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01x34 - Water Creatures

Posted: 12/31/23 23:01
by bunniefuu
With the kratt brothers!

♪ While walking in the woods one day ♪

♪ Chris and martin saw something strange ♪

♪ A little leaping lemur who liked to bounce and pla♪

♪ They followed their new bouncing friend ♪

♪ Not knowing where this adventure would en♪

♪ The animals were headed just around the bend ♪

♪ Where are they going? I don't know ♪

♪ How do we get there? Come on, let's go ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo ♪

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ We're doing the things that animals do ♪

♪ New animal friends to see ♪

♪ Animal junction is the place to be ♪

♪ Elephants charging, baboons are leapin' ♪

♪ Wild dogs running and nobody's sleepin' ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo ♪

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ We're doing the things that animals do ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo ♪

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ At animal junction we're waiting for you ♪

Captioning made possible by u.s. Department of education and pbs

Martin: we're rounding the bend!

Chris: we'll be there in record time.



Ahh. Perfect timing.

We got hot rollerblading. We needed that.

Hey, let's call zoboo.



Hey, zoboo! Hey, zoboo!

How you doing, buddy?

Zoboo doesn't like to get wet,

At least not often.

He's definitely not a water creature.

But he loves drippy, wet papayas.

So that's what we'll give him.

Zoboo! Papayas!

Good munchie, zob?

You could munch on those all day.

He loves papaya.


Excuse me.



Hi. Great to see you.


Ahh. Vokey.

That means "i'm full.&Quot;

You speak malagasy?

A little bit. You taught me.

You're drippy like the papaya...

Just like the creatures I saw.

First they were swimming,

Then they were walking.

Who could it be?

♪ Who could it be ♪

♪ This animal who I did see? ♪

♪ Can you help me guess this mystery? ♪

There were eyeballs on heads--

Because there were creatures

Standing up straight in the water.

♪ Who could it be ♪

♪ This animal who I did see? ♪

♪ Mangatsika ♪

♪ Mangatsika animal ♪

They were zipping as fast as a fish.

♪ Ha ha ho ha ♪

♪ Hey hey hey hey ♪

♪ Who could it be ♪

♪ This animal who I did see? ♪

♪ Can you help me guess this mystery? ♪

Black and white feathered swimmers.

Do you know?

Martin: we can figure it out.

Hey, brothers--look!

Webbed feet, waddly walk.

Hey, brothers!

Black and white feathers.

I know who it is. Do you?

Hey, brothers, look!

Zoboomafoo: yeah. Penguins.

Mystery animals are here.

They're african penguins.

How are you?

Penguins love water.

Their bodies are built for swimming.

They're true water creatures.

Wow. And feel those feathers.

They're so smooth.

They're tiny, almost like scales.

That helps them swim.

Zoboomafoo: that's where they're go.

I can't believe my mind! They're going in the pool!



I'm going to call you splish and splash,

The swimming penguins.

Ha ha ha!

Do you like those names?

Hey, where are you going?

They're leaving the pool.

That was a short swim.

Especially for a penguin.

They dislike our pool.

I will see why.


I don't know why. The water's great.

Hey, martin. Be careful.

It may be great, but it's too wet for me.

You've been wet before, right?

I don't want to get wet today.

No, thanks. No.

Water's too wet for me.

Why don't the penguins want to swim?

Penguins usually love being in the water.

Maybe they want to walk first.

Penguins do a funny walk.

Martin: let's walk like penguins.

You can do it!

That's the way!

Zoboomafoo: I'm doing it, too.

They look clumsy,

But penguins travel long distances on short legs.

You guys make good penguins.

Thanks, zob!

Whoops. Ha ha ha!

You're welcome.


Ha ha ha!

You got me, bro.

Why are you in the water, not the penguins?

We love water. Why don't they?

Maybe they're hungry.

I can't swim when I'm hungry.

I know-- let's get a snack.

Splish! Splash! To the snack machine!

Lots of food here. I'll feed them.

Penguin food, coming up.

