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01x40 - Bzzz

Posted: 12/31/23 23:08
by bunniefuu
♪ While walking in the woods one day ♪

♪ Chris and martin saw something strange ♪

♪ A little leaping lemur who liked to bounce and play ♪♪

♪ They thought of their new bouncing friend ♪

♪ Not knowing where this adventure would end ♪

♪ The animals were headed just around the bend ♪

♪ Where are they going? I don't know ♪

♪ How do we get there? Come on, let's go ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo ♪

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ We're doing the things that animals do ♪

♪ New animal friends to see ♪

♪ Animal junction's the place to be ♪

♪ Elephants jog, the baboons are leaping♪

♪ Wild dogs running, and nobody's sleeping ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo ♪

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ We're doing the things that animals do ♪

Me and you and zoboomafoo ♪

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ At animal junction, we're waiting for you ♪

Chris and martin: bzzz!

Martin: going down!

Chris: just like a couple of spiders!


What incredible superstars spiders are.

Yeah, they even make their own thread.

[Chris and martin laughing]

Chris: it's great to be like a spider!

That's because spiders are superstars!

Exactly. All you have to do is take one good look to know...

Spiders are little superstars!

And now let's call another little superstar buddy of ours.


Martin: zoboomafoo!

Martin: the lemur has landed. Zoboo's here!

Whoa! Wait up!

Zoboo? Whoa!

Did you know a superstar lemur jumper

Can jump feet from tree to tree?

I have a feeling today is going to be pretty crazy,

So let's give zoboo garbanzo beans!

Hey, zoboo... Garbanzo beans!

Yeah! Here you go.

Ok, you want-- you can't have them all.

Just take one, just take one. There you go.

One garbanzo bean's a mouthful for a lemur.



Excuse me!

Zoboomafoo! Waah!

Zoboo: hey, brothers, look!

I can't believe my mind! Another one!

Oh, hi there!

They're everywhere, everywhere!

Zoboomafoo! They're everywhere!

Who, zoboo?

Little animals, and they're all different,

And they're crawling all over.

Who could it be?

♪ Who could it be ♪

♪ This animal who I did see? ♪

♪ Can you help me guess this mystery? ♪

One was a furry crawler, but then there was another--

One with a hard shell and big, googly eyes.

♪ Who could it be ♪

♪ This animal who I did see? ♪


Mangatsika animal!

They were popping up everywhere...

All sorts of little superstar creatures.

♪ Who could it be ♪

♪ This animal who I did see? ♪

♪ Can you help me guess this mystery? ♪

Little superstar creatures.

Do you know who they are?

And one went this way... And that way...

And this way... And that way...

And this way... And that way...

And this way...


Hey, one's going this way, not that way.

So they scattered in all different directions, right?

That makes me think

That zoboo must be talking about bugs!

Mangatsika! Mystery animal's here!

Chris: bugs always scatter, so if you want to find bugs,

You have to scatter.

Let's go!

All right, now, where could they be hid?

Over here!

See this stick here? Well, fooled you, 'cause it's not a stick.

Zoboo: bug me!

She's an insect called a walking stick,

And because she looks like a stick, she can really hide.

Martin: a scorpion! Watch out for this guy,

Because he has claws that can really pinch

And a tail that stings.

Zoboo: bug me!

Scorpions like to hide out in dark, cozy places.

You never know where you're going to find bugs.

Zoboo: bug me!

Wow! How do you put

Your best foot forward if you're a millipede?

A millipede can have over legs,

And when she walks, it's like a wave of legs.

Zoboo: bug me!

One of my favorites-- a praying mantis!

Look how she cleans her arm with those finger-like mouth parts.

Zoboo: bug me! I love bugs!

Zoboo: bug me! I love bugs!


Hey, who's this guy?

Chris: that's a caterpillar,

And they come in all different colors, shapes, and sizes.

Look at her!

I'll call you lollipop-head.

He has green fur just like green puppy.

I'll call you little green puppy.

Oh, whoops! Careful.

Oh, look at him.

Ha ha ha! You're waggletail!

They're all so different, and I love them all.


So...who else is here?


Who are they?

Martin: they're dung beetles, zoboo.

Dung beetles are always rolling poop balls around.

Chris: that's because poop is their food, and they lay eggs in it.

