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01x32 - I am Abraham Lincoln/I am Jane Jacobs

Posted: 12/31/23 13:11
by bunniefuu
Brad: ♪ Ready for adventure? Who's that kid who ♪

♪ can travel through time? ♪

Xavier: ♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

Yadina: ♪ Which great heroes will we find? ♪

Xavier: ♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

Brad: ♪ Every single boy and girl ♪

Yadina: ♪ Has what it takes ♪ Kids: ♪ To change the world! ♪

♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

Brad: ♪ Brad! ♪ Yadina: ♪ And Yadina! ♪

Kids: ♪ And the Secret Museum! ♪

♪ Dr. Zoom and the Secret Museum! ♪

Xavier: ♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪


Xavier: Welcome to the show. Today...

Brad: Uh, Xavier? Where's Yadina?

Xavier: She should be here,

we're about to meet one of her biggest heroes..

Brad: (gasps) Uaaaaah!

Yadina: Introducing Abraham Lincoln!

Brad: Found Yadina.

Xavier: Abe Lincoln was born over years ago..

Brad: Uaaah! (thud)

Xavier: a small cabin.

Yadina: And when he grew up,

he became the President of the United States.

Yadina: I want to be just like him.

Because he was a really good president,

who earned the nickname Honest Abe.

Brad: Honesty is all about telling the truth

and doing what's right, even when it's hard.

Xavier: But you know what's not hard?

Starting the show!

Yadina: Yes! Abe Lincoln here I come!


(click) (zap)

Hello porcupine friend,

wanna come to my house for some honey?

Xavier: Sweet! Hee hee hee...

Brad: Hey, guys! Xavier: Hey, Brad!

Brad: Ooh, what's that?

Yadina: A forest play set.

I borrowed it from my friend, Annika.

Isn't it bear-y cute?

(giggles) And Dr. Zoom fits right in it.

Dr. Zoom: (squeek)

Yadina: Sorry, little porcupine!


♪ (dramatic music) ♪


Annika's porcupine!

♪ (dramatic music) ♪

What do I do? I have to get it back!

Xavier: I don't think you can get it back.

Brad: Once something goes in the sewer...well, that's it.

Yadina: But, what do I tell Annika?

She'll be so upset!

Unless, I don't have to tell her...?

There are lots of other animals

and the one I lost is so tiny,

maybe Annika won't notice?

Xavier: Um, I don't think that's the right thing to do, Yadina.

Yadina: I know. It's just,

the thought of telling her I lost her toy

makes me feel so...

(sad groans) Dr Zoom: (squeek)

Xavier: Brad?

Brad: (sighs) I know, I know...

Xavier: To the Secret Museum!

Yadina: Of course! The Secret Museum will know what to do.

Brad: Oh dear!

Wait up!

♪ (upbeat adventurous music) ♪

Xavier: I wonder who the Secret Museum will send us to meet?

Yadina: And where we'll go?

Brad: And when?


Yadina: Look out below! Xavier: Wooohooo!

Yadina/Xavier: Hi, Berby! Berby: (bleep blarp)

Brad: Hi Berby! Berby: (bleep blarp)

Brad: Ooof! Berby: Ooh.

Xavier: (humming) Berby: Whooo!

Xavier: We're getting something!

Brad: H-hey, now that's a hat!

Berby: (bleep bloop)

Yadina: Hmm.. Reminds me of someone.


Could it be...?

Berby: (giggles)

Yadina: Yes! Abraham Lincoln!

Dr. Zoom, we're going to meet our most favorite president!

Xavier: I think she's excited.

Berby: Whoohooo!

Brad: And look! We're going to Indiana!

Wait, In ?

That's like years ago!

Oh boy!

Xavier: I think, he's excited too.

Yadina: I hope, Abe Lincoln can tell me what to do

about my friend's lost toy.

Xavier: Only one way to find out...

Ready for adventure?

Yadina: Ready.

Brad: (sighs) Ready.

Berby: (bleep blarp bloop)

Yadina: Here we go!

Berby: (blarp bloop)

Brad: It's happening Yadina: Hang on, Dr Zoom!

