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01x15 - Pig's Present/Tick Tock Space Clock

Posted: 12/31/23 19:49
by bunniefuu
[pants, barks]

KID: Word World!

KIDS: Word World!

♪ Welcome to the place where words come alive ♪

KID: Let's build a word.

KIDS: Word World.

KID: Word World.

KIDS: ♪ Jump to the beat

♪ Clap your hands in the air ♪

KIDS: Let's build a word!

Word World!

KID: Word World.

♪ We've got friends of every size ♪

♪ Building words before our eyes ♪

♪ Nothing's better than a letter ♪

♪ They hold our world together ♪

♪ With Dog ♪ And Sheep ♪ And Duck ♪ And Pig

♪ There's always a surprise! ♪


KIDS: Word World!




♪ Welcome to our world

KIDS: Word World!

♪Word World♪

KIDS: Word World!

♪ It's a beautiful world

♪Word World.♪

KIDS: Yay!

NARRATOR: It's a beautiful day in Word World,

the perfect day for Pig's birthday party.

[straining]: Whew!

This present is a lot heavier than it looks.

Whoa, whoa! Whoa!

[Pig grunting and groaning]

Huh? Oh!

Pig, what are you doing inside your own present?


Were you peeking?

Peeking? Me?

No, never.

Okay, maybe I was peeking just a little bit.

You know the rule, Pig.

No peeking.

It's not very nice,

and it ruins the surprise.

[giggling]: It's Uncle Piggy's party.

Games, check.

Balloons, check.

Hat, check.

PIGGIES: Happy birthday, Uncle Pig!

We're gonna make you the best birthday present ever!

[gasping]: Really?

Oh, tell me what it is!

Tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me.

[all]: We can't tell you.

It's a surprise.

[giggling and snorting]

NARRATOR: And Pig's three nephews ran off

to make Pig his birthday present,

leaving their uncle awfully curious.

I wonder what it could be.

Come on, Pig.

We need to make your birthday cake.

[sighing]: I wonder what my present is.

Oh! Maybe it's a plane.

Ooh, that would be sweet!

You need something to do

to take your mind off the presents, Pig.

[gasps]: Why don't you deliver the invitations

for your birthday party?


Just remember,

when you're delivering them,

no peeking at any of the presents.

No peeking. Right.

Oh, I got it.

NARRATOR: As Pig went off

to deliver the invitations,

he heard something very interesting.

[giggling and snorting]

PIGGIES: Let's collect all the letters

we need for Uncle Piggy's present.

[gasps]: That sounds like the piggies.

Ooh, I bet they're making my present!

PIGGY: Ooh, there's the first one in its box.

Let's get it.

[piggies giggling and snorting]Present.

I love it! Whoo-whee!

[snorting and giggling]

[piggies oinking]

PIGGIES: Let's see! Let's see!

[snorting and giggling]

[piggies continue oinking and giggling]

The letter "J."

The letter "J." Ooh!

That's one of my favorite letters.

I wonder what they're making with the letter "J."

Maybe a j-j-jellyfish?

No. A j-j-jar?

Or a j-j-jacket?

Oh, I know!

It's a jar of jellyfish wearing jackets.

Oh, just what I've always wanted.

Wh-wha! Oh, dear!




[Pig yelling]

Whoa, whoa!

[crashing, piggies oinking]


The letter j-j-jay.

PIGGIES: Uncle Pig!

What are you doing?

I was, um, just practicing,

um... my flying.

Pigs can't fly.

That's why I was practicing.

I don't think so.

You were peeking.

Your present is suppose to be a surprise.

Right, right, right.

No peeking. No peeking.

Let's go!

We've got to get the next letter.

Hmm? No peeking.

No peeking!

NARRATOR: Pig continued delivering the invitations.

But as he left Bear's cave,

he heard something very interesting.

[piggies giggling]

Oh, I bet those three piggies are making

my birthday present inside the windmill.

PIGGY:Uncle Pig is gonna love his present.

[gasping]: My present!

Ooh! I have to see it.

I have to see it!


ALL: ♪ Uncle Pig is so impatient always trying to peek ♪

♪ Instead of making his birthday present ♪

♪ We'll have to play hide and seek. ♪

The letter "E."

PIG: Whoa-ho yup!

What's that?

I don't see anything.

