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Mummy Murders, The (2024)

Posted: 12/31/23 23:13
by bunniefuu
[crickets chirping]

[eerie music]

[typewriter keys clacking]

[upbeat music playing

over stereo]

[loud bang]

[music quiets]

[eerie music]

[woman screaming]

[knocking at door]

[dramatic organ music]

Police department.

Police department,

is anybody home?

Police department,

is anybody home?

Police department, anybody home?


Police department.


Ma'am, are you okay?



[typewriter keys clacking]

[typewriter keys clacking]

[upbeat guitar music

playing over stereo]

[bar din]

[keys clacking]

[muttering indistinctly]

[server] How was everything?


It was just fine.

-Can I get you anything else?


Um, maybe a cookie.


Can I take this from you?

-Yeah, please.

-I'll be right back.

[man clears his throat]

Do I know you?


You're such

a beautiful woman, Alexis.

Such a beauty is

rarely seen unaccompanied.

-How do you know my name?

-[man] Oh.

I know a lot about you.

Is everything all right?

Yes. Can you bring me

something to drink, please?

[server] Absolutely.

What would you like?

I suppose a glass of milk

should hit the spot.

Those cookies look delicious.

I'm just a big fan.

I know you're a reporter

and I've seen all of your work.

I was really hoping you

would write about me someday.

Wow. Do you, now?

You know, I feel like

I'm at a bit of a disadvantage

because you know so much

about me

and I'm completely

in the dark over here about you.

[man] How can I remedy that?

I-- I suppose

telling me who you are.

I'm a local artist.

Have I ever seen your work?

I guarantee it.

[server] Just holler

if I can get you anything else.

[Alexis] That's disgusting.

So, how long

have you been a reporter?

[Alexis] Longer

than I'd like to admit.

Do you enjoy it?

-Most of the time.

-[man] Why not all the time?

'Cause it's my job...

to see the turmoil

that humans create,

no matter how

hard it is to watch.

But there are some things

that I'd rather not see.

So you consider

your obligation to the public

more important

than your personal feelings.

-I suppose so.

-[man] Hmm.

Reporters are losing

faith with the public anyway.

Most of us believe

you would lie for a story.

-And what do you think?

-What do I think?

[Alexis] Yeah,

what do you think?

Do you think reporters

would lie for a story?

I know they do.

Do you think

I would lie for a story?

[man] Hmm.

I don't

think you have it in you.


Are you saying that because

I'm right in front of you,

or because that's

what you actually believe?

[man chuckles]

I suppose there's an easier way

to go about this.

And what's that?

I'm just asking you

if you would lie for a story.

Ask me.

Alexis, would

you lie for a story?


And I have.

I mean,

it's the nature of the beast.

If the headline

is jarring just enough...

they might pay attention.

But it's my job to make

sure that they pay attention.

I suppose you'd

have to from time to time.

[Alexis] That's the way it goes.

[sips] Hmm.


the way it goes.

But what if the story's

juicy all by itself?

I mean, really juicy story.

Those are hard to come by.

I mean,

every story is gonna need a

little tweak in here and there--

Wait, wait, wait.

Am I being interviewed?

Is this some-- is this some

kinda gag from the office?

-All of this never bores you.

-[Alexis] None.

I love my job.

It's gonna

have its pros and cons,

but it--

it was Arthur, wasn't it?

Did Arthur put you up to this?



All right,

Mr. Nice-dressed-artist.

Look, I really appreciate

this riveting conversation,

but I need

to get back to my work.

-So if you could just--

-Of course.

But before I go

I'd like to give you something.

-What's that?

-A good story.

One that I doubt

you'll have to change for...

public consumption.


Huh. What's the story?

It's not going to be that easy.

You're an investigative

journalist, after all.

Tell you what.

I will tell you a story.

And if you can guess who I am,

then I'll give you inside scoop.

Fair enough?


I mean, it's not like

I have much of a choice now,

-does it?

-[man] Alexis,

you always have a choice.

I promise you won't regret it.

It started

when I was 14 years old.

Still living

at home with my parents.

When I first developed

an interest in art.

You see that son?

The bait is just

as important as the trap.

Good bait appeals

to the needs of your prey.

They'll be so distracted

by their own hunger

won't think to look

for the hook that's waiting.

Don't feel sorry for 'em.

Life is survival of the fittest.

There are two kinds

of people in this world,

those who can k*ll

and those who can't.

Those who can't k*ll...