Hey, is that all there is,

One piece of food for penguins?

Penguins eat about little fish a day,

So we'll need more food to feed them.

I wonder what's wrong with this machine.

It's probably broken.

Time to bring out the big g*ns.

Don't worry. Chris will fix it.

Hey, hoo, hubba hubba!

If this doesn't fix it, nothing will.

Hey, hoo, hubba hubba!

Martin: he did it.

That's one way to fix the machine.

Penguins eat these funny nuts?

Hmm. Huh?


Mangatsika! They're cold!

These aren't nuts. These are ice cubes.

Ice cubes? Hmm.

Frozen water.

Penguins eat ice? Hmm.

Why do penguins eat ice?

They don't eat ice, but it's great for cooling things down.

Iced tea.

Mmm. Want to try some?


Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! That's a cold one.

Cold! That's why the penguins won't swim!

Remember when chris and I went in the pool?

I remember.

I don't know why. The water's great.

The water was great for us-- not the penguins.

The water is too warm for the penguins.

Penguins love cold water.

African penguins have fat and feathers

To keep them warm.

If the water's too warm, the penguins get hot.

These penguins are looking for cold water.

I know what they'd like.

What, zob?

Let's throw all the ice in the pool.

I think there's more ice in this box.


Great idea, zoboo. You're one smart lemur.

Here. Take some over.

Whoa! That's too cold!

I'm from madagascar. I dislike cold.


Wow! They're hot for ice.

They want to cool off.

Ever played ice basketball?

Throw the ice in the pool!

Nice one!

Good shot, chris!

Whoo! Nice form, martin.

Ooh, slam dunk.

Martin is icing chris! Hoo-ha!


Martin: whoops! Sorry, zob!

That's ok.

Aah! Too cold and wet for me.

Hey! It worked! It worked!

They're swimming now that the water's cold.

You sure helped the penguins chill out.

Splish and splash

Are really splish-splashing now.

They look like they're flying underwater.

They belong in the ice-cold water,

Where they fish.

Most penguins can dive feet below the ocean's surface.

The emperor penguin can dive even deeper--

Well over feet.

I'm going in!


You'll be too cold in that ice water!

It's great for penguins-- not kratt brothers.

Penguins have fat and feathers to keep them warm.

We'll wear wet suits.

It's like having feathers and fat like a penguin.

We can stay in the cold water longe.

I'll be back.

Martin: all right. Another penguin coming .

All right. Yeah!

Zoboomafoo: kratt penguins in the pool!

You guys are good penguins.

Martin: with our wet suits, we're just like penguins.

You know, this ice really did the trick.

Oh! Sorry, zoboomafoo.

That reminds me of one time in zobooland.

Zoboomafoo, voice-over: I was leaping along,

When I bumped into narchi.

Hi, narchi.

Hi. Great to see you.

Want to play goobleberry ball?


Zoboomafoo, voice-over: so we played.

I threw to narchi, and he threw back to me.

Hey, zoboo, catch this--

It's my super-duper double-looper!

Whoo! Whoa! Whoa!

Uh-oh. That was our only goobleberry.

Suddenly, it blew back to us.

Where did that come from?

Who blew that goobleberry? Body.

Ok. Who threw it?


Who's me?

Yeah. Who's me?


Fibby wouldn't leave the water.

She was a water creature, but that was ok.

Whenever our ball went into the water,

Fibby got it.

And we played loop-de-loop ball all d.

Hey, fibby! Throw it over!


Ha ha ha!

The end.

The best part of that story

Is that I didn't have to get wet.

Penguins and lemurs are the same in a way.

I have a nose... They have that pointy thing.

That's a beak. They use it to catch food.

And to clean their feathers.

How am I like them?

I have long legs for jumping...

Oh. Penguins have short legs.

Penguins have short legs for steering.

Oh! I know now!

I know how lemurs and penguins are alike.

I have dark and white fur,

And penguins have dark and white feathers.

High-five! You've got it!

Thanks. Ha ha ha!

