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01x07 - We are the Wright Brothers/We are the Bronte Sisters

Posted: 12/31/23 12:49
by bunniefuu
Brad: ♪ Ready for adventure? ♪

♪ Who's that kid who can travel through time? ♪

Xavier: ♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

Yadina: ♪ Which great heroes will we find? ♪

Xavier: ♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

Brad: ♪ Every single boy and girl ♪

Yadina: ♪ Has what it takes ♪

Kids: ♪ To change the world! ♪

♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

Brad: ♪ Brad! ♪ Yadina: ♪ And Yadina! ♪

Kids: ♪ And the Secret Museum! ♪

♪ Dr. Zoom and the Secret Museum! ♪

Xavier: ♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

♪ Shh! ♪

Xavier: Hi there. Welcome to the show.

Today, we're going to meet two awesome people:

The Wright Brothers,

Wilbur and Orville.

Yadina: That's them.

They built the very first powered airplane.

Brad: This must be what butterflies feel like.

(laughing) Berby: Woohoo!

Xavier: Thanks to the Wright Brothers,

we have airplanes today

that can take us almost anywhere in the world.

Brad: Hey guys, how do you steer this thing?

Come to think of it, how do you land this thing?

Xavier/Yadina: Whoa!

Yadina: Um, maybe we should start the show.

Brad: Waaa!

Brad: Xavier? Yadina?


Brad: Is there a chicken on the loose?

Xavier: Eggs away!

Brad: Woah! (splat)

Xavier: Oh geeze. Yadina: (sighs)

Yadina: Hi, Brad. Xavier: Hey, Brad

Brad: Umm, guys?

Are you supposed to be breaking eggs in here?

Yadina: (frustrated sigh) Not exactly.

Xavier: We're supposed to make something out of paper and glue

that'll keep the egg safe when it falls.

So it doesn't break.

Brad: That sounds like fun!

Yadina: It was. About twenty tries ago.

Poor eggs.

Xavier: This turned out to be

way harder than we thought.

We may as well just give up.

Brad: What? No way.

Who knows what'll happen if you keep trying?

Yadina: I do. More eggs will go (splat)

Xavier's right. It's hopeless.

Xavier: (sigh)

Brad: Um, err...

Xavier?! Yadina?

I can't let you quit like this.

And that means...

(deep breath)

To the secret museum!

Yadina: The Secret Museum?

Xavier: Let's go!

Brad: I'm full of regrets already.

Xavier: I wonder who the Secret Museum

will send us to meet?


Yadina: Or how far back in time we'll gooo!

Brad: I'm going to find some stairs-


Xavier: Woohoo Yadina: Look out below!

Xavier: Hi, Berby. Yadina: Hi, Berby.

Berby: Hello. Brad: Hi, Berby.

Brad: Oof!

Xavier: (humming) Berby: Woo!

Xavier: We're getting something.

Brad: What is it?

Yadina: A toy helicopter.


Maybe the Secret Museum thinks we should

fly our egg to the ground. Berby: (uh-uh)

Xavier: Look. It wants us to meet two people:

The Wright Brothers.

Wilbur and Orville.

Yadina: In Iowa.

Brad: In .

Over years ago!

Yadina: Wow, we've never met two people before!

Brad: Well, maybe it'll take a pair of siblings-

-to help a pair of siblings.

Xavier: Only one way to find out...

Ready for adventure?

Yadina: Ready.

Brad: Ready.

Berby: (bleep blarp bloop)

Yadina: Here we go!

Berby: (bleep blarp bloop)

Xavier: It's happening! Yadina: Hang on Dr Zoom!

Xavier: Woohoo Brad: Woaah!

(groan) Berby: (laughing)

Xavier: So this is Iowa in .

Yadina: Not bad, huh Dr. Zoom?

Brad: And hey, I'm not too dizzy.

Wilbur: Look out!

Brad: Wooooah!


Now I'm dizzy.

Wilbur: Sorry. That was us.

Orville: Well, our toy helicopter.

Wilbur: Where did it go?

Orville: Um...That way.

Yadina: Are they?

Xavier: Yes, it's them. Wilbur and Orville.

The Wright brothers. Berby: Uh-huh.

Wilbur: Sorry again.

This thing is supposed to fly.

Orville: Only, we're not sure how.

We've tried throwing it up...


and sideways.

But, no flying.

Brad: Maybe you could try dropping it from up high?

Wilbur: Oooh, I like that.

Orville: Hmm. Uh...



Orville: Here it goes...

Wilbur: Hmm.

Let's try from... higher!

Xavier: We can help.


Yadina: Alright! Helicopter, away!