Catching them is easy

once you know how.

[somber music]

I never got the chance to tell

you how I felt about you.

How I feel about you.

I used to stare at you

every day in gym class.

You never really

gave me the time of day.

No one really does though.

I always told myself

that one day

you'd be mine,

one way or another.

You were going to be mine.

We could go to prom

together and homecoming,

graduate and make babies.

Now, there's no more time.

I wasted the time I had,

and now you're gone.

I won't be making

that mistake again.

[camera shutter clicking]

Following day...

Jessica's family

brought her clothes in

for her service.

My father was away

attending to another service

and asked me

to get her ready.

Standard procedure

is to declothe the body,

bathe it, and get it ready.



was everything that

a teenage boy ever dreamed of.

She was

at that age when a--

when a young girl

was becoming a woman.

And for me,

there's nothing more


I'd often thought

about how nice it would be to...

go to a movie with Jessica

or perhaps even prom someday.

Knowing that this

was my last opportunity, I...

seized it.

When I had finished, I...

got her dressed...

kissed her cheek...

said goodbye.

Do you know who I am?

Say it.

-You're the Mummy m*rder*r.

-[man] Hmm.

Technically, I embalm.

We don't "mummy" anything.

But, uh, very nice to meet you.

They arrested him

six months ago.

[man laughing] No, no, I--

I assure you, I'm the one

and only Charles Booth.

Poor bastard

arrested for my crimes.

[Alexis] Why are you here?

[man whispering] To give you

a story. Don't you remember?

And I wouldn't suggest

making a scene.

Besides, you're really

gonna wanna hear

how this turns out.

Whose finger is that?

Now you're asking

the right questions, Alexis.

I would love

to continue, if I may.

I've lost my appetite.

I tend to have

that effect on people.

It's a shame

to let them go to waste.

I continued my embalming

for a few more years, but...

seems as if everyone

in this small godforsaken town

just stopped dying.

Kind of indicative

of a small town back then.

But then Alexis,

someone did die.

Someone very important.

[eerie music]

[boy] Mommy?

[woman groaning]

[groaning loudly]

[man] I became a bit

numb after my mother died.

I tried to lose myself

in the work.

I-- I loved the work.

Not necessarily

the act of embalming,

but-- but the whole process.

Caring for a body pleased me

like nothing ever had.

I started

thinking how to get a body.

I dug one up once,

but it wasn't the same.

There was no blood

to see drain,

to watch the body change colors

and the last of life

to leave their body.

The craving to embalm

a living person became too much.

[crickets chirping]

[Alexis] You're sick.

[man] I'm just seeking

that in which I find beauty.

Isn't everyone guilty of that?

[Alexis] Yeah. It's not

the seeing that's the problem.

-[man] No?

-[Alexis] No.

-[man] It's exactly--

-[Alexis] It's what you do

when you find

what you're looking for.

[man laughs] Darling,

that's my favorite part.

[Alexis] Your way

of curing your boredom

was to k*ll a girl that

you just met and embalm her?

[man] It was. It is.

It's like losing my virginity

each and every time.

Except with so much

more fulfillment than sex

alone could ever offer.


What did you do with her? Huh?

Do you

even know her name?

[man] Of course,

I remember her name.

I'll never forget it.

Tammy was her name.

I didn't really know what

to do with Tammy after that.

So I waited for it to get dark.

My parents went to sleep,

and I took Tammy

upstairs to my room.

I spent three nights with Tammy.

But eventually, she began to rot

and deteriorate as they all do.

There seems

no amount of embalming fluid

can stop the inevitable.

[Alexis] Do you--

Do you ever have any guilt?

[man] I can't say that I did.

I suppose it's because I treat

them as the best of friends.

They provide me fulfillment.

I respect them for that.

I treat their bodies

better than maybe you have ever

been treated

in your life, Alexis.

You see, I don't

believe in the soul.

I believe

we are the flesh

we look at each

and every morning in the mirror.

You can't touch the human

spirit, but you can touch flesh.

-And flesh is beautiful.


Is that what you want

the headline to read?

[man] It has a nice ring

to it, no?

I'd probably...

go in a different direction.

Whatever you think

gets the most subscribers.

I don't doubt

that I'm not gonna find anything

as provocative as this ever.

Hmm. You just might.

[server] Can I get

you guys anything?

We are fine actually.

Thank you so much.

You've been so kind today.

[server] Just

call me if you need me.

Thank you.

