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01x10 - Basketball Birds/Looking for Litter

Posted: 12/31/23 11:36
by bunniefuu
[♪♪♪] ♪ Waahoooa yay! ♪

♪ Vamonos! ♪

♪ Lo le lo lai, lo lai lai lo le. ♪

♪ It's Alma's Way! ♪

♪ Here she comes. ♪

♪ Beaming with pride and something to say! ♪

♪ Hear those drums? ♪

♪ Playing Alma's Way. ♪

♪ From the Bronx, ♪

♪ Singing a le lo lai, lai lo lei, ♪

♪ our island songs, ♪

♪ Saying Alma's Way. ♪

♪ So many questions. So much to explain. ♪

♪ Hoh! ♪ ♪ Figure it out as you hop on the train. ♪

♪ Hoo! ♪ ♪ With Mami, Papi, Junior and Abuelo, mi gente. ♪

♪ I'll think it through and share it with you. ♪

♪ Come on vente! ♪

♪ There she goes! ♪

♪ Learning about her world every day. ♪

♪ The whole world knows. ♪

♪ It's Alma's Way... ♪

♪ Alma's Way! ♪

♪ Wepa! ♪

ALMA: "Basketball Birds"


JUNIOR: Oh, there they are Papi.

Ooo, a piñata!

C'mon, Papi, it's party time!

PAPI: Go ahead Junior.

PAPI: All good, Alma?

ALMA: Yep, I'm gonna play basketball with...

RAFIA: Think fast!

ALMA: ...Rafia!

RAFIA: Hi Alma!

PAPI: If you need me, I'll be over there.

And always remember, Almita...

[effort] Defense!


ALMA: Whoa, did ya see that?!

RAFIA: You're good, Dr. Rivera!

But don't forget...

RAFIA: Haha! Defense! PAPI: Whoa!


PAPI: Have fun, you two!

RAFIA: Rafia Huda's got the ball.

She charges down the court!

Is she fast or what???

ALMA: But time's running out!

In ... ......

RAFIA: Rafia sh**t the ball and...

ALMA: [buzzer sound]

RAFIA: Nothing but net!! Rafia wins the game!

And the crowd goes wild!

RAFIA: Yeahhh!!! Roaarrr! Yaaayy!

ALMA: [gasp] Watch out, Rafia!

RAFIA: Whoaaa... [gasp]


Sorry, Alma and Rafia, this path is closed.

RAFIA: Why, Rose?

The court is right there!

ROSE THE PARK WORKER: We're trimming the trees.

So, we blocked off this area to keep folks safe.

ROSE THE PARK WORKER: See what I mean.

ALMA: Ah, okay. Thanks, Rose.

We'll go the other way around.

RAFIA: Race ya there!

RAFIA: I'm gonna beat you!

ALMA: Not if I beat you first.

KIDS: [laughter]

[bird chirping]

ALMA: You better move, birdie.

Rafia's gonna sh**t the ball.

ALMA: What's up with this bird?

Hey! Wait a minute!

It's a nest!

RAFIA: Game on!

ALMA: [gasp] Oh no, Rafia!

RAFIA: Oof. What's up, Alma?!

ALMA: Shhh....

[bird chirping]

RAFIA: Oh! No way!

RAFIA: A bird's nest. Whoaaa.

But how are we going to play basketball with the nest there?

Should we move it or something?

ALMA: Hm, I dunno...

But my Papi will!

Keep an eye on the nest, okay?

RAFIA: Uh-huh, sure...

JUNIOR: Wow! Thanks, Papi!

PAPI: Careful.

ALMA: [panting] Basket... Bird...

Nest... Hoop!

PAPI: Oh! You found a bird's nest on one of the hoops...

at the basketball court?!

ALMA: Wow, he's good!

What should we do?

Should we move it?

PAPI: No, please don't move it.

If a mama bird has a nest,

then it probably has eggs in it.

She'll want to keep her eggs safe.

We can help her by leaving the nest alone.

JUNIOR: [giggles] Gonna get you.

PAPI: Ay! I'll come right after the party.

ALMA: Got it, Papi!

JUNIOR: Where are you piñata

PAPI: Ay, Junior!

RAFIA: Whooaaa, I can't believe there are eggs in there!

ALMA: Yep!

That's why we have to leave the nest alone.

ALMA: [gasp] RAFIA: [gasp]

RAFIA: Then we should make sure no one goes near this hoop.

ALMA: Definitely.

Let's protect this nest!

LUCAS: Hey, wanna play with us?

RAFIA: No, thanks.

ANDRÉ: Seriously?

