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01x36 - Hail to Tails

Posted: 12/31/23 23:03
by bunniefuu
With the kratt brothers!

♪ While walking in the woods one day ♪

♪ Chris and martin saw something strange ♪

♪ A little leaping lemur who liked to bounce and play ♪

♪ They followed their new bouncing friend ♪

♪ Not knowing where this adventure would end ♪

♪ The animals were headed just around the bend ♪

Where are they going?

♪ I don't know ♪

How do we get there?

♪ Come on, let's go ♪

♪ Me and you ♪

♪ And zoboomafoo ♪

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ We're doing the things that animals do ♪

♪ New animal friends to see ♪

♪ Animal junction's the place to be ♪

Elephants charging, baboons are leaping.

Wild dogs running and nobody's sleeping.

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo ♪

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ We're doing the things that animals do ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo ♪

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ At animal junction, we're waiting for you ♪

Child: zoboomafoo!

Captioning made possible by u.s. Department of education and pbs

Chris: hey, martin, I found another apple.

Martin: and I've scored another pear! Ha ha!

Chris: I can't believe how much fruit is lying around today.

Martin: yeah!

We've been on a picking spree.

All the fruit is ripening

And falling off the trees.

Whoa! Oh...

Martin: whoa!


Ha ha ha!


What a great way to wash my apple!


Hey, chris,

Can you rinse off my pear?


Thanks, bro. Nothing like teamwork.

But, you know, I wish we had prehensile tails.

Then we could carry all this stuff through the trees

Without ever having to worry about tripping.

Speaking of tails,

Let's call our long-tailed buddy, zoboo.

Oh, great idea!

Chris/martin: zoboomafoo!

Martin: it's zoboo, the leaping lemur!

Ha ha ha!

Chris: take a look at zoboo's long lemur tail.

That tail helps him balance when he's climbing

In the trees and leaping around.

Martin: lemur tails are amazing tails,

And zoboo can even curl his tail.

Hey, zoboo, how about a snack?

Chris: there's a lot of fruit happening here today.

All right!

Zoboo, I've got an apple for you.

Zoboo loves apples.

There you go. Ha ha!

Not the whole thing. That's too much.

Chris: ha ha ha!

Martin: I cut a piece for you.

There you go. Oh!

Oh, you want that big piece.

Martin: you really love apples, don't you?


Excuse me!


Hoo ha! Spinning!

I love doing that!

Zoboo: do you like spinning?

It's fun!

Fruit is great! Mmm, yummy!

Chris: we'd better start filling up the snack machine

With the fruit martin and I brought in.

So all the animals can have yummy fruit

And be vokey, vokey like me.

[Zoboo laughing]

Fruit is great,

But this is getting ridiculous.

It's fruiting season, the time of year

When all the ripe fruits fall from the trees,

And the perfect time for fruit-eating animals to have a feast.

Sounds like there are a lot of animals up there,

Because so many animals love fruit!

Zoboo: I can't believe my mind!

Look at all the fruit-eating creatures!

They can help us eat all the fruit,

So no fruit goes to waste and we can all get vokey!

Hoo ha ha...


[Animal yipping]

Zoboo: what's that sound?

That sounds like a dog barking...

But a dog, in a tree?

There must be some other creature barking up there.


The animal I saw--

He was barking and--and he was eating fruit

And loving it, too.

Who could it be?

♪ Who could it be? ♪

♪ This animal who I did see ♪

♪ Can you help me guess ♪

♪ This mystery? ♪

Zoboo: he had a long tail,

A nice face,

And a long body, too.

Hoo ha ha ha!

♪ Who could it be? ♪

♪ This animal who I did see ♪

♪ Mangatsika ♪

♪ Mangatsika animal ♪

Zoboo: he was looking for fruit to eat.

Hoo ha! And so was i!

Ha ha ha!


♪ Who could it be ♪

♪ This animal who I did see? ♪

♪ Can you help me guess ♪

♪ This mystery? ♪

Zoboo: he's a long-tailed fruit-eating creature.

Do you know who he is?

Martin: ok...

Big eyes with little ears that stick out.

Chris: a long tail that grabs.

Martin: a long tongue.

You know who the mystery animal is?

Martin: yeah, a kinkajou!

Now he's a mysterious creature!

Mangatsika mystery animal's here! Errr!

Chris: the mystery animal is a kinkajou!

Zoboo: what did you say he was--

A kinka choo?


It's a kinkajou, not a kink-ahchoo!

This kinkajou loves munching on fruit.

