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01x13 - Alma's New Kicks/Star Ball

Posted: 12/31/23 11:42
by bunniefuu
[♪♪♪] ♪ Waahoooa yay! ♪

♪ Vamonos! ♪

♪ Lo le lo lai, lo lai lai lo le. ♪

♪ It's Alma's Way! ♪

♪ Here she comes. ♪

♪ Beaming with pride and something to say! ♪

♪ Hear those drums? ♪

♪ Playing Alma's Way. ♪

♪ From the Bronx, ♪

♪ Singing a le lo lai, lai lo lei, ♪

♪ our island songs, ♪

♪ Saying Alma's Way. ♪

♪ So many questions. So much to explain. ♪

♪ Hoh! ♪ ♪ Figure it out as you hop on the train. ♪

♪ Hoo! ♪ ♪ With Mami, Papi, Junior and Abuelo, mi gente. ♪

♪ I'll think it through and share it with you. ♪

♪ Come on vente! ♪

♪ There she goes! ♪

♪ Learning about her world every day. ♪

♪ The whole world knows. ♪

♪ It's Alma's Way... ♪

♪ Alma's Way! ♪

♪ Wepa! ♪

ALMA: "Alma's New Kicks"


ALMA: Hmm. Not here...

Not under here...

Where could they be?

Ugh, So, I'm going to the park to play soccer,

but I can't find my...

JUNIOR: Soccer cleats! Soccer cleats!

ALMA: There they are.

JUNIOR: Look! They fit!


ALMA: [gasp] [effort] Caught it!

JUNIOR: Well, they almost fit.

ALMA: Don't worry, Junior.

When Eddie gave me these cleats,

they were a little big on me too.

But now they're...


JUNIOR: What's wrong?

ALMA: They're just a little [effort] tight...


ALMA: There! Thanks Junior.

ALMA: Phew! Ouch.

I don't think they fit either of us right now.

MAMI: Aw, I think my girl's growing!

I gotcha covered...

ALMA: Mami always knows exactly what I need.

MAMI: Ta-da!

Check these out.

KIDS: Whoa! Chévere!

ALMA: These are... Ahhh-maaaaazing.

MAMI: Well, don't just stare at them.

Try them on!


ALMA: [effort]

Ahhh! They're soooo comfy!

I love them.

Gracias, Mami!

MAMI: De nada, mi amour!

JUNIOR: [giggles]

Look, Chacho likes them too.

[Chacho growling]

ALMA: Chacho! Nooo!

ALMA: Careful, boy. You'll ruin them.

MAMI: [chuckles] How 'bout you take 'em for a spin at the park?


ALMA: Oh yeah! Oh-Oh-Oh yeah-yeeaaah!

Oh yeah! Oh-Oh-Oh yeah-yeeaaah!

These feel way way wayyy good!

RAFIA: Alma! Heads up!

ALMA: [gasp]

RAFIA: Heeey. No hands in soccer.

ALMA: I know.

But that ball is dirty...

and I don't want to get my new shoes dirty.


RAFIA: No way!

I have the same ones!


RAFIA: Shoe twins!

ALMA: Uh... are you sure?

They look different.


It's 'cause I've played a ton in mine.

They're awesome, right?

ALMA: Totally.

[bicycle bell rings] LUCAS: Alma! Rafia!

Coming through!

RAFIA: Hey Lucas!

KIDS: Whoa! Hey!

LUCAS: Sorry!

See you at the park!

ALMA: [gasp]

Whoa, that was close!!

MAMI: To the park!

JUNIOR: Soccer time!

RAFIA: Yeah, c'mon, we can beat 'em there!

ALMA: Uh... hold on...

be right back.

ALMA: I can't ruin my new cleats, right?

ALMA: [efforts]

Okay, I switched my shoes.

[groans] Ouch! Let's go!

ALMA: Okay, I'm ready!

RAFIA: Hey! What happened to your new cleats?

ALMA: Got 'em right here.

Safe and spotless.

RAFIA: Uh...


Let's catch up to the others.

ALMA: Owie! Owie!

RAFIA: Okay, so it's me, Alma and Eddie.

LUCAS: Against André, Becka and me.

May the best team win.

RAFIA: Oh, we will.

JUNIOR: Yeah! Woo-hoo!

Go, Alma and Alma's team!

MAMI: Ya know hijito, you can play too, if you want.

JUNIOR: No, thanks. I'm the coach.

Alma and her team need me.

JUNIOR: Game on!


