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01x31 - Funny Faces

Posted: 12/31/23 22:58
by bunniefuu
With the kratt brothers!

♪ While walking in the woods one day ♪

♪ Chris and martin saw something strange ♪

♪ A little leaping lemur who liked to bounce and play ♪

♪ They followed their new bouncing friend ♪

♪ Not knowing where this adventure would end ♪

♪ The animals were headed just around the bend ♪

♪ Where are they going? I don't know ♪

♪ How do we get there? Come on, let's go ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo ♪

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ We're doing the things that animals do ♪

♪ New animal friends to see ♪

♪ Animal junction is the place to be ♪

♪ Elephants are charging, baboons are leapin' ♪

♪ Wild dogs running and nobody's sleepin' ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo ♪

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ We're doing the things that animals do ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo ♪

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ At animal junction we're waiting for you ♪


Captioning made possible by u.s. Department of education and pbs

Martin: what funny creature faces!

Chris: I've never seen anything like it.

Creature faces. They're incredible.

And there are so many different kinds:

Some with googly eyes.

Big noses!

Big mouths.

Crazy feathers!

Wild colors.

Weird ears.

Blinky eyes.

Funny faces!

How about the creature caller

We picked up in madagascar?

It's supposed to be able to call creatures.

Hey, you want to try calling the lemur?

Hey, hooba, hubba-hubba.


Sounded like a moose.

Try calling him the regular way.



Hey, zoboo!

Martin: what's taking him so long?

Zoboo! Zoboo!

Chris: why do you have that white patch of fur on your nose?

I'll get you a snack.

Ok. Let's get zoboo something to eat.

Broken again, but we can fix it.

Ok. There's the problem.

I fixed it, all right.

Banana pudding. My favorite.

I'll keep working on the snack machine.

Chris: I'll keep looking at zoboo's funny face.

How do you make your ears wiggle like that?

I can't make my ears wiggle like zoboo can.

Can you?

Zoboo, I've got some sweet potato.

Do you want a piece?

There you go.

Is it good, zob?

Look at the funny face he makes when he chews.

[Burp] excuse me.



Hi there.

A food face can be a funny face.

You have a funny face.

What do you mean?

You don't have fur on your nose.

Neither do you. Ha ha!

Hoo-ha ha!

All creatures make funny faces now and then.

I saw another funny face. Who could it be?

♪ Who could it be, this animal who I did see? ♪

♪ Can you help me guess this mystery? ♪

Zoboomafoo: this little creature was hungry,

And he was looking at leaves.

♪ Who could it be, this animal who I did see? ♪

♪ Mangatsika ♪

♪ Mangatsika animal ♪

He stuck his face in the water, and we went for a swim.

♪ Hey, hey, hey, hey ♪

♪ Who could it be, this animal who I did see? ♪

♪ Can you help me guess this mystery? ♪

He's a long-legged, big-eared, funny-faced creature.

Do you know who he is?

Martin: he made a funny face.

Long legs, knobby knees.

Made a rrraah sound.

I know who it is. I bet you can guess.

A moose!

Baby moose are shy, so let's take it easy.

How are you doing?

Our mystery animal's face is not as funny as mine.

He's looking for a place to lie down.

Why is he tired?

Maybe he walked a long way on those long legs.


I know he has a funny face.

Look at this long face.

That is funny.

I like his soft little nose.

Ha ha ha.

Look at his funny ears. They're big.

He has big ears for a little guy.

Wonder what he's looking for.

What are you looking for, buddy?


Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

How about some milk?

He's going to love this.

Want some milk?

Zoboomafoo: wow. He's hungry.

He's a rough-and-tough milk drinker.

Hold on tight!

You get dizzy watching him.

He's really pulling.

This moose drinks / bottles of milk every day.

Martin: he's really slurping.

Zoboomafoo: slurpy.


Chris: listen to the slurping sounds.


But what he's doing here?

You called him.

Yeah. The creature caller made the moose call.


The moose calf came when he heard the moose sound.

Those ears pick up all kinds of sounds.

Check it out.

What's he up to now?

Zoboomafoo: my lemur sense is tingling.

Baby moose is looking for something.

I'll help you look, baby moose.

Zoboomafoo: baby moose has a funny face.

His mom's face is funnier because her nose is longer,

And she has a piece of skin and fur called a dewlap.

Zoboomafoo: what's a dewlap for?

Nobody knows.

This moose is about one month old,

So his mom can't be far.

She must be around somewhere.

Zoboomafoo: I meant to do that.

I don't see a mother moose.

Don't see a moose mom.

I think baby moose misses his mom.

He's too young to be on his own.

We've got to get him back to his mom.

The creature caller!

Put it on and call mom moose.

Great idea!

Martin: come on, zob!

I hope this plan works.

Chris: time for the creature caller.

Let me get this on.

You all set, martin?

Oh, yeah.


Hey! Wah-hoo!

Hey! Hoo! Hubba!


Martin: toothbrush!

I must have accidentally made an elephant call.

Zoboomafoo: toothbrush has a funny face.

He has a funny face

Because he has a very long nose called a trunk.

