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01x14 - I am Jackie Robinson/I am Anna Pavlova

Posted: 12/31/23 12:52
by bunniefuu
Brad: ♪ Ready for adventure? Who's that kid who ♪

♪ can travel through time? ♪

Xavier: ♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

Yadina: ♪ Which great heroes will we find? ♪

Xavier: ♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

Brad: ♪ Every single boy and girl ♪

Yadina: ♪ Has what it takes ♪

Kids: ♪ To change the world! ♪

♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

Brad: ♪ Brad! ♪ Yadina: ♪ And Yadina! ♪

Kids: ♪ And the Secret Museum! ♪

♪ Dr. Zoom and the Secret Museum! ♪

Xavier: ♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

♪ Shh! ♪

Yadina: Hi there! Welcome to the show.

Today we're meeting someone extra great: Jackie Robinson.

Brad: Jackie was one of the first African Americans

to play in the major leagues.

Xavier: It was a big deal.

Before then, most of the players were white.

Yadina: It was so unfair!

But thanks to Jackie Robinson,

things are a lot different today.

Now let's play ball!

♪ (electronic organ playing) ♪

(crack of the bat) Brad: Woah woah!

Yadina: Here I come.

Woo hooo!

Yadina: What should we do next, Dr. Zoom?

Hmmhmm...Oh the swings?

You know me so well.

Brian: Sorry. Only kids in blue puppy dog coats

can use the swings.

Yadina: Blue puppy dog coats?

Yadina: But.. That's just you!

Why can't everyone use the swings?

Brian: Because those are the rules.

Yadina: Those are your rules and they aren't fair.

Yadina: Oh yeah? Well only kids in red coats

can use the slide!

Yadina: Wait!

Dr. Zoom, this doesn't feel right at all.

Xavier: Gotcha! Yadina: Xavier! Brad!

I need your help!

Xavier: What's wrong?

Yadina: That kid over there is being super unfair.

He won't let anyone else use the swings.

So... I said I was the only one who could use the slide.

Brad: Um, I don't think that's right either, Yadina.

Yadina: I know. But, I was so upset,

I didn't know what else to do...

Brad: Oh boy.

Xavier/Yadina: To the secret museum!

(playful music) ♪♪

Xavier: I wonder who the Secret Museum will send us to meet?

Yadina: And where we'll go?

Brad: And wheeeen!

Xavier: Woohoo. Yadina: Look out below!

Xavier: Hi, Berby! Yadina: Hi, Berby!

Berby: Hello. Brad: Hi, Berby!

Berby: Ooh. Brad: Oof.

Berby: Wooo! Xavier: (humming)

Xavier: We're getting something!

Yadina: A baseball?

Berby, this is no time for games,

I have a real problem to solve!

Berby: (computing noises)

Xavier: Look! That's who we're going to meet: Jackie Robinson.

Yadina: In California.

Brad: In .

Almost years ago!

Yadina: Hmm. I wonder if Jackie Robinson and his baseball

can really help get the playground back to normal.

Xavier: Only one way to find out...

Ready for adventure?

Yadina: Ready! Brad: Ready?

Berby: (bleep blarp bloop)

Yadina: Here we go!

Xavier: It's Happening! Yadina: Hang on Dr Zoom!

Xavier: Woohoo! Brad: Wooah!

Berby: (cheering)

Xavier: Well here we are. Berby: Woo.

Xavier: California, in the year .

Yadina: Warm breeze, shining sun...

Brad: Oof! Sturdy trees...

Xavier: (gasps) And flying rubber balls!

Brad: Ahh! Oof!

Jackie Robinson: Sorry about that.

Yadina: That kid is gooood.

Berby: (beeping)

Xavier: He's Jackie Robinson!

Jackie: Do you guys want to play with us?

Yadina: Everyone playing together?

Now that's the way it should be.

Xavier: Brad! I'm open!

Xavier: Woah! (thud)


Jackie: (laughs) I'll get it!

Sarah: Hey! You know you're not allowed on our lawn, Jackie!

Jackie: But, Sarah, I was just-

(clears throat)

Jackie: (sighs)

Yadina: Wait. How come the other kids

can go after the ball, and not Jackie?

Jackie: It's because of my skin colour.

When you have skin like mine,

you get treated differently than everyone else.

Yadina: And I thought being treated differently

because of my coat was bad.

Being treated differently because of your skin

is terrible.

Brad: And really wrong.

Jackie Robinson: It makes me so mad.

You know what?

Maybe I won't let Sarah on my lawn.

Mallie Robinson: Jack Roosevelt Robinson,

I taught you better than that.

Jackie: But, mom...

Robinson: No "buts".

I heard what happened,

and even though you were treated unfairly,

you can't turn around and do the same thing.

