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01x39 - Stinky

Posted: 12/31/23 23:07
by bunniefuu
With the kratt brothers!

♪ While walking in the woods one day ♪

♪ Chris and martin saw something strange ♪

♪ A little leaping lemur who liked to bounce and play ♪

♪ They followed their new bouncing friend ♪

♪ Not knowing where this adventure would end ♪

♪ The animals were headed just around the bend ♪

♪ Where are they going ♪

♪ I don't know ♪

♪ How do we get there ♪

♪ Come on, let's go ♪

♪ Me, and you, and zoboomafoo ♪

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ We're doing the things that animals do ♪

♪ New animal friends to see ♪

♪ Animal junction's the place to be ♪

Elephants charging, baboons are leaping,

Wild dogs running and nobody's sleeping

♪ Me, and you, and zoboomafoo ♪

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ We're doing the things that animals do ♪

♪ Me, and you, and zoboomafoo ♪

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ At animal junction we're waiting for you ♪

Captioning made possible by u.s. Department of education and pbs

Chris: that octopus we saw was incredible.

Martin: [sniff] take a whiff.

Eew! What's that smell?


That's stinky!

Where are your sneakers?

They stink worse than ever!

It isn't coming from my sneakers.

They smell fine.

[Sniff] but that smell...

We know what the smell is.

Let's see if zoboo knows

What creature made it.

Zoboo! Hey, zoboo!

Kratts: zoboomafoo!

Martin: come on, zoboo.

There are some leaves over here you won't want to miss.

You would have found them anyway.

Lemurs have a great sense of smell.

What snack smells really good?

I know.



A have a sweet snack for you, buddy.

How about some kiwi fruit?

He loves kiwi.

Kiwi is a good fruit.



I ate kiwi. Smells great!

[Cough cough]

[Cough cough]

Chris? Martin? Are you picking your noses?

No, we're holding them.

It's the stink, zob.


Can you smell it?

Yeah. Big smell.

I saw an animal in the forest with the same smell.

Who could it be?

♪ Who could it be? ♪

♪ This animal who I did see ♪

♪ Can you help me guess this mystery? ♪

He had a furry body and a sniffy nose.

Everybody was sniffing him.

He was stinky. P.u.!

♪ Who could it be? ♪

♪ This animal who I did see ♪

♪ Mangatsika ♪

♪ Mangatsika, animal ♪

His tail was black and white, and his legs were stubby.

♪ Who could it be? ♪

♪ This animal who I did see ♪

♪ Can you help me guess this mystery? ♪

A black-and-white furry stinker. Do you know?

Martin: all right! A black furry body...

Chris: big white stripe...

Walks like this.

Whooee! That's a skunk.

A skunk. Take a closer look at this amazing creature.

Mangatstinka! Mystery animal's here!

A skunk! I can't believe my mind!

That's who made the smell.

Zoboo: that's a big smell.

Could a skunk make such a stink?

Believe it, zob.

You can never forget that smell.

Martin: a skunk smells even stronger when she's scared,

So be extra careful around them.

Rule number one: never scare a skunk.

Its defense system will blow your nose off.

Who scares such an animal?

Chris: the only animal that scares a skunk

Hasn't learned about its stink or is too hungry to care.

Martin: a cougar heads toward a skunk, but it doesn't get too close.

He knows not to scare it.

Zoboo: he lets it go?

Chris: yup. He turns away.

So does the skunk.

What if they don't know about the stink?

Chris: a skunk will give warnings before she sp.

If she wants to spray, she'll give warning number :

Foot stomping.

If that doesn't work, she does a handstand.

Zoboo: handstand? Really?



If that doesn't work, she sprays!

That usually works.

Thanks, chris. Ha ha ha!

Don't scare the skunk!

She smells bad enough without spraying!

A skunk can spray her stink feet.


This far!

Whoa, that's far.

You're a far sprayer.

Oh, p.u.! She's a stinky one.

[Sniff sniff]

I will call her "stinker."

