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01x28 - Community Campout/Leaf It to Alma

Posted: 12/31/23 11:55
by bunniefuu
♪ Waahoooa yay! [♪♪♪]

♪ Vamonos!

♪Lo le lo lai, lo lai lai lo le, ♪

♪ it's Alma's Way!

♪ Here she comes,

♪beaming with pride and something to say! ♪

♪ Hear those drums?

♪ Playing Alma's Way.

♪ From the Bronx,

♪ singing a le lo lai, lai lo lei! ♪

♪ Our island songs,

♪ saying Alma's Way!

♪So many questions, so much to explain. ♪

♪ Hoh! ♪ Figure it out as you hop on the train. ♪

♪Hoo!♪ ♪♪With Mami, Papi,Junior and Abuelo, mi gente.

♪ I'll think it through and share it with you, ♪

♪ come on vente!

♪ There she goes!

♪Learning about her world every day. ♪

♪ The whole world knows,

♪ it's Alma's Way...

♪ Alma's Way!

♪i¡Wepa! ♪

[train rumbling by] ♪♪♪

ALMA: "“Community Campout"”

ALMA: You will never guess where

we're going to sleep tonight...

On a ROOF! I'll show you!

[door creaking]


FRANKIE: Welcome to the Community Center Campout!


And I thought you could only camp in the woods!

FRANKIE: Nah, we roof camping.

And we still outside, under the stars.

ALMA: Isn't this sa-weet?

RAFIA: Hey, Alma!

Hi, Howard!

HOWARD: Hey, Rafia, where am I sleeping?

LUCAS: Howard, over here! You're in my tent.


FRANKIE: '‘Eeeyyy, we got a campfire!

ALMA: Like a real fire?

FRANKIE: Nah, this one's paper,

so it's safe to have on the roof.

RAFIA: Check it out!

RAFIA: My mom and I made these.

ALMA: Ah-may-zing!

MRS. HUDA: Ah-may-zing and delicious!

[chuckles] Here.

This is called Moong Pakon Pitha.

I loved it when I was your age!

ALMA: Thanks, Mrs. Huda.



and I love it at this age too! [chuckles]

RAFIA: Whaddya think?

ALMA: Yummy!

ALMA: Mmm! It's so good!

RAFIA: I know. I helped make it.

RAFIA/MRS. HUDA: [laughing]

[sleeping bag flops open]

ALMA: Look who's here!

RAFIA: Captain Banana!

Hey! Welcome to our tent!

ALMA: [silly voice] I'm way way way excited.

I've never slept outside before.

RAFIA: Me neither.

RAFIA: My tummy's feeling all flippy-floppy.

ALMA: I'm kinda nervous too.

But that's why Captain Banana's here.

Did you bring Boo Boo Fluffy?

RAFIA: Nah, I left it at home.

ALMA: Oh, you did?

RAFIA: Well... uhm..

FRANKIE: Alma! Rafia! Story time!

RAFIA: Uh, C'mon! Let's go.

ALMA: Huh.

Rafia always sleeps with Boo Boo Fluffy.

FRANKIE: Okay campers!

Ya'll can't have a campfire without a campfire story!

And I've got a good one!

ALMA: Is it a scary story?

FRANKIE: Mm-hmm!

ALMA: Is it way, way, way scary?


FRANKIE: It's only a little scary,

but it's a little funny too.

ALMA: I like to be a little bit scared,

but not too scared.

Let's hear it, Frankie!

FRANKIE: Alright,

but it's gonna get...

spoooky up in here!

KIDS: Oooh!

RAFIA: [giggles]

FRANKIE: So check it,

there was a pair of sneakers...

that was magical.

KIDS: Ooooh!

FRANKIE: [chuckles]

And could dance on their own.

LUCAS: Did they have moves like this?

LUCAS: Doo-do-do-doo! Doo-do-do-doo!

KIDS: [giggles]

FRANKIE: Yo man,

maybe not as smooth as that.

