not.

Sleep is as important as playing.

Us birds are very particular sleepers.

Some water birds, like flamingos,

even sleep while standing up.

Sleep while standing up?

On one leg, too.


[ grunting]

Oh! I can't even stand

on two legs for long, let alone one.

[ grunts]


[ Burdette chuckles ]

But, of course, I prefer a nest,

which is far more civilized and comfortable.

I do have to get my beauty sleep, you know.

Hmm. Hey, you know, Wartz,

Burdette's nest looks great for sleeping.

Smooth inside, so it has to be warm.

A nice high edge to keep the wind out.

Wouldn't you rather play all the time

than, uh, sleep, Burdette?

That would be fun, I guess, but during the day,

I have to find food and tweak the twigs.

Well, they have to be just so.

My friends come over, and by the end of the day,

I'm usually ready to sleep.

So... you don't want to play

all night with me, then?

Sorry, Wartz, but I think you'd better figure out

that sleep routine of yours and get some sleep.

But there's got to be someone who wants to play all the time.

All right, Wartz.

We can go ask

some more of our friends about sleep.

Thanks, Burdette.

You're welcome, Snook.

Good luck finding your sleep routine, Wartz.


[ yawning ]

[ humming ]

Yes, that sure is true.

Getting the proper amount of sleep and beauty rest

is so very important.

Yes, very important.

Madge? Madge?

Where? Who? What? Huh?

Madge, are you okay?

[ laughing]: Oh, yes.

I must have dozed off.

A-And I had another of those funny dreams

about racing a rabbit.

Hmm. Wonder what that means.

Oh. Oh, now, where were we?

We were talking about being healthy.

Oh, yes.

The three most important things to being healthy:

eating well, resting and...

BOTH: Exercising.

[ laughing]

Oh, my, Burdette dear, what is going on?

What is so funny?

Oh, sorry, Madge.

I was just remembering

the time Wartz didn't want to hop anymore.

[ chuckling ]: Oh, yes.

"Hopping mad," I'd say, "Hopping..."

Oh, yes.

Ick, um, have you got a minute?

Uh, okay.

What's on your mind?

Well, Wartz has a problem.

He's looking for a new way of exercising.

Hey, you pulling my fin?

Frogs hop! Hop, hop, hop.

It looks exhausting to me, but I guess you frogs like it.

Not anymore, and I wish everyone would stop telling me to hop.

I've given up hopping forever.

A frog who doesn't hop?

Now I've heard everything.

Well, what kind of exercise do you do, Ick?

Swim! What else?

Swimming makes me the fittest fish in the pond.

Of course, I'm the only fish in the pond...

And you like all that swimming?

I remember when I was a tadpole, I liked to swim.

ICK: Yep, I love it

just as much as you enjoy hopping...

oh, eh, uh, used to like hopping.

Yeah. I wish everyone would stop saying that.

He's all hopped out, Ick.

Wartz wants to try something else to get his exercise.


Well, then, uh, I'll show you

what I call "the tail waggle workout."

Then you can hop right in--

ooh, I mean, join right in.

[ gasps ]

SNOOK: Well, Wartz, why don't you hop in and...

Oh, sorry.

I don't know what it is, Wartz.

It's just hard not to say "hop" around a frog.

But I said I'm done hopping!

I don't want to be ungrateful, Snook,

but everyone keeps talking about hopping and hopping,

and it's making me hopping mad!

Oh, hey, Wartz, it's okay.

We didn't mean to get...

No, it isn't!

It's not fair!

Everyone else does what they do,

and it makes them feel good!

I've never seen the little guy this angry.

You glide, Winslow scampers,

Burdette flaps, Ick does the tail waggle!

Why can't I find something that makes me feel good, too?!

Well, you see, Wartz, that's what we've been...

Swing, flap, waggle, swing, flap, waggle!

It makes me so mad that I want to...


[ chuckling ]: Hey, Ick,

will you look at that?

Hey, look at me.

I'm hopping again,

and I like it!

Yeah, and it looks like fun.

Yeah. I feel a whole lot better.

Sorry I got so angry, Snook.

I must have been cranky from not hopping.

Aw, that's okay, Wartz.

WARTZ: It feels good!

I-I-I feel good, too!

I love hopping!

Well, I'd like to hang out with you guys,

but I've got some hopping to catch up on.

Thanks, Snook, Ick. See you.

I feel frogtastic!

Get it-- frogtastic?

Hop one, hop two, bounce one, bounce two...

Oh, well, I think it's time for this old turtle

to try her exercises again.

Do be careful, Madge.

I will, dear, I will.

Ah, and one...

[ straining ]

And two...

[ groaning]

And three...

[ grunting]

Go, Madge!

[ panting ]

♪ The world goes spinning round and round, it's true ♪

♪ We've had our time, and now we're through ♪

♪ But you and I forever will be friends ♪

♪ We'll try to touch the sky where clouds never end ♪

♪ And we'll search for wonder all around ♪

♪ And you'll find me hanging upside down ♪

♪ And you and I together in a big, big world ♪

♪ We'll try to touch the sky in a big, big world ♪

♪ You have to go, I know it's time ♪

♪ So give me five ♪

♪ This whole world is yours and mine. ♪

♪ La, la-la, la, la, la, la-la, la, la ♪

♪ La, la-la, la, la, la, la-la, la, la... ♪

Hey, you're back!

You know, there are so many amazing creatures♪

that live here in the World Tree.

Yeah, we got marmosets, anteaters, turtles,

monkeys, birds, ants and frogs.

And you.

Yep, you're an animal, too.

One of the coolest animals

I know is my friend Bob the anteater.

Anteaters are great.

Did you know they sleep as much as hours every day?

I mean, I love to nap myself, but that's a lot of sleep.

Oh, and they have a great sense of smell.

Hmm. I wonder what smells Bob likes best.

Next time you see him, ask him for me, okay?

My friend Burdette is one beautiful animal.

Burdette's a quetzal bird,

and quetzal birds have bright green and red feathers

and very long white tails.

Oh, yeah-- their tails can get

two times as long as their whole bodies.

When they fly, their tails flow behind them.

Quetzal birds like my friend Burdette sure are beautiful.

Which animals do you think are beautiful?