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01x30 - I am James Naismith/I am Temple Grandin

Posted: 12/31/23 13:10
by bunniefuu
Brad: ♪ Ready for adventure? Who's that kid who ♪

♪ can travel through time? ♪

Xavier: ♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

Yadina: ♪ Which great heroes will we find? ♪

Xavier: ♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

Brad: ♪ Every single boy and girl ♪

Yadina: ♪ Has what it takes ♪ Kids: ♪ To change the world! ♪

♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

Brad: ♪ Brad! ♪ Yadina: ♪ And Yadina! ♪

Kids: ♪ And the Secret Museum! ♪

♪ Dr. Zoom and the Secret Museum! ♪

Xavier: ♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

♪ Shh! ♪

Xavier: Hi, there. And welcome to the show!

Brad: Whoa!


Yadina: Ehh!

Xavier: Huh?

Yadina: Today, we're meeting someone

who was an athlete and an inventor,

James Naismith.

Brad: An inventor is someone,

who comes up with never-before-thought-of ideas.

Xavier: The idea James had was for a game,

where you throw a ball into a basket.

Like this. Brad: Eee!


Yadina: That game was....

Brad: Basketball!


Yadina: Where'd the ball go?

Berby: (bleep blurp)

Xavier: Thanks Berby! Berby: (blarp bloop)

Yadina: She sh**t, she...

(squeek) Ooo...

stopped by super goalie, Dr. Zoom...


Brad: When's Xavier getting here so we can play street hockey?

Yadina: Hey. If we're playing in the playground,

shouldn't we call it "playground hockey"?

(bonk) Brad: Ow!

Xavier: Who's ready to play hockey?

Yadina: Let's do it!

Wait a minute... , , balls.

Didn't anyone bring hockey sticks?

Xavier: Oh! Ah... (giggles)

Uh... yeah.

Brad: Uh, I don't have any.

At least Dr. Zoom gets to play.

All: Awwwww!

Brad: No sticks..

Yadina: Awww, no game.

Xavier: (gasps) Unless...

Brad: I can't believe I'm saying this but...

Xavier/Yadina/Brad: To The Secret Museum!

♪ (playful music) ♪

Xavier: I wonder who the Secret Museum will send us to meet?

Yadina: And where we'll go?

Brad: And when.

Yadina: Look out below! Xavier: Woooohoooo!

Xavier/Yadina: Hi, Berby! Berby: (bleearp)

Brad: Hi, Berby! Berby: (bleearp)

Brad: Ooof!

Xavier: (humming) Berby: Whooo!

Xavier: We're getting something!

Brad: An old basket?

What's that have to do with hockey?

Berby: (bloop bloop)

Xavier: Guess we'll have to ask him, James Naismith.

That's who we're going to meet!

Yadina: In Bennie's Corners, Canada.

Brad: In ...

Almost years ago!

Yadina: I hope James Naismith

can help us get some hockey sticks.

Brad: Yeah, I really want to play a game!

Xavier: Only one way to find out...

Ready for adventure?

Yadina: Ready!

Brad: Oh you mean now?

Xavier: Yeah, right now!

Brad: Ah fine. Ready.

Berby: (bloop blarp bloop)

Yadina: Here we go!

Berby: (blarp bloop)

Brad: It's happening! Yadina: Hang on Dr. Zoom!

Xavier: Whoohoo!

Brad: Whooaa!

Berby: Whoohoo!


Yadina: So this is Bennie's Corners, in Canada.

It's... um...

Kinda empty.

Brad: And no corners anywhere.

Except on this stick.

Berby: (bleep blarp bloop)

Xavier: Berby's right. There are rocks.

James Naismith: Excuse me, are you going use that?

Xavier: Ummm, no... You can have it.

We were just looking for hockey sticks.

James: Hockey sticks? Never heard of 'em.

But thanks for the rock!

Brad: But who hasn't heard of a hockey...


Berby: (bleep blarp bloop)


Yadina: Apparently, James Naismith hasn't.

