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01x11 - I am Florence Nightingale/I am George Washington Carver

Posted: 12/31/23 12:50
by bunniefuu
Brad: Ready for adventure? ♪ Who's that kid who ♪

♪ can travel through time? ♪

Xavier: ♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

Yadina: ♪ Which great heroes will we find? ♪

Xavier: ♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

Brad: ♪ Every single boy and girl ♪

Yadina: ♪ Has what it takes ♪

Kids: ♪ To change the world! ♪

♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

Brad: ♪ Brad! ♪ Yadina: ♪ And Yadina! ♪

Kids: ♪ And the Secret Museum! ♪

♪ Dr. Zoom and the Secret Museum! ♪

Xavier: ♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪


Xavier: Hey there. Glad you're here.

Today we're going to meet real-life nurse

Florence Nightingale!

Yadina: Nurses are people who help others

when they're sick or hurt.

And Florence Nightingale taught us lots about

how to help people feel better.

Brad: Wooah! Oops.

(squeek) (laughs)

Like how to put a bandage on a boo-boo.

Xavier: And how important healthy food is

when you're trying to get better.


Yadina: And how fresh air is good for you.


Brad: Ahh!

Yadina: Tooo much fresh aiir!

Xavier: Maybe we'll just start the shoooow!

Brad: Hi guys, ready to go to school?

Xavier: Yup.

Yadina: (hic-up) No.

Xavier: Yadina has the (hic)

Yadina: (hic) hiccups.

Yadina: Today I'm supposed to tell my whole (hic)

class about something I find very (hic) important.

But how can I if I'm hic-cupping?

Xavier: Don't worry Yadina. Hiccups always go away.


Brad: Yeah.

So, what important thing are you talking to your class about?

Yadina: Chocolate ch-(hic)-ip cookies.


Yadina: (sighs)

I need these HIC-cups gone.

Xavier: Okay I, uh, think I've heard of a few cures.


Xavier: Boo!. Brad: (yelps)

(breathing hard)

Brad: Let's try something else.

Xavier: Holding your breath will totally cure your hiccups.

(deep breath)


Yadina: It work-


Yadina: Arr ooo shuh baa thi?


Yadina: Xavier and Brad are the greatest-

Brad/Xavier: (giggling) Yadina: Hey.

Brad: That one we might have made up.

Yadina: Dr Zoom is not amused! (hiccup)

Xavier: Okay, I'd say it's time for the Secret Museum.

Yadina: Ye-hic-s

Brad: Ah are we sure time travel is good for hiccups?


Yadina: (hic-up)

Xavier: I wonder who the Secret Museum will send us to meet.

Yadina: And where we'll go.

Brad: And when. Ahhh.

Yadina: Look out below. Xavier: Woo-hoo.

Xavier: Hi Berby. Yadina: Hi Berby.

Berby: Hi Brad. Brad: Hi Berby.

Oof! (sigh)

Berby: Wooo! Xavier: (humming)

Xavier: We're getting something.

Brad: What is it? A lamp?

Xavier: How's a lamp going to help you with the hiccups?

Berby: (bleep, bloop)

Xavier: Sorry, Berby.

It's true, you do always know best.

Yadina: Hey, look!

Xavier: Florence Nightingale.

That's who we're going to meet.

Brad: In England.

Yadina: In the year .

Brad: That's almost years ago.

Yadina: I hope this lady with the lamp can help with my-

(hiccup) Arrggh.

Xavier: Only one way to find out.

Xavier: Ready for adventure?

Yadina: Ready. (hiccup)

Brad: Ready as I'll ever be.

Which is never, by the way.

Yadina: Here we go!

Brad: It's happening! Yadina: Hang on, Dr Zoom!

Xavier: Woo-hoo!

Brad: Woooah!

Xavier: So this is England in .

It's a little, uh..

Brad: -Creepy?

Yadina: (hiccups) Brad: Gah!

