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02x04 - Piragua Problem/Balloon Blues

Posted: 12/31/23 12:05
by bunniefuu
♪ Waahoooa yay! [♪♪♪]

♪ Vamonos!

♪Lo le lo lai, lo lai lai lo le, ♪

♪ it's Alma's Way!

♪ Here she comes,

♪beaming with pride and something to say! ♪

♪ Hear those drums?

♪ Playing Alma's Way.

♪ From the Bronx,

♪ singing a le lo lai, lai lo lei! ♪

♪ Our island songs,

♪ saying Alma's Way!

♪So many questions, so much to explain. ♪

♪ Hoh! ♪ Figure it out as you hop on the train. ♪

♪Hoo!♪ ♪With Mami, Papi, Junior and Abuelo, mi gente. ♪

♪ I'll think it through and share it with you, ♪

♪ come on vente!

♪ There she goes!

♪Learning about her world every day. ♪

♪ The whole world knows,

♪ it's Alma's Way...

♪ Alma's Way!

♪i¡Wepa! ♪

Alma: "“Piragua Problem"”

[Chacho barks]

Alma: Ready Chacho?


Junior: Whoa! Nice one, Chacho!

[piragua cart bell]

Alma:[gasp] I know what that bell means!

Alma/Junior: Piraguas!

Alma: Mami, can we get piraguas, ¿por favor?

Junior: Please?

Mami: Sure, okay.

Alma: Thanks!

Do you want one?

Mami: i¡No gracias!

Alma: Hi, Mr. Piragua Man!

Piragua Man: '‘Ey, Alma!

i¡Hola, Junior!

What can I get you, amigos?

Alma: Umm.

Junior: Coconut, please!

That's my favorite!

Piragua Man: Piragua de coco. Mhm.


There you go.

Junior: i¡Gracias, Mr. Piragua Man!

Piragua Man: You got it, Junior.

¿Y tú, Alma?

Alma: I'm gonna try something different today.

What flavors do you have?

Piragua Man: I've got cherry, coco, pineapple, grape, guava, y tamarindo!

Alma: They all sound so good!

I don't know what to choose.

Wait a minute.

What if I don't have to choose one?

Can I have all six flavors in one cup?

Piragua Man: i¡Bueno! I've never tried that before!

Let's give it a try!

Oh, of course.

And this one.

That's it.

Qué bonita, ¿no?

Alma: Whoa!

Junior: Wow!

Alma/Junior: So many colors!

Piragua Man: Enjoy!

Alma: These flavors are all good on their own.

Bet they're even more ah-may-zing together!

Junior: Try it, try it!

Piragua Man: So?

What do ya think?

Alma: Mmm!

Piragua Man: i¡Wepa! I never would have thought of this combination, Alma!

You know what?

I'm gonna add it to my menu.

I'll call it, '‘The Alma Special!'

Alma: Sa-weet!

Thanks, Mr. Piragua Man!

Mami: So, whatcha get?

Junior: I got coconut!

And Alma got an Alma Special.

Alma: See!

Mami: An Alma Special?

Check you out! [chuckle]

Alma: Hm? Hold up.

Do I like all these flavors mixed together?


Nope! I actually don't like this.


Mami: Alma!

Alma: Coming Mami!

Rafia: Nice!

Alma: [giggle]

Lucas: Hey! Have you heard the good news?

Howard/Rafia/Alma: No?

Lucas: There's a new piragua named after Alma!

The Alma Special!

Howard/Rafia: [gasp]

Howard: A flavor named after you?!


Alma: Well...

Rafia: Is that it? The Alma Special?

Lucas: Oh, no. I tried it but I didn't like it.

So I got grape!

[piragua cart bell]

Howard: I still wanna try it.

Rafia: Me too!

Race you there!

Hey, false start!

Lucas: Are you gonna get a You Special today?

Alma: I think I'm gonna go with cherry.

Lucas: Changing it up!

Classic Alma.

Rafia: Two Alma Specials, please!

Piragua Man: You got it!

Rafia: I wonder what it'll taste like!

Howard: Yeah, is it like bubblegum?

Rafia: Is it like fruit cocktail?

Howard: Toothpaste?

Alma: Uhh...

Piragua Man: Here you go!

Howard: Thanks!

Rafia: Thank you!

Alma: Could I have a-

Piragua Man: An Alma for Alma?

Of course!

Alma: Oh. i¡Gracias! [nervous laugh]

Piragua Man: i¡De nada! [humming]

[piragua cart bell]

Rafia: Three, two, one, go!

