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01x05 - Cardboard Club/Alma Clues In

Posted: 12/31/23 11:09
by bunniefuu
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[♪♪♪] ♪ Waahoooa yay! ♪

♪ Vamonos! ♪

♪<span tts:fontStyle="italic"> Lo le lo lai, lo lai lai lo le. ♪

♪ It's Alma's Way! ♪

♪ Here she comes. ♪

♪<span tts:fontStyle="italic"> Beaming with pride and something to say! ♪

♪ Hear those drums? ♪

♪ Playing Alma's Way. ♪

♪ From the Bronx, ♪

♪ Singing a le lo lai, lai lo lei, ♪

♪ our island songs, ♪

♪ Saying Alma's Way. ♪

♪<span tts:fontStyle="italic"> So many questions. So much to explain. ♪

♪ Hoh! ♪ ♪ Figure it out as you hop on the train. ♪

♪<span tts:fontStyle="italic"> Hoo! <span> ♪ ♪<span tts:fontStyle="italic"> With Mami, Papi, Junior and Abuelo, mi gente. ♪

♪ I'll think it through and share it with you. ♪

♪ Come on vente! ♪

♪ There she goes! ♪

♪<span tts:fontStyle="italic"> Learning about her world every day. ♪

♪ The whole world knows. ♪

♪ It's Alma's Way... ♪

♪ Alma's Way! ♪

♪ Wepa! ♪


ALMA: "Cardboard Club"

RAFIA: Alllllmmmmmmaaaaa! ANDRÉ: Alllllmmmmmmaaaaa!

ANDRÉ: Come out and play!

ALMA: Alright. I'm ready!

Let's have some fun!

Bye Abuelo!


ALMA: So, What do you want to do today?

ANDRÉ: Something fun.

RAFIA: And it's gotta be awesome.

ANDRÉ: Hey, I know.

How about some chalk art?

RAFIA: Maybe...

[gasp] ...or maybe we can play...


RAFIA: Thanks, see ya.

ANDRÉ: Oh, oh! What if we go duck walking?

ANDRÉ: Quack, quaaaack, quack!

KIDS: Quack, quaaaack, quack!

Quack, quaaaack, quack! Quack, quaaaack, quack!


ANDRÉ: Quack, quaaaack, quack!

ALMA: Orrrrr...

We could play with the world's most humongous box!


RAFIA: Quack, quack, quack, quack, Quaaaaack?


Hey, wait up!

ALMA: Hey Frankie!

RAFIA: Whoa! That box is huge!

ANDRÉ: It must be for a spaceship.

FRANKIE FOUR FEET: [laughs] I wish!

But nah... we just got a new refrigerator at the Center

and this is the box it came in.

ALMA: Uh Frankie, can we have it?


FRANKIE FOUR FEET: Oh, sure thing, it's all yours!

ALMA: Sweet!! Thanks, Frankie!

KIDS: Byeee! Byeeee! Thanks Frankie!

FRANKIE FOUR FEET: [giggles] Have fun kids!

RAFIA: What are we even gonna to do with this box, Alma?

ALMA: Oh, this is way way wayyyy more than just a box.

We're going to turn this into something awesome and fun.

ALMA: This is gonna be our...


ANDRÉ: Awesome!

RAFIA: Yeah!

ANDRÉ: Hey, since our clubhouse is made of cardboard...

Let's call ourselves the Cardboard Club...

ALMA: I love it!

And everyone can play in the Cardboard Clubhouse!


RAFIA: Absolutely! ANDRÉ: Oh yeah! Of course!

KIDS: [sigh]

KIDS: Hmm...

RAFIA: I hate to say it,

but our clubhouse is kinda plain.

ANDRÉ: Yeah, too cardboard-y.

ALMA: [gasp] Totally!

The first mission of the Cardboard Club

should be to decorate our clubhouse.


I'll go home and get my art stuff!

ALMA: Cardboard Club on three...

ALMA: One...

ANDRÉ: Two...

RAFIA: Three...

KIDS: Cardboard Club!

ANDRÉ: Woo-hoo!