Xavier: Ah-mazing fact,

A lot of people in don't know what hockey is.

It's not popular yet.

Brad: I he doesn't know what it is,

how can he help us play it?

Yadina: Excuse me, but what games do you play here?

James: Well, we don't have a lot to play with.

Xavier: (chuckles) We hear ya.

Not having the stuff you need to play a game is no fun.

James: I still have lots of fun!

If I can't play one game,

I just try a different idea,

until I find a game that I can play.


Duck on a Rock.

Yadina: Ducks, we like ducks.

James: (chuckles) There aren't any actual ducks...

Yadina: Schucks. Hey, that rhymed!

James: (giggles) You play by tossing pebbles,

something we have lots of, at that little rock,

until someone knocks it off the big rock.

Yadina: Yahaaaa! Xavier: Woohoo!


Yahaaa, so close!

Brad: Anyone see mine?

James: Hmm.

Throwing straight at the rock isn't working.

Xavier: Uuugh!

James: So, let's try a different idea.

James: Yes! Brad: Whoa, amazing!

Xavier: It worked!

Brad: But, how does this help us

play hockey without hockey sticks?

Yadina: Maybe we can build sticks out of rocks?

(gasps) Rocky sticks!

Berby: (bleep blarp)

Xavier: I think Berby has a different idea.

Berby: Woooo!


Yadina/Xavier: Brrrrrr. Brad: C-c-cold!

Xavier: A B-b-berby, a l-l-little help?

Berby: (bleearp bloop)

James: Hey, guys! Is it still snowing out?

Yadina: Yep!

James: (sighs) Snow and cold.

That's our problem. I'm a teacher now.

And I'm supposed to play a game with my students,

but, it's too cold to go out

and play any of the games I know.

Brad: (shivers) You're telling me! Brrr!

Xavier: (laughter) So, what are you going to do?

Yadina: You've got a soccer ball.

James: Yes, but we can't play soccer in here.

One kick would send the ball bouncing off the walls!

Hmmm... I need to try a different idea...

Maybe I can have the players carry the ball instead!

(crash) Auuuuu!

Hmm.. I better try a different different idea.

Instead of players running with the ball, what if...

they pass it!

Yadina: That'll work!

Xavier: But how do the players score a goal?

There aren't any nets.

James: Hmm, You're right.

I need to try a different idea...

Brad: Like...maybe they dance for points?

Yadina: Or make turtle sounds!

Squeek! Brad/Yadina: (giggles)

Xavier: Or both at the same time...

Yadina: (gasps)

James: Hmm...uh... Ah!

Peach baskets!

Xavier: Hey! Just like the basket from the Secret Museum!

James: The players can throw the ball into these to score points!

Hm. I don't want anyone to get hurt

standing in front of the basket.

Yadina: Try a different idea, James!

C'mon turtle sounds.

James: Hmmm.

I want the player to throw the ball up and over,

like we did in Duck on a Rock...

Which they would,

if the basket was up high!

Yadina/Brad: You did it!

James: Yes! This is my new game.

Xavier: Hmm, there's something familiar about this...

James: Now to see how the students like it.

♪ (playful music) ♪

Great! Now, pass the ball

and the rest of you run to the other side of the court.

Now throw the ball up into the basket.

Xavier: Of course!

We just watched James Naismith invent

one of my favourite games!

It's, it's...

Student: What do you call this new game?


James: No. I think I'll call it..."basket ball".

Xavier: Yes! This is how basketball was invented.


Yadina: If James Naismith can invent a whole new game

by trying out different ideas...

Brad: ...then maybe we can, too.

Something we can play without hockey sticks.

Xavier: Thanks, James Naismith!

Yadina: Bye!

James: Bye! See you later.

Berby: (bleep blarp bloop)

Xavier: Berby, let's go home!

Berby: Wooo-hoo!


Xavier: So, we can't play hockey without sticks,

but, what could we do with three balls?


Brad: We could bounce them.

