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01x06 - The Castle on the Sea

Posted: 12/31/23 19:07
by bunniefuu
The piece he requested. I had it crafted by one of our best.

Oh, look at that.

It's superb. If it pleases you, then I've succeeded.

But, sir, are you certain it's the right thing? You know.

Because it's a bit solemn. Looking to be

a wedding gift for my daughter.

Yes, that's all right. It is the young

who must inherit our history and move us forward.

But to tell the truth, I did hesitate.

Huh. That girl at the exhibition reminded me what her name was.

Are you talking about Anne Halford?

Yes, precisely. If I could just discern her whereabouts,

then not only would I learn more about her and her confections,

but I'd see that pretty fairy of hers, too. Hmm.

Well, if you're wondering about Anne, I just

saw her in town.. Here in Westhall. Mm.

It seemed like fate. So I offered

to let her stay here with me.

But thank you, Hugh. But I'm afraid I'll have to decline.

I'll feel better if I walk on my own two feet.

So she refused an offer from the Viscount

and an opportunity to study at the prestigious Mercury Workshop.

So how? Like her? Well, then, where is she now?

Paul, Sol day is approaching fast, so she's in Lewiston. Hmm.

In that case, perhaps I'll cross paths with her.

Really? You're going there, sir? Yes. I must go

and give counsel to His Majesty.

Counsel? The final spark. You mean the Duke of Felax?


You just came in from Westall.

You went and chose a difficult place to do business.

That area is under the care of the Silver Sugar Viscount.

So the standard is quite high. And on top of that,

most people would prefer to buy from an artisan who's local. Right.

You're very knowledgeable, ma'am. And it's true. I couldn't sell to anyone.

We'll have better luck there, she said. Huh?

That's enough, Chale. Maybe Anne was too optimistic,

but that's not a good reason to call her stupid.

I did think it, but I never said it.

The only one who did that was you..

For thinking it is just as bad.

I doubt that. And what's bad about

calling her stupid? Well, because..

The truth hurts. What's the matter with you?

You got a problem with..

Humans and fairies sitting at the same table?

Listen, as long as they pay their bill,

a customer is a customer to me.

Understood. If you don't like that, you're free to leave. Sorry, dear.

But I do have to warn you,

it might be just as difficult for you here in Lewiston

with pool sold day coming up. This is our busiest season.

I know, ma'am. I should know. That's why I have to work hard.

Oh, I know. On the coast of Rockwell Province,

down south of here, there's a town

by the name of Felix. Have you heard of it?

It's famous for trading, and the royal family controls it. Right?

That's it. Now, the Duke of Felix

is a man known as William Auburn. Are you familiar?

These represent the family lines left behind by our founding king,

Cedric, House Mills and House Chamber and House. Auburn

House mills Land were supposed to be the heirs to the throne,

but when our current king Edmund the

second was only years old,

King Edmund the first passed away and he was

far too young to rule. It's been years.

Oh, I'm well aware. Chamber thought they could take advantage of that.

So they tried to claim control.

Then the chamber rebellion, but thankfully. You

put an end to that with the

assistance of Thomas Orban, of course.

Truth be told, what happened during that

uprising caused me to fear you.

You pulled house chamber out by the roots and destroyed them all.

Though it was harsh, your choice was understandable.

But then you went so far as to try

to banish House Auburn despite what they'd done for the royal family.

You took their land and dismantled their armies.

This kingdom does not need two rulers.

That was the lesson we learned.

Well, be that as it may, Edmund

the second chose to stop accepting counsel from you.

He admired Thomas for his warm heart and gentle nature.

That will of his was quite mighty

for a child at only years of age.

That's why House Auburn was given Felax,

which was under strict royal control.

Revenue goes to the royal family and is proof of their loyalty.

Once a month they must pay a visit

to Lewiston. Those were the two conditions.

And now Thomas has passed on. So it's

up to his son, William, to fulfill those conditions.

And I happen to know the man personally.

He doesn't have evil intent. He's intelligent and gentle.

Despite all that, you still believe he

is the last spark of rebellion.

What if that spark is beginning to smolder once more?