Stinker the skunk. I like that name.

Stinker! Stinker! Stinker!


Why was the smell here before she arrived?

Good question, zob.

The smell is strong for one skunk.

Something's going on.

How did the smell get here before the skunk?

Maybe it's a dwarf lemur?

Dwarf lemurs are the stinkiest lemurs in madagascar.

I don't see any dwarf lemurs or other stinky creatures.

I only see stinker.

I can't believe how stinky she is.

A skunk is one of the smelliest creatures.

But she's not scared right now.

I won't scare her.

Never scare a skunk.

Let's give her a snack.

Maybe it will help us identify the other stink.

Mongoose, horse,


Hey! Chris!

Chris, leave some for skunk!

Are those goobleberries?

We're skunking these blueberries down.

Chris: so's the skunk.

It sure has big claws.

It needs them for digging and burrowing.

And catching food,

Like insects, crayfish, and frogs.

She loves those blueberries.

Chris: look! A fox!

Does fox know rule number one?

Usually one spray is enough

To teach an animal not to mess with skunks.

Fox better watch it.

He just wants some water.

It's ok, stinker.

Fox knows rule number one.

He won't scare her.

Now stinker doesn't have to use her smell.

Animal smells are like a language.

Different smells mean different things.

Watch this.

[Sniff sniff]

A "come and get it" smell.

[Sniff sniff]



That's a "go away" smell! Oh, boy, that's bad!

Zoboo: go away and come and get it.

That reminds me of this time in zobooland.

I was leaping along... Leap...leap...leap...


I bumped into sensit.


Hi, sensit.

Hi. I'm following a smell.

What kind?

A "come and get it" smell.

You have the best nose in zobooland.

I do, I do!

Maybe snow lemur knows.

Aah! Don't sneak up on me like that!

Sorry. I lost my ice fruit cake.

It has a "come and get it" smell,

But my nose is stuffed, so I can't smell it.


I think I smell it.

Thank goodness.

Zoboo smells it, too!

I'll get the cake.

So that's what I did.

We were all so happy that we danced on it before we ate it.

The end.

Skunks make a "go away" kind of smell.

They aren't the only animals

Who send messages by smell.

Martin: leopards scent mark to tell others to keep off their territory.

Chris: it's like writing your name on something.

I scent mark, too.


[Sniff sniff]

Smells good, zob.

I'll make a chris smell to scent mark things, too.

Huh? Whoa!

Oh, no! Another chris invention!

That's worse than a skunk!

[Cough cough]

What do you think, zob?


[Gags and coughs]

That's a big chris smell, all right.

Zob, you ok?

Yeah, I just-- I just need some...air..

Time to scent mark my things.

Some drops on the kayak...

And my backpack...

Zoboo: everything will be stinky!

Martin: oh, great.

Dab on the raft...

And my shoes.

Now you'll know what's mine from the smell.


Lucky me.

Zoboo: uh-oh.

Will that scare the skunk?

Zoboo: don't get scared, stinker!


I should have put my bowl of spaghetti back in the fr.

That's a "come here" smell.

We were right!

There's always a creature cleaner-upper at animal junction.

Come on, buddy! I need a lot of help cleaning up!

Zoboo: he likes spaghetti.

Good job, watson!

Chris: he's on to another smell.

Let me see!

Zoboo: what is it, watson?

You smell something, stinker?

What is it?

Let me see!

There's something else here!


[Zoboo coughing]


[Cough cough]

How come she sprayed us?

We forgot to tell you rule number two.

Don't get too close to a skunk's babies.

Zoboo: skunk babies?

That's why the smell was here before stinker arrived.

Wow. Skunk babies.

Uh-oh, too close.

These babies are about two weeks old.

Their eyes are still closed.

Skunks are born stinky.

Martin: look at them go.

Chris: soon they'll be following their mom.

This is better.

For you, maybe.

All I can smell is skunk.

I smell like them now.

I'm stinky! I'm skunky! I'm black and white!

