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01x12 - Junior's Story/Anniversary Surprise

Posted: 12/31/23 11:41
by bunniefuu
[♪♪♪] ♪ Waahoooa yay! ♪

♪ Vamonos! ♪

♪ Lo le lo lai, lo lai lai lo le. ♪

♪ It's Alma's Way! ♪

♪ Here she comes. ♪

♪ Beaming with pride and something to say! ♪

♪ Hear those drums? ♪

♪ Playing Alma's Way. ♪

♪ From the Bronx, ♪

♪ Singing a le lo lai, lai lo lei, ♪

♪ our island songs, ♪

♪ Saying Alma's Way. ♪

♪ So many questions. So much to explain. ♪

♪ Hoh! ♪ ♪ Figure it out as you hop on the train. ♪

♪ Hoo! ♪ ♪ With Mami, Papi, Junior and Abuelo, mi gente. ♪

♪ I'll think it through and share it with you. ♪

♪ Come on vente! ♪

♪ There she goes! ♪

♪ Learning about her world every day. ♪

♪ The whole world knows. ♪

♪ It's Alma's Way... ♪

♪ Alma's Way! ♪

♪ Wepa! ♪

ALMA: "Junior's Story"


ALMA: Whoa!

The bookstore is packed today!


NEA: Ms. Etienne will be signing books over there...

ALMA: I better hurry and get Mami and Junior.

JUNIOR: Are we really going to meet the person

who made this book?

MAMI: Yeah!

Her name is Myriam Etienne.

She wrote and drew it herself.

JUNIOR: Wow...

ALMA: Vamos, Mami!

Let's get in line before it gets any longer.

ALMA: Hey André.

ANDRÉ: Hey Alma!

I have all of Myriam's books!

They're so good!

MS. ETIENNE: Okay, enjoy your book.

ALMA: I can't believe it.

NEA: Myriam, this is my son, André,

and his friends, Alma and Junior.


Hi, Ms. Etienne.

MS. ETIENNE: Bonjour!

It's an honor to meet you, André,

Alma and Junior.


ALMA: Hi Ms. Etienne.

ANDRÉ: You're my favorite writer and artist in the whole world!

When I grow up, I want to draw books just like you!

MS. ETIENNE: Yes! You should!

ANDRÉ: What made you want to make books Ms. Etienne?

MS. ETIENNE: Well when I was little,

I tried to find stories about kids like me.

But I couldn't find any.

JUNIOR: Really?

So, what'd you do?

MS. ETIENNE: I wrote them myself!

ANDRÉ: Whoa!!! JUNIOR: Whoa!!! ALMA: Whoa!!!

ALMA: What'd you write about?

MS. ETIENNE: Well, I wrote stories about kids

who looked like me and who liked what I liked...

Magical manatees! [chuckles]

JUNIOR: Ooo! ALMA: Sweet!

ANDRÉ: It's your best one!!

MS. ETIENNE: Thanks André.

JUNIOR: Uh, excuse me...

do you write books about dinosaurs?

MS. ETIENNE: No. I haven't, but...

Hey, maybe that's something you should write about!

Enjoy your books.

KIDS: Thank you!

Wow... thanks.

ALMA: Sa-weet, right?

MS. ETIENNE: I look forward to reading

your book one day, Junior!

KIDS: Thanks! Thank you! Bye!

ANDRÉ: Look!

I met Ms. Etienne and she signed my book!

NEA: Oooh, niiice!

MAMI: Okay, you two.

Before we go, you can each pick one book to take home.

KIDS: Yessss!

ALMA: I know exactly which one I want.


ALMA: I'm going to get the new Carlotta Clues book!

ANDRÉ: What happens in this one?

ALMA: I don't know yet!

No one solves a mystery better than Carlotta.

JUNIOR: Hmm...

ANDRÉ: What about you, Junior?

What book are you gonna get?

JUNIOR: I don't know yet.

