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02x24 - World of Legs

Posted: 01/01/24 09:41
by bunniefuu
♪While walking in the woods one day,

♪Chris and Martin saw something strange,

♪a little leaping lemur who liked to bounce and play.

♪They followed their new bouncing friend,

♪Not knowing where this adventure would end.

♪The animals were headed just around the bend.

♪Where they going? I don't know!

♪How do we get there? C'mon let's go!

♪Me and you and Zoboomafoo, come along and see what's new,

♪we're doing the things that animals do.

♪New animal friends to see, Animal Junction's the place to be!

♪elephants charging, baboons are leaping,

♪wild dogs running and nobody's sleeping!

♪Me and you and Zoboomafoo, come along and see what's new,

♪we're doing the things that animals do.

♪Me and you and Zoboomafoo, come along and see what's new,

♪at Animal Junction we're waiting for you!

Hey Chris!

I can see the Junction.

-We're almost there.

-It's a good thing because my legs are just about to give out.

-Hey! We just hiked in from Botswana.

-And human legs are made for long walks, but not that long.

-Yeah! It's not like we're African wild dogs who can lope around for hours.

These long-legged wild dogs can go twenty miles a day without taking a break.

Yeah, but I know one thing for sure, my legs are tired of walking.

-Tell me about, hey!

Do you hear that?

It's Zoboo!

-Let's call him.


-Hey Zoboomafoo!

-Look at those leaper legs in action, whoa!

Zoboo's here!

-And he still has a lot of juice in those legs.

-Woop, woop, woop!

Zoboo, how many leaps does it take before your legs get tired out?

-Well, no chat until he's had his snack.

Let's see what we have today.

Garbanzo beans!

Hey you know, speaking of legs, garbanzo beans

come from a family of plant called legumes.

Yeah legumes!

Hey Zob! How about some legumes?

These will power up your lemur legs.

-He likes those.


-Excuse me.


Voky, voky, voky! I love legumes!

They give me new energy in my legs.

Now I can leap on leaping,

I mean, keep on leaping.

Let's see, hum, five hundred and four.

-Five hundred and four?

-What do you mean five hundred and four?

-Oh hi brothers!

That's how many leaps I can make before I get tired

and have to have another snack.


-Oh here, I'll show you.

Five hundred and five, five hundred and six, five hundred and seven.

Legs are my life.

Watch this, I'm going to leap clear across Animal Junction.

Good take off, got good lift,

oh wait a second I'm coming in short of and I'm headed straight for the


-Nice landing Zoboo.


There's a creature tickling me.

Who could it be?

♪Who could it be? This animal who I did see.

♪Can you help me guess this mystery?

He was a big round head and a tail swimming in the water.

♪Who could it be? This animal who I did see.

He had funny fanned shape things on his head but no legs.

♪Who could it be? This animal who I did see.

♪Can you help me guess this mystery?

He was a water living, no legged creature.

Do you know who he is?

-Let's see who it could be.

But where are his legs?

-No-man-legs-ika! Mystery animal is here!

-Where are his legs?

Well he's just a head and a tail, that's all.

Have you ever seen a creature that's just a head and a tail?

Where are his legs?

-His legs, they're on the way Zoboo.

His legs just haven't started growing in yet.

-But they'll start growing in pretty soon,


it looks like they are popping through, look!

-Two front legs.

Do you know what they're going to look like when they fully grow?

-Yeah! Tiger legs!

That's it, long, stripy legs.

They'll be tiger legs for a tiger salamander larva.

Well that's what he's called right?

A tiger salamander larvar?

-Close enough.

-Well, he'll have tiger legs for a tiger salamander larva.

Yeah! That's right.

Salamander larva will grow four legs

and they'll be furry and orange with black strips, yeah!

Just like a tiger's.

-You mean like him?

-Mangatsika, the tigers are here!

And those legs will be perfect for tiger salamander larva to have.

-Yeah, tiger legs are amazing!

And they're built for three things.

One is stalking, two is charging

and three is pouncing.

Check out how these legs work.

First her powerful legs launch her with a burst of power,

her back legs push her forward,

her front legs stretch out and grab the ball,

but the ball squirms loose, her front legs keep grabbing and then...

-...and she pops it again.

-Tiger legs are amazing but they're not the only wild cats with great legs.

I mean lets face it, we live in a world of legs.

And one creature with awesome legs is the cheetah.

Her legs make her the fastest land mammal on the planet.

Her long legs stretch out for a stride of twenty feet.

And she can run, she can go seventy miles per hour,

as fast as a car on the highway, faster than your bike down a hill,

but she can only run that fast in short spurts.

Then she has to rest.

-Look who's here. Hi Zipper!

