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01x35 - Who's Inside the Egg

Posted: 12/31/23 23:02
by bunniefuu
With the kratt brothers!

♪ While walking in the woods one day ♪

♪ Chris and martin saw something strange ♪

♪ They followed their new bouncing friend ♪

♪ Not knowing where this adventure would end ♪

♪ The animals were headed just around the bend ♪

Chris: where are they going? ♪ I don't know ♪

Martin: how do we get there? ♪ Come on, let's go ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo ♪

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ We're doing the things that animals do ♪

♪ New animal friends to see ♪

♪ Animal junction's the place to be ♪

♪ Elephants charging, baboons are leaping ♪

♪ Wild dogs running and nobody's sleeping ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo ♪

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ We're doing the things that animals do ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo ♪

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ At animal junction we're waiting for you ♪

Martin: how you doing, chris?

Chris: ok, but I'm glad we're almost at animal junction.

This load's kind of wobbly.

We're filling up the food machine

Because there are going to be a lot of animals headed this way.


You ok, chris?

I'm ok.

Know how we know?

Creature poop.

That's a sure sign that animals are around.

Also, spring's here, winter's over.

And a lot of animals sleep through the winter, right?

Like black bears, who are so hungry when they wake up,

They'll even eat grass.

Martin: talk about hungry creatures, where's zoboo?

Let's call him like we're hungry bears.


Come on and help us.

[Chris and martin call "zoboo"]

Hi, buddy.

Yeah. How are you?

Come on.

Time for your snack.

Zoboo's such a good buddy, right, zo?

Chris: you know zoboo.

He likes to have a snack before he talks.

Let's see what we've got.


Zoboo, cucumber!




Hi, good to see you.

Hi, zob. What's going on?

Hey, martin. On my way here, I saw animals everywhere.

I saw big ones with little ones--

They looked the same.

Lots of animals have babies in the spring.

I don't see spring. Where's spring?

Spring's everywhere.

When winter's over, everything warms up. That's spring.

Martin: and that's when many animals have babies.

Cats have kittens,

Prairie dogs have pups.

Sheep have lambs,

And horses have foals.

Hey, mangatsika. I just reminded myself.

I saw the most amazing animal.

Who could it be?

♪ Who could it be ♪

♪ This animal who I did see? ♪

♪ Can you help me guess this mystery? ♪

Zoboo: she had bird feet.

And she wasn't alone.


♪ Who could it be ♪

♪ This animal who I did see? ♪


Zoboo: they bobbled their heads.

♪ Who could it be ♪

♪ This animal who I did see? ♪

♪ Can you help me guess this mystery? ♪

Zoboo: she's a clucking, head-bobbling bird creature.

Do you know who she is?

Chris: ok. Wobble and a-bobble.

She makes a cluck cluck sound.

I know who the mystery animal is.

Do you know who she is?

I know you know this one.

[Cluck cluck]

Yeah, a chicken.

Not only one. We have chickens.


Mystery animals are here! [Clucks]

They're some crazy-looking birds.

Hi, chickens.

I wonder if they're hungry?

Did you sleep all winter?

Chickens sleep every night, zob.

Just like we do.

But I think you're right.

Right now, they're just hungry.

Hey, let's eat like chickens.

Ok. Peck with your beak.

Ow! Oh! I hurt my nose.

Me too.

Ok, zob.

Chris, I'm stuck, I'm stuck.


You all right? Yeah.

I think we need beaks.

Chickens have great beaks for getting food off the ground.

Food like tiny little seeds.

Hey, see that wobbly red thing on her head?

That's called a comb.

Hey, you want to make chicken sounds?





Whoa. Whoa.

Chris: chickens are strutting their stuff.

Let's do the chicken walk.

Zoboo: I think I'm getting it .

Sort of. This is hard for a .

Martin: way to go, zob.

When you walk like a chicken,

You have to stick your neck out back and forth.

Zoboo: martin, chris, everybody. Come here, look.

Why she sitting on those bumpy rocks?

Those are eggs, zob.

She sits on her eggs to keep them warm.

By keeping them warm, she makes them hatch.



What's hatch?

Hatch is when the babies break out of the eggs.

Hey, waiting for eggs to hatch is making her itchy.

She's not itchy.

She's plucking feathers out of her beak

To make her nest warmer and more comfortable for the eggs.

Chris: there are little baby chicks inside those eggs.

They stay inside until they're ready to hatch.

Martin: and they have to stay nice and warm to hatch.

So where's the mother going?

Good question.

Of course! That's a rhode island red chicken.

They lay brown eggs.

And those eggs are white.

So, she didn't lay those eggs and she's not the mother.

But who's going to keep them warm?

I'll warm the eggs.

I'll help them hatch.

Oh, these eggs sure feel funny.

They're bumpy on my bottom.

Oh, you're the bumpy one.