I feel skunkish.

♪ I feel different, not the same ♪

♪ This kind of feeling I can't explain ♪

♪ There's only one thing that I can do ♪

♪ I feel skunkish, how about you? ♪

♪ Skunkish ♪

♪ Feeling skunkish ♪

♪ Skunkish ♪

♪ I'm a cool little stinker and my stink smells good ♪

♪ Skunkish ♪


Zoboo, this time you really are skunkish.

He stinks!

We have to do something.

We must find an antidote.

Zoboo: get ready for a kratt brother invention.

One beaker, extract of sweetness...

Yes, that's good.


[Sniff sniff]

Ah, smell them, yes!

Special kratt powder.

Very good.

Don't splash so.

Guys, are you sure this will work?

These kratt brothers can be silly.

It's much closer now.

Copper and electro- induced honeydew.

Not too much. Careful!

Now for smoothing, we have the milk.

Yes, yes!

It's ready.

[Crazy laughter]

It looks awfully, uh, awfully...awful.

Yes! We did it!

The skunk stink antidote!

Let's get zoboo.

Ready, zob?

You sure this will work?

It will make you smell better than ever.

Looks awfully... Awfully...awful.

Ok, ready... One, two...

In you go!


How is it?

It's ok.



It's ok.


You smell great!

I don't stink like a skunk anymore!

I stink like a lemur.

But I liked the skunk smell.

A skunk stink is a good stink.

I'm getting used to it, too.

Chris: we'd better, because they'll be here for more weeks.

Then they'll leave the nest with mom.

Chris: somebody's dive-bom!

Zoboo: welcome back!

It's stinky feet!


Get it? Stinky feet!

Martin: no, sticky feet, the peregrine falcon.

Does sticky feet scent mark?

No. Birds mainly use sounds to talk to each other.

Let's see what jackie's talking about.

Jackie: we were playing ball, when watson ran up to us.

Boy, did he stink.

That dog stinks.

He'd been sprayed by a skunk. We had to do something.

We had to bathe him fast.

We used tomato juice, but watson had other ideas.


Watson, come back!

Good boy.

The juice took the smell out of his fur.

You smell better now, watson.

I bet he never goes near a skunk again.

No, you won't.

Way to go. Tomato juice gets rid of skunk smell.

Now watson understands the skunk's smelly language.

Speaking of smelly language,

Let's go find some real stinkers.

To the closet!

They're going on a trip!

They are.

♪ They're going to the closet ♪

♪ They're going on a trip ♪

To the closet!

♪ To the closet, to grab their stuff and split ♪


Great! The stink-o-meter!

It helps us find animals from their smell.

Let's go find the stinkiest animals!

You coming?

♪ They're going on a cool adventure ♪

♪ And they don't know what's in store ♪

♪ They're coming from the closet ♪

♪ And they're headed out the door ♪

The stink-o-meter will help us find stinky creatures.

Smell anything yet?


There's something behind those roots.

Let's check it out.

A vinegarroon!

Chris: it looks like a scorpion, but doesn't sting.

That long tail is used to spray.

Now that's stinky!

We just got sprayed by a vinegarroon.

Martin: when surprised,

A vinegarroon sprays like a skunk.

His spray smells like vinegar. That's how he got his name.

Now we smell like vinegarroons.

Let's find more stinky creatures.

[Stink-o-meter buzzes]

There must be another stinky creature around.

Hoatzin, o'clock!

Martin: hoatzins are called.

Her nest and body smell like cow poop.

She eats leaves that sit in her belly so long, she starts to stink.

What a cool bird.

You know,

I think we're starting to smell hoatzinish.

Now we smell like vinegarroons and hoatzins.


Howler monkeys!

[Making howler monkey sounds]

Martin: howler monkeys are big, and have big, loud voices.

Chris: they don't call them howler monkeys for nothing.

They howl each morning so they know where they are.

Martin: but they're quiet most of the time.

Hey, howler monkeys don't stink.

Their poop does! Poop bombs!