-Where was I?


-You were saying there's more.

-[man] That's right.

Whose finger is this?

Now you're asking

the right questions.

Let's see here.


She is a sinner.

She's currently sleeping

with her sister's husband.

Well, that's shitty

but she doesn't

-deserve to die for that.

-Who said she's dead?

-Is she not?


Still very much alive.

But she doesn't

have much time left.

f*ck you.

And f*ck this story.

You're sick.

Where is she?

I really think we should

get back to the story.

I believe that would

be better for everyone involved,

don't you think?

Good. Now...

where was I?

I was in my 20's and I was

really growing into an artist.

Not only did I find

the most beautiful canvases

the land had to offer...

but I would

turn each one of them

into my very own Picasso.


So, what got

you into Shakespeare?

I don't see a lot

of males in that class.

You noticed that too.

I'm a bit

of a romantic, I guess.

What about you?

Well, I was

in high school theater

and was asked

to play a part in Hamlet.

I liked the story

so much that I read more

and more of his stories.

I wanted

to understand everything

he wanted us to understand

about every character he wrote.

The words became sweeter

the more I knew.

Shakespeare was my first love.


Not the last, I'm sure.

This great love

you speak of,

is he in your past,

present, or future?

Is that your way

of asking if I have a boyfriend?

I suppose it is.

Well, I'm single,

so not my past.

Because I'm assuming

if he's my great love,

he wouldn't

be in my past

and obviously clearing up

my present situation.

So I guess I'd have to say

he's in my future.

Well, I'm in your future.

So, that could possibly

mean I'm your great love.

Any thoughts?

Well, that depends.

[eerie organ music]

[woman moaning]


S-- Stop, stop, stop.



[gasping for air]




[young man] Come on.

To die. To sleep.

To sleep for chance to dream.

I suppose you feel

better because you-- you what?

You appreciated them.

Now don't downplay

it so much, Alexis.

I did more than appreciate them.

I became

their greatest love

and they became mine

for a brief moment anyway.

Only to be forgotten again.

I mean, at least until

you find another great love.

And this cycle

starts all over again, right?

Becoming the love of one

does not make me forget

lovers I had before.

I merely moved on, so to speak.

Everyone does it.

Once a body dies

and begins to rot, we bury it.

And that place

in our heart in which they live


a great gaping hole.

And that hole must be refilled.


And I'm sure you've

refilled that hole many times.

Many times. Suppose

it depends on who you ask.

I don't think

we'd get two different opinions

on that,

regardless of who we asked

or how

I ask that question.

Don't speak too soon.

You'd be surprised

the answers you get

if you ask

the right questions

to the right people.

I would hope not.

[man] Well, let's agree

to disagree, shall we?

-I guess we have to.

-[man] Hmm.

[server] How you doing?

Would you like another?

I-- Top me off.

Yes, please.

And, um, a glass

of wine for the lady.

-Red, isn't it?

-[Alexis] Ros.

I trust you're

okay with another drink.


I could use

another one right about now.


-whose finger is that?


Still trying

to jump to the end, aren't we?

Give me something.

[man] Let's see.

I know.

This girl is currently

hooked to my machine.

This girl is a real winner.

She'll be my 25th.

Did you say 25?

The report

says there's up to 20.


Number 25.

That's a big deal.

Chose a special girl for this.

-Uh, a real winner.

-[Alexis] Yeah?

What's your idea of a winner?

My idea of a winner

is someone that gets

what's coming to them

and this one will.

[Alexis] Hmm.

The police believe the bodies

were all embalmed alive.

Different color hair,

makeup, costumes.

When was it that

you decided you wanted

to use embalming

as your method of m*rder?

Hmm. It's a very

good question, Alexis.

Occurred to me some time ago

that I was losing out

on precious time

to be spent with my loves.

They were already dead

by the time I started

my process so I decided

to try something different.

Embalming them alive.


[Alexis] Did they suffer?

[man whispers] Thank you.

It turns out

it's incredibly painful, yes.

Um, write this down.


The blood is replaced

with a formaldehyde

based solution,

which is pumped

directly through

the main arteries.

It would feel

as if their skin

were being broiled

right off of their bones.

My way of purging

their souls, if you will.

What a way

to treat your great loves.

Love is pain.

Isn't that what they say?

[Alexis] I wouldn't know.

My husband and I don't

cause each other pain.

Oh, sure you do.

Maybe not directly.

But indirectly,

Jeff and you cause

each other just as much pain.