Chris: look at this.

These eggs are all the same.

They're chicken eggs.

But that one's different.

Zoboo: wow.

Who could it be?

I don't know. Let's see, there's a lot of animals who lay eggs, right?

So it could be a seagull egg.

No. But they're smaller and speckled.

It can't be a seagull egg.

What about a snake egg?

Do you know that most snakes lay eggs?

And snake eggs are white and about the same shape.

Could be a snake egg.

Could be. But I know it can't be a snapping turtle egg.

Because she lays her eggs in the sand.

And her eggs look like little ping pong balls.

But that's only the beginning.

There are so many other creatures who lay eggs.

So whose egg is it?

Don't know.

Maybe we have to wait and see what hatches.

Hatch! Hatch!

What's it like to be in an egg?

Chris: well, zob.

It's pretty squishy and gooey in here.

What's chris doing inside that egg?

What, chris?

Chris: it's pretty squishy and gooey in here.

Whoa! Chris.

You got to speak louder.

We can hardly hear you from inside that egg.

I said, it's pretty squishy and gooey in here.

This is some egg.

One thing about being in an egg is it's pretty cozy and safe in here.

But it's really hard to see.

Where is everybody?

I got in here, but how am I going to get out?

Can you believe there's a little chick curled up inside here.


Hmm. It's so hard, how can they breathe?

Well, the eggshell has little air holes called "pores"

That let the air in so the chicks can breathe inside the egg.

And you know that yellow ball inside an egg?

That's called a "yolk.&Quot;

Zoboo: yolk. Yolk.

And the yolk is the food that the chicks eat

So they can get big and strong enough to break out of these eggshells.


Chris: eggs-actly.

If you're going to be in an egg for a while,

You need something to munch on.

And I've got food in here, too:


[Laughs] chris made a yolk. Chris made a yolk!

Chris: yeah, and it's time for me to hatch out of this egg.


Martin: the chicks want out, too.

A chick has an egg tooth on the tip of her beak.

And with that egg tooth, she starts tapping at the inside of the shell.

And soon, she makes a crack and then she can start breaking out.

Zoboo: wow, she's hatching.

That egg tooth really works.

Chris: it's a good thing I have my pick axe.

I can use this just like a chick uses an egg tooth.

Oh! Chris is hatching.

Hatch! Hatch!

Hey, zoboo. These eggs are cracking, too.

Oh, hatch, hatch. More hatching.

I can't believe my mind. It's happening.

Chris is hatching, and the eggs are hatching, too.

Chris and the eggs are hatching together.

Hurry up, chris.

Yeah, you don't want to miss this.

Chris: I know.

But getting out of here isn't as easy as it looks.

I got to hurry up.

I don't want to miss those chicks hatching.

Zoboo: come on, chris. You can do it.

Chris: aah!

Zoboo: hurry up, chris. The eggs are hatching.

There's got to be a better way.

Those chicks are going to hatch and I don't want to miss this.


Chris: whoa!


Martin: quick, zob. Check it out.

Look at her.

Oh, she's coming out.

Her head's pushing out.

Go, chick, go.

Well, come on. Push harder.

She's almost out.

You can make it. Yeah, yeah.

She's making her way out.

She hatched.

She did it.

Welcome to the creature world.

[Chris grunting]

Chris: ah! Whoo!

Zoboo: chris did it, too. He hatched!

Chris: finally. I made it.

Hurry, chris. The rest of the chicks are hatching now.

Chris: wow. Way to go, chicks.

We did it.

Zoboo: they're all gooey and wet-- like chris.

Yeah. But soon they'll dry off, and then they'll be super fluffy.

Like those two.

But those eggs are still hatching.

Like the egg that hatched in zobooland.

I was leaping along-- leap, leap, leap--

When I landed on a huge rock.

But it wasn't a rock.

It was an egg, and it cracked.

My mind got a great idea.

I could fix the egg with some zobooland tree sap.

So I got some--oh! It's very gooey--and I put it on the egg.

But the egg kept cracking and cracking and cracking

And, whoa, bingo.

A baby zoboomafooasaurus.

Baby: mommy!

Me? I'm not your mommy.

Oh, will you help me find my mommy?

Zoboo: so I said sure, and we went to find his mommy.

On the way, baby zoboomafooasaurus kept :

Baby: where is she? Where's my mommy?

Zoboo: until suddenly-- ooph!--I hit a huge leg.

Baby: aah!

Here's your mom.

Baby: mommy. [Sniffles]


Zoboo: so we hopped on board and had a nice ride home.


Zoboo: the end.


All the chicks are hatched and fluffy now.

Listen to them cheep, cheep, cheep.

Cheep, cheep.

Chris: make the chick sound.

Cheep, cheep. Cheep, cheep.

Look at how they're picking at the straw already, zoboo.

