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01x36 - I am Rukmini Devi/I am Bob Ross

Posted: 12/31/23 13:13
by bunniefuu
Brad: ♪ Ready for adventure? Who's that kid who ♪

♪ can travel through time? ♪

Xavier: ♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

Yadina: ♪ Which great heroes will we find? ♪

Xavier: ♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

Brad: ♪ Every single boy and girl ♪

Yadina: ♪ Has what it takes ♪ Kids: ♪ To change the world! ♪

♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

Brad: ♪ Brad! ♪ Yadina: ♪ And Yadina! ♪

Kids: ♪ And the Secret Museum! ♪

♪ Dr. Zoom and the Secret Museum! ♪

Xavier: ♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪


Xavier: Hi there! Welcome to the show.

Yadina: Today we're meeting

an amazing dancer,

Rukmini Devi.

Xavier: Rukmini Devi was born in India in the year .

When she grew up, she helped bring back

an awesome traditional dance style

called Bharatanatyam.

Yadina: It's a dance that tells a story using gestures--

♪ (traditional dance music) ♪

Xavier: --and expressions.

Good thing Rukmini Devi helped keep this dance tradition alive.

Brad: Maybe I'll leave the dancing to Rukmini Devi.

Let's start the show!


Yadina: Dr. Zoom, I made this tea exactly

the way you like it. Xavier: (car sounds)

Yadina: Xavier! Tea's ready!

Xavier: Aw! Ugh, Ok!

Brad: Xavier! Yadina!

I just had the craziest idea.

Maybe today,

we could play at my house.

Xavier: Ok, let's go!

Oh! Aaah,

we'd love to Brad,

but we can't.

It's 'eating under the tree' day.

Brad: Huh?

Yadina: 'Eating under the tree day'

is a thing our family does every year.

We take a looooong hike,

Xavier: So long!

Yadina: the exact same tree.

Then, we have a picnic...

Xavier: ...take a family photo...

Yadina: ..and lie down to look up at the clouds.

Xavier: We do it every year

because our parents say it's a

Xavier/Yadina: tradition.

Brad: Ooooh, I love traditions!

My family has lots we do together every year,

every month, even every day!

Yadina: Every day?

Brad: Uh, can't go to sleep without a bedtime dance party.

♪ (dance beat) ♪

(nervouse giggle)

Xavier: Awesome dance moves aside,

I don't get what's so good about an old tradition

we've done a bunch of times before.

Yadina: (gasps) Maybe we can convince Mom and Dad

to do something else...?

Xavier: Yeah. Like ride bikes.

Or eat pizza!

Or better yet, eat pizza in bed.

Yadina: Ooh, I'd do that every day.

And I know exactly where

to get the help we need!

Brad: Oh boy!

Yadina/Xavier: To the Secret Museum!!

Brad: Ooookay!

Here we go.

♪ (upbeat playful music) ♪

Xavier: I wonder who the Secret Museum will send us to meet?

Yadina: And where we'll go?

♪ ♪

Brad: And when.

Yadina: Look out below! Xavier: Woohoo!

Yadina/Xavier: Hi Berby! Berby: (bleearp)

Brad: Hi Berby. Berby: (bloop)

Brad: Upff!!

Xavier: (humming) Berby: Whoo!

We're getting something!

Brad: Are those...

...jingle bells?

(gasps) We're going to meet Santa Claus!

Berby: Uh uh. Brad: No Santa?

(sighing) Oh...

Xavier: Rukmini Devi! That's who we're going to meet.

Yadina: In India!

Brad: In .

That's...(counting) ...carry the ...

...over years ago!

Yadina: I wonder how Rukmini Devi

can help us convince Mom and Dad

to skip 'eating under the tree day'.

Xavier: Only one way to find out...

Ready for adventure? Yadina: Ready!

Brad: Um, are we sure about this?

Your looong hike sounds way better

than a loooo-oo-ong trip back through time.

Berby: Whoo ooo!

Brad: (sighs) Ready.

Berby: (bleep blarp bloop)

Yadina: Here we go! Berby: Whoo!

(bleep blarp bloop)

Brad: It's happening!