Hey, that's great!

Zoboo: he can help us eat up the good fruit.

You must be the guy who's been dropping

All the fruit on our head, huh?

You want a piece of tangerine?


Isn't it neat the way he stands up when he eats?

[All laughing]

Martin got squirted in the face!

Hoo ha ha ha...

Zoboo: let's see that again, in slow motion!

Zoboo: I can't believe my mind!

Hoo ha ha!

Kinkajou! Hoo hoo! Ha ha ha ha...

Zoboo: kinkajou, kinkajou, funny fruit-eating kinkajou!

What are you doing up there, kinkajou?

I'm coming up.

He likes to eat his fruit sideways!

I wonder,

Does fruit taste better sideways?

Hmm...let's see.

Chris: ha ha ha! Hey, zob,

Now you're both sideways fruit-eating creatures.

I'm a creature who likes eating fruit all ways!

Mmm mmm!

I'm going to name the kinkajou "grapes,"

Because he loves eating grapes.

Sensit: ah, grapes, grapes!

It's a sweet name!

Whoa ho ho! Whoa!

Yeah! Look at that cool kinkalou-jou tail.

Moves like your nose. Ha ha...

I like it! I like it!


Martin: wow! What an incredible tail.

It's called a prehensile tail.

Preen-style tail?

Prehensile, zoboo.

Prehensile, prehensile.

What's prehensile?

&Quot;prehensile" means grabbing,

So a prehensile tail

Is a tail that can grab on to things.

Oh, like a kinkajou's tail.

Exactly, and the prehensile tail

Is what makes the kinkajou so good

At climbing through the trees.

It's like having a fifth hand.

This little guy is called a short-tailed opossum,

And he has a prehensile tail, too.

Chris: there you go, buddy.

Martin: chris, get a load of this!

Zoboo: I can't believe my mind!

Wow, look what he can do!

He can eat a banana upside down

While he holds on with his tail!

Chris: a kinkajou scrambles from branch to branch,

Using his tail as an extra grabber.

Here--it's like an anchor.

A kinkajou hangs from his tail

Just like a spider monkey does.

Martin: that way, they both keep

Their hands free to grab fruit.

Wow! A kinkajou's tail is full of muscle.

He's perfectly comfortable just hanging from his tail,

And when he wants to get up,

He just uses his stomach muscles and his tail

To pull himself up and he's off and climbing.

A kinkajou's body is built for climbing in trees.

Whoa! Look how muscular the kinkajou is.

He kind of looks like a cross

Between a mountain lion and a monkey,

But kinkajous are more closely related to coatis and raccoons.

Chris: a raccoon can climb, too,

But not as well as a kinkajou,

Because raccoons don't have prehensile tails.

Zoboo: chris! Grapes is climbing over to say hi!

Ha ha ha!

Have you ever had your hair brushed

By kinkajou claws? Ha ha!

His claws are really sharp.

That's why he's a good climber.

Zoboo: let's climb over to get some fruit.

There's still so much to eat.

Martin: see how grapes is sniffing all the fruit?

Ha ha! Well, during fruiting season,

When there's a lot of fruit around,

A kinkajou can become a pretty picky eater.

He eats his favorite stuff and tosses away the rest.

See what I mean?

Zoboo: uh-oh. If grapes is going to be picky,

Then all this great fruit will go to waste.

Hmm! We can't let that happen.

I wish there were more kinkajous to help us eat,

But this kinkajou is all alone.

Kinkajous are pretty solitary creatures, zob.

That means a kinkajou hangs out mostly by himself.

They don't live in groups.

But when a tree is fruiting,

A kinkajou gets to hang out with whatever animal is in that tree,

And sometimes lots of kinkajous are in the same fruit tree.

[Two yips]

Zoboo: chris, you're right.

Now there are two kinkajous in the same...

In the same animal junction. Hoo ha!

Come on! Join the fruit feast.

Help us clean up all this fruit. Yeah, dig in.

Zoboo: I think I'll call this kinkajou "bananas"

Because she likes bananas.

Martin: yeah, bananas is a good name, zoboo.

It's kind of like why I called grapes "grapes"--

Because he likes grapes. Ha!

And bananas is bananas for bananas!

Ha ha ha ha...

Oh! Hey, wait a minute.

I thought you said kinkajous live alone.

Martin: well, they do, zoboo, but remember what we said before,

About how, during the fruiting season, kinkajous hang out together?

Zoboo: yeah. Well, here you go!