Maybe more in some cases.

Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.

I'm also out there

purging people's souls.

I can see that in you, Alexis.

I see it within you.

What's that supposed to mean?

It means you

and I were not so different.

We're both artists.

I can't think

of a single f*cking way

that we would be alike.

-Oh, I can think of several.

-[Alexis] Name one.

I fear that would take us

too far off of topic.

So you do have a fear?

Well, of course, I have fear.

I'd have to be inhuman

to not have fear.

Well, that

sounds about right to me.

[man] Hmm.

Do you care to hear

the rest of the story or not?

You are once quoted as saying,

"It is my job to see

everything that man produces."


Well, I'm a man

and I'm producing.


You produce victims.

I produce art.

Excuse me, for just one--

[gentle guitar music

playing over stereo]

[bar din]

[man clears throat]

The following summer, I decided

to enlist in the military.

Air Force to be exact.

It was a good gig.

I didn't have to wear a uniform.

I didn't have to be locked

behind some gate in some base.

I was allowed

to interact and roam freely

with the local population.

Lucky you, roaming freely.

Well, I was enjoying it,

if I must say so myself.

But something was missing.

By this time it'd been a few

years since I created anything

and I was really

starting to ache.

Then one day,

as fate would have it,

I was sent to Mexico

for some low-key research.

"Low key research."

Yes. Have you

ever been to Mexico?

[Alexis] I mean,

we're only a couple hours

from the border, who hasn't?

Well, I was a little bit

closer than just a few hours.

I was stationed

in a small border town.

I had no oversight.

I did have a translator

if I needed it,

but my Spanish was good enough.

I grew a beard, tanned,

just blended in.

Just a regular wolf among sheep.

Yeah. Yes,

I like that.

That's not a compliment.

Well, one night I saw her.

She was so beautiful

she could have been Miss Mexico.

Her hair and her skin.

I found myself wondering,

was her skin cold to the touch,

or had the Mexican

sun warmed it just enough?

I wanted her

right then and there

but I knew

that it would take time and...

I decided

to retire to my room.

But the more I stayed there,

I could hear her...

calling to me as

if she desired to be fulfilled.

So what did you do?

My anticipation was so great

that I knew I had to find her.

I started

my journey by going

from cantina to cantina,

until, as if fate

put her right there

in front of me there she was.

I found a seat in the back

of the bar and sat there

with my ceversa just

watching her, observing her.

Tell me, Alexis,

how is your Spanish?

It's not.

When they were

speaking about...

death and the brethren.

I heard a superstition.

One of the men said

something along the lines

of [speaking Spanish].

Which simply translated,


"the dead always come outta

the house feet first."


By positioning

their feet facing the door

they are

their own symbol of death.

[chuckles] I thought

it was clever at the time.

It's something

I still do to this day.

My-- hmm.

My first bit of a-- artistic

signature, if you will.

[Alexis] I see.

And the girl?

Came out of the house

feet first, the next day.

-No embalming.

-[man] No embalming.

-[Alexis] How did that feel?


Like something was missing.

How many victims in Mexico?

Just her.

I left the following

week and never even saw

an article about her.

Like most young women

that die in Mexico,

their lives are meaningless.

Throwaway canvases,

if you will.

As far as I'm concerned,

the most important part

of her legacy,

she will forever

be part of my legacy.

That's a real self-serving

way to think about it.

Not to mention

it makes you an assh*le.

-[man] Does it?

-Little bit.

So be it.

[Alexis] So then what?

I left the military

and it was time to return home.

By this time,

both of my parents were gone

and someone had to take

over the family homestead.

The funeral home?

Yes. The funeral home.

Although it'd been out

of commission for some time

and the sign outside

no longer worked.

The one thing it did have

was a treasure chest

in the basement.

All the paints,

all the brushes,

all the embalming fluid

I could ever need.

The one thing it was missing...



Is that what

you call them? Your canvas?

[man] Magnificent.

Soul consuming canvas.

But I was so busy

with my grandmother

for the next few months

that I didn't really have time

to create any art.

You see, she had dementia.

She forgot

who she was half the time.

She would even

forget me from time to time.

I really cherished those final

months with her. But...

it was in her last day

that she truly captured

my imagination.

How so?

Well, she was from Ireland.

She moved to the States

when she was very, very young.

She would tell my mother

all the stories of the old land.

What kind of stories?

Uh, fairytales,

leprechauns and fairies,

and things of that nature.

