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01x28 - I am Wilma Rudolph/I am Jonas Salk

Posted: 12/31/23 13:08
by bunniefuu
Brad: ♪ Ready for adventure? Who's that kid who ♪

♪ can travel through time? ♪

Xavier: ♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

Yadina: ♪ Which great heroes will we find? ♪

Xavier: ♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

Brad: ♪ Every single boy and girl ♪

Yadina: ♪ Has what it takes ♪ Kids: ♪ To change the world! ♪

♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

Brad: ♪ Brad! ♪ Yadina: ♪ And Yadina! ♪

Kids: ♪ And the Secret Museum! ♪

♪ Dr. Zoom and the Secret Museum! ♪

Xavier: ♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

♪ Shh! ♪

Brad/Xavier/Yadina: (huffing)

Xavier: Oh! Hi, there.

Welcome to the... woah!


Yadina: Today we are meeting one of the best runners ever.

Wilma Rudolph.

Xavier: Wilma was the first American woman to win

three gold medals,

all at the same Olympic Games!

Yadina: Ooooo! Brad: Wow!

Xavier: Ready to start the show?

Brad: Ready.

Yadina: Set... Berby: Woo-hooo!

Xavier: Go!

Berby: Wo-hoo!


Xavier: Uah, uaaaaaaah!

The school track and field team.

This is going to be amazing!

Brad: Have you ever run in a real race before, Xavier?

Xavier: Hm, not really, but, who doesn't know how to run?

Being on the track team is going to be a breeze.

Watch this.


Brad/Yadina: Uuuuh!

Xavier: What was that?

Yadina: Your shoelaces.

They're untied...again.

Brad: You really should consider Velcro.

Xavier: Not that.

I mean what flew by me?

Woah... oooh!

Yadina: They did.

Brad: Wow, they sure are fast...

Snazzy dressers, too!

Yadina: Those are the shirts from last year's track team.

Xavier: Last year's track team?

So, those kids have been practicing

for over a year already?

And I'm... not.

Maybe I should just forget this whole running thing.

Yadina: No way!

You just got off to a not-so-good start.

That's all.

Brad: Yeah. You can still catch up.

Yadina: What's that, Dr. Zoom?

(giggle) No, Brad said "CATCH up", not KETCHup!

Though now that you mention it, I could go for a hotdog...

Um, later.

Right now, we have a big problem to solve.

Xavier: A big, big problem.

And that means...

to the Secret Museum!

Brad: (sighs) I'm telling you, Vel-cro!

♪ (playful music) ♪

Xavier: I wonder who the Secret Museum will send us to meet?

Yadina: And where we'll go?

Brad: And when?

(cuckoo-cuckoo) Brad: Aueh!

Yadina: Look out below! Xavier: Woohooo

Xavier/Yadina: Hi Berby! Berby: Hello.

Brad: Hi Berby! Berby: (bleep blarp)

Brad: Uph!

Xavier: (humming) Berby: Whoo!

We're getting something!

Brad: Gold coins?

Yadina: Those are really big coins...

(gasps) Maybe we're meeting a giant!

Xavier: Wait.

Those aren't coins, they're gold medals!

And they belonged to her, Wilma Rudolph.

That's who we're going to meet!

Yadina: In Tennessee.

Brad: In ...

(gasps) Over years ago!

Actually, I guess that's not so far to time travel.

Yadina: I wonder, if Wilma Rudolph can help you

get better at running, Xavier.

Xavier: Only one way to find out...

Ready for adventure?

Yadina: Ready!

Brad: Ready as I'll ever be.

Berby: (bleep blarp bloop)

Wahoo! Yadina: Here we go!

Berby: (bleep blarp)

Xavier: It's happening! Yadina: Hang on, Dr. Zoom!

Xavier: Woohoo! Brad: Whoa!

Berby: Whoohoo!


Xavier: So this is-- Whoa!

Girl: Oopsie, sorry!

Xavier: Not again...

Brad: One of them must be Wilma.

Berby: (bleep bloop)



Yadina: Or not.

Wilma Rudolph: Hello!

Berby: (whirring)

Xavier: Thanks, Berby!

Wilma: Do you guys want to race, too?

Yadina: Okay! But I gotta warn you,

Dr. Zoom is the speediest turtle around!

Wilma: What about you?

Xavier: Um, I don't know...

I tried once, but, it didn't go very well.

Yadina: He fell.


Wilma: That's okay!

No matter where you start, you can always get better.

At least, I hope so.

Because this is my very first race too,

and I might be a little shaky.

Xavier: What's that?

Wilma: A leg-brace.

I've needed it to walk since I was really little

because of a sickness that hurt my leg.

So I could never run and play like my sisters do.

But, now I'm better and the doctor says I can take it off!

Brad: Whoa. Neat.