Yadina: (giggles)

Yadina: Oh, Brad.

Brad: Ah! Oof.

Xavier: Hey, what is that?

Brad: The secret museum's scaring the hiccups

out of all of us forever?

Yadina: Wait.

That's Florence Nightingale.

Florence: Good morning. I hope I didn't frighten you.

'Tis oddly foggy out.

Brad: Frighten? Noooo. Right guys?

Brad: Gah! Monster plant!

Florence: Don't worry. You're in my garden.

I planted everything here myself.

It's all very safe.

Unless you're allergic.

Brad: Hmm...

(sniffing) Ah-ah ah choo!


Florence: (humming)

Yadina: What are you (hic) doing?

Florence: Making a book on how some plants can be made into

lotions and medicines to help people.

Xavier: Do you have any plants that can cure

my sister's hiccups?

She, uh, I don't know if you noticed but-

Yadina: (hiccups)

Florence: Hmm. I'm not sure.

I don't know how to cure the hiccups, at least not yet.

Florence: But, I do have a book that might help.

It's important to help others the best you can.


Florence: And that means learning how to help

the right way.


Florence: This might help. Here's a handkerchief.

Xavier: Amazing Fact:

and, a cool one.

A handkerchief is like a tissue,

that you can use over and over again.

(dog whimpering)

Brad: (gasps) What was that?

Florence: That sounds like my neighbor's dog.

Florence: It is.

Hello pup. Are you okay?

Neighbor: Sorry Flo - he can't play today.

He's had a sore paw for a few days now.

Xavier: Aww. Yadina: Poor doggy.

Brad: That's so sad.

Yadina: Do you know anything about sore (hic) paws,

Florence Nightingale?

Florence: I think so, but I want to check my books at home first.

Yadina: Great. We can work on my (hic)

hiccupping problem later.

Xavier: Are you sure Yadina?

Yadina: Oh yeah. Helping a hurt doggy

is super important business (hic)

Florence: Don't worry, we'll be back as soon as we know

the best way to help you.

Xavier: Flow, how's this?

Florence: Perfect.

Those will work great as bandages.


Now where is that book that shows the best way

to put them on?

Xavier: (struggling)

Yadina: Hey (hic) what is that?

Yadina: They're all wearing capes

(gasps) Are they all super heroes like Dr Zoom?

Florence: No, they're sick and it's contagious.

That means it can spread to others.

Florence: (giggles) But only other dolls.

Yadina: (phew!)


Florence: I'm keeping them warm and rested.

I learned that from a book about helping people with the flu.

I want to help others as best I can.

Brad: There you go.

Nighty night.

Brad: (gasps) Is that what I think it is?

Florence: Yes, my pet.

I nursed him back to health when he was just a baby.

Florence: Now he lives in my room

as my faithful nurse assistant.

I've taught him everything single thing he knows.

Florence: Or at least how to find the bits

of cheese I've hid about.

(giggles) Yadina: Aww.

That is so (hic) cute.

Xavier: Look at his little face.

Brad: Okay, that is pretty cute.

Florence: And just like my little mouse,

we must nurse my dog friend back to health.

But I can't find my book.

Here, let's go check my father's library.


Yadina: How come Flo doesn't ask her Mom or Dad

to look up (hic)

how to help that dog on the computer?

Xavier: Amazing fact:

computers didn't exist yet in the year .

Florence: Hmm. Aha! Found it!

Brad: Ahh-ahh-ahh-choo!

Florence: Here it is: "When putting bandages on a patient,

they must be sanitized and changed often."

Yadina: Sanitized?

Florence: That means we have to clean them very, very well.

Xavier: How do we do that?

Florence: Oh. I remember reading that bandages can be sanitized

by putting them in boiling water.

Florence: We'll need more bandages,

and I'll ask my mother to help with the boiling water part.

Let's go!

Brad: We'll get the bandages.

Xavier: Wee-oo-wee-oo!

Brad: Here you go.

