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01x33 - Sand

Posted: 12/31/23 23:00
by bunniefuu
With the kratt brothers!

♪ While walking in the woods one day ♪

♪ Chris and martin saw something strange ♪

♪ A little leaping lemur who liked to bounce and play ♪

♪ They followed their new bouncing friend ♪

♪ Not knowing where this adventure would end ♪

♪ The animals were headed ♪

♪ Just around the bend ♪

♪ Where are they going? ♪

♪ I don't know ♪

♪ How do we get there? ♪

♪ Come on, let's go ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo ♪

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ We're doing the things that animals do ♪

♪ New animal friends to see ♪

♪ Animal junction is the place to be ♪

♪ Elephants, zoology, baboons are leaping ♪

♪ Wild dogs running, and nobody's sleeping ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo ♪

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ We're doing the things that animals do ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo ♪

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ At animal junction, we're waiting for you! ♪

Chris: this was the sandstorm of the century!

Martin: the door's stuck. I'll try the top.

Got it!

We're in!

You won't believe this!

You know that sandstorm that hit us in the desert?

It hit animal junction, too.

The place is covered in sand!

And so are we!

That's the thing about creature adventuring in the desert--

You bring sand back with you.

I bring a lot of sand back.

Talk about getting sand in your shoe!

Now, that is a lot of sand!

Having this sand in animal junction

Is like having our own beach!

Where we can play beach volleyball!

Your serve, chris!

All right!

Hey, let's call zoboo! Zoboo!

Hey, zoboo, get in here!

Martin: nice one, chris!

Hey, zoboo!


Sandstorm's over, buddy!

Martin: zoboomafoo!

Have you seen him anywhere?

Hey, zoboo came in through the roof!

Chris: I'll get him a snack from the snack machine.

What do we have for zoboo today?

Martin: he's found a snack.

He always finds the tasty leaves.

Don't you, zoboomafoo?




Zoboo doesn't want to eat sand.

Let's try again.

Now that's more like it.

Something nice and sweet.

Zoboo's such a good buddy!

Zoboo, I have a mango!

Mangos are slimy!

But zoboo loves them.

Yeah, he loves all his snacks.

Zoboo: [burp] excuse me!


That was yummy! I have a joke.

One seagull says to the another, "caw, caw, caw."

The other says, "I was about to say that!"

Another good one, zob.

Ahh, that was funny!


I can't believe my mind!

Animal junction is covered with sand!

Martin: it's everywhere!

In between my toes.

Sand feels good on my toes.

Yeah, feels good!

Sand is fun to play in!

The mangatsika animal I saw

Was playing in the sand.

Who could it be?

♪ Who could it be? ♪

♪ This animal who I did see ♪

♪ Can you help me guess this mystery? ♪

Zoboo: this creature pops out of the sand.

She lives in and loves the sand.

♪ Who could it be, this animal who I did see? ♪

♪ Mangatsika, mangatsika animal ♪

She has claws, amazing claws for diggi.

♪ Who could it be, this animal who I did see? ♪

♪ Can you help me guess this mystery? ♪

She's always with a friend. Who she is?

Martin: good clues, zoboo.

Chris: yeah, let's review.

Long, pointy face...

Pops out of holes in the sand...

Digs holes...

The mystery animal is...

A meerkat!

Looks like more!

Right. There are two meerkats.

Wait, make that .

Where? There.

Mystery animals are here!

Martin: meerkats are creatures who live in the african desert.

Zoboo: they check out everything.

They're exploring sand dunes.

Meerkats exploring everything in animal junction...

Including me!

I'll call you sandy, sandra, and sandwich!


You don't look like a kitty cat.

That's because meerkats aren't cats.

What are they, chickens?

Meerkats are members of the mongoose family.

They're smart creatures who care about each other.

Martin: meerkats live in groups of up to members.

They watch out for each other.

Meerkats are fun, busy, curious little mongooses.

They're trying to learn everything in animal junction.

I know why meerkats like the sand--

It feels great!

Chris: it sure does, zob.

I'll go in the sand if it's slimy.

I'll go if it's goobleberry gooey.

Martin: meerkats are always on the move.

Know what I wonder?

What, martin?

Meerkats are desert creatures.

Though there's sand in animal junction,

It's not a desert.

What brought the meerkats to animal junction?

Maybe water!

Maybe. Maybe.

They might be thirsty and looking for water!

All right, meerkats, to the water!



That must be wet!

Ha ha! Where did the meerkats go?

Where's zoboo? They were behind us.

We jumped in the water.

The meerkats aren't interested in water.

What do they want?

You've got paws and claws.

I've got hands and nails.

Know what I like to do? Climb.

Let's all climb!

Come on guys, follow me! Climb, climb!

Climbing's fun!

They don't want to climb.

Maybe they want to leap.

Leap, leap! Leaping's fun!

Woo-hah! Huh!

They don't want to climb or leap.

Who wouldn't want to do that?

They want to do what meerkats love to do.


Dig? Oh!

See their extra long claws?

They're like mini shovels,

They're great for digging!