Xavier: Wooohooo!

Brad: Uaaaah!

Berby: Whoohoo!


Xavier: Huh. Indiana in

looks a lot like that forest play set.

Yadina: But bigger.

Berby: (blarp bloop)

Brad: Think there are bigger bears?

Abraham Lincoln: No, no bears.

At least, I haven't seen any this morning.

Berby: (bleep blarp bloop)

Yadina: (gasps) That's Abraham Lincoln!

Berby: Mm Hmm. Xavier: Thanks, Berby.

Yadina: Hello, Abraham Lincoln.

I'm Xavier.

No! He's Xavier, I'm Brad.

Um, no I'm not Brad.

I'm, I'm Yadina!

I'm Yadina. Xavier: (giggling)

She's a fan of yours.

Lincoln: Nice to meet you.

Yadina: He thinks it's nice to meet me.

Is that your book?

We love books.

Lincoln: Me, too!

(sighs) I wish I could say this one was mine,

but around here,

owning your own book is pretty fancy.

But I try to always be honest.

And the truth is, I don't have any books of my own.

I borrowed this one from our neighbor, Mr. Crawford.

(booming thunder)

Brad: I borrow books sometimes, too.

Yadina: Me, too! I also borrow toys.

Which is sort of why we're here...

(gasps) (booming lightning and thunder)

Xavier: Oh no!

Lincoln: Quick, come inside.

Yadina: That was a lot of rain! Brad: We almost got soaked!

Abe: It's so rainy outside. (laughing)

Brad: Ugh! My socks feel squishy.

All: Whoooaaa.

(lightning crashing)

(rain pounding the roof)

(water dripping)

Lincoln: I'll get some rags to dry us off.

Oh no, Mr. Crawford's book!

Xavier: What's wrong, Abe?

Lincoln: I shouldn't have put it there.

There's a leak in the roof.

So, the rain water... ugh..

It wrecked my neighbour's book!

I should have looked after it better.


I don't know what to do.

Yadina: I know the feeling.

I lost my friend's toy and I don't know what to do, either.

But, at least you still have the book...

Maybe your neighbor won't notice it got wet?

Brad: I think he'll notice.

Lincoln: (sad groan)

♪ (sad music) ♪

Yadina: Okay, new plan.

You could...

tell him a bear ate it!

But thought it was yucky, so he spat it back out.

Xavier: Yeeeaah...

Yadina: Or, maybe a firefighting porcupine

swung out of the trees and sprayed the book with her hose!

Lincoln: Thank you, but, no.

I don't want to tell Mr. Crawford I wrecked his book,


I have to be honest.

That means I need to tell the truth.

Even if it's hard to do.


(door creaking)

(raindrops dripping)

(distant thunder)

Lincoln: (sad sigh)

♪ (dramatic music) ♪

Well, there's Mr. Crawford...

(nervous groan)

Brad: Look, more books!

Yadina: You could just put the one you borrowed back

without him seeing!

Lincoln: No. If I don't tell Mr. Crawford the truth,

this terrible feeling won't ever go away.

Yadina: (sighs) Yeah.

I know what you mean.

Lincoln: (sighs)

Xavier: Good luck, Abe!

Lincoln: Um, excuse me, Mr. Crawford?

It's about the book I borrowed.

I, um, got it wet by accident.

Mr. Crawford: Hmmm...

Lincoln: Rainwater leaked into our house

and, well, I wasn't careful enough about

where I put your book down.

I'm really sorry.

♪ (dramatic slow music) ♪

Mr. Crawford: Well, I gotta say I'm disappointed, Abe.

But I know it was an accident.

And I appreciate that you told me the truth.

Honesty is very important.

Tell you what, to make up for the book,

how about you help me clear this corn?

Lincoln: Okay.

Thank you, Mr. Crawford.

Yadina: Well? What happened?

Is everything okay?

Lincoln: Yes. I'm going to help out around the farm

as a way to pay him back.

It felt good to be honest.

Even if it means I'm going to be busy for the next while.

Well, goodbye for now!

Brad/Yadina: Bye, Abe!

