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01x11 - Socks for Sale/Alma's Animal Show

Posted: 12/31/23 11:40
by bunniefuu
[♪♪♪] ♪ Waahoooa yay! ♪

♪ Vamonos! ♪

♪ Lo le lo lai, lo lai lai lo le. ♪

♪ It's Alma's Way! ♪

♪ Here she comes. ♪

♪ Beaming with pride and something to say! ♪

♪ Hear those drums? ♪

♪ Playing Alma's Way. ♪

♪ From the Bronx, ♪

♪ Singing a le lo lai, lai lo lei, ♪

♪ our island songs, ♪

♪ Saying Alma's Way. ♪

♪ So many questions. So much to explain. ♪

♪ Hoh! ♪ ♪ Figure it out as you hop on the train. ♪

♪ Hoo! ♪ ♪ With Mami, Papi, Junior and Abuelo, mi gente. ♪

♪ I'll think it through and share it with you. ♪

♪ Come on vente! ♪

♪ There she goes! ♪

♪ Learning about her world every day. ♪

♪ The whole world knows. ♪

♪ It's Alma's Way... ♪

♪ Alma's Way! ♪

♪ Wepa! ♪

ALMA: "Socks for Sale"


ALMA: And... listo!

If I were a dog, I'd love this!

Whaddya think, Chacho?

[Chacho growls]

ALMA: That's another doggy-approved toy

for tomorrow's Bomba Fundraiser.

Okay, you can let go now, Chacho.

[Chacho growling]

PAPI: Nice shot Alma!

I'm so glad we found another way to use our old towels.

JUNIOR: So, why are we making dog toys again?

ALMA: 'Cause everyone's donating stuff to sell at the fundraiser.

PAPI: And the money we make goes to the Community Center

to buy Drums for the Bomba Class.

JUNIOR: [chuckles] Then I hope a lot of dogs buy these!

MAMI: Esto sí!

JUNIOR: Mami, are you donating...

that to the Bomba Fundraiser?

MAMI: Uh-huh.

We don't use this old stool anymore,

so I'm turning it into a plant stand.

Like that one...

ALMA: Whoa Mami, how did you think of doing that?

MAMI: Well, I looked at it and asked myself...

"Hmm... What else can this be?"

MAMI: [singsongy] Fixing an old stool...

...that someone can reuse.

A plant stand it will be, with spots of red and blue...

ABUELO: [efforts] Ay, ay, ay... ay...ay...

[efforts] Well, here are my books for the sale!

PAPI: Whoa! Let me help you.


ABUELO: [efforts] Rubin to the rescue, huh?

BOTH: [chuckle]

ALMA: Hmmm... I'm getting an idea...

Hey, Junior, what if we donated something too?

JUNIOR: Yeaaaaaah!! I'm in!!

ALMA: Hmmm... Nope. Anything here?


There's gotta be something in here I can donate.

But what?


JUNIOR: Look at all the stuff I found for the Bomba Fundraiser.

ALMA: Sa-weet!

Is there anything left in your room?

JUNIOR: Yeah, a ton of stuff...


But I don't play with these toys anymore.

So now, someone else can play with them!

ALMA: Ooh, good thinking, Junior!

Let's seeeee...

what don't I use anymore...

ALMA: [gasp] Baby socks!

That's it!

My feet are waaaay too big for them now.

[Chacho barks]

ALMA: Lo siento, Chacho. These aren't for you.

They're for babies.

Hey, Junior! Feel this...

KIDS: Ahhhhhhh...

JUNIOR: Sooooo soft!

Babies are gonna love these.

ALMA: Yup.

Just like I did when I was a baby.

JUNIOR: Awww! You were so cute, Alma.

ALMA: I sure was.

Whoa, I've got so many socks I can't wear anymore.

ALMA: I'm gonna donate all of them.


[acoustic guitar tuning sounds]

ALMA: Okay, socks. You're going for a ride.

[acoustic guitar tuning sounds]

[acoustic guitar music plays] ALMA: huh?

ALMA: [gasp] Ooo, Eddie sounds so good!


I've gotta tell him!


ALMA: Eddie! You're... Too... Good.

Can't... Stop... Dancing!!

EDDIE: Gracias, Alma.

I'm practicing for the fundraiser.

For a dollar donation I'll play any song anyone asks for.

ALMA: Hey, lemme help you practice.

I'll pretend to be your customers...


EDDIE: Wait!

[shakes head]

[strums guitar]

EDDIE: Okay, go!

ALMA: Ahem, excuse me..

