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01x22 - Pets

Posted: 12/31/23 22:42
by bunniefuu
♪ Zoboomafoo ♪

With the kratt brothers!

♪ While walking in the woods one day ♪

♪ Chris and martin saw something strange ♪

♪ A little leaping lemur who liked to bounce and play ♪

♪ They followed their new bouncing friend ♪

♪ Not knowing where this adventure would end ♪

♪ The animals were headed just around the bend ♪

♪ Where are they going? I don't know ♪

♪ How do we get there? Come on, let's go ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo ♪

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ We're doing the things that animals do ♪

♪ New animal friends to see ♪

♪ Animal junction is the place to be ♪

♪ Elephants are charging, baboons are leapin' ♪

♪ Wild dogs running and nobody's sleepin' ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo ♪

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ We're doing the things that animals do ♪

♪ Me and you and zoboomafoo ♪

♪ Come along and see what's new ♪

♪ At animal junction, we're waiting for you ♪

Captioning made possible by u.s. Department of education and pbs

Chris: that was fun!

Creature adventuring by canoe is great.

There are so many incredible creatures!

Martin: you have to get out there to see them.

[Puppy barking]

What the... Martin, look.

[Kitten meowing]

This place is crawling with pets.

But where'd they come from?

There are all kinds of pets here--puppies!



[Ducklings peeping]



Hermit crab!

Guinea pigs!



Maybe zoboo knows something about this. Let's call him.




Both: zoboomafoo!


He's here!

We're going to have fun!

Do you know whose pets these are?

Have you seen them before?

Slow down! We have to figure this out.

Zoboo, do you recognize any of these creatures?

We'll never get a straight answer

Until we give zoboo a snack.

You know zoboo.

There we go.

Zoboo, banana!

Come on!

There you go.

We all love bananas.

One more little piece.

There you go.


Excuse me.



Animal junction is really busy.



Are you filled up?

Yes. What's the party for? It's not lemur day yet.

We found them all here.

Whose pets are they?

Duck! Yeah. A dog--

No--duck! Incoming!

Chris, over there.

Duck! Duck!

She's early today.

It's moonface.

The barn owl.

With a special delivery.

This raccoon's mother died, so we raised him.

Now he can take care of himself,

So we're taking him to his new forest home.

We brought our pets at animal junction.

Thanks for taking care of them-- all of them!

Aha! These are the animal helpers' pets.

Let's count them.

Right. ...


, ...

, , ...


Um, , , ...

What comes after ?

! !

. .







There's supposed to be pets.

One is missing. Who could it be?

Mangatsika! I almost forgot.

I saw a creature just outside.

Who could it be?

♪ Who could it be, this animal who I did see? ♪

♪ Can you help me guess this mystery? ♪

Zoboomafoo: she had a long, flicky tail with fur on the end.

She made a funny sound like...


♪ Who could it be, this animal who I did see? ♪

♪ Mangatsika! ♪

♪ Mangatsika animal! ♪

Zoboomafoo: her feet were really hard.

♪ Hey hoo! Hutta hutta hoo ha ♪

♪ Hey, hey, hey, hey ♪

♪ Who could it be, this animal who I did see? ♪

♪ Can you help me guess this mystery? ♪

Black-and-white spotted moo-er.

Do you know who she is?

Chris: big, wet nose.

Slobbery tongue.



Mangatsika! Mystery animal's here.

A baby cow-- a calf!

That's the missing pet.

She was outside the whole time.

A calf needs a lot of room to run around.

Look at her go!

Even little calves like to play.

Zoboomafoo: ha ha! Play, play, play!

What do you think of that, huh?

Have you ever seen a bouncing calf before?

. All here.

This is the last pet of the bunch.

Yup, yup. Everybody's here now.

Now that everybody's here, let's meet the pets.

Check out these little ducklings.

If you have a duckling, give it a place to swim.

Ducklings love the water.

Those little feet are great at paddling through the water.

If you have a pet duck, you must have a place where she can swim.

A goldfish--

What an amazing creature!