Martin: let's dig like the meerkats!

Come on, you can do it!

Zoboo: I really dig this.

Get it, dig?

When you dig like a meerkat,

You always dig between your legs.

Meerkats dig to make their underground homes.

These homes can have entrances

With a tangle of tunnels connecting underground cham.

Zoboo: what a home.

They're not looking for a home here.

They are looking for something.

Maybe they're hungry!

Martin: when a meerkat's hungry, he sniffs around...

For scorpions or millipede

Or other creepy crawlies that might be good to eat.

Chris: once she smells her prey, she att*cks.

She chows down on whatever she sniffed out.

No doubt about it, meerkats are great sniffers.

They sniff?

Mangatsika! I'm a meerkat sniffer.


I got sand in my nose.

Ha ha ha!

Does he have sand up his nose?


Uh-oh. Uh-oh.

Chris: hurry up, martin!


[Wind blowing]



That lemur can sneeze!


Zoboo: I don't know what they want,

But I do know I'm feeling "meerkatish"

♪ I feel different, not the same ♪

♪ This kind of feeling, I can't explain ♪

♪ There's only one thing that I can do ♪

♪ I feel meerkatish, how about you? ♪

♪ Meerkatish... ♪

♪ I'm feeling kind of meerkatish ♪

♪ M-m-m-meerkatish ♪

♪ Meerkat, meerkat, that's where it's at ♪

♪ Meerkatish ♪

Martin: the meerkats aren't hungry.

We know they didn't come

To animal junction for food.

Or for a nap.

Or to drink.

So, why did they come to animal junction.

Zoboo: to rest.

They're chilling out.

No, they're not. They're warming up.

Desert nights are cold.

In the morning, meerkats face the sun.

That's a great way to warm their bodies.

By noon, it gets very hot,

So the meerkats really do have to chill out.

So, she digs a hole

And lays on her belly.

The sand cools down her whole body,

And that feels good on the hot meerkat pelt.

Hey, let's try it.

Sand feels good on my belly!

Cool and refreshing!

Perfect for chilling out.

You want to hear what happened in zobooland?

I was leaping along, leap, leap...

Leap, leap, and I landed next to snow lemur.

"Hi, snow lemur," I said.

I like playing in the sand.

It reminds me of the snow

On top of mount zoboomafoo!

I like the sand, too.

It tickles my fingers!

Sand tickles my sides, too.

It tickles my sides, too.


Sand can't tickle our sides!

What's going on?

You're right, zoboo, it's not sand,

It's me--fibby!

I'm tickling you.

Zoboo: we spent the morning

Playing in the sand together. Ha ha!


Martin, chris, what's that sound?

Hear that?

A meerkat call.


That's a mangatsika sound you're making, sandwich.

I think she's talking to

The other meerkats outside!

<Span> the other meerkats <span> are outside.

Let's go see!

Martin: you're right, zob.

The rest of the group are outside.

That makes sense. Meerkats always stick together.

And talk together.

They communicate with clucks, chirps, grunts, murmurs.

Meerkats talk to each other

Because they depend on each other.

They hunt, baby-sit, and build homes together.

Somebody's always watching for enemies,

While the others are exploring.

Those meerkats didn't come here to drink...

Or to nap.

Or to climb. They came to explore!

With their guards outside,

They can play all they want.

Zoboo: see you later!

Come back anytime!

Next time, bring the whole pack back!



Hit the sand!

Zoboo: whoa!

Nice landing!

It's a duck!

It's a duck, it's a duck!

Martin: with a message!

It must be from jackie.

Jackie: so many creatures live in the sand.

Like this hermit crab.

Hermit crabs are so amazing.

They eat things on the beach.

And they live in shells.

They're never far from home.

That's because they carry their homes on their back.

Hey, guys, I think these hermit crabs want to move into my castle.

I love my shell collection,

And shells belong on the beach.

A beach is an incredible place to find creatures.

So many amazing creatures

Live in, under, or above the sand.

Zoboo: I know where they're going!

Both: to the beach!

♪ They're going to the closet ♪

♪ They're going on a trip ♪

♪ They're going to the closet to grab their stuff and split ♪

But sand is blocking the door.

Let's switch to plan "d."

Plan "d"?

"D" for digging, like the meerkats!


You know what's going to happen next?

I don't want to see this!


Time to hit the beach!

♪ They're going on a cool adventure ♪

♪ And they don't know what's in store ♪

♪ They're coming from the closet ♪

♪ And they're headed out the door ♪

We're here to see what lives in, on, and under the sand.

Like those ibis.

They're eating little sand creatures.

Ha ha!

Sand always lets you know who's been around.

Sea turtle tracks!

You're right, chris!


She's heading back for the ocean.

Sea turtles lay eggs in the warm sand.

Chris: about days later, the eggs hatch.

The babies then have to crawl...

...through about a foot of packed sand

To get to the surface.

Then they scramble down the beach

Towards the water.

They boogie to the sea as fast as they can.

The hatchlings aren't the only ones on the beach.

A crocodile!