I would like to hear a bachata, por favor.

EDDIE: Why, of course, señora.

[plays bachata on guitar]

ALMA: Muy bien, young sir.

ALMA: [with country accent] Well, hello Mr. Guitar Man.

Can you play a country song?

EDDIE: Love to! Hold on to your hat!

[plays country song on guitar]

ALMA: Thank ya kindly!

ALMA: Yo buddy! Can you play something rockin'?

EDDIE: [giggle] Oh yeah, this song will rock your world.

[plays rock on the guitar]



[Chacho barking and growling]


ALMA: Hahaha! Sounds like Chacho...

really likes your music too, Eddie.

EDDIE: [chuckle] Maybe.

But I think he likes those socks even more.

ALMA: [gasps] Socks?!

ALMA: Nooooooooooooo...

EDDIE: What's wrong?

ALMA: Those are for the Bomba Fundraiser!

ALMA: Chachooo! No!

Put that down!

Please, stop!

ALMA: Aw...

[Chacho barks]

ALMA: Ugh. My socks are all dirty.


And they're covered in doggy drool.

What am I gonna do?

EDDIE: Well...

what do you usually do with dirty socks?

KIDS: You wash them!


KIDS: Whoa! Hey! Chacho!

ALMA: Time for a sock check!

Clean. Clean.

KIDS: Clean!

ALMA: Clean, but wet.

We've gotta dry these...

KIDS: Whoa! Hey Chacho!

KIDS: Goooo!

ALMA: [efforts]

[Chacho barks]

ALMA: [efforts]

[Chacho barks]

ALMA: [efforts]

UNCLE NESTOR: Ah! ALMA: Sorry Uncle Nestor!


ALMA: [out of breath]

Are these socks getting heavier?!

EDDIE: Uhh... Alma?

KIDS: [chuckle]

ALMA: [gasp] [sigh] [Chacho barks]

ALMA: [chuckle]

Needs more drying.


KIDS: [blowing]

ALMA: Touch test!

ALMA: We need more fan power!

KIDS: [blowing]

ALMA: Finally!

The socks are washed, dried, and ready to donate!

Are we good or what?

[Chacho barks]

ALMA: Not again! Chacho! No! Stop!

EDDIE: Still clean! JUNIOR: Still dry!

ALMA: [sigh] But...

what's that..?

KIDS: Holes!

ALMA: Oh, no! Chacho chewed holes in the socks!

JUNIOR: Can we wash the holes out?

ALMA: I wish...

No one can wear these socks now.

Ugh. What am I gonna do?

I gotta think about this...

ALMA: Junior and I are donating stuff we don't need anymore...

PAPI: I'm so glad we found another way...

to use our old towels.

ALMA: Ohhh riiight, Papi turned those old towels...

into dog toys...

ALMA: And Mami turned an old stool into a new plant stand.

MAMI: Well, I looked at it and asked myself

"Hmm... What else can this be?"

ALMA: Oh! I know what to do!

JUNIOR: Chacho! Noo!

EDDIE: Chacho! No! JUNIOR: Drop it, boy!

EDDIE: Drop it, boy! Come here!

ALMA: Okay, let's see...

What else can these socks be?

ALMA: Ear warmers?

ALMA: Nope.

Hmm... maybe they could be...


ALMA: Heyyy, my sock kinda looks like a hairy monster.

[sigh] Wait!

It could be... a hairy puppet monster!!!

ALMA: Miren!

Whatdaya think?

Could this be a puppet?

[with funny voice] Oogly-boo, I'm a space monster!


JUNIOR: Whoaaaaa... Monstery!

I like it!

ALMA: Wanna help me make more puppets...

for the Fundraiser?

KIDS: Oh yeah! Yeah sure!


ALMA: [chuckles]


EDDIE: [chuckles]


EDDIE: Check it out! Super spidy-monster!

JUNIOR: [laughs]

EDDIE: Sproingy, sproingy sproingy, sproingy!

JUNIOR: [laughs]

JUNIOR: Look what I made... Mega Monster!

He can fly! Zoom Zoom Zoom!

ALMA: And this is what I made! Grrr!

I'm a dancing monster!

KIDS: [laughs]

[playing acoustic guitar]

PAPI: Dogs love these doggie toys.


JUNIOR: Roar!!

Thank you!

EDDIE: Thank you, Mrs. Huda!

EDDIE: Boom!

More money for the Bomba drums, Frankie!

ANDRÉ: The fang monster is hungry!

ALMA: Ohhhh nooooo!

It's Count Bite-ula!