Toothbrush can use his funny face to grab leaves from high places

So he doesn't have to jump.

Martin: both an elephant and a moose pack away

Huge amounts of twigs and leaves.

Leaves are yummy, but twigs? Yuck!

This one-month-old

Eats about branches a day.

When he becomes an adult,

In one day he will eat pounds of leaves and twigs.

That's a lot!

You bet, zob. You really like twigs. I'll call you...twiggly.

Yeah. Twiggly, the wiggly-nosed twig-eater.

Keep on eating, twiggly.

Let's eat like a moose.

My mouth is sore.

Martin: twiggly is eating so he won't get sore.

He has to be ready for antler battles when he grows up.

It takes a strong moose not to get beat up,

And that's why a moose packs away a lot of plants.

If the moose eats plants underwater,

Does he get water stuck up his nose?

Ha ha!

Come on in.

No, because a moose closes his nostrils underwater.

Another great feature for a great funny face.

A moose can feel for plants underwater

With his face, like this.

A moose uses his lips.

Zoboomafoo: his lips feel for plants?

Yeah. And those moose lips grab the plants.

A moose grabs with his funny face.

You got it, zob.

I'm starting to understand funny faces.

Then you're ready for the proboscis monkey.

They have huge noses.

Wow! Why so big?

To a proboscis monkey,

A big nose is a beautiful nose.

Martin: don't forget the aye-aye.

Those ears hear bugs in dead trees.

Her buckteeth bite through wood,

And her eyes see in the dark.

Every part of her funny face has a purpose.

In the creature world,

Funny faces do amazing things.

Yeah, like one time in zobooland.

I was leaping along,

When I heard a sniffling sound.

I landed next to narchi,

Who was standing next to gooble and crying.

Why are you crying?

We're trying to play catch,

But I can't throw because my arms are too stubby.


I said we could play another game,

But he wants to play catch.

Zoboomafoo: I've got an idea, narchi.

Don't use your arms. Use your nose and blow.

Oh, good idea.

Oh. Good idea. I'm ready.

And I'm the lemur in the middle.


Nice catch.

I can play!

Zoboomafoo, voice-over: so we played goobleberry catch all day.

Here. Catch.

Zoboomafoo: brothers, I think twiggly's hungry again.

Twiggly eats a lot.

I hope his mom comes back soon

Because feeding a baby moose

Is a full-time job best left to mother moose.

Ha ha ha ha!

Messy, too.

Listen to that milk go down.


♪ I feel moose-ish ♪

♪ How 'bout you? ♪

♪ Moose-ish ♪

♪ I'm feeling kind of moose-ish ♪

That's it!

♪ Moo-moo-moo-moo-moose-ish ♪

♪ I'm a big-nosed twig-eater ♪

♪ I'm a baby moose ♪


♪ Moose-ish ♪

Twiggly misses his mom. We have to find her.

All right, we'll try.

Let me try.

Ok, zob.


You have a funny face now.



Hey, hoo, hubba-hubba.


Hey, hoo, hubba-hubba.

Hey, hoo, hubba-hubba.


Hey, hoo, hubba-hubba. Hey, hoo, hubba-hubba.

How was that?

No moose mom.

Try again. Here I go.

Hey, hoo, hubba-hubba.

[Pig grunting]

Hey, hoo, hubba-hubba. Hey, hoo, hubba-hubba.

Hey, hoo, hubba-hubba.

[Panting] moose mom?

No, but there's a pig.

And a baby bear.

But still no mother moose.

Hey, hoo, hubba-hubba. Hey--

[Moose bellows]

Did you hear that?

That's not me.

Does that sound like a mother moose?

There's twiggly's mom.

Let's check it out.

That's her.

All right.

There goes twiggly, back to his mom.

Living free and in the wild.

And he's drinking again.

Funny faces back together again.


Whoa! Incoming!


It's not a duck. It's moonface.

Moonface is a barn owl.

Moonface has a funny face.

The round shape of a barn owl's face

Directs sound to the ears.

Look! A scroll from jackie.

I love bats. They have funny faces and ears.

Those big ears help them hear quiet sounds, like from insects.

If you like bats, to have more, put a bat box

In a high tree.

Is this good?


Come on!

Now that it's dark, we should see bats.

Maybe some of those bats will move into our bat box.

I can't wait.

There are so many funny faces out there.

Let's head out and find them.

Sounds like a trip to me.

♪ They're going to the closet ♪

♪ They're going on a trip ♪

Let's go.

♪ They're going to the closet ♪

♪ To grab their stuff and split ♪


Whoa! Come on!

♪ They're going on a cool adventure ♪

♪ And they don't know what's in store ♪

♪ They're coming from the closet ♪

♪ And they're headed out the door ♪

See you! Hoo hoo!

See you, zob.

We're looking for funny creature faces.

Every funny face has a reason for looking funny.

Hey, who's that?

A platypus!

Chris: when a platypus swims underwater, he closes his eyes,

But he doesn't get lost because his bill has nerve endings

That help him get around underwater.

Martin: next stop, africa!