As long as you give it clean water and a little food,

You have a creature buddy for a long time.

Wow! Goldfish!

A rabbit is one of the cutest pets you can have.

Look at his twitchy little nose.

Twitch yours.

My nose is twitchy, too.

Martin: puppies! Ha ha!




Kittens love to be petted.

Look at that incredible balance.

See? He doesn't fall off.

Zoboomafoo: you're giving him practice.

Yeah, zob.

The most important thing to give any pet is love.


A pet always needs something.

She depends on you to take care of her.

It'll be easy.

All right. First thing up is feeding time.


Hooray! Feeding time!

Ah, feeding time!

Zoboomafoo: hey, everybody, time for a snack!

I want to feed the puppies. Here's a carrot.

What's the matter?

Puppies don't eat carrots.

Feed your pet the right kind of food--

Food that's good for that creature.

What do you feed a puppy?


Yeah! Puppy food!

Come and get it!

Dig in, everybody!

Feeding pets good food helps make them strong and healthy.

They eat puppy food. I knew that!

Chris: hey, zoboomafoo, the kittens are hungry, too.

Coming, chris!

And kittens get kitten food.

Ready, guys?

Eat up!

Zoboomafoo: they all want some.


Can I try some?

Sure, zob. Here.



Ha ha ha!

Wouldn't they rather have a carrot?

Zob, they don't eat carrots.

Oh. Ok.

Zoboo will find a pet that wants a carrot.

Martin: it's chow time, buddy.

Ooh, she looks hungry.

What's she eating?

Fish food. Want to try some?

Ok. Ahhhh...


Ha ha ha!

What's the matter?

Are you sure goldfish wouldn't rather have a carrot?

No. She looks happy eating fish food.

I have to feed her just a pinch a day.

I think even a pinch would be too much.

Chris: next up, hermit crabs.

Hermit crabs eat special hermit crab food.

Want some?

No, thanks.

For a special treat, give your hermit crab a piece of lettuce.

Lettuce is good.

Are you sure you don't want some carrot?

Doesn't anybody here like carrots?

Oh! Whoo-ha!

Chris, look.

I found someone who likes carrots--

A rabbit.

Go ahead.

Eat as much as you like.

The rabbit really loves it.

I knew someone wanted this carrot.

Don't suck on my fingers.

Try the bottle.

Zoboomafoo: yeah. Milk is ok, too.

Listen to her slurping.

She doesn't stop to breathe.

Want to try a little?


Here you go.



Whoo! Milk is ok.

She needs a little more.

She's sucking my fingers again.

There we go.

The pets have full bellies,

At least for a while.

Feeding time is over.

What time is it now?

Time to walk the pets.

Every pet needs to exercise their muscles,

And a walk lets them pee and pooh outside

Instead of in the house.

Sometimes you walk a dog without a leash, sometimes with a leash.

There you go.

Right around here.

How are you doing?

I want to walk him.

You do? Ok, zob.

Thanks. Let's go, doggy.

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

Slow down! Slow down! Slow!


Ow! Whoa!

Whoa, whoa, whoa!


I'm ok.


I'll just walk the hermit crab from now on.

Good idea, zoboo.

Guinea pigs, hamsters, and hermit crabs don't need to walk outside,

But make sure their cages have plenty of room

So they can exercise.

You can take them outside for a run.

Watch them closely to make sure they're safe,

And watch your step.

Zoboomafoo: taking care of pets is hard, but fun!

Cats get their own exercise

And do their business in a litter box.

She's doing her business, and everybody else has had exercise,

So, hmm, what's next?

Cleanup time!

It's really important to keep your pet's home clean.

Especially for animals who live in cages,

Like goldfish, hamsters, guinea pigs, hermit crabs.

These animals "go" in their cages,

So clean them often.

Taking care of pets is a big responsibility, but it can be fun.

Let's clean the kitty litter box.

Martin: this sure needs cleaning.


Whoa! Oh, no!

[Chris and martin laughing]

I can't stop it!