ANDRÉ: Good one Alma, here ya go!

ALMA: Fangs' a lot!

ANDRÉ: [laughs]

ALMA: One more thing, André!

Be sure to keep your sock monster away from Chacho!

Trust me, I know!

[Chacho growling] ALMA: [gasp]

ALMA: [laughs]

[Chacho growling]

ALMA: Okay, this one's all yours, Chacho.

Another happy customer!


ALMA: "Alma's Animal Show"

ALMA: Uncle Nestor, why are we putting away...

all this camera stuff?

UNCLE NESTOR: Alas, your Papi does not need me this week!

PAPI: Ah, Nestor.

I had to cancel my show this week,

but I always need you.

You're the best camera person in the Bronx.

UNCLE NESTOR: Gracias, Rubén.

I am but a part of the team.

And it takes a team to make a show.

ALMA: Waitaminute!

Papi, did you say there's no animal show this week?

But all your fans will be so disappointed.

PAPI: I know.

But I don't have time this week.

ALMA: Oooh...


Hey, Papi, what if I did your show this week?

PAPI: That'd be great, m'ijita.

I would love to see Alma's Animal's Show!


ALMA: I'll do it! I have so many ideas!

And my friends will help!

ALMA: If we're gonna make an animal show,

then we're gonna need some... animals!

ANDRÉ: Hey! My guinea pigs can be in our show.

You know Freddy and Fernie.

They can race or something.

ALMA: Yeah yeah yeah! A race!

We can call that part of the show,

"Freddy and Fernie's Fun Run."

ANDRÉ: Freddy and Fernie will be so excited when I tell them.

They've never been on camera before.

RAFIA: You know, my cat Ladli, can do a skateboard trick.

ALMA: What? Really?

That's awesome!

"Ladli the Shredding Kitty!"

JUNIOR: Excuse me... I have a question.

What can I do?

ALMA: Hmm, didn't you teach Chacho...

how to bark when you sing?

JUNIOR: Oh yeeeah!

He's the best back-up singer.

ALMA: Sa-weet!

"Doggie Duet" will be our third part.

JUNIOR: Did you hear that Chacho? [howls]

[Chacho howls]

JUNIOR: He's very, very excited.

RAFIA: Hold up, Alma.

What do you want to do on our show?

ALMA: Hmmm... let's see...

you're doing all the animal parts.

So, I'll do the other stuff.

KIDS: Okay! Great Alma, great!

JUNIOR: [howls]

KIDS: [laugh]

ANDRÉ: Don't be nervous. You're gonna be great.

JUNIOR: I've got snacks!

ALMA: Okay, let's get started!

JUNIOR: Freddie and Fernie's fun run, take one!

ALMA: Action!

ANDRÉ: Is there anything we can do...

to make this race more exciting?

ALMA: Hmm...

When I watch baseball with Abuelo,

there's a sports announcer.

Rodriguez hits the ball...

it's outta the paaark!

ANDRÉ: Sports Announcer, huh..?

RAFIA: Oo, waitasec, I've got something for André...

JUNIOR: [chomping]

ALMA: Hehe.

RAFIA: There, that's better.

ANDRÉ: Thanks, Rafia.

Hello everyone, this is André,

we're live from Freddy and Fernie's Fun Run!

Ooh, I love being a sports announcer.

I never would've thought of this, Alma!


ALMA: You're welcome! Okay, let's try it again!

JUNIOR: Freddy and Fernie's Fun Run, take two!

ALMA: Wait, your tie...

ALMA: Action!

ANDRÉ: Freddy and Fernie are off!

Freddy takes the lead!

Now it's Fernie!

ALMA: This is way way way more exciting!

ANDRÉ: They've been training their whole lives...

for this moment!

Who... will... win?!

ALMA: [gasp]


I messed up.

RAFIA: What happened?

ALMA: You were great, André,

but I forgot to press record on the camera.


ANDRÉ: That's okay.

All that racing made Freddy and Fernie hungry.

ALMA: Okay!

While they eat, we can do Rafia's segment with Ladli.

JUNIOR: And I'll get some more popcorn!

ANDRÉ: All set Alma.

RAFIA: Umm, Alma.

Something's not right with...

RAFIA: ...All of this.

It's kind of... blah.

ALMA: Huh, I know what you mean.

Maybe it needs some color?


ANDRÉ: I've got this!

JUNIOR: And I've got the popcorn!

ALMA: I love it!

KDS: Wow! Oh wow!

RAFIA: Color is just what we needed.

Good idea, Alma!