Bugs are everywhere-- everywhere!


Chris! Watch out!

Good eye, zob!

You have to keep a sharp lookout when you're looking for bugs.

A congo chafer beetle.

Bugs don't like to be stepped on.

And I don't like stepping on bugs.

And bugs are everywhere!

Yeah! There's another congo taffamango.

What do you call him again?

He's a congo chafer beetle.

But you know what, zob?


There are so many kinds of beetles in the world,

Like this pleasing fungus beetle.

Oh, wow! She looks like congo, but not.

Martin: hey, and check out the iron clad. He's a...

Don't tell me-- a beetle, right?

You got it, zob!

There's another beetle.

Yeah, a south african weevil beetle.

And another one!

A saddle back desert dart.

And another one!

A south african grub beetle!

I can't believe my mind!

He changed his mind. He's going back the other way.

Bug me! This is too fast.

Who bug is who, bug? Which bug are you, bug?

But you know one thing all beetles have in common?

They like noses?

Yeah, but check it out.

All beetles have a hard shell to protect their soft insides.



What kind of beetle is that?

Oh, it's a martin beetle!

The amazing thing about beetles and a lot of other bugs

Is that even with all this armor, they can fly!

And this is how beetles do it.

When a beetle wants to fly,

She moves her hard wing cases out of the way,

Her wings pop out, and she buzzes away.

Did you know that ladybugs are beetles, too?

Zoboo: oh. Well, let's see how she flies. Yep, she's a beetle.

Let's see how martin flies.


Martin needs more beetle practice.


Martin, watch out for that mound of dirt behind you!


Oh, brother!

What about these superstars in the pile of dirt?

Are they beetles, too?

Martin: no, they're termites!

Termites don't have hard shells like beetles

To protect their soft bodies,

So they build really hard mounds to live in.

That's how they protect themselves.

No doubt about it-- insects are little superstars...

And they have to be.

Because a lot of creatures are out to get them.

Like a capuchin monkey,

Who's great at finding where the bugs are hiding.

Zoboo: he eats them?

Who else eats bugs?

Martin: well, there's a lizard called a thorny devil

Who loves to chow down on ants.

Zoboo: one, two... He loves to eat bugs!

Yeah, so does a sun spider.

Whoo! With so many creatures out to get you,

Sometimes even a hard shell isn't enough to protect a bug.

Bug me! Another beetle!

Silver, shiny, hard shell...

That's not a beetle, zob. That's a harmonica.

Harmonica. What does it do?

Blow on it and you'll find out.


It doesn't do anything, martin.

I know. That's because you have to take a big breath,

Put your lips on it, and blow.

Hmm. Ok.

[Plays harmonica]


[Playing harmonica]


I like that noise.

Hey, chris, give it a whirl!

Zoboo: uh-oh!


Chris, look out for the termite mound!

Oh, brother!

Is that thing growing?

I don't know,

But who's this superstar with the big legs?

Wow! Who's this green jumper?

Green is a yummy color, but I don't eat bugs.

Green is a yummy color, but I don't eat bugs.

She's a florida grasshopper.

Hey, where are you going?


A grasshopper's legs are always in position for a great big hop,

Ready to take off at a moment's notice!

Like me.


Bug, me.

Bug, me.

She can just jump away.

Jump away!

Jump away!

Martin: but sometimes even being a great jumper

Can't save a bug.

If you're not paying attention,

A creature like a slender loris

Can sneak up from behind and catch you!

It's a tough world for bugs.

That's why grasshoppers are such quick jumpers--

Because so many creatures are out to jump on them.

Now let's find some more bugs.

Hmm...i have a feeling there's a bug around here someplace.

Bug me! Did you see that?

Hey, martin! That's an incredible insect.


Right there on your...


Where in the world did this come from?

Well, you know what you have to do

When you're checking out bugs--

Look closer.

It's the termites!

What superstar builders!

Martin: these little termites built this huge mound.

Remember when I first tripped over that little hill?


Oh, oh, oh...

That was only the beginning.

Right, martin, because millions of termites

Grab mouthfuls of dirt, wet it with their spit...

Zoboo: their spit?

Spit! And their spit glues the dirt together to make the mound.

This is a huge termite mound,

And it's as hard as a rock.