What could they be making

with the letter "E"?

Maybe an e-e-elephant?

No, it's an e-e-egg.

Or e-e-elevator shoes.

[gasping]: I know!

It's an e-e-elephant in an egg

wearing elevator shoes.

Oh, just what I've always wanted!

Ow! Oh!

PIG: Oh, um, little piggies.

A little help, please?

That's Uncle Pig!

[chuckles]: Oh-oh, ah-ah!

PIGGIES: Uncle Pig!

What are you doing here?

[chuckling]: Oh, just hanging out.

Whoops! Oh!

Were you trying to peek at your present again?

You were, weren't you?

No! I was just trying to, um, to fly again.

Oh, yeah, that's it. Fly!

Well, enjoy "flying."


And no...More...


Right, right.

No peeking.

No, no peeking!

No peeking.

NARRATOR: Pig had almost finished

delivering his birthday invitations.

But as he handed the last one to Sheep...

[piggies giggle and snort]

The piggies!

What are they making for me?

Oh, uh, bye!

Oh, dear!

No sign of Uncle Pig.

We can finally finish making...

His birthday present!

[whispering]: They'll never see me hiding behind this bush.


PIG [gasping]: They're using the letter "T"!

Ooh, what could they be making with the letter "T"?

Maybe a t-t-turtle?

No, no, it's a t-t-tuba.

Or a t-t-tower.

[gasping]: I know!

It's a t-t-turtle in a tower

playing a tuba!

Ooh! Just what I've always wanted!

Whoa! Whoa!

ALL: Our letters!

What are you doing on top of the mountain, Uncle Pig?

Me? On top of a mountain?

Well, um, I'm...

Wait, let us guess.

PIGGIES: You were trying to fly.

No. I was trying to peek

at the present you were making for me.

Well, it's time for your party.

And we lost the letters to make you a present.

Oh, I-I'm sorry.

I just couldn't help myself.

And we're sorry we don't have

a present for you, Uncle Pig.

The letters for your present fell into the water.

See you at the party.

I guess.

Hey! Hey!

Uh, can I get a ride home?


NARRATOR: So Pig walked all the way home

by himself.

And a long walk is a perfect time

for a pig to think about how he has acted.

I shouldn't have tried to peek at my present.

Oh, I've ruined everything.

[overlapping chatter]

Warmer, warmer...

What, no, colder, colder.

No, no, warmer, now you're getting hot.

KIDS: Donkey!

[overlapping chatter]


Happy Birthday, Pig!

Huh? What?

Oh, thanks.




Pig, you finally get to open your presents.

No, thanks.

What's wrong, Pig?

You were right, Ant.

I should have been more patient.

I kept trying to peek.

And I ruined the present my nephews were making for me.

Oh, now look how sad they are.



There are lots of letters right here.

Just because the party's already started,

doesn't mean they can't build a present now.

PIGGIES [gasping]: Really?

Yeah, there's always time to...

Build a word!

And no peeking, Pig.

Okay. Right.

No peeking.

♪ It's time to build a word

♪ Let's build it, let's build it now! ♪

PIGS [sounding out]: J-E-T.

KIDS: Jet!

♪ Yeah, we just built a word ♪

♪ We built it, we built it! ♪

That's right.Fun.

PIGS:Happy birthday, Uncle Pig!

A jet!

For me?

Oh, thank you!

Now you really can fly, Uncle Pig.




NARRATOR: See, with a little patience,

Pig got the best birthday present he could ever ask for.

The end.

KIDS: Frog!

Oh, you're just in time.

Come on!

BUGS: ♪ M, M, M

♪ It's the letter M

♪ M, M, M

♪ It's the letter M

♪ M, M, M

♪ Makes the sound

♪ Mmm...

♪ I got a M machine ♪

♪ And it's quite a gem ♪

♪ I use for making words that start with M ♪

♪ I'm going to make a monster with an M and then ♪

ALL: ♪ You're going to see the power of the letter... ♪

♪ M, M, M

♪ It's the letter M

♪ M, M, M

♪ It's the letter M

♪ M, M, M

♪ Makes the sound

♪ Mmm...

Oops.♪ We made a monkey and it's cute, I know ♪

♪ It's not a scary monster like I wanted ♪

♪ Though, monkey and monster both start with M ♪

♪ But if I want to make a monster I must try again ♪

♪ M, M, M

It-it-it's the letter M.

