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01x26 - I am Rosa Parks/I am Thurgood Marshall

Posted: 12/31/23 13:07
by bunniefuu
Brad: ♪ Ready for adventure? Who's that kid who ♪

♪ can travel through time? ♪

Xavier: ♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

Yadina: ♪ Which great heroes will we find? ♪

Xavier: ♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

Brad: ♪ Every single boy and girl ♪

Yadina: ♪ Has what it takes ♪ Kids: ♪ To change the world! ♪

♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

Brad: ♪ Brad! ♪ Yadina: ♪ And Yadina! ♪

Kids: ♪ And the Secret Museum! ♪

♪ Dr. Zoom and the Secret Museum! ♪

Xavier: ♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

♪ Shh! ♪

Xavier: Hi there. Welcome to the show!

Yadina: Today we're meeting someone really special,

Rosa Parks.

Brad: Rosa was born in the United States

over one hundred years ago.

Xavier: Back then, people were treated differently,

just because of their skin colour.

Brad: It was really unfair.

Yadina: And took people like Rosa Parks to help change.

She stood up for herself, and others, by sitting down.

Brad: She stood up, by sitting down?

Um..I don't get it.

Xavier: Don't worry, Brad. You will.


Brad: A new exhibit. It's so exciting!

Yadina: Dr. Zoom is practically bursting.

Xavier: I wonder what it'll be?

A pyramid? A Viking ship?

A space ship!

Yadina: A bus!

Brad: A bus?

Xavier: A bus?

I don't know, Yadina, doesn't seem very museum-y.

Yadina: Tell that to the bus.

Xavier: ...Huh. A bus.

Brad: Says here,

someone named Rosa Parks rode one like it in .

Xavier: I wonder what's so special about a bus

someone rode over years ago?

Yadina: I don't know.

But I'm going to get there first and honk the horn!

Xavier: No fair, I want to honk it first!

Yadina: I called it!

Brad: No, me!

Xavier: So, I'm older.

Brad: How's that fair?

Yadina/Brad/Xavier: (grunt) Brad: Yeah, no.

Xavier: Move over I want to honk the horn first!

Yadina: Me! Xavier: No, me!

Yadina/Xavier: Waaaaaah!

Xavier: Ugh!

Brad: Uff!

Brad: So much for honking the horn.

Xavier: We're...

in the Secret Museum?

Yadina: But, how?

Brad: And why?

Berby: (bleep blarp) Xavier/Yadina/Brad: Berby?

Berby: (bloop)

Xavier: Guess the Secret Museum has something to show us.

Berby: (Burr)

Yadina: And somewhere to send us!

Brad: (groans) I was afraid of that.

Xavier: (humming) Berby: Whooo!

Xavier: We're getting something!

Brad: What is it?

Xavier: Hmm.

Xavier: No way! Brad/Yadina: Whoa!

Yadina: It's a whole big bus!

Like in the exhibit.

Xavier: Rosa Parks!

Brad: That's the girl from the exhibit.

The one who rode the bus!

Xavier: And who the Secret Museum wants us to meet!

Yadina: In Alabama.

Brad: In .

Yadina: I wonder, why the Secret Museum wants us

to meet Rosa Parks?

Brad: So she can say that I get to honk the bus horn first?

Berby: (bleep blarp) Uh uh.

Xavier: Only one way to find out...

Ready for adventure?

Yadina: Ready!

Brad: Nope!

...But let's go anyway.

Berby: (bleep blarp bloop)

Yadina: Here we go!

Berby: (bleep blarp)

Xavier: It's happening! Yadina: Hang on Doctor Zoom!

Xavier: Wooohooo! Brad: Whoaaaa!

Berby: Whoohoo!


Xavier: So this is Alabama in .

Brad: Looks like we're outside a..

(school bell ringing)

Xavier/Yadina/Brad: Oh-oooh!

Kids: (chatter) Brad: Whoa!