Oh, yeah. He finished his yolk, and now he's looking

For something else to eat.

They're getting pretty adventurous already.

They're starting to leave the nest.

Where you going?

Chris: they're already starting to explore.

There they go.

Come on.

Chris: all right. Come on, guy.

Zoboo: come on, chicks, follow me.

I'm a leaping lemur.

Whoop, I think they like me, martin.

I think the chicks think zoboo's their mom.

Zoboo: that's me, I'm a chick's mom.

♪ I feel different and not the same ♪

♪ This kind of feeling I can't explain ♪

♪ There's only one thing that I can do ♪

♪ I feel chicken-ish-- how about you ♪

♪ Chicken-ish ♪

♪ I feel chicken-ish ♪

♪ Chicken-ish ♪

♪ This way ♪

♪ I'm a big mamma chicken, all the chicks'll follow me ♪


♪ Chicken-ish ♪

Chicks are adventurous but they're not very good climbers.

Hey, I need a snack.


It's hard to be a chick's mom.

Oh, the chicks look hungry.

I'll give them some food, too.

I have to be their mom because she's not here.

Rhino? No, that's not it.

Bear? No, that's not it either.

Chick? Yep, that's the one.

Oh, I guess it's broken again.

Or maybe it's empty.

Hmm. No, I think it's empty.

Supper time.

Hey, zob. What's it like being mom to all these chicks?

It's a fluffy job but somebody's got to do it.

I can do it as long as their real mom isn't here.

But where is she?

Martin: there she is, the mom!

She's a shaver chicken, and she lays white eggs.

Zoboo: hi, mom chicken.

Oh, now that she's here, I can take a nap.


You ok?

Martin: zob was a great chicken mom.

But now the chicks have the real mom to follow.

There goes the family.

Everybody up?

My chicks have flown the coop.

Bye, chickens!

Bye, mangatsika chicks!

Martin: but what about this egg?

I can't wait until this egg hatches

So we can find out who's inside.

So I wonder who's going to hatch from that egg.

Martin: well, whoever it is, zoboo, pretty soon it's going to start hatching.

And whatever the creature, they all hatch in the same way.

First, they break out of the shell.

Then, like a snapping turtle does, they fight, and when they finally get out...

They're off and on their own, ready to take on the world.

Chris: some snakes, like a boa constrictor, get a little help from mom.

She watches over the eggs as each baby snake makes

A slit in the egg with her egg tooth and slowly unwinds out of the shell.

But who could be in this egg?

Zoboo: duck.

No, it's not a duck egg.

Duck! I'm telling you, it's not a.

Zoboo, martin: duck!

Hi, sticky feet.

You missed the greatest thing.

Baby chicks hatched from an egg.

From an egg!

Oh, forgot.

You're a bird.

And most birds raise chicks every year.

So, he's probably seen a lot of eggs hatch.

Hatch, yeah, hatch.

It's a message from jackie.

We came here to go swimming yesterday.

But instead we did something even better.

You see, salmon come here to lay their eggs.

And we didn't want anyone to disturb them.

We got some rope and put it around so people wouldn't cross the river there.

And we even put up a sign to let people know.

Hey, why don't you guys cross at that bridge over there.

Salmon are laying their eggs here. Look.

Chris: what a great animal helper.

Mangatsika! Not just birds come fro.

Martin, chris, look!

The egg, it's hatched.

Martin, chris, it's hatched.

What is he?

Martin: an alligator, of course!

Zoboo: alligator?


Where's alligator's mommy?

Chris: you're on to something.

Alligators are one of the few reptiles

That need their mom after they hatch.

Martin: are you thinking what I'm thinking?

What are they thinking?

Chris: we have to get this baby alligator back to his mom.

To the swamp.

Zoboo: ♪ they're going to the closet ♪

♪ They're going on a trip ♪

Are you ready?

Let's go.

[Chris, martin yell]

Zoboo, laughing: look who they forgot.

Hey, chris, look who you forgot.


Chris: hey, you're the reason we're going on this trip, little guy.

Zoboo: oh, he's moving fast.

Thanks, zob.

Zoboo: ♪ they're going on a cool adventure ♪

♪ And they don't know what's in store... ♪

Come on, little alligator.

Let's get you back home to the wild.

I got your pack, chris.

See you later, alligator.


We have to find this baby alligator's mom.

But you know, a mother alligator can be

One of the most dangerous creatures in the world.

However, she's not dangerous at all as long as you give her space,

You don't get too close to her nest

And you don't pick up her babies.

Uh-oh. Uh-oh.

We'd better get this baby alligator home.

And quick.

Ok, alligators always build their nests near the water.

So, let's hit the water.


Chris: swamps are one of the best creature habitats.

There's plenty of water, plants, and food for all kinds of creatures.

Check it out.

Pink flamingoes.

Martin: an anole!

