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01x24 - Lucas Left Out/The Sweetest Treat

Posted: 12/31/23 11:52
by bunniefuu
♪ Waahoooa yay! [♪♪♪]

♪ Vamonos!

♪Lo le lo lai, lo lai lai lo le, ♪

♪ it's Alma's Way!

♪ Here she comes,

♪beaming with pride and something to say! ♪

♪ Hear those drums?

♪ Playing Alma's Way.

♪ From the Bronx,

♪ singing a le lo lai, lai lo lei, ♪

♪ Our island songs,

♪ saying Alma's Way!

♪So many questions, So much to explain. ♪

♪ Hoh! ♪ Figure it out as you hop on the train. ♪

♪Hoo! ♪ ♪With Mami, Papi, Junior and Abuelo, mi gente. ♪

♪ I'll think it through and share it with you, ♪

♪ come on vente!

♪ There she goes!

♪Learning about her world every day. ♪

♪ The whole world knows,

♪ it's Alma's Way...

♪ Alma's Way! ♪

♪¡Wepa! ♪


ALMA: "Lucas Left Out"



JUNIOR: [giggles]

OWEN: I think they're excited to go to the Statue of Liberty.

ALMA: There!

We've been planning our trip

to the Statue of Liberty for a month!

So, first we'll get on the subway here, in the Bronx...

JUNIOR: All aboard to the Statue of Liberty!

Are we going to pass the Sweat Sox Stadium?

EDDIE: Yep, right around... here.

JUNIOR: Bing-Bong! Whoosh!

Sweat Sox Stadium, all aboard!

ALMA: We'll take the train

into Manhattan,

and then ride all the way down here.

LUCAS: Is that where we get on the ferry?

EDDIE: Mmhmm.

And we'll ride it across the river

to Liberty Island!

ALMA: To see the Statue of Liberty!

LUCAS: Oh that's gonna be awesome!

I haven't been there since I was a little kid!


ALMA: Me neither! I've always wanted a foam crown.

EDDIE: Me too!

I'm going to get a new crown!


JUNIOR: Do you think they have crowns for dogs?

EDDIE: Maybe!

LUCAS: We're going to have so much fun at the Statue of Liberty together!

LUCAS: [sniffles]

[sniffles] Aaah...

ah.. ah.. [holding in a sneeze]

Aaah. [sigh of relief]


EDDIE¡Salud! JUNIOR:Bless you!

ALMA: Are you okay, Lucas?

LUCAS: [sounding stuffed up] Totally fine. Never better.

OWEN: Huh, I'm not so sure...

You were sniffling last night too.

LUCAS: [sigh] I'm fine...

OWEN: Hmmm, warm.

Let's get you home, Lucas.

LUCAS: Ah-ah-ah-ahh-CHOO!

[sniffles] Okay.

See you tomorrow.

OWEN: Sorry, buddy.

Seems like you're getting a bad cold...

so you're gonna have to sit this one out.

LUCAS: Wha-- Huh?!

But I wanna go with my friends!

OWEN: Yeah... You'll have to go with them another time. Okay?

LUCAS: (disappointed) Aww... Have a great time...


OWEN: Bye, everybody.


ALMA: Lucas seems really bummed.

Hey, Lucas, we'll take lots of pictures for you, okay?

LUCAS: (glum) Thanks. Ah-choo! Bye.

ALMA: Hmm.

[subway passing by]

ALMA: Our trip to the Statue of Liberty last week


I'm going to Lucas', Abuelo!


ALMA: I can't wait to tell Lucas all about it!

Lucas, hey, Lucas! You up there?

LUCAS: Oh! Hi, Alma.

ALMA: How are you feeling?

LUCAS: All better!

ALMA: Sweet! Come on down! I have something for you.

LUCAS: [gasp]

LUCAS: What is it?

ALMA: TA-DA! A new Statue of Liberty crown! Just like you wanted!

LUCAS: Oh... thanks, Alma.

ALMA: Aren't you gonna put it on?

LUCAS: Maybe later.

ALMA: I thought he'd be more excited about his new crown.

Oh! Let me show you the pictures we took!

Check it out!

This is us on the subway... [laughing] Junior always falls asleep.

ALMA: THIS is us on the ferry.

