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01x19 - I am Maya Angelou/I am Frederick Douglass

Posted: 12/31/23 13:00
by bunniefuu
Brad: Ready for adventure? ♪ Who's that kid who ♪

♪ can travel through time? ♪

Xavier: ♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

Yadina: ♪ Which great heroes will we find? ♪

Xavier: ♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

Brad: ♪ Every single boy and girl ♪

Yadina: ♪ Has what it takes ♪

Kids: ♪ To change the world! ♪

♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

Brad: ♪ Brad! ♪ Yadina: ♪ And Yadina! ♪

Kids: ♪ And the Secret Museum! ♪

♪ Dr. Zoom and the Secret Museum! ♪

Xavier: ♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

♪ Shh! ♪

Xavier: Hi, there. Welcome to the show.

Brad: Today we're meeting real-life poet,

Maya Angelou.

Xavier: A poet is someone who puts words together

in a super special way, called a poem.

Brad: Some poems rhyme, which means they have words

that end in the same sound.

Like moon and balloon.

Yadina: That's it. I should write a poem that rhymes.

Roses are red, Dr. Zoom is green,

Maya Angelou is great,

start the show to see what I mean.


Xavier: Yadina, Brad, check it out.

Four balls!

Brad: Whoa.

Yadina: You're really good Xavier.

Xavier: You think so?

Yadina: Oh yeah.

Heeey, you should put on a juggling show.

I bet everyone would come.

Xavier: A juggling show?

Brad: Yep. We can make signs and big coloured backgrounds...

I'll get my crayon utility belt.

Yadina: You know what would be extra awesome??

If your co-star was the incredible Dr. Zoom!

Xavier: Uh, what would Dr. Zoom do?

Yadina: Break dance, of course.

One of Dr. Zoom's many talents.

Xavier: Uh, I'm not sure people want to see Dr Zoom spin.

That's pretty silly Yadina.

Yadina: I don't think it's silly.

Well, Dr Zoom wouldn't want to be in your show anyway.

Since, um, you aren't really a good juggler, anyways!

Xavier: What?!

Yadina: See? Told you.

Brad: So, I was thinking, we need a catchy name for the show.

Like, "Juggles 'n Bubbles."

But, people might expect bubbles.

Maybe we should have bubbles.

What do you think?

What's going on?

Yadina: Brad, can you tell Xavier,

that I'm not talking to him?

Xavier: Brad, can you tell Yadina,

that she's not the one not talking to me,

I'm not the one not talking to her.

Well not not the I'm the one not talking to her

Brad: Huh? Did I miss something?

Why aren't you two talking?

Whatever it is, can't you say you're sorry and make up?


Group hug?




Guess there's only one thing left to do.

To the Secret Museum!

♪ (adventurous music) ♪

I wonder who the Secret Museum will send us to meet?


And where we'll go?

...And when?

(Sighs) This is going to be a looong day.

Xavier: Woohoo. Yadina: Look out below.

Xavier/Yadina: Hi, Berby. Berby: Hello.

Brad: Hi, Berby. Berby: Hi B.

Brad: Ooof!

Brad: (humming)

Berby: (Bleep Blarp)

Brad: We're getting something.

A book.

I wonder who it belonged to?

Berby: (Bleep Blarp Bloop)

Xavier: Maya Angelou.

Berby: (Bleep Blaap Bloop)

That's who we're going to meet.

Yadina: In Arkansas.

Brad: In the early s.

That's more than years ago.

I wonder how Maya Angelou is going

to get you two talking again?

Yadina: She's not.

Brad: Well, only one way to find out...


Xavier: (Sighs) Right.

Ready for adventure?

Brad: Ready!

Ready for adventure, Yadina?

Yadina: Yes. I'm ready,


Berby: (Bleep Blarp Bloop)

Yadina: Here we go!

Brad: It's Happening!


Berby: Whoohooo!


Xavier: So this is Arkansas in the s.

Or at least a store in Arkansas.

Maya: Oh hello!

This Is my Grandma's store.

Berby: (Bleep Blarp)

Brad: It's her. Maya Angelou. Berby: Mmm Hmm.

Thanks, Berby. Berby: (Bleep Blarp)

Maya: I love helping out here.

Opening these doors every morning

is like pulling the ribbon off a present.

Yadina: Those are the prettiest words

I've ever heard someone use to talk about doors.

Maya: I must admit, I do love words.


Xavier: You "love" words?

Maya: Oh yes. They have a lot of power.

Words can make you feel different things,

both good and bad.

That's why it's important to use your words for good.

Brad: I hear that. So? How about using some words?

With each other...?


Maya: Hmm. Your friends don't talk much, huh?

Brad: Normally they talk nonstop.

But today... Not so much.

Maya: Sometimes using your words can be hard.