But they danced the mashed potato,

la pachanga, even tap danced.


FRANKIE: [imitates tap dancing sounds] Tap, tap, tippity, tap tap!

Tippity-tap, tippity-tap, tippity-tap, ha! [continues]

ALMA: Uhh... Frankie?

FRANKIE: ...tap-tap-tippity... [stops short]

KIDS: [giggles]

FRANKIE: Oh, right.

FRANKIE: So these sneakers danced everywhere!

HARPER: Like at the playground?

FRANKIE: Mm-hmm.

ALMA: On this block?

FRANKIE: For sure!

HOWARD: On this roof?

FRANKIE: [sinister chuckle] Definitely on this roof!

ALMA: For real?

HOWARD: [gulps] Time out!

I need to get something.

FRANKIE: I gotchu.

HOWARD: Ah, much better.

Time in!

FRANKIE: But the sneakers only came out at night.

Tap, tap, tappity, tap, tap!

HARPER: [gasp]

FRANKIE: Time out?

HARPER: Yes, please.

FRANKIE: Anyone else?

LUCAS: Uh, me! ALMA: And me!

MRS. HUDA: Come here! [Speaking Bengali]

MRS. HUDA: I thought...

you might want Boo Boo Fluffy tonight.

ALMA: Aw, there's Boo Boo Fluffy!

RAFIA: Uhh.. here!

RAFIA: Oh wait.. It's okay.

ALMA: I like spooky stories...

but I like them a lot more when I can

snuggle with Captain Banana.

Kids: [sigh happily]

FRANKIE: All good?

KIDS: Mm-hmm!

ALMA: [whispering] Hey, Rafia,

what about Boo Boo Fluffy?

I thought I saw you with--

RAFIA: I'm fine without her.

FRANKIE: Sooo where was I?

Oh yeah!

Tap, tap, tappity, tap. Tap, tap...

Just when you thought

you could go to sleep...

[yells] TAP!!!

KIDS: Ahh!

LUCAS: And then what happened?

FRANKIE: No one could go to sleep.

They were all like,

"Man, I'm so tired!"

FRANKIE: But the sneakers wouldn't stop!


FRANKIE: Tap, tap, tippity, tap.

FRANKIE: Tap, tap, tippity, tap, tap, tippity, tap, tap!

ALMA: [whispering] Boo Boo Fluffy!

FRANKIE: All night... and from everywhere!


FRANKIE: But then,

it stopped...


[clattering dishes] KIDS /FRANKIE: [gasps]

MRS. HUDA: Oops! Sorry!

That was me, not the magic sneakers!

Kids: [giggle]

ALMA: You okay, Rafia?

RAFIA: All good.

Frankie, what happens next?


The sneakers were covered with

mushy garden stuff like

tomatoes, cucumbers, and zucchini.

ALMA: Hmm,

maybe Rafia wants Boo Boo Fluffy

but doesn't want to

miss the story?


FRANKIE: [continues telling story]

ALMA: Mrs. Huda,

can I bring Boo Boo Fluffy to Rafia, please?

MRS. HUDA: That's a great idea.

Thanks, Alma.

FRANKIE [continues story]

FRANKIE: Fluffy slippers...

tap dancing shoes, uh uh uh...

bowling shoes, soccer shoes, penny loafers...

FRANKIE: Every kind of shoe...

ALMA: Huh,

guess she doesn't want her.


thanks, Mrs. Huda.

MRS. HUDA: Okay!

FRANKIE: They danced all together!

All the magic shoes danced through the city

until they found a roof...

like this one...

where kids were camping out...

KIDS: [gasp]

FRANKIE: And they danced on top of their tents...

tippity TAP!






ALMA: [shouting over Frankie's voice] RAFIA!



HOWARD: What or who is a Boo Boo Fluffy?


ALMA: Whoa, what just happened?

I-I was just trying to help Rafia feel better.

ALMA: [sigh] I gotta think about this.