Yadina: Hang on, Dr. Zoom!

Xavier: Woohoo!

Brad: Whoaaaa!

Berby: Whoo hooo!


Xavier: So this is India in .

Berby: Mmm hmmm.

It's, Aaaa...

Rukmini: (speaks foreign language)

Xavier: Exactly! Wait.

I don't actually know what she said.

Yadina: We need the translator.

Xavier: Oh! Riiight...

Rukmini: (in English) It's all so amazing!

(thump) Oof! Ah!

Yadina: Wuh-oh! Brad: Whoa!

Yadina: Gotcha! Xavier: (grunting sounds)

(thump) Whoa.

Brad: Hey! I got one!

(smelling deeply)

So fresh!

Xavier: (grunting) Berby: (burring scan)

Yadina: That's her, Rukmini Devi!

Rukmini: Phew! Thank you so much.

Brad: No problem! Happens to me all the time.

Usually because I'm dizzy from time travel.

Rukmini: I'm traveling, too!

All around India, with my family.

There are so many new sights to see...

Foods to eat...

And activities to try!

Yadina: That's exactly what we want to do!

Xavier: Yeah, do something new,

instead of the same old family tradition.

Rukmini: I love traditions!

Brad: Me too!

Brad/Rukmini: (giggling)

Rukmini: And I think it's about time for one of my

favorite traditions right now...

Rukmini's Mom: Rukmini! Tiffin time!

Rukmini: Coming Mom!

No matter where my family is, we always stop for tiffin time.

Yadina: What's 'tiffin' time?

Rukmini: I'll show you!

For us, tiffin time is a tea time snack

we have every afternoon.

Brad: Having it every afternoon makes it a tradition.

Yadina/Xavier: Oooh!

♪ (traditional music) ♪

Brad: Hmmm!

Xavier: Yum!

Looks delicious!

Rukmini's Mom: So, what did everyone do today

while exploring the city?

Rukmini: Oh oh, I'll go first!

I rode around in a bullock-cart, it was so much fun

and I saw an (talking trails off)...

Yadina: It's like we're at the dinner table back home.

Xavier: Yeah. Even though Rukmini's family

is in a new place, far from home.

Brad: Good thing they brought their tradition with them.


Rukmini: (giggling) Luckily, these three

helped me put the mangoes back.

Rukmini's mom: Oh! (giggles)

Yadina: Thanks for inviting us to tiffin time, Rukmini Devi.

These treats are dee-licious!

Xavier/Brad: Mhmmm!

Rukmini: (giggling) The food is yummy,

but my favorite part of the tradition

is that it tells the story of my family.

Xavier: It does? Rukmini: Yes!

The first tiffin time came to be

a looong time ago, here in India.

My family likes to sit in a circle during our tiffin time,

and tell stories about our day.

It's what my parents do with their parents,

and their parents did with their parents!

Yadina: (gasps) That's so cool! Huh, Dr. Zoom?

Xavier: But, a tradition that's just about

eating snacks is easy.

'Eating under the tree' day,

with its loooong hike, is way harder.

So, it's not that important we do it. Right?

Berby: (blarp bloop) Brad: I think Berby disagrees.

Berby: Mm hmm! Brad: Which means...

Berby: Whoohoo!


Yadina: Whoa. Berby: (blarp bloop)

Yadina: Where are we?

Brad: When are we?

Berby: (bleep bloop)

Xavier: Berby says we're back in India.

Twenty-four years later!

(bells sounding)

Brad: (gasps) What's that sound?

It's so...

...jingly. Yadina: It's Rukmini Devi!

Xavier: And she's wearing the bells from the Secret Museum.

Rukmini: You like them? I'm a dancer now,

and the bells are part of my bharatanatyam costume.

Yadina: Your what costume?

Rukmini: Bharatanatyam.

It's a traditional Indian dance style

that uses movement and facial expressions

to tell a story.

It's beautiful, but also hard to learn,

because no one has done it for a long time.

Xavier: Why not?

Rukmini: Let me explain.

Bharatanatyam started thousands of years ago in temples,

and was very important to my people.

As it spread to different spaces,

it told stories about our ancestors,

our family from long ago.