If you're not careful with them,

words can hurt someone's feelings.

Xavier/ Yadina: Exactly.

Maya: But that doesn't mean you should stop talking.

You have a voice .. use it!

Even though words can hurt, they can also help you feel better.

Wonderful, even.

I'm going to show you just how great good words can be.

Brad: Well? You heard Maya, let's go.

Move, move, move!

This is your school library?

Maya: Isn't it marvelous?

I've read every book in here.

Some twice.

Xavier: Wow. You must LOVE reading.

Brad: We do, too! Right guys?

Yadina: You bet.

Last night Xavier read me the funniest story..

Xavier: Yeah. Remember the talking banana peels?

Yadina: Yeah Yeah They walked like this:

Walkie Walkie

Yadina/Xavier: (laughter)

Brad: They're talking.

They were talking.

Maya: I like reading with my brother, too.

My favourites are the poetry books,

which use words in the most wonderful ways

to make you feel all sorts of things.

This has one has a poem I think you'll really like.



Words have power over us

to make us feel all things.

No one is immune to them,

not even mighty kings.

(Whispers) (Glass shattering)


Kind word are much like a hug that warms you in the rain.

But words can also hurt and be the source of others pain.


Xavier: That's pretty silly, Yadina!

Yadina: You aren't really a good juggler, anyways!

Let's throw out all those nasty words and focus on the rest.





I like those ones the best.

So when you speak your words out loud

please use them as you should.

We all will feel much better

when you use your words for good.

Brad: Wow.

That was a great poem.

Yadina: I guess words do have a lot of power.

Xavier: And, it's up to us to use that power for good.

Xavier: Um, Yadina?

Yadina: Xavier, I, um?

Maya: Maybe start with how you're feeling?

Sometimes it's hard to talk about,

but you'll feel better if you do.

Yadina: I guess I feel...


What you said before, about Dr Zoom being silly,

made me feel really sad.

Dr Zoom isn't silly to me.

Xavier: Yadina, I'm really sorry.

I didn't realize what I said would make you,

or Dr. Zoom, feel sad.

I felt sad too when you said I wasn't a very good juggler.

Yadina: I'm sorry. I was just upset,

I didn't mean it.

Everyone knows you're an amazing juggler, Xavier.

Xavier: You're pretty amazing too, Yadina.

You too, Dr. Zoom.

Brad: Now, that is using your words for good.

Maya: Watch out for these two okay?


Xavier: Bye, Maya. Yadina: Thank you.

Brad: You're the best.

Yadina: I like Maya Angelou.

She's got a real way with words.

Xavier: Group hug?

Brad: Thought you'd never ask.

Berby: Whoo! (Bleep, blarp, bloop)

Xavier: Berby, let's go home.

Berby: (Bleep, blarp bloop)

Xavier: Thanks for not giving up on us, Brad.

We promise to never stop talking to each other again.

Yadina: And to be more careful with what we say.

Brad: Phew! Berby: (Bleep, blup, blap)

Good. Now we can get back to planning our juggling show.

Xavier: Totally. So, I was thinking,

we should have juggling and break dancing,

from Dr. Zoom of course.

Yadina: Of course.

And best of all, poetry!

Brad: Yes!

Xavier: Who should write the poem?

Brad: Let's come up with one together.

Xavier: Now you're talking.

So, what word rhymes with "Xavier"...?

Brad: Ahhh!

Yadina: (giggles)

Xavier: Amazier...

Brad: Dave-ier...?

Berby: (Bleep, blarp, bloop)


Xavier: It was so cool meeting someone as incredible

as Maya Angelou.

Yadina: Maya's words have been read by people

all around the world.

She's written books, movies, songs,

even a special poem for a president.

Brad: Ahhhh, ufff.

And she inspired our poem.

(clears throat)

Good days come and good days go.

But there's one thing you should know.

Yadina: Right beside, or far away.

We'll see you all another day.

Xavier: Even though the show must end,

I'm so glad to call you friend.


Thanks for joining our awesome adventure to meet Maya Angelou.

Yadina: Who used to be a kid, just like you and me.

Brad: So kids like you can change the world.

I am Brad.

Xavier: I am Dave-ier.

(beat) Just Kidding I mean Xavier.

Yadina: I am Yadina.

And we promise to always use our words for good.

Just like Maya Angelou.

Berby: (Bzzzzzzz)


Berby: Oooo !

(BONK) Berby: (Bleep, blarp, bloop)

Berby: Waaahooo!

Brad: Berby, ready for an another heroic adventure?


Brad: Wisconsin. Berby: (Bleep, blarp, bloop)

And Golda Meir's mom's grocery store.

It's a story time!

Wapow! The adventures of Bradman and Berby.

Berby: Heeeheee! Brad: And the banana mystery.