Woa!! Xavier: (gasps)

Yadina: Oh no!

Xavier: Where'd it go??

Berby: Ta-daaa!

Xavier: (chuckles) Yep, that's it.

Brad: Phew, thanks Berby.

Guess bouncing a ball in here wasn't a very good idea.

Xavier: Hmm.

Then we'll just have to try a different idea...

Now remember, you have to make it

all the way to the end...

Yadina: (giggles)

Xavier: ..without dropping your.. Waah!


Guess I'm out.

Keep going, guys!

Yadina: Whaa! Brad: Whoa whoa...





Berby: (blee-blarp)

Brad: Huh, that was better than I thought I'd do, too!

Berby: (blarp bloop)

Brad: Woohooo, go Yadina! Xavier: Go Yadina!

Berby: Whoo-hoo! Yadina: Aaaaha!


(boing, boing, boing, boing)


Xavier: And the very first winner of Berby Ball is...


Brad: The Berby Ball Champion!

Xavier: Meeting James Naismith was so cool.

We even got to see how basketball was invented.

Yadina: All because James needed a fun game he could play inside,

with nothing more than a ball and some baskets.

Brad: It may have changed a little,

but basketball is still played today,

all over the world!



Yadina: Pretty amazing, huh?

Brad: I'll say. (giggles)

Xavier: Thanks for joining our awesome adventure

to meet James Naismith.

Brad: Who used to be a kid, just like you and me.

Yadina: So kids like you can change the world!

I am Yadina.

Brad: I am Brad.

Xavier: I am Xavier.

Brad: And we will always try different ideas.

Just like James Naismith!

Berby: (bleep blarp)


♪ Doo-dee-doo-dee-doo... ♪


(bleep bloop bleep bloop)


(bonk) (bonk) Uh oooh!


Uh uh....Oooh! (ding!)


Yadina: Hi Berby! You wanna play hide-and-seek?

Berby: (blarp bloop)

Yadina: One, two,

three, four,

five, six,


Ready or not,

here I coooome!

Time to come out, Berby! (giggles)

Clock: Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo!

Yadina: Hmmm...

Berby: (bleep blarp bloop)

Yadina: Beeeerbyyyy!

Berby: (blarp bloop)

Yadina: Are you hiding in this throne?



♪ (soft playful music) ♪


Berby: (yeaaaahhh burr)

Yadina: Oh, Berby! Come out, come out, weather you are!

(giggles) Get it? Weather? Berby: (giggles)

Yadina: ...because we're in the weather exhibit!

Berby/Yadina: (laughter)

Yadina: Thanks for exploring the museum with me, Berby!

Everything is a more fun when we do it together.

Berby: Mmm hmmm!

Xavier: Hi there, and welcome to the show!

Yadina: Today we're meeting a super smart scientist,

teacher and engineer,

Temple Grandin.

Xavier: She's also autistic.

That means she often thinks and does things

differently than most people.

Berby: Woohoo! Brad: Whaaaaa!

Yadina: Being autistic can sometimes be hard,

but Temple figured out how great it is for everyone

to think and do things differently.

Berby: (woohoo)

Xavier: And now, let's push the big red button

to start the show!

Yadina: Hey, it's too high, I can't reach!

Brad: Wahhh.

No need to fear.

Bradman is here!

Ooof! (zap)

♪ (soft playful music) ♪

Yadina: Xavier, Brad, there he is!

Xavier: The new kid from your class?

Yadina: Yep!

His name's Ben, and this is his first time at the museum.

My teacher says he's autistic,

and I don't really know what that means.

Brad: I don't really know why we're hiding way over here!


Yadina: But I think we could be friends.

So I'm going to take him on one of

Yadina and Dr. Zoom's amazing museum tours!


Yadina: Hi Ben! Welcome to the museum!

Brad: Hi Ben! Xavier: How's it going?

Yadina: We live here so we can show you around!

Mother: Oh, hey Buddy.

Uh, Ben's sensitive to some sounds,

especially lots of people talking to him all at once.