That's a hard question.

ALMA: Well, lucky for you, I'm really good at hard questions!

ALMA: How about this Carlotta Clues book?

It was my favorite!

ANDRÉ: Ohh yeah, that's a good one!

JUNIOR: Uhh... this book has a lot of words.

ALMA: I can read it to you?

JUNIOR: No, thanks.

I want a book that I can read by myself.


Then I've got a book for you, Junior!

ANDRÉ: This is about one of my favorite artists!

It's all pictures.

JUNIOR: But it doesn't have a story.

I want one that I can read over and over and over again.

ALMA: I know we can find a book for Junior.

We gotta keep looking.

ANDRÉ: Yeah...

how 'bout you go that way, and I'll go this way.

ALMA: Okay sure!

Just like Carlotta Clues...

we won't give up until we solve the case...

of the Perfect Book!

ALMA: Ta-da!

You love dogs!

And this dog is sooo funny!

JUNIOR: [giggle]

No, thanks, I read this one at school.

ANDRÉ: You're gonna love this one, Junior.


That elephant is too close.

Too close!!!

ANDRÉ: Whoa! Too close!!

ALMA: How about these, Junior?

JUNIOR: Umm...

no, thanks.

ALMA: I don't think he's ever gonna find a book!

Who knew it would be this hard?

Oh, I have an idea.

Uh, excuse me, Junior?

I have a question.

Can you tell us what you're looking for?

Then, we can find it for you.

JUNIOR: Hmmm... well, I want a story about a boy...

who's Puerto Rican like me...

ALMA: Say no more...

I've got this!

ANDRÉ: Don't worry. She's got this!

ALMA: You're gonna love this one!

JUNIOR: Yeah... it's nice,

but it doesn't have a single dinosaur...

in the whole book!

ALMA: You didn't say you wanted to see a dinosaur in the book!

JUNIOR: Of course, I want to see a dinosaur in the book!

ANDRÉ: Okay. Dinosaur, got it.

ANDRÉ: These all have dinosaurs in them!

JUNIOR: I also want the story to be in the Bronx!

ALMA: Bronx books coming right up!



JUNIOR: Hmmm... I want a story with dinosaurs...

and a Puerto Rican boy...

and it has to be in the Bronx!

JUNIOR: None of these have all the things I want.

ALMA: We're on it Junior!


ALMA: Sorry Junior.

ANDRÉ: We've looked at all the books here.

JUNIOR: Waitaminute!

Does that mean there's no book for me?

ALMA: There has to be a book for you, Junior.

We'll find it.

Hmm... I've gotta think about this...

JUNIOR: Hmm... I want a story with dinosaurs...

and a Puerto Rican boy... and it has to be in the Bronx!

ALMA: Okay...

so Junior knows everything that his book should have...

ANDRÉ: We've looked at all the books here.

ALMA: But Junior's book isn't here or...

[gasp] maybe the book he wants hasn't been written yet?

MS. ETIENNE: Well, I wrote stories about kids

who looked like me and who liked what I liked.

ALMA: That's it!

I know what to do!

ALMA: Junior, I know we couldn't find the book you want.

So, let's make the book you want!

JUNIOR: Make it?

ALMA: Yeah!

It can have a Puerto Rican boy who lives in the Bronx...

with his dinosaur friends!

JUNIOR: Yes! Um, how do we make a book?

ANDRÉ: I can help you draw the pictures.

ALMA: Sweet!

And I can help you write your story!

We're gonna need paper, pencils, and...



ANDRÉ: Ready!

Describe your main character.

What's his name?

JUNIOR: His name is Junior, just like me!

And he has a blue and yellow shirt,

brown skin, and curly hair.

ANDRÉ: Mhmm... Hmmm...

JUNIOR: That's me!

ALMA: Yep, sure does look like him.

ANDRÉ: Okay!

Now what do his dinosaur friends look like?

JUNIOR: That's easy.