Ready to shred, Ladli?

She's ready.

ALMA: Okay, people... and cat, let's record this!

ALMA: Oh... Let me fix the skateboard,

it's backwards.

ALMA: There.

JUNIOR: Ladli the Shredding Kitty!

Take one!

CAT: [meow!]

ALMA: Action!

ANDRÉ: Wow! That was amazing!

Can we see it, Alma?

ALMA: Yeah, sure.

JUNIOR: Ladli the Shredding Kitty!

Take one!

ALMA: Oh no!

I didn't get Ladli on camera.

Sorry, everyone.

This camera stuff is hard!

Do you think Ladli can do it again?

RAFIA: Sure, but, um, how about after she takes a cat nap?

ALMA: [groans]

RAFIA: It's okay, Alma.

Hey, why don't we do Junior's part while Ladli rests?

ALMA: Okay.

I can't believe I missed Ladli's trick.

JUNIOR: Ready!

ALMA: I've got it this time.

There's nooooo way I'll mess up.

RAFIA: Doggie Duet, take one!

ALMA: Action!

JUNIOR: Row, row, row your boat.

Gently down the...

JUNIOR: Chacho, it's your turn.

Get ready, boy...

Row, row, row your boat.

Gently down the...

ALMA: Try giving him a treat.

[Chacho howls]

JUNIOR: Row, row, row your boat.

Gently down the...

[Chacho howls]

JUNIOR: Hey, it worked!

ALMA: Great, go again Junior!

JUNIOR: Row, row, row your boat.

Gently down the...

[Chacho howls]

ALMA: [gasp] Cut! [groans]

The battery ran out.

I'm gonna need to charge it.


JUNIOR: That's okay.

I need to get more treats for Chacho.

ALMA: Huh, I wonder if I should ask someone else to take over?

I keep messing up the camera.

Hmm, I gotta think about this...

ALMA: I kept trying to do the camera and other things...

at same time.

I guess that's why I kept messing up...

Waitaminute, what did Uncle Nestor say about making a show?

UNCLE NESTOR: And it takes a team to make a show.

ALMA: A team?

What does being on a team mean when you're making a show?

Oh! I know what to do!

ALMA: Let's take a quick break while the camera charges.

Be right back!

[cymbals crash]

JUNIOR: Who wants more popcorn?

ALL: Sure! Ok! [Chacho bark]

UNCLE NESTOR: One-hundred fifty and...

Oh, hola, Alma, qué tal?

How's the show going?

ALMA: Actually...

I have a question.

What did you mean when you said it takes a team to make a show?

UNCLE NESTOR: Ah, well, you need a team of people helping you.

Each person does a different job to get the show made.

UNCLE NESTOR: So, you have the performers.

They're the ones on camera...

I am performing!

ALMA: Oh, so Rafia, André, Junior,

and our pets are the performers!

UNCLE NESTOR: And you have the caterers.

They feed everyone.

Juice? Cookie? Mofongo?

ALMA: [pretend chomping]

Okay, Junior keeps bringing us popcorn.

He's like our caterer.


And the wardrobe person...

makes sure everyone has the right clothes...

And with this crown, I anoint thee,

Queen Alma of the Bronx!

ALMA: [giggles] Rafia got André some sports announcer clothes.


Sounds like everyone on the team has a job.

What's your job?

ALMA: Well, doing a show was my idea...

and I came up with more ideas to make it better.

UNCLE NESTOR: Aaah... So, you're the director.

ALMA: The director?

UNCLE NESTOR: Yes, the director.


Try it that way!

I love it! You were great!

Does that sound like you?

ALMA: Yesss!

So, I'm the director, huh?

But I need help with the camera?

I've been having trouble with that part.

UNCLE NESTOR: Ah Bueno, that's okay.

Sounds like you need a camera person.

Ahem... someone who's good at cameras.

Someone who's your uncle.

ALMA: [giggles] Would you be our camera person, Uncle Nestor?

Por favor?


Let's make a show!

ALMA: [giggles]

ALMA: Places everyone....




ALMA: Aaaand cut!

That's a wrap, everyone!!

ALL: [cheers]

JUNIOR: Merrily merrily merrily merrily life is but a...

[Chacho howls]

JUNIOR: [giggles]

ALMA: Thanks for watching Alma's amazing animal show.


PAPI: Your show turned out so great, Alma.

How 'bout you do next week's show too? Eh?

ALMA: [laughs]

Well, I'm going to have to check with the team first.


ALL: [chewing] [chomping] [gasps]

ALL: [laugh]