The last day I went

in to visit her,

she was praying

at the end of her bed

and she jumped up, frightened.

She said that a banshee had

visited her the night before.

[Alexis] A banshee?

[man] Yes. Banshees

are said to be, uh,

moments of death

from the old land they--

they call out to those

that are just about to die.

[eerie instrumental

string music]

I am sorry to hear that.

So, is that why

all of your loves

are made to look

so unique?

[man] Yes, exactly.

You know,

the one thing the police

have never been able to figure

out is ever since that day,


I have a project picked out,

I'll paint

a portrait of a banshee

the same as my target

then sign it in blood.

Then I'll take

my painting home with me.

No one ever saw these paintings?

How often do

you look at your walls?

[Alexis] I mean,

maybe a lot more now.

Then what'd you do?

Her name was Amanda Carpenter.

I remember her.

The police haven't

released very much about her,

except that it was you.

Everything with Amanda

went perfectly as planned.

I left nothing for the police.

From the time that

I saw her in the park

with her friends

to the time that I returned home

with my painting,

everything went smooth.

I-- I admit,

I still get a little bit

of excited

when I think about Amanda.

She reminded

me a lot of...


This was the first time

I ex*cuted everything

to perfect precision.

I became a real artist that day.

Is that what was

so special about it?


This was the first time

I was able

to really create without anybody

looking over my shoulder.

My parents were gone.

I was no longer in the military

and I had no school

to report to.

I was my own man

coming into my artistry.

The first thing

I decided to do

was to come up with a plan,

something to set me aside,

to make me different

from other serial K*llers.

So many K*llers,

they're sloppy.

They leave bodies in ditches,

evidence everywhere.

Their biographies,

if I'm being honest, bore me.

I knew that I was better

than that, Alexis.

I know that I'm so much

better than that.

It's sad that you think so.

Is it sad

to have pride in one's work?

I mean,

over a decade

and not even close

to being captured.

You don't think

that's worthy of pride?

Whatever you say.

[man sighs]

When I had my plan figured out

and it was perfected,

I knew it was time to hunt.

That's when you found Amanda.

[man] Yes.

[operatic music playing]

I saw her running in the park

one day with a group of friends.

She really stood out

the way Miss America

stands out

amongst other contestants.

The way a dove stands out

amongst a group of pigeons.

She was my dove.

You know, doves

are said to mate for life?

[Alexis] Yeah. Well,

in your case, until death.

[man] I followed her

obsessively for weeks.

She had a schedule as most do.

You know when

you develop a schedule,


you're an easy target.

[Alexis] I see.

[Alexis] What happened next?

[man] It was the last day

of the work week, a Friday.

She always had weekends off.

I waited

for her to leave

and got all

of my equipment ready,


as an exterminator,

and snuck into her house.

[ominous organ music]

[Alexis] Why exterminator?

[man] No one really

looks at exterminators, Alexis.

I had everything that I would

need in a bag on my back.

Paints, brushes,

and embalming fluid.

[chuckles] Even these little

mounts that I found online

that I could use to pose

the bodies until they hardened.

It was perfect.

By this time, I knew

exactly what I wanted to do.

So I painted her portrait.

I snuck

into her house one night

to hang it on the wall.

I felt like

a kid before Christmas.

I couldn't help myself.


crept down the hall and looked

in on her room while she slept.

I thought about

how easy it would be to...

to k*ll her

right then and there.

I could just walk

right up, snatch her life.

[Alexis] Why didn't you?

[man] That wasn't part

of the plan.

If I k*lled

her right then and there,

people might

come looking for her

if she didn't

show up for work

and I wanted to make sure

that I got everything

ex*cuted in time

for my plan.

[Alexis] And she didn't

see the Banshee painting at all?

[man] They never do.





[screaming, sobbing]


[Amanda whimpers]

You'll love this.

I know it's hard

for you to see it right now,


you're gonna be amazing.

You see, Amanda...

you're dying right now.

You're rotting

from the inside out.

You don't even realize it.

What I'm doing...

it's for you.

I love you just the way you are.


your breath.

I wanna save that.

I wanna save you

for all eternity.

Give me just

a couple of minutes...

and we'll get started.

No matter...

how many times I do this...

it never--

never gets old.

Really don't want you

to be frightened.

You are not my first.

I know what I'm doing.

So don't you worry.

These are so cool.