-Zoboo, see her long, thin legs?

They don't weigh very much so that makes her fast.

The lighter the legs, the faster the cat.

-Wow! Very impressive Zipper!

Do you want to see his amazing legs?

Zipper, can you stand up and walk around a bit,

they want to see your amazing legs.

Thanks Zipper.

Wow! Tall legs!

Long tall legs for running and leaping.

Hey! Maybe that's what kinda of legs the tiger salamander is going to grow.

Long, tall legs like a cheetah.

That's it! Yeah!

Yeah, that's right!

The salamander larva will grow long furry spotted legs

and be able to run like the wind, yeah!

That would be funny to see such long, long legs on such a little creature.

-Yeah it would!

But I don't think this little guy is ever gonna have legs that long.

Think we should give Zoboo a clue?

-No! I gotta figure it out without any help.

The answer has to be one hundred percent lemur.

I gotta figure it out on my own.

-Good luck.

-That's it, you'll have lots of legs like a millipede.

-So you think he'll have two hundred insect legs.


-Look at the wave of legs.

-Oh yeah! Wavy legs.

That's it!

Salamander larva will grow two hundred legs like a millipede.

Lot's of wavy legs, I think I figured it out.

Hi Bigfoot!

-Or he might have legs for jumping.

-Legs, just like a kangaroo.

-Pretend you have kangaroo legs.

Put your feet together, and hop.

You got it.

Kangaroos always keep their legs together when they hop.

-Bouncing brothers, kangaroo legs are cool!

-A kangaroo's tail is full of muscle and it's important too.

A kangaroo uses his tail like a third leg a lot of the time.

They use it for walking,

they use it for hopping as balance

and they use it to stand on when they're kickboxing.

-I almost forgot, kickboxing,

that's another thing kangaroos use their legs for.

-Alright, let's see how far a kangaroo can jump.

Whoa! Three and a half feet,

that's pretty good.

Alright Chris!

-Alright my turn.

-Great jump Chris, about six feet.

-I jumped further than a kangaroo.

-Yeah, but Bigfoot is just a baby kangaroo.

-You're right Zoboo.

When Bigfoot grows into an adult red kangaroo,

he'll be able to jump over twenty feet.


That's a lot of jumping, and it's all in the legs.

-Yeah twenty feet is a long jump!

Do you want to see how far that is?


-Let's measure it Chris.

-All right, starting right here.




and twenty!


-Twenty feet.

-That's far.

-Clear across Animal Junction.

-That's how far an adult red kangaroo can jump.


What do you think about that?

-Of course, these are the legs

salamander larva is going to grow, jumping kangaroo legs.

Why didn't I think of that before?

-Because before you were thinking tiger legs.

-And then you thought cheetah legs.

-Kangaroo legs.

-Yeah, that's the problem.

My mind can't decide, they're so many legs.

-Thick, heavy rhino legs.

-Long, lean speedy legs.

-Fast, furry tarantula legs.

-All these legs remind me of the first time I met Fibby

and her crazy legs in Zobooland.

I was leaping along,

leap, leap, leap, leap, leap...

when all of a sudden I bumped into Narchi.

-Oh hi Narchi!

-Oh hi Zoboo!

Great to see you.

Hey! Do you want to play goobleberry ball?


-Sure I said, so we played.

I threw the goobleberry ball to Narchi

and he threw it back to me.

-Hey Zoboo, catch this!

It's my super duper double looper.


Oh no!

-Uh-oh! That was our only goobleberry.

How are we going to play now?

-And then suddenly,

the goobleberry blew right back to us.

Hey where did that come from?

-Yeah! Who blew that goobleberry?


-Nobody, okay then, who threw it?


-Who's me?


-Yeah! Who's me?

-Me Fibby. I caught it.


-Well Fibby's long legs were great for playing goobleberry ball.

Stay and play with us Fibby.

-I'd love to Zoboo, here.

-So we played.

Every time the ball splashed in the water,

Fibby used her long legs to throw it back to us.

And we played goobleberry catch all day long.

The end.

-That was a great story Zoboo,

and he just talked about more creature legs, underwater legs.

Like an octopus's tentacles, that's what her legs are called, tentacles.

And she uses those tentacles to move around,

and see those suction cups on the bottom, those grab and hold.

Don't forget about... crab legs.

She has different legs for different things.

Her back legs are for walking and swimming and her

front legs have claws for protection.

Do you want to hear something amazing,

some water creatures like whales and these dolphins

have fins and tails where legs used to be.

You see, millions of years ago, dolphins

ancestors started spending more time in the water

and their legs turn into fins and tails.

-Yeah! We live in a world of legs.

