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01x27 - Fast and Slow

Posted: 12/31/23 22:53
by bunniefuu
With the kratt brothers!

♪ While walking in the woods one day ♪

♪ Chris and martin saw something strange ♪

♪ A little leaping lemur who liked to bounce and play ♪

♪ They followed their new bouncing friend ♪

♪ Not knowing where this adventure would end ♪

♪ The animals were headed just around the bend ♪

♪ Where are they going? I don't know ♪

♪ How do we get there? Come on, let's go ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo ♪

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ We're doing the things that animals do ♪

♪ New animal friends to see ♪

♪ Animal junction is the place to be ♪

♪ Elephants are charging, baboons are leapin' ♪

♪ Wild dogs running and nobody's sleepin' ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo ♪

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ We're doing the things that animals do ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo ♪

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ At animal junction we're waiting for you ♪

Captioning made possible by u.s. Department of education and pbs

I'm gaining on you! No way!

Yes! I won!

I had to turn to avoid that guy.

An apple snail.

Some things are more important than winning a race.

Let's call zoboo.

I'll call him fast.

[High-pitched] zoboozoboozoboo!

I'll call him slow.

[Low-pitched] zooooobooooooooo!

You can call him fast...

Or slow.

Zoboozoboozoboo! Zooooobooooooooo!

Chris: he leaps fast.

Martin: never slow.

Except in slow motion.


Chris: how are you, zoboo?

What an incredible leaping lemur.

You're pretty speedy today.

He can jump really fast.


Can anything slow him down?

A snack will slow zoboo down.

What does he want to eat today?

How about apples?

Martin: the machine is really slow this time.

All right.

Got an apple for you. You love them.

There you go. Not too much.

Have a piece.

There you go.

Want that big piece?



I'm fast. I'm a leaping lemur.

I saw a faster animal in the forest.

Who was it? I don't know.

Who could it be?

♪ Who could it be? ♪

♪ This animal who I did see ♪

♪ Can you help me guess this mystery? ♪

He had long legs with paws on the end.

He was running fast.

♪ Who could it be? ♪

♪ This animal who I did see ♪

He had a black nose and triangle ears.

A good-looking wildcat.

♪ Who could it be? ♪

♪ This animal who I did see ♪

♪ Can you help me guess this mystery? ♪

A spotty-bodied, long-legged speedster.

Do you know?

Chris: he runs fast.

Has big eyes.

Martin: spots all over his body.

I know. He must be a...

Mangatsika! Mystery animal's here.

I can't believe my mind! There he is!

Here I come!

A cheetah.


I can't believe my mind.

Chris: I can't believe his face! It's incredible!


He's purring! So he's happy.

And friendly.

His tail never stops moving.

Ha ha ha! That tickles.

Martin: cheetahs have thin bodies and long legs.

They're the lightest and leanest big cat, so they can run fast.

Martin: he's a blur.

But slow him down,

And you can see his body in action.

Zoboo: mangatsika!

Why are cheetahs so fast?

He has to be fast to catch his food.

You just zip all over the place--

Zip! Zip! Zip!

I will call you zipper, because you zip around!

Great name!

Remember when we saw them chase prey in africa?

Yeah. That was incredible.

Chris: the cheetah spotted some thomson's gazelles.

Martin: cheetahs eat gazelles, but they are also fast,

Even for cheetahs to catch.

So he stalked up to them as close as he could.

Zoboo: they didn't see him?

Martin: eventually they did, so he sprung into action.

The herd took off. The chase was on!

Zoboo: what happened?

Chris: the gazelles got away safe and sound,

Because cheetahs can't run fast for long.

Look! He likes you, chris.

Cheek rubbing is how cheetahs show that they like each other

In the coalition.

Coalition? Coalition? What's that?

A group of cheetahs.

Sometimes they live alone or in groups.

I want to be a cheetah in a coalition.

Then you have to run like a cheetah.

Let's all run like cheetahs!


Wait a second-- lemurs can't run.

But I can leap really fast!

I'll be a leaping lemur cheetah!

Chris: come on, run like a cheetah!

Zoboo: run with us, zipper!



Zoboo: martin's a funny cheetah.


Zoboo: zipper, you better run soon.

I'm almost all leaped out.


He doesn't feel like running.

Chris: maybe he ran already and is tired.

Cheetahs can't run fast for very long.

I am definitely not the fastest cheetah in the coalition.

He is, but he's resting.

I smell mud.


Ha ha ha ha... Oh.

That's too bad.

Great cheetah action, martin.

Ha ha ha ha!

Here's a towel, bro!

Whoo! I am pooped, just like the cheetah.

Your turn, chris!

I'm going to run like a cheetah.

See you!

Where's he going?

Over here! Out here!

Calling all cheetahs!

A cheetah runs faster than any other creature:

Miles per hour-- faster than a car on a highway!

I can only run this fast,

But a cheetah can run this fast!

Must beat this car! Cheetah speed!

Mangatsika! That is fast.

And that's slow.

Martin: a snail really is slow.