Oh, yeah! Hey, bananas,

Do you want to hang out with me?

She likes me!


Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.

Ok, bananas makes one kinkajou...

And grapes makes two kinkajous.

[Yipping] huh?

Hey! There's kinkajou number !

Zoboo: this is great!

Now we have kinkajous to help eat up

All the fruit in animal junction. Hoo ha!

I think I'll call you "vokey,"

Because we'll eat

Till we're vokey! Hoo ha!

The kinkajous are a -creature fruit-eating machine!

I'm feeling kinkajou-ish!

♪ I feel different, not the same ♪

♪ This kind of feeling I can't explain ♪

♪ There's only one thing that I can do ♪

♪ I'm feelin' kinkajou-ish! ♪

♪ How about you? ♪

♪ Kinkajou-ish ♪

♪ Feelin' kinkajou-ish ♪

♪ Kinkajou-ish ♪

♪ I'm a fruit-loving climber ♪

♪ I'm a kinkajou ♪

♪ Kinkajou-ish ♪

♪ Feelin' kinkajou-ish ♪

♪ Kinkajou-ish ♪

♪ I'm a fruit-loving climber ♪

♪ I'm a kinkajou ♪

♪ Kinkajou-ish! ♪

Hoo ha!

Hey, brothers, look at them eat!

The way they're eating,

I think we're going to finish all this great fruit

And none will go to waste!

Oh, yeah, this reminds me of the e

Gooble cleaned up all the fruit in zobooland.

I was leaping along-- leap, leap, leap, leap...

&Quot;leap, leap," when I met gooble.

&Quot;hello, gooble," I said.

Hi, zoboo. How are you doing?

I'm sad because all the goobleberries are ripe,

And if they're not eaten soon, they'll all go to waste.

But you're the great goobleberry gobbler!

I am, yeah!

I'm sure you can gobble all the goobleberries

Before any go to waste!

Ok, zoboo, I'll give it a try.

Zoboo: yeah!

Zoboo: well, good, but not fast enough. We need help!

Here's narchi.

Hi, zoboo.

He can help! Narchi...

Blow some goobleberries into gooble's mouth.

Ok, it's a go!

Ready, set,

Blow! Hrrr!

Hurry! Go faster, narchi!

We have a lot of goobleberries to clean up!

That's faster. That's not fast enough.

There are just too many goobleberries to gobble.

Maybe zoboomafooasaurus can help.


Sure can, zoboo. Watch this.

Oh, she's using her foot.

Zoboo: hooray! You smooshed them all!

You're welcome. Now it's goobleberry goo!

Zoboo: and gooble said...

I can slurp goobleberry goo really fast.

Here goes.

Come on, gooble!

Slurp, slurp, slurp!

Go, gooble, go!

Hoo ha!


All gone!

Oh, vokey!

Hooray! You did it, gooble!

You ate all the goobleberries!

Oh, they were yummy, and now I'm sleepy. Ahh...


Well, I guess that's the end.

Hoo ha ha ha...

Zoboo: oh, the kinkajous are vokey and sleepy, too.

But who's going to eat the fruit?

The fruit just keeps on falling.

It's raining fruit.

Now it's raining right into the snack machine!

Uh-oh! What if it gets too full?

I don't think the snack machine can hold all of that fruit!

Oh, no! We've got a fruit-falling snack machine emergency!

Hey, guys, looook!

Something's happeniiing!


Martin: bail out!

Head for cover!

Zoboo: oh!

I smell mud!


Martin: uh...i'm slipping!



Hey, look! An owl monkey!

He came to animal junction to eat fruit, too.

Martin: and a binturong came in for the same thing.

Zoboo: more fruit-eating creatures!

Maybe there's still hope for our fruit cleanup.

Chris: yeah, a porcupine!

Martin: capybaras!

Chris: wallabies!

Martin: snow monkey!

Chris: elephant! [Trumpeting]

Zoboo: it's a fruit-eating creature party!

It's the great fruit cleanup! Waah!

Zoboo: eat, everybody, eat!

Zoboo: way to munch it, popcorn!


Zoboo: good work, porcy!

Oh, you too, sno mo!

Zoboo: we're getting there!

Keep on munching!

I'm vokey, but there's one more apple.

Hooray, toothbrush! Hoo ha!

We did it!

Fruit eaters ate all the fruit! Hoo ha ha!


Zoboo: animal junction is all cleaned up.

The creatures ate all the fruit.

Ooh, we're vokey,

So it's naptime!

[Zoboo yawns]


I think I'll nap, too.