His best friends are a diplodocus,

a stegosaurus, and a triceratops.

He's got three horns!

ANDRÉ: Gotcha!

ALMA: Now, what's the first thing that happens...

in your story?

JUNIOR: Junior and his dino friends want to have a race!

ANDRÉ: On it!

ALMA: And then what happens?

JUNIOR: Junior and his friends race through the Bronx!

ANDRÉ: Got it!

JUNIOR: But then...

Junior's bike gets a flat tire!

ALMA: Oooh really?

This story is getting exciting!

How does it end?

JUNIOR: Well...

the dinosaurs all pedal past Junior,

but then...

a pterodactyl swoops down, [kar-kar] and picks him up!

ANDRÉ: Ooo! That sounds scary!

JUNIOR: It's not. The pterodactyl is his friend!

He flies Junior all the way to the finish line

and he wins the race!

The end!

ALMA: That's a great story, Junior!

ANDRÉ: Yeah, I love it!

Here, Alma, your turn.

ALMA: Time to write Junior's story!

JUNIOR: [gasp] This is it!!

This is the perfect book for me!

I want to read this story over and over and over again!

Thank you!

ALMA: You're welcome, Junior!

Are we good or what?

JUNIOR: [groan]

ALMA: Junior, what's wrong?

JUNIOR: What if other kids want a book like this?

They won't be able to find it 'cause I have the only one!

ANDRÉ: Hmm...

I have an idea.

Follow me.

ANDRÉ: Mommy, can we use your copier...

to make copies of Junior's book?

ALMA: So that other kids can read his book, too?

NEA: You wrote a book?

JUNIOR: Mmmhm.

NEA: Wonderful!

MS. ETIENNE: Does it have dinosaurs in it?

JUNIOR: Oh, yeah!

Lots of them!

MS. ETIENNE: Then, I can't wait to read it!

NEA: Hey, Junior, how would you like to have a book signing

in my store like Ms. Etienne did?

JUNIOR: Yes, please!

JUNIOR: Here ya go!

And if you want to make a story, like I did...

JUNIOR: They can help you make one that's perfect for you!


ALMA: I think we're going to need more paper!


ALMA: "Anniversary Surprise"

ALMA: [whispers] Isn't that awesome!

EDDIE: Oh yeah. They're gonna be like...

ALMA: Oh yeah! And then...

TíA GLORIA: What are you two up to back there?

KIDS: Nothing! [giggles]

TíA GLORIA: Hmm... okay.

EDDIE: My parents are gonna love our surprise!

ALMA: It's Tía Gloria and Uncle Nestor's Anniversary...

And at dinner tonight,

we're gonna perform their favorite song.

[music playing on the radio]


ALMA: No way! That's their favorite song!

♪ Things start to move a little slow. ♪

♪ The world turns a golden hue. ♪

♪ Ev'ry moment I'm with you. ♪

♪ Contigo, mi amor! ♪

♪ Wherever you dance, I'll be contigo. ♪

ALMA: Yep, they always do that.

♪ Contigo, mi amor! ♪

♪ Wherever you dance, I'll be contigo. ♪

UNCLE NESTOR: Ha hay! Mi amor!

I'll dance to this song with you anywhere...

TÍA GLORIA: ...Anytime!

♪ ...Siempre contigo. ♪


ALMA: [giggles]

[music playing on speakers]



ALMA: Here we go again!

♪ Things start to move a little slow. ♪


♪ The world turns a golden hue. ♪

♪ Ev'ry moment I'm with you. ♪

♪ Contigo, mi amor! ♪

♪ Wherever you dance, I'll be contigo. ♪

UNCLE NESTOR: Ah! This song always reminds me...

of the first time we met.

TÍA GLORIA: ...[sigh] Dancing under the stars,

at that backyard party!

ALMA: Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

EDDIE: That it's kinda strange how this song is playing

everywhere we go?