[ominous organ music]



Now this...

a woman of your beauty,

I'm sure you never

had any thoughts or ideas

of fixing your imperfections

'cause you don't have any.

But this, this is a very,

very important tool

for what I do.

This is as Picasso

would say it,


I would rather you just use

your imagination for this part.

It's not really good.

Tendon here.



It's not you, it's me.

The banshee

I painted for her was based

on an old photo

of Queen Catherine.

The way she was poised

always stood out to me,

conveying inner strength

and beauty all at the same time.

I find that comical

that you would actually

consider strength an

admirable quality of a woman.

Inner strength in women

is very sexy, very intoxicating.

I posed her there in

the chair and waited for

her to regain consciousness.

Why would you wait for her to

regain consciousness if you had

intentions on putting

her on her in the first place?

When they regain consciousness,

Alexis, they can see,

they can hear,

they can feel,

but they can't move.

Quite the visual.

You can tell

so much from the eyes, Alexis.

I could tell by every

eye movement

what her body would do if--

Of course, it couldn't.

I softly whispered to

her what I was going to do next.

And as I did that,

a single tear rolled

from her eye down to her lips.

I made my first incision,

inserted the tube,

and ran into the bathtub.

Of course,

watching it while you're

choking them

is satisfying as well.

But something about

the embalming process,

it takes much, much longer.

I cherished those moments.

And recording to memory every

change in color,

every tear,

no matter how gradual

the change might have been.

God, the pain

she must have felt.

[Joe] She went

through a great deal of pain.

They all do.

The blood running from

her body to the tub

went from red to pink,

indicating her transformation

was almost complete.


I still had to do

her hair and makeup.

Luckily the average mortician

is well versed in cosmetology.

I got her dressed, matched

her hair and makeup perfect.

You know, to this day,

I can't think of a single thing

I could have done to

make her more exquisite.

I cleaned up,

grabbed my painting,

and took one last look

at her there posed in the chair

like the queen she truly was.

I really doubt

you left her feeling

anything like royalty.

Well, she looked the part,

if I must say so myself.

I left there a new man.

I left there an artist.

An artist with

a signature and all.


So what does that mean?

Where does that lead us now?

What does it all amount to?

The same thing it's been

every day since then.

A beautifully posed copy

of their own personal Banshee

feet facing the door,

of course.

Of course.

So that's 24

murders in your life.

You know, it includes your early

murders and your numbers?

No, I started to recount once

I officially became an artist.

Um, I decided I was going

to be a-- a new man made by,

but not dictated

by my earlier work.

If I'm being honest, I aspired

to be like my idol Dennis Rader.

That's BTK for your paper.

The amount of work

that he put in and the amount of

time that it took to do the work

that he did was fantastic.

If you really think about it,

he could have gone on forever.

It wasn't until

he walked into the office

and basically said,

"Hey, I'm the BTK k*ller."

That's art.

To go on as long as he did,

to ascend to a whole new level,

a new art.

Your ego is unreal.

How did-- how did

you stay hidden for so long?

What did you do besides k*ll?

One of the benefits of being

in the United States military is

you get the credit for every

bit of training that you take.

By the time I was separated,

I had a degree.

You are looking at a

investigative assistant for

a local law firm.

You're sh1tting me.

You've just been out here

in plain sight the whole time?

That's art.

You have

brought this full circle.

Yes, ma'am.

Can I get you a check?

Uh, no. Can I have

another one of these, please?


-Thank you.

-You as well, sir?

-I'm fine. Thanks.

So what's next?

Who is this "25?"

And then more important,

why is she so special?

When the media and

the law enforcement decided

to credit my work

to another man, I said,

"Joe, it's time to get

back out there and create."

That's when

I saw the perfect target.

At work.

That's a little on the nose for

any original artist like you.

Well, the classic are

classic for a reason, Alexis.

I knew I'd seen

her somewhere before,

but I quite couldn't place it.

So I pulled her information

and got her address.

-Just like that.

-Just like that.

Now once I have the address of

the target, this is the hardest

part about being serial k*ller,

if I'm being honest.

The amount of time

it takes into getting to

really know your target,

their families,

their eating habits,

do they work out?

Who are they f*cking?

It's quite taxing

if I must say so myself.

I feel for you.

[chuckles] I really don't mind

the work, if I'm being honest.

So, apparently,

she was everything

you've been looking for.

She truly was.

It turns out I had

seen her somewhere before.

So I followed her obsessively

for weeks after that.