Soon it may grow into a blaze,

sending up smoke like a signal.

If that isn't a spark, then what would you call it? Mercury.

So then it's Auburn truly.. Trying to find a new sugar..

Artisan. And you don't have to be a master either.

You go stay at the castle. And if the Duke

decides he likes the peace you made,

they say he'll give you a thousand crest reward.

Imagine. Wait. What? A whole thousand.

Shocking, isn't it? Impressing him is impressing

a descendant of none other than King Cedric himself.

You'd earn great prestige as a sugar artisan.

Everyone who prides themselves on their skill

was just thrilled to hear the news. So exciting.

A thousand crests are.

Felix of Rockwell Province.

It flourishes through trade with the continent, its highlands, greatest port town.

And yet all of that trade wealth is devoured by Lewiston.

Each month, the head of the house

must go there and seek an audience with His Majesty.

How do you know all of that? I have learned much in my life.

Human affairs don't usually interest me, but.

Have you brought a sugar confection? Yes.

It's in the cargo hold. Good.

Then take it and go inside at once.

You two will wait here. She's clear.


You may wait here. Oh, thanks.

Another artisan is here. Makes sense. It is a thousand grass.

I can't help but wonder why is this castle so bleak?

Everything is made of stone and somehow.

Hey, he's.. Here, huh?

There is no need to bow. My name

is William Auburn. The Duke of Felax.

Show me the pieces you brought today.

You're free to go now, but you will stay. But, sir.

God. It's a fairy. What inspired this?

The model for this piece is one

of my friends who's traveling with me.

To be honest, it was supposed to be a gift for him,

but he said eating it would feel like cannibalism.

Very well. I will allow you to stay.

Make me a sugar confection. One that satisfies my expectations.

Yes, sir. Was there something you had in mind?

Oh, beautiful. This lady, she's a fairy, right?

You ought to give form to the fairy depicted in this portrait.

Can you do it? I can. Perfect. Del, show her to the workshop.

Right this way. Should you wish to view this portrait again?

There are two towers near your workspace in the East tower.

You'll find a collection of paintings there

of this same fairy. Study them. Right.

A friend, huh? That was well said.

The Duke hates the practice of enslaving fairies.

Is that why there aren't any in the castle?

The two fairies who accompanied you here

have already been shown to the workshop.

Oh, thank you. That girl. Why does

the Duke want a sugar confection of her? We're here.

Show me through. You see that tower?

Three young artisans from Radcliffe are staying there.

Do please keep out of each other's way.

But why are there only three? You just saw it firsthand.

The Duke's expectations are high. Very high. Good luck.

A portrait of a fairy. A Yes.

And she's incredibly beautiful. He told me there

were even more paintings of her in the East

Tower. Want to go see? Nah.

Let's go upstairs first. Did you see?

They've got beds for three people up

there? Yeah. Real beds. Soft beds.

That was fast. Hurry up, huh? The art.

Let's go see it. Come on. All right.

I'm sorry. I didn't think you'd agree to go with me.

I'm just curious.

That smile's a bit much. I know. I'm just happy.

It's Jonas.. And.

Well, this is a surprise. Uh. What

business do you have at this castle?

Did you follow me here? Are you looking for revenge?

Not exactly, no. Getting revenge for what you did would be pleasant.

But I have better things to do. Wait a minute.

Jonas. That's the same girl who ruined the exhibition.

Yes, exactly. She's the coward who set me up.

How can you stand there and say I set you up when you were

the one who betrayed me and stole my work?

She makes an interesting case, but I saw the whole thing.

She tried to take credit for someone else's piece.

You soured the king's mood and cost

everyone a chance at the medal.

We can't excuse that. After all, you've

insulted a representative of the proud Radclyffe School.

Well, gentlemen.

What do you intend to do now?

You must have come here because you

heard about the Duke of Felix.

But I deserve the glory and riches. You'll fail like last time.

We both know I have more skill.

If I were you, I'd start packing my bags to go home.

Honestly. Scarecrow, calm down. Let's go.

Is it done? Almost. Thanks so much. Mithra lid pod.