Chris: africa is full of funny faces,

Like ostriches.

Martin! Funny face alert!

There is a pair of funny face creatures.

Rhino cow with a big horn.

Her calf doesn't have a horn yet.

Martin, we're surrounded by funny faces.

That's a good-looking creature.

Why is he looking at me?

I hear a funny face calling.


The hippo's eyes, ears, and nostrils are at the top of her head

So she can know what's going on above water when she's underwater.

Why are the animals looking at us funny?

The animals think our faces are funny.

We don't have fur...

Feathers... Horns.

To the animals...

We're the ones with funny faces.

We don't even have beaks or shining tusks.

And we'll never grow a horn like a rhino.

Or a fisher.

Zoboomafoo: you're just little guys.

Something's going on in there.

Come on!

They'll be back soon. Hi, guys.

There he is.

Who's that you're with?

Funny faces.

Baby parrots of different species, together.

Only in animal junction.

Who are they?

This is a baby macaw.

And this is a baby cockatoo.

Different parrots, both with funny faces.

They're both just growing in feathers.

That is a funny face.

One thing that makes a parrot's face funny

Is that tongue there.

Oh, yeah. You see it?

Look at that funny face.

Do you want to make faces like a cockatoo?

Here we go.

Hey, look at my funny baby cockatoo face.

Yeah! Funny faces all around.

Good job.

Macaws use their faces to climb.

They grab something with their beaks and pull themselves up.

There are lots of different types of macaws.

Red-and-green macaws use their beaks

To climb up cliffs where they eat clay.

They use their feet, beaks, and tongue to break off pieces.

These chicks have funny faces,

But why do they make funny faces?

They're hungry.

You got it.

Let's feed these funny faces.

Specially formulated food for parrot chicks.

Oh. There it is.

You guys are going to love this.


That's good, huh?

Chris, you're good at this. Have you done it before?

Oh, yeah. Lots of times.

Martin, not so sloppy. Get some in his mouth.

I'm trying, zob.

Zob, this guy bobs his head

When he eats.

How come he does that?

He's trying to get it all down.

Look at that tongue action.

Look how their tongues move.

Their tongues are moving so fast,

I can't believe my mind.

So now our funny faces are sloppy faces,

And their bellies are full.

They look happy now. Are you full now? Good.

I can't believe how your tongue works.


No, I just have a regular tongue.


Yours is strange-- to me.

Huh? I have a funny face?

I guess you're right.

We all have funny faces. Ha ha!

But we still have one problem.


What are these chicks doing here alone?

We have to find their parents.

[Parrot squawking]

They found us.

Ok. Here's your mom.


Blue-and-gold macaw parents

With their chick.

Funny faces together again...

Just like in zobooland.

I was leaping along... Leap, leap, leap. Leap.

...when I bounced into sensit.

Hi, zoboo.

We're bored. We can't think of anything to do.

Zoboomafoo, voice-over: then sensit heard something.

Gooble: hey, anybody,

Who wants to make funny faces?

Sensit: gooble wants to know if we want to make funny faces!

Everyone: oh, yeah!

Let's go!

Zoboomafoo, voice-over: we started running-- I leapt, of course.

Oh! Hooray! You're here!

Now let's all make funny faces.


Zoboomafoo, voice-over: and we did.

Each of us had our own funny face.

They were all different,

And they were all funny.

The end.

I love those faces.

What do you love about today?

What do you think?

All: funny faces!

♪ This animal is a friend of mine ♪

♪ From the tip of his nose to his funny behind ♪

♪ All the friends that we've met today ♪

♪ Are special in their own way ♪

♪ We've all got different names ♪

♪ But we're really all the same ♪

♪ Thanks for dropping by, we're glad you came ♪

♪ These animals are friends of mine ♪

♪ They jump and swim, crawl, fly, and climb ♪

♪ One more thing we have to say ♪

♪ Go make an animal friend today ♪

Yeah!yeah! Yeah!

This funny face is going home. Bye, guys!

Keep on leaping, lemur.

There are so many funny faces in the creature world.

Let's get out there and meet some more.

Both: see you!

My name is courtenay. This is cadbury,

And we call him the chocolate easter bunny.

Never get too close to an animal you don't know.

Give an animal her space.

Never get close to an animal unless an adult says it's ok.

There's somebody we know.

All: zoboomafoo!

Now for some jokes from zoboomafoo...

- Did you know that these black and white spotted dogs

Are called dalmatians?

Most dalmatian puppies are all white when they're born.

And then, they get spotted when they're older.

- Hey chris wanna hear a joke?

- Yeah zoboo!

- Why can't a dalmatian pup hide from his mom?

- I don't know, why?

- Because he's already been spotted!

Good huh?

Thought of that myself!

- Did you know that male bighorn sheep are called rams?

Rams use their horns to have huge headbutting matches.

- Hey chris, chris, chris I got a joke for you.

- Yeah zob!

- Why is it hard to talk to a ram?

- I don't know. Why is it hard to talk to one?

- Because he is always butting in.

- Good one zob. - Get it?

- I get it zob!