♪ M, M, M

♪ Makes the sound...

Oh no!

My monster making machine is broken!

And I didn't even get to make my monster yet!




That's it!

I'll use the power of the letter M

to fix my monster making machine.

Come on, everybody!

It's time to...

ALL: Build a word!

♪ It's time to build a word

♪ Let's build it

♪ Let's build it now!


FROG [sounding out]: Ma-chine.

KIDS: Machine!

♪ Yeah, we just built a word

♪ We built it, we built it!

Now, where was I?


♪ M, M, M

♪ It's the letter M

♪ M, M, M

♪ Ooh-wee-ooh ♪ It's the letter M ♪

[chortling] ♪ M, M, M

♪ Makes the sound...

♪ Mmm...

Yay! ♪ I made a monster like I said I would ♪

♪ With the letter M

♪ Yeah, I knew I could ♪

♪ So if you need a monkey ♪

♪ Or monster, then don't forget the power of the letter... ♪

♪ M!

[humming] Marvelous!

[pants, barks]

KID: Word World!

KIDS: Word World!

♪ Welcome to the place where words come alive ♪

KID: Let's build a word.

KIDS: Word World.

KID: Word World.

KIDS: ♪ Jump to the beat

♪ Clap your hands in the air ♪

KIDS: Let's build a word!

Word World!

KID: Word World.

♪ We've got friends of every size ♪

♪ Building words before our eyes ♪

♪ Nothing's better than a letter ♪

♪ They hold our world together ♪

♪ With Dog ♪ And Sheep ♪ And Duck ♪ And Pig

♪ There's always a surprise! ♪


KIDS: Word World!




♪ Welcome to our world

KIDS: Word World!

♪Word World♪

KIDS: Word World!

♪ It's a beautiful world

♪Word World.♪

KIDS: Yay!

DUCK: Hey, would you look at that.

That cloud looks like a fish.

[sighs and quacks]

NARRATOR: What are you doing, Duck?

I am cloud watching, Mr. Narrator.

Ooh! See.

That one looks like a dinosaur.



[giggles and quacks]

Oh, don't eat the fishy, dinosaur.

[laughs and quacks]

NARRATOR: That's funny, Duck.


Ooh, ooh, ooh, check that cloud out.

That cloud looks like a rocket ship.

Um, Duck, thatisa rocket ship.

[Duck gasps]

Oh, yeah! Whoa!



What in Word World?

Uh, whee!

Greetings, small yellow bird.


[laughing]: Oh!


Actually, you can call me Duck.

See, D-U-C-K.


Greetings, D-U-C-K.


[laughs and quacks]

It's, it's just Duck.

Greetings, Just Duck.

I'm R-O-B-O-T.


A robot!


doesn't that beat all?

[ticking] Ooh, say, uh, Robot,

your nuts and bolts are making some awful weird noises.

Is everything screwed on all right in there?


That is my tummy computer.



Pretty clock.

I have come from a faraway planet

in search of this clock.

Don't you have any clocks on your planet?

Yes, we have one.

But it's broken.


Well, then how do you know what time it is?

I don't.

Without a clock,

I don't know when it's time to wake up

or go sleep or even eat my snack.

That's terrible.

That is why I am here.

I must find this clock

and take it back to my home planet.

[ticking]I must listen for this sound

and find the clock.

Oh, oh, oh, oh, can I help?

Can I? Can I? Can I? Can I? Can I? Can I?

I'm a great listener.

The best listener in all of Word World.

Maybe even the whole universe.

I'll help you find your clock.

Okay, Duck.

Thank you for your help.

You're welcome!Woo-hoo!

Come on, Robot, let's go!


Ticktock find the clock.

Ticktock find the clock.

NARRATOR: So Duck and Robot listened...

Shh, Mr. Narrator.

Oh, sorry.

[whispering]: So Duck and Robot listened for the ticktock sound.

Ticktock find the...


Hey, I hear something.

What are you doing, Duck?

Shh, I'm listening.


There it is. Do you hear it?

Th-The sound is coming

from inside this R-O-C-K rock.

Didn't I tell you I was the best listener in Word World?

Huh, huh, didn't I, huh?

I believe the sound you hear is coming

from that dancing dog.

Oh, yeah.