Kids: (chatter)

Brad: Whoaa! Kids: (chatter)

Kids: (chatter) Brad: Ooh.

Yadina: Rosa must be in there.

Kids: (chatter)

(electronic scanning sound)

(horn honking)

Brad: There she is. Rosa Parks!

But, who's that?

Skater Boy: Get outta my way!

Rosa Parks: Whoa! Ugh!

I got mud on my shoes!

Kids: (gasp)

Xavier: A-are you okay?

Rosa: Yes. I'm alright, thank you.

Yadina: How could that boy be so rude?

Rosa: Some people don't think they have to

share the path with me.

Xavier: Wha--?

Hey, a fountain!

I'll get some water to help clean the mud off.

Rosa: (gasps) Wait, stop!

You can't use that fountain!

Xavier: Why not?

Rosa: Because it's only for people with white skin.

Xavier: Oh...

Brad: But, that's not fair!

Yadina: Really not fair!

Rosa: Everyone should be treated equally.

But here, people are treated differently

based on the colour of their skin.

If your skin is white, you get the nice school.

The nice water fountain,

and the nice school bus.

Kids: (chatter)

Rosa: But if your skin is darker, like mine,

you get the tiny one room school,

you have to use an old water pump,

and you walk home.

Brad/Yadina/Xavier: (gasp)

Xavier: Look!

Brad: Not again.

Rosa, look out!

Rosa: And people like him think they're allowed

to push you around, too.

There's room for us both.

I'm not moving.

♪ (tense music) ♪

Skater boy: Whoa-wha-aaaah!

Uah! (crash)

Yadina: You forgot to say excuse me!

Xavier: Rosa, you were amazing!

Brad: You stood up to that bully.

Rosa: Everyone should be treated equally.

Standing up to people like him, is the only way

to make sure that happens.

Yadina: I wonder if this is how it'll always be for Rosa?

Brad: I hope not.

Berby: (blurp)

Xavier: Looks like we're about to find out.

Berby: Whoohoo! Brad: Whoa!

Brad: Where are we? Berby: (blarp bloop)

Xavier: Berby says we're in Alabama,

years later.

Yadina: And there's Rosa, getting off that bus!

And then, getting back on the bus?

Brad: Rosa! You're allowed on the bus now?

Rosa: Well yeah, as long as I use the back doors,

and stay at the back.

Xavier: Just because of your skin colour?

Yadina: But, that's still really unfair!

Man: (clears throat)

Bus Driver: Let me have those seats for this gentleman!

Rosa: Hmm!

Yadina: How come he gets a seat and Rosa doesn't?

Xavier: Well, we give up our seats to people

who really need them,

like people on crutches.

So maybe there's a good reason he needs to sit down?

Yadina: Oh!

Rosa: No.

The only reason is because

his skin is white, and mine isn't.

Brad: But...that's not right!

Rosa: No, it isn't.

And I'm tired of accepting things I know are wrong.

If I get up, that's like saying

I'm okay with being treated like this.

And I'm not.

Everyone should be treated equally.

Bus Driver: I said, this man needs a seat.

Are you gonna get up?

Rosa: No!

Brad: Is Rosa going to get in trouble?

Xavier: I don't know...

(zap) Brad: Uaaah!

Xavier: Rosa, what happened?

Brad: Are you not allowed on the bus anymore?

Rosa: No, I'm allowed to ride the bus.

But, I'm choosing not to.

It's my way of saying that treating people differently,

based on their skin color, is wrong.

I'm not going to ride on any bus,

until they treat everyone equally.

And a lot of other people feel the same way.

Yadina: Do you think it'll work?

That not riding the bus will change things?

Rosa: I hope so.

Less people taking the bus,

means less money for the bus company.

And they need money.

Young Man: Rosa! We did it. It worked!

Rosa: You mean the bus companies gave in?

Young Man: Thanks to you, everyone will be trated equally

on the bus from now on.

