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01x06 - I am Catherine the Great/I am Tomioka Tessai

Posted: 12/31/23 12:47
by bunniefuu
Brad: Ready for adventure? ♪ Who's that kid who ♪

♪ can travel through time? ♪

Xavier: ♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

Yadina: ♪ Which great heroes will we find? ♪

Xavier: ♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

Brad: ♪ Every single boy and girl ♪

Yadina: ♪ Has what it takes ♪

Kids: ♪ To change the world! ♪

♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

Brad: ♪ Brad! ♪ Yadina: ♪ And Yadina! ♪

Kids: ♪ And the Secret Museum! ♪

♪ Dr. Zoom and the Secret Museum! ♪

Xavier: ♪ Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum! ♪

♪ Shh! ♪

Brad: Hi. Welcome to the show.

Xavier: Today we're meeting a member of Russian royalty!

Yadina: Catherine the Great!

Yadina: She looks fancy!

Xavier: That's because she was the Empress of Russia.

(regal trumpets) ♪

Brad: An Empress is like a Queen.

They meet lots of people.

Xavier: And make lots of friends!

Yadina: And since we have lots of friends watching us...

Let us start the show!

Brad: Xavier! Yadina!

Whooo's ready for day camp?

Xavier: Hey Brad. Yadina: Hey Brad!

Brad: We're going to swim and bake and sing songs...

and make tie-dyed everything.

Look, I already got started on my shirt.

Yadina: Sounds super fun.

Xavier: Can't wait to hear all about it!

Brad: Wait. Aren't you guys going too?

Xavier: Sorry, didn't we tell you?

We can't go now.

Brad: What?! Why not?

Yadina: Our Grandma's coming to visit.

Brad: Oh, okay.

Well... Day camp sounded fun,

but I'm sure we'll have fun with your Grandma too.

(gasps) Does she like to tie-dye stuff?

Yadina: You don't have to stay with us.

Xavier: You really wanted to go to camp.

Brad: Yeah... with you guys.

I can't go alone.

I won't know anyone,

and I'm not good at making new friends.

Yadina: Sure you are!

Xavier: Maybe you just need a little practice.

Brad: Practice? How? With who?

Xavier: How about... that friendly duck!

Just pretend he's a kid you're meeting for the first time.

Brad: Ah.... Yadina: C'mon, Brad.

You can do it!

Brad: (sigh) Okay... here goes nothing.

Brad: Um... hi.

(Ahem) So. Webbed feet, huh?

Brad: Oh haha, you don't even have feet.

I'm not very good at this.

Xavier: Secret Museum?

Xavier: I wonder who the Secret Museum will send us to meet?

Yadina: And where we'll go?

Brad: And wheeeeen!


Yadina: Look out below! All: (cheering)

Xavier: Hi Berby! Yadina: Hi Berby!

Berby: Hello. Brad: Hi Berby!

Brad: Oof!

Xavier: (humming)

Xavier: We're getting something.

Brad: What is it?

Yadina: Maybe a friendship bracelet?

Brad: It's pretty big.

Yadina: Not if you're a giant.

Brad: You think we're going to meet a giant?!

Yadina: (giggles) Oh Brad, I'm just kidding.

Xavier: We're meeting her:

"Catherine the Great!"

Yadina: In Germany. In the year .

Xavier: That's over years ago!

Brad: I wonder how great she'll be

at helping me make friends?

Yadina: Of course she'll be great.

Her name is Catherine the Great!

Xavier: Only one way to find out.

Xavier: Ready for adventure?

Yadina: Ready!

Brad: (exhales) Ready.

Berby: (computing noise)

Yadina: Here we go!

Xavier: Its happening! Yadina: Hang on Dr. Zoom!

Xavier: Woo hoo! Brad: Woaah!

Xavier: So this is Germany in .

Brad: Hey. A castle!

Yadina: (gasp!) And she must be a princess.

Xavier: It's her!

It's Catherine the Great!