RAFIA: I spy with my little eye something that is...


ALMA: Hmmm...

the fence!

RAFIA: Right! Your turn.

ALMA: I spy with my little eye something that is...

EDDIE: Nice box!

KIDS: Waahhhhh!

EDDIE: [chuckle] Sorry.

Can I come in?

ALMA: Yeah!

Everyone can play with us.

EDDIE: Whoa! Check it out!

It's so roomy!

ANDRÉ:<span tts:fontStyle="italic"> Cardboard Club!

ANDRÉ: Hey, Eddie.

You joined our club.

EDDIE: Yup, I sure did.

ALMA: What did you bring André?

ANDRÉ: Oh, I brought everything!

ALMA: Okay, everybody, let's decorate!

Ready and...

KIDS: Caaaardboard Club!

EDDIE: Hey, how about a little beat?

[clave beat]


KIDS: Whoo [giggle]


EDDIE: Oops. ALMA: [giggle]


ANDRÉ: Hmmm....





ALMA: This is fan-tastic!

KIDS: Yeah! So amazing!

BECKA: Oh! Sweet cardboard house!

Can I play too?

ALMA: Sure!

And you're just in time for our first Cardboard Club meeting.

Everyone inside!

KIDS: Alright! Yes! Woo-hoo!


[scoot efforts]

KIDS: Excuse Me! Thanks! Whoops! Whoops!

[giggles] Owie!

ALMA: Excuse me.

Huh, this isn't working. I'm out here.

But I should be in there.

KIDS: Yeah! Come in, Alma! Come in, Alma!

EDDIE: Try here.

ALMA: Okay, maybe I can fit in here...

ALMA: ...nope. KIDS: [efforts]

Uh... Maybe I'll try this way...

KIDS: [grunts]

ALMA: Nope.

ALMA: [sigh] There's gotta be a way we can all fit.

ANDRÉ: I'll make myself small and squeeze in.

[holds breath]

ANDRÉ: Okay, come on in.

ALMA: Waitamiunte, that's it!

ANDRÉ: What's it?

ALMA: When I want to fit all my toys in a box,

I have to turn them in different directions...

like a puzzle.

KIDS: That's a great idea! Okay!

Let's give it a try!

ALMA: Okay André, slide over there.

Tuck into that corner Rafia.

Okay, a little to your right Becka,

and Eddie, move to your left.


ALMA: And now I'll just... sliiiiide in.


EVERYONE: [cheers] We did it! Yay!

ANDRÉ: Uh...

I can't see anyone.

EDDIE: Someone's elbow is in my ribs.

BECKA: There's a foot in my back.

RAFIA: Leg cramp. Leg cramp!

Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!

EDDIE: Umm, now there's a leg on my head!

ALMA: Mmm.

On the count of three everyone change positions...

to make more room, okay?

One... Two... Three!


ALMA: Oops, sorry, my bad.

JUNIOR: Mami, can I go play with Alma?

MAMI: Sure, I'll be on a bench just over there.

JUNIOR: Okay, Mami.

EDDIE: I can't really move.

ALMA: Oops, sorry.

JUNIOR: I don't know what you're doing,

but I want in.



The only way we could all fit in here...

is if we were the size of hamsters,

but I can't say 'no' to Junior so...



EDDIE: How are we gonna all to fit?

ALMA: There's gotta be a way.

KIDS: Whew.

ALMA: Oh! When my mami packs her suitcase she rolls up

her clothes so she can get more in.

Let's try that.

RAFIA: Okay, roll into the box, everybody!

KIDS: [laughing]

JUNIOR: Alright!

ALMA: Incoming!

EVERYONE: [efforts]

ALMA: Welcome to the first meeting...

of the Cardboard Club...

Which is kinda squishy-squashy.

EVERYONE: [Uncomfortable cheers]

ANDRÉ: High-five, nope up high.

BECKA: I caaaan't reeaaaach! ANDRÉ: I'm here.

KIDS: [efforts] Ooooh!

EVERYONE: Whooooaaaa! Ahhh!

ALMA: Hmmm...