Turn it off!

Oh! Sorry!

Hee hee!



Now that the pets have been fed...

And walked and cleaned...

That means it's playtime!

Ha ha! It's playtime!

I'm feeling pet-ish.

♪ I feel different, not the same ♪

♪ This kind of feeling I can't explain ♪

♪ There's only one thing that I can do ♪

♪ I feel pet-ish! How about you? ♪

♪ Pet-ish ♪

♪ Pet, pet, pet-ish ♪

♪ I'm feeling kind of pet-ish ♪

♪ I'm a really great buddy, and I love to play with you ♪

Pets need playtime just like we do.

♪ Pet-ish ♪

♪ Pet, pet, pet-ish ♪

♪ I'm feeling kind of pet-ish ♪

♪ I'm a really great buddy, and I love to play with you ♪

It's good to spend time with your pet

And be her best friend.

I like that.



Taking care of pets makes me tired.

Oh. Um...

[Zoboomafoo smacks his lips and yawns]

I was dreaming along--

Dream, dream, dream,

Dream, dream, dream...


When suddenly...

[Shouting] hey, zoboo, are you sleeping?

I guess I'm not now.

Sensit needs help taking care of his sisters.

Oh. Ok. Where are they?

I looked around and saw their tracks,

And I followed them.

Hi, sensit.

I'll help take care of your sisters.

Here they come now.

I took care of pets once.

It's like taking care of brothers and sisters.

Just like pets, they have to be fed,

Given love and attention.

And best of all, they have to be played with.

Play with me!

Ok. I'll play with you.

Sensit and I played with his little sisters all day long,

And we had so much fun!

The end.

Incoming! Incoming!

Incoming! Incoming!

Huh? What?



Duck! Duck!

Chris: two visits in one day!

It's moonface... The barn owl.

With another special delivery.

Hope it's going ok with all our pets.

We're about to return raccoons back to the wild where they belong.

It's time for them to live free and in the wild.

Open it up.

Give them their space. They're wild animals.

Bye, raccoons. Have fun in the wild.

Guys, I'll be there to help take the pets back.

Bye, raccoons.

Jackie knows which animals should be wild

And which animals should be pets.

She knows who the pets belong to.

The pets are itching to go home.

Jackie: hey!

Jackie! Jackie!

Hi, guys. Hi, zoboo.

Hey, goldie. Did you miss me?

I missed you.

It's time...

For the pets to go home.

Everybody onto the dogsled!

Sounds like a trip!

Chris and martin: to the closet!

I'll get the stuff.

♪ They're going to the closet, they're going on a trip ♪

♪ They're going to the closet... ♪

Jackie, hold it!

♪ To grab their stuff and split ♪

How'd she do that?

I don't know.

Pups, wake up. It's time to go.

♪ They're going on a cool adventure ♪

♪ And they don't know what's in store ♪

♪ They're coming from the closet ♪

♪ And they're headed out the door ♪

Jackie: bye, zob! Bye!

See you.

Bye, guys!

Everybody ok back there?

Looks like everybody's good.

Jackie: I don't remember this field.

Are we lost?

[Dog barks]

What is it, blackie?

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Blackie has an incredible sense of smell.

Dogs can sense where home is.

Blackie knows where to go.

Blackie, lead the way.

Ok, calf, this way. Follow that dog!

Wait for us, blackie!

Hold on, everybody!

Blackie, not too fast.

I've got a big load here.

Ha ha ha!

Oh! Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

I think blackie knows the way home.

Runaway sled!

I got to get that sled! The pets!






Slow down the sled!



Oh, boy!


Whoo! Is everybody ok?

Jackie: yup. Everyone's good.

It looks like everybody's just fine.

Blackie found his home!

Jackie, chris, look!

Everybody's here!

Hey! What up, you guys?

We have all your pets.

Whose guinea pig is this?



We did it!

The pets are back with their kids.

Yeah! Yeah!

That was great.

What is zoboo up to?

Zoboo: go ahead. Poop.

Poop right here.