It was SO windy!

And THIS is us at the Statue of Liberty!

She's so much bigger and greener than I thought!

ALMA: The Statue of Liberty is saaaa-weet, right?!

LUCAS: Yeah, those pictures are great, but... [sighs]

I just wish I could've been there with you.

Thanks. Later, Alma.

ALMA: I thought Lucas would want to see our pictures.

But he still seems bummed that he missed our trip.

Hmm, what could I do to cheer him up?

I gotta think about this...

LUCAS: That's gonna be awesome! I haven't been there since I was a little kid!

We're going to have so much fun at the Statue of Liberty together!

ALMA: Lucas was REALLY excited about our trip.

ALMA: The Statue of Liberty is saaaa-weet, right?!

LUCAS: Yeah, those pictures are great, but...

[sigh] I just wish I could've been there with you.

ALMA: I think he was more excited to see it WITH us...

ALMA: Hmmm... I wish we could've brought the Statue of Liberty back to the Bronx...

but that's not possible...

or is it?

Ohhhh, I know what to do!

And Lucas is gonna love it!

[rubber ball squeak]

CHACHO: [grunt] EDDIE /JUNIOR: [laughs]

[rubber ball squeak]

ALMA: Hey, Eddie! Junior!

Help me bring the Statue of Liberty to the Bronx!

EDDIE: Whaaaa?! JUNIOR:/Huh?!

[intercom buzzer]

LUCAS: [through speaker] Hello?

ALMA: It's Alma! Come quick!

LUCAS: Dad, I'm gonna hang out with Alma.

OK, I'm coming, Alma.


LUCAS: What's up?

ALMA: You gotta come with me!

LUCAS: Where are we going?

ALMA: I can't tell you because it's a surprise!

But I can tell you that it's a good surprise.

LUCAS: [gasp]

ALMA: C'mon, hurry!

LUCAS: Okay.


LUCAS: What's happening?

ALMA: Since you missed our trip,

we're going to give you a special Statue of Liberty tour!

EDDIE: Right here in the Bronx!

LUCAS: For real?!

ALMA: Yep! And we're gonna do it together!

EDDIE: C'mon, the train's here!

LUCAS: Uhhh, okay! When do we leave?

GLORIA: Ding-dong! This is the downtown train to Bowling Green.

ALMA: Let's go!

LUCAS: [claps] This is gonna be AWESOME!

GLORIA: Stand clear of the closing doors, please.


GLORIA: This is Sweat Sox Stadium Station.

LUCAS: Should we get off and see a baseball game?

EDDIE: Maybe on the way back.

GLORIA: Stand clear of the closing doors please!


CHACHO: [bark]

GLORIA: Excuse me, Sir, are you getting on?

You're holding up mah train!

ALMA: Come 'ere, boy!

CHACHO: [whimpers]

GLORIA: Hang on, everybody. This train is going express!

GLORIA: Screeeech-

EDDIE: Oops- ALMA: Oof-


GLORIA: This is... Bowling Green Station.

If you're going to the Statue of Liberty, this is your stop!

CHACHO: [yips]

LUCAS: Thank you for the subway ride, Ms. Gloria!

GLORIA: Just doing my job, Lucas!

CHACHO: [bark]

LUCAS: Is this where we take the ferry?

ALMA: Yep! But we're waiting for the [calling out] FERRY CAPTAIN!

NESTOR: 'tis I... Ah-ah- ohh! Oh, oh!

Captain Nestor, here to ferry you out yonder,

across the glorious New York Harbor to...

la Estatua de la Libertad!

ALMA: [laughs]


ALMA: He's taking us to the Statue of Liberty.

LUCAS: Gotcha!

NESTOR: ¡Epa! iWepa! ¡Wee! iVamos!

Acá, ven Let's set sail to Liberty Island!

KIDS: Yeah! Awesome! Woohoo!! Nice! Yeah! Alright!

CHACHO: [Barks]

ALMA: I hope you don't get seasick. [giggles]

CHACHO: [whimpers]

NESTOR: (singing)♪ Row, row, row your boat, ♪

♪ Across the Hudson RIVER!

♪ Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, ♪

♪ I-... I don't know what rhymes with river! ♪ Ha-ha!

A Ver, now everyone!