Brad: Oh no.

Yadina: (groan) This is just like our egg drop.

But way less messy.


...Whoa, who's wobbling the pyramid?


Xavier: (groans)

Maybe you should just give up on the helicopter.

Wilbur: Give up? Of course not.

We've made a few mistakes, but mistakes help you learn.

Orville: We've learned what doesn't work.

Wilbur: Now we need to keep trying until we find what does.

Brad: That's the spirit!

Wilbur: Hey, what do you think this rubber band is for?

Orville: I don't know. Maybe we could try... winding it?

Wilbur/Orville: (gasp) Yes! Woooo hooo!

Xavier: It's actually flying!

Brad: See? The Wright Brothers didn't give up, and now look.

Xavier: Yeeah. But dropping an egg without

breaking it is a lot harder.

Yadina: Xavier's right.

I still don't think we can do it.

Brad: Sure you can..

Berby: (bleep blarp bloop)

Brad: And Berby thinks so, too.

(deep breath)

Okay, Berby - do your thing.

Berby: (yippie)

Xavier: Whoa. It's years later.

Brad: It's the Wright Brothers.

Xavier: Hey, Orville! Wilbur.!

Wilber: Hey guys. You're just in time.

Brad: For what?

Wilbur: To see our flying machine in action.

It's the very first one.

Yadina: Flying machine?

You mean like an airplane?

Wilbur/Orville: An air-what?

Xavier: Psst. Ah-mazing fact:

airplanes haven't been invented yet in .

Brad/Yadina: This will be the first airplane ever?

Orville: Ready for takeoff?

Wilbur: Yes. Onward and upward!

(majestic music swells) ♪♪

(struggling) ♪♪


Xavier: Woah! Be careful! Yadina: Go, go, go!

Yadina: (gasps)


Yadina: At least it was only a little spot, Dr Zoom.

Xavier: Too bad, I guess that's that.

Wilbur: That's that? Ha.

We aren't giving up that easily.

Wilbur: Sure. We crashed, but mistakes help you learn.

Now we know that these wings are too small.

We'll have to make them bigger.

Orville: That's why we brought lots of spare parts.

So when we crash, we can rebuild.

Wilbur: Onwards and upwards!


Yadina: Woohoo Brad: Go go go!


Xavier: Oh no.

Yadina: I hear you, Dr. Zoom.

This doesn't look good.

Wilbur: (sighs)

Wilbur/Orville: Mistakes help you learn!


Orville: Crash. Wilbur: -and rebuild.


Orville: Crash. Wilbur: -and rebuild.

Brad: Are they flying yet?

Xavier: Hey, look.

Brad: They have a whole new flying machine!

Yadina: And there's the old ones.

Yadina: If mistakes help you learn,

they must have a learned a lot.

Xavier: Guess we're about to find out.

Wilbur: Onwards and upwards!

Brad: C'mon, you can do it...


Look at that!

Xavier: He's doing it!

Wilbur: Yeah! Orville: Whoo hoo!

Wilbur: You're flying!


(plane engines buzzing)

Orville: Woo! Awesome!

Wilbur: We did it!

Yadina: Looks like Wilbur and Orville

really are the Wright brothers.

Get it? Get it?

Because they were totally right

about mistakes helping you learn.

It's a joke 'cause Wright?

Xavier: Ah, yeah.

Ha. ha.

Yadina: Ready to go drop some eggs, Xavier?

Xavier: You bet, Yadina!

If they can rebuild after all their crashes,

then we can, too.

Brad: Yes!

Xavier: Berby, let's go home.

Berby: (bleep blarp bloop)

Xavier: Ready? Yadina: Ready!

Xavier/Yadina: Crash and rebuild.

Eggs away!

Brad: Woah!

Yadina: Yes. It didn't break!

Xavier: We did it!

Brad: EGG-cellent work you guys.

Yadina: Nice yoke, Brad.

Get it?

Brad: The Wright Brothers dedicated

their whole lives to flying,

and changed the world with their invention.

Xavier: Now there are thousands of planes,

flying way up in the sky every day.

Yadina: Carrying lots of people-

and turtles-

to lots of places.

Xavier: Thanks for joining our awesome adventure to meet

The Wright Brothers.

Yadina: Who used to be kids, just like you and me.

Brad: So kids like you can change the world.

I am Brad.

Yadina: I am Yadina.

Xavier: I am Xavier.

And we will always remember

that mistakes help you learn.

Just like the Wright Brothers.

Berby: (snoring)

(ding) (Berby startled)

Berby: Oo!



Yaa hoo!

Brad: Berby!

Ready for another heroic adventure?

