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01x23 - Bears

Posted: 12/31/23 22:49
by bunniefuu
With the kratt brothers!

♪ Chris and marting saw something strange ♪

♪ A little leaping lemur who liked to bounce and play ♪

♪ They followed their new bouncing friend ♪

♪ Not knowing where this adventure would end ♪

♪ The animals were headed just around the bend ♪

♪ Where are they going? I don't know ♪

♪ How do we get there? Come on, let's go ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo ♪

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ We're doing the things that animals do ♪

♪ New animal friends to see ♪

♪ Animal junction is the place to be ♪

♪ Elephants are charging, baboons are leapin' ♪

♪ Wild dogs running and nobody's sleepin' ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo ♪

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ We're doing the things that animals do ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo ♪

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ At animal junction, we're waiting for you ♪

Captioning made possible by u.s. Department of education and pbs

Martin: steady as she goes, chris.

Whoo! We made it!

Cargo secure, martin?

All secure.

Today, we're filling up the animal snack machine.

Look at this.

We have snacks...

For all kinds of creatures.

We have grapes...








Hey, you know who loves celery?

Yeah, zoboo! Zoboo!

Martin: zoboomafoo?

Chris: zoboo!

Martin: zoboo!

Chris: where's zoboo?

We've been calling him forever.

Do you see zoboo anywhere? Hmm.

Chris: zoboo!

Chris, look up.

Ha ha ha! Hey, zob.

You're a pretty sneaky lemur.


I'll get a snack.


Zoboo, how about celery?

Here, have this one.

You want a piece?


I'm going to have a piece, too.


Zoboo: excuse me.


Ha ha!

You all filled up?

Yeah. Celery feels good in my belly.

I'm sitting on snack mountain!

These snacks will last a long time.

That's because there's a snack for every animal visitor...

And an animal visitor for every snack.

Hey, zob, toss one in.

This one's going right down the hatch...

The toucan's hatch! Ha ha ha!

Eat up. There's plenty more where that came from.

Ha ha!

It's good we got snacks.

The animal I saw looked hungry.

Who was she?

Who could it be?

♪ Who could it be? ♪

♪ This animal who I did see ♪

♪ Can you help me guess this mystery? ♪

She was black and furry all over.

A little wobbly, too--

He was still practicing with those big, round paws.

♪ Who could it be? ♪

♪ This animal who I did see ♪

♪ Ah gatsi ga ♪

♪ Ah gatsi ga animal ♪

He had a black nose a lot like mine.

♪ Hoo ha ha hoo ha ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Who could it be? ♪

♪ This animal who I did see ♪

♪ Can you help me guess this mystery? ♪

A black, furry, big-pawed wobbler.

Chris: the mystery animal is furry

And has a black, round body.

Small ears and a stubby tail.

Zoboo's talking about...

Oh, mangatsika!

The mystery animal's here.

Chris and martin: a black bear cub!


A baby bear. Welcome here, bear cub.

Chris: he's a cub, so he's shy.

Ha ha!

Martin: he's coming to say hello.

Chris: this only happens in animal junction.

Hey, buddy. How you doing?

A -month-old cub.

It'll take about more years to become full-sized.

When grown, he can weigh pounds.

That's as heavy as a grand piano.

Zoboo: he's so round and furry.

I'll give him a hug.

In the wild, you shouldn't get close to baby bears.

Their mothers are protective and close by.

Chris: and there she is.

She's close by. Good mother.

Maybe the mommy bear wants us to look after the cub.

This is the place.

This is the only place it's ok to get close to a bear.

We'll take good care of you.

I like bear cub, from his wet nose to his stubby tail.

Baby bears, like human babies,

Have to learn how to do things.

You want to help us teach him?

I'll teach him how to climb.

I leap and jump. Bear style is different.

Ha ha!

Hey, climb!

Like this.

Good move. Ha ha ha!

Come on over here.

Show me how you climb the post.

Yeah! Come on.

Hey, you're pretty good.

He's sure a better climber than me!

Chris: how'd you get there?

I love climbing bear style.

Chris: see those paws?

Bears have big paws and sharp claws.

Bear feet are perfect for climbing.

Martin: bears climb anywhere.

Hey, I have bare feet.

I'm climbing bear style, too.

Whoa! Bare feet aren't as good at climbing as bear feet.

Martin, I taught him how to climb.

He learned it really fast.

Climbing is something bear cubs learn fast.

When a black bear is young, he climbs better than he walks.

Stick with me.

The kratts still need to learn how to climb.


Oh, thanks. That's nice.

Oh, bear kisses. Ha ha ha!

You really like me.

You know what I'll call you?

Muscles. You're a strong climber.

Chris: great name. Muscles the climber.

Remember when we were in bear country?

Yeah. We saw why black bear cubs are great climbers.

We saw two cubs playing while mom was looking for food.

Then they heard something coming.

Zoboo: who was it?

They stood up to find out,

But they couldn't see anything.

What did they do?

They climbed up a tree.

Yeah, climbing! But who was making the noise?

You'll never guess. It was their mom.

Zoboo: mom?!

Once they saw who it was,

They climbed down to say hi to mom.