ALL: (singing)♪ Row, row, row your boat, ♪

♪ Across the Hudson RIVER!

♪ Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, ♪

♪ Don't know what rhymes with river! ♪


NESTOR: ¡Llegamos! Here we are at the majestic Liberty Island!

Don't forget any personal belongings, please.

NESTOR: Oh. [clears throat] Ma'am...?

CHACHO: [barks]

ALMA: Huh?

CHACHO: [whimpers]

ALMA: Ohhhh! [giggles] C'mon, Chacho!

NESTOR: Anchors away!

EDDIE: Welcome to Liberty Island!

LUCAS: Where's the Statue of Liberty?

ALMA: Yes... where IS the Statue of Liberty?!

[clears throat] Ah-ah-AHEM! Calling the Statue of Liberty!!


[door opens & closes]

LUCAS: [gasp]

♪[heroic music]

LUCAS: Whoa!

Wow! The statue is even greener than I remember.

But... not as big.


JUNIOR: I DO look good, don't I?

OWEN: I want to get a picture of all of you with the Statue of Liberty!

ALMA: Lucas, put on your crown!

LUCAS: Oh, yeah!

[camera clicks]

ALMA: (whispering) Junior, statues can't move!

JUNIOR: Well, this statue can! And it can dance, too!

JUNIOR: Uh-uh! Uh-uh-uh! Mmm! Aah! Yeah!

[camera shutter]

JUNIOR: O-o-o-o-ooo!! Yeah!


OWEN: Ooh, look at that one!

NESTOR: Mmm-hmm!

OWEN: Oh that's a good one!

GLORIA: Awww! So much fun!!

OWEN: Aw, that one's great.

NESTOR: ¡Qué guapos!

ALMA: So, Lucas... what do you think of our trip?

LUCAS: What do I think?

LUCAS: It... was...


My favorite part was when we got on the subway... ah, no, no --

Oh, uh, the ferry... no, the, uh... seeing the Statue.

I can't decide! I loved it all!

LUCAS: Ooh! I know! The best part was you doing this for ME!

Thanks so much!

ALMA: No prob! That's what friends do!

LUCAS: So... can we do it again?

ALMA: Sure!

EDDIE: Definitely!

JUNIOR: This time, can I be Super Statue of Liberty?!

[makes flying sounds]

♪[funky music]

Uh-huh! Mm-mm-mm. Oh yeah!

NESTOR: I like your moves, Super Statue! Hey-ya!

EDDIE/LUCAS: Woo! Wohoo! Oh yeah! Let's do this!

ALMA: Lucas might have missed the real Statue of Liberty,

but can the real one dance like that?


EVERYONE: [laughing]


[subway train sounds horn]

ALMA: "The Sweetest Treat"

[car horns honking]

FRANKIE: Check out this old photo that was taken right here!

ALMA: That's what it used to look like right here?

FRANKIE: Better believe it, kiddo.

[subway rumbles by]

ANDRÉ: But...where's the subway?

FRANKIE: This photo was taken before the subway was built.

ANDRÉ: For real?!

ALMA: No way!

FRANKIE: Check this out. Look across the street!

That corner used to look like this!


ALMA: Horses? On this street?

ANDRÉ: Were there ever horse traffic jams?

FRANKIE: Um...maybe?

FRANKIE: He-he-hey-now! Here's one from the s.

ANDRÉ: That looks like my mom's bookstore!

Except... not my mom's bookstore?

FRANKIE: Right!!

There used to be a bakery here called "Tres Cocos."

Recognize anyone?

ALMA: Wait a minute. Is that my abuelo?

His hair is so long! ...And so brown!

FRANKIE: [chuckles] Yep!

And check out Mr. Ramirez and my mom.

ANDRÉ: That's Doña Carmen? Whoa! Nice shades!

FRANKIE: That was... [finger snap] the style!

NEA: Frankie!

Look what I found in the basement...


FRANKIE: The Tres Cocos Bakery menu?!

Yo! This is legit!

NEA: Right? It's gonna look fab with your old photos in the gallery.

FRANKIE: Thanks, Nea!

NEA: No prob! I can see it now:

"The Bronx Through the Years!"

ALMA: These desserts sound so yummy!