Ha! You're such a big help.

When my greatness is multiplied by intense efforts.

Such are the results. Though it's not enough to repay that favor.

You don't need to worry about that anymore.

Where did shall wander off to? This

happens every time you start working.

And he just saunters off somewhere, huh?

It's hard to believe even he can get sentimental sometimes.

He can Really? Certainly. Just three days ago,

when he and I were waiting outside for you. It was odd.

How nostalgic? What is? I once lived

in a castle just like this one.

He did. But when her name was Elizabeth.

But I knew her as Liz. He did say

that he spent a lot of time with that girl.

And you look so ridiculous right now.

Your face is covered in powder. How's that? Now it's even bluer.

I better go wash my face.

Soon. years passed. Liz's hair turned to pale gold.

Her freckles faded. She was a fine woman. So I can tell

you keep changing as she did.

Well, I really change. It's impossible to imagine.

I'll probably just stay like this. A scrawny, awkward scarecrow.

I wonder what kind of person Liz was.

I bet she was beautiful. She must have been.

For someone like Chale to say she was.

What's wrong with me? I'm jealous of

a stranger. But that's..

Absurd. Don't rub so hard or your nose will come off.

It's you. And now you're soaked.

I don't have a towel.

What's wrong? Well, I just be honest.

Huh? It's nothing.

Jonas. What do you want?

Looking to steal my work again? Too bad it isn't done yet.

Why would I? My craftsmanship is far superior.

I'll have you know that I completed my piece yesterday.

And so did the other two. Oh.

Then does that mean you have already shown them to the Duke?

Oh, of course. And then can you guess what happened?

The other students were told to leave at once,

and I alone was permitted to continue

my stay here at the castle. When he looked at my work. Do you

want to know what the Duke said?

It shows. Promise. Increase the accuracy.

You lose an now even you can't

deny that the thousand crests is as good as mine.

That's not true. Did you know I'm

the first person they allowed to stay

in the castle after presenting their work?

I dare say it's quite the honour, don't you?

No one else can stay here.

That's what Dale told me. I refuse to let you.

Save your breath. They gave me the

honour of moving into that tower.

Only the chosen artisan stays there and you've got nowhere to sleep.

So try your best to make it as a wandering merchant.

What was he trying to achieve by coming here?

Is this some tactic to crush my spirit?

He just wanted an opportunity to brag. Really?

He can't gloat to his friends now that they've left.

So he came to you. How absurd.

It's finished, Probably. What do you think? Shall be honest.

It looks well made. Listen.

You did well. Scarecrow.

Not quite. He's not happy with it.

But it's got the right feel to it.

In that sense, it's better than his was.

Make it more accurate than it might be satisfying.

Move her to the store immediately. We have two artisans now.

There's no need to enlist any more. Huh? Huh? Come.

So I'm sorry to ask, but does this mean the Duke was

pleased with my sugar confection? It wasn't clear.

Let's just say he didn't quite hate it.

So you and Jonas Anders, I believe

the two of you will be tasked

with creating the peace he desires.

I've already sent out some pages. They'll

make sure that your fairies arrive here before too long.

I'll send for your things later.

Oh, thank you very much. Didn't quite hate it.

You will get two meals a day

and use as much silver sugar as you like.

We will provide anything you need. Should

you find that you require assistance?

You may simply pull on this cord.

It rings a bell in the servants quarters.

That way we'll know that we're needed.

What do I do when I finish the piece?

You will pull it then as well.

Do you have any more questions?

And what are you doing in here?

I thought that I heard a familiar voice above me.

And why are you in the tower, too?

Shouldn't it be obvious the Duke asked

me to so I can work on the piece? But you can't.

So you are acquainted. I did not realize.

Perhaps your fates are intertwined in some way.

All I know is you're here because the Duke has commanded it.

I can't believe I'm competing with you again.

If you'd call the exhibition a contest, then yes, we are.

You can't win. You're no match for my skill. You're a fool.

If you think you could defeat Master Jonas.

Right. We'll crush her. Yes, of course.

I'll never lose to the likes of you.

I won't lose either to you or anyone.