But I still don't know what kind of legs tiger

salamander larva is going to grow, and that makes me feel leg-ish.

♪I feel different not the same

♪This kinda feeling I can't explain

♪There is only one thing that I can do

♪I feel leg-ish. How about you?


♪I feel leg-ish


♪I'm a leggy, leggy lizard with a long tongue too

You know these legs


With so many legs around, I'm confused about what kind

of legs tiger salamander larva is going to grow.

Do you know?

I need a clue.


-Ah! You mean legs with webbed feet like a duck.

That's right.

Maybe the salamander larva will grow big webbed duck feet.

Well, he's in the water so that makes sense.

Yeah, paddling water legs.

That must be it.

-No I said DUCK!

Like incoming duck.

-You mean like a duck-off duck?

-Yeah that kinda duck.





-Oh! They meant that kind of a duck.

Hi Sticky Feet!

I'd recognize those talons sticking into my head anywhere.

Why do you have to hang on so hard?

-It's because peregrine falcons, like Sticky Feet,

have such strong powerful legs.

-And it's those legs that power the falcon's strong grip.

-Legs are amazing things!


-Hey, and it looks like Amy tripped over some cool creature legs.


there's a daddy longlegs spider!

We better move her so she doesn't get hurt.

As soon as you see those eight skinny legs,

you know it's a daddy longlegs spider.

It's so cool to watch her walk around.

Some spiders will bite you when you pick them up,

but not a daddy longlegs.

She won't bite, but sometimes she'll ooze out some liquid

that's smelly, so if a bird picks her up,

she'll get a mouthful of that stinky stuff.

Just think what great skippers we would be

if we had eight legs like a daddy longlegs spider.

-You want to see lots of long legs?

You know what I'm thinking bro?

-I know what you are thinking, Africa!


♪They're going to the closet

♪They're going on a trip

♪They're going to the closet

♪To grab their stuff and split.

-Hey, alright!

Oh nooooooo!

To the creatures!

♪They're going on a cool adventure

♪And they don't know what's in store

♪They're coming from the closet and they're headed out the door.

-Bye Zob!

-Bye Brothers!

While they're gone, I'll try and figure out what

kind of legs the tiger salamander larva is going to grow.

-If you want to check out an amazing world of legs...

-...come to Africa!

-Legs on the move.

-Giraffes' long legs give them a huge stride when they run.

And look who's poking around in the water, a black-winged stilt.

I love the backwards bending legs of wading birds.

What looks like their knee joint is actually their ankle joint.

See it?

Compare your ankle to her ankle.

Now a flamingo is a wading bird too and her long legs

make it easy for her to walk around in the water looking for food.

She eats crustaceans, like shrimp,

and get this, the more shrimps a flamingo eats, the pinker she is.

How about those tree-trunk-like legs of hippos?

Those legs have to support up to seven thousand pounds.

Rhinos aren't far behind, they have to support almost four thousand pounds.

And have enough juice to charge.

-Elephant legs support the most weight of all,

up to thirteen thousand pounds.

To the spotted hyena, these legs look like tree trunks.

Legs tell you a lot about a creature and his lifestyle.

-And for a lot of creatures,

legs are survival.


He's captured me.

Now I know what an impala feels like.

Legs are life to an impala.

She has to outrun a lot of predators

and if something happens to her legs, she's in trouble.


And an impala's legs don't only run fast,

they make huge leaps over logs and tall grass.

-I've got to try it.

-Me too!

To run like an impala you have to zig and zig...

...and leap and jump...

...and kick.

Chris these flying feet are hard to keep up with.

-I know. But we got to go faster.

-You know what they say about the slowest creature in the herd.


But I've got an idea!

If you want to know what it's like to have the

running, jumping, zigzagging, high-kicking legs of an impala,

think of it this way.

-Imagine that we're impalas and these wheels are our legs.

-And a predator is after us.

-Now imagine what would happen if suddenly our legs disappear.


-Martin, lions!


It's hunting time.

They're coming in.

Oh no! I really wish we had legs.

-Yeah, you can see why legs are really important for impalas and gazelles.


Gazelles will use their legs to get out of here, but what about us?

How about this?

-Now let's imagine that our impala legs reappear.


Legs are life!

All right legs, peddle us home.

I wonder who he's talking to now?

-Let's find out.

-They'll be here soon, oh there they are.

-Zoboo what are you up to now?

-I'm hanging out with my spotted, long-bodied, short-legged friend.

That's Martin and Chris.

They like to walk on two legs most of the time.

Hard to believe but true.

Oh yeah, and you know what, if I spill itching powder on them,

then they scratch with all their legs.

A lot of creatures use legs to scratch.

Everybody has different legs.


You like it here in Animal Junction?