ANDRÉ: Did you ever try the tres leches?

ALMA : Were the coconetes warm, like right out of the oven?

ANDRÉ: Did the chocolate cake have chocolate chips?

FRANKIE: Don't look at me! I was a lil' kid. I don't remember.

But you know who you can ask?

La reina del barrio. Mi Mamá!

ANDRÉ: Hey, Mom, can we go talk to Doña Carmen?

ALMA: And can we take this with us, please?

NEA: MmHmm. ANDRÉ: [gasp]

FRANKIE: I can take 'em to her. She's chillin' in the park.

NEA: Yeah, sure! Can't wait to hear what she's gotta say!

ALMA: Thanks! ANDRÉ:Thank you!

[kids laughing]


FRANKIE: Bendición Mami. [chuckles] Mwah!

DOÑA CARMEN: ¡Ay, mi guapito!

ALMA: [giggles]

DOÑA CARMEN: And my little gingersnaps! [kisses]

ALMA/ANDRÉ: [blows a kiss] Mwah!

DOÑA CARMEN: Whatcha got there?

ANDRÉ: My mom found it in the basement of the bookstore.


[gasp] ¡¿Qué qué?! Is this from Tres Cocos Bakery!?

ALMA: Yeah, and look at this!

DOÑA CARMEN: [long sigh]

Ay, Tres Cocos...

You know,

I would spend hours there with Mr. Ramirez and your Abuelo.

DOÑA CARMEN: ¡Oye, Hector, ven aquí!

You've got to see this.

MR. RAMIREZ: Stay here, okay? I'll be right back.

MR. RAMIREZ: ¿Qué pasa?


MR. RAMIREZ: Ay, Tres Cocos...

That bakery had the best desserts y cafecitos in the Bronx.

¿Recuerdas, Carmen?

DOÑA CARMEN: Oh yes! The coconetes were divine.

MR. RAMIREZ: I can almost taste them.

So sweet, so chewy...

DOÑA CARMEN: So coconutty.

MR. RAMIREZ: Ha! DOÑA CARMEN: [deep sigh]

ALMA: So. Hungry.

CHACHO: [barks]

MR. RAMIREZ: You know who really loved those coconetes?


MR. RAMIREZ: Hm-hm-hm-hmm...

ABUELO: ¡Hola!

ALMA: My Abuelo?

MR. RAMIREZ: Mmm-hmm.

ABUELO: Who? Me?!

MR. RAMIREZ: Remember this?

ABUELO: [gaps] Oh! Ay...

ALMA: Wait for it...


ABUELO: Amigos, what a time we had! We'd sit together for hours!

MR. RAMIREZ: And eat coconetes and drink cafecitos!

DOÑA CARMEN: Ayy.. So many people passed by and we'd talk to everyone...

Tres Cocos Bakery was the heart of the neighborhood.

MR. RAMIREZ: We gotta hang out like that again.

DOÑA CARMEN: Ah! How about we whip up a batch of our own coconetes, huh!?

I got the Tres Cocos recipe before the bakery closed.

ALMA: [gasp]


ALMA: We'll help!

MR. RAMIREZ: ¡Wepa! It'll be just like the good ol' days!


CHACHO: [barks]

ABUELO: Okay okay, Chacho!

ABUELO: ¡Chau, amigos!

MR. RAMIREZ: I gotta go too, chao!

DOÑA CARMEN: Okay, gingersnaps! Let's get baking!

[traffic] [cars honking]

DOÑA CARMEN: That's it, babies. You two are such good helpers.

[chuckling] And cute, too!

Let's see what's next...

FRANKIE: He-hey! Yo! What's good, bakers?

FRANKIE: [sniffs] Ahhh... [chuckles]

DOÑA CARMEN: Paciencia, mi reyecito.

Mamá will make sure you get one when they're ready.

FRANKIE: Okay, mommy! [laughs] Can't wait!


ALMA/ANDRÉ: [giggles]

DOÑA CARMEN: Ready for a taste, mis chiquitos?

ALMA:Uh-huh! ANDRÉ: Oh yeah!

ANDRÉ: Mmmm. So sweet...

ALMA: Mm, So chewy...

DOÑA CARMEN: Mmm, so coconutty...

but they just don't taste like the ones from Tres Cocos Bakery.