Until one day, another country came and ruled over India.

They decided that no one was allowed to perform it anymore.

But now that rule is gone--

--so I'm working hard to bring this dance back.

It's one of India's oldest traditions,

and that makes it important.

Because traditions tell the story of your family.

Oh, Oops!

Let me try that again.

..then I do this..


That's how it's supposed to be done.

Brad/Xavier: (cheering) Yadina: Beautiful!

All: (clapping)

Rukmini: I can't wait to show everyone

and get people dancing again!

Especially my family.

Rukmini's Mom: Rukmini! Tiffin time!

Yadina: Your family still has tiffin time?

Rukmini: Of course! It's tradition.

Would you like to join us?

Xavier: We'd love to, but--

Yadina: We have our own family tradition to get to.

Rukmini: Have fun!

Bye! Xavier: Bye!

Brad: Traditions are so neat!

Especially how they can tell a story.

Yadina: You know what? We've never actually asked

where our family tradition came from.

Xavier: Hmmm... You're right, Yadina.

Then we know what we have to do...

Berby, let's go home.

Berby: (bleep blarp bloop) Whoohoo!

Xavier: It turns out, we go on this long hike,

because that's what our great great grandparents did.

They loved to walk everywhere;

it gave them more time to look around

and appreciate where they were.

Yadina: And they always took a picture

under the exact same tree,

which they planted themselves.

So, they could see how much it grew.

Xavier: And they always laid down to look up at the clouds

because, well, they were tired!

Did I mention it's a loooong hike to that tree?

Yadina: I can't wait to keep doing this every year.

Just like our great great grandparents did.

Xavier: Me, too, Yadina.

♪ (traditional music) ♪

Yadina: We had SO much fun

meeting Rukmini Devi.

Brad: Thanks to her, we can all enjoy Bharatanatyam

and the story it tells about the people

of India from loooong ago.

Xavier: Isn't it awesome how traditions can help us

learn more about ourselves?

Yadina: And about our families! Like our family hike story.

Brad: Or my family bedtime dance parties!

♪ (dance music) ♪

Xavier: Thanks for joining our awesome adventure

to meet Rukmini Devi.

Brad: Who used to be a kid, just like you and me.

Yadina: So kids like you can change the world!

I am Yadina.

Brad: I am Brad.

Xavier: I am Xavier.

And we know that traditions tell the story of your family,

just like Rukmini Devi!

♪ (traditional music) ♪

♪ (playful music) ♪

(click clack) Berby: (bleep blarp)


Berby: Whooo!

(bleep blarp bloop)


Whoo woo! Whoohoo!

♪ (mellow playful music) ♪

♪ You're my buddy, you're my friend, ♪

♪ you're the one on whom I depend, it's you. ♪

♪ ♪ Berby: Whoo!

♪ Yes, you! ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Some days are happy, some are sad, ♪

♪ My friend's always with me and I am glad it's you, ♪

♪ Yes, you! ♪

♪ ♪ Berby: Doo dee doo dee doo.

♪ We're always laughin' when we play, ♪

♪ There's a new adventure every day, ♪

♪ In sunshine, snow, ♪

♪ or falling rain, ♪

♪ We always play a really fun game, ♪

♪ You're my buddy, you're my friend, ♪

♪ You're the one I want to spend

my time with, ♪

♪ ♪ Berby: (bleep blarp)

♪ 'Cause you're my buddy,

♪ You're my best friend! ♪

Xavier: Hi there! Welcome to the show.

Today we're meeting a painter.

But not just any painter,

the coolest, happiest painter around,

Bob Ross.

Brad/Yadina: (giggling)

Xavier: He also had some pretty rad hair.

Yadina: Bob Ross loved to paint.

And he loved teaching others how to paint, too!

In a way that made them relax and feel good.

Brad: No one knew how to make happy little clouds,

and happy little people, like Bob Ross.


Uh, guys...? I think we should start the show.

Yadina: Hold onto your hair!


Just a little blue...

Now the hair...

Xavier: Watcha doin Yadina? Dr. Zoom: (squeak)

Yadina: That was a close one, huh Dr. Zoom?

