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01x35 - Alma's Cat-tastrophe/Stickball!

Posted: 12/31/23 12:00
by bunniefuu
♪ Waahoooa yay! [♪♪♪]

♪ Vamonos!

♪Lo le lo lai, lo lai lai lo le, ♪

♪ it's Alma's Way!

♪ Here she comes,

♪beaming with pride and something to say! ♪

♪ Hear those drums?

♪ Playing Alma's Way.

♪ From the Bronx,

♪ singing a le lo lai, lai lo lei! ♪

♪ Our island songs,

♪ saying Alma's Way!

♪So many questions, so much to explain. ♪

♪ Hoh! ♪ Figure it out as you hop on the train. ♪

♪Hoo!♪ ♪With Mami, Papi, Junior and Abuelo, mi gente.

♪ I'll think it through and share it with you, ♪

♪ come on vente!

♪ There she goes!

♪Learning about her world every day. ♪

♪ The whole world knows,

♪ it's Alma's Way...

♪ Alma's Way!

♪i¡Wepa! ♪

ALMA: "“Alma's Cat-tastrophe"”

[subway rumbles by] ♪♪♪

[traffic] [birds chirping]

PAPI: After you!

ALMA: i¡Gracias!

ALMA: Hi, Mr. Ramirez!

MR. RAMIREZ: i¡Hola, Riveras!

PAPI: i¡Buenas!

[cat meows]

PAPI: [gasp] Whoa! You got a cat customer!!

ALMA: Aww, when did you get a cat?

MR. RAMIREZ: Oh, this guy? He's not mine.

He just comes in on cold days.

[cat purrs]


MR. RAMIREZ: He's been great company while I work...

And I've been thinking about becoming...

a Cat Guy. [chuckles] Whaddaya think?

ALMA: Yeah! You should keep him!

Just look at that cute face! [cat meows]

PAPI: Well, if he doesn't belong to anyone,

have you gotten him checked out?

MR. RAMIREZ: Not yet. I'm pretty sure he's a stray.

He's always hanging outside my shop.

ALMA: What are you gonna name him?


[happy music]

MR. RAMIREZ: Hmm, he loves to watch me practice checkers,

So, uh... how about...

Checkers!? What do you think? Checkers?


ALMA: He likes it. i¡Hola, Checkers!

PAPI: One sec, Alma.

Let's take Checkers to my clinic first so we can make sure he's healthy.

ALMA: Okay, Papi.

MR. RAMIREZ: Ay, muchas gracias, Rubén.

PAPI: De nada.


PAPI: Oop... These are not safe for you, eh?

If he swallowed them, he could get sick.

MR. RAMIREZ: Gracias, Rubén.

MR. RAMIREZ: Here, have a sock instead, Checkers!


ALMA/PAPI: [laughs]

PAPI: You should come on my Animal Show, Checkers. My viewers love cats!

[Checkers meows and purrs]

ALMA: He's SO cuuute!

PAPI: Almost done, Checkers...

[suspenseful music]

PAPI: Fur looks good.


PAPI: Teeth are good too.

[loud meow]

ALMA: And he has a really strong meow!

[beep from machine]

SAFINA: The test results are ready, Dr. Rivera.

[tablet pings]

PAPI: Thank you, I got them.

[distant phone rings]

SAFINA: I'll get that!

PAPI: Your blood work is great! You're a healthy cat, Checkers.

Mr.Ramirez takes REALLY good care of you, huh?


ALMA: [giggles] I think that's a yes.


PAPI: Well, he doesn't have a chip, so it seems like he's a stray.

A few sh*ts, then he'll be good to go.

ALMA: So does that mean Mr. Ramirez can keep him?

PAPI: Looks like it.

ALMA: Yes!

I can't wait to tell him the good news!

[busy street traffic]

[kittens mewing]

ALMA: Aww! Where'd you come from?

[silly music]


ALMA: I want to pet you, but if you're strays, I can't.

ALMA: Sorry, kittens. Con permiso. Uh... excuse me?


ALMA: Awww! Too cute!!!

But, I've gotta get them out of my way. Hmmm...

ALMA: You don't mind sharing a little of your food, do you, Checkers?