Look out, martin! He's taking aim!

Funny thing is,

Some monkeys like pooping on people walking under them.

That was close!



Martin: we're soaked!

At least we don't smell like all those stinky creatures.

That kratt fall really cleaned us off.


Where's the stink-o-meter pointing?

Straight to animal junction.

Come on!

What's it picking up? I don't get it.

It's overheating.

Something really stinky must be going on.

Want to find out? Let's go!

If you're stinky, come on in!

A fisher!


Martin: mink!

Chris: and skunk.

All members of the mustelid family.

Mustelids? I love mustelids!

They're my favorite animal!

What's a mustelid?

Mustelids are meat-eating, weasel-like creatures that stink.

Chris: a fisher is a good climber and swimmer.

Let's meet the others.

Zoboo: meeting mustelids!

Look, guys!

Ah, ferrets!

Ferrets are long, thin, slinky weasels.

Their bodies are designed for going through holes

And getting into tight places.

In some ways, they remind me of furry little snakes.

He's sniffing me.

Hi. Are you going to climb on?

Zoboo: that slinky one likes the snack machine.

They're not only slinky, they're stinky!

Another mustelid!

What are you doing? Don't go to sleep.

I'm not your mom.

Chris, martin, look at these mangatsika creatures!

Chris: yeah.

A baby mink.

Martin: wow. Mink are an all-around mustelid.

They live on land and water.

They're weeks old.

They can't swim yet.

They're old enough to stink. Whoo!


These stinky mustelids remind me of someone in zobooland.


I was sleep, sleeping along--

Sleep, sleep, sleep...


Baby zoboomafooasaurus came up to me.

Hey, zoboo, how are you doing?


I'm fine, baby, but--

What? What? What's the matter?

Your breath smells kind of stinky.

Did you eat zica-stink cheese?

I have, zoboo.

I guess that's why my breath stinks.

Hey, zoboo-dadoo.

Hi, bugly.

I can't dig this stinky smell.

Let's get out of here.

I better do something about my breath.

I can still smell it. Let's go higher.

Zoboo: so we flew high in r around mama zobooma.

I ate some zoot fruit and my breath smells much better.

Good boy.

Zoboo: baby's stinky breat.

His breath smelled really good.

The end.

Baby's breath stunk sweet,

Definitely an "I like you" smell.

I had a stinky great time today!

I loved it when you de-stinked me.

I liked finding all those stinkers.

And those baby skunks are incredible.

♪ This animal is a friend of mine ♪

♪ From the tip of his nose to his funny behind ♪

♪ All the friends that we met today ♪

♪ Are special in their own way ♪

♪ We've all got different names ♪

♪ But we're really all the same ♪

♪ Thanks for dropping by, we're glad you came ♪

♪ These animals are friends of mine ♪

♪ They jump and swim, crawl, fly, and climb ♪

♪ One more thing we have to say ♪

♪ Go make an animal friend today ♪


Bye, you stinky mustelids!

Bye, stinker and little stinkers!

Bye, brothers!

We smelled a lot of smells and met a lot of stinkers.

Let's get some air.


See you later!

My name is nigel. This is my rat, a.j.

Hi. We never get too close to strange animals.

Always give animals space.

Never get close to animals unless an adult says it's ok.

Hey, there's zoboomafoo!

Now for some jokes from zoboomafoo...

Did you know that skunks actually do handstands

When they spray their skunk stink?

These baby skunks are practicing their handstands.

- They're doing pretty good.

I bet they'll be really stinky when they get big.

Hey martin!

Why are skunks so smart?

- Why zob?

- Because they have lots of sense.

Stinky sense.

Stinky sense! Ha ha!

Stinky sense!

Ha I like that!

- Did you know that a baby chick has a special tip

On the end of her beak called an egg tooth?

That helps her crack out of her egg.

- That reminds me of a joke.

Hey chris?

- Yeah zob?

- What did one egg say to another egg?

- I don't know! What?

- Get cracking!