Kids: [sigh happily]

ALMA: Everyone felt better

holding the things they loved.

RAFIA: Nah, I left it at home.

ALMA: But Rafia didn't even bring

Boo Boo Fluffy.

Her mom did!

ALMA: I tried to help by asking if she wanted it.

And asking...

and asking... and asking!

Oh... I see what I did there.

I know what to do.

I've gotta talk to Rafia.

ALMA: Hi, Rafia...


ALMA: How's it going?

RAFIA: Fine.

MRS. HUDA: [kisses Rafia]

ALMA: Sorry I kept bringing up Boo Boo Fluffy.

RAFIA: It's okay.

I love Boo Boo...

I've had her since I was a baby.

RAFIA: But she's torn and old and...

doesn't even fit me, see?

ALMA/RAFIA: [giggle]

RAFIA: I guess I didn't want

everyone to see her like this...

But having her does make me feel better.

ALMA: Just like I love Captain Banana

and our friends like their things...

RAFIA: You know, you're right!

RAFIA: Hey, Boo Boo Fluffy,

I need you for this story.

RAFIA: [silly voice] Yay! I love campfire stories!

RAFIA: Everyone,

meet Boo Boo Fluffy.

This was my hat when I was a baby and I LOVE her!

LUCAS: Aww! So snuggly! HARPER: It's so cute! HOWARD: Aww!

RAFIA: My mom made her for me!

MRS. HUDA: I keep telling Rafia

that I can make her a new Boo Boo Fluffy,

but she keeps saying "“no."”

RAFIA: Nope, THIS is my Boo Boo Fluffy!

Okay, Frankie,

I'm ready to finish the scary story.

HARPER: Finish the story! HOWARD: Yeah! C'mon, Frankie! LUCAS: Please! Please!

FRANKIE: You got it!

FRANKIE: Um... where was I?

KIDS: Tap, tap, tippity, tap...

RAFIA: On the tents!

FRANKIE : Right!

The kids peeked out of their tents

and saw the dancing shoes...


FRANKIE: Shoes on the left!

Shoes on the right!

FRANKIE: And then one kid, the bravest one,

shouted out: '‘DAAAAANCE BREAK!'

And they all got up and danced with the shoes!


KIDS: DANCE BREAK!! [giggles]

RAFIA: Woo-hoo!

LUCAS: Alright! Okay! I see your moves!

ALMA: Captain Banana loves to break it down.

RAFIA: Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Yeah!

ALMA: And so does Boo Boo Fluffy! [chuckles]

RAFIA: Go, Boo Boo! Go, Boo Boo!

FRANKIE: Tap, tap, tippity, tappity, tippity, tap!

♪♪♪ [train rumbles by]



ALMA: "“Leaf it to Alma!"”

PAPI: Ay, mira. Qué bonito.

[camera click]

PAPI: Oh, that's nice!

[leaves crunching] ALMA: Hear that?

[leaves crunching]

ALMA: I love how crunchy the leaves get in the fall.

ALMA/JUNIOR: Crunch, crunch, crunch...

PAPI: Can't LEAF a single one uncrunched.

Get it? [chuckles]

ALMA/JUNIOR: [laugh]

RAFIA: Junior! LUCAS: Alma!

PAPI: Hey, Owen!

LUCAS: Have you seen all the leaves?

RAFIA: So many! So, so many!

ALMA: Are you thinking what I'm thinking?



ALMA: Hi Rose! Can we help you collect the leaves?

RAFIA: Yeah, we wanna jump into them!

KIDS: Please?

ROSE: Sure! Follow me!

ROSE: Rake your hearts out, kiddos.

But be careful. Oh! And if you feel like it..

ROSE: Dance!

KIDS: [laugh]


RAFIA: Ready? Race ya to the leaves!



JUNIOR: Hmmm....


ALMA: Biggest pile! I win!

RAFIA: But I was the fastest!

LUCAS: Junior's is definitely the neatest.