Chris: no time for napping, zoboo!

Somebody's coming this way!

Who is it?

Incoming! Is it a bird?

Is it a plane?

No, it's a...


He's not a duck. He's moonface.

The barn owl.

Owls and hawks use their tails

To steer when they're flying.

[Bird squawking]

Chris: like that harris hawk.

She uses her feathers kind of like a brake to land.

She fans out her tail feathers, which slows her down.

Zoboo: mangatsika!

What does jackie say?

Guess what, guys?

Thomas' cat had kittens.


Jackie: aren't they cute?

There are of them.

Look how little they are, even their tails.

Thomas' little sister wanted to hold pushkin.

This is pushkin right here,

But she tried to pick him up by the tail.

&Quot;ouch," I said.

Alex, that's a tail, not a handle.

You put both hands gently around the tummy

To lift up a cat. See?

Jackie: yeah, that's the way.

It's nice to pick up a kitten,

And it's nice for a kitten, too,

Just as long as you pick them up the right way.


Jackie: bye, guys!

A kitten's tail is not a handle,

But sometimes an elephant's tail is.

Uh, martin, you can't pick up an elephant by his tail.

You're right, zob. No one can pick up an elephant,

But a baby elephant holds on to her mom's tail

So she doesn't get lost.

Zoboo: no way!



Martin: it's just like when your mom holds your hand,

So she knows where you are.

Just like an elephant!

Tails can do so many amazing things,

And I have an idea.

Since tails are so incredible,

Why don't we build our own tail?

Yeah, a tail that can do everything.

Let's build a supertail!

To look for creatures with supertails.

To the closet?

Both: to the closet!

♪ They're going to the closet ♪

♪ They're going on a trip ♪

Are you ready? Let's go!

Both: aahhh!

[Both laughing]

Zoboo: ♪ they're going on a cool adventure ♪

♪ They don't know what's in store ♪

♪ They're coming from the closet

♪ And they're headed out the door ♪

Let's go!

Zoboo: they're hightailing it out of here,

And I think I'll go on a trip, too!

My very own zoboo trip.

You know, zoboo should come on a trip sometime.

Yeah, that'd be great!

Hey, maybe one day he will.

Martin: ok, we're off to see some animals with supertails.

And we're going to build our own supertails along the way.

Hey, let's get started with white-tailed deer.

Chris: white-tailed deer really know how to use their tails.

Martin: yeah, these creatures have supertails.

Well, that tail might not look so super now,

But when a white-tailed deer senses trouble,

She raises her white tail

To warn other deer of the danger.

Hey, chris,

You're speaking their language!

They're taking off!

Chris: they're in a hurry, too!

I don't think it was me...

[Whispers] I think it was her!

A cougar!

That's why the deer are out of here!

Martin: well, the deer are gone.

But we have a new addition to our supertails!

Lock on signal tail.

Martin: check!


Did you hear that?

[Whispers] yeah, somebody else is close by.


Martin: a rattlesnake!

And listen to that tail rattle.

Chris: that tail is saying, "i'm here, watch out!&Quot;

And you should always give a rattlesnake his space.


Martin: all right!

We have another addition for our supertails!


We've got signal tails, warning tails...

What's next?

Martin: how about those big, bushy ringtails?

Raccoons have striped tails

To tell each other they're raccoons.

But why are they hightailing it out of here?

Chris: that's why-- an alligator!

Martin: and she has a huge tail

That helps her move through the water.

Look how her tail powers back and forth.

Zoboo: hoo ha! Hoo ha!

Martin, did you hear that?

Yeah, it sounds familiar.

I know that sound.

It's zoboo!


Woo hoo!

Chris: zoboo!

Hoo ha ha!

What's zoboo doing out here?

Zoboo: brothers, a creature with the biggest,

Most mangatsika tail was heading to animal junction!

You have to see this tail! You won't believe your minds!

We're right behind you! Let's go!


Martin: slow down, zoboo!

Hurry! A lemur uses his

Tail to balance when he's leaping through the trees.

Let's leap like lemurs!

Martin: we're with you, zoboo!

Zoboo: come on, chris! Come on, mark! Hurry up!

Woo ha ha!


What could all that squawking be?

I don't know. Let's go see.

Zoboo: here he is! Over here!

Over here!

A peacock!

Zoboo: yeah, peacock!


That's the biggest tail I've ever seen!

Supertail bird, peacock! Yeah!

Martin: you're right, zoboo, he is. And get this--

A peacock drags his tail along behind him

Until a peahen comes around.