You have to treat everyone fairly, no matter what.

If you do, they just might come around

and treat you fairly, too.

Maybe they'll even treat everyone fairly.

Now, I'm sure you've all worked up an appetite,

so why don't you invite everyone over

for milk and bread.

Jackie: Sarah, too?

Mallie Robinson: Mhm. Sarah, too.

Jackie Robinson: Sarah? It makes me feel sad

that you don't treat me like all the other kids.

But, I'd still like to be friends with you.

So... would you like to come over

for some milk and bread?

Sarah: Okay. Thanks.

Yadina: Whoa.

Yadina: The way Sarah treated Jackie was really wrong,

but he's still being nice to her.

Think everyone will treat Jackie fairly now?

Brad: I sure hope so.

Berby: (bleep)

Xavier: Looks like we're about to find out.

Berby: (cheers)

Xavier: Whoa! We're at a baseball game!

Yadina: I wonder why the Secret Museum sent us here?

Announcer: Now batting: second baseman Jackie Robinson!

Xavier: Hey, Jackie became a professional baseball player!

Kids: (cheering) Yay! Whoohoo! Go Jackie!

Crowd: (booing)

Yadina: Heeey.

Why isn't everyone cheering?

Oh yeah! Yay! Woo hoo!

Brad: Looks like they're the only ones cheering for Jackie.

(dramatic music) ♪♪

Jackie: (grunts)

Brad: Woohoo! You run Jackie!


Xavier: Aw. He's out.

Jackie Robinson: (sigh)

Yadina: Jackie! Hi Jackie over here Jackie!

Yadina: What's going on?

Why's everyone being so... grumpy?

Jackie Robinson: Because until now,

everyone who played here was white.

And I'm, well, not.

So a lot of people are not happy to have me on the team.

Yadina: But, that is so...

Brad: Unfair!

Like when Jackie wasn't allowed on that family's lawn.

Yadina: What are you going to do?

Jackie Robinson: Keep treating everyone fairly,

no matter what.

Then maybe they'll treat me

and everyone else fairly, too.

Xavier: Good luck out there, Jackie.

Jackie Robinson: Thanks, guys.

Announcer: Now at the top of the third inning,

back up to bat, Jackie Robinson!

Yadina: Wooo! Goooo Jackie!

Give me a "J"...

Crowd: (booing)

Yadina: How bout an "A"?

Crowd: (booing) Yadina: Aw.

Brad: Things sure were different in .

Yadina: It must be so hard for Jackie not to get mad.

He could just throw down his bat and leave.

Xavier: He could, but I don't think that's Jackie's style.

(crowd booing)

Mallie Robinson: Treat everyone fairly, no matter what.


Jackie: (grunts)

Yadina/Xavier/Brad: (gasps)

(exciting music) ♪♪

Yadina: It's a...

Home run! Xavier: Woohoo!

Crowd: (cheering) Kids: Yaa hoo!

(celebratory music) ♪♪

Yadina: Jackie Robinson is amazing!

Not just cause he's a great baseball player,

but because he did what was right

and treated everyone fairly,

no matter what.

I know I have to do on the playground now.

Yadina: Bye, Jackie.

Xavier: Berby, let's go home.

Berby: (bleep blarp)

Yadina: Excuse me.

I didn't like it when you said

I couldn't use the swings.

It wasn't fair.

And, it made me feel sad.

Yadina: But I'd still like it if you'd come play

on the slide with me.

Yadina: I know I said before

that only kids with red coats could use it,

but that wasn't right.

We should all play together!

And with everyone!

Brian: I guess it would be okay if everyone used the swings.

It was kind of lonely swinging all by myself.

Yadina: Well come on, let's play!

Kids: (laughing)

Yadina: Jackie Robinson was so brave!

Even though people didn't treat him fairly,

he still played his best and kept on being nice to everyone

and now people of all colours get to play baseball together.

Xavier: Because that's what's right.

Berby: (cheering)

Brad: (whispers)


Once a year, all baseball players wear Jackie's number-

All: Forty-two!

Brad: -as a special way of saying

thank you for everything he did.

Yadina: Thanks for joining our awesome adventure

to meet Jackie Robinson.

Brad: Who used to be a kid,

just like you and me.

Xavier: So kids like you can change the world!

I am Xavier.

Brad: I am Brad.

Yadina: I am Yadina.

And I will always treat everyone fairly,

no matter what.

Just like Jackie Robinson!

Berby: Whoooo!

(bleep blarp bloop)

(deep breathing)


(bleep blarp)

Berby: Yay!

Xavier: Berby! You ready for another race around the world?

Berby: (buzzing) Xavier: Good! Cause I'm

revving up to win in the

Nelly Bly special steam train.