You always want to play basketball!

RAFIA: I'm busy guarding that nest.

ANDRÉ: Uh, okay.

LUCAS: Okay, we'll play on the other hoop.

ALMA: You still doing okay up there mama bird?

RAFIA: I can't wait for the baby birds to hatch!

Oh! We should name them.

How 'bout Biscuit?

ALMA: Yeah!

And what about 'Penelope?'

EDDIE: Hey, Alma, you're not playing?

ALMA: Nope, we're watching this hoop.

EDDIE: Uh... okay. Sure.

We'll play with those guys.

RAFIA: Not much is happening.

ALMA: Nope.

[bird chirping]

RAFIA: Hey! Let's pretend to be birds.

I'll be the mama.

You can be my baby.

RAFIA: Flap flap flap flap!

ALMA: Tweet, tweet! Tweet! Tweet! Tweet!

Mama! Mama!

RAFIA: I'm here, my baby bird!

Are you hungry?

I've got wooooorms!

ALMA: Blecch. No thank you!

Got any pizza?

KIDS: [laughs]

LUCAS: Watch out!

RAFIA: Incoming!!

I've got it!

ALMA: Whoa!

ALMA: [gasps] RAFIA: [gasps]

RAFIA: Whoa, that was close.

ALMA: Too close!

LUCAS: Sorry about that.

Is the bird's nest okay?

EDDIE: Wait, what bird's nest?!

RAFIA: We're keeping the eggs safe!

KIDS: Eggs!!??

ANDRÉ: Hold up. There are baby bird eggs in there?!

No way!

I wanna help protect them!

KIDS: Me too! Oh, we're in! Yeah!

RAFIA: All right then, huddle up, team!

André, chalk please?

RAFIA: Thanks.

Okay, here's the game plan...

RAFIA: Eddie and Becka, you'll stand at the entrance

to make sure no one comes onto the court.

EDDIE: Okay! BECKA: Okay!

RAFIA: André and Lucas, pretend to play basketball...

so the court looks too busy to play on.

LUCAS: Got it!

Dribble and swish!

RAFIA: Alma and I will guard the nest from the front of the hoop.

ALMA: I won't let you down, coach.

RAFIA: Alright, team, let's protect the Basketball Birds.

KIDS: Woo! Yeah!

We can do this! All right!

BECKA: Ready at the entrance.

ANDRÉ: Pretending to play!

ALMA: And no one's coming near this nest!

RAFIA: This is gonna be good!


ANDRÉ: [out of breath] Ooh!

EDDIE: Oh! I'm hungry.

ANDRÉ: [sigh] And we're tired. Right, Lucas?


LUCAS: [snoring]


RAFIA: I think we all need to go home.

BECKA: Yeah, I think so too. EDDIE: Yeah, totally.

LUCAS: [snoring]

ALMA: But if we leave, what do we do about the nest?

How can we still keep it safe?

I've gotta think about this...

PAPI: If a mama bird has a nest, then it probably has eggs in it.

She'll want to keep her eggs safe.

We can help her by leaving the nest alone.

ALMA: So no one should go near the nest.

ANDRÉ: Hold up! There are baby bird eggs in there?!

No way!

I wanna help protect them!

ALMA: But when André found out about the nest,

he wanted to keep it safe.

I bet if we tell other people, they'll want to stay away.

But how can we tell them if we're not here?

ROSE THE PARK WORKER: We're trimming the trees...

So, we blocked this area off to keep folks safe.

ALMA: Oh! I know what to do.

ALMA: Huddle up, team!

LUCAS: [ snoring ]


ALMA: How about we make signs

to tell people about the bird's nest?

Then they'll know that they should stay away from the hoop.

RAFIA: That's a great plan, Alma.

KIDS: Nice! Woo-hoo!

ANDRÉ: I've got everything we need.


PAPI: I'm here, Almita.

What did I miss?

ALMA: We're making signs to tell people about...

the Basketball Birds.

[gasp] I've got another idea!

But I'm going to need help from Rose.




The basketball court is officially closed!

Let's keep this nest safe!

KIDS: [cheer] Yeah! Oh yeah! Let's do it!

PAPI: Let me take a picture!

RAFIA: How are we going to know when the baby birds hatch?

I reaaally want to see them!

ALMA: I have an idea.


Something's happening!!!

Mama, Papi, come quick!

ALMA: Papi set up a webcam on the nest,

so we could watch the eggs on the internet.

It's been weeks!

ALMA: [gasp] It's time!

It's time!


ALMA: No way! PAPI: Increíble!