JUNIOR: I put my leaves in order from crunchy to really crunchy.

RAFIA: Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

ALMA: Time to jump!

PAPI: First, let's make sure these piles are safe for jumping.

Hmmm... mmhmm...

PAPI: Mmhmm, mmhmm.

PAPI: Mmhmm. All clear! Jump away!

ALMA: Sa-weet! LUCAS: Woo! RAFIA: Woo-hoo! JUNIOR: Yay!!

LUCAS: I'm coming for you, leaves!

JUNIOR: Whoa! Yeah! [chuckles]

RAFIA: Woo! [giggles]

JUNIOR: Crunch! Crunch! Crunch! [chuckles]

ALMA: Check this out!



ALMA: Huh? What was that?

JUNIOR: Sounds like a baby dinosaur.

LUCAS: Nah, that's just my dad.


PAPI: i¡Vamos, niños!

RAFIA: Time for us to go, Lucas.


ALMA: Aww for real?

We just started jumping.

RAFIA: I know. I haven't even done my best jump yet.

ROSE: Hey, no worries.

Take the leaves home and jump in them later.

ROSE: You don't have to LEAF them here!

Get it? "Leaf" them here? [laughs]

KIDS: [giggling]

RAFIA: More leaves!


[camera click]

PAPI: More leaves? [chuckles] Okay!

OWEN: [whistles]

PAPI: Let's just keep '‘em outside the house.

LUCAS: See ya later! RAFIA: Bye!

ALMA: This is gonna be way way WAY sweet!

PAPI: i¡Qué maravilla! I love all these colors!

[wind whistling]


ALMA: Oh no, runaway leaves!

JUNIOR: Gotcha!

ALMA: Got '‘em!

ALMA: We need




PAPI: Another good picture! These leaves are so colourful!

JUNIOR: Small slices! Big apple!


ALMA: Junior, Ready to leaf jump?


JUNIOR: Yay! ALMA: Leaves!

ALMA: [giggles] JUNIOR: Crunchy! Not so crunchy!

ALMA: Leaves! Leaves!

JUNIOR: Mmm, really crunchy!

PAPI: Oooo, that's a good one!

ALMA: And...time!

ALMA: Still the biggest pile!

JUNIOR: And mine's still the neatest and the crunchiest.

ALMA: Papi, can you make sure it's safe to jump into these piles?

PAPI: Mmhmm...

All clear! Brinquen.

ALMA: Yes! JUNIOR: Woo-hoo!

[wind whistling]

JUNIOR: [gasp]

[effort] Got it!

JUNIOR: Here you go, Alma!

ALMA: Thanks, Junior!

ALMA: I can't decide if I should do a two-footed leaf jump

or a one-footed jump.


JUNIOR: Alma, let's jump together!

ALMA Sa-weet! On three...

ALMA/JUNIOR: ... ... [wind whistling]

ALMA: Ahh! Our leaves!

JUNIOR: Catch '‘em, Alma, catch '‘em! PAPI: Huh?

PAPI: Uh-huh! La tengo.

ALMA: [effort]

JUNIOR: [effort] PAPI: I got it, Agárrala, Junior!

ALMA: [effort]

PAPI: i¡Agarra esa, Junior!

ALMA: Uh, missed it! [effort]

JUNIOR: Almost!

ALMA: Aww...

PAPI: Ayy...

JUNIOR: Adiós, leaves.

ALMA: Aww, my pile's not big enough to jump into anymore.

JUNIOR: Mine isn't even big enough for my foot. [sighs]

PAPI: Lo siento, niños.

JUNIOR: I'm gonna go play with Steggie.

ALMA: [sigh] I just want to jump, but I need more leaves.

Oh! Maybe there's some in the front yard.

ALMA: Here's one...

and one more...

And another...

RAFIA: Ugh. I don't have enough leaves to jump in anymore.

ALMA: Me neither!

The wind blew most of mine away.