Woo hoo!

Amazing fact,

this is the very train Nelly Bly used in her own,

race around the world.

She chugged across America

at a record miles per hour.

And won! Just like I'm going to win our race.

Berby: (bleep blarp)

Xavier: Oh I'm ready,

real ready. (ding ding)

Berby: Woo hoo!

Xavier: Huh. Steam trains take a...

bit to get going,

but here I come Berby!

(train whistle)

Xavier: Chugga chugga, chugga chugga,

chugga chugga, choo choo!

(train whistle)

Xavier: Awesome, full speed ahead!

(train whistle)

Xavier: (coughing)

Another amazing fact,

trains need tracks to run on.

(squealing brakes)

Looks like you win again Berby.

Berby: (cheers)

Xavier: Let's update the scoreboard.

Yowzers, I'll get you next time Berby.

Berby: (bleep, blarp) Xavier: Because I never give up!

(playful music) ♪♪

Xavier: Hello! And welcome to the show.

Today we're going to meet

someone super talented:

Anna Pavlova!

Yadina: One of the greatest

ballet dancers ever.

Brad: Ballet is a really graceful style of dance.

Xavier: With big fancy tutus-

Yadina: -and special shoes

so you can dance on your tippie toes.

Like this!

Yadina: WhoOOoooaa!



Xavier: Whoaaa! Whoaaa! Oof!

Yadina: Brad! You're doing it!

Xavier: Go Brad! Go!

Brad: Start the show while I'm still

graceful like a ballerina!



(tense building music) ♪♪

Brad: What is happening?

Xavier: Welcome one and all,

to the amazing Xavier's

extra-super-awesome magic show!

Yadina: Xavier saw a magic show last week.

He really liked it!

Xavier: Can I have a volunteer from the audience?

How about you, young lady?

Pick a card, any card!

Yadina: Okay, got it.

Xavier: Now watch as the amazing Xavier

magically finds your card

without even looking!

Xavier: Ta-da! The of Hearts!

Yadina: Uh, my card was the Queen of Clubs.

(nervously laughs)

Xavier: Oh. Um.


...The Amazing Xavier will just try again!

Brad, pick a card, any card.


Brad: Good, one Xavier.

Yadina: Oh, I get it!

You're a funny magician!

Xavier: I'm not trying to be funny.


Yadina: Just try again!

Brad: Yeah. You'll get it next time...

Xavier: No, I won't.

I've been practicing over and over.

(sigh) I just can't do it!

Brad: There must be something we can do...

Yadina: I know.

To the secret museum!

Do you think the Secret Museum knows about magic?

Yadina: It knows everything about everything!

Xavier: I wonder who the Secret Museum will send us to meet?

Yadina: And where we'll go.

Brad: And when.

Clock: (cuckoo! cuckoo!) Brad: Woah!

Xavier: Woohoo Yadina: Look out below!

Xavier: Hi, Berby! Yadina: Hi, Berby!

Berby: Hello. Brad: Hi, Berby!

Berby: Hi Brad.

Brad: Oof! Berby: Ooo.

Xavier: (humming) Berby: Whooo!

Xavier: We're getting something!

A shoe? I was hoping for a magic something.

Like a hat or a wand or...

Yadina: Shoes can be magic, too.

Xavier: What can a magic shoe do?

Brad: Maybe it never gets smelly!

Xavier: Hey look - Anna Pavlova!

That's who we're going to meet!

Yadina: In Russia.

Brad: In .

Almost years ago!

Xavier: I sure hope Anna Pavlova is good at magic.

Only one way to find out...

Ready for adventure?

Yadina: Ready!

Brad: (deep breath) Ready.

Berby: (bleep blarp bloop)

Yadina: Here we go!

Berby: (bleep blarp bloop)

Xavier: It's happening!

Yadina: Hang on Dr Zoom! Xavier: Woohoo!

Brad: Woah!

Berby: (giggling)

Xavier: Here we are! Russia in .

Yadina: Do you see Anna Pavlova?

Brad: Yes! No, wait.

Maybe? ...

I don't know.

Berby: (bleep blarp bloop)

Xavier: Uh, Berby?

That's a swan.

Berby: (bleep blarp)

Yadina: What if Anna Pavlova was magically turned into a swan

and Xavier was sent here to turn her back?

(soft piano music) ♪♪

Berby: (bleep bloop)

Yadina: Oh. Never mind.

Berby: (bloop blarp)

Xavier: Thanks, Berby!

That was really pretty... whatever it was.

Anna Pavlova: Spasibo!

Xavier: You call this 'Spasiba'?

Yadina: Xavier, she's speaking Russian.

We need the translator!

Xavier: Oh! Right...