(Berby excited)

England, where the Brontë sisters live.

It's story time.

The adventures of Bradman and Berby.


(Berby cheers)

And the fancy picnic.

Bradman and Berby venture to an English house,

where a fancy picnic awaited them.

But they weren't the only hungry ones there.

Berby: (computing noises)

They weren't.

Brad: (gasps)

An army of ants had caught the scent,

and were getting away with the fancy picnic food!

Bum bum bum!


Bradman and Berby tried to save the picnic

but the ants were too fast.

That's when Berby, had an idea!


The heroic duo, invited the ants to join them!

And the fancy picnic was saved!

Berby: Yay!

Heroic day for, Bradman and Berby!

Berby: Woo hoo!

Brad: Hello. Welcome to the show!

Today we're going to meet three very creative people:

The Brontë Sisters.

Yadina: Charlotte, Emily, and Ann.

Xavier: All three sisters wrote great stories

for people to read.

Berby: (computer noises)

Brad: Woah.

Berby: (computer noises)

Brad: (gasps) Berby: Woo!

(creature moans) Xavier: Woaah!

(train whistle) Brad: (gasps)

(thump thump)

Brad: Hm...

(music playing)

Brad: Ah!!


(music playing) Xavier: Whoa- books are filled

with lots of fun stories and ideas.

Brad: But where do the ideas come from?

Yadina: Let's start the show and find out.

Yadina: Brad? Is it done yet? Is it done yet? Is it done yet?

Xavier: We can't wait for your new Bike Man comic.

Brad: (phew) Yadina. Xavier.

Prepare for disappointment.

Yadina: This doesn't sound good, Dr. Zoom.

Xavier: Brad, what's wrong?

Brad: I can't come up with a good ending

for my Bike Man story.

Yadina: Stories need an ending.

Brad: But I'm out of ideas.


I guess Bike Man has gone on his last ride.

Brad: It's been fun, buddy.

Bard: (sigh) Yadina: Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa.

"Last ride?"

No way.

Think, think, think, think, think.


Yadina: What if... Bike Man teams

up with Wonder President.

Brad: Wonder President? Who's Wonder President?

Yadina: I, Wonder President, will join forces with

Bike Man to save the world.

Right, Bike Man?

Xavier: I think she wants you to pretend to be Bike Man.

Brad: Me? I... uh...

Yadina: Acting it out might help you

come up with an idea for your ending.

Brad: That's not how I come up with ideas.

Brad: I use my imagination to think them up in my head,

then I draw them on paper.

But my imagination isn't working right now,

so there aren't any ideas in my head to draw.

Yadina: This is a big problem.


Xavier: And that means...

To the secret museum.

Yadina: Alright!

Brad: Are we sure about this?

Yadina: It's what Bike Man would do.

Xavier: I wonder who the Secret Museum will send us to meet?

Yadina: And where we'll go.

Brad: And wheeeeeen.


Xavier: Woohoo Yadina: Look out below!

Xavier: Hi, Berby. Yadina: Hi, Berby.

Berby: Hello. Brad: Hi, Berby.

Berby: Hi, Brad. Brad: Oof!

Xavier: (humming) Berby: Wooo!

We're getting something. Berby: Woo!

Yadina: Three artifacts?

That's different.

Brad: Do you think one person wrote all those books?

Xavier: Hey, look--three people!

Charlotte, Emily, and Ann Brontë.

That's who we're going to meet!

Yadina: In England.

Brad: In ... almost years ago.

Yadina: I sure hope the Brontë Sisters can help you, Brad.

Xavier: Only one way to find out...

Ready for adventure?

Yadina: Ready.

Brad: (exhales) Ready.

Berby: Woohoo!

(bleep blarp bloop)

Yadina: Here we go!

Brad: It's Happening! Yadina: Hang on Dr Zoom!

Xavier: Wooo hoo!

Brad: Whoa!

Berby: (laughing)

Xavier: Woah. So this is England in .

Emily: Actually, you're in Glass Town.

Brad: Sorry. Our mistake.

We were looking for England.

Is something wrong with Berby?

Xavier: Looks like we are in the right place.

It's the Brontë sisters.

Berby: (mhhm)

Brad: Hm. Glass Town, huh?

Ann: Come - we'll show you.

Charlotte: We'll take you to the heart of Glass Town-

where all the fun happens.

This Way!

Charlotte: Welcome to... Glass Town.

Xavier: It's very...uh...

Ann: It's a town we made up ourselves.

Emily: Where imaginary people live fantastical lives.

Charlotte: And where we use our imaginations to create stories.

Brad: And it's... made of glass?

Charlotte: No. We just call it Glass Town for fun.

