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01x11 - That Which Should Be Made

Posted: 12/31/23 19:11
by bunniefuu
Is that shell?

And there's Miss Bridget.

But the other day when I saw you,

my heart was racing so fast I couldn't bear it.


So what did you want my advice about?

I don't think I said anything about needing advice.

I just wanted to take a walk. So don't try to fool me. It's

Chale, right? Give me the details.

Are you two getting closer now? Huh?

We're not. It's been a whole week.

He's spent every night working as a

model for Keith's new sugar confection.

Ann, what are you doing? Look at you.

Out on a stroll. Meanwhile, Master Jonas has been working hard.

So what? Are you finished already?

Oh, I know you've given up on.

Be quiet. That's enough. I've decided to put

my all into this year's confection.

It'll be something I want to create.

And yet I can tell by your face

you don't even see me as a threat.

Look, Jonas. I'm sure of it now. I really hate you.

Something he wants to create. Oh.

Looks like they're done for today. Yes.

May I ask why you requested to use shall as your model?

That's simple. The Royal Family tends to respond

well to sugar confections that feature a fairy motif.

In the Church of Saint Louis and Bell Arlen's head temple.

There's a book on their history with sugar confections.

Why does the royal family prefer pieces resembling fairies?

Go to Saint Louis and Bell..

Tomorrow, though it's one of our few precious days off.

There's something I need to look into.

If I'm fortunate, there might be knowledge

I can use to create my piece for the exhibition.

So I hope you'll come there with me. As you wish.

Sorry, Shel. I shouldn't have made you come along.

What's the matter, Scarecrow? It's not like you to be so meek.

I'm not. I was just thinking you

might have other plans already or something.

I don't know. Like a date with Miss Brigitte.

Miss Brigitte? Do I know her? Don't deny it.

I saw the whole thing yesterday afternoon.

Right behind the dorms. You two were hugging.

So her name is Bridget. That's the first I've heard her.

Really? So you don't even ask a woman's name before you?

She kept chattering about how she wanted to buy me,

and I found it annoying, so I told

her she'd have to steal my wing.

Trust me, there have always been humans like that.

Oh, that's all it was. I noticed

you've been a little out of sorts since yesterday. I see.

If it is anything, it's you. Huh?

I'm sorry, but the library is closed.

It is currently being renovated. So your book. What was it again?

It's on confections in the royal family.

Um, I believe we may have something.

The older books are all in ancient

Indian script, so you can't read them.

But I'll let you take a look.

Oh, is that an Indian two up there?

That's the battle between King Cedric and the Fairy King.

Huh? Now that I think of it,

I've never known the Fairy King's name.

Resolver. Cyril. Sash! Wait. How do you know that?

I've known it my entire life. I guess

the obsidian that I was born from must have known it too.

I can translate that if you like.

You're kidding. You read old Helandian? I suppose I do.

The founding king. Cedric was the fairy King's sl*ve.

Really? But then the Fairy King, seeing Cedric's courage and sincerity,

became friends with him and set him free.

King Cedric was moved. He respected the Fairy

King for his great integrity and strength. They became quite close.

They were friends. The fairy king and our king, Cedric.

The two men searched tirelessly for a way

that both factions could live in harmony.

But while the humans and fairies each revered their respective leaders,

the races continued to hate each other.

A w*r broke out and their fates grew dark.

In the end, the Fairy King was defeated, though Cedric was victorious.

He grieved deeply for his lost friend.

To honor him, he had a sugar

confection made in his image and offered

up a prayer to the heavens.

Cedric wished that the world they had dreamed

of could one day become reality.

And then a power which could bring

incredibly good fortune came to dwell within that confection.

That's the whole story. The way I heard it, God wanted

humankind to be rulers over everything.

And then the first human woman fell

in love with the fairy king, and she swore loyalty to him.

King Cedric was the one who saved us.

He cleansed the world of her sin

and rebuilt everything the way God originally wanted.

It's so different from what you just told me.

But it's what our religion teaches us.

If the truth doesn't suit the people in power, it gets rewritten.

That's wrong. Why though? Why would King

Cedric create a world like this one

where humans force fairies to become their

servants? Why couldn't we be equals?

Because he wasn't the one who created it this way.

Cedric did win the w*r after all.

He probably continued to search for a way to coexist.

But for whatever reason, he failed. And this is what happened.

The details don't make a difference.

We are not alike at all.

Do you mean humans and fairies? Please don't say that. Why?

No. There's no difference. Not in my eyes.

Shall I have all these feelings?

The royal family prefers sugar confections with

fairies because they want to atone for

failing to carry out Cedric's will.

Or that's what I think anyway. So.

I see it now.

That's what I was looking for.

I found it. The thing I want to create most.

So how was your little excursion? It was perfect.

I picked out the motif for my piece,

which means it's time to get to work.

Mr. Lippert, will you lend me a hand?

Um, sure. Leave it to me.


If you wouldn't mind, I'd like you to stay while I work.

I won't injure you.

Stay with me.

The wish that our founding king and

the fairy King shared within their hearts. I'll give it form.

I see she's finally starting on her piece.

Thank goodness. She was making me worry.

Why is that? It seemed like something was troubling her.