What if we take turns using the box?

No, then we wouldn't be together.

ANDRÉ: We could flatten the box and sit on top.

But then we wouldn't be inside the box.

RAFIA: So, we can't play together inside?


We made the Cardboard Clubhouse with one idea!

That we should all have a place to play.

KIDS: Yeah!

ALMA: We will not leave any friend out of this box!

KIDS: Nooo!

ALMA: We are the Cardboard Club, and in our club,

everyone can play...


ANDRÉ: Cardboard Club! Cardboard Club!

KIDS: Cardboard Club! Cardboard Club!

ALMA: Now let's all get inside that box!

KIDS: [screaming] Yeaaah!

Let's do it! Woo-hoo!


ALMA: Huh.

Well, that didn't work.

ALMA: Huh? [gasp]

More kids are coming!

There has to be a way for everyone to play together.

I gotta think about this...

KIDS: Cardboard Club!

ALMA: Everyone was really excited about playing together

in the box...

KIDS: [efforts]

ANDRÉ: Uh... I can't see anyone.

EDDIE: Someone's elbow is in my ribs.

BECKA: There's a foot in my back.

ALMA: ...But we don't all fit.

ALMA: What do you do when you have a whole lotta friends

who want to play together, but only one cardboard box?

ALMA: I wonder what would happen if we got a giant box...

big enough for everyone?

KIDS: [cheer]

ALMA: Nah, there's no way to get one box that big...

But maybe we don't need just one box...

[gasp] Oh!!

I know what to do!

ALMA: Hey, Cardboard Club!

I have an idea so that everyone can play together...

but we're gonna need more boxes.

EVERYONE: [half-hearted cheers]

ANDRÉ: I can't feel my foot.

ALMA: A lot more boxes.

ALMA: [sigh]

Now we have a place where we can all play together.

Welcome to Cardboard City!

KIDS: [cheers]

ANDRÉ: [trumpets] I'm André, King of the Cardboard!

LUCAS: World's greatest cardboard garden!

RAFIA: Welcome aboard to the cardboard club express!

Stand clear of the closing doors please.

KIDS: Yes!


Yeah! Yeah! Woo-hoo!


[Chacho barks] JUNIOR: Yeah!



ALMA: Cardboard Club City!

It's time for our cardboard club cheer!


EVERYONE: Cardboard club!

Cardboard Club! Cardboard Club!

JUNIOR: Alma... Look!

KIDS: [laughter]

ALMA: Oh, we're gonna need more boxes!

A lot more boxes.

KIDS: [cheer] [playful laughter]



ALMA: "Alma Clues In"

MAMI: [singsongy]<span tts:fontStyle="italic"> A can of peas, a bag of rice...

Oh, and don't forget the cinnamon spice...

ALMA: Ah-Hah!! MAMI: Ay!

ALMA: I knew it! The Giggler took the diamond dog collar!

MAMI: Something tells me you just finished

the new Carlotta Clues book?

ALMA: Yep! "The Case of the Missing Diamond!"

Carlotta Clues is my favorite detective!

MAMI: Time to go to the store.

Can you bring your wagon, por favor?

ALMA: Yep!


Where is my wagon?

I knew it was here this morning.

MAMI: Ooooh, this sounds like a case for Carlotta!

What would she do?

ALMA: "When you don't know what to do,

you've gotta look for a clue!"

MAMI: [mwuah]

ALMA: Detective Alma is on the case!

Cluuu-ue where are you..?

ALMA: Hey, Junior!

My wagon was here, but now it's gone.

Have you seen it?

JUNIOR: Last time I saw, it was beside the recycling bins.

ALMA: Thanks, Junior!

ALMA: Huh, no wagon.

But maaaybe there's a...


Ah-hah! Wagon wheel tracks!

ALMA: Ah-hah again!

There it is! Maybe Eddie was using it.

The case of the missing wagon is solved.

MAMI: Alma!

ALMA: Coming Mami.

KIDS: Ooooh! Wow! Nice!

RAFIA: Thank you!

ANDRÉ: Hey Alma! RAFIA: Hey Alma!