ALMA: Well, that too.

But I was thinking we should do our surprise in your backyard!

EDDIE: Yeah yeah yeah!!

But we may be here awhile.

ALMA: Alma to Eddie, do you have the instruments?

EDDIE: Right here!

Got some lights too.

ABUELO: And we've got the decorations!

JUNIOR: This is going to be the looongest paper chain...

in the whole Bronx.

ALMA: Sa-weet!

Tía Gloria and Uncle Nestor are gonna be so surprised.

EDDIE: Yeah, especially my dad.

'Cause he loves surprises.

ALMA: This is the perfect plan, right?!

What could go wrong?!

UNCLE NESTOR: [galloping sounds]

ALMA: [sigh] EDDIE: [sigh]

UNCLE NESTOR: Hark, kind citizens of the Bronx!

I'm off to traverse the wild woodlands.

I'm heading to the park to get ready for the play.

ALMA: Ohhhh!! EDDIE: Ohhhh!!

UNCLE NESTOR: Adiós! [galloping sounds]

ALMA: Waitaminute!

Is he gonna be back in time for our surprise?!

EDDIE: [gasp] Maybe I should go with him?

ALMA: Good plan.

And let me know when you're coming back.

EDDIE: Espera, Papá! I'm coming!

Oh yeah, you maaay want to keep an eye on my mom.

She's always finding errands to run.

EDDIE: One time we went to the mailbox and came back

six hours later with groceries, haircuts and a new couch.

ALMA: Whoa.

Okay, I won't let her out of my sight!

Operation Anniversary Surprise is a go!

EDDIE: Over and out!

ALMA: Hmm... we need more lights.

Be right back!

ALMA: Uh oh!

We can't let her see our decorations.

[shouting] Hi, Tía Gloria,

Why are you going into the backyard?

TÍA GLORIA: [shouting] I'm fixing our broken blender.

I need my toolbox from the shed.

ALMA: I can get it for you!

Don't move.

TÍA GLORIA: Gracias, Alma!

But wait... [chuckles] Why are we shouting?

ALMA: Phew! That was close!

ABUELO: Are we good?

ALMA: We're good.

ALMA: I've gotta keep an eye on Tía Gloria.

Can you finish setting up?

ABUELO: No te preocupes, Almita.

Leave the rest to us.

JUNIOR: Yep, one faaancy anniversary surprise...

coming right up!

ALMA: Gracias!

ALMA: Tada!

TÍA GLORIA: Awww, gracias, Alma!

ALMA: Alma to Eddie.

Come in, Eddie...

UNCLE NESTOR: "A horse, a horse!

My kingdom for a horse!"

UNCLE NESTOR: [clears throat]

EDDIE: Oh! Uh... Whoops...

Uh... "Withdraw my lord, I shall help you to a horse!"

ALMA: [on the walkie-talkie] How's it going, Eddie?

Can you hear me?

EDDIE: Be right back, Papá!

NESTOR: My kingdom... ay... no... no...

EDDIE: Eddie to Alma.

We should be back soon.

ALMA: Great!

UNCLE NESTOR: Let's take it from the top!

EDDIE: [groans] Maybe not.

I'll make sure my dad is home in time.

Eddie over and out.

TÍA GLORIA: Chévere!

Now let's test this baby out with some fruit smoothies!

Pass me some bananas, por favor.

ALMA: All out. Sorry, Tía.

TÍA GLORIA: Guess I'm heading to the store!

TÍA GLORIA: While I'm out, I'll say hi to Fatima,

then pop into the nail salon ...I chipped my nail...

Then I can drop by the Community Center...

and then I can probably...

ALMA: [gasp] I can't let her leave!

Uh uhhmm...

Tía Gloria!

I've got bananas at my house.

TÍA GLORIA: Qué bien! I'll grab them.

JUNIOR: [gasp] ABUELO: [gasp]

ALMA: Wait!!