Yadina: He's going to need a new one put on

(hic) every day.

Xavier: And don't forget to gently clean his paw

before you put it on.

Neighbor: I will. And, thank you. All of you.

Florence: There you go pup. All done.

Feel better?

(giggles) Xavier: Yes.

Yadina: He feels (hiccup) better.

Brad: It worked.

Neighbor: Oh, I had no idea it was so important

to keep bandages clean.

Brad: I had no idea helping felt so-

(slurp!) (giggles)


Ugh. Achu!

Xavier: Me neither.

Oh! (giggles)

Florence: (giggles)

Helping people always feels good.

It's proof of just how important it can be

to help people as best you can.

Yadina: I- (hiccup) -still have the hiccups.

Xavier: Don't worry, we'll take it from here.

Brad: We can go to the library before school

and probably find a real cure for hiccups.

Florence: That's great.

Brad: (sneezes)

Florence: (giggles) Don't forget to use your handkerchief.

Brad: Oh, uh, that's okay. I think my allergies are gone.


Xavier: Berby?

Let's go home.

Xavier: Okay, let's split up and find that hiccup cure.

Brad: Hmm?

Hey, I found it!

Xavier: Whoaa!

I'm okay.

Yadina: And then take a sip of water.


With your ears plugged you drink a whole bunch of water.

And that's how you get rid of hiccups.

Xavier: Nice! Instead of talking about chocolate chip cookies,

Yadina's helping more people,

by sharing what we learned.

Very Florence Nightingale of her.

Brad: And the secret of the best cookie flavor

is safe with us.

Boy: (hiccupping)

Brad: We can help with that.

To the rescue!

Kids: Wee-o-wee-o!

Kids: (laughing)

Xavier: Wasn't it amazing meeting Florence Nightingale?

Brad: People called her the "Lady of the Lamp"

because she used a lamp like this one.

Yadina: And she wrote lots of books showing more nurses how

to help others the right way.

Xavier: Thanks for joining our awesome adventure to meet

Florence Nightingale.

Brad: Who used to be a kid just like you and me.

Yadina: So kids like you can change the world.

Xavier: I am Xavier.

Brad: I am Brad.

Yadina: I am Yadina.

And we will always help others, as best we can,

just like Florence Nightingale.

(upbeat music) ♪

Berby: (snoring)


Berby: Hm?

(bonk) Berby: (bleep, bloop)

Berby: Whoohoo!

Brad: Berby! Are you ready for another story?

Of Bradman and Berby!

Woah! George Washington Carver's garden!

It's story time.

The adventures of Bradman and Berby and the secret garden.

Bradman and Berby were venturing through a field

when a tiny cry for help pierced the air.

It was, a rare rainbow butterfly.

But she had lost her beautiful colors,

and only a flower from the secret garden could save her.

Our heroes had no idea, where it was.

Berby: Hm!

Brad: Blocking their path were the dreaded sneezy sunflowers!

Bum ba baa!

Brad/Berby: (laughing)

Brad: Bradman and Berby couldn't go around them.

Bradman's sneeze was so big,

that it blew the flowers away!

Revealing... (whispers) The secret garden.

Where the rainbow butterfly was able to drink

and get her beautiful colors back.

Heroic day for,

Bradman and Berby!

Xavier: Woo-hoo! Ah!

I love playing outside!

Yadina: With the sun and the trees...

Brad: And butterflies and flowers that make me-


Xavier: Today, we're meeting someone who loves being

out in nature too: George Washington Carver.

Yadina: He was born in America

waaay back in the year .

Brad: He was an inventor, a painter, and a musician.

But most people know him as a botanist.

Xavier: That's a scientist who studies plants.

Yadina: Dr Zoom LOVES plants.

Especially lettuce, grass, and spinach.

Brad: Ahhh-choo!

Let's start the... Ah-Ah-Ahhh-Choo!...


(click) (zap)

Yadina: Here comes superstar Yadina.