No matter what their skin colour is.

Xavier: So, anyone can sit anywhere they like?

Rosa: Let's find out...

♪ (soft dramatic music) ♪

♪ Brad: Yes! Xavier: Ah-mazing!

Yadina: Woohoo!

Rosa: We still need to make sure everyone everywhere

is treated equally.

But this is a good start.

Brad/Yadina: Bye! Rosa: See ya' later.

Xavier: Bye Rosa!

Brad: Whoa. Rosa Parks is awesome.

Yadina: And what she did, changed the world.

Xavier: And that bus would make an awesome museum exhibit.

Berby: (bleep blarp)

Xavier: Oh. Right! It already is.

Berby, let's go home!

Berby: (bleep blarp blurp)


Xavier: Shall we?

Brad: We could all honk the horn together!

Yadina: Yeah I don't really feel like honking the horn anymore.

Xavier: Me neither.

Yadina: I wanna sit in Rosa's seat!

♪ (inspirational music) ♪


Xavier: Meeting Rosa Parks was so inspiring!

Brad: She worked her whole life to make sure

everyone was treated equally.

Yadina: So all people could drink from

the same water fountains,

go to the same schools,

and sit wherever they like on the bus.

Xavier: Thank you for joining our awesome adventure

to meet Rosa Parks.

Brad: Who used to be a kid, just like you and me.

Yadina: So kids like you can change the world!

I am Yadina.

Brad: I am Brad.

Xavier: I am Xavier.

And we know that everyone should be treated equally.

Just like Rosa Parks!

♪ (playful music) ♪

Berby: Zzzz-zzz-zzzz!



(bonk!) (bleep bloop)



Brad: Berby!

Ready for an another heroic adventure?

Berby: Mmm. Whooo!

Brad: England, where the Brontë sisters lived.

It's story time!

The adventures of Bradman and Berby!

Berby-Berby-Berby! Berby: (bleep blarp bloop)

Brad: And the fancy picnic.

Bradman and Berby ventured to an English house,

where a fancy picnic awaited them.

But they weren't the only hungry ones there.

Berby: (blurp?)

Brad: They weren't. Berby: (bloop)

Brad: (gasps) An army of ants had caught the scent,

and were getting away with the fancy picnic foods!


Brad/Berby: (laughter)

Brad: Bradman and Berby tried to save the picnic,

but the ants were too fast.

That's when Berby had an idea.


The heroic duo invited the ants to join them!

And the fancy picnic was saved!

Berby: Yay!

Brad: Heroic day for Bradman and Berby!

Berby: Whoohoo!

Xavier: Hi there, welcome to the show!

Yadina: Today we're meeting someone,

who was all about fairness,

Thurgood Marshall.

Brad: Thurgood cared so much about making things fair,

that he became a judge.

Yadina: That's the leader in a court of law.

Xavier: Uaaah!

Judges listen to all sides of an argument,

then decide what the fair thing to do is.

Liiiike who should press the big red button

to start the show?

Yadina/Brad: I want to press it, please!

Berby: Uh oh.

Xavier: Hmmmm, what would be fair...?

Berby: (blarp bloop)

Xavier: Perfect! Nice thinking, Berby.

And now, please proceed with the show.


Xavier/Yadina/Brad: Dessert time!

Xavier/Yadina: Mom's apple pie.

Brad: Yum!

Xavier: Mom saved us just enough. Three pieces left!

♪ (soft playful music) ♪

Oh, but...

... who gets the big piece?

Brad: Well...

I am the guest.


Shouldn't the guest get the biggest piece?

Yadina: Sorry, Brad.

But Dr. Zoom just made the excellent point

that it should go to me!

Because apple pie is my favorite kind of pie.

Xavier: Wait! I'm the biggest,

so maybe I should get the biggest piece?

Uh, uh?

Brad: Now what?

Xavier: Brad? Yadina?

There's only one thing left to do

with a pie problem like this...