It's pretend play!

Emily: We love to act out stories

and pretend to be different people.

Brad: So, um, question:

how do you know what's going to happen in your story?

Ann: We don't. In pretend play,

you just make up the story as you go.

Charlotte: There are many ways to come up with

story ideas, you know.

Emily: By drawing, singing, playing,

observing the people around you...

Ann: As Charlotte said, lots of ways.

But right now we're going

to use pretend play to tell the story of...

The circus, everyone in glass town

was so excited to see...

Emily: The brave tightrope walkers.

Xavier/Yadina: (cheer)

Charlotte: But first, every circus needs

a Ring Master...

Yadina: Welcome everyone.

I am the Ring Master.

And this is my sidekick: The Incredible Flying Zoom.

Woosh! Woosh!

Woo hoo! Wooo!

Everyone: (giggles)

Brad: I mean, where are these ideas coming from?

Ann: Our imaginations.

Pretend play really gets them going.

You should try it.

Brad: I don't know...

Xavier: I'll try.

Hm, who can I be in the circus?

A magician?

An Alien?

A Clown??

(gasps) It's so obvious!

A magical alien clown!


Charlotte: That will work perfect in our circus.

Which will take place on... a huge mountain.

Everyone: Oooooh!

Brad: Huh?

Xavier: And to get there, you must cross a wobbly bridge.

Yadina: Woah! Ah!


Ann: Come on, let's go!

Yadina: Here's the circus ring!

Charlotte: Ah.


And now it's time for the Ring Master to start the show.

Yadina: Welcome one and all, to the Great Mountain top Circus!

Our first act is the Terrific Tight Rope Twins!

(circus music) ♪♪


Xavier: Woah!



Yadina: Next up:

the very first magical alien clown in the universe!


Emily: Huh?

(circus music) ♪♪

(laugh) (cheering)

Xavier: Thank you. Now, for my next alien magic trick,

I'm going to make something... disappear!

Charlotte: But then... disaster struck.


Charlotte: The magical juggling alien clown

made the bridge disappear.


Yadina: Not the bridge?

Xavier: Sorry. It's my first day.

(sheepish alien noise)

Charlotte: Now Everyone was stuck on the mountain top-

with no way back.

Ann: And, we forgot to pack snacks.

All: Noooo!

Charlotte: If only there was a hero to rescue them,

so they could go home to eat snacks.

But who in Glass Town could be our hero?

Charlotte: Who, I say? Who?

Xavier/Yadina/Emily/Ann: (dramatic cries for help)

Someone save us!

Charlotte: How ever will this story end?

Emily: Tragically, I assume.

Brad: Not if I have anything to say about it.

Brad: I am Bike Man!

And I will...jump to the mountain top to rescue you!

Woo hooo! All: (cheering)

Charlotte: One by one, Bike Man rescued everyone

on the mountaintop.

Yadina: Woo hoo! Yay Bike man!

Charlotte: Bike Man saved the day!

Everyone: Hoooooray! Thank you Bike Man!


Ann: Now that was a great story.

Charlotte: It was so much fun.

Emily: Not as tragic as I expected, but good ending.

Brad: There are lots of ways to come up with story ideas-

drawing, painting, listening, reading.

And, pretending.

Yadina: Plus, it's fun.

Riiight Brad?

Brad: Right.

Emily? Charlotte? Ann?

Thanks for your help.

But I have to get back home to finish my own story now.

Emily: Have fun! Charlotte: Good luck!

Yadina: Bye!

Xavier: Thanks a lot for helping Brad!

Xavier: Berby, let's go home!

Berby: (bleep blarp bloop)

Brad: (humming)

Then Bike Man revved his bike and rode up the hill

at lighting speed

to join forces with....

Yadina: Wonder President!

Look! I'm in the story.

Brad: And together they stopped the evil...

Yadina: ...But cuddly!

Brad: ...Dr. Zoom from eating all the world's popcorn.

Xavier: Oh no!

Yadina: Gotcha!

Xavier: Amazing!

Yadina: This Bike Man story is awesome.

Xavier: Might be your best one yet, Brad.

Brad: And it was all thanks to meeting

Charlotte, Emily and Ann Brontë.

Xavier: And when they grew up,

they wrote some amazing stories

Brad: Thanks for joining our awesome adventure

to meet the Brontë sisters.

Yadina: Who used to be kids, just like you and me.

Xavier: So kids like you can change the world.

I am Xavier.

Yadina: I am Yadina.

Brad: I am Brad.

And I know there are many ways to come up with story ideas.

Just like the Brontë sisters.

(show theme song) ♪♪