Catherine: Aww. (speaking foreign language)

Xavier: (whispers) What did she say?

Yadina: Excuse us one second, please.

Xavier, we need the translator!

Xavier: Oh, right!

Yadina: I'm sorry, could you please repeat that?

Catherine: I said your turtle is very cute!

Yadina: Why, thank you! This is Dr. Zoom.

And I'm Yadina.

Catherine: Lovely to meet you both.

I'm Catherine.

And you-?

Xavier: I am Xavier!

The pleasure is mine, your royal highness.

Catherine: I like the little decorations on your head.

Xavier: Oh these?

They're actually antennaes.

Really handy when you time travel around the world.

Catherine: And I love your cape.

Brad: Oh! Ah, hi.


Yadina: Do you live in that castle?

Catherine: Yes, with my family.

Hey, want to come play a game with me?

Yadina: Yes! Please!

Catherine: Great! Follow me.

Xavier/Yadina: We're gonna play in a real castle!

Yadina: Catherine? Um, where are we going?

Xavier: Don't you have awesome games to play in your castle?

Catherine: Yes, but it's much more fun

to get out and make new friends.

Wouldn't you agree?

Brad: Well, the thing is-- I'm kinda shy.

Okay...a lot shy.

How do you do it?

Y'know, make friends?

Catherine: Well, getting to know people

is a great way to make friends.

Catherine: Oh, I should go say hello!

Yadina: Is he a friend of yours?

Catherine: Not yet.

Catherine: Hello! What are you looking at?

Matthias: A Rooster. It's so colorful!

They're my favorite animal.

Catherine: Mine are cats.

They're so soft. And clean!

Catherine: I'm Catherine.

Matthias: I'm Matthias!

Catherine: Delightful! Brad: Huh.

She's getting to know him, and they're becoming friends...

Catherine: And these are my friends.

Yadina, Dr. Zoom... - Yadina: Hello.

Catherine: Xavier... - Xavier: Hi!

Catherine: And Brad! Brad: Nice to meet you.

She called me her friend.

Catherine. Oh!... I just thought of a game!

Matthias, want to play with us?

Matthias: Okay.

Catherine: We'll have a wagon race!

Xavier, Yadina and Dr Zoom

will be Team Turtle--

Catherine: Matthias, Brad and I will be Team Rooster.

Catherine. Each team will run in a line.

The person in front is the 'driver' -

they push the wagon wheel forward.

The trick will be to switch drivers,

so everyone gets a turn,

without letting your wagon wheel fall.

All: Yeah! Brad: Sounds fun! Let's go!

Catherine: Excellent! The first team

to touch the big apple tree wins.

Yadina: Got it.

Team Turtle is ready!

Matthias: Team Rooster is ready!

Catherine: Everyone ready? And GO!

Xavier: Woah!

Xavier: Woah! Okay, Yadina!


Yadina: Turbo turtle speed!


Matthias: Switch!

Gooooo Catherine!

Catherine: WHOOOA!

Ugh! Phew!

Matthias: The wheel! We can't let it fall!



Yadina: Uh-oh! Woah! Sorry!

Woah little chicks.

(chickens bawking) Brad: Excuse me!

Yadina: C'mon Dr Zoom! Top turtle speed!

Go Brad!

Catherine: We're almost there.

Brad: Ah-- ahh- ahh- chooo!

Team Rooster wins!

All: (cheer)

Xavier: Good job team rooster!

Brad: (sniffs) Huh? We won? Woo!

Matthias: What a finish! Great race, Brad!

Brad: You too.

Xavier: I think Brad's doing it.

He's going to make a new friend!

Brad: (sigh)

'Getting to know people is a great way to make friends.'

So, what else do you like to do?

Matthias: Umm... I like collecting things.

Colourful stuff. See?

Brad: Cool! I love colourful stuff too.

Especially tie-dye.

Matthias: What's that?

Matthias: Wow.

That's amazing!