Yadina: To the Secret Museum!

♪ (soft playful music) ♪


Xavier: I wonder who the Secret Museum will send us to meet?

Yadina: And where we'll go?

Brad: And when?


Yadina: Look out below! Brad: Woooah!

Yadina Hi, Berby! Xavier: Hi, Berby.

Berby: (bleep bloop) Brad: Hi, Berby!

Berby: (bleep blarp) Brad: Ooof!

Xavier: (hummming)

Berby: (bleep blarp bloop) Xavier: We're getting something!

Brad: A... hammer thingamajig?

Xavier:'s a rattle!

Because babies like pie?

Berby: (bleep bleep bleep)

Yadina: That's who we're going to meet!

Berby: Oooh! Xavier: Thurgood Marshall.

Yadina: In New York, in .

Brad: That's, that's over years ago!

Do you really think Thurgood Marshall

can solve our pie problem?

Xavier: Only one way to find out...

Ready for adventure?

Yadina: Ready!

Brad: Ready... for pie.

Berby: (bloop bloop bloop bleep blarp)

Yadina: Here we go! Berby: Wahoo!

Xavier: It's happening! Yadina: Hang on Dr Zoom!

Xavier: Wooohooo! Brad: Woaaah!

Berby: Whoohoo!


Brad: Aaaah! Berby: Uh oh.

(car honking)

Yadina: So this is New York in ?

Xavier: (laughs) Smells like bananas.

Yadina/Xavier: (chuckle)

Yadina: (gasps) Look! Is that...?

Berby: (bleep blarp)

Berby: (bloop) Xavier: (gasps) It is.

Thurgood Marshall!

Berby: Mm hmm.

Thurgood Marshall: (humming)

Brad: Guys? Woah!


Wait up!

Yadina: Hello! Aw, cute bunny.

Thurgood: Thank you. He didn't have a home,

so Mom said he could live with us.

Yadina: Who's a cutie? Brad: Hi bunny.

Thurgood: But he's definitely the last one.

Brad: Last one?

Thurgood: Yeah. Meet my other two pets,

Puppy the dog, and Kitty the cat.

Puppy: (barks) Kitty: (meows)

Thurgood: My family and I like to take in animals

who don't have a place to stay.

Puppy: (barks) Xavier: Wow, so friendly.

Aww (giggles)

Thurgood: That's why everyone calls our house

the 'Friendly Inn'.

Thurgood: Puppy, Kitty, meet our new friend.

I'm going to call him...


Puppy/Kitty: (growling)

Thurgood: Remember our one very important rule,

be fair to everyone.

It isn't very fair to grumble at Fred,

just because he's new, is it?

Puppy/Kitty: (whine)

Thurgood: That's better.

Now I can show you what else I brought home...


They love carrots.

So I got one for each of them.

But, oh...'s bigger. Hmmm...

Which pet gets the big carrot?

Puppy: Grrrr!

Xavier: Uh oh. This sounds like our pie problem back home.

I can't decide who gets the big piece.

Thurgood: Yeah, it's a tricky problem.

Hmmm. Let's think.

We have to make sure we're fair to everyone.

Brad: Aha! I've got it.

The biggest carrot should go to...


Yadina: How come?

Brad: Well, Fred is new here, like a guest.

Getting the big carrot would make him feel welcome.

And shouldn't we always make our guests feel welcome?

Of course we should!

And that's why, I think giving Fred the big carrot

is the fairest thing to do.

Thurgood: Hmm. Very interesting point.

Yadina: Sorry Brad, I disagree.

The biggest carrot should go to Kitty!

Kitty: Meow! Yadina: Carrots help keep

Kitty's teeth and mouth clean and fresh.

Which Kitty then uses to help keep everyone clean and fresh.

Kitty: (slurp) Meow!

Yadina: See?

Plus carrots are a cat's favorite treat.

Xavier: How do you know that?