Right, zob?

I like it up here.

I can see everywhere!

A lot of animals like termites and termite mounds

Because so many creatures depend on these little creatures for survival.

Termites are one of the most important insects in the world.

Tons of creatures eat them.

Like an armadillo.

He sniffs around for termites and ants all day.

Chris: how about an aardvark,

Who always enjoys a tasty meal of termites.

And don't forget about a nuthatch.

He's nuts for bugs!

Whoa. Wha-ha!

All these bugs remind me of one time in, uh...

Oh, zobooland.


I was leaping along...

Leap, leap, leap...

When I heard someone say...

Zippity-doo! How do, zoboo?

It sounded like my friend bugly, but I couldn't see him anywhere,

So I called out, "hey, bugly, where are you?"

Right here.

Oh, hi, bugly!

And then I heard a loud noise, and the ground shook.

Zoboomafooasaurus was coming,

So I jumped into the tree to get out of the way,

But bugly stayed on the ground,

And zoboomafooasaurus didn't see him.

Help me!

Help me!

"Stop!" I said.

"Zoboomafooasaurus, look down at your foot!"

Sorry, bugly. I didn't see you there.

Well, that's all right.

Thanks for saving me, zoboo.

Hey, you want to buzz around with me?

I'll take you for a ride.

Oh, bugly, I'm too big to ride on you.

Besides, bugs like you have it tough enough already.

But don't forget, zob, I'm a superstar.

Well, I can understand that! "Bug me", I shouted, "let's go!"

Just hang on tight and buzz!

Zoboo: so I did. Buzz!

So we went buzzing around zoboomafooasaurus and had fun.

The end.

Great story, zoboo,

But, you know, there's one more thing I got to know:

Who is the bug on martin's back?

I have no idea. Do you?

Bug me! Let me see.

She's gone!

There was a bug on my back?


One of the amazing things about bugs

Is they're really good at staying hidden and out of the way.

And bugs have to stay hidden

Because there are a lot of other creatures looking for them,

And you know what other creatures like to do with bugs...

Eat them! But I just want to look

At the bug that was on martin's back.

So do i!

I didn't even know there was a bug on my back!

Well, let's get looking, and we'll need your help.

You ready to help? Great!

Tell us if you see her.


I don't see anything here.

Whoops! Not here!

Martin: quick, over here!

So is this who was on my back?

Yeah, yeah! Bug me!

Great job! You found her.

Bug me!

What do you mean, "bug me"?

I mean, bug me-- tell me who this great bug is.

This is a malaysian wood nymph,

One of the largest bugs in the world!

A wood nymph.

She looks like a leaf... That's alive!

Exactly, zob.

That's the way she stays hidden from all those creatures

Who are trying to eat her-- by acting like a leaf.

And if that doesn't work...

These sharp, pointy spines all over her body

Would make any creature think twice

About eating her.

Whoa! Bug me!

Spines for protection.

Well, get this, zob.

Some caterpillars have spikes with poisonous tips

To protect them.

But others aren't that lucky.

Martin: that's right!

Remember when we saw that woollybear caterpillar?

We thought he was climbing in a bush,

But when we looked closer, we saw two insects attached to him.


Well, we took a closer look and saw that the insects

Were sucking the caterpillar's insides out.

Believe me, it's a tough world for bugs.

Bug me!

Hey, martin! Chris! I'm feeling bug-ish!

Wha-ha! Ha ha ha!

♪ I feel different, not the same ♪

♪ This kind of feeling I can't explain ♪

♪ There's only one thing that I can do ♪

♪ I feel bug-ish, how about you? ♪

♪ Bug-ish! I feel bug-ish ♪

♪ Bug-ish! I'm a boss little insect flying all around ♪

[Playing harmonica]

♪ I feel bug-ish, how about you? ♪

♪ Bug-ish! ♪

♪ Bug-ish! ♪

Chris: zoboo, you are really bugging out!

All right! But I wonder...

What does it feel like to be a bug?

Hold that thought, chris.


Zoboo: it's not a duck. It's a...

Wait a minute...

It is a duck!


Do they eat bugs?

Nope, just water plants.

I wonder what jackie's up to.

Jackie: I love ants,

But yesterday I saw a bunch of kids

Stomping on an anthill.