ALL: Is it happening? Did you guys see them?

ALMA: I guess we weren't the only ones watching

the nest on the internet!

RAFIA: Alma, it's happening!

ALMA: I know!

[bird chirping]

PAPI: The babies are hatching!

[baby birds chirping]

ALL: Awww... so cute.

Awww... cuties!

[baby birds chirping]

RAFIA: Aww, my babies!

They're soooo cute!

ALMA: You're a great mama bird, Rafia.

RAFIA: Tweet tweet!


ALMA: Blecch! No, thanks.

I'm still good.

KIDS: [laugh]


ALMA: "Looking for Litter"


ALMA: Carlotta Clues is on the move!

I'm pretending to be my favorite detective.

I've read every single book!

ANDRÉ: Do you see any clues yet, Alma?

Er, I mean, Carlotta?

ALMA: Not yet!

But we're gonna crack the case of the playground prankster.

[crushing sound]

[crushing sound]

ALMA: Ah-ha!

It was the Giggler!

RAFIA: I knew! Carlotta's greatest villain!

ALMA: It's the end of the road for you Giggler!

EDDIE: [cackle]

Argh, you caught me!

If I hadn't stepped on this plastic bottle,

you wouldn't have heard me coming [cackle].

ALMA: Yes! Carlotta Clues solves another mystery!

ALMA: I got it...

RAFIA: Alma, the bottle!

ALMA: Whoops. I thought it went in.

ALMA: Heeey, look...

ALL: What?

ALMA: Where did all that litter come from?

ALMA: Should we leave it?

ANDRÉ: We should do something about it.

But what?

ALMA: I know who will know.

Rose! C'mon!

ALMA: Hi, Rose!

ROSE THE PARK WORKER: Hey, friends, what's up?!

ALMA: Is there anything we can do about all the litter here?

ROSE THE PARK WORKER: Ah, no worries, I got this...

ALMA: Cool! Nice moves! RAFIA: Whoa! Awesome!

ALMA: Can we help you clean up?


TÍA GLORIA: Great idea Alma!

We'll pitch in too!

UNCLE NESTOR: Litter is no match for us!

EDDIE: We shall defeat the litter!!

KIDS: [cheers] Yes!


I've never seen this kind of passion for litter before.

But I like it!


ALMA: Nice!


ANDRÉ: Great!


RAFIA: Thanks!


UNCLE NESTOR: [imitating robot] We are litter-bots.

EDDIE: Beep Bop. Beep Boop.


ALMA: Whoa! [giggles]


ANDRÉ: Gotcha!

ALMA: Take that trash!

ANDRÉ: In ya go!




RAFIA: [effort]

TÍA GLORIA: One. Two. Three!

RAFIA: She sh**t! She scores!! Yay!



ALMA: Here ya go!

KIDS: Wow! Whoa! This looks good!

This looks amazing!

TÍA GLORIA: Not a speck, spot, or piece of litter!

ROSE THE PARK WORKER: Now, that's how I like it!

Thanks, everyone for all your help today.

Enjoy the park, see you later!

ALL: Sure thing! Bye! Thanks!

UNCLE NESTOR: Kind Citizens of New York...

we came... we picked-up...

and we conquered the trash!

EDDIE: It's the end of litter!

KIDS: Yes! Yay! Yeah! Woo-hoo! Not in our park!

ALMA: We should play here again tomorrow!

ANDRÉ: Totally!

KIDS: See you later! Bye! See you tomorrow! Byeee!

UNCLE NESTOR: Bye kids! TÍA GLORIA: Thank you!

UNCLE NESTOR: All that hard work made me hungry.

TÍA GLORIA: Come on, you two.

It's almost time for dinner.

SQUID GUY: Ah! Ah! Oh no!

Great catch, Eddie!

That's a flyer for my restaurant.

You can keep it...

...and spread the word.

Hello sir, are you hungry for seafood.


EDDIE: Well, Papá, I know where you can find...

a good seafood special.

UNCLE NESTOR: Then we shall go forth

and fill our bellies with the scallops of destiny!

TÍA GLORIA: [giggle]

ALMA: See you tomorrow, clean playground!

EDDIE: Alma come on.

ALMA: Oh, wait for me.


ALMA: Morning!


RAFIA: Last one to the playground is a litterbug!

EDDIE: Oh, you are so on!

JUNIOR: Alma, what kind of bug is a litterbug?

ALMA: Oh, it's not a bug.

It's a person who drops trash and doesn't pick it up.

JUNIOR: Ohhh...

I thought it was like a ladybug.

They're cute.

But litter?