Let's dance, Robot.


This is fun.


Duck, that is an excellent sound Dog is making...

but it is not the sound we must find.


This is the sound we need to find.

Tick... tock.


Those soundsaredifferent.

You're pretty smart, Robot.

Not bad for a tin can.


Thank you, Duck.

Well, we got a clock to find.

Come on, Robot.

Good-bye, dancing dog.


NARRATOR: So Duck and Robot kept listeni...

BOTH: Shh!

NARRATOR [quietly]: Sorry.

Duck and Robot kept listening

for the ticktock sound.




do you hear that?

I hear something, but...

Didn't I tell you I was the best listener in Word World?

[quacking]: Huh, huh, didn't I?

That's got to be our clock sound.

Come on, Robot.Whoa!



Pig, what are you doing?


[giggling]: Oh... you know.


[giggling]: Drinking juice.

Well, I'll be.

The sound we heard wasn't the clock after all.

[chuckling]: It was Pig drinking juice.

Want a box?

Oh, thanks, Pig, but Robot and I are on a mission.

We're looking for a clock.

A clock?

Yes, a clock.

We have to listen for this sound to find it.


Hmm, that's definitely not the sound I was making.






You're right, Pig.


Tick, tock.


Those soundsaredifferent.

So that means the clock isn't here.


I am disappointed.

Aw, cheer up, Robot.

Here, have a juice box.


Uh... Robot, y-you're not supposed to eat it.

Oh, no.


Your tummy computer is broken, Robot.

Without my tummy computer, I will never find the clock.

Maybe Frog can fix your tummy computer.

Yeah, my friend Frog can fix anything.

He'll have your tummy computer fixed in a jiff.

And then we can find my clock.

Great idea, Pig.

Thank you, no proble--


What's the matter, Pig?

I drank too many juice boxes.

Now I got to go...!

Say hi to Frog for me.


Come on, Robot.

Let's go to Frog's log.

Don't worry, Robot, as soon as Frog fixes your computer...

[gasping]: ...we'll find your cl--



Did you hear that?

Hear what?


[ticking continues]


That sound.

[Duck gasps]

It's coming from Frog's log.


My clock is all wound.

DUCK:Frog! [screams]

[squeaking]: Ow!



I really wish you wouldn't do that.

Hey, Frog.

The sound.

[quacking]: Did you hear that sound?

[groaning]: The sound of my lamp breaking?

No, not that sound.[whimpers]

Tick... tock, tick... tock.


Who are you?

[chuckling]: Frog, this is my new friend Robot.

Robot, this is F-R-O-G Frog.

Greetings, F-R-O-G Frog.

Oh, it's just Frog.

Greetings, Just Frog.

Duck and I are in search of a very important clock.

We have followed its sound to this log.

You don't meanthisclock, do you?

I was just winding it when you came in.


The clock, the clock!

I am very happy.

Hoo and ray.

At last, the clock.



BOTH: ♪ Ticktock, we found the clock. ♪

Thank you, Duck and Frog.

Now I must take the clock and return to my planet.

Hey, you can't take that clock, Robot.

I need it.

Without it, how will I know when to wake up,

when to sleep, and when to have my snack?

But I need a clock,

so I know when to wake up, when to sleep,

and when to have a snack.


We both need clocks, but we only have one.

I know.

We can make another one.

Make another one?


Well... as long as we have all the right letters...

[chuckling]: Of course.

Why didn't I think of that?

We can just...

ALL: Build a word.

♪ It's time to build a word

♪ Let's build it, let's build it now. ♪



KIDS: Clock!

ALL: ♪ Yeah, we just built a word

♪ We built it, we built it.

BOTH: ♪ Ticktock, we built a clock ♪

♪ Ticktock, we built a clock. ♪

[bell chimes]

Snack time.

I must return home to my planet immediately.

Thank you, Frog, and thank you, Duck,

for helping me find a clock.

[chuckling]: Oh.

[quacks]: Don't mention it, pal.

It was nothing.

[chuckles, quacks]

DUCK: See you later, Robot.

FROG: Have a safe trip!

Bye, Duck and Frog.

That was some good listening, Duck.


I guess I am the best listener in all of Word World.


NARRATOR: And who knows, Duck?

Maybe even the best listener in the whole universe.



NARRATOR: The end.