Xavier: Sooo... this is your first time running?


Wilma: Yes!

And I can't wait to feel the wind on my face.

Wilma: Uhm... eh... uhm!


Xavier: I think she's doing it!

Yadina: Run Wilma, Run!

(foot steps)

Wilma: Woah.

Agh.. agh!

Xavier: Are you okay, Wilma?

Wilma: Could someone please hand me my leg-brace?

(sighs) Yeah.

A not-so-great start at running, but,

no matter where you start,

you can always get better!


Xavier: Wow. I wonder if Wilma will really be able to catch up

and run like everyone else?

Berby: (bleep blarp)


Brad: Whoa! Where are we? When are we?

Berby: (bleep bloop)

Xavier: Berby says it's four years later.

Yadina: And I think we're on a track field.

Kinda like the one at home!

Except, there aren't any kids zipping past Xavier.

Berby: (bleep bloop)

Brad: Actually, there aren't any kids at all.

Wilma: That's because it's very early.

Xavier/Yadina/Brad: Wilma!

Wilma: I wanted to come practice

before our school track meet.

Xavier: You're on the track team?

So, you can run now?

Wilma: Since the day I took off my legbrace,

I kept on practicing and practicing.

Which means...

it's running time!

Ready to race now?

Xavier: Ummm... I'm still not sure.

The last time I ran..

Wilma: You fell.


I remember.

Yadina: Last time we saw Wilma, she fell, too!

Uh, sorry.

Wilma: That first run was pretty shaky.

But, no matter where you start, you can always get better.

Xavier: Okay. I'll try.

Wilma: Ready?

On your marks...

Get set...


Yadina: Wheee!

Brad: Oh man! (pant)

I forgot (pant) to (pant)

stretch! (pant)

Xavier: This... is...

Waaaaah! Ugh!

Brad: Whooooa!

Yadina: Ooof! Dr. Zoom: (squeek)

Xavier: Aw, man. This is just like last time! (sighs)

Brad: What do you mean?

You did way better this time, Xavier.

Xavier: I did?

Yadina: Mm hm, last time you fell

aaall the way back at the start.

Xavier: Oh yeah...

So, maybe I can get better at running?

Yadina: Wilma Rudolph sure is.

Look at her go!

Xavier: Whoa. I wonder how much better she'll get...

Berby: (bleep blarp bloop)


♪ (soft inspirational music) ♪

Runners: (cheering)


Crowds: (cheering)

Berby: (bleep blarp bloop)

Xavier: It's years later

and now Wilma is running in the Olympics

with the best runners in the world!

And she's winning!

Crowd: (cheering) Yadina: Go Wilma! You can win!

All: (cheering)

Xavier: Wilma Rudolph just won an Olympic gold medal!

Yadina: Go Wilma!

That's two gold medals!

Xavier: Yeah! Go Wilma!

Yadina: Go Wilma!

Wilma, Wilma!

Brad: Three gold medals!

Wilma: Thank you!

Thank you everyone! Thank you!

Xavier: Can you believe it?!

When we first met Wilma, she had trouble just walking on her own.

Yadina: And now she's the fastest woman in the world!

Brad: With three shiny gold medals.

Xavier: If she can do all that,

then, I can get better at running, too.

I just have to keep practicing until I catch up.

Yadina: Umh-umh, (gulp)

What's that about ketchup?

Brad/Xavier: (giggle)

Berby: (burrs)

Xavier: Berby, let's go home.

Berby: Wahoo!


Xavier: Okay, I can do this!

Track team, here I come!

Brad: Wooohooo!

Yadina: You got this, big brother! Woooh!

Brad: Go, Xavier!

Yadina: On your marks...

Brad: Get set...

Yadina/Brad: And...

Xavier: Wait!

I just need to tie my shoelaces.

Ok! Now I'm ready.

Brad/Yadina: On your marks...

get set...


Xavier: Here I come! Woohooo!


Xavier: Meeting Wilma Rudolph was totally inspiring.

Yadina: Even though she had trouble walking as a kid,

she still grew up to be the fastest woman in the world!

Brad: She even got her own stamp!

Brad/Yadina/Xavier: Oooooooo.

Xavier: Thanks for joining our awesome adventure

to meet Wilma Rudolph.

Brad: Who used to be a kid, just like you and me.

Yadina: So kids like you can change the world!

I am Yadina.

Brad: I am Brad.

Xavier: I am Xavier.

And I know that no matter where you start,

you can always get better.

Just like Wilma Rudolph!

Berby: (bleep blarp bloop)


♪ Doo dee doo dee doo, doo doo ♪


Berby: (bleep blarp bloop)


(clank, clank) Uh oh.

Uh uh.


Hey, yeaaaa!

Yadina: Hi, Berby! You wanna play hide-and-seek?