[Checkers purrs loudly]

ALMA: I think Checkers is happy to share.

[lid snaps off can of cat food]

[kittens meow]

ALMA: Here, kitty kitties...


ALMA: Phew! That worked.

[doorbell rings] [sounds of cars passing]

MR. RAMIREZ: Hey, Alma! What's the news? Can I keep him?

ALMA: Yup!

ALMA: Here you go, Checkers.

[Checkers meows]

MR. RAMIREZ: Whooaaa!!!

Check me out! I'm a Cat Guy!

i¡Bienvenido, Checkers!

This is your new forever home.

[muffled meows]


ALMA: Oh, that's just the kittens.

MR. RAMIREZ: ¿Qué qué? ¿Gatitos?


MR. RAMIREZ: Two kittens?! [chuckles]

Where'd they come from?

ALMA: They were there when I got here.

MR. RAMIREZ: THREE kittens?!

[gray kitten meows]


MR. RAMIREZ: i¡Qué bellos! They're so tiny...

ALMA: And sooo fluffy!

MR. RAMIREZ: I wouldn't want them to get cold...

Do you think they look cold?

MR. RAMIREZ: Yeah, yeah. They look cold.

ALMA: And hungry!

We should call Papi, and ask him what to do with them, yeah?

MR. RAMIREZ: Agreed!

[telephone dialing]

ALMA: Hola, Papi, there are some kittens outside Mr. Ramirez's shop,

but we don't know what to do.

PAPI: Okay, don't touch them '‘til I get there.

PAPI: i¡Rubén al Rescate!

PAPI: They all seem pretty healthy to me. Just a little hungry.

There you go, gatitos. [kittens meow]

MR. RAMIREZ: I should bring them inside my shop, no?

I-is that okay, Rubén?

PAPI: Sure, if that's okay with you.

SAFINA: Here you go, Mr. Ramirez.

MR. RAMIREZ: Thanks!

SAFINA: Bye, everyone!

PAPI/MR. RAMIREZ: Thank you, Safina. ALMA:See ya!

MR. RAMIREZ: Checkers!

I've got some furry friends for you.

[grouchy meow]

MR. RAMIREZ: [chuckles]

This is going to be their forever home too!

ALMA: I think you mean purrrrrrr-ever home.

MR. RAMIREZ: Ah-ha-ha, i¡sí!

PAPI: Are you sure you want to keep ALL of them?

Four kittens and a cat can be a lot of work.

MR. RAMIREZ: Absolutely. Just look at them.

They love it here. And besides... I'm a Cat Guy!

PAPI: Well then... felicidades, Cat Guy!

Time for me to get back to work.

ALMA: Can I stay and play with the kittens, Papi?

PAPI: As long as it's okay with Mr. Ramirez, eh?

MR. RAMIREZ: i¡Claro que sí! I need all the help I can get.

ALMA: Sa-weet! I always wanted to be a kitty -sitter.

PAPI: i¡Hasta pronto!

ALMA: Bye! MR. RAMIREZ:Bye-bye, Rubén!

[kitten meows]

MR. RAMIREZ: Okay, gatito.


MR. RAMIREZ: I've gotta get back to work...


ALMA: You're right, kitty! It's time for a tour!

ALMA: That's the front of the store.

And that's the back of the store.

Any questions?

[playful music]

[meows and purring]

ALMA: All right, kittens! You can go back to being cute!

ALMA: Wow, you're great climbers...

ALMA: [gasp]

[shoes tumble onto the floor] [meowing]

MR. RAMIREZ: Ay! [chuckles] And very sneaky.

MR. RAMIREZ: Con permiso. I've got a shoe to fix.


[loud kitten meows]

MR. RAMIREZ: Whoa! How'd you do that?

ALMA: I gotcha...

ALMA: [gasp] Heyyy! Come back here, kittens!

ALMA: Phew! Kitty-sitting is tiring!



ALMA: Oof... I can't believe I'm saying this but...

I think this is way, way, waaaay too many cats.

MR. RAMIREZ: Ohh my...

[loud kitten meows]

ALMA: Are you sure you want to take care of ALL them?

MR. RAMIREZ: Hmmm...