Another lonely woman,

easy prey.

You know, I'm sure that

being the coward that you are,

you would

choose a woman like that.

You know,

someone who doesn't have

anyone to care for

her if she went missing.

[Joe] You think so little of me.

I really do.

Well, then it should

make you happy to know

that she is married,

has a husband and a job.

A real artist prefers

to work hard not easy.

It's only when it looks

easy that it becomes effortless.


So do you feel like you achieve

something by leaving

a family behind to grieve?

Irrelevant. Emotion has

nothing to do with it.

Although I'm sure

there's certain

circumstances where

that might be different.

I'm-- I'm not sure yet.

So she's kidnapped

or incapacitated

elsewhere, but then if

you k*lled the husband

it would be 26 murders,

not 25.

My little Alexis still

trying to jump to the end.

-Kind of a habit.

-I bet.

Like I said, this project's

different for a lot of reasons.

I see a lot of things

when I stalk my canvases.

I get to know

who they truly are,

who they interact with,

what their work habits are.

The other side of it is you also

get to know their families.

You get a pretty good

glimpse into their world.

And this one's an adulterer?

Do you come across

that a lot in your line of work?


do you feel like you're

punishing them for their sins?

Their sins have

nothing to do with it,

although it-- it is a bit

entertaining from time to time.

I'm sure you get a real

kick outta that.

Mm, goosebumps.

Okay, so she's, um,

sleeping with her sister's

husband as well as her own?

Actually, she's sleeping

with her sister's husband.

Wait, wait, wait.

I'm confused.

I thought the woman

that you were following

that you have at your house

of horrors right now is--

wait, is not her.

-She is not.

-It's her sister.

She is.

I guess that's a twist.

Evil sister gets k*lled.

Loyal wife

lives to see another day.

Well, it's looking like that,

but it's a little

bit too early to tell.

What about

the husband in all this?

You prefer he to die?

But I'm not--

I'm not saying that.

I just...

I find it odd

that you would

replace one woman

with another woman

because of infidelity.

But it's only

the women that pay.

I see.

So you think I'm a sexist?

If the shoe fits.

Well, you'll be happy

to know that the husband

is not going unpunished.

But not dead.

Some fates are worse than death.

Such as?

I think you should

take my word for this one.

For now, I suppose.

But I guess

we're towards the end.


where is this all going?

What's next?

Do you consider

yourself a sexual being, Alexis?

That's none of your business.

All of this

honesty flowing from me.

The story of your career handed

to you on a silver platter and

you would deprive me

of one simple question.

I would deprive you of

anything you wanted from me.

Here I thought we were flirting.

I could blow

your whistle right now.

I could scream.

Why don't we do this, huh?

Let's play a game.

It's called "Does the man with

the God complex think he can get

away with it if I

scream right now?"

-That's a dangerous game.

-Don't like the odds?

I'd say they're

slightly in my favor.

How do you figure?

I'll tell you

under one condition.

That is?

You answer my question.

Are you,

Alexis, a sexual being?

I suppose I am.

Aren't we all?

Enough to keep your

husband happy at home?

Of course.

I guess your

relationship's a special one

beyond the temptations

of the flesh.

What the hell is this? Like,

what are you talking about?



I've got a finger for you too.

I can only continue, Alexis,

if you promise to keep it down.

No sense in losing your head.


it's so unbecoming of you.


-Thank you.

What the hell is this?

That is a picture of

your husband making love to

your sister at her home,

of course.

Where did you get this?

A little something I came

across while stalking my victim.

My sister is your victim?


So if she's your victim...

Keep going.

...I'm the original.


Why me?

I knew I'd seen

you somewhere before, Alexis.

And as beautiful as a piece of

art as you would've been,

I felt that your baby sister

deserved it

just a little bit more.

When was this picture taken?

This morning. The same

place he goes every Thursday.

Do you notice anything else?


Isn't she exquisite?

I-- I know

you can't see it very well,

but she truly

is beautiful, Alexis.

-Where is she?

-She's a true piece of art.

And your sister will be

just as breathtaking very soon.

Where is she?

She's ready to

get what she deserves.

I told you what I do

for a living, Alexis.

You're not a very good reporter

if you can't figure that out.

-She's at home.


-Did you give the shot?


Where's my husband?

Do you care?

Of course I care!

You'd save them.


That's a shame.

Well, I suppose we're

at that point where it's

time for you to make a choice.

What choice?