Berby: (bleep bleep) Yadina: (giggles)

One, two,

three, four, five, six


Berby: (bleep blarp) Yadina: Ready or not, I come!

Time to come out, Berby!


Cuckoo Clock: Coo-koo, coo-koo, coo-koo!

Yadina: Hmm?

Berby: (bleep blarp bloop)

Yadina: Beeerbyyy!

Berby: (bleep bloop)

Yadina: Are you hiding in this throne?

Yadina: Gotcha'!


Yadina: (humming)

Yadina: Hmmm...

Berby: (whirring)

Yadina: Oh, Berby! Come out, come out weather you are!

(giggles) Get it? Berby: Hoohoo!

Yadina: Weather, because we are in a weather exhibit.

Both: (giggle)

Yadina: Thanks for exploring the museum with me, Berby!

Everything is more fun, when we do it together!

Berby: Mm hmm! Yadina: (giggles)

Xavier: Hi there, and welcome to the show!

Brad: Today we're meeting real-life scientist,

Jonas Salk.

Yadina: A scientist is someone who tries to figure out answers

to tough questions.

Like, how can we stop kids from getting sick?

Xavier: Hmm..

I know!

Ugh... by washing our hands!

Brad: And sneezing into our elbows!

Aaaa-choo! Oh-ooh!


Yadina: Those are both good.

Just like what Jonas came up with to help millions of kids

stay safe and healthy!

Brad: Oh-oh!

Brad/Xavier: (scream)



Yadina: You're welcome!

(crunching footsteps)

Xavier: Almost... ugh,

Brad: Ugh! Xavier: There...

All: Ugh!

Yadina: Dr. Zoom, save yourself!

Brad: Waah!

-ooof. (splat)

(snow foot steps)

Brad: Oh!

Snow covered steps are hard to climb!

Xavier: Too hard. They need to be shoveled!


♪ (sad music) ♪

(crunching footsteps)

Hey, if we shovel the steps,

then we'll probably get a yummy reward!

Xavier: Hot chocolate.

Yadina: Hot chocolate!

Kids: Mmmmmmm.....

Yadina: Plus it might help others like

the gentleman who couldn't walk up the steps.

Brad: Yep! Xavier: Totally!

Brad: Let's do this!

(shovel scraping)

Eeah- ya! Whoo!

Kids: (huffing-grunting)

Brad: Shoveling the steps... Xavier/Yadina: Phew!

Brad: ..was even harder...

All: (heavy breathing)

Brad: ..than walking up them!


Yadina: But now, it's reward time!

Xavier: Oh yeah!

We've earned big steaming mugs of....


Yadina: No hot chocolate at all?

Brad: (sighs) And after all that work.

Xavier: Yadina? Brad?

There's only one thing left to do,

To The Secret Museum!

Brad: But.. are we sure this is a Secret Museum problem?

Is there hot chocolate down there?

Wait! I'm not sure I want year-old hot chocolate!

♪ (playful music) ♪

Xavier: You guys ready?

I wonder who the Secret Museum will send us to meet?

Yadina: And where we'll go?

Brad: And ... (gasps)



Guys wait up!

Yadina: Look out below! Xavier: Woooohoo!

Xavier/Yadina: Hi Berby! Berby: Hello.

Brad: Hi Berby! Berby: Hi Brad.


Xavier: (humming) Berby: Whooo!

Xavier: We're getting something!

Brad: Test tubes!

Yadina: Huh.

But none of the stuff inside looks hot chocolatey...

Berby: (bleep blarp)

Xavier: Hey, Jonas Salk! Berby: (bloop)

Xavier: That's who we're going to meet!

Yadina: In New York, in .

Brad: ?

That's like years ago!

I hope Jonas Salk can help us track down

our snow shoveling reward.

Xavier: Only one way to find out.

Ready for adventure?

Yadina: Ready!

Brad: Ready?

Berby: (bleep blarp bloop) Wahoo!

Yadina: Here we go!

Berby: (blarp bloop)

Xavier: It's happening! Yadina: Hang on Dr. Zoom!

Xavier: Wooohoo! Brad: Whoa!

Berby: Whoohoo!


Yadina: Jonas Salk must be over there!

Berby: (bleep blarp bloop)

Brad: Or not.


Xavier: Whoa.

Catcher: Out! Runner: No way - I'm safe!

Catcher: Out!

Jonas Salk: Safe! Berby: (bleep blarp)

Xavier: (gasps) Jonas Salk is the umpire!

Berby: Mm hmm.

Catcher: Huh. I sure thought he was out.

But I trust you, Jonas.

Thanks for being ump, instead of playing.

You always make the game fun and fair.

You can have my candy if you want.

Jonas: Uh.. that's okay.

Catcher: Hmm... okay.