Brad: That is one honest guy.

Xavier: No wonder he becomes president!

Yadina: If Abe Lincoln can be honest about his mistake,

then I can too. (sighs)

I'm going to tell Annika I lost her toy.

Xavier: Sounds like the right thing to do.

Berby, let's go home.

Berby: (blarp bloop) (zap)

Yadina: (nervous sigh)

Um, Annika?

Thanks for letting me borrow this.

But, um...

I lost the little porcupine that goes inside.

Annika: Oooh!

Yadina: I'm really sorry.

I was playing with it on the steps

and it started to roll down and I tried to catch it but...

it went in the sewer.

Annika: The same thing happened to the little raccoon

that used to be in here.

Except I dropped it in the garbage by accident.

Yadina: Really?

Annika: Mmh! (gasps) Want to make new ones?

You make a porcupine and I'll make a raccoon.

Yadina: One brand new baby porcupine coming right up!

Thanks, Annika.

Annika: Oh, this is going to be fun.

Come on!


Yadina: I'm soooo glad I was honest with my friend

about losing her toy.

It was super hard,

but I felt way better

after I told her the truth.

Xavier: Just like Abe Lincoln said you would!

He was one smart guy with one smart beard..

Brad: And one smart hat!

Yadina: Thanks for joining our awesome adventure

to meet Abraham Lincoln.

Brad: Who used to be a kid, just like you and me.

Xavier: So kids like you can change the world!

I am Xavier.

Brad: I am Brad.

Yadina: I am Yadina.

And I will always be honest,

just like Abraham Lincoln.

Berby: (snoring)

(ding) (surprised peep)



(bleearp bloop)

(blarp bloop)


Brad: Berby, ready for another heroic adventure?

Berby: Mmm hmm!


Brad: A big city? Excellent choice!

Jane Jacobs would approve!

It's story time.

Berby: (burrs) Brad: Bradman and Berby

in the city!

Our heroic duo was standing watch

over cereal box city,

when suddenly, they a heard cry for help.

(screams) Brad: A giant reptile

was on a rampage.


Berby/Brad: (giggle)

Brad: Bradman and Berby flew to the rescue!

(car tires screeching)


(elevator bell dings)

They confronted the creature.

But what did it want?

The turtle took a deep breath and confessed

that what it really wanted

was just a little help to get down.

Once again our heroes flew to the rescue!


(elevator bell dings)

And together they helped the tame turtle to safety.

Another heroic day for

Bradman and Berby!

(echoing Berby-Berby)

Yadina: Hello! Welcome to the show!

Xavier: Today we're meeting someone who loved cities:

Jane Jacobs!

(city street noises)

Brad: A city is a place where a lot of different people live.

And different people have different needs.

Yadina: Like places to sit!

Brad: Places to play--

Xavier: Aaaand places to get ice cream.

Brad: Woah!

Xavier: All in the same neighborhood.

Jane Jacobs believed a great city

has what everyone needs.

Brad: Do you think a great city like this has a big red button

to start the show? (car honks)

Wha-ha-hooo! Xavier: Got you covered.


Brad: Put this here...

a little more on this side...

Xavier: Brad! Is it ready?

Yadina: I brought the sna-acks!

Brad: Oh it's ready.

Xavier, Yadina, may I present..

Fort Cozy!

♪ Pam-pam-paaaaaam! ♪

Xavier: Um, maybe a tad small?

Yadina: It's probably bigger on the inside.

Xavier/Yadina: (grunting)

Yadina: Nope. Still small.

Brad: (struggles) It's supposed to be cozy.

It's called Fort Cozy.

It'll be better with the pillows Xavier brought.

Xavier: Who needs pillows when you have

high speed racers?

Brad: But toy cars don't make a cozy seat.

Xavier: Whaddya mean?

We could just, um, put a couple together...


Ugh, Ow! Maybe not my best idea.

Yadina: I know how to fix this!

With sandwiches!

Cheese and grape jelly.

Yum! Brad: Eeegh!

Xavier: No one likes those but you, Yadina.

Yadina: Not true!