The day was hot, too hot.

So Bradman and Berby went for ice cream.

But on the way something mysterious happened.

Someone had taken all the store's bananas,

but left the peels.

Kids were slipping all over place.

What could have done such a thing?

Bradman and Berby followed the clues

and found the evil Dr.Zoom!

Berby/Brad: (laughter)

Brad: But why would an evil turtle genius

want so many bananas?

Turns out even supervillains like ice cream,

but Dr Zoom had no spoon!

Berby: Huuuuh.

(electronic whirring)

Brad: (laughter)

Overjoyed, Dr Zoom shared the banana split with everyone!

Another heroic day for...

Bradman and Berby!

Xavier, Yadina? Where are you, guys?


Brad: Whoo.

Xavier: Hi, there. Welcome to the show.

Brad: Today we're meeting someone very smart.

Frederick Douglass.

Yadina: Frederick was born in the United States,

in the year .

Back then, not everyone was allowed to go to school.

Xavier: Especially people like Frederick, who were enslaved.

That means he had no freedom at all,

and someone else told him what he could and couldn't do.

It wasn't fair.

Brad: But, that didn't stop Frederick from learning

as much as he could,

and becoming one of the greatest thinkers ever.

Yadina: That means he was really smart

and people listened to his great ideas.

Speaking of great ideas...

...Let's start the show!

(click) (zap)

Xavier: Da-da-da-da- da-da-daaaaa!

'Tis I: King Book of the Library Kingdom.

Brad, Yadina, you may bow.

Brad: Oh Xavier: ...

Xavier: Who is this Xavier?

He sounds royally awesome.

Xavier: Why thank you, your majesty.

(squeak) Whoops!

Brad: Did you finish that book already?

Xavier: Well not exactly...

Yadina: Why not?

You said "I'm totally going to read this big book today.

Totally, totally, to-tal-ly!


Xavier: Well, I was going to,

but it turned out to be really hard.

It's full of big words like: "Spec..tac..u..lar."

Yadina: Ooo, that's a good one.

When I'm President, I'll use all the best big words.

Like, surreptitious.

Which I think means, something with a lot of syrup on it.

Brad: I'm not sure that's what it means.

Xavier: See? Learning big words

is a lot harder than I thought it'd be.


Brad: This is not good.

Xavier always loves to learn.

Yadina: You said it, Brad.

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Brad: Um...That we take a nap and regroup later?

Brad: To the Secret Museum.

Yadina: To the Secret Museum!

Xavier: Wait for me!

Brad: Wait up.

♪ (adventurous music) ♪

Xavier: I wonder who the Secret Museum will send us to meet?

Yadina: And where we'll go?

Brad: And when?

Brad: Whoa! (cuckoo! cuckoo!)

Yadina: Look out below! Xavier: Woohoo!

Xavier/Yadina: Hi Berby. Berby: Hello.

Brad: Hi Berby. Berby: Hi Brad.

Brad: Ooof!

Xavier: (humming)

We're getting something!

Xavier: Chalk?

Yadina: For writing on a blackboard.

Xavier: If I can't read big words,

how am I supposed to write them??

Berby: (Bleep, blurp)

Brad: Frederick Douglass.

That's who we're going to meet.

Yadina: In Maryland, in the United States.

Brad: In .

That's... almost years ago!

Berby: (Bleep, blurp)

Xavier: I wonder how Frederick Douglass

can help me with the big words?

Yadina: Hmm. Only one way to find out.

Xavier: Ready for adventure? Yadina: Ready.

Brad: (deep breath)


Berby: Bleep, blarp, bloop)

Yadina: Here we go!

Xavier: It's happening! Yadina: Hang on Dr Zoom.

Xavier: Whoohooo!

Brad: Whoooooa!

Berby: Whoohooo!


Xavier: So this is Baltimore in .

Yadina: Hey look, a school.

Brad: Frederick Douglass must be inside.

Berby: (Bleep, blurp)

Brad: Or not.

Berby: (Bleep, blarp, bloop)

Brad: Why isn't Frederick in school?

Student: Let's go!

Frederick Douglass: Hi, Jimmy.

Jimmy: Frederick, what are you doing here?

Frederick: I have a challenge for you.

I bet I know more letters than you do.

Jimmy: Really? Let me see you try.

Yadina: The chalk from the Secret Museum.

Frederick: A for apple,

F for Frederick,

and D for Douglass.

Can you beat that?

Jimmy: B, C,

E, and H.

Ha. I win!

Here you go. Bye!

Frederick Douglass: B, C,

E, and H...

got it. Thanks.

Xavier: I don't get it. Why is Frederick so happy?

Brad: Yeah, he lost.

Frederick Douglass: I didn't lose.

I learned.

I challenged Jimmy, because

I wanted to learn some new letters.