ALMA: Yow, yow, yow, yow...


EDDIE: You okay, Alma?

ALMA: I'll be fine.

Ouch, that really hurt my toes.

ALMA: Eddie! Take it!

Oh, whooops!


RAFIA: [effort]

JUNIOR: Woo-hoo! Great save, Rafia!

[gasp] Rafia, pass it to Alma!

She's open!

RAFIA: [effort]

ALMA: [effort] Owie!



RAFIA: [efforts]

KIDS: [cheers] Gooaaalll!

JUNIOR: That's okay, team!

Alma will get the next one. Right, Alma?

ALMA: Uh... water break?

KIDS: Nice! Oh yeah! Woo-hoo!!

ALMA: Ahhh. My toes needed a break.

EDDIE: Oh hey! I remember those cleats.

But uh, I think they work better when they're on your feet.

ALMA: Yeah, I know.

But now they hurt every time I kick the ball.

JUNIOR: Don't worry, Alma.

I got your new shoes right here...

JUNIOR: Whoa! Whoops!

ALMA: [gasp] Ahhhhh!

ALMA: Whoa.

EDDIE: New shoes?

ALMA: Yeah! I got 'em today.

ALMA: See! EDDIE: [gasp]

Aren't they just ah-maaazing?

EDDIE: Nice.

But, why aren't you wearing them?!

ALMA: Well, they're so new,

and our soccer field is so... dirty.

EDDIE: But they're cleats!

That's what they're made for!


Wear 'em, Alma.

Let's goooo!

ALMA: I know I would play better in my new cleats.

But... [sigh] They're sooo new!

[gasp] Ohh-kay.

I can do this.

I just have to be extra careful and stay away from the dirt!

ALMA: Ahhh...

They're sooo comfy!

RAFIA: Alma! Come and play!

ANDRÉ: Ready, Alma?

ALMA: Ready!

JUNIOR: Alma's wearing her new shoes.

Now her team can never lose!

Go, Alma and Alma's team!

ALMA: I got it!


ALMA: These shoes are saaa-weeet!!


ALMA: [gasp]

ANDRÉ: What is she doing?

RAFIA: I have no idea.


ALMA: Uh oh.

RAFIA: Alma! Pass it to Eddie!

ALMA: [big gulp] If I kick the ball,

my shoes will get all muddy.

ALMA: [effort] [gasp]

ALMA: Ahh! My cleats!

Ah! Ahhhh!

RAFIA: [effort]

KIDS: [cheers] Goaal! Yes! Oh, yeah!

[cheering] We did it!

ALMA: No... no... no. It's not coming off.

RAFIA: What was that?!

You let Lucas steal the ball.

ALMA: Sorry, Rafia.

But my new cleats, they're ruined...

Look at that mark!

RAFIA: Huh? What mark?

ALMA: That one! There!

RAFIA: Thaaaat?! Seriously?!

ALMA: Yeah.

RAFIA: That's not a mark.

It's more like a... a memory.

ALMA: Whaaaat?

RAFIA: See this one?

I got it when I slid and blocked the goal.

And that one?

That's when we played in the rain.


ALMA: Ohhh yeeaaah.

My shoes were totally soaked.

RAFIA: You can't play soccer and not get your cleats dirty.

Now are you gonna help us win or what?

ALMA: Rafia's right.

I should be helping my team and not worrying about my cleats.

But I reeeaally don't wanna mess them up.

What do I do?

I gotta think about this.

ALMA: My new cleats are a-ma-zing!

They do feel great on my feet.

I was so worried about getting them dirty,

I didn't even kick the ball.

ALMA: I can't play that way.

RAFIA: That's not a mark.

It's more like a... a memory.

ALMA: Huh.

Rafia doesn't worry about her shoes getting messed up.

She likes them that way.

Oh, I know what to do.

ALMA: Okay. Here we go.

One, two...

ALMA: ...Two and half...

two and three-quarters...

JUNIOR: Kicking, passing, scoring too!

Just don't step on Alma's shoes!

Gooo, Alma and Alma's team!

ALMA: I can do this.

[deep breath] Time to make some memories.


RAFIA: [effort]

KIDS: [cheer] Yeah! JUNIOR: Goooaaallll!

RAFIA: Nice pass, Alma.

ALMA: Great goal! Let's do it again.

ALMA: High five! Yeah! RAFIA: Yeah!


KIDS: [playing efforts]


LUCAS: Out of bounds! That's a throw in!