I said I would... And they're so adorable.

[more shoes drop to the floor]

MR. RAMIREZ: [gasp]

MR. RAMIREZ: But... it's hard to work with them here.

I don't think I can keep them all.


[more shoes hit the floor]

MR. RAMIREZ: i¡Ayyy... gatitos!

ALMA: I wonder if there's something I can do

to help Mr. Ramirez and the cats?

I gotta think about this...

MR. RAMIREZ: He's been great company while I work...

ALMA: Hmmm... Mr. Ramirez loves having Checkers in his shop...

ALMA: But Checkers and four kittens...

Eesh. That's too many for this small shop.

PAPI: [laughing] You should come on my Animal Show, Checkers.

My viewers love cats!

ALMA: Ah-ha! That's it! I know what to do!

[kitten meows]

ALMA: Mr. Ramirez, I think I know what we can do with the kittens!

MR. RAMIREZ: What do you have in mind, Alma?

ALMA: We're gonna find purrr-ever homes for these kittens!

MR. RAMIREZ: i¡Buena idea, Alma!...

But how are we going to find homes for all these kittens?

ALMA: Can you call my Papi again?

MR. RAMIREZ: Ahh, sí... I think I know where you're going with this.

[telephone dialing]

ALMA: ¿Papi? How'd you like to have the cutest kittens in the Bronx

on your Animal Show?


PAPI: --! [beep] And we're LIVE!

ALMA: Hello Bronx! We've got four adorable kittens

looking for their forever homes!

MR. RAMIREZ: This one's a little shy, but he's a BIG cuddler.


[Women giggle]

ALMA: This one's got tons of energy and could play ALL day!

ALMA: This kitty loves playing tag - and hiding in sneakers!

MR. RAMIREZ: And this little guy loves company,

and would do well in a house with other cats.

[kitten meows]

ALMA: They're so tiny.

MR. RAMIREZ: And sooo fluffy...

ALMA/MR. RAMIREZ: And way way way ADORABLE!!

PAPI: And each kitten comes with their sh*ts

and a clean health report.

ALMA: So call the Animal Clinic if you want a kitty!

MR. RAMIREZ: And help us give these cute kittens new forever homes!


PAPI: That's a wrap!

[phones start to ring]

[loud knock on window]


ALMA: I think they're all here for the kittens!

PAPI: I guess they're cat people, just like you.

MR. RAMIREZ: That's me!

I love being a Cat Guy! [chuckles]

[phones keep ringing]

ALMA: These little guys are gonna get great purrr-ever homes!

But I think we're gonna need more kittens!

[crowd commotion]



ALMA: "“Stickball"”

PAPI: It's a good day for a game, eh?

MAMI: Mm-hmm.

PAPI: Ahh. Que día tan chévere.

ABUELO: [stretching]

ALMA: A stick, and a ball. That's all the grown-ups need to play...


Who's ready to play some stickball?!


MAMI: You know, Alma, when I was your age,

I was the only kid who could hit the ball past two manhole covers.

ALMA: Wow!

Mami is the best stickball player in the Bronx.

MAMI: I don't mean to brag,

but I'm the best stickball player in the Bronx.

[car honks]

PAPI: Gracias, Almita... This old broom will make a great bat!


PAPI: Time to decide on the rules, Lulú.

ALMA: Wait, aren't there rules already?

MAMI: Well, since we're playing on a new street today,

we've got to decide where the bases will be.

PAPI: And since every street is different, the rules change every time.

ALMA: Ohh, that makes sense!

PAPI: Almita, will you mark the bases for us?

ALMA: i¡Lista!

PAPI: Let's say home base is right here.

ALMA: One home base -- coming up!

PAPI: First base can be.. that hydrant.

MAMI: Nope. The lamp post is first base.

PAPI: No. Hydrant.

MAMI: Lamp post.

PAPI: Hydrant.

MAMI: Lamp post.

PAPI: Hydrant.

MAMI: Lamp post.

PAPI: Fine.

MAMI: Mwah.

ALMA: [breath] Whew!

MAMI: Second base is the manhole.

PAPI: Mm-hmm.

MAMI: And third, is that bucket.