(clock tower bell)

Matthias: Aw, I have to go. But this was fun.

See you later, friend!

Brad: Bye!

Matthias: See you!

Yadina: Brad. That was wonderful.

Brad: I got to know Matthias, and we became friends.

Think it'll work at day camp?

Xavier: Totally.

Brad: (deep breath) Okay. I'm ready for camp!

Thanks for everything, Catherine.

You really are great.

Catherine: Aww, thank you.

Brad: Take care, Bye!

Yadina: Bye. Xavier: See ya Catherine.

Catherine: Goodbye.

Brad: Berby? Let's go home.

Berby: (computing noises)

Brad: So, do you like swimming? Woah!


Brad: We should play together!

You really quack me up.


Yadina: Okay Brad, you're ready to get out there

and make some real friends.

Brad: Right. Day camp, here I come!

Yadina: Bye! Xavier: Good luck!

Xavier: Yup. He's going to do great.

Xavier: Hmm shouldn't Brad be here by now?

Xavier: Hm. Brad: Woo!

Yadina/Xavier: (gasp)

Brad: I got to know so many kids at day camp!

All thanks to my friend, Catherine the Great.

Xavier: When Catherine grew up, she married a Russian prince

and became the Empress of Russia.

She did a lot of great things-- Like started schools

where kids learned new languages.

Yadina: And made lots of friends.

Dr Zoom and I love your outfit by the way.

Brad: Thanks!

And thank you for joining our awesome adventure

to meet Catherine the Great.

Xavier: Who used to be a kid, just like you and me.

Yadina: So kids like you can change the world!

I am Yadina.

Xavier: I am Xavier.

Brad: I am Brad.

And I know getting to know people

is a great way to make friends.

Just like Catherine the Great!

Berby: (bleep, blarp, bloop)


♪ Doo do do do! ♪

(beeping noises)




Xavier: Berby? You ready for another..

Race around the world?

Berby: (beeping) Xavier: Good!

Cause today is my lucky day.


My vehicle of choice, a chariot.

People have been racing chariots,

for thousands of years

with two wheels and two horses!

I am totally, gonna beat you!

(ringing) Xavier: Oh, I'm ready!

Real ready. Berby: Yaahoo!

Berby: Yahoo, yippie!

Xavier: Hey what's going on?

Um, mush?

Giddy up! Go! Please!

Horse: (neighing)

Berby: Woo hoo!

Xavier: (sigh) Okay, forget the horses.

Time... (struggling)


Whoo hooo! Yeah! Ha ha!

Whooo hoo!

Hey! Woah!

Woah! Aughh!

Woo hoo!

(chickens squawking) Oof ah!

(pfft) Chickens! They're everywhere!


Woo! Berby: Hello.)

Xavier: Well, it looks like you won this time Berby.

Let's update the scoreboard.

(ding) Xavier: Huh.

Berby: (happy bleeping)

Xavier: I'll get you next time Berby.

Because, I never give up.

Yadina: Hello! And welcome to the show.

Today we're meeting an amazing

real life painter: Tomioka Tessai.

Brad: He was born in Japan

a long time ago,

in !

Xavier: He was one of the best Japanese painters

Yadina: Tomioka's paintings told stories

that were special to him.

And they looked just like that!

Xavier: Wow! Brad: Cool!

Xavier: They look just like us!

Brad: Really? I don't see it.

Yadina: And now let's--start the show!

Xavier: Woah! Yadina: Woooh cool.

Brad: Isn't it great Xavier: Totally!

Brad: My great-granddad made it for my granddad,

who gave it to my dad.

And now, it belongs to--this guy!

Xavier: Wow, it's been handed down a lot.

Brad: That's what makes it special!

I brought it to show and tell last year.

Sharing the story about my family

made me feel really proud.

Xavier: I hear ya.

I took the toy train my mom made with my grandma

when she was little.

It took them a whole year to put it together.

I was super proud to show it to my friends.