You can choose to rush

home and save them or you can

take that recording

device you have me and

plaster me all over the news.

Very clever to turn

it on when you did Alexis.

Either choice is fine with me,

but ultimately

it is your choice.

Even if I do

choose to save them,

what makes you think

I won't go to the police?

I'm fully prepared to

disappear all over again.

New city, new canvases.

Your fingerprints

are all over the table.

I rid myself off of

fingerprints years ago.

So I either save my family

or turn you in to the police?

Think about it.

Think about what this

story could do for your career.

You think I care more

about this story than my family?

I think you should.

I don't care what you think.

Think for one moment.

You could leave the story

here and try to save them,

would you ever look

your sister in the eye again?

Would you ever make

love to your husband again?


Or wait 'til morning.

Let me

finish my pice de rsistance.

You would be doing the city

a great favor, Alexis.

Don't you think?

I could just leave right now.

Call the police and scream.

I don't think

you thought ahead very well.

Well, I certainly

hope that's not the case.

Yeah. What exactly is

your backup plan?


This button will

start the embalming process.

By clicking this button, Alexis,

you will have k*lled them both.

They will be beyond saving

by the time anyone gets there.


How are we doing up here guys?

We are doing swell.

-I'll just take the check.


Thank you all for coming in.

-Enjoy your night.

-Thank you.

It's the least I can do.

So, decision time.

What's it gonna be, Alexis?

A story or...?

The story.

You know, for such

an intelligent woman, Alexis,

I'm surprised

that you're so blind

to the world that you live in.

What's that exactly?

Even after all of this,

you might be

still asking yourself,

"But why, Joe?

Why do what you do?"

Well, Alexis, you should know

more than most that we live in

a world, a very cynical world,

where we are told on TV

every day what to think,

what to believe, who to pray to.

I'm tired of living

in that world, Alexis.

Everybody has

mommy and daddy issues.

Everybody longs to be something

that they are not, Alexis.

But it is the few,

the select few like myself

that choose to

live outside of the lines

that society

has deemed acceptable.

You may be asking yourself,

"But what, Joe? What can we do?

What can I do, Joe,

to not be part of your art?"

I leave you with this.

Live your life.

Long to be infamous.

Long to be famous.

Reach for it,

see if you can grab it.

Do what it is in your heart

that makes you happy.

I know that I am.

Every day people live

meaningless, pointless lives.

Most of them

will be forgotten before

the dirt even

hits the casket, Alexis.

Not me.

Do you wanna know why?

Men like you.

Because I choose to

live outside the lives

that society

has deemed acceptable.

Because I choose to

do what's in my heart.

We all have mommy

and daddy issues, Alexis.

Do you think

that that has stopped

me from being who I truly am?


As far as I'm concerned,

the second that Mommy

and Daddy got outta the way,

I truly grew as the artist

that I always knew I could be.

I really long

to read your book, Alexis.

[ominous music]

[screaming] Oh my God!

No! No!

Oh God, no! No!


Oh ! Oh my God.

Oh my God.

[screaming] Oh my God!


Oh God!

[typewriter clacking]

[birds chirping]

[door closes]

Hey, I'm home.


All right.

Hey, you want some champagne?

Hey, how was it?

Huh? Nothing different.

Rich men, low brain cells.

Well, I'm gonna do laundry.

You need anything?


Yeah. Hold on.

Let me get my towels real quick.


-And guess what?






-It's so incredible.

[suspenseful violin music]

What? You're scaring me.

I'm gonna tell you to

do something and I want

you to listen to me.



Go to your car.

Go to your car.

I want you to run to your car.

I want you run to your car!

Run to your car and just drive

[indistinct] until I call you.



Okay. Okay. Okay.

Okay. You wanna play a game?

Let's play a game.

[music stops]


[birds chirping]


violin music resumes]

[knife drop clang]

God, no!

Oh my God.


Oh my God.

No! Oh my God.

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.


I'm so sorry.

[phone ringing]

Hello old friend.

I'm sorry I haven't

kept in better touch.

Been a bit of

a painting frenzy as of late.

Good to see

that our book has catapulted us

to the fame

that we both deserved.

Did you happen to

catch my last piece?

Took me a little bit

longer than I expected

but you can't rush art.

Anyway, ought

to be letting you go.

I'm sure you have

funeral homes to visit.

Books to write.

Until next time, beautiful.

["Habanera (Carmen)"

by Georges Bizet]

[lyrics in french]

[typewriter clacking]