And black vultures, too.

They're looking for dinner!

The babies really have to move.

I think they're going to make it!

He's almost there!

All right! He made it!

In the sea, where every sea turtle belongs.

The sea's the place to be if you're a sea turtle.

Great creatures are here,

But living in sandy places is rough.

It's hot.

It's hard to find fresh water.

And I'm thirsty.

If you're thirsty, follow the creatures

Who know where the water is.


Maybe a camel will lead us to some water at...

Animal junction!

Zoboo: let's see, one, two..

We made it!

, , ...

, , !

What are you doing?

I counted legs and two big claws...

A scorpion can go for months

Without eating or drinking.

Their babies are born live and bright white.

They ride on their mom's back

Until they can live on their own.

Zoboo: just like lemurs.

Zob, we got somebody we want you to meet.

Who? Who?

Mangatsika! You're huge!

He's a camel.

He's one of the tallest

Sand creatures in the world.

Biggest, too.

Chris: being tall makes it easier

For him to spot food.

A camel stores fat in the hump on his back.

This one-humped camel is a dromedary.

Dromedary! Ha ha. Good name.

I'll call him dromeo.

Over here, dromeo...

Want some carrot?

Martin: you have carrot, zob.

Camels love carrots.

Here, have another carrot.

It's good, huh?

Watch his lips grab for the carrot.

They're like two little fingers.

Look at this, come closer.

Two little fingers grabbing for it.

I better give it to him.

Chew like a camel.

Martin: a camel chews his food really slowly,

Moving his mouth from side to side.

That's ultimate camel grinding action.

Want some more? Here you go.

Chris: and check out his feet!

Wow! They're so big and wide.

Look! My feet are perfect for climbing.

No! No! Don't pull me off!

Crazy camel!

Martin: a camel doesn't climb. He walks on the sand.

Which means a camel needs big and wide feet

That are spread out, like these flippers.

A camel's feet help him walk

Through the sand without sinking in.


I don't think chris can walk on sand.

Martin: but camels can!

They even love rolling in it!

Camels love rolling in the sand.

Hey, zob, you got to try this!

I'm rolling like a camel!

Chris: great way to cool off on a hot da.

Zoboo: it sure helps if you're itchy, too.

It feels good, huh? Rolling in the sand.

I know somebody who likes sand in...

In zobooland.

I was leaping along, leap, leap, leap,

When I met noggendrill.

I said, "hello noggendrill."

I'm looking for a sandy place to dig my home in.

How about over there where gooble is?


I can't dig there. It's too hard.

Let's see. Pretty hard!

I can't dig a home there.

There must be a soft, sandy place.

I know who can help us.

Good luck!

So, went to see green puppy.

Hi, zoboo!

Is this a good place for digging?

Oh, yeth, yeth,

It's great for digging.

Why don't you try it, noggendrill?

Ok, zoboo, I'll give it a whirl. Here goes!

Zoboo: so, noggendrill started to spin around.

He spun up in the sky, and then he spun down in the sandy ground.

How's your hole?

Come see my new home.

So I did. Ow!

Sorry, zoboo.

The end.

Martin: here's somebody else who disappears in the sand...

Want to see why she's called a sand boa?

Sand boas live in the sand.

Her head is shaped like a shovel

That digs through the sand.

Look, she's digging and disappearing.

She's going, going, going...

She's gone right underneath the sand.

Mangatsika! Look! The camel's drinking!


Listen to how the camel slurps up the water.

He's still drinking.

He goobered me!

My favorite part of the day!

♪ This animal is a friend of mine ♪

♪ From the tip of his nose to his funny behind ♪

♪ All the friends we met today ♪

♪ Are special in their own way ♪

♪ We've all got different names ♪

♪ But we're really all the same ♪

♪ Thanks for dropping by, we're glad you came ♪

♪ These animals are friends of mine ♪

♪ They jump and swim, crawl, fly, and climb ♪

♪ One more thing we have to say ♪

♪ Go make an animal friend to♪

Sand was fun, but mango is better! By!

See you later!

Keep on leaping!

One thing's for sure.

I can't wait to hit the water!

Sand always makes me want to go scuba diving.

Later, camel.

Eat as much as you want!

My name is martin. This is my hamster, snoopy.

He's about a year old.

That's a great animal friend.

Some animals like to be petted...

Others get scared when you get close.

You should only go near an animal when an adult says it's ok.

Now for some jokes from zoboomafoo...

Did you know that skunks actually do handstands

When they spray their skunk stink?

These baby skunks are practicing their handstands.

- They're doing pretty good.

I bet they'll be really stinky when they get big.

Hey martin!

Why are skunks so smart?

- Why zob?

- Because they have lots of sense.

Stinky sense.

Stinky sense! Ha ha!

Stinky sense!

Ha I like that!

- Did you know that a baby chick has a special tip

On the end of her beak called an egg tooth?

That helps her crack out of her egg.

- That reminds me of a joke.

Hey chris?

- Yeah zob?

- What did one egg say to another egg?

- I don't know! What?

- Get cracking!