TÍA GLORIA: What's up, Alma?

ALMA: Ohh... uhmm... uuuh...

TÍA GLORIA: Huh? What was that?

TÍA GLORIA: Hmm. Must have been a bird.

I'll go grab the bananas.


You wait inside, I'll get the bananas.

Really really yummy bananas!

JUNIOR: [gasp]

ALMA: Be right back!

TÍA GLORIA: Hoookay!


ALMA: Here ya go!

TÍA GLORIA: Oh... Uh, great.

ABUELO: Pheww! JUNIOR: Pheww!

EDDIE: [on the walkie-talkie] Eddie to Alma.

ALMA: Alma to Eddie, over.

EDDIE: Be there soon. I repeat, be there soon!

ALMA: Hear ya loud and clear.

TÍA GLORIA: Time for a taste test.

ALMA: Gracias, Tía!

It's great Tía!

Mmm! I'm way way wayyy good at this!

Operation Anniversary Surprise is totally gonna work!

[phone vibrating]





Be right there.

ALMA: Huh? Be right where?!

TÍA GLORIA: [sigh] One of the train conductors is sick,

so I've got to cover his shift...

ALMA: But it's your anniversary!


I wanted to be with Nestor tonight...

but I've got to go to work.

ALMA: Whaaat?!

She can't leave now!!

TÍA GLORIA: Alright, time to go.

ALMA: [groans]

EDDIE: Eddie to Alma.

Get ready, we're around the corner!

ALMA: [big gulp]

NESTOR: Buena noches, Alma!

ALMA: Hey...

NESTOR: We have returned from the field of rehearsal...

for the time of dinner.

EDDIE: What's up, Alma?

Where's my mom?!

ALMA: [sigh] I'm really sorry, Eddie.

She had to go to work.

EDDIE: Whaaat?!

But we can't do our surprise if she's not here!

Aww maaaan...

ALMA: This is way way wayyyyy bad!

There has to be a way to save our surprise.

I've gotta think about this...

NESTOR: This song always reminds me of the first time we met...

TÍA GLORIA: [sigh] ...Dancing under the stars,

at that backyard party!

ALMA: We want to surprise them...

by performing their favorite song...

NESTOR: Ah-hay, mi amor, I'll dance to this song with you


TÍA GLORIA: Anytime.

ALMA: Hmm, anywhere...

So, it doesn't matter where they hear their song.

ALMA: They just need to be together when they hear it.

[gasp] I know what to do!

ALMA: Don't worry, Eddie...

I've got a new plan...

UNCLE NESTOR: Ay! Tell me when I can look!

Oooo! I just love surprises!!

TÍA GLORIA: Manzano Avenue station.

TÍA GLORIA: [gasp] Qué quéééé?!

What are you all doing here?


ALL: Surprise!!!

JUNIOR: [giggles]

TÍA GLORIA: Wait? What is all this?

UNCLE NESTOR: What is going on?!

KIDS: [singing] ♪ You smile at me and I'm like whoa. ♪

♪ Things start to move a little slow. ♪

♪ The world turns a golden hue. ♪

♪ Ev'ry moment I'm with you. ♪

♪ Contigo, mi amor! ♪

♪ Wherever you dance, I'll be contigo. ♪

♪ Siempre contigo. ♪


ALL: Happy Anniversary!!

UNCLE NESTOR: [sniff] Ay! That was beautiful!

TÍA GLORIA: Aw... Muchísimas gracias!

I loved it!

UNCLE NESTOR: Happy Anniversary, mi amor.

TÍA GLORIA: Te quiero, Nestor.

TRAIN PA: Stand clear of the closing doors, please.

♪ Wherever you dance, I'll be contigo. ♪

UNCLE NESTOR: [gasp] Our song!

♪ Contigo, mi amor! ♪

UNCLE NESTOR: Papara... Tatatataaa...

ALMA: Here we go again!

SINGER: Siempre contigo...