. Miles per hour.

It could take him all morning

To get from here to there.

Go, snail, go!

That's really slow.

Martin, look-- a turtle!

Compared to a snail,

A turtle moves super fast.

He'll reach the banana first.

The shell is hard to see through.

He's eating the peel!

Maybe he'll give me the center part when he's finished.

Ha ha ha ha!

How about it, turtle?

Shouldn't chris be back?

He should.


Do you hear a bird?

It sounds like a bird, but it's not.

Know who it is?

[Cluck] don't look at me!

I'll show you.


It's the cheetah!

Martin: cheetahs chirp to call each other.

Maybe he's calling chris.

Let's help him.

You ready to chirp like a cheetah?

I can chirp.

Let's go!

[Cheetah chirps]

You have got it down, zob.


[Cheetah chirping]

The cheetahs are calling!

Better get back to animal junction.



Maybe he can't hear us.

Maybe you're right.

Hey, let's cheetah chirp louder.



Whoa! Whoa!

Oof! Ugh!

You called?


Chris? Chris? Are you there?

Yeah, I heard your cheetah call.

Good. It worked.

Sure did, zob.

Cheetahs can hear each other from far away.

Like the cheetah cubs we saw in africa.

Martin: the cheetah cubs were playing together.

Then their mom chirped them.


Chris: chirping is her way of saying "come here."


Martin: the cubs came running when they heard the chirp,

And practiced hunting under mom.

Chris: they will grow up into super fast hunters.

You have to be super fast to catch a gazelle.

So cheetahs move fast to catch food.

But why is a snail so slow?

Chris: his food doesn't run away,

And his shell protects him.

He doesn't have to move fast.

He's almost at the banana.

Go, snail, go!

Martin: zipper's getting up.

Zoboo: maybe he wants to run.

Chris: no, he wants some water.

Zoboo: I get it!

Animal junction is big for a lemur like me,

But it's too crowded for the cheetah!

That's it, zoboo!

That's why he isn't running!

Of course!

Cheetahs need space to run far and fast.

There's no room here.

Let's go outside.

Let's take a lap around animal junction!

Ha ha ha!

They're running with the cheetah!


Martin: he's on the move.

Right behind you!

Chris: whoo, yeah!

Chris: he's left us in the dust!

Martin: he's on the final turn!

Martin: zipper won.

Zoboo: there they are.

Zipper's been waiting for you guys.

That's what it feels like

To be a cheetah after a run.

Zoboo: whoops! This could be trouble.


Oh, noooooo!

Chris! Look out!

Ha ha!

I've got spots!

Me, too!

We all have spots!

We're cheetahs!

Ha ha ha ha!

I like your face, zipper.


I'm making a cheetah face!

Martin: you're a leaping lemur cheetah!

I'm in the coalition!

♪ I feel different, not the same ♪

♪ This kind of feeling I can't explain ♪

♪ There's only one thing that I can do ♪

♪ I feel cheetah-ish, how about you? ♪

♪ Cheetah-ish ♪

♪ Yeah, cheetah-ish ♪

♪ So fast--cheetah-ish ♪

♪ I'm a fast-moving speedster racing all around ♪

♪ Cheetah-ish ♪

Guys, the snail!

He reached the banana!

I knew he'd do it.

Zoboo: the snail is slow and the cheetah is fast.

Everyone moves differently, like in zobooland.

I was leaping along-- leap, leap, leap...

Leap, leap, leap...

I leapt into sensit.

Oof! Oof!

Hi, sensit.

We all want to run together,

But we run different.

I run fast.

And I run slidey.

And I'm slow and waddly.

It's ok to move different. I leap around.

Zoboo's right! We can run together,

Even though we're different!

All: yay! Yay!

Let's go!

Let's run over to gooble.

Snow lemur waddled slowly,

Sensit ran fast on his fingers,

And slimantha slid along in her own way.

I leapt all the way to gooble.

Hi! Let's make funny faces.

That's what we did all day.

We made funny faces and had a lot of fun.

The end.

Did you like my story, zipper?

I--i got licked by a cheetah!

Know what? I think zipper

Is also saying good-bye.

Zoboo: bye!

Thanks for letting us in the coalition!

He's with his coalition again!

What a fast creature.


Incoming! Duck!

Zoboo: that's the biggest duck I've ever seen!

Chris: he's a golden eagle,

Possibly the world's fastest bird.

They can fly up to miles per hour.

Miles per hour? How fast is that?

As fast as a race car.

Hey--a message from jackie.

What's a race car?

I'm planting a garden for the hummingbirds around my house.

Hummingbirds drink the sweet nectar that comes from the flowers.

They like these flowers best,

So I'm planting lots of them.

The more hummingbirds around, the better.

What I like best is how fast the hummingbirds flap their wings.

They flap them about times a second.

Can you imagine flapping your arms that fast?

Anyway, bye, guys. I have some hummingbirds to watch.

Zoboo: what about the slow creatures?

Guys, go on a trip to find them.

To the closet!