It's full of all different climbers

and runners and,

and all different creatures with different legs.

Oh, you want to play?

All right, let's go!

Look at those short little legs.

-They're short legs but they can really move.

-Great idea, let's all use our legs.

I'll leap and climb with mine.

-Check out these short climbing legs.

This is a genet, she is a spectacular climber.

She moves through the tree limbs with such ease.

And part of it is because of her retractable claws.

The claws come out when she wants to dig into the tree branches

and then go back in when she doesn't need to.

Genets have such good balance.

They can walk out on the smallest tree branches.

Genets have really neat markings around their eyes.

Genets like to come out at night so they see really well in the dark.

Like most night creatures, her eyes are really big to let more light in.

This genet is an amazing creature and you'll never

guess who she's related to.

-Popcorn, the binturong...

except she's a lot heavier.

A binturong and a genet come from the same family

called the vivaridae, found mostly in Asia and Africa.

And like the genet, the binturong spends

a lot of time up there in the trees.

She's in the same family and has the same short climbing legs,

but there are a lot of differences.

First of all,

she's totally black, no spots at all.

Look at these claws, they're longer claws and they're not retractable.

Another similarity between these two cousins are their long whiskers.

But you know what?

The binturong has an added climbing advantage over the genet,

this prehensile tail.

A prehensile tail is a tail that can grab on to things.

-It's like having another leg.

-What a face.

Check it out, she's looking for a place to sleep.

Is that comfortable Popcorn?

All right, you just hang out there.

I'm a little tired myself.

Maybe a nap is a good idea.

Good thinking.

-Hey hold it.

I love legs, I could explore the world of legs forever

but there is one thing I got to know.

I got to see if the larva is growing any legs yet.

What kind will they be?

-Let's see what's happening with the tiger salamander larva.

-What kind of legs has he grown?


They're still just little stubs.

-Well, it takes a few days for a tiger salamander's legs to grow

and even longer to become a full grown salamander.

-Yeah, that takes a whole summer.

-I can't wait that long, I'm leaping back to Madagascar tonight.

-Well it's a good thing we're in Animal Junction

where sometimes things happen a little faster.

-Check it out.

A salamander starts out as an egg.

After about a month, he hatches in the water.

He breathes with gills like a fish, as we see him now,

only his gills are on the outside of his body,

not on the inside like a fish. See those feathery things?

Those are the gills.


-He grows bigger and bigger and changes and before long, he grows legs.

After a few months, he leaves the water and crawls up on land

where his short crawly legs are exactly what he needs.

-Short crawly legs, you've got really nice legs tiger salamander,

and I should know, cause I'm a leg guy.

-And these legs are perfect for a tiger salamander's lifestyle.

-That's because tiger salamanders live underground

and when you live underground, you need short legs.

-Oh look, he's looking for a place to burrow!

He's going underground!

Once the tiger salamander goes underground,

he uses his short crawly legs to dig tunnels and crawl through them.

These legs are perfect for underground dwelling salamanders

and underground is where they can find earthworms to eat.

-The way he eats reminds me of one time in Zobooland.

I was leap, leap, leaping...

when I bumped into...

well, I didn't know who I bumped into

until she pulled their head out of the ground...

It was Wiggy Waxwing slurping up a root noodle.

"Hi Wiggy," I said.

-Hi Zoboo. Can't talk.

Want more slurpy root noodles...

Oh, another one!!

More! More! More!

-Wiggy was wigging out all over gobbling root noodles!

Go Wiggy!

Until she found a root noodle that wasn't a root noodle at all!

It was Baby Zoboomafooasaurus!

-Ha ha! Wiggy wanna play?

-Wiggy was so full of root noodles that all she wanted to do

was slide down Baby Zoboomafooasaurus over and over!

So we slid down Baby Zoboomafooasaurus all day.

The end.

-We live in a world of legs.

♪This animal is a friend of mine

♪From the tip of his nose to his funny behind

♪All the friends that we met today are special in their own way

♪We've all got different names but we're really all the same

♪Thanks for dropping by we're glad you came

♪These animals are friends of mine

♪They jump and swim, crawl, fly and climb

♪One more thing we have to say,

♪Go make an animal friend today! Yeah!

Okay legs, take me home.

-Bye buddy!

-Bye Brothers!

-Look at those legs leap.

-And we hope that your legs take you on some great adventures.

-See you everybody.

-See you next time.

Hi! My name is Ally and this is Rosie.

Hi, we're the Kratt brothers,

every creature adventurer knows you have to be careful around animals.

-Because sometimes an animal can get a little scared of you

and then she might think she has to defend herself.

-That's why you should only go near an animal when an adult says, "It's okay."

Right Zoboo?