MAMI: And it's almost lunchtime, so last play of the game.

LUCAS: [effort]

JUNIOR: Ooh, I can't watch!

ALMA: Eddie! I'm open!

KIDS: [efforts]

ALMA: [gasp]

KIDS: Goaallll!

JUNIOR: That's my sister! Woo-hoo!

KIDS: We didn't lose! We didn't lose!

Yay us! Woo-hoo! [cheers] [laughter]

RAFIA: Oh-no! Sorry about your new cleats, Alma.

ALMA: I'm not!

Now I'll never forget these memories.

Right, shoe twin?

RAFIA: You know it.

KIDS: [laugh]

JUNIOR: You were so good, Alma!

Can I have these?

I want to play just like you.

ALMA: They're all yours, Coach.




ALMA: "Star Ball"

ALMA: Ahh, today is the perfect day...

to play freeze tag in the park!

MAMI: Vamos, Alma, my meeting is about to start.

Let's go.

ALMA: [sighs] But I gotta go with Mami to her meeting.

Goodbye perfect freeze tag day!

MAMI: [chuckle]

MAMI: Why don't you play with Rafia and André?

My meeting might take awhile.

ALMA: Okay, Mami.

MAMI: Okay, we're ready to start everyone.

ANDRÉ: Hey, Alma. RAFIA: Hi.

ALMA: They don't sound very excited to be here either.

C'mon, let's find something to do.

ANDRÉ: Okay! RAFIA: Sure!

RAFIA: I really wanted to sh**t hoops today.

But there's no basketball hoop in here.

ANDRÉ: I was gonna make an epic chalk drawing.

But there's no sidewalk in here either.

KIDS: [sigh]

ALMA: Hey!

What if we use all this space to play something really big?

Like a ginormous board game!

André, you wanted to draw, right?

Want to draw the game board?

ANDRÉ: Where? I can't draw on the floor.

FRANKIE: Did I hear something 'bout drawing on my floor?

To make a giant board game?

That's a fantastic idea!

I gotchu.

FRANKIE: Check it out! You can draw on this.

KIDS: Thanks, Frankie!

FRANKIE: Have fun kiddos!

ALMA: Let's get started!

ANDRÉ: Now what should our game board look like?

ALMA: Hmmm...

a path with a whole buncha squares?

RAFIA: Yeah! And we can hop from space to space!

ANDRÉ: Let's make 'em outer space spaces!


This one's an alien!

ALMA: Sweeet!

And whoever reaches the end of the path first, wins!

RAFIA: Okay!

But, uh, how do we know where to move?

ALMA: Hmm...

Rafia, could we use something from your bag?

RAFIA: Sure!

ALMA: Oh, what if... we use this like a spinner?!

KIDS: Nice! Love it!

ALMA: Oh! One second!

ALMA: Heads up, Rafia!

ALMA: Your thumb's on yellow.

RAFIA: So does that mean I hop to the yellow space?

ALMA: Yep!

ALMA: Yellow!

ALMA: And how 'bout...

if you land on a space with another person,

that person has to freeze for a turn.

Kinda like freeze tag!

ANDRÉ: Great idea, Alma!

ANDRÉ: And what if...

when you land on, a Star...

you get to sh**t a ball into a bin!

RAFIA: Oh, I have a ball!

RAFIA: And if you make the shot... zoom ahead three spaces like a sh**ting star!

ALMA: Yeah yeah yeah!

ANDRÉ: More star spaces, coming right up!

RAFIA: André, this looks amazing!

ANDRÉ: Hold up!

It needs one more thing.

ALMA: I don't see how this game could get any better.

ANDRÉ: The floor is...

space lava.

ALMA: It just got better!

If your foot touches the space lava...

RAFIA: You have to go back to the start!

ANDRÉ: That's what I was thinking!

ALMA: What should we call our game?

KIDS: Star Ball!!

ALMA: Now for the intergalactic debut of Star Ball!

André, you're first!

ANDRÉ: Yellow!



Blast Off!

RAFIA: Blue!


RAFIA: [gasp]

ALMA: A blue star!

Rafia, are you gonna sink the Star Ball...

or are ya gonna be star dust?

RAFIA: Just watch me!


RAFIA: Oh yeah, three spaces! Zoom!

ANDRÉ: This game is awesome!

RAFIA: Totally!

ALMA: Orange!

ALMA: Whoa!

Oh no! The lava's got me!

KIDS: Ahhhhh! Nooo! Aaaaaalma!