We nearly messed up Ben's card!

Brad: Ben's card? Yadina: Yeah!

My friend Ben made me this turtle-y great card.


Xavier: Ben really knows you.

Yadina: So now I'm making one for him.

With his picture right on the front.

All I have to do now is the face!

A little red for his smile...

blue for his eyes...

Oops! Too much blue.

Hmmm, maybe I can just wipe it off.

Oh no! What do we do?

Should I...? (groans)

Brad: Uh, maybe you could paint over it?

Xavier: Oooor, how about starting over?

Yadina: I can't! I'm all out of paper.

(groans) This is awful.

A really-big awful terrible mistake.

Which are the worst kind.

(sighs) What do I do now?

(gasps) Yes! Of course, Dr. Zoom.

There's only one place to go to solve this problem...

Brad: To the card store!

I hear the gift shop has some good ones...

Yadina: To the Yadina/Xavier: Secret Museum!

Brad: (sighs) I knew that was coming.

Xavier: You guys ready?

I wonder who the Secret Museum will send us to meet?

Yadina: And where we'll go?

Brad: And whe-- (gasps)

(foot steps echoing)

(sighs) Guys! Wait up!

Yadina: Look out below! Xavier: Woohoo!

Xavier/Yadina: Hi Berby! Berby: (bleearp)

Brad: Hi berby. Berby: (blarp bloop)


Xavier: (humming) Berby: Whoo!

Xavier: We're getting something!

Yadina: Paint? But that's what got me into this mess!

How would more help?

Xavier: Maybe he can tell you: Bob Ross.

That's who we're going to meet!

Yadina: In Florida.

Brad: In .


...over years ago!

Yadina: I wonder how Bob Ross can help me

make a great card for Ben?

Xavier: Maybe he can give us something better than a card:

hair care tips!

Brad: I have been meaning to try something new.

Berby: (bleearp)

Brad: Whoa! Berby: Ha ha!

Xavier: Sweet! Yadina: Brad, Xavier,

focus please?

Xavier: Right. Um, ahem...

Ready for adventure?

Yadina: Ready.

Brad: (sighing) Nope!

But let's go anyway.

Berby: (bleep blarp bloop)

Whoohoo! Yadina: Here we go!

Berby: (blarp bloop)

Brad: It's happening! Yadina: Hang on, Dr. Zoom!

Xavier: Woohoo! Brad: Whoa!

Berby: Whoohoo!


Xavier: So this is Florida in .

Yadina: Lots of sunshine...

Xavier: Warm breeze...

Brad: (grunting)

And tall trees! Berby: Uh oh.

Yadina: With big leaves!

(gasps) (crunch)


All: (surprised gasps)

Bob Ross: You found my baby squirrel!

Little guy must have climbed out of his box.

Yadina/Xavier/Brad: Awwwww.

Berby: (whirring)

Xavier: Hey, that's Bob Ross! Berby: Mm hmm.

Xavier: Thanks, Berby.

Yadina: (grunting)

So, this is your squirrel?

I'm more of a turtle girl myself,

but he's still super cute.

Bob: Thanks. My mom and I found him injured,

so we're just looking after him 'til he's all better.

Now let's get you back in your box,

where you'll be safe.

Yadina: (gasps)

Bob: Hm. I wonder, how that happened.

Yadina: Um, I stepped on it by mistake and...


I'm sorry, Bob.

Sorry, baby squirrel.

Bob: That's okay.

Let's see if we can't turn this mistake

into a happy accident!

Yadina: A... happy accident? Bob: Well sure.

Mistakes don't always have to be so terrible.

Sometimes you can turn 'em into a good thing!

See? Now that the only way in or out

is through this hole on top,

our rascally little squirrel

can't wander out again and get lost.

A happy little home

for a happy little squirrel.

Brad: Oh, he does look cozy.

Yadina: Yeah, he does.

But, how does this help me fix the mistake

I made on Ben's card?

Should I step on it? Cut a hole in it?

Give it to a baby squirrel?

Berby; (blarp blarp blarp)

Xavier: I think that's a no...

Berby: (bleearp) Brad: Whoaaa!

Yadina: Where are we?