Dr. Zoom loves them, too.

Brad: At least someone's happy.

(sad sigh) Fort Cozy is a bust.

What are we going to do now?

No, no, no...not that!

I know what you're thinking, and I...

Xavier/Yadina: To the Secret Museum!

Brad: (sighs) Why did I even ask?

Guys! Ouch! Wait up!


♪ (fun adventurous music) ♪

Xavier: I wonder who the Secret Museum will send us to meet?


Yadina: Or how far back in time we'll go?

Brad: On second thought,

Fort Cozy wasn't so ba-aaaaaad!

Yadina: Look out below! Xavier: Wooohoo!

Yadina/Xavier: Hi, Berby! Berby: (bleep blarp)

Brad: Hi, Berby! Berby: (blarp)


Xavier: (humming) Berby: Whooo!

Xavier: We're getting something!

Yadina: A dollhouse?

But Berby, it's even smaller than Fort Cozy!

Berby: (blarp bloop)

Yadina: We definitely can't fit in there.

Berby: (blarp) Mm mm.

Xavier: Look, Jane Jacobs, that's who we're going to meet!

Yadina: In Pennsylvania.

Brad: In ...

Wait! That's almost a hundred years ago!

Yadina: I hope Jane Jacobs can help us build

a big blanket fort.

Xavier: Only one way to find out...

Ready for adventure?

Yadina: Ready!

Brad: No, I think I'm going to stay here and um...

...organise my comic books.

Berby: Uh uh! Brad: Ok, ok!


Berby: (bleep blarp bloop)

Yadina: Here we go!

Berby: (blarp bloop)

Brad: It's happening! Yadina: Hang on Dr. Zoom!

Xavier: Woohoo! Brad: Whoaaah!

Berby: Whoohoo!


Xavier: So this is Pennsylvania in .

Yadina: Sure is quiet.

Nothing but houses.

Xavier: And trees!

(thwap) Brad: Woah!

And maps?

Jane Jacobs: Sorry!

I was looking at my map to get ideas

for the city I'm building

and it just blew away!

Berby: (bleep blarp)

Xavier: Hey, that's Jane Jacobs!

Yadina: Did you say you're building a city?

Jane: (chuckles) It's a pretend city, for my friends.

So I need to think about what everyone in a city needs:

like parks, libraries and stores.

But they're all so far away!

I need someone to drive me.

Xavier: I've got a car!

Brad/Yadina: You do?

Xavier: Anyone have a reverse shrink ray?

Brad: Oh dear! Jane/Brad/Yadina: (giggle)

Jane: Hmm...

Uh huh! I just got a great idea for my city!

Wanna come see?

Xavier: Sure! Brad: Yes please.

Jane: Then follow me!

Welcome to my city!

Brad/Yadina: Whoaaa! Xavier: Ah-mazing!

Jane: But it's not done yet...

I realized you need a car to get around my city too,

but my friends prefer to walk!

So I need to make some changes.

Brad: Um, who and where are your friends?

Jane: Oh! (giggles) My friends live in my head.

Meet: Tommy and Benny,

two people I like pretending to talk to.

Jane: Pleasure to meet you.


Brad: Hello! Yadina: Hi!

Xavier: Huh...I wish Tommy and Benny lived in my head.

♪ (circus music) ♪


But...This city might be a bit more comfortable for them.

Jane: That's the idea!

And now they can walk to the library, park,

or the stores in their neighborhood.

No cars needed!

Brad: Um, what's this building over here?

Jane: Welcome to Tommy's neighborhood library!

Jane as Tommy: I love to read

so Jane made me this beautiful library!

Which is right next to my apartment,

this tall tower over here.

The best part is that all these buildings

have shops on the ground floor,

so I don't have to go far when it's raining.

Jane: Tommy doesn't like getting his hair wet.

Brad: I get that.

Jane as Tommy: Hmm... Speaking of which,

it might be nice to have some place to sit

when it's not raining.

Brad: Comfy seats are very important.

Jane: Of course!

Lots of people could use a nice place to sit.



Jane as Tommy: Splendid! Now I can sit, watch people go by,

and do some very important thinking.