No one can stop her.

Brad: I'm open! I'm open!

Brad: (gasp)

I'm not open!

(thump) Yadina: Goal! Yes!

Xavier: (laughing) Nice trick shot Brad!

Did not see that coming.

Yadina: (gasp) Oh no!

Xavier: Yadina, are you okay? Brad: What's wrong?

Yadina: This poor little flower.

The ball landed right on top of it.

Brad: Ahh-ah-ah-ah-Choo!

Brad: Ah, still has its flower power.

Xavier: Then I guess it's okay.

C'mon back to the game.

Yadina: Xavier, we can't just leave it like this.

We need to do something.

Xavier: But there are so many other plants out here.

Why is this one special?

Yadina: Because it needs our help big brother.


Xavier: Hmm.

Well, I don't know how to help flowers.

But I do know how to find out-

Xavier/Yadina: To the Secret Museum!

Brad: Allergies and time travel.

This is not my day.

Xavier: I wonder who the Secret Museum will send us to meet?

Yadina: And where we'll go?

Brad: And when?

Kids: (woah)

Yadina: Look out below.

Xavier: Woo-hoo.

Xavier: Hi Berby. Yadina: Hi Berby.

Brad: Hi Berby. Berby: Hello.

Brad: Oof!

Xavier: (humming)

Xavier: We're getting something.

Yadina: A flower!

(sniffs) Ah!

Brad: I wonder who it belonged to?

Xavier: 'George Washington Carver.'

That's who we're going to meet.

Yadina: Hey, he's wearing a flower.

He must love plants too.

Brad: We're meeting him in Missouri.

In the United States.

Xavier: And we're going to the year .

Wow that's like...

years ago!

Yadina: I sure hope George Washington Carver

can help our poor little flower.

Xavier: Only one way to find out.

Xavier: Ready for adventure?

Yadina: Ready!

Brad: (sighs)


Xavier: Woo-hoo! Yadina: Here we go.

Brad: It's happening! Yadina: Hang on, Dr Zoom!

Xavier: Woo-hoo!

Brad: Woaah!

Xavier: So this is Missouri in .

Yadina: Smells....

Brad: Ah-choo! Sneezy.


That's because we- Yadina: -landed in a garden.

Oh no!

Yadina: We came here to fix one flower,

but we wrecked three more.

What are we going to do?

George Washington Carver: Don't worry, the plant doctor is in.

Brad: Plant Doctor?

Xavier: Wait a minute isn't that...?

Xavier: It's him, George Washington Carver.

Berby: (burrs)

G.W. Carver: People call me the Plant Doctor,

because I'm always helping plants.

It's important to take care of the Earth, you know.

Yadina: Well these plants definitely need taking care of.

Brad: We kind of stepped on them.

G.W. Carver: Mm-hm.

We'll need to get these plants to my--

G.W. Carver: (whispers) Secret garden.

Yadina: (gasps) You have a secret garden?

Does it take you back in time?

G.W. Carver: Ah, no.

Oh! We can carry our plants in these!

Xavier: Should we just buy flower pots?

G.W. Carver: Reusing stuff is another way

of taking care of the Earth.



Yadina: Aw, our plants look so cute.

G.W. Carver: They can't stay here for long.

We need to get them planted in my garden right away.

Yadina: O-kay to the-

Kids: (hushed) Secret Garden.


Yadina: So, how come you have a secret garden?

G.W. Carver: It's where I take care of my plants.

My pets.

Brad: Ah, your plants are pets?

Xavier: Like cats and dogs?

Yadina: We are taking these for a walk.

G.W. Carver: Not pets like cats and dogs.

But I do take care of them like a pet.

They need lots of food,

water and sunshine.

Yadina: A plant pet would be so fun.

They're nice to look at,

and Dr Zoom loves smelling flowers.

(thunk) Brad: Oopf!

That's gonna hurt.

Plants just give me the sneezes.