Anna: Spasibo, Spasibo... Thank you!

I was just copying the swan,

trying to move as gracefully as it does.

Xavier: Oh cool! But uh, why?

Anna: So I can learn to be a graceful ballerina!

It's been my dream

ever since I saw my first ballet!

It was so beautiful.

I decided one day,

I would dance on that stage.

Xavier: That's just like when I saw the magic show!

I wanted to be just like that magician.

So cool. So mysterious!

(sigh) But, I'm not very good...

Anna: Don't worry.

I didn't get into ballet school the first time I tried.

But, when you love doing something,

you have to keep trying.

Like I did. And now, here I am!

Brad: You made it into ballet school!

Yadina: See? You should keep trying at magic.

Xavier: I dunno...

(bells rings)

Anna: Oh! It's time for class. Come on!

(attention clap)

(classical piano music) ♪

Brad: Psst, hey Yadina.

Doesn't this seem familiar?

Yadina: Yeah!

Anna does ballet

the same way Xavier does magic!

They've both got style...

Xavier: Yeah, but we can't actually do it right?

Brad: Weeeeell... Yadina: Yes! Exactly!

Anna: Phew, that was tough!

I'm not quite as good as the others.

Xavier: That's ok. Maybe you could do something else...

like train swans at the zoo!

Anna: (giggles) No way!

I love ballet.

And when you love doing something,

you have to keep trying!

(classical ballet music) ♪


(winter wind blowing) ♪♪

(rain hitting the window) ♪♪

(birds chirping) ♪♪

(classical ballet music) ♪♪


Yadina: That was amazing! Bravo!

Xavier: Go Anna! Brad: Yeah!

Anna: Thank you! I think I'm finally ready

for my first performance.

Xavier: Yeah. Yadina: You're so ready!

Xavier: You're going to do great!

Anna: Thank you.

(classical ballet music) ♪♪


Brad: Wow. She's magical.

Yadina: She's amazing!

Xavier: She's-- Oh, on the ground!

Xavier: Oh no. Anna worked so hard and got so good,

but she still fell!

There's no way she'll keep dancing now.

Yadina: I wouldn't be so sure about that one.

Xavier: Whoa... She kept going?


Yadina: Yay Anna! Brad: You got this!


(audience applause)

Brad: That was beautiful Anna!

Yadina: And so graceful!

Anna: Thank you! I think it went really well...

aside from falling on the floor.

Xavier: How did you keep going?

Anna Pavlova: It was a bit embarrassing,

but, I love ballet.

And when you love doing something

you have to keep trying!

I want to be even better for the next show.

Xavier: Wow. She really wants to be a ballerina.

I wonder how far she'll go?

Yadina: We're about to find out!

Berby: Woo hoo! Brad: Ahhh...


Where are we... when are we?

Berby: (bleeping)

Xavier: Berby says it's years later.

Yadina: And look - there's Anna!

Brad: (dreamy sigh) She's incredible.

Yadina: And she's wearing the shoes from the Secret Museum!

Xavier: Whoa. Anna Pavlova loved ballet so much,

she never stopped trying.

She practiced and practiced... and now look at her!

(audience cheering)

Xavier: Guys, I need to get back and keep trying to do magic.

I love it too much to give up.

Xavier: Berby, let's go home.

Berby: (computing sounds)

Xavier: Now, The Amazing Xavier

will astound you with his magic!

...I hope.

Pick a card, any card!

Yadina: Got it!

Xavier: Oh no!

Yadina: (gasps)

Xavier: Uh, I mean...


Brad: Xavier! Yadina: Oh, Xavier.

Xavier: Say, Yadina...

What's that card Dr. Zoom is "holding?"

Yadina: Huh? Oh!

Yadina: The Ace of Diamonds!

That's my card!

Brad: How did you do that?

Xavier: A magician never reveals his secrets.

Yadina: Was dropping the cards part of the trick?

Xavier: A magician never reveals his secrets...?

Yadina: (giggles) That means no.

Xavier: You're right. That was an accident.

But, I had to keep going! I love magic.

And when you love doing something

you have to keep trying!

Xavier: Meeting Anna Pavlova was incredible!

She grew up to become one of the best ballet dancers ever.

Brad: Anna changed ballet forever

because of the graceful way she danced.

Yadina: And she had a pet swan named Jack!

Yadina: Dr. Zoom and I approve.

Xavier: Thanks for joining our

awesome adventure to meet Anna Pavlova.

Yadina: Who used to be a kid, just like you and me.

Brad: So kids like you can change the world!

I am Brad.

Yadina: I am Yadina.

Xavier: I am Xavier. And when I love doing something

I will always keep trying,

just like Anna Pavlova!


(theme music) ♪♪