Jane always thinks about what everyne needs!

Yadina: What's that part over there with the big green square?

Jane: That's Benny's neighborhood!

It has a big park,

because lots of people need room to run and play..

Jane as Benny: ..and fly kites!

I quite like kites.

(tummy grumbles)

Oh! But all this play is making me hungry...

Where might I get something to eat?

Jane: Hmm, good point.

I need to think about what everyone needs.

After playing in the park, people will be hungry,

so I should put some places to eat nearby.

Xavier: Ooh, pizza! Brad: Nuh uh! Sushi!

You gotta have sushi.

Brad/ Xavier: (gasp) Sushi Pizza!

Yadina: Dr. Zoom and I know the perfect snack!

Cheese and grape jelly sandwiches.

Brad: Blegh!

Jane: (giggles)

I'll add a few more choices,

just in case not everyone likes cheese and grape jelly.

Yadina: Oh, right! Just in case.

Xavier/Brad: Phew!

Jane as Benny: Thank you, Jane!

Xavier: Hmm, what's that?

Jane: Oh that's a new neighborhood I'm building.

It's not finished yet.

Yadina: You know who should live here?

A sailor!

Xavier: (gasps) With a great sailor name like...

Helen Longbeard!

Jane as Helen: A-hoy! I be Helen Longbeard

and this is my neighborhood.

Jane: Yes! It's perfect for a sailor.

It's right on the water so Helen can easily get to her boat.

There could be a market over here

where Helen can sell the fish she catches.

And of course we'll have lots of dry cleaners.

Jane as Helen: Ah! Thank ye.

The scent of the sea be hard to get out of me clothes.


Xavier: (laughter)

But what if Helen wants to visit Tommy's library?

Or Benny's park?

They're really far away.

Jane: Hm, good point.

I have most of what Helen needs right here,

but she should be able to visit other neighborhoods, too.

Xavier: Ooh, big idea!

Let's build a super highway between neighborhoods!

Jane: Wait!

Look how the highway knocked down all these buildings!

Xavier: Oh, yeah.

I didn't think of that.

Jane as Helen: But, how will I get to the big library?

Jane: I need to think about what everyone needs.

And you do need a way to get around easily...


I know! A streetcar!

Brad: Good idea!

Streetcars hold a lot more people than just one car.

Jane: And you can take them anywhere,

libraries, schools...

even cheese and grape jelly sandwich shops!

Jane as Helen: It's like a big ship on land!

Fancy library, here I come!


Yadina: Jane's city is amazing!

Jane as Benny: We are happy. Jane as Helen: Tis a fine city.

Jane as Benny: (gasps) We should go for brunch after this.

Xavier: Hmm, I think I know exactly

how to make Fort Cozy the best blanket fort ever.

We need to think about what each of us need!

Yadina: Thanks for your help, Jane Jacobs.

Jane: You're welcome. Bye!

Brad/Xavier: Bye!

Xavier: Berby, let's go home!

Berby: (bleep blarp bloop)


Xavier: I've got this! Let's move.

♪ Duh-duh-dudaaaaah... ♪

Brad: Yes! Aaaand...there!

Now Fort Cozy has room for everyone.

Xavier: With soft pillows for sitting and stuff to play with.

Yadina: And don't forget snacks!

Cheese and grape jelly sandwiches...

And a few more choices, too.

Brad: Phew!

Xavier: Meeting Jane Jacobs was awesome!

Her idea that cities should be for everyone

changed how people thought about their communities.

Brad: People were so inspired by her,

they started something called "Jane's Walks",

fun neighborhood tours

to see what makes each one so special!

Yadina: Today, Jane's Walks happen in hundreds of cities,

all around the world!

Xavier: Thanks for joining our awesome adventure

to meet Jane Jacobs.

Yadina: Who used to be a kid just like you and me.

Brad: So kids like you can change the world!

I am Brad.

Yadina: I am Yadina.

Xavier: I am Xavier.

And we will always think about what everyone needs.

Just like Jane Jacobs!

♪ (theme music) ♪