I ran over to them.

Hold it! Come here and look.

Jackie: I told them how great ants were.

They're incredibly strong, for one thing.

If I was as strong as an ant, I think I could lift a car.

I showed them the little hole where ants go in...

But underground, it's like a huge neighborho.

Ants make lots of tunnels and rooms to live in.

Ants are so great.

Hi, little guy.

It's a good thing jackie's out there to give ants a break.

Yeah, we need bugs. Bugs are good. Wha-ha!

You got it, zob.

If bugs disappeared,

So many other creatures would disappear, too.

So not only are bugs incredible because they're...incredible...

But also because the entire planet depends on them.

The whole planet depends on buggy superstars!

I like it!

That's why we always say...

Both: be nice to bugs!

Hey, our antennae feel trip vibrations!

They're going to the closet ♪

♪ They're going on a trip ♪

♪ They're going to the closet ♪

♪ To grab their stuff and split ♪


Come on! We'll show you what we mean.

Let's go out into the creature world

And see how important bugs are!

And we'll see it like bugs see it!

♪ They're going on a cool adventure ♪

♪ And they don't know what's in store ♪

♪ They're coming from the closet ♪

♪ And they're headed out the door ♪

We'll see you later.

Martin: whoa, bug me!

Look at this spiderweb!

It's amazing how spiders can make webs!

I wonder what it would be like to sit in a spiderweb all day?

Both: let's get bug-size!

[High voice] this is incredible!

It's like being stuck on giant monkey bars!

[High voice] yeah, everything looks so huge...

Especially that spider.

Whoa! Hey, and look at that butterfly!

She's the size of an airplane.

And how about that mosquito caught in the spider's web?

I think that mosquito is the spider's dinner!

Move over a little, chris.

I don't want to end up like that!

Forget about the spider, martin.

Somebody else is looking at us, and he looks hungry for bugs!

A sparrow! You're right, he's eyeing us.

Maybe we'd better get out of here

Before that bird makes us his dinner!

Let's get...

Both: big-size!

It was great being a spider till that bird came along.

Yeah, but there wouldn't be many birds if there weren't any bugs,

Because a lot of birds eat bugs.

Chris, look out!

Leaf cutter ants!

What amazing insects!

These little bugs are superstar workers.

They carry leaves back to their homes so they can make food.


Both: let's get bug-size!

[High voice] boy, these ants sure look busy.


Hey, I got an idea!

Let's help these ants collect some leaves.

Great idea!

Leaf cutter ants cut out sections of leaves

And then carry them down trees on their backs.


Chris: an ant can carry times his own weight!

Martin: it's great being an ant!

Chris: sure is! Hey, and look--we're almost at the anthill.

Yay! The end of the line!

We made it!

Yeah! Here you go, guys.

Whew! Hey, who's that over there?

He has long, sharp claws...

A long, pointy nose that keeps sniffing around..

And look at that long tongue!

Martin, sounds like you just described a tamandua!

He eats termites and ants and...

Both: uh-oh!

He might think we're ants!

We better get out of here!

It's time to get...

Both: big-size!

Ants are incredible little superstars!

And if there weren't any ants or termites,

There wouldn't be any tamanduas.

Grasshoppers everywhere!

Let's get bug-size!

[High voice] hey, buddy!

Grasshoppers are amazing.

A grasshopper has legs.

Her hind legs are used for jumping, and boy, can she jump!

She can jump times her own body length.

That would be like me jumping halfway across a football field.

Yeah! Plus, she has two antennae that she uses to smell with,

And just like crickets, she rubs her wings

And hind legs together to make sounds.

She even has claws to help her climb.

Jackie: yeah, that's the way.

Is that jackie?

Jackie! Jackie!

I love hiking through the woods.

We've seen some amazing creatures.

I don't think she sees us.

We're so small, remember?

She might not see us at all.

She's heading right this way--

Right for us!

Martin: what if she doesn't see us? What if she...

Both: steps on us!

No! Stop! Stop! Help!


I almost stepped on them.

It's a good thing I watch where I'm going

So I never step on these little creatures.

Martin: whew!

It's a good thing that jackie looks out

For the little creatures.

Now we know what it feels like to be a bug.

It's a totally different world.