Alma: Eep!

Rafia: Hmm.

Howard: Mmm!

Rafia: A little, too sweet.

This isn't my favorite, but it still is special.

Howard: Are you serious?!

This is my favorite!

Not too sweet, not too cold.

Perfect for my sensitive teeth!


Mmm. Even better mixed together!

I'm going to be so sad when this is all gone.

Alma: You can have mine if you want.

Howard: For real?!

You would give me your Alma Special?

Alma: Yup.

Howard: Mommy, look what I got for us!

Alma: I'm glad someone likes it.

[piragua cart bell]

Piragua Man: Hey! An Alma for Alma!

Alma: Oh, gracias.

Piragua Man: ¿Y tú, Junior?

Another coco?

Junior: No, thanks. I'm feeling like cherry today!

Piragua Man: Ah, okay!

Junior: [slurp]

Piragua Man: Bye!

Junior/Alma: Goodbye!

Howard: Is that, an Alma Special?!

Alma: Yup.

Howard: Ugh, you are so lucky!

Alma: You can have it!

Howard: Really?

Thanks, Alma!

You're the best!

Just like your special!

[slurp] Ah!

Alma: Mr. Piragua Man made the Alma Special for me.

But if that's the only flavor I can get...

Then I don't want another piragua ever again!

[children laughing]

[piragua cart bell]

Alma: Huh?


Piragua Man: An Alma for Alma!

Alma: Uh, thanks!

Piragua Man: An Alma for Alma!

Alma: Thanks...


Howard: Zip!

Alma: Zap!

Howard: Zop!

[piragua cart bell] Alma: Zip!

[piragua cart bell] Howard: Zap!

[piragua cart bell] Alma: Zop!

[piragua cart bell]

Alma: [gasp]

Howard: Zip!

Alma: Zop!


I'll get it.

Phew! Finally, no Alma Special today.


Howard: Mr. Piragua Man said to give this to you.

An Alma for Alma! [slurp]

Alma: Ugh, I've got a piragua problem.

Mr. Piragua Man keeps giving me Alma Specials.

And I'm not sure what to do.

I gotta think about this...

Piragua Man: I'm gonna add that to my menu.

I'll call it, '‘The Alma Special!'

Alma: It was ah-may- zing that he named a flavor after me!

I don't want to hurt his feelings by telling him I don't like it.

Piragua Man: An Alma for Alma!

An Alma for Alma!

An Alma for Alma!

Alma: But I get one every time he sees me.

Does that mean I'll have to have the Alma Special forever?

Piragua Man: Another coco?

Junior: No thanks. I'm feeling like cherry today!

Alma: Hey, wait!

Junior got what he wanted when he told Mr. Piragua Man.

Alma: And Mr. Piragua Man didn't mind giving him a new flavor.

Ohh! I know what to do.

Mami? I want to tell Mr. Piragua Man that I don't like the Alma Special.

Mami: Sure, Almita. It's okay to tell people how you feel.

You want me to go with you?

Alma: No, thanks.

I got it.

[deep breath] Okay, here we go.

Piragua Man: '‘Ey, Alma!

Alma: [sigh]. I know what I have to do.

bad if he felt bad. But I would feel

Piragua Man: An Alma for Alma!

Alma: No, thank you.

I don't want an Alma Special.

Piragua Man: Huh?

Alma: It's way, way, wayyy amazing that I have my own flavor!

But, I don't like how it tastes.

Piragua Man: [chuckles] Ay, Alma, I thought you liked it!

Sorry I gave you so many!

And thanks for letting me know.

Alma: Phew!

Piragua Man: You can always tell me the flavor you want.

So, what'll it be today?

Alma: Cherry, por favor!

Piragua Man: Cherry? i¡Excelente!


What do ya think?

Alma: Mmm, delicious!

Piragua Man: Ha, guess I'll have to change my sign!

Alma: Oh wait!

I don't like the Alma Special

But, I know someone who does!

Piragua Man: Ah, Howard, Alma!

What would you like today?

Howard: An Alma Special, please!

Piragua Man: Sorry, Howard, I don't have that anymore.

Howard: What?!

But it was perfect!


Piragua Man: But I got a new flavor you might like.

Howard: [sigh] I dunno. Nothing's better than an Alma Special.

This kinda looks like an Alma Special.

Piragua Man: Give it a taste!

Howard: [slurp] Sweet. [slurp] Bitter.

Hold up, this is an Alma Special!

Piragua Man: No.


Alma: It's the '‘Howard Special' now!

Howard: No, way!

The Howard Special!?

Attention, everybody!


The Howard Special is now available!

Come and get it!

Half ice, half syrup, all Howard!

Alma: The Alma Special was sweet.

But the Howard Special is even sa-weeter!



Alma: "“Balloon Blues"”

Alma: C'mon, André, we're gonna miss our bus!

André: I'm coming!


Made it!

Alma: Beep, beep!

Vroom, vroom, vroom, vroom!

Isn't our city ah-may-zing?

It's called...


André, our city needs a name!

André: You're right.

What should it be?

Alma: How '‘bout AndréAlma City?

Or, Andrélma City?

Oof, [giggle] that's hard to say.

What do you think?

André: Hmm.

[gasp] How about Almandré City!

Alma: Ooh, yeah, that's the one!

Welcome to Almandré City!

[Papi's phone buzzes]

André: I'm gonna build our community garden here.

Alma: Sa-weet!

I'll make a baseball field over here.

Papi: Hey, André!

Your dad just texted and said he's on his way.

André: Okay. Thanks, Dr. Rivera!

Hey Alma, let's go to the playground before I have to leave.

Alma: Sure, we can go after we finish playing.

André: Okay!


Alma: Hey, what was that?

[chicken clucking]

André: I don't think it was the chicken.


[goat baas]

Alma: Or the goat. [giggle]


André: No way!

It's Mr. Squid Guy?!

Alma: With balloon animals?!

André/Alma: I want one!

Papi: "Sloths can't see..."

Alma: Papi, can we go see Mr. Squid Guy?

Papi: Mhm. Sounds good to me!

Alma: Thanks, Papi!

[balloon squeaking]

Squid Guy: Have a squiddle-doo day!

Alma: Hey, Mr. Squid Guy!

André: You know how to make balloon animals?!

Squid Guy: Squiddly yes!

It's my new hobby.

Alma: What kind of animals can you make?

Squid Guy: I learned from this book called "“How to Make Balloon Dogs."”

So I make dogs... uh.

Just dogs!

But I can make three kinds.

André: Nice!

Alma: Sa-weet!

Squid Guy: Wanna squiddly-dee-see?

I'd love the practice.

Alma: Yes please!

André: Definitely!

Squid Guy: Squiddly-woo!

[balloon stretching]

[deep breath]


Alma/André: [giggle]

Alma: Slam dunk!

Two points!

Squid Guy: Squiddly-oops!

Let me try that again.

[balloon stretching]

[deep breath]

Hmm, is that how it goes?

Like this?



It's a dachshund.

Here ya' go.

Alma: Ooo, thanks!

I love it!

Squid Guy: You're up next, André.

[balloon stretching]

[deep breath]

Alma: You are way way wayyy cute!

Do you think she 'Woof! Woof! Woof! Woof!'

or 'Arf! Arf! Arf! Arf! Arf!'

André: Hmm, definitely 'Arf! Arf! Arf!'.

Alma: Arf, arf, arf!

She agrees.

Squid Guy: Almost.


And done!

And a golden retriever for you, André!

Here ya' go!

André: My favorite kind of retriever!

Thanks, Mr. Squid Guy!

Squid Guy: You're squiddly welcome!

Have a squiddly-doo day!

André: See ya!

Alma: Thanks!

Squid Guy: Hi there! More dogs coming right up!

Here ya go.

Junior: Thanks!

Alma: [barking] Arf, arf, arf!

Hold up, André!

Since we now have balloon citizens, our city needs a new name!

André: Totally!

How about...

Alma/André: Balloon City!

Alma: What should our dogs do first?

Ride the bus?

André: Uhh? Seems kinda pointy for balloons.

Alma: Oh, I got an idea!

How about swimming in the river?

André: Yeah!

One, two, three.



Alma: Bark, bark!

Splash, splash!

Mine's doing the doggy paddle, ruff ruff ruff!

André: Hey! Let's jump in together!

Alma: Great idea!

Alma/André: One, two, three!



André: [gasp] Nooo!

Aw. I knew Balloon City was gonna be too pointy.

Alma: Sorry, André. I didn't think that would happen.

André: It's okay.

I think it's time to play something else anyways.

Alma: Totally!

Like baseball in Balloon City's new baseball field!

Home run!

The crowd goes wild! Arf, arf, arf!

You're up to bat!

André: I can't play with this.

Alma: Oh, let's go get you a new dog from Mr. Squid Guy!

André: Great idea, Alma!

Squid Guy: And a woof woof for you!

That's my best dachshund yet!

Enjoy, and have a squiddly-doo day!

Alma: Mr. Squid Guy!

Squid Guy: Hi, my squiddly friends!

How're your balloon dogs doing?

Woof. Not great, I see.

André: Can you make me a new one, please?

Squid Guy: I would.

If I had more balloons.

I'm so squiddly sorry.

André: Aw, oh well. Thanks anyway.

Alma: Bye, Mr. Squid Guy.


André: I wish I still had a balloon dog.

Junior: Super Poodle!


Alma: Oh!

We can make that happen!

Hey André, follow me!

Junior: [barking]

Alma: Junior, can we borrow your balloon dog for André?


Junior: Do you mean Wonder Waffle the Super Poodle?!

André/Alma: Mhm.

Junior: Sure!

Wait, what happened to yours?

André: It popped.

By accident! But I promise to be extra careful with yours.

Junior: Sorry, André.

Wonder Waffle doesn't want to take the chance.

André: It's okay, Junior. I get it.

Alma: Well, let's go ask our friends.

André: Okay!

Howard: Whoa, whoa, whoa whoa. Hold up!

You popped your balloon?

André: By accident!

But, I'll be really careful with yours!

Howard: So you want to borrow mine, which you could pop too?

No, thanks.

Tallulah would be very upset if her pet, Munchers the balloon dog, popped.

André: [sigh] I know.

Lucas: ♪As long as I'm with you.♪

Alma: So can he borrow it?

Alma/André: Please?

Lucas: Oh, sorry.

I need Barbara for this song.

It's a duet.

Yolette/Bernadette: Hm?

André: Hey, I was wondering if...?

Welp, guess I can't get a new balloon dog.

Sooo, let's go to the playground before my dad gets here.

Alma: Ooh! I have another great idea.

But wait!

Check out this ah-may-zing rock!

André: Uh, that's a good rock.

Alma: Oh, it's not just any good rock!

Meet Rockelle, Mayor of Balloon City!

Eh, eh?

André: Hm. Oh, I know how to make her look like a real mayor.

Alma: Arf, arf! Mayor Rockelle, welcome to Balloon Beach.

Home of the biggest waves in Balloon City! Arf, arf!

Please do us the honor of riding the very first wave.

André: Sure. I love to surf. Watch me!

Alma: Surf's up!

Woo! Splash!

André: Splash!

Alma: Arf, arf! Don't worry Mayor! I'll save you!


André: This would be way more fun with a balloon dog than a rock.

Alma: Does Mayor Rockelle want a balloon dog ride?

André: No thanks.

Alma: How '‘bout a race?

Balloon dog versus rock!

André: Uh-uh.

Alma: [slurp] Play with me, André! [slurp]

Arf, arf! Please?!

André: Uh-uh, I'm done.

Alma: Wait! For real?

André: Yep.

Alma: But, what if I let you play with my dog in Balloon City?

André: Alma! I'm out.

André: I'm going to the slide.

Alma: Woah. André's really, really done playing Balloon City.

So what do I do now?

I gotta think about this...

André: This would be way more fun with a balloon dog than a rock.

Alma: I still want to play Balloon City.

But, I get that playing without a balloon isn't fun for André.

André: Hey, Alma! Let's go to the playground before I have to leave.

Alma: But I gotta go with André now,

because I can't play with him later.

Arf, arf, arf! Arf!

Oh, later!

I could play with my balloon by myself later.

I know what to do!

Papi, can you watch my dog for me, ¿por favor?

Papi: You're done playing with it?

Alma: For now.

André doesn't want to play balloons and I want to play with André.

Papi: You got it!

I'll keep your dog safe, and make sure he doesn't run after any squirrels.

Alma: Thanks, Papi! [giggles]

Hey André, race you to the top?

André: Hey! You're here!

Alma: Yup! Can I slide with you?

André: Definitely!

Ready, set.

Alma/André: Gooo!


André: That's right!

I'm André King, King of the Slides!

Alma: Rematch?

André: You're on!

Alma/André: [laughing]

James: [whistles]

André: Dad!

Five more minutes, please?

André: Wa-ha-hoo!

Alma: It's fun to play with balloon dogs.

But it's way, way, wayyy more fun to play with André.

André: Watch this!

Alma: [giggle]

André: [laughs]

Alma: Wahoo!