Ha ha! I like that.

Come on over, muscles. I've got something for you.

Zob, come down.

Ha ha!

It's bear cub snack time.

What are you feeding him?


Come on, muscles.

Don't be shy.

He's a noisy eater. You hear that?

You want to make the sound he makes when he's drinking?



I bet his mom isn't so messy when she feeds him.

Give me a break. I'm just filling in.

Grizzly bear cubs eat times a day.

Black bear cubs need a lot of food, too.

How you doing? You got enough?

I think he's voky.

Yep. He has a bear belly full of milk.

Chris: hey, guys, over here!

Zoboo: what's he doing?

Chris: it's foraging time.

Wait for me!

Chris: come on, muscles.

This cub's months old.

That's when he starts tasting food and foraging.

Foraging means looking for food.

He learns foraging from his mom.

He'll learn to dig for roots, insects,

And other underground things.

There's corn and celery.

Do you like celery? I love celery.

Try the celery. It's good.

Let's see if I can find anything else he thinks is tasty.

I think muscles thinks I'm tasty.

How about a carrot?

He's taking a taste.

He's not ready to eat it.

He's taking little tastes to see what they're like.

There's got to be something tasty somewhere.

Oh, no. Don't bite on me.

Martin's sock?

What's a sock?

We wear them.

On your head like this?

No, on our feet.


Ugh. Stinky.


Martin: that looks good, but that's my sock.

I've been looking for that.

Your mom will teach you to forage for food, not socks.

Pretty funny, huh?

Oh, that's nice.

Ha ha! That tickles!

No, no. No nibbling.

Chris: let's teach muscles how to forage for catfish.

Watch closely, muscles.


Uh-oh. I'm out of here.

Martin's sock?

My sock! Ha ha!

Ha ha! Chris caught a sock, not a fish.

I don't think that's how bears fish,

But your mom will teach you how to catch fish.

Bears are natural-born swimmers.

They don't have to learn how.

Bears dog-paddle,

And they love fooling around and wrestling.

Hey, muscles, you done already?

Muscles is done swimming, and I feel bearish.

♪ I feel different, not the same ♪

♪ This kind of feeling, I can't explain ♪

♪ There's only one thing that I can do ♪

♪ I feel bearish-- how about you? ♪

♪ Bearish ♪

♪ I feel bearish ♪

Ha ha!

♪ Bearish ♪

♪ I'm round and roly-poly, I'm a baby black bear ♪

♪ Bearish ♪

[Bear growling]

Did you hear that?

I heard it.

[Bear growling]

A big male bear!

Zoboo: muscles, where are you going?

Male bears can get grumpy,

So cubs learn to stay away.

That's why the cub climbed the crow's-nest.

Even muscles gives big bear his space. I'd better, too.

One lemur cub coming up!

It's safer here.

Will you really be that big and strong?

If I want to get big bear muscles, I'd better work out.

Ok, ready? --Oof!

Is this how you do bear push-ups?



Bear push-ups.

I can't do any more.


Oh, no! Don't tickle!

That tickles my ear!

Ha ha ha! Ok. Ok.

No! No! Ok, ok, I give.

Ohh. Phew.

[Rustling outside]

Do you hear that?

It sounds like the mother bear.

Hey, where are you going? Ha ha!

Mommy bear came to pick up her cub.

There goes the cub.

Zoboo: bye, bear cub!

She'll teach him stuff better than we can.

Back with mom. That's where he belongs,

Living free and in the wild.

Bye, muscles and muscles' mom!

Hey, look at this. He found the snack baskets we brought.

I want to eat like that bear.

Ok, zob. First on the bear menu, strawberries.


These are good.

Keep packing it in, zob.


Keep eating. We must keep up with him.

Ok, eating like a bear.

Oh, I can't eat any more. I'm vokier than voky.

My bear belly's busting!

Mine, too.

Mine, .

That reminds me of my buddy gooble in zobooland.

I was leaping along-- leap, leap, leap,

Leap, leap, leap-- when I saw gooble.

Hello, gooble. How are you?

Gooble said...

I'm sad. My belly is empty,

And I can't find any goobleberries to fill it anywhere.

I know where some are.

So I led gooble to a goobleberry patch.



Oh! Goobleberries!

Gooble was so happy, he started singing.

♪ Goobleberries, goobleberries ♪

♪ I love to gobble goobleberries ♪

♪ Goobleberries, goobleberries... ♪

Gooble gobbled so many goobleberries

That his belly grew big and round.

I said...

You're full now.

And he said...

Now we can take a long nap.

And we did.

Gooble slept through the whole winter.

The end.

Ha ha ha!

I must try a goobleberry.

You must go to zobooland for them.

The bear's still eating.

Zoboo: how come?

Winter's coming, and bears sleep through it.

Since they don't eat again until the snow melts,

They must eat now.

A full belly means it's time to take a long nap.

A full bear belly sure makes you sleepy, doesn't it, martin?

Oh. Ha ha ha!

A full belly makes you sleepy, doesn't it, chris?


Chris? Ha ha!

Well, trust me.