Yadina: Ca-arrot.


They both start with a "ca" sound.

I mean, that's just science!

And that's why I think giving Kitty the biggest carrot

would be the fairest thing to do.

Thurgood: Some good points.

Some strange ones, too. (laughs)

Xavier: C'mon guys, we all know

who the biggest carrot should go to.


Puppy: (Woof-woof)

Yadina: Puppy? Why?

Xavier: Easy!

Puppy's the biggest pet,

so should get the biggest carrot.

Sha-BAM! Case closed.

Brad/Yadina: Objection!

Brad: Puppy only looks bigger,

because she's got so much hair.

Puppy: (whines)

Yadina: So that makes Kitty the biggest!

Brad: I think Fred's got Kitty beat.

Xavier: No, no, no!

Hair counts more than ears!

Brad: Says who? Xavier: Says me!

Yadina: No way!

Thurgood: (tap-tap) Order in the courtyard!

Puppy: (panting)

Brad: Hey, it's the hammer thingamajiggywhatza,

like from the Secret Museum!

Xavier: Oooh, I remember now, it's a gavel!

Something judges use to get people's attention.

Thurgood: Works pretty good, huh?

Xavier: Yep. Yadina: Sure does. Brad: Absolutely.

Thurgood: I appreciate the arguments you've all made.

But I'm just not sure any of them would be fair to everyone.

Puppy: (panting)

Brad: Okay, new idea.

The biggest piece of pie should go to

whoever has the biggest head.

Puppy: (panting)

Puppy: (panting)

Carrot! I mean carrot.

The biggest carrot should go to the animal

with the biggest head, heh heh.

Heh... Dr Zoom: (squeek)

Yadina: I think that it should go to the best singer.

Kitty: (meows) Puppy: (howls)

Xavier: Ugh, this is so hard.

None of these solutions work!

Thurgood: No. And do you know why?

Xavier: Uh... No.

Thurgood: Because they wouldn't be fair to everyone.

One person, or pet, still gets more than everyone else.

And treating everyone fairly means treating everyone equally.

Brad: But the carrots aren't equal,

just like the pie pieces aren't equal.

Yadina: That's kind of the whole problem.

Thurgood: Then the solution is to make the pieces equal.





Snack time!

Pets: (munching)

Xavier: Wow. That totally worked.

And it's exactly what I should do with our pie!

Make sure each piece is equal.

Thurgood: Yes!

The courtyard is adjourned.

Brad: Bye! Xavier: Thank you Thurgood!

Yadina: You are one smart guy.

What does "adjourned" mean?

Thurgood: (chuckles) It means we're done here.

Yadina: Gotcha. Thanks!

Thurgood: Bye!

Xavier: Berby, let's go home.

Berby: (bleep blarp bloop) Whooo!

Xavier: I'll just make this the same size as the rest...

then cut this into three more pieces,

one, two and three ..


Welcome to Dessert Town.

Where everyone gets the same amount of Mom's apple pie.

Brad: Yummy!

Yadina: Wait! What about ice cream?

Xavier: Oh yeah!

Xavier: (gasps) There's only one scoop left!

Who gets it?

Yadina/Brad: (gasp)

Xavier: Just kidding! (giggles)

Yadina: Oh, Xavier! Everyone: (giggle)

Xavier: Thurgood Marshall spent his whole life

making sure everything was fair and equal for everyone.

Brad: And when he grew up,

he became a United States Supreme Court Justice.

Yadina: That's like a super important judge,

and he helped to decide a big case to make sure

all schools were available to everyone.

Xavier: Thanks for joining our awesome adventure

to meet Thurgood Marshall.

Brad: Who used to be a kid, just like you and me.

Yadina: So kids like you can change the world!

Brad: I am Brad.

Yadina: I am Yadina.

Xavier: I am Xavier.

And I will always be fair to everyone.

Just like Thurgood Marshall!

♪ (theme music) ♪