ANDRÉ: Really? What did we do wrong?

DOÑA CARMEN: Not sure, babycakes.

But I gotta get it right. Let's try again.

ALMA: Wow. If the coconetes from Tres Cocos Bakery

were even better,

I'm in!




[timer clicks] [timer rings]

DOÑA CARMEN: Nope. That's not it.




[timer clicks] [timer rings]

DOÑA CARMEN: That's not it either!


[timer clicks] [timer rings]


ALMA: They taste the same to me.

ANDRÉ: Me, too. Still delicious.

DOÑA CARMEN: ¿Qué está pasando?

None of these coconetes taste like the ones at Tres Cocos Bakery.

[deep sigh]

ALMA: Hmm, Doña Carmen looks kinda frustrated...

Maybe we need a second opinion?

DOÑA CARMEN: (re-energized) Ahh!

¡Buena idea, nenita! [snaps fingers] Vamos.

[traffic] [cars honking]

MR. RAMIREZ: [chewing] Mmmm....

ANDRÉ: Whaddya think, Mr. Ramirez?

MR. RAMIREZ: This one is tasty, and this one is too, but...

they're not quite the same as Tres Cocos Bakery.

DOÑA CARMEN: Right?! It just doesn't taste like it did in the good ol' days.

MR. RAMIREZ: Mhmm.. Maybe ask your Abuelo, Alma.

DOÑA CARMEN: Ah-ha! Come on, mis bebitos!

ABUELO: [chewing] Mmm... Something's missing.

Mmmm. ¡Están delicioso! But...

it's just not the same as Tres Cocos Bakery.

DOÑA CARMEN: Right? We can't figure it out.

Ahh.. gracias.

ABUELO: Uhh, ahh... you can leave those here.

No sense in wasting them.


DOÑA CARMEN: ¡Muchísimas gracias, my little bakers!

I had fun today,

even if the coconetes won't ever be like they were

at Tres Cocos.

[deep sigh]

DOÑA CARMEN: Ay, mira chicos lindos [chuckle]

ANDRÉ: Well, I guess I'll see you later, Alma.

ALMA: Okay, André.

ALMA: I don't get it. It's the same recipe from the bakery.

Maybe it's not about the recipe?

I gotta think about this.

ABUELO: We'd sit together for hours!

MR. RAMIREZ: And eat coconetes and drink cafecitos.

ALMA: The coconetes WERE delicious...

but that wasn't the only thing they loved about Tres Cocos.

MR. RAMIREZ: We gotta hang out like that again.

ALMA: I think Doña Carmen, Abuelo, and Mr. Ramirez

miss spending time together!

DOÑA CARMEN: Tres Cocos Bakery was the heart of the neighborhood.

ALMA: There sure was a lot going on at Tres Cocos...

[gasp] That's it!

I know what to do!

ALMA: Hey, André!

ANDRÉ: What's up, Alma?

ALMA: We need the recipe for Tres Cocos Bakery.

ANDRÉ: A recipe for the bakery? You have a recipe for THAT?

ALMA: Well, hanging out all day, eating coconetes,

and talking to the whole neighborhood.

THAT'S the recipe for Tres Cocos Bakery.


DOÑA CARMEN: What's the big surprise, cielitos? ABUELO: Can't wait!



MR. RAMIREZ ¡No lo puedo creer!/

ABUELO: ¡Increible!

DOÑA CARMEN: Just like Tres Cocos Bakery, no?

ALMA: Yes, yes, yes, yes, YES!

DOÑA CARMEN: What a fantastic surprise, my dumplings!

ANDRÉ: We made my Mom's bookstore

look just like it used to when it was the bakery!

ALMA: Maybe now your coconetes will taste just like you remember.

MR. RAMIREZ: ¡Oye amigo! Care to share?

ABUELO: [chuckles] Of course, mi amigo! André, por favor.

ABUELO/MR. RAMIREZ: [chuckling]


ALMA: What do you think, Doña Carmen?

DOÑA CARMEN: Let me tell you, baby.

These coconetes taste just like...


ABUELO: [chuckling] Yes! Just like the good ol' days.

EVERYONE: [big sigh] Ahh, Tres Cocos!

[music fades out]