♪ They're going to the closet, they're going on a trip ♪

We'll need headlamps.

But they're in the closet.

I cleaned it out this morning.

You did? Great!

I'll get the headlamps.


Ha ha ha ha!


I should have known.

But I found the headlamps.

Let's go.

♪ They're going on a cool adventure ♪

♪ And they don't know what's in store ♪

♪ They're coming from the closet and they're headed out the door ♪

Martin: shh.

It's getting dark.

That means it's time for the slow loris to come out.

Headlights on. Come on.

Head for those thick trees.

Looks like a good place for a loris.

You feel like we're being watched?

Yeah, I do.

Do you feel the same way?

Martin: there!

A sloooooow loris.

He's a primate, like monkeys and humans.

Those hands and feet are super strong for climbing branches.

A slow loris takes only steps a minute,

So he doesn't get anywhere very fast.

Now you know why he's called a slow loris.

Lorises are amazing.

Look! There's slim!

Slim? Who's slim?


This is the slender loris.

I like to call him slim.

It is the skinny cousin of the slow loris.

Martin: look at those grabby hands and feet.

Chris: I think he's spotted that cricket.

Martin: he's going after it.

Chris: amazing.

Let's see that again, but not in slow motion.

He's already slow!

What a grab!

Now he's looking for another bug to eat.

A slow, steady hunter.

I love slender lorises.

They're the greatest.

Chris: let's crawl like the slow loris.

Martin: yes.

How does he do it?

Chris: I'll hang from this branch.

It's hard work being a sloooooow...


Aah! Ooh!


Let's get going. It's a long way back.

See you later, loris!

Martin: so long, slim!

Do you hear anything?

No, nothing.

That's weird.

What's zoboo up to?

Martin: this is strange. Where is he?


Where's zoboo?

Here I am!

Hey! You're with a...

Martin: look at her! She's incredible.

She's from madagascar, like me.

They move slow to hide

From hungry animals.

Martin: her herky-jerky walk makes her look just like

A leaf blowing in the wind.

She blends right in.

She's green like me! Yes! Yes!

Zoboo: brothers, there's a part of her that moves fast--

Her eyes.

Martin: a chameleon can move her eyeballs in two different directions at once.

Try it!

It's really fun to be able to do that.

And her tongue also moves really fast.

Chris: she can snap it out and back in less than a second.

Zooboo: let's see that in slow motion.


The chameleon is slow and fast.

She walks slow, and her tongue is fast.

Some creatures are fast, some are slow.

And some are slow and fast.

Fast and slow.

Something like that happened in zobooland.

I was leaping along-- leap, leap, leap...

When I heard gooble and noggendrill.

I said hello.

Hello, gooble. Hello, noggendrill.

What are you doing?

We have a problem.


We want to dance,

But I want to dance fast like this.

And I want to dance slow like this.

We want to dance at different speeds.

We have a real dancing problem.

It's not a problem.

Gooble can dance slow like he wants to,

And noggendrill can dance fast like he wants to.

What about you?

I'll dance half-fast and half-slow.

It didn't matter how we danced, as long as we danced together.

The end.

You're a good dancer.

You have the moves.

So did the animals we met today.

That cheetah was fast.

And that slow loris

Was really smooth.

I liked the chameleon with the fast tongue.

I love meeting animals and moving like them.

♪ This animal is a friend of mine ♪

♪ From the tip of his nose to his funny behind ♪

♪ All the friends that we met today ♪

♪ Are special in their own way ♪

♪ We've all got different names ♪

♪ But we're really all the same ♪

♪ Thanks for dropping by, we're glad you came ♪

♪ These animals are friends of mine ♪

♪ They jump and swim, crawl, fly, and climb ♪

♪ One more thing we have to say ♪

♪ Go make an animal friend today ♪



I'm going home really fast today.

You'll have to stretch out your muscles.

Yeah, I better--

How do I stretch out my muscles?

I'll show you.

Move your arm...

That feels nice.

Uh, martin, I think-- m-m-martin!

I'm stretched out now.

Looking good, zob!

Ready to leap.

Bye! See you later!

Happy jumping!

What now?

We can see some giants in the mountains before sundown.

See you later.

See you next time.


My name is darcy. This is my dog rufus.


We're the kratt brothers.

We never get too close to animals we don't know.

Give animals space.

Don't get close to an animal without an adult's permission.

Hey, it's zoboomafoo!

Now for some jokes from zoboomafoo...

Did you know that skunks actually do handstands

When they spray their skunk stink?

These baby skunks are practicing their handstands.

- They're doing pretty good.

I bet they'll be really stinky when they get big.

Hey martin!

Why are skunks so smart?

- Why zob?

- Because they have lots of sense.

Stinky sense.

Stinky sense! Ha ha!

Stinky sense!

Ha I like that!

- Did you know that a baby chick has a special tip

On the end of her beak called an egg tooth?

That helps her crack out of her egg.

- That reminds me of a joke.

Hey chris?

- Yeah zob?

- What did one egg say to another egg?

- I don't know! What?

- Get cracking!