Brad: When are we? And...why is the floor so...

(grunting) ...sticky? Berby: (blarp bloop)

Xavier: Berby says it's years later.

And it looks like we're on a--

Bob: Television studio set!

Welcome to my TV show: The Joy of Painting!

Yadina/Brad: Whoa! Xavier: Awesome!

Bob: Sorry about the floor,

it gets a bit sticky from all the paint.

Yadina: Hey, it's the paint palette, from the Secret Museum.

Xavier: Did you paint this, Bob?

It's ah-mazing!

Brad: I wish I could paint like that.

Bob: You can!

That's what my TV show is all about.

I paint a picture and people at home can follow along

and see that it's not so hard.

Yadina: (sighs) Unless you make a mistake.

(sticking sounds) Like getting a big blob of...

...paint in the middle of your...



This floor is sticky.

Whoaaaa! (ka-thunk)

Oh no. I made another mistake!

Bob: It's okay. Everybody makes mistakes sometimes.

The trick is not to let them get you down.

Instead, try turning a mistake into a happy accident.

Yadina: A happy accident.

But, what does that mean?

Xavier: Hey, the floor looks super clean now!

Brad: You're right. No more stick!

Bob: See what I mean about happy accidents?

And we got it done just in time to start the show.

Brad: Start the show?

Xavier: (gasps) Do you do it with a big red button?

Bob: Um, no. We use a countdown.

Director: We're on in... Brad: It's starting!

Yadina: Ruuuuuun! Director: , , , ...

Bob: Hi there, welcome back.

Certainly glad you could join me today.

I thought we could just do a happy little painting together.

As you can see, I've got lots of white,

because up here we're gonna have

some big snowy mountains.

But we'll start by using a dark color

to create the mountain peaks and edges.

Just like that.

Isn't that nice?

Now this is the fun part.

Put some white paint on the edge of your tool,

just like this.

Press it into the edge of the mountain,

then let it flow for our snow.

No pressure. Just relax and enjoy.

Xavier: Whoa, I never knew painting could be so...

Brad: Sooooothing! Yadina: Oohhhhh...

Bob: Just like that and--

Whoops! Looks like I got some green on there.

Yadina: (gasps) Oh no. Bob made a mistake.

With so many people watching him!

This is terrible. Awful!

A complete catastrophe! A--

Bob: Happy accident!

Yadina: Huh?

Brad: Uh, Yadina?

Yadina: Heh heh, sorry Brad.

Bob: Things like this happen all the time, don't they?

But, no need to worry or get upset.

We can turn this mistake into a happy accident.

I'll just use a little more green,

some brown,

and a little pthalo green here...

and there.

We have a cluster of happy little trees on our mountain.

Yadina: Did you see that, Dr. Zoom?

Brad: Yeah! Bob's hair really catches the light.

Yadina: Not that.

I mean, instead of getting upset,

Bob turned his mistake into a happy accident.

He made trees out of his green smudge!

So, maybe I can turn the mistake I made on Ben's card

into a happy accident, too!

Brad: Oh, uh, yeah! That's what I meant, too.

Yadina: Thanks, Bob.

Xavier: Berby, let's go home!

Berby: Whoohoo!

Yadina: My picture of Ben might be a little,

uhm, alien-y.

But maybe I can turn it into...

Xavier: (gasps) A balloon! Ben loves balloons.

Brad: Nice thinking, Yadina.

Yadina: Yeah, I'm going to give it to Ben right now!

♪ (soothing music) ♪

Wasn't Bob Ross just the coolest?

Brad: (sighs) I could watch him paint aaall day.

Xavier: And lots of people did!

Bob Ross did his TV show, The Joy of Painting,

for over ten years!

Yadina: He helped millions of people learn to paint,

and, feel a little happier.

(gasps) (giggles)

Thanks for joining our awesome adventure to meet Bob Ross.

Brad: Who used to be a kid, just like you and me.

Xavier: So kids like you can change the world!

I am Xavier.

Brad: I am Brad.

Yadina: I am Yadina.

And I will always try turning a mistake

into a happy accident.

Just like Bob Ross!

♪ (theme music) ♪