Chris: and birds like herons find lots of fish to eat here.

Oh, yeah, this is a great place to find creatures.

[Martin grunting]

Chris: a soft-shell turtle.

What a smooth swimmer.

Martin: hey, and water snakes like cottonmouths love to live here.

And in a swamp, you'll find alligators everywhere.


Hey, chris. Wait for me.

Nice poling, martin.

Thanks, chris.

Look at this.

An alligator nest.

An alligator mom buries her eggs under a mound of dirt, leaves, and grass.

Then she packs it all in with her nose and feet.

With the heat of the sun, the mound incubates the eggs.

And all she has to do is stand guard until the eggs hatch.

Once the eggs have hatched underground,

The baby alligators call to their mom to help dig them out.

[Squeak squeak]

And then sometimes, she'll even carry her babies in her mouth

Down to the water and take care of them until

They're big enough to be on their own.

[Squeak squeak]

Think he's trying to tell us something?

I don't think he's talking to us.


Uh-oh. It's mom. Uh-oh. It's mom.

Martin: remember what we said about giving an alligator mom her space?

And not getting too close to her nest?

And not picking up her babies?

Back where you belong, living free and in the wild.

Martin, chris: run!


Martin: whew! That was a close one.

Chris: yeah, but mission accomplished.

We got the baby alligator back home to his mom where he belongs.

Martin: and now it's time to head back to animal junction.

Martin: hey, zoboo, we found the alligator nest.

Zoboo: yahoo!

What are you doing, buddy?

I'm helping to hatch.

The daddy bird went looking for food.

And I'm sitting on these huge eggs.

Yeah, they're emu eggs.

I'm keeping them warm, warm, warm

So they'll hatch, hatch, hatch.

Oh! Whoa, wait! Whoa!

What's with him? It's the eggs. They're hatchin.

Zoboo: mangatsika! Look at them.

[Chirp chirp]

Zoboo: wow!

Martin: way to go, emus.

Chris: they did it. Martin: yeah!

Zoboo: here comes the proud papa to check them out.


Chris: the emu chicks have to hatch by themselves.

But after that they won't be alone

Because dad takes care of them.

Look at how their eyelids come from the side

And not from the top like ours.

Oh yeah, when they blink it goes whup, whup.

That is really neat. I never noticed that before.

They like to huddle together right after they're born

And keep each other warm.

Zoboo: hey, they're going to sleep.

This reminds me of another time I met zoboomafooasaurus

In zobooland.

I was sleeping along-- sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep.

When all of a sudden...

Hey, zoboo, are you sleeping?

I'm not sleeping anymore.

Oh, good, I'm all alone. Can you puppy-sit me?

Maybe if you're a puppy.

I'm a dinosaur puppy.

Ok, then I'll dinosaur puppy-sit you.

Do you want to chase my tail, zoboo?

I'll chase it before you can say,"zoboomafooasaurus.&Quot;

Whoo! Whoo!


I got you!

Well, let's see if you can hang on.

Whoa! I can hang on, yeah, whooaa!

Oh, hi, zoboo.

Hi, noggendrill.

Ow! Watch your hand.

I think I need some help taking care of baby zoboomafooasaurus.

Well, maybe you should call his mom.

Great idea!

Hey, mom zoboomafooasaurus?

Hi, zoboo.

Mommy, zoboo took care of me.

Thank you, zoboo.

Zoboo: so we hopped on board and had a nice ride home.

The end.

Martin: there sure are a lot of great creature moms around, aren't there?

Me too, remember?

You too, zob!

Zoboo: I think your dad's leaving, baby chicks!

Bye, emus!


♪ This animal is a friend of mine ♪

♪ From the tip of his nose to his funny behind ♪

♪ All the friends that we met today ♪

♪ Are special in their own way ♪

We've all got different names ♪

♪ But we're really all the same ♪

♪ Thanks for dropping by ♪

♪ We're glad you came ♪

♪ These animals are friends of mine ♪

♪ They jump and swim, crawl, fly and climb ♪

♪ One more thing we have to say ♪

♪ Go make an animal friend today ♪


Zoboo: bye, brothers!

Bye, zoboo!

See ya, zob.

We'll see you next time!


Hi, my name's connie and this is my pet hamster, sarah.

Hi, we're the kratt brothers and we never get too close to an animal we don't know.

Remember, always give an animal her space.

And if you're a kid, you should never get close to an animal unless an adult says it's ok.

Hey, there's somebody we all know:

Everyone: zoboomafoo.

And now for a joke from zoboomafoo...

Black panther to some people,a

But it's not.

It's a water-loving black jaguar.

- Knock, knock?

- Who's there?

- Panther!

- Panther who?

- Panther no pants!

I'm going swimming!

- Zob are you ok?

- Yeah!

Just fine!


Pants or no pants I'm going swimming!