RAFIA: Mine too! I'm trying to find some more.

ALMA: There may be some in Eddie's back yard.

ALMA: You can check if you want.

RAFIA: Really? Thanks, Alma!


ALMA: Ooh! More leaves!

LUCAS: ♪I could build a rocket to the stars...♪

ALMA: Hey, that sounds like Lucas.

LUCAS:♪There's nothing I can't do. ♪

♪ As long as I'm with you.

ALMA: Hey, whatcha doin'?

LUCAS: Well these are all the leaves I have left after the wind blew '‘em.

So, I'm pretending they're my audience.

LUCAS: [sigh] But I'd rather be jumping into them

ALMA: Yeah, same. I'm gonna try to find some more.

LUCAS: See ya later!

LUCAS: ♪I could build a rocket to the stars... ♪

JUNIOR: Nice form, Steggie! They're crunchy, right?

[in a gruff voice] Roar! Super-duper crunchy!

Want to jump with me, Junior?

[In his regular voice] I wish I could

but there aren't enough leaves for me.


[leaf rustling]

RAFIA: [sighs]

I win.. again... [sigh]

Wanna play, Alma?

RAFIA: I didn't have enough leaves to jump into,

so I made this obstacle course instead.

ALMA: No, thanks. I'm gonna see if my pile's big enough with what I found.

RAFIA: Okay...

ALMA: Nope. Still too small.

ALMA: Maybe I should give up trying to make a big pile?

[sighs] I dunno.

I gotta think about this.

JUNIOR: [sighs]

RAFIA: [sighs]

LUCAS: [sighs]

ALMA: We all wanna jump in our leaves, but we can't.

We don't have enough.

ALMA: We each need a pile

that's as big as what we had at the park.

ALMA: But all the piles we have are small...

JUNIOR: Small slices! Big apple!

Small... Big!

ALMA: Wait a minute...

Small... big...

That's it!

I know what to do!

ALMA: Rafia, I'm gonna need all of your leaves, please!

RAFIA: Uh... really?

ALMA: Uh-huh.

If we combine all our small piles of leaves,

then we'll have one BIG pile.

RAFIA: Ohhh...

big enough for everyone to jump into!

You should take ALL my leaves, Alma!

ALMA: Thanks!

ALMA: C'mon, let's get more leaves!

RAFIA: Junior, can we have your leaves?

ALMA: So we can make a really big pile to jump into?

JUNIOR: What do you think, Steggie? Okay! We're in!

LUCAS: ♪As long as I'm with you. ♪

[wind whistling]

LUCAS: [sighs]

Uh, hey, what's up?

ALMA: Can we have your leaves to make a big pile to jump into?


LUCAS: ♪You can take my leaves! ♪

JUNIOR: It's not the neatest or the crunchiest pile but...

LUCAS: It's the biggest!

JUNIOR: Mm-hmm.

ALMA: ¿Papi?

PAPI: Hmm.. Mm-hmm. Uh-huh.

It's safe. Jump away!

LUCAS: Thanks!

ALMA: i¡Wepa!

RAFIA: Woo-hoo!

JUNIOR: Are you thinking what I'm thinking?


RAFIA: Ready.. set.. GO! [giggles]

JUNIOR: Oh, yeah! The leaves are fine!

LUCAS: Woo-hoo! Doo-do-dooo! Do-do-do-doo!

ALMA: Wooo-hoo!

You're up, Papi!

PAPI: [chuckles] Nah, nah, nah, nah.

JUNIOR/ALMA: i¡Papi! iPapi! i¡Papi!

PAPI: Okay, okay. Count me in, por favor!

KIDS: ...




PAPI: Ahhh!


[chuckles] Get it? Get it?

KIDS: [laugh]

JUNIOR: Good one, Papi!

ALMA: Oh, Papi!

ALMA: Can you be-LEAF

we have enough leaves to FALL into?


EVERYONE: [laughs] PAPI: Ay, ay, ay.