A full bear belly makes you... Very sleepy.







You didn't duck fast enough, chris.

Ha ha! It's not a duck. It's moonface.

The barn owl.

We ate like bears.

Let's see what jackie's up to.

Hi. My parents and I are camping in bear country.

The number one rule with bears? Give bears their space.

The best way to see a bear is with binoculars from the car.

Look, a big black bear!

Remember, give bears their space.

Jackie knows how to act around bears.

The bear's finished. He's leaving.

He's finding someplace to sleep.

You want to help him?

A trip!

♪ They're going to the closet ♪

♪ They're going on a trip ♪

♪ They're going to the closet ♪

♪ To grab their stuff and split ♪

Whoa! Ha ha ha!


♪ They're going on a cool adventure ♪

♪ And they don't know what's in store ♪

♪ They're coming from the closet ♪

♪ And they're headed out the door ♪

Martin, he's going this way.

Now, where can this bear sleep?

Hey, our bear could sleep here.

Bears like to sleep in caves and rock crevices like this.

Like lots of other animals-- like a cougar, a porcupine...

Or a fox.

A red fox's home is called a den.

He'll pick a hollow log or cave.

This place is already taken.

Let's move on.

Hey, look. There's another bear.

Wonder what's going to happen?

Let's watch.

They're wrestling!

They're having fun.


Ha ha ha!

Bear wrestling's fun.

Back to the search.

Hey, how about that log?

That might work.

Look. He's checking it out.

He's going in!


He likes it.

The bear finally found a good place.

He's ready for his winter sleep.

Sleep well, bear.

Whoa, am I tired!

Yeah. That bear had the right idea-- winter sleep.

Hey, where's zoboo?

I don't know.

Maybe he jumped out for a while.

Well, he'll be back.

Just wait for him right here.


We followed our noses to you.

All right!

Coatis are great sniffers.

These little sniffers are sometimes called nose bears.

Well, they have long noses,

But they don't look anything like bears.

Exactly, zob.

That's because coatis aren't bears.

But they climb like bears...all over me!

Hey, look. What?

That coati nose found someone else.

Let's see who it is.

A kinkajou.

Kinkajous are sometimes called honey bears.

Another bear. She's furry, with a long tail.

She doesn't look like a bear, either.

Right. A kinkajou's not a bear.

They're called that because they eat honey.

Martin: over here!

A kinkajou's long tongue is great for sticking into beehives

And licking out the honey.

Wow. Look at him go.

Chris: he really does have a long tongue.

What other bears aren't really bears?

Wolverines are sometimes called devil bears

But are really giant weasels.

A wolverine can drag up to times her body weight.

That's like me dragging martin.



I'm ok.

Martin's socks? They're everywhere!

Hey, guys, a story just dropped into my head from zobooland!

I was leaping along-- leap, leap, leap...

When I heard gooble and narchi talking.

Gooble: we're taking a long nap.

Hi, zoboo. Hi, zoboo.

Hi, gooble. How was your long nap?

Great, zoboo.

Are you a bear?

Because you love to eat berries and take long naps.

Those aren't just any berries.

They're goobleberries,

And only goobles gobble goobleberries.

Zoboo: I guess you're right, gooble.

You do some bear things, but you're not a bear.

Besides, I can't climb. I need wiggy's help.

I'll help!

Let's climb mount zoboomafoo to see snow lemur.

[All grunting]

So wiggy, gooble, and I went all the way up mount zoboomafoo.

Hello, climbers.

We made it!

Whoo-hoo! Yeah!

Gooble: we're on top!

The end.

Gooble sounds like a bear,

Except I've never heard of a gooble.

You need to come to zobooland.

Your sock!

Oh, no! Hey, come back!

Shh. You'll wake the kinkajou up.

At least I know who's been taking my socks.

Today was a beary great day.

I liked playing with muscles.

I loved being woken by coatis.

I liked finding the bear a place to sleep.

♪ This animal is a friend of mine ♪

♪ From the tip of his nose to his funny behind ♪

♪ All the friends we met today ♪

♪ Are special in their own way ♪

♪ We've all got different names ♪

♪ But we're really all the same ♪

♪ Thanks for dropping by-- we're glad you came ♪

♪ These animals are friends of mine ♪

♪ They jump and swim, crawl, fly, and climb ♪

♪ One more thing we have to say ♪

♪ Go make an animal friend today ♪


Ha ha ha ha! Bye-bye!

See you later.

Keep on leaping.

The bear cleaned us out.

We must get more snacks.

We'd better bring warm clothes.

Winter's coming on fast.

See you next time!

My name's samantha. This is my dog bear.

We never get too close to animals we don't know.

Always give animals their space.

Never get close to animals unless an adult says it's ok.

Hey, there's zoboomafoo!

To learn more about zoboomafoo, visit our web site at...

And now for a joke from zoboomafoo...

Black panther to some people,a

But it's not.

It's a water-loving black jaguar.

- Knock, knock?

- Who's there?

- Panther!

- Panther who?

- Panther no pants!

I'm going swimming!

- Zob are you ok?

- Yeah!

Just fine!


Pants or no pants I'm going swimming!