Hey, I'm feeling penguin-ish.


♪ I feel different, not the same ♪

♪ This kind of feeling, I can't explain ♪

♪ There's only one thing that I can do ♪

♪ I feel penguin-ish, how 'bout you? ♪

♪ Penguin-ish ♪

♪ Penguin ♪

♪ Penguin-ish ♪

♪ Ba ba ba ba ba ♪

♪ Penguin-ish ♪

Hey, nice leap!

♪ I'm one cool bird sitting on an ice cube ♪

Martin: yeah!

♪ Penguin-ish! ♪

Chris: you know, ice is fun,

But it's sure cold, even with wet suits.

Everybody out of the pool. Come on!

Don't forget to walk like a penguin.



Oh, the penguins are going home.

Bye, penguins!

Chris: come back for a swim!

Yeah. And a freeze, too.


Duck! Duck!

Ha ha ha! Hey!

It's a lanner falcon.

This is no duck.

Of course. It's a lanner falco.

Message from jackie.

What is jackie doing?

Jackie: hi, guys.

I got a new fish named sunny.

She'll love her home when she's used to it.

Moving is hard.

When I brought sunny home,

I knew the aquarium water was a different temperature

Than the water in the bag.

I didn't want to shock sunny.

I put the bag in the aquarium and wai.

Now the water is the same temperature in bot,

So I can let sunny out.

I think she likes it.

She has new friends.

I wish I could go swimming with them.

That would be fun.

It's amazing to swim with water creatures.

Not if you're a lemur.

Swimming is too wet for zoboo

But great for kratt brothers.

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Let's swim with some incredible water creatures.

To the closet!

♪ They're going to the closet ♪

So what do we need?




Ha ha!

Oh! Uhh!


And our scuba gear!

♪ They're going on a cool adventure ♪

♪ And they don't know what's in store ♪

♪ They're coming from the closet ♪

♪ And they're headed out the door ♪

See you later!

Bye, brothers!

The ocean is full of incredible water creatures.

They live, eat, and breathe underwater.

Do you want to be a water creature?

Come on! Let's go!



Martin: everything's so blurry!

I can't see anything!

Me, neither.

Let's go back up.

Our eyes aren't made for seeing underwater.

Water creatures need special eyes to see underwater.

We need our masks.

They will help us see like water creature.

Yeah. Come on!

Martin: that's more like it.

Chris: dolphins!

Hey! Wait for us!

They're swimming too fast.

We can't keep up with them.

We need something to move us through the water.

We need...flippers!

These will help us swim like water creatures.

We're better swimmers now that we're wearing flippers.

Now we're swimming more like dolphins.

Hey, where did the dolphin go?

Oh, there you are!

How do you swim so well when you're hardly moving?

You're just built for gliding through the water.

Whoa. Nice turns.

Hey, I've got an idea.

If we want to be water creatures,

We need to do something else.

We need to breathe underwater.

We'll need...

Scuba gear! Scuba gear!

Now we have air tanks to breathe underwater.

Masks to see underwater.

Flippers to swim underwater.

Now we're...

Water creatures! Water creatures!

A stingray! Wow!

There are all sorts of incredible water creatures down here.

A parrotfish.

A green sea turtle.

I will try to swim like her.

Chris, look down! A puffer fish!

A remora!

And where there's a remora, there's sometimes...

A shark!


Swimming with sharks is incredible.

Swimming with water creatures is incredible,

But we'd better head back.

I'm right behind you.

So is he.

Wait until we tell zoboo about this trip.

[Zoboomafoo gibbering]

Looks like we have company.

What's happening?


Zoboomafoo: while you were gone, a friend came by-

A big cat.

Whoa! A jaguar!

He's been here before.

We're playing with our friend jagwater.

Hi, jagwater. Ha ha!

That is one big paw.

His paw is as big as your head.

His head is as big as of mine.

He's got strong arms.

Mine are so skinny.

Whoa! Whoa!


I have big and grabby paws!

Jagwater wants to play.