ALMA: Well, you don't have to worry about that.

We got rid of all the litter yesterday.

JUNIOR: Uh... Alma, look!

KIDS: No way! What happened?!

ANDRÉ: Didn't we pick up every single piece of litter?

Or was I just dreaming?

ALMA: It definitely wasn't a dream.

JUNIOR: Maybe it was a litterbug?

I know a ladybug wouldn't make such a mess.

ALMA: Grrr... Litter makes me so mad.

And I'm even madder because we worked so hard to clean it up!

EDDIE: We need to find out who's littering...

so we can ask them to stop.

ANDRÉ: Yeah...

But how do we do that?

RAFIA: It's a mystery!

ALMA: You know what Carlotta Clues does...

when there's a mystery to solve?

She goes undercover to find out who did it.

RAFIA: Oh, remember that time Carlotta dressed up...

as an ice cream cone?

ANDRÉ: Yeah! To solve the case of the missing sprinkles.

ALMA: That's what we need to do!

ALMA: Let's put on disguises and look for clues!

EDDIE: Yeah! And If we follow the litter,

we might find clues.

ANDRÉ: And then we'll solve the Case of the Mystery Litterbug!

RAFIA: Ooh, this is gonna be good!

[mysterious theme playing]

ALMA: The coast is clear.

Let's move on three.



JUNIOR: My mustache itches.

EDDIE: Try wiggling your nose, like this.

JUNIOR: Oh! That's better.


ALMA: Okay, let's go.

One... two... three!

[mysterious theme]

ALMA: Spread out to look for clues!


ALMA: No clues here.

ANDRÉ: Or here.

JUNIOR: Mayday! Help!

ALMA: What?

EDDIE: You found a clue?!

JUNIOR: No, my mustache is itchy again.

Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.

SQUID GUY: Have a squiggly day!


Oh no!!

EDDIE: Code clue! Repeat, code clue!

RAFIA: Come on!

SQUID GUY: Ah-ha! Uh! Ooh! Oh! oh, oh! No!

EDDIE: Squid Guy had flyers like that yesterday.

[gasp] Is he the one littering?

ALMA: I dunno, he always goes after them.

SQUID GUY: Gotcha!

[sigh] I've gotta do something about all this paper!

JUNIOR: [sniffs]

Ahhhhhh, thanks, Alma.

ALMA: André, litter!


JUNIOR: [gasp]

Got it!

ANDRÉ: Thanks for catching my litter,

Mustache Man.

JUNIOR: You're welcome!

RAFIA: Psst! Look!

Could be a clue!

ALMA: Are they the ones littering?

ALMA: Guess not.

KIDS: [gasp] Litter!

RAFIA: I got it!

RAFIA: You're not faster than me, litter!

ALMA: Ah-ha!

Hold on, all the litter around here...

didn't come from the bulletin board.

There was other trash on the ground too.

So, where is all the litter coming from?!

I gotta think about this...

ALMA: It was the wind that blew the papers off...

the bulletin board.

ALMA: And those kids almost littered...

but they picked up their trash.

RAFIA: Alma, the bottle?

ALMA: Whoa.

I almost littered too.

And I didn't even notice!

[gasp] I've got it!

I know what to do!

ALMA: I solved the case!

RAFIA: You did?

JUNIOR: Ooh, tell us. Who's littering?

ALMA: We are!

KIDS: [gasp] Say what? Really?

EDDIE: Plot twist!

JUNIOR: Um, excuse me...

so you're saying we're the litterbugs?

ALMA: Uh-huh!

But not on purpose.

It can happen by accident.

ALMA: Sometimes we drop trash without noticing.

And when we leave trash on the ground, it's litter.

ANDRÉ: Oh, like my gum wrapper when I missed my pocket!

ALMA: Exactly!

ANDRÉ: No way!

Whoa! Great catch Rose!


ANDRÉ: It definitely went in this time.

ALMA: Yes! It helps if we're all more careful

with our own trash.

ANDRÉ: I hear ya.

We have to pay attention to what we do with it.

ROSE THE PARK WORKER: That's what I'm talking about!

JUNIOR: You can count me... i-i-iii-aaachooo!

Ahhh, I feel so much better now!

I gotta pick-up my mustache litter.

ALMA: [giggles] Nice, Junior!

JUNIOR: We're not litterbugs.

We're clean-up bugs.

KIDS: In ya go! Bye litter!

KIDS: Yeah!

SQUID GUY: Hoo-hoo-Hoooo!

No more paper litter for me!

ALMA: We will defeat the litter!

Little by little.

ALMA: [giggle]