Maybe you can talk to him one at a time?

Xavier: Oh, right.

Yadina: Don't worry, Ben.

I'm here to help you have the best time!

We'll start at the Hall of Presidents, obviously,

then the Kid-Zone, Nature Exhibit,

that's Dr. Zoom's favorite, and then...

Xavier: Yadina, you gotta start at the dinosaur exhibit.

Brad: Two words, Butterfly Conservatory.

Yadina: That's stop number twenty-three,

but I'll consider bumping it up..

Um... Ben?

Where's he going?

Mother: Well, to his favorite exhibit.

Xavier: But, how can Ben have a favorite,

if he's never been here before?

Mother: Because we did a practice visit.

Yadina: A practice visit?

Mother: Uh huh! We looked online at photos of the museum

to help Ben prepare for coming here.

Ben loves balloons.

He may stay there most of the day.

Yadina: Ben didn't even give our amazing museum tour a chance.

(sighs) So much for making a new friend...

Brad: Uh oh. I know that look.

Xavier/Yadina: To the Secret Museum!

Brad: Yep, that was the look.

Wait up!

Xavier: I wonder who the Secret Museum will send us to meet?

Yadina: And where we'll go?

Brad: And wheeeeen?

Yadina: Look out below! Xavier: Woooohooo!

Xavier/Yadina: Hi Berby! Berby: (blee-arp)

Brad: Hi Berby! Berby: (blee-arp)

Brad: Ooof!

Xavier: (humming) Berby: Whooo!

Xavier: We're getting something!

It's a...uhm, anyone know what that is?

Brad: It kind of looks like a kite.

Yadina: And kind of looks like a bird.

I wonder who it belonged to?

Xavier: Temple Grandin.

That's who we're going to meet!

Yadina: In Massachusetts, in .

Brad: That's almost years ago!

Yadina: I hope Temple Grandin can help me

make friends with Ben.

Xavier: Only one way to find out...

Ready for adventure?

Yadina: Totally ready!

Brad: Partially ready.

Berby: (bleep blarp bloop)

Wahoo! Yadina: Here we go!

Berby: (blarp bloop)

Xavier: It's happening! Yadina: Hang on Dr Zoom!

Xavier: Woooohooo!

Brad: Whooah!

Berby: Whoohooo!


Xavier: So this is Massachusetts in .

Berby: Hmmm!

Brad: (gasps) What's that?

Berby: (bleep blarp)

Yadina: It's Temple Grandin!

Berby: Mmmhmm! Yadina: Thanks, Berby.

Berby: (blarp bloop)

Yadina: Nice to meet you! Xavier: Hi, Temple!

Brad: I'm Brad!

Brad: We... We didn't mean to scare you.

Xavier: Wait. Did she just.. Yadina: ..go inside that couch?

Brad: Yup. Yadina: But... why?

Brad: Maybe she doesn't like loud sounds?

Kind of like Ben?

Xavier: You're right, Brad.

Yadina: Um, Temple... sorry for being loud.

Want a hug from Dr. Zoom?

It always makes me feel better.

Xavier: I think Temple would rather get a hug from the couch.

Temple: Couches can't give hugs.

Though it might feel a bit like that.

Yadina: Hmm. I'll stick with Dr. Zoom hugs.

Dr Zoom: (squeek) Yadina: Hmmm, aaaah!

Brad: Looks like the couch hug worked for Temple.

Xavier: I guess people sometimes think and do things differently.

Brad: Oooh, it's cozier than you think.

Yadina: Cool! Temple: Folks...

This one is ready!

Xavier: Hey! The bird kite, from the Secret Museum!

Yadina: We like your kite, Temple.

Temple: Thank you. I think it might fly higher

than my last one.

Time to test it and find out.

Xavier: You're going to fly it?

Can we come?

Temple: Yes. I've made other kites,

if you want to fly one, too.

Yadina: I think, Temple likes kites

as much as Ben likes balloons.