It's so cool.

Yadina: (groans)

Xavier: Don't you have show and tell today?

Yadina: Yes, but,

I don't have anything as special as you guys did.


Xavier: Hey, your old quilt!

Brad: So soft!

Yadina: It is soft and cuddly.

I love it! But,

I'm not sure it's very special.

Xavier: Sure it is!

Yadina: How?

Xavier: Oh, well... I ah... I don't know.

Yadina: What am I going to say about it at show and tell?

Xavier: Hm. This is a problem.

That means... Brad: Wait!

Before you say it, it's almost time for my morning snack-

Xavier/Yadina: To the secret museum!

Oh... But my tummy's getting rumbly!

Xavier: I wonder who the Secret Museum will send us to meet!

Yadina: And where we'll go.

And when! Brad: (gulp) Huh!


Guys wait up.

Yadina: Look Out Below! Xavier: Woo hoo!

Xavier: Hi, Berby! Yadina: Hi, Berby!

Brad: Woah! Hi, Berby! Berby: Hi, Brad.

Brad: Oof!

Xavier: (humming) Berby: (Wooo)

Xavier: We're getting something!

Yadina: What is it?

Xavier: It looks like a special kind of brush.

Brad: I wonder who it belonged to?

Xavier: 'Tomioka Tessai'.

That's who we're going to meet.

Yadina: In Japan!

Brad: In the year ...

That's over a hundred and fifty years ago.

Yadina: Well, if he's got a special brush,

maybe Tomioka Tessai

can help me find something special for show and tell.

Xavier: Only one way to find out...

Xavier: Ready for adventure?

Yadina: So ready!

Brad: Uh...moderately ready.

Berby: (bleeping)

Xavier: Here we go!

Berby: (beeping)

Xavier: It's happening! Yadina: Hang on Dr. Zoom!

Xavier: Woo hoo! Brad: Wooooah!

Berby: (cheerful bleeping)

Yadina: We're in Japan in the year !

Brad: And still hungry.

Tomioka: Hajimemashite!

Xavier: What did he say?

Yadina: Xavier, they speak Japanese in Japan.

You need the translator.

Xavier: Oh, right!


Tomioka: Hi there!

Yadina: Hello! Nice brushes.

Tomioka: Thank you. Brad: May I see your brush?

Xavier: Hey- that looks like the brush we saw in the museum.

Berby: (beeping)

Yadina: And that's Tomioka Tessai!

Berby: (uh-huh) Brad: I really like your brush.

What's it for?

Tomioka: I use them when I paint.

Brad: You paint? Me, too!

Tomioka: Really? I love to paint.

I'm working on one right now if you want to come and see it.

Brad: Oh yeah! Yadina: Yes, please.

Brad: (gasps) Snacks!

Xavier: Um, I think Tomioka's using that.

Brad: Oh darn it.

Tomioka: So? What do you think?

It's Western style, which is very popular.

But, something isn't right...

Yadina: Hmmm. Dr. Zoom says it's very colourful.

That's a good thing.

Brad: Yeah, it looks delicious-- I mean colorful.

Especially those pears... Yum

Xavier: Hey, you could bring a bowl of fruit

to show and tell, Yadina.

Yadina: Hmm. Maybe...

but I don't know if fruit is all that special.

Tomioka: Hm. Yes, maybe that's my problem.

The painting doesn't feel special.

It's not speaking to me.

Xavier: Oh I didn't know paintings could talk!

Voice: Tessai? Tessai?

Yadina: (gasps) Fruit painting? Was that you?

Tomioka: (laughs) No, that's my Dad!

Tomioka's Father: Ah, there are my tools.

I'm going to prune the cherry blossom tree.

Oh! You have guests. Welcome.

Xavier: Hello. Yadina: Hi, there.

Brad: Um, did you say cherries?

I love cherries! Maybe we could help you?

Tomioka's Father: Of course! My son always likes to help

with the cherry blossom tree.