ALMA: Hi Rafia! Hi André!

ANDRÉ: Hi Mrs. Rivera. RAFIA: Hi!

ANDRÉ: Rafia and I are going to the park...

RAFIA: We're gonna split our piragua...

ANDRÉ: Wanna come?

ALMA: Sure!

Right after I help my mom with the groceries.

Oh! Guess what!

I just finished the new Carlotta Clues book!

RAFIA: Really? I love those books.

ANDRÉ: Me too!

ALMA: Hey, wanna play Carlotta Clues later?

RAFIA: Yeah! ANDRÉ: Yes!

ALMA: Okay, I'll be Carlotta Clues.

RAFIA: I'll be The Giggler. ANDRÉ: I'll be The Giggler.

ANDRÉ: Please, please... Can I be The Giggler?

RAFIA: Okay André, then I'll be Brainy McBrains.

ANDRÉ: [giggles] I'm the best giggly giggler...

that ever giggled! [cackle]

KIDS: [laugh]

ALMA: Cool! Okay, meet you at the park.

RAFIA: Race ya there!


ANDRÉ: Oh, the race is on.

MAMI: Hi, be there in a minute.

Have fun with your friends,

I'll be over there with the Lazinski's.

ALMA: I'm gonna find Rafia and André,

like Carlotta would. With clues.

ALMA: Hmmm...



An old button.

[gasp] I know those shoes!

ALMA: Hi, Safina.

Have you seen Rafia and André?

SAFINA: [giggle]

ALMA: Okay, thanks!

[kids laughter]

ALMA: A-ha!

There they are!

Rafia! André! Ready to play?


I'm so mad I'd rather brush my teeth with sour milk...

than play with Rafia.

RAFIA: And I'd rather drink a fish smoothie...

than play with André.

ANDRÉ: Hmph!

That's fine with me!

ALMA: What's going on?

Uh, Rafia, what happened?

RAFIA: Well, we were gonna share the piragua.

But I forgot to bring an extra spoon.

So I raced over to Safina and got one.

But when I got back, our piragua cup was empty!

And André was gone.

He totally ate it!

ALMA: Whaaaat?

Why would he do that?

I'm gonna go talk to him.

ALMA: André? Did you eat the piragua?

ANDRÉ: Me? Eat it?

No way!

Rafia ate it while I was with the giant squid.

ALMA: Oh...

Wait whaaaat? A giant squid?

In the park?!

ANDRÉ: [giggle] Yeah.

Turns out it was a guy in a costume.

But I just had to draw him.


ALMA: Oh, nice!

Looks very squiddy.

ANDRÉ: Thanks. Those are my best tentacles yet.

But Rafia definitely ate it!

When I got back to the picnic table,

Rafia was there, and the piragua cup was empty!


ALMA: Ouff!

Rafia and André are so mad at each other.

I need to find out what really happened,

but how do I do that?

I gotta think about this...

ALMA: Hmm...

To solve "The Case of the Missing Wagon"

I started off with what I knew...

ALMA: I know it was here this morning.

JUNIOR: Last time I saw it was beside the recycling bins.

ALMA: Then, I needed to look for clues.

ALMA: Wagon wheel tracks!

ALMA: And the clues led me to my wagon.

Ah-hah again!

There it is.


A-ha! I know what to do!

ALMA: André, c'mon, we're gonna crack this case!

ALMA: Hey Rafia!

RAPHIA: Hmph! ANDRÉ: Yeah! Hmph!

ALMA: Okay, let's start with what we know.

ANDRÉ: All right. RAFIA: Ho-kay.

ALMA: Great.

Now, Rafia, you said when you got back to the picnic table

with the extra spoon, the piragua was gone.

And so was André.

RAFIA: That's right 'cause... he ate it!

ANDRÉ: Did noootttt!

ALMA: André, you said after Rafia left,

you drew a picture of a squid.

And when you came back, Rafia was there...

but the piragua cup was empty.

ANDRÉ: Yep, because Rafia ate it!

RAFIA: No, I didn't!