PAPI: Mm-hmm, okay!

MAMI: Okay, now for the home run rules...

PAPI: Okay. It's a home run if you can hit the ball

past that street sign for the boulevard.

MAMI: Sounds good. Let's keep it interesting and say:

You have to hit the ball in the air?

PAPI: Nah. On a bounce.

MAMI: Air?

PAPI: Bounce.

MAMI: Air!

PAPI: Bounce.

MAMI: Air?!

PAPI: Bounce!

MAMI: Okay, okay, está bien. Bounce.

MAMI/PAPI: [giggle]

PAPI: Gracias, amorcito.

MAMI: I love arguing over the rules!

[blows kiss] Te quiero, Rubén.

But my team is gonna win!!

PAPI: [laughs] May the best team win.

And, that's US. Woot, woot!

NEA and MR. RAMIREZ: Woot, woot!

NEA: You know who it is!



GLORIA: Let's go! ABUELO: i¡Vamos!

ALMA: Vamos, Mami's team! Go, go, go!

PAPI: [chuckles] ¿Y yo qué? What about my team? Huh?

ALMA: Oh! Uh, whoops! Go Papi's team too!

GLORIA: Show us what you got, sis!

MAMI: I'm dedicating this home run to you, baby!

MAMI: [grunt]

GLORIA: Woohoo! ABUELO: i¡Wepa!

ALMA: [gasp]

ALMA: It went past the street sign! That's a...


[stick clatters on the ground]

GLORIA: Go! That's ma, sis! You better go, sis, go!

ABUELO: i¡Corre! Bravo! ALMA: Go, Mami!!!

[crowd clapping]

MAMI: [blows kiss] i¡Hola, Rubén!

PAPI: [chuckles] Hi, Lulú.

[Crowd clapping] ALMA: Oh yeah!

Mami you were ah-may-zing!

You were all Mami, you were like--

[Imitates hitting ball and crowd cheers]

MAMI: '‘Ey, [chuckles] Nice swing, Almita!

Maybe you should get your friends together and play with us?

ALMA: [gasp] For real, Mami?!

MAMI: For real-real! Go round '‘em up!

ALMA: Okay!

ALMA: My friends are gonna love playing stickball.

HOWARD: [stretching] Ahh... Yes, let's go.

RAFIA: Whenever you're ready, Howard.

HOWARD: Hmm... mmm.


I'm still stretching, Rafia.

ALMA: I've got news!

RAFIA: Hi ,Alma! ANDREÉ:What's up!?

HOWARD: Hold on, Alma. Howard's at bat!

HOWARD: Hm-mm. [humming]


ANDREÉ: Swing, batta -batta -battah...

sa-wing battah!

HOWARD: [effort] Yes!


ALMA: Go, Howard! Go!

[Andre claps]

HOWARD: Safe! Let me hear ya yell; 'How-ard!'

HOWARD: I SAID, let me hear ya, yell:



HOWARD: A little louder for the fans in the up-high seats!


HOWARD: Ah, there's nothing like playing outside,

running the bases and hearing the fans cheer.

[All laugh]

ALMA: THAT'S Howard!

HOWARD: Man, I really love baseball.

ANDREÉ: So what's the news, Alma?

ALMA: My Mami asked US to play stickball with the grown-ups. Who's in?


I mean, I've never played. But I'm usually great at everything.

ANDREÉ: I haven't played either. But, I'll give it a shot.

ALMA: So, whaddya say, Howard?

HOWARD: Hmm...

What kind of stick are we talking about? A branch? A twig?

Will the stick give me splinters? I don't like splinters.

ALMA: [shivers] NOBODY likes splinters.

ALMA: This is it. See, no splinters!

HOWARD: That looks like an old broom.

ALMA: It is! I mean, it WAS.

HOWARD: Can't we play with my baseball bat?

It's made just for hitting balls.

ALMA: But, Howard, in stickball, the stick IS the bat.

ANDREÉ: I'm good with trying it.

RAFIA: Yeah me too. C'mon, Howard!

HOWARD: I'm still thinking.

ANDREÉ: What are the rules, Alma?

ALMA: We make them up.