ALMA: [laughs]

ANDRÉ: Green.

Sorry, Rafia. You have to freeze for a turn.

RAFIA: Brr! Skip me.

Alma, your turn!

ALMA: Yellow!

ALMA: Ooo, I found a secret passage!

RAFIA: What do you mean?

ALMA: There's a secret passage from that one to this one!

ANDRÉ: Huh? There wasn't a secret passage...

when I landed there.

ALMA: Oh well, it can be a new rule from now on.

I didn't see the chair before.

ANDRÉ: Okay...

RAFIA: Blue!

ALMA: Uh-oh. My thumb's on orange and green.

What do I do?

[gasp] I know!

I can go to an orange space and a green space!


RAFIA: But, Alma...

that rule puts you way ahead of us.

ALMA: I'm lucky, right?

Maybe you'll catch it on two colors too!

ANDRÉ: Nope, just one...

ALMA: Whoops! You stepped in lava Rafia!

ALMA: What's up with Rafia?

She doesn't look like she's having fun anymore.

ALMA: Hey, André! Think fast!

ANDRÉ: Oh, uh, sure.

ALMA: Huh.

They're not really excited about playing anymore.

Maybe it's 'cause I'm winning?

ALMA: Oh! Star Ball!

Gooo, André!

ALMA: Blast ahead, sh**ting star!

ANDRÉ: But, Alma... I missed.

ALMA: You hit the rim.

It counts!

ANDRÉ: When did we decide that?

ALMA: Uh... just now?

ANDRÉ: [sigh]

RAFIA: Oops. Back to Start.

ALMA: Uh... you don't have to go to Start...

'cause you have... uh...

lava proof shoes. Yeah!

ANDRÉ: Another new rule?

RAFIA: Let's just play a game we know all the rules to.

ANDRÉ: Yeah, I think I need a break from Star Ball.

ALMA: What? Don't you want to keep playing?

ANDRÉ: Nahhh.

ALMA: I don't get it!

Rafia and André seem really annoyed.

But why?

I gotta think about this.

ANDRÉ: This game is awesome!

RAFIA: Totally!

ALMA: Hmm, they were having fun...

when we started playing Star Ball....

ALMA: There's a secret passage from that one to this one...

ANDRÉ: Huh? There wasn't a secret passage...

when I landed there.

ALMA: I mean, I did change some of the rules,

but I was just trying to make it more fun.

ALMA: Cause you have... uhhh... lava proof shoes.


ALMA: I even changed the rules to help them!

But they didn't like that either.

ANDRÉ: Another new rule?

RAFIA: Let's just play a game we know all the rules to.

ALMA: Oh, they looked really frustrated.

Okay! I know what to do!

ALMA: André, Rafia, I'm sorry I kept changing the rules.

RAFIA: Yeah, we didn't like that, Alma.

ANDRÉ: Nope.

ALMA: I should've asked first.

We made up Star Ball together,

so we should agree on the rules together.

I mean... if that sounds good to you.

ANDRÉ: Yeah, I like that.

RAFIA: Yeah! Me too, Alma.

ANDRÉ: I like the secret passage.

RAFIA: Yeah! Let's keep that.

ALMA: What should we do if we catch the disc on two colors?

ANDRÉ: How about you get to pick which color you want to go to?

RAFIA: Yeah, but you have to hop there on one foot!

ALMA: I love that!

RAFIA: And when you land on a star,

you have to get the star ball in the basket to zoom ahead.

ALMA: What about the lava proof shoes?

KIDS: No way! [giggles]

ALMA: Ready?

RAFIA: Let's play!

KIDS: Three, two, one....

Blast off!


RAFIA: Woo-hoo!

KIDS: [laugh]

RAFIA: Here André!

FRANKIE: Whoa, you kids out did yourselves.

MAMI: What are you playing?

KIDS: Star Ball!

ANDRÉ: Hmm. Green or blue?

I got this.

Definitely green!

KIDS: Star ball! Star ball! Star ball!

ANDRÉ: Only three spaces to the finish line!


ANDRÉ: One... two... three!


RAFIA: Woo-hoo!

André's today's Star Ball champion!

KIDS: [cheer] Yeah! Way to go André!

Great job!

MAMI: Star Ball, huh?!


ANDRÉ: Oh! You stepped in the lava!

RAFIA: Oh no! ALMA: Uh oh! Look out!

MAMI: Whoops.

KIDS: [laugh]

ALMA: You can all play too! But...

you gotta follow the rules.