ANDRÉ: Hmpf! RAFIA: Hmpf!

ALMA: I need more clues!

So, what else do we know for sure..?


Rafia and Andre had a piragua...

and they were going to share it.


What flavor was your piragua?

KIDS: Orange!


Whenever I eat a piragua,

my tongue turns the color of the flavored syrup.

So, whoever ate the orange piragua...

should have an orange tongue.

RAFIA: Okay André, let's see your tongue.

ANDRÉ: You first!

ALMA: [sigh] At the count of three,

you both stick out your tongues, 'kay?

One, two, three!

KIDS: Ahhhhh.


ALMA: Nope, not orange.

So neither of you ate the piragua.


So we both didn't eat it?

ANDRÉ: I don't get it.

RAFIA: Um, I'm sorry I blamed you.

ANDRÉ: And I'm sorry I blamed you.

But if we didn't eat it, who did?

ALMA: Was there anyone else that could've eaten the piragua?

ANDRÉ: I didn't see who could have done it,

because I was drawing my picture.

ALMA: That's it!

Maybe your picture has a clue.

ANDRÉ: [gasp]

ALMA: Ah-hah!

This Squid Guy was around when the piragua went missing.

I bet he saw something.


SQUID GUY: Have a squid-ily day!

ALMA: Excuse me? Mister, um, Squid Guy?

SQUID GUY: Oh, Squiddle-do, can I help you?

ANDRÉ: Did you see anybody around that picnic table

in the last hour?

SQUID GUY: Hm, come to think of it, yes I did.

KIDS: [gasp]

SQUID GUY: There was a little boy, with his dad,

oh, and a very barky dog.

Sounded like this,


KIDS: Chacho!

ALMA: Thank you, Squid Guy!

SQUID GUY: Oh, my pleasure.


[Chacho barks]

ALMA: Papi! Junior!

PAPI: Hi niños.

ALMA: Did you see anyone eat a piragua?


Me! I ate a piragua!

ANDRÉ: So it was youuuuuu!

You ate our orange piragua!

JUNIOR: Orange?

No, it was blueberry. See?


ALMA: Yep! Blueberry blue.

Junior didn't eat your orange piragua.

PAPI: And I had a red one.


ALMA: Yup, cherry red.

Gracias, Papi.

Thanks, Junior.

PAPI: De nada!

JUNIOR: Sure Alma!

[Chacho barking]

ALMA: [sigh] This mystery is a hard case to crack.

ANDRÉ: Yeah, and we don't have any more people

or squids to talk to.

RAFIA: What would Carlotta Clues do if she were stumped?

ALMA: Hmm...

She'd return where the mystery started...

to see if she missed any clues.


ANDRÉ: I found it!

ALMA: [gasp] Another clue?

ANDRÉ: No. My red marker.

RAFIA: Ugh. It's too hot to look for any more clues.

RAFIA: Ew, why am I so sticky?

ALMA: Sticky?


Sometimes when I eat a piragua, my hands get all sticky.

This could be another clue!

Sticky orange syrup...

And an orange puddle on the table...


ALMA: Ah-hah, ants!!

That's your cup.

And those ants are the only ones eating your piragua!

ALMA: Ah-hah again!

I've got it!

It's been so hot, the sun must've melted the piragua.

And it leaked through this hole...

RAFIA: Oh! And then the ants got it.

ANDRÉ: Lucky ants.

ALMA: "The Case of the Missing Piragua" is closed!

KIDS: Wha-hoo! Yeah!

RAFIA: Now we can play Carlotta Clues!

ALMA: Yeah! I just need my...

ALMA: [gasp] Heeeyyyy... who took my magnifying glass?

ANDRÉ: [cackle giggle]

[cackle giggle]

RAFIA: That sounds like...

RAFIA: The Giggler! ALMA: The Giggler!

ALMA: Brainy McBrains!

We have another mystery to solve...

"The Case of the Missing Magnifying Glass."

RAFIA: My super speedy brain is at your service, Alma!

Oh, I mean, Carlotta Clues!

ANDRÉ: [cackle]

KIDS: [