HOWARD: Whoa, whoa, whoa, and WHOA! There are NO rules?!

How can you play a game when the rules are different all the time?

RAFIA: Actually, that sounds fun.

ANDREÉ: Where do you play stickball?

ALMA: Well, we can practice here. But you play it in the street.

HOWARD: Seriously?! In the street?!!!

Alma, you know my mom doesn't let me play in the street.

HOWARD: Okay, let me get this straight...

You play with a broom. There are no real rules.

And you play in the street?!

ALMA: Exactly! Are you in?!

HOWARD: No thank you!!! Howard is out!

[ball bounces]

ALMA: I don't get it. Howard would love stickball!

But, why doesn't he want to play?

I gotta think about this...

HOWARD: Man, I really love baseball.

ALMA: He really does! So I was sure Howard would love stickball too.

MAMI: [effort]

GLORIA: Woohoo! ABUELO: i¡Wepa!


GLORIA: Go! That's ma, sis! You better go, sis, go!

ALMA: I mean, stickball is a lot like baseball,

so why wouldn't he want to play?

HOWARD: You play with a broom. There are no real rules.

And you play in the STREET?!

ALMA: Ohhh! I didn't tell him

everything he might like about stickball.

[gasp] I know what to do.

[bounces ball]

ALMA: Hey, Howard, I didn't explain the game very well to you.

Can I try again?

HOWARD: [hesitating] Okaaaay.

ALMA: Stickball is a lot like baseball.

HOWARD: Uh, no it's not. In baseball you have rules and a bat and bases!

ALMA: Stickball has all of that.

Some of the rules can change, like where the bases are.

'‘Cause every street's a little different.

HOWARD: But my mom says playing in the street is not safe.

ALMA: She's right. But with stickball, the street is closed.

There are no cars and lots of adults are watching.

HOWARD: But what about my bat? Why can't I play with that?

ALMA: In stickball, the stick IS the bat.

ALMA: There's nothing like playing stickball outside, running the bases

and hearing the fans cheer, right?!

HOWARD: That does sound like fun.

ALMA: So, will you play?

HOWARD: Hmm... Well.... Umm...

I'm in!

ALMA: [gasps] Great!!!

RAFIA: Yayyy! ANDREÉ: Yess!

ALMA: Let's do a practice game before we play against the grown -ups.

ALMA: Let's make things interesting

and decide whether we hit on a bounce or in the air.


ALMA: You gotta argue with me to make the rules.

Soo, bounce?

HOWARD: Sounds good to me.


ALMA: We gotta ARGUE. For fun!

HOWARD: I don't feel like arguing.

Actually, I'm feeling very agreeable today.


HOWARD: Fine fine... In the air!

RAFIA: On the bounce!

HOWARD: In the air!

RAFIA: Bounce!


RAFIA: Bounce!



HOWARD: Bounce it is!

ALMA: That's what I'm talking about!

ALMA: Play ball!

[crowd murmur]

ALMA: Yeah!! ANDREÉ: Oh yeah!! Woohoo! RAFIA: Go, Howard!

[crowd clapping]

MAMI: Show us what ya got, Howard!

HOWARD: [effort]

[Everyone cheering and clapping]

GLORIA: [effort]

PAPI/ABUELO: [effort] /Howard, Howard, Howard!!

ALMA: Safe!

HOWARD: Let me hear ya yell, '‘How-aaaard!'

ALMA/ANDREÉ/RAFIA: How -aaaarrrd!


ANDREÉ/RAFIA: Swing battah -battah-bbattah! Sa-wing battah!

HOWARD: Bring me hoooome, Alma!


ALMA/RAFIA: [gasp]

ALMA: It's a home run!


[Everyone chanting] ALMA! ALMA! ALMA!

[Whole crowd cheering]

MAMI: That's my girl!

[Crowd Cheers] Yeah, yeah! Go, Ho -warddd!!!

ALMA: I don't mean to brag...

but I might be the best stickball player in the Bronx...

Well... after my Mami.

ALMA: Go, Rafia! NEA: i¡Wepa! ANDREÉ : Yeah!!

PAPI: Very good!

[Crowd cheering]

[subway rumbles by overhead]