Let's go through it one more time.

A lynx kitten!

He won't use the litter box.

You said a kitten uses a litter box.

House cats use a litter box because they're pets,

But a lynx kitten is a wild creature.

So he's not a pet.

Ok. Forget the litter box.

Poop wherever you like. Ha ha!

No! Not on my hand.

Oh, no!

There he goes.

Oh! I can't watch.

He's going to poop right there.

I'm not watching.

You said, "poop wherever you want.&Quot;

Did he poop, zob?

Oh! False alarm!

Oh, he peed.

Yeah. He just peed.

Oh. Very nice. Ohh...

A lynx kitten pee puddle. What a splash!

I wish he could be my pet.

Chris: he's a wild animal, zob.

A baby lynx kitten is so cool,

You want him for a pet,

But wild kittens belong in the wild.

Wild animals need space.

They're not happy unless they have their space.

Like me. I like to be in the wild to leap.

I'd never want to be a pet.

I love living free and in the wild.

Hey, hoo!

I love my space!

Whoo ha ha!

Not everybody wants to live in the wild.

One time in zobooland, I was leap-leaping along--

Leap, leap, leap,

Leap, leap, leap--

When I felt this rumbling.

So I leapt into a tree for a look.

It was zoboomafooasaurus.

I asked her, "would you like to be somebody's pet?&Quot;

I'm too big to be in somebody's house.

I like living free and in the wild.

Whatever makes you happy.

I leapt over to see snow lemur.

Hello, zoboo.

Hello. Would you like to be a pet?

Oh, no. I live on mount zoboomafoo.

It's really cold. I like it.

I like living free and in the wild.

Whatever makes you happy.

And then I saw green puppy.

Hi, zoboo. Hi, zoboo.

Hi, green puppy.

Would you like to be somebody's pet?

Yes, yes! I love being a pet

Because I love being petted.

I petted her for the rest of the day.

She was really happy, and so was i.

The end.

I like that story.

Thanks. In zobooland, everyone lives free and in the wild.

An adult lynx!



She must be the lynx's mom.

She came for her kitten.

The best one to look after a wild baby animal is his parents.

We couldn't take as good care of the lynx kitten.

Zoboo: they can go home to the wild.

Bye, lynx mom! Bye, lynx kitten!

I'm glad you don't use kitty litter.

A pet can be your best friend,

But she depends on you to take care of her.

Chris: she couldn't live without you.

Wild animals don't need anybody taking care of them.

They're happiest living free and in the wild.

Zoboomafoo: whether we're wild or pets, we're all great.

♪ This animal is a friend of mine ♪

♪ From the tip of his nose to his funny behind ♪

♪ All the friends that we met today ♪

♪ Are special in their own way ♪

♪ We've all got different names ♪

♪ But we're really all the same ♪

♪ Thanks for dropping by, we're glad you came ♪

♪ These animals are friends of mine ♪

♪ They jump and swim, crawl, fly, and climb ♪

♪ One more thing we have to say ♪

♪ Go make an animal friend today! ♪


I've got more leaping to do.

See you later.

Chris: there he goes.

And can that lemur leap!

Let's hang out with the pond creatures at mudpuppy pond.

We'll see you later.

I'll race you.

You're on!

Hi. I'm avery. This is my dog rio.

Walk, walk, walk, walk.

Ha ha!

We never get too close to an animal we don't know.

Always give an animal her space.

Never get close to an animal unless an adult says it's ok.

There's somebody we know--

All: zoboomafoo!

To learn more about zoboomafoo,


Martin: dogs love to play because they are hunters by nature.

Zoboomafoo: I knew that.

They love to run and jump

And grab things with their mouths.

Zoboo, I've got a riddle.

What time is it when you have two pug puppies...

And a bucket of balls?

It's playtime!

Zoboomafoo: puppies, play with me!

Hey, puppies, how are you?

Hey! No, no!

Let go!

Ha ha ha!

Whoa! Hey, hey!

I'm stronger than you are.

Ha ha ha!