Xavier: Oh yeah! This is gonna be awesome!

Come on, let's go!

Wooohooo! Brad: Uhm?! Guys?

Hey, wait for me!

These kites are great!

Xavier: Yeah! How's your new one, Temple?

Yadina: Um, Temple? That's not how you fly a kite.

Try the way we're doing it.

Temple: No thank you. Everyone always wants me

to do things their way,

but I like doing things my way.

Xavier: Whoa! Brad: Wow.

Yadina: That's how Temple flies a kite?

Brad: Well, I guess people sometimes think

and do things differently.

Xavier: Ah-mazingly different!

Yadina: Yeah, and that's ok...

But, how does this help us make friends with Ben?

Dr. Zoom: (squeek)

Unless the Secret Museum thinks

we should take him kite flying on our trike?

(bicycle bell ringing)

Yadina: Yeah, I don't think so either, Dr. Zoom.

(sad dog whine)

Yadina: We know that sound.

Someone is hun-gry!

(sad dog whine)

Xavier: Maybe your dog wants an ear scratch. Can I?

Dog Owner: Sure. She's really friendly.

I don't know why she's crying.

Xavier: Come here, come on!

(sad dog whine)

I guess I don't, either.

Brad: Maybe she wants to play fetch?

Yadina: Good idea, but, nope.

(dog panting)

Yadina: What is Temple doing?

Temple: Hmmm...


Here you go. Her toy was stuck.

(dog panting)

Xavier: That was awesome. Yadina: And smart.

We never woulda thought of crawling around like that.

Brad: Just like we never woulda thought of

flying a kite the way she did.

Xavier: Good thing Temple thinks and does things differently.

Yadina: Yeah... just like Ben!

So, I should stop trying to

make Ben do things my way,

and let him see the museum his way.

Because, people think and

do things differently.

And that's okay!

Berby: (blee-arp bloop)

Dog: (barking)

Yadina: Ter-RUFF-ic even. (giggles)

Get it? Because the dog said "ruff" - Ter-RUFF-ic?

(giggles) Berby: (laughing burr)

Brad: Oh dear! Xavier: (chuckles)

Yadina: We have to go now, Temple.

But, thanks for your help!

Xavier: And for the fun kite flying!

Brad: And the couch hug.

Temple: You're welcome. Goodbye!

Berby: (bloop bleep blarp)

Xavier: Berby, let's go home.

Berby: (bleep blarp bloop)


Mother: I told you Ben might spend most of his time here.

Did I mention he loves balloons?

Yadina: That's okay.

He thinks and does things differently.

My teacher says he's autistic.

Mother: Yes, he is.

Sometimes he does things I wouldn't ever think of.

He's his own unique person.

And I think that's great.

Yadina: Yeah. Me, too.

Hi, Ben.

You really like baloons, huh?

Do you wanna see the baloon from way up high?

I'll take that as a yes.

Come with me!

It's way quieter up here, too.

Ben: (gasps) It looks like a bird!

Yadina: Really?

Oh yeah!

The big red balloon is the bird's belly...

Ben: And there's the head.

And it has an orange beak.

Yadina: I guess I've never stood here long enough

to notice before.

I loved exploring the museum in a whole new way

with my new friend, Ben.

Xavier: Just like we all loved meeting Temple Grandin!

Brad: Now that she's grown up,

Temple teaches people all about autism,

and why it's so great,

that everyone thinks and does things differently.

Xavier: Totally. Thinking differently

can lead to new and exciting ideas!

Yadina: Like ways to make life better for farm animals.

Brad: Or a machine that gives hugs.

Xavier: Or cool kite designs...

Thanks for joining our awesome adventure

to meet Temple Grandin.

Yadina: Who used to be a kid, just like you and me.

Brad: So kids like you can change the world!

I am Brad.

Xavier: I am Xavier.

Yadina: I am Yadina.

And I know people sometimes think

and do things differently.

Just like my friend Ben,

and Temple Grandin!

♪ (theme music) ♪