Then, look out!

He fans his feathers out

To make the largest bird tail in the world.

But I don't see any peahens here in animal junction,

So this peacock probably won't be fanning out

Those amazing tail feathers.

Besides his amazing tail feathers,

A peacock also has really neat feathers

On the top of his head.

Whoa! [Squawks]

[Clucks] what a super honker!


Zoboo: wow!

I bet peacocks fly really well

With those kind of feathers.

Actually, zob,

Peacocks aren't the greatest fliers.

Peacocks just fly in short bursts.

Chris: peacocks like to fly up to high places

So they can have a look around.

You can really see a lot from up here.

Take a look at these beautiful tail feathers:

Purple, blue, orange, yellow.

Zoboo: chris, martin, I think peacock sees someth!

Martin: yes, a peahen!

Maybe the peacock will fan out his tail

And strut his stuff for her!


Martin: he's got her attention.

Hoo ha! It looks like he's dancing!

Chris: you got it, zob.

He's doing the peacock strut.

Zoboo: let's all strut like a peacock.

You can do it!

[Disco music playing]

Zoboo: I can't believe my mind!

He fanned his tail for the peahen!

What a super tail! Wow!

Woo hoo!

Let's hear it for the most super-tailed creature in the world!


Hee hee!


I wish I had a tail like that! Huh!


That tail is so great,

It reminds me of a tail in zobooland. Ha ha!

I was leaping along-- leap, leap, leap...

When I bumped into wiggy waxwing.

Whoa! Oh, zoboo!

Zoboo, we need help, help, help, help!

Noggendrill's stuck in a branch again!


He's stuck in a branch again.

Noggendrill: get me down from here!

Help! Help! I need to get down!

Hmm, maybe somebody with a supertail

Can use it to help him down.

I know someone! I know, I know!


Gooble, gooble, gooble!

Gooble: help? What? Huh?

What? Oh! Oh, yeah! I'll help, I'll help,

But help with what, huh?

Noggendrill needs a tail to help him down.

Get me down! Help! Get me down!

Gee, zoboo, I'd love to help,

But I don't have a tail.

Maybe I could help with my great big belly. Ha ha ha!

No, no, no, gooble! It won't work.

We need a supertail.

Hi, wiggy. What's the matter?

Noggendrill needs help, help! He needs help! Help!

I've got just the tail for the job. Here you go, noggie.

Zoboo: so zoboomafooasaurus put her big tail up

And helped noggendrill get out of the tree.

We were all so excited,

We went for a zoboomfooasaurus ride,

While wiggy flew ahead.

We laughed for the rest of the day.

Hoo ha! The end. Ha ha ha...

Zoboomafooasaurus' tail was almost as good as the peacock's.

Wow! Look at all those eyes.


They're all staring at me. Whoa...

Those eyes are...

Making me di-dizzy...ooh!

That's what happens to the peahen.

She falls under his spell...

♪ This animal is a friend of mine ♪

♪ From the tip of his nose to his funny behind ♪

♪ All the friends that we met today ♪

♪ Are special in their own way ♪

♪ We've all got different names ♪

♪ But we're really all the same ♪

♪ Thanks for dropping by ♪

♪ We're glad you came ♪

♪ These animals are friends of mine ♪

♪ They jump and swim, crawl, fly, and climb ♪

♪ One more thing we have to say ♪

♪ Go make an animal friend today, yeah! ♪

Bye, guys.

I got to get my tail on home.


Bye, zob.

See you later, buddy.

Hoo ha!

See you later.

Let's go!

I'm katrina and this is topaz.

Hi! We're the kratt brothers!

Every creature and adventurer knows

You have to be careful around animals.

Because sometimes an animal can get a little scared of you,

And then she might think she has to defend herself.

That's why you should only get close to an animal

When an adult says it's ok.

Right, zoboo?

Now for some jokes from zoboomafoo...

Did you know that black bears are really good at climbing trees?

The sharp claws on the bear's feet help a lot.


Human barefeet aren't as good at climbing as bear barefeet.

- Hey martin?

- Yes zob!

- Why does a dog have fur?

- I don't know!

- Because if he didn't, he'd be a little bare.

Good joke, huh muscles?

- Did you know that there are about

Different kinds of monkey in the world?

This is a capuchin monkey.

- Hey martin, I have a joke for you.

What did a capuchin say to the kratt brothers?

- What zob?

- Monkey around!

- Hey fling!

- Fling the capuchin monkey!