Brad: (gasps) A butterfly.

Now there's something I love.

G.W. Carver: And butterflies love plants.

They drink from flowers.

Brad: Huh, I never thought about it that way.

Whatever's good for butterflies is good with me.

So I guess I love plants too.


From a safe distance.

Yadina: What about you, Xavier?

Do you think plants are awesome?

Xavier: I dunno.

They're nice to look at and smell and everything,

but they don't really do much for me.

G.W. Carver: Well do you like books?

Xavier: I love books!

G.W. Carver: The paper comes from plants.

How about soccer?

Xavier: I love soccer.

G.W. Carver: The ball's made from rubber-

-and rubber comes from plants.

I bet you like breathing air.

(deep inhale)

Thanks plants!

Xavier: Plants make air?

G.W. Carver: That's right. They make and clean

the air we breathe. Peanut butter sandwich?

Xavier: Yes, please.

G.W. Carver: Bread, jam, peanuts--


Xavier: Whoa!

I guess plants are pretty awesome.

G.W. Carver: Mm-hm.

And since plants and the Earth do so much for us,

it's important to take care of them.

G.W. Carver: C'mon! We're almost there!

Xavier: So good! Wait up, guys.

G.W. Carver: Uh-oh.

My Secret Garden is across this field,

just past those kids playing soccer--

Yadina: How do we get across?

Brad: Guess we'll just have to go around the long way.

G.W. Carver: There's no time!

These plants need to get out of the heat

and in the ground as soon as possible.

Xavier: I've got this!

Say hello to your new Plant Bodyguard.

Let's move.

Brad: Are you sure the long way isn't an option?

Aahh! Aahh!

Yadina: Ahh!

(phew!) Yay, Xavier.

Brad: Please don't hit me, please don't hit me,

please don't hit me--

Xavier: (gasp)

G.W. Carver: We're almost there!

Xavier: (gasp) Look out!

Yadina: Woo-hoo! Brad: (cheers) Yay, Xavier

Xavier: I did it for the plants.

Let's go.

G.W. Carver: We're here.

Yadina: Wow. Brad: Whoa.

Kids: The Secret Garden!

G.W. Carver: You can put those down here.

We brought you some new friends.


Some water, food, and lots of sunshine.

I think you'll get along just fine.

Yadina: Wow, you really are the Plant Doctor.

Thanks for saving these flowers.

G.W. Carver: It's important to take care of the Earth.

Xavier: You're totally right.

(gasps) We better get back home,

and take care of our plant!

Brad: Bye bye, George. Xavier: And thank you!

Yadina: Bye, George.

Love your secret garden.

G.W. Carver: Bye!


Xavier: Berby? Let's go home!

We've got a plant to take care of.

Yadina: There. Hope you like your new sunny home.

Brad: Ah-ah-achoo!

Here's some water and food to help you get better.

Xavier: Here. Dad was about to throw this out,

but we can re-use it

to keep the flower safe.

It may just be one flower,

but if everyone helped one plant,

we'd all be taking care of the Earth.

Yadina: That's what I said! (giggles)

Okay, back to our game!

Brad: Woo-hoo. Let's go!

I bet I'll score first.

Brad: (laughing)



Yasmina: (laughing)

Yadina: Our little flower is doing great.

Thanks to everything we learned from the Plant Doctor.

Xavier: George Washington Carver spent his whole life learning

about plants, and how to take care of the Earth.

Brad: He showed farmers how to reuse things,

and how to grow fruits and vegetables to stay healthy.

Yadina: So he taught people

how to take care of the Earth and themselves.

Xavier: Thanks for joining our awesome adventure

to meet George Washington Carver.

Brad: Who used to be a kid, just like you and me.

Yadina: So kids like you can change the world!

I am Yadina.

Brad: I am Brad.

Xavier: I am Xavier.

And I will always take care of the Earth.

Just like George Washington Carver.


(show theme song) ♪