I almost told her the truth that her

entire future is riding on this year.

I had to stop myself, see, if I had said

She was troubled. Why stop saying that?

All I ever hear from anyone is you can't. And it's impossible.

Some things just can't be done, you know?

And girl's been acknowledged as a real.

How am I supposed to sleep if they keep making

such a racket? Chale. It's you.

That woman. Crazy. Not to mention she's wildly obsessed with you.

She keeps begging Eliot to buy you

after she learned you weren't for sale.

She wanted him to get someone to steal your wing. Be careful.

Good thing I'm not a fool. Oh, well, I warned you.

Careful. Good. Now break time.



Are you all right? You look like you're about to pass out.

Thank you. Keith. And you're right. I am exhausted.

Probably because I finished my piece last night.

You finished? Really? That's wonderful. Then just in time.

The exhibition is two days away. To be

honest, I was worried about you.

Did I hear correctly that you've finished your contest entry?

Yes. Then the regulations require me to perform

an inspection, may I?

Be my guest. Do you mind if I come along, too?

I'm eager to see Anne's work. I suppose that's all right.

Myth. Lid! Pod, what are you doing? Oh, nothing.

Where shall. Um. I got him out of the way.

Wait. No, I mean, he's out for a walk. Yes.

You can't fool me. You're snacking. What?

No, I'm just testing it. The sugar

you make is so beautiful and silky,

and in fact, there's nothing like it.

I've never known such a flavor.

And that's somehow different than snacking. Wait.

So when you're tasting it, you can tell the difference in flavor.

All fairies can do that. Are you impressed?

We didn't come here to listen to you argue with a fairy.

All right, I apologize.


The climbing rose is a symbol of the royal family,

and you've entwined it with a fairy's wing.

Do you like it, sir? Er, well,

I'd say this will do nicely. I appreciate that.


It's great. Your

piece is lovely. Really? Thank you.

I'm confident in my own skills, but now

that I've seen what you can do. And I'm a bit uneasy

still. I'm honored that I get to face you in the exhibition.

When we stand before the king, we'll

find out who's a better sugar artisan. Fair and square. Right.

Your grinning ear to ear. What's made you so happy?

Keith complimented my sugar confection today, getting

praise from someone so talented. Of course I'm happy. Huh?


You again. Do you need something?

I wouldn't be here if I didn't.

Listen, I ran into Sammy. He said

that my uncle wanted to speak with you in the workrooms.

He's looking for me. That's odd. I'll be right back.

Uncle. I brought an hallford to see you.

Thanks for that, Jonas. But Mr. Radcliffe isn't here at the moment.

Sammy, what is this? So, Jonas, I bet you're furious.

Two days from now at the sugar confectionery exhibition.

She's going to win by cheating.

It's just like last year. Except for now.

You're going to humiliate Keith instead, right?

What? What are you..

Saying? I would never do anything to Keith.

As soon as he saw your entry, he said it made him uneasy.

It was the roses. The skilled hands.

If you didn't have them, let me go!

You're taking it too far. Trust me.

I hate aunt just as much as you do. But that doesn't..

Mean that you can. If you're with Radcliffe's school,

then you'll stand there and watch till the end. Run! Master!

Get back here! Jonas!

Hey, I have a question. And this time it's a serious one.

What? Let's say a girl says she

loves you and she asks you for a kiss. How would you answer?

From this point on, I will ignore all of your serious questions.

Hands in trouble.


You have to help, man. Please.


Please don't k*ll themselves.

I will spare your lives. But one day

I'll k*ll every one of you without fail. I swear.

Oh. So.

I failed you.

It's my fault. I let us be separated.

Thank you. I was so scared. It was awful.

Here. It's all right.

I heard about the incident as master

of the Radcliffe Workshop School, I must apologize.

There's no excuse. What an unfortunate thing to happen here.

It's brought shame upon our entire school.

My nephews failed me for the last time. Huh?

That does it. Jonas is to be expelled.

Wait a minute, Mr. Radcliff. Jonas wasn't..

Responsible. No. If that's the case, then

who was it that att*cked you?

Sammy did. Jonas was the one who went to find some help.

But it was Sammy and his friends who informed me of it.

That's the reason I came here.

Is that true? Why would someone report

a crime they had committed themselves?

I know what happened to you was unpleasant,

but some things shouldn't be said. What?

Sammy's worked here since he was .

He's practically been an artisan since birth.

He's one of my best charges.

I know that he would never lie to me.

Sorry, but he did. In fact, right before it happened,

Jonas came by here on an errand.

He said that Sammy told him you wanted

an to go to the work area. Does that sound familiar?

Silence that fairy. Now, after that, he came back looking terrible.

You shut your mouth. Refuse. That's it. Please stop it!

Oh, shall.

You're the fairy who served as model for Keith's entry.

The one who came to Halford's rescue.

Tell me then, who's to blame for this?

Most rotten apples tend to fall from a rotten tree.

Then get out. You, Jonas. Your fairies, the lot of you.

You're free to take the peace that you made

in the three barrels of sugar that you were fined.

Think of it as the workshop's compensation for the inconvenience you suffered.

But, sir, that's not fair. I said leave.