And I bet when you're this small,

Zoboo looks totally different.

Let's go...

Both: grasshopper style!

Whoo! Yeah! We're back!

Bug me!

I'm big-size and you're bug-size!

Hey, guys, hurry up!

You got to see these bugs!

Both: let's get big-size!

Come on, hurry! They're licking me!

Yeah! Butterfly tongues.

There's nothing more amazing than butterflies

And their butterfly tongues.

That's because their tongues roll right out,

Kind of like those things you blow at birthday parties--

You know, the noisemakers.



Hoo hoo! That tickles!

They're licking me 'cause they like me.


And they're also licking up the salt

And minerals off of your skin.

Remember in the amazon

When we saw hundreds of butterflies

On the mud bank of a river?

They were licking up the salt and minerals from the mud.

But that's not the only place the butterflies were licking up salt.

They were licking the salt off a turtle's eyeballs!

They just kept licking her eyeballs

And licking her eyeballs and licking her eyeballs...

Until the turtle got so tired of being bugged by the butterflies,

She jumped in the river to get away.

It's ok, you can lick my eyeball.

Your tongue tickles. Wha-ha-ha!

Chris, who depends on butterflies?

Well, bullfrogs, for one.

A monarch butterfly can be just sitting on a twig,

Unaware of the frog below.

Then bang...

The next minute, she's eaten by the frog.

That's why butterflies fly crooked--so they won't always get caught.

Bug me!

I'm always going to watch where I leap from now on.

I don't want to bump into any butterflies.

I want to tell everybody about buggy superstars, too.

Hey, just like I told everybody about bugly in zobooland.

I was leap-leaping along...

Leap, leap, leap, leap...

Leap, leap, leap...

Hey there!

When I heard a voice!

I sat down to see if I would hear it agai.

Zoboobadee-dee! Bug me!

Who said that?

Me! My name's bugly.

Wow, you're super cool.

And I'm a superstar. Come on, let's run!

Whoa! Hop on!


Look how fast bugly runs!

Oh, bugly, bugly.

He's super fast and has a super name!

Oh, thank you! Thank you very much.

Hang on, little lemur! Ha ha ha!

Then everybody started noticing that bugly was a superstar!

Bug me! Bugly's cool!

Yeah, yeah, he's cool.

I like everything cool.

I'm bugging!

Bug me!

And then bugly--whoa!--

Started flying!

He's a superstar!


Noggendrill was right--

Bugly was a superstar!

And for the rest of the day,

Everyone in zobooland

Celebrated bugly's superstardom!

Bugly: thanks a lot!

The end.

Bugly's one of my best buddies.

Bug me!

♪ This animal is a friend of mine ♪

♪ From the tip of his nose to his funny behind ♪

♪ All the friends that we met today ♪

♪ Are special in their own way ♪

♪ We've all got different names ♪

♪ But we're really all the same ♪

♪ Thanks for dropping by ♪

♪ We're glad you came ♪

♪ These animals are friends of mine ♪

♪ They jump and swim, crawl, fly, and climb ♪

♪ One more thing we have to say ♪

♪ Go make an animal friend today! ♪



I'm bugging out.

See you! Whoo-hoo!

We're bugging out, too,

Because even though we met a lot of bugs today,

There are millions and millions more!

Most of the creatures in the world are bugs,

So if we start now and saw a bug a minute,

We still wouldn't see 'em all!


Hi. My name is melissa.

This is kelly.

Hi! We're the kratt brothers.

Every creature adventurer knows you have to be careful around animals.

Because sometimes an animal can get a little scared of you,

And then she might think she has to defend herself.

That's why you should only get close to an animal

When an adult says it's ok.

Right, zoboo?

To learn more about zoboomafoo,

And now for a joke from zoboomafoo...


Hey did you know that dogs love to play

Because they are hunters by nature.

- Yeah! I knew that!

- Yeah!

That's why they love to run around and jump,

And grab things with their mouths!

- Yeah! Because they're hunters by nature.

- Ok zoboo! I've got a riddle for you.

- Ok.

- What time is it when you have two pug puppies,


A bucket of balls?

= It's playtime!

Hey puppies! Come play with me!

Hey puppies, how are you?


No, no, no let go!

Woah! Hey! Hey!

I'm stronger than you are.