Yadina/Xavier/Brad: Ohhhhhhhh.

Yadina: Smart thinking.

Frederick: I plan on going places,

and learning can take you anywhere.

Xavier: I learned my letters at school.

Can't you do the same?

Frederick: No. Because of something called 'sl*very'.

Being enslaved means I have to work for someone,

who isn't my mom or dad,

and they tell me what I can and can't do.

One of the things I can't do is go to school.

Brad: That's awful.

I guess I never realized how lucky we are to go to school.

Xavier: Yeah, learning big words might be hard,

but school is still great.

Yadina: And if you can't go to school,

how can you learn your letters?

Or learn to read? Or become President?

Presidents gotta know lots of stuff.

Frederick: Exactly.

That's why I learn all I can, in any way I can.

Because learning can take you anywhere.

Ooh. Pardon me, will you?

Davey! I have a challenge for you...

Xavier: I wonder if Frederick will ever get to go to school?

Berby: (Bleep Blarp Bloop)



Brad: Whoa. Where are we?

When are we?

Berby: (Bleep, Blarp, Bloop)

Xavier: Berby says it's five years later.

And look - there's Frederick.

Frederick: Oh hi!

Yadina: Are you reading that enormous book?

Frederick: No...

I've just finished it.

Now I'm going to read this colossal book,

and then this astronomical book.

Brad: Whoa. That's a lot of big books.

Xavier: And a lot of big words.

Frederick: I'd read some to you but...

I've got to get to school.

Xavier: You get to go to school now?

That's ah-mazing!

Frederick: Shhhhh!

(horse whinnying)

Xavier: Oh.

Why are we whispering?

(horse hooves clip clopping)

Frederick: Because my school is a secret one.

For people like me, who aren't allowed to go to regular school.

I help them learn to read and write,

just like I taught myself.

Xavier: If only there weren't so many

big words to learn, right?

Frederick: The big words are magnificent!



...and very good.

You see...

...the more words you know, the more things you can learn.

And learning can take you anywhere.

You could be the builder of cities...

♪ (exciting music) ♪

...The navigator of unknown seas.

♪ (exciting music) ♪

How would you like to discover something that no one else has?

Play a concert for royalty?


Or unearth ancient artifacts from the depths of a cave?

♪ (exciting music) ♪

Perhaps you dream of some day flying up into the sky.

Or all the way to the moon.

Xavier: I want to do all those things.

Frederick: Well then, you've got some learning to do.

Xavier: I hadn't thought about it like that.

There's a ton of stuff I want to do some day...

I wonder just how far learning will take Frederick?

Berby: (Bleep, blarp, bloop)


Brad: Where are we?

Yadina: (gasps) We're... in...the White House!

Where the president lives!

Xavier: I wonder why Berby brought us to The White House?

Berby: (Bleep Blarp Bloop)

Yadina: (gasp) That's Abraham Lincoln.

Frederick: I tell you, Mr. President,

it is very important for everyone

to have the chance to go to school,

and to learn.

Don't you agree?

Xavier: Whoa. Learning really can take you anywhere.

It took Frederick Douglass all the way to the White House,

where the president is now listening to his amazing ideas.

I want to find out where learning will take me.

Berby? Let's go home!

Berby: (Bleep Blarp)

Yadina: Wait!

Don't worry, White House.

I'll be back.

Okay I'm ready.

Berby: (Bleep Blarp Bloop)


Xavier: Guys, check it out.

There are big words all over the place.

Like Tyrannosaurus rex.

How cool would it be if I learned

how to write Tyrannosaurus rex?

Yadina: Otherwise known as Murray.

Hi, Murray!

Xavier: Oh. Or these words...

Butterfly conservatory.

Brad: Awesome! Yadina: It is pretty faboulus.

Xavier: And there are more over there!

The library is filled with big words.

And I want to learn them all.

Even if it's hard. Who knows where learning will take me?

Maybe someday...

I'll build Xavier Riddle's Amazing Museum.

Where more people will get to do something spectacular.

Brad: Like what?

Xavier: Learn!


Yadina: Wasn't Frederick Douglass inspiring?

Xavier: He convinced people that EVERYONE should have the chance

to go to school, and learn.

Brad: He wrote books and newspapers..

Yadina: And talked to lots and lot of people about his ideas.

Xavier: Today, all kids in the United States

get to go to school.

And that's...

All: Spectacular!

Xavier: Thanks for joining our awesome adventure

to meet Frederick Douglass.

Yadina: Who used to be a kid, just like you and me.

Brad: So kids like you can change the world.

I am Brad.

Xavier: I am Xaiver

Yadina: I am Yadina.

Xavier: And I know learning can take you anywhere,

just like Frederick Douglass.

(show theme song) ♪♪