How about some basketball?


Nice one, chris!

Watch those eyes follow the ball.

That's how cats hunt.

They follow the action and pounce.

But nothing's happening here.

I don't think he wants to play basketball.

I do! Whoa!

Perfect! Jaguars love to swim.

Come on in!

I think he wants to stay dry.

Let's find out. Ok!

Throw it back in, zob!

Ha ha ha!

He does want to play in the water.

A jaguar is the only big cat that is a water creature.

He hunts in the water.

They catch crocodiles, fish...

He's practicing his hunting.

He's hunting basketballs.

This water creature is having fun

And loving the water.

Jaguars are great swimmers with wide feet for paddling.

Whoa! Get that basketball!

You need fast eyes to follow these basketballs.

And a jaguar has them.

Watch out, zob! This jaguar's a real splasher!

Whoa! Whoa!

Missed me! Hoo-ha!

Throw me the ball! I'm playing!

Heads up!

I caught it! I caught it!

That reminds me of zobooland.

Zoboomafoo, voice-over: I was leaping along,

And I leapt between narchi and gooble.

Hello. Gooble found a big batch of goobleberries.

Yeah. They're over here. Yummy.

I'll help you.

I'll blow them to you.

Oh, ok.

I want to help eat them, too.

I don't know if I can catch at once.

Narchi can blow the goobleberries to fibby.

Fibby throws to gooble, who eats it.

Ok. I'm ready.

Ok. Here I blow.

Hey, hey!

That's what we did.

Narchi blew the goobleberry to fibby.

Fibby threw it to gooble,

And gooble ate it.

Gooble's belly got big and round.

Gooble's belly is getting full.

That's my favorite kind of belly.

The end. Ha ha!

Watch out, zob. You never know

When water creatures will...

Shake! Shake!



Why am I always getting wet?

Don't you like it a little?

You know? Wet isn't so bad.

Wet is ok! Ha ha!

Zoboomafoo, I think you're turning into a water creature.

I want to be a water creature.

I can't believe my mind.

I want to be a water creature.

Is this the same "the water's too wet" lemur?

I want to be a water creature. Throw me in!

All right. If you say so.




Ha ha ha!

I feel water creature-ish.

Now he's a water creature.

Water creature-ish!

I'm waterlogged! I love it!


Water creatures are amazing!

And there are so many of them.

Now there's one more--me!

I love getting wet.

That's my favorite, too, zoboo.

I loved walking with the penguins.

And playing ball with the jaguar.

Oh, yeah.

[All laughing]

♪ This animal is a friend of mine ♪

♪ From the tip of his nose to his funny behind ♪

♪ All the friends that we've met today ♪

♪ Are special in their own way ♪

♪ We've all got different names ♪

♪ But we're really all the same ♪

♪ Thanks for dropping by, we're glad you came ♪

♪ These animals are friends of mine ♪

♪ They jump and swim, crawl, fly, and climb ♪

♪ One more thing we have to say ♪

♪ Go make an animal friend today ♪


Zoboomafoo: I must go home.

See you later.

Later, zoboo.

Bye, zob.

We'll, see you later, too.

Let's go snorkeling on a reef.

Yeah. Let's go.

Hi. My name is christine.

I feed my fishes once a day.

We're the kratt brothers.

Outside animal junction, we never get too close to a strange animal.

Give an animal her space.

Never get close to animal

Without an adult's permission.

There's somebody we know.

All: zoboomafoo!

And now for a joke from zoboomafoo...


Hey did you know that dogs love to play

Because they are hunters by nature.

- Yeah! I knew that!

- Yeah!

That's why they love to run around and jump,

And grab things with their mouths!

- Yeah! Because they're hunters by nature.

- Ok zoboo! I've got a riddle for you.

- Ok.

- What time is it when you have two pug puppies,


A bucket of balls?

= It's playtime!

Hey puppies! Come play with me!

Hey puppies, how are you?


No, no, no let go!

Woah! Hey! Hey!

I'm stronger than you are.