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02x02 - To Break or Not To Break/The New Mr. Octy

Posted: 12/31/23 12:04
by bunniefuu
[♪♪♪] ♪ Waahoooa yay!

♪ Vamonos!

♪Lo le lo lai, lo lai lai lo le, ♪

♪ it's Alma's Way!

♪ Here she comes,

♪beaming with pride and something to say! ♪

♪ Hear those drums?

♪ Playing Alma's Way.

♪ From the Bronx,

♪ singing a le lo lai, lai lo lei! ♪

♪ Our island songs,

♪ saying Alma's Way!

♪So many questions, so much to explain. ♪

♪ Hoh! ♪ Figure it out as you hop on the train. ♪

♪Hoo!♪ ♪With Mami, Papi, Junior and Abuelo, mi gente. ♪

♪ I'll think it through and share it with you, ♪

♪ come on vente!

♪ There she goes!

♪Learning about her world every day. ♪

♪ The whole world knows,

♪ it's Alma's Way...

♪ Alma's Way!

♪i¡Wepa! ♪


Alma: "“To Break or Not to Break"”

Beto: Alma!

Alma: i¡Hola, Beto! You're back!

He's been gone forever!

I mean, only two weeks.

But it seems like forever!

How was your trip?

Beto: Mexico was awesome!

Seeing my Abuelita in Tijuana was the best!

These are for your family.

They're paletas de elote.

Spicy on the outside but sweet on the inside.

Alma: Ooh, lollipops!


And they're shaped like corn.

I love corn!

Beto: You know what else you'll love?

Hang on!

Alma: Wow, a piñata!

Beto: Yeah!

It's not just any piñata.

It's super special.

My Abuelita made this for me.

Alma: No way! She made that?!

That's ah-may-zing!

Beto: And it's stuffed with all of my favorite treats!


Alma: [gasp]

It sounds sa-weet!

Alma/Beto: [giggle]

Alma: Hi Rafia!

Rafia: Ma, can I stay with Alma?

Rafia: What's that?

[rattling] Beto: It's a piñata.

Filled with candy and confetti.

Rafia: [gasp] No way!

Hmm... How do you get it all out?

Alma: That's the best part!

Rafia: Ooo!

Beto: It's like this.

So you have a stick, yeah?

Ya gotta hold it real tight.

Then, you figure out which spot you want to hit.

And when the piñata gets close...


And whoosh!

It breaks open! Candy pours out.

Then you grab as much as you can.

Rafia: Oh, that's so cool!

Alma: It's even more fun when you're blindfolded.

Rafia: Oh.

I would be the first one to crack it open for sure!

Beto: Wait!

Do you want to help me break my piñata?

Alma/Rafia: Yes!

Beto: I'll ask my parents! Be right back!

Eddie: Hey! What's going on out here?

Alma: Beto's Abuelita made him a piñata,

and it's filled with candy!

Eddie: No way! A piñata?!

Rafia: And we're gonna help him break it!

Junior: Um, excuse me.

Did someone say piñata?

Alma/Rafia/Eddie: Yep!

Beto: Hey!

Beto: My parents said yes!

Come on over!

Emi: Candy for everyone!

Kids: [cheer] Eddie: Alright!

Alma: This is gonna be so good!

Mrs. Martinez: Ya estamos, Beto!

Tie it up.

Mr. Martinez: i¡Muy bien, mijo!

Just double checking that it's extra tight.

Mrs. Martinez: Gracias, cariño. Good thinking.

Mr. Martinez: No fly-away piñatas on my watch.

Emi: Abuelita is the best piñata maker...

and I'm the best piñata breaker!


Beto/Mrs. Martinez/Mr. Martinez: i¡Da-le!

i¡Da-le! iDa-le... [cheer]

Emi: Yay!

Kids: Woah!

Alma: Is she good or what?

Mrs. Martinez: Alright, niños!

This piñata isn't gonna break itself.

Come on over!

Kids: [cheer]

Mr. Martinez: Okay. Listen up.

That is the piñata hitting zone.

So stay clear when it's not your turn.

Beto: Okay, let's see whatcha got!

Who wants to go first?

Junior: Pick me! Pick me!

Do I get to be blindfolded?

Mr. Martinez: You're still a little too young.

Let's keep it off.

And remember, you get three swings.

Junior: Mm-hmm.

Goodbye, piñata.

Hello, candy!

Emi/Rafia/Eddie/Alma: [cheer]

Alma: Come on! Eddie: You got this primo!

Beto: [gasp]

Junior: Nhh!

Beto: [sigh of relief]

Mr. Martinez: That's three swings.

Who's next?

Eddie: I'll go!

Alma: Nice try Junior!

You got this Eddie!

Junior: Go Eddie! You can do it!

Mr. Martinez: Okay, Eddie, whenever you're ready.

Emi: Go Eddie! Junior: Yeah Eddie!

Beto: [gulp]

Eddie: Huh!

Ooh, that felt close!

Emi/Junior/Alma: [cheer] Rafia: Hit it, Eddie!

Eddie: Oof! Uh!

Kids: [cheer] Junior: Yeah, let's go!

Emi: You can do it!

Rafia: That's three!

My turn!

Blindfold, please.

I'm about to make it rain candy!

Kids: [giggle]

Mrs. Martinez: i¡Uy, la va a romper!

I have a feeling she's gonna break it.

Beto: [gulp]

Alma: Huh. Beto doesn't look happy.

Beto: Wait!

Rafia: Huh?

Beto: Uh... I...

I forgot the most important part... uh...

...piñata-breaking stretches!

Emi: The what?!

I'm in.

Beto: Wrists.


Knee bends!

Kids: Wrists! Shoulders! Knee bends!

Rafia: I'm feeling stretchy.

Let's go!

Beto: Wait!

Rafia: Again?!

Beto: Uh... I think the piñata looks a little low.


Rafia: Oh yeah! Make it harder.

Mrs. Martinez: Mmm, I like your style Rafia!

[swish] Rafia: Ah!

Beto: [sigh of relief]

Alma: You got this, Rafia!

Emi: Swing! Swing! Eddie: Almost!

Beto: Even higher Mami!

Rafia: Oh I'm gonna get you this time!

Rafia: Unh!

Emi: Woohoo! Junior: Yeah!

Junior: You got this!

Emi: Swing! Swing!

Alma: What's up with Beto?

Eddie: i¡Tú podéis!

Junior: You can do it.

Emi: Swing Rafia! Swing! Swing! Swing!

Rafia: Unh!

Beto: Oh...

Rafia: Aw. I can't believe I didn't break it.

Mrs. Martinez: That was a nice hit.

You're a natural, Rafia!

Emi: Yeah, that was so good!

Mr. Martinez: Alma, do you want to go next?

Alma: Alright everyone, get ready.

Mr. Martinez: You know what?

I think it's time for a snack break!

Kids: Yeah!


Alma: Huh. Beto doesn't look like he's having fun.

He seems... nervous?

But why?

I gotta think about this...

Beto: My parents said yes! Come on over!

Alma: He was smiling when he asked us to break his piñata.

He looked excited.

But when we tried to break it, his face got all scrunched up.

And he looked...

Uh... worried.

Beto: It's not just any piñata. It's super special.

My Abuelita made this for me.

Alma: Ohh, maybe he was excited...

but now he feels different about it.

I know what to do!

Mrs. Martinez: Be right back with the snacks.

Rafia: I hope the next hit breaks the piñata wide open!

Alma: Hey Beto.

Are you okay with us breaking your piñata?

Beto: I am.

I was, I think.

Alma: It's okay if you're not.

Beto: Well... Abuelita did make it special for me.

Alma: We don't have to break it if you don't want to.

Beto: But everyone else wants to.

Alma: Don't worry. They'll understand.

Beto: Hey, everyone!

I have something to tell you.

I decided, we're not breaking the piñata.

Eddie/Rafia/Emi: Huh? Junior: What?

Rafia: Why?

Beto: I want to keep it. '‘Cause it's super special to me.

Junior: Umm, excuse me.

Then how are we gonna get the candy?

Alma: Hmm...

If the candy got in without breaking the piñata...

Then there's gotta be a way to get it out without breaking it.

Beto: Psst!

I've seen Abuelita put the treats in

through a secret trap door.

Rafia/Alma/Junior/Eddie: [gasp]

Beto: But if you want the candy,

you're gonna have to find the door.

Emi: I know where it is.

But I'm not telling! [giggle]

Beto/Emi: Ready...



Alma: Let's do this! Junior: Oh yeah!

Rafia: Where is it? Junior: Where! Where! Where!

Alma: I'm going to find it. Eddie: Ah I can't find it!

Alma: Where is it! Where is it!

Ugh! It's so hard! I'm gonna find it!

Rafia: Found it!

Emi: Oh, she's good.

Rafia: Check the weather...

'‘cause there's a % chance it's gonna rain candy!

Junior: Yay! Alma: Sa-weet!

Eddie/ Emi/ Beto: [cheer] Emi: Candy!

Rafia: Candy!

Eddie/Junior/Alma: [gasp]

Emi: What are you waiting for!

Get. The. Candy!

Rafia: Wa-ha-ha! Eddie: Oh yeah!

Rafia: That one looks good.

Junior: Ooo! Alma: What's in that one!

Kids: [chatter]

Eddie: Those look good!

Thanks Junior!

Beto: Ahh, piñata safe and sound.

Mrs. Martinez: Hold that pose Beto!

Let's take a picture for Abuelita.

Beto: Wait! I want to show her my friends too.

C'mon, everybody!

Mrs. Martinez: Everyone say '‘Piñata!'

Kids: Piñata! [camera clicks]

Mrs. Martinez: Yup!

Emi: Now can we eat our candy?

Mrs. Martinez: Go for it!

[mazapan cracks] Junior: Oops!

Emi: When you open a mazapan,

you gotta be super careful not to break it.

Junior: Mm Mm Mm. It's still delicious!

Alma: Piñatas are way, way, wayyy amazing.

But they're also...





Alma: "“The New Mr. Octy"”

[bicycle bell]

Alma: [Captain Banana voice] Find anything down there, Squeaker?

[squeak squeak]

Junior: [Squeaker voice] Nothing yet, Captain Banana!

[squeak squeak]

We're gonna dive deeper!

Doot doot doot doo doo-!

Alma: Junior and Squeaker, are at the bottom of the sea...

looking for...

[toy squeak]

Junior: Treasure!

Look what we found!

Alma: Sa-weet!

I've been looking for this for days.

Nice work!

Junior: [dolphin sounds] Thank you! Thank you, Alma!

Alma/Junior: [giggles]

Abuelo: Oigan, niños,

I'm heading to the Community Center to drop some things off at the free table.

Junior: Um, excuse me, what's a free table?

Abuelo: It's where we can leave things we don't need anymore,

for other people who can use them.

Alma: Yeah, and you can even take things that you want.

Abuelo: Like this shirt.

I picked it up at the free table last week.

[chuckle] Nice, eh?

Hm. Check it out!

[chuckle] Eh? Eh?

Alma: It's way way wayyy nice!

Abuelo: Miren, these are the things I'm putting on the free table today.

I love this book,

but I've read it so many times, I can recite it backwards!

And it's time someone else flipped pancakes with this.

I'm more of a waffle guy now. [chuckle]


Alma: Whoa!

You're giving away your favorite hat?

Abuelo: Oh it used to be my favorite.

I don't wear it anymore.

So I want to leave it for someone else who'll enjoy it as much as I did.

Junior: Can we go with you to the Community Center?

Abuelo: i¡Claro que sí!

And if you have anything you don't use anymore, you can put it on the free table.

Alma: I want to give something away, but...

I'm not sure what.

Junior: How '‘bout Captain Banana?

Alma: Oh definitely not! I play with him all the time.

Junior: Hm.

What about this puzzle?

Alma: Nah, I'm still trying to finish it.

Alma/Junior: Hmmm...

Junior: [gasp] You want us to dive back in to see if there's any treasure to give away?

Alma: Sa-weet idea!

Junior: We're going in!

Ah-ah-ah!! Dive, Squeaker, dive!

Splish! Splash! Sploosh!

[toy squeaks]

Alma: I wonder what treasure Junior and Squeaker will find under my bed?


I mean... under the sea.

Found anything?

Junior: Sock treasure!

Junior: Going deeper into the sea!

Blup, blup, blup, blup, blup, blup, blup, blup!

Alma: [giggle]

Junior: Found something!

Alma: [gasp] Ooh! What is it?

Junior: Look!

Alma: Mr. Octy! I forgot all about you!

I used to play with him all the time, but... not anymore.

Are you ready to find a new friend, Mr. Octy?

[Deep voice] I'm ready!

Junior: Me too!

Alma: We'll be back soon Captain Banana!

[train rumbles by]

[crowd chatting]

Alma: Sweet!

Junior: Oh! This is the free table.

Alma: Amazing!

Junior: I like it.

Abuelo: I'm going to say hello to my friends.

Can you put my things on the table, ¿por favor?

Alma: Sí, Abuelo.

Abuelo: Gracias!

Hola, Amigos! ¿Qué tal?

Junior: [gasp]


Junior/Alma: [laugh]

Alma: Wanna take it? It's free.


Junior: [giggle] She's funny... but no thanks.

Alma: Good luck finding a new friend, Mr. Octy.

Lucas: Hi, Alma. Hey, Junior!

Alma: Hi Lucas. Are you here to check out the free table?

Junior: Everything is free!

Like this.


Junior /Alma /Lucas: [laugh]

Lucas: Well, I'm looking for something I can play with.

Something soft and fun.

Alma: I know what he'll love!

How about... this?

Lucas: [gasp]

Alma: I brought him here so he can find a new home.

Lucas: Whoa! He's perfect!

He can drive my bus!

Uh. You sure you want to give him away?

Alma: Uh-huh! He's all yours. If you want him.

Lucas: Definitely!


[High-pitched voice] Bye!

I'm going to call you...


Alma: Oh! He likes to be called Mr. Octy!


Alma: [Captain Banana voice] Okay now!

Listen up, space crew.

This planet's full of surprises.

Be ready!

Alma: You know who would've been ready for anything?

Mr. Octy. '‘Cause he has eight arms.

[toy squeak]

Junior: Wanna play with Squeaker?

Junior: He doesn't have eight arms, but he can squeak.


Alma: [giggle] No thanks.

Junior: Okay. Bloop, bloop, bloop, bloop, bloop, bloop...

Alma: Hmm, I wonder what Mr. Octy is doing right now.

I'm gonna check on him.

Junior: Look! It's a whale!

Alma: See ya' later Junior.

[toy squeak]

Junior: [Squeaker voice] Okay!

Alma: Abuelo, can I call Lucas, ¿por favor?

Abuelo: Sure.


Abuelo: [chuckle] '‘Eyyy, mira!

Alma: Your favorite hat! The one you gave away.

Abuelo: That's the one!

Nice hat, amiga! [chuckle]


Ah! It's nice to see that my old hat is making someone else happy.

Okay, it's ringing.

Lucas: Hi, Alma! What's up?

Alma: I'm calling to see what you and your new octopus friend are up to.

Lucas: Oh, we're playing this really awesome game.


We're on our way to the top of the tallest mountain!

[Lucas makes motor sounds]

Kenneth's a really good driver.

Alma: That does look like a way, way, wayyy awesome game.

Alma: Hey, Lucas, wanna come over and play with Captain Banana and me?

Lucas: Like a toy playdate?

Alma: Yep!

Lucas: I'll go ask my dad, then be right over!

Alma: Don't forget to bring Mr. Octy!

Lucas: Oh, you mean Kenneth?

I won't forget. See you soon!

Alma: He likes to be called Mr. Octy!

Lucas and Mr. Octy are coming over.

Abuelo: Okay. Have fun.

Alma: Yes! I get to play with Mr. Octy again!

Lucas: I see the planet, Captain! We're going in for a landing.

Lucas: Szhoo-!

Alma: Watch out for the sh**ting stars!


Lucas: Uh! Woah! Oof! [giggle] Asteroid ahead!

Alma: A furry asteroid!

[Sleepy grunt]

Alma: [Captain Banana voice] Great flying, pilot!

Lucas: [High-pitched voice] Thank you, Captain!

Alma: Oh, that, that's not how he sounds.

Lucas: What do you mean?

Alma: Mr. Octy usually sounds like this.

Alma: [Deep voice] You know, like an octopus.

Lucas: Okay.

[Deep voice] Like this?

Alma: Yes! Just like that!

Lucas: [Deep voice] Come on space crew, let's explore this planet's cave!

Ba-doom-pa, doom-pa, doom-pa, boom, boom boom.

Alma: Hold up.

Can I show you how he walks?

Lucas: Uh, sure?

Alma: See?

Alma: [Deep voice] Bu-bu-bu-bu, bu-bu-bu, bup bup!

Lucas: Okay. Got it.

Alma: Is it okay if I play with him for a little bit?

Lucas: Uh... Yeah, okay.

I'll play with her!

[Nasally voice] Let's explore the cave!

Alma: [Deep voice] Howdy Captain!

[Captain Banana voice] Hello Mr. Octy!

Lucas: [Nasally voice] Come on everybody! Follow me!

Alma: Yeah. Lezz go!

Lucas: Don't forget Kenneth!

Alma: Kenneth?

Oh! Right.

Lucas: [Nasally voice] We're about to enter the alien cave!

I see alien rocks, alien crystals...

Ahhh! An alien dog!

We gotta get to the spaceship before it slobbers us!

Alma: [Captain Banana voice] Eww! Alien dog drool!

Go back! Go back!

Lucas: [giggle]


We can't take off without the pilot!

Where's Kenneth? [growling]


No! The alien's got him!

Alma: Oops. Sorry.

[Chacho growling] Chacho... let go! Ah!

He's okay. I got him in time.

Well... almost.

Eww. Yuck!

Lucas: What's going on Alma?

Why do you keep forgetting Kenneth?

I thought you wanted to play with him.

Alma: Huh. Why aren't I playing with him?

Hmm. I gotta think about this...

Lucas: Whoa! He's perfect!

Alma: Hmm... I gave Mr. Octy to Lucas because I didn't play with him anymore.

Abuelo: Ahh. It's nice to see that my old hat is making someone else happy.

Alma: And Abuelo gave away his old hat.

And it made him happy to see someone else wearing it.

But seeing Lucas play with Mr. Octy, did not make me feel very good.

Oh! I know what to do!

Lucas, when I saw you playing with Mr. Octy, I felt a little bad.

I used to have so much fun with him.

So I wanted to play with him again.


Lucas: It's okay. You can keep him if you miss him.

Alma: No. He's yours now.

Lucas: I don't know.

Alma: You should keep him, Lucas. He belongs to you now.

Lucas: You sure?

Alma: Totally sure!

[Captain Banana voice] You want to explore the cave again?

Lucas: [High-pitched voice] Ready, Captain!

Alma: [Captain Banana voice] Follow me, Mr. Octy!

Oops! I mean, Kenneth!

Come on space crew! We're going in!

Lucas: [High-pitched voice] Be careful! You don't want to get slobbered!

Alma: I'm happy Lucas likes Kenneth.

And you know what? I think Kenneth really likes Lucas, too!

Lucas: [High-pitched voice] Let's climb!

Alma: [Captain Banana voice] Here I come!