Here you deserve the game ball, Jonas.

See ya'!

Yadina: Excuse me, but, uhm..

who says no to candy?

Brad: Don't you like candy?

Jonas: (giggles) Of course I do.

Xavier: Oh, I get it, you're holding out

for an even better reward.

Brad: Like pudding.


Xavier: Or a bike.

Yadina: Or a super turtle!

Jonas: Those all sound great!

But, I don't need any reward.

It feels good to help people.

Brad: It also feels good to eat pudding.

Xavier: Or play stickball

instead of being the ump all the time.

Jonas: But as the umpire, I help everyone have fun.

And that feels better than any reward.


And I may not be the best stickball player...

Brad/Xavier/Yadina: (giggle)

Jonas: Thanks, Lindsay!

One day I want to help even more people.

People like Lindsay, who can't play stickball.

Yadina: Did she get hurt?

Jonas: Not exactly.

She has something called polio.

Brad: What's polio?

Jonas: A kind of sickness that makes the muscles

in people's bodies not work very well.

That's why she needs the brace and crutches.

She can't run, jump or play like us.

Brad: But that's...

.. that's just terrible.

Jonas: If I could learn, how to get rid of polio,

it would help a lot of people.

And it feels good to help people.

Xavier: Getting rid of a sickness like polio

would be amazing.

Yadina: I wonder if Jonas ever does it.

Berby: (bleep blarp bloop)


(bloop bloop bloop)

Yadina: Whoa, where are we? When are we?

Berby: (bleep bleep)

Xavier: Berby says it's years later.

Brad: Woah.


Hey, test tubes.

Just like the ones from the Secret Museum!

Jonas: Hi, guys.

Yadina: Jonas! Is this your science lab?

Jonas: Yes!

I lead a team of medical researchers now.

We figure out how to keep people healthy.

Yadina: So, does that mean you got rid of that sickness?

Jonas: Polio? Not yet... But I'm trying.

A lot.

It's hard work, but if we get it right,

we'll help millions of people.

Yadina: And millions is a lot, right?

Jonas: Hm-hm!

Want to help?

Kids: Yes! Definitely! Sure!

Jonas: Hmmmm.



Yadina: It didn't work? Again?

Jonas: It's okay.

Sometimes you have to learn what doesn't work

before you can figure out what does.

Xavier: Jonas wasn't kidding.

Getting rid of a sickness is hard work.

Brad: Even harder than shoveling snow off the museum steps.

Yadina: I wonder what kind of a reward he'll get?

Brad: Maybe a big cup of hot chocolate!

Yadina: A big jug of hot chocolate!

Xavier: A whole pool of hot chocolate!

Yadina: Ah.. Too hot!

Jonas: (panting) Those all sound nice.

But it feels good to help people.

That's all the reward I need.

Brad: Do you think helping people will really make

all this worth it?

Xavier: I don't know.

But it is hard to believe that

anything is better than hot chocolate....

Berby: (bleep blarp bloop)


(crowd noises)

Xavier: Whoa. What's going on?

Wheelchair Kid: Jonas Salk's polio vaccine!

It works!

Yadina: Vaccine?

Xavier: Yes! A vaccine

is something that protects you from getting sick.

So that's why everyone's so happy!

Brad: Jonas and his team did it!

They got rid of polio.

Yadina: Speaking of Jonas, where is he?

Xavier: There!

Brad: Way to go, Jonas!

Yadina: Yeah, you did it!

Jonas: Everyone is so happy.

This is the best feeling in the world!

Xavier: (gasps) I think I get it now...

It feels good to help people.

And I can't believe I'm saying this,

but it might even feel better

than a whole pool of chocolate.

Yadina: (giggles)

I think so, too.

Brad: Yup! Way better than any reward.

Berby: (bleep bloop)

Brad: Jonas? Thanks for your help.

Jonas: No thanks needed!

But, you're welcome.


Yadina: Bye! Xavier: Thank you!

Brad: Keep up the good work!

Xavier: Berby, let's go home.

Berby: (bloop bleep bleep bleep)



Yadina: (gasps) Look! Our shoveling worked.

Xavier: People are coming in!

♪ (inspirational music) ♪


Brad/Xavier/Yadina: (cheering)


Xavier: Meeting Jonas Salk was ah-mazing.

Yadina: He cared a lot about helping people.

Brad: His work protected millions of kids

from getting polio.

So they could run, jump, and play.

Xavier: And that was better than any reward.

Even a chocolate one.

Thanks for joining our awesome adventure to meet Jonas Salk.

Brad: Who used to be a kid, just like you and me.

Yadina: So kids like you can change the world!

I am Yadina.

Brad: I am Brad.

Xavier: I am Xavier.

And we know that it feels good to help people.

Just like Jonas Salk!

♪ (theme music) ♪