Tomioka: Yes! Let's go!

Brad: So, these cherries, are they ready to eat yet?

Tomioka's Father: Oh, there aren't any actual cherries

on the tree.. Brad: Huh?

But... it's a cherry tree!

Tomioka: (laughs) It's a cherry blossom tree.

It grows flowers, not cherries.

Brad: That's like calling something a chocolate bar,

then saying there's no chocolate in it!

Yadina: Cherries or not, it's very pretty.

Tomioka's Father: Cherry blossom trees were planted

to remind us of the beauty of life.

Tomioka: And this one is very special to us.

Tomioka's Father: Mhm hmm. A few years ago, my grandfather,

father, Tessai and I planted it.

Tomioka: Right after we built this house.

Xavier: Wow. Brad: Whoa!

Tomioka's Father: Every single family member helped.

Tomioka's Father: Some built the frame,

and some worked on thatching the roof,

and some made food for the builders.

Tomioka: And even though I was just little,

I helped by passing dad his tools!

Tomioka's Father: Building our house

was a special time for our family.

So we planted the tree to remind us of that.

Xavier: Wow, what a great story!

Tomioka: Sharing stories about my family makes me feel proud!

Yadina: And it makes the tree really special!

Tomioka: (gasps)

That's it!

I have to get back to my painting!

Brad: Quick question.

You can't eat the flowers, can you?

Tomioka's Father: (laughs) No no nonono.

Tomioka's Father: Hey- where did my helpers go?

Tomioka I have a new idea for my painting.

Tomioka: The fruit bowl was fine, but,

it didn't feel special to me.

Yadina: Hey, that's like my quilt!

I love it but I'm not sure if it's really special.

Brad: Soooo we're not using the fruit anymore... right?

Tomioka: For me, what makes something special

is the story behind it.

Tomioka: Like my family's cherry blossom tree.

Xavier: Woah. Yadina: Lovely!

Tomioka: I'm going to add in its story,

so I can share it with my class.

Tomioka: I can't wait!

Sharing stories about my family makes me feel proud.

Yadina: Xavier?

Do you think my quilt could have a special story behind it?

Xavier: Hmm. I think it just might.

Yadina: Then I've got to get home so I can ask Mom about it.

Let's go!

Thanks for your help, Tomioka.

But I have to get ready for my show and tell.

Brad: Oh. You didn't decide to take the pear

for show and tell... did you?

Yadina: (giggles) No.

Bye, Tomioka! Xavier: See ya, Tomioka!

Brad: Thanks for the snack.

Tomioka: You're welcome! And good luck!

Xavier: Berby? Berby: (beeping)

Let's go home!

Berby: (bleeping)


Yadina: Mom? Can you tell me some stories about my quilt?

Yadina: This is my special quilt.

It's special because it has lots of stories

about my family in it.

Yadina: This square was made from a teddy bear

my Dad had when he was little.

And this is a piece of my great grandma's apron.

She made the best mushroom empanadas.

Yadina: And this is a piece of the blanky

my mom made for me when I was born.

Yadina: And here's a new one.

It has a handprint from me, my brother Xavier,

and our best friend Brad.

It's in the middle because it's very special.

Xavier: And it covers a hole!

Yadina: It reminds me of the awesome adventures

we go on together.

They're the best big brother and friend

I could ask for.


Yadina: I loved meeting Tomioka Tessai.

He was very inspiring.

Xavier: Tomioka's paintings told stories about where he was from,

his life, and his family.

Brad: The stories were special to him,

and he was proud to tell them.

Yadina: Thanks for joining our awesome adventure

to meet Tomioka Tessai.

Brad: Who used to be a kid, just like you and me.

Xavier: So kids like you can change the world!

I am Xavier.

Brad: I am Brad.

Yadina: I am Yadina.

And I'll always be proud to share stories about my family.

Just like Tomioka Tessai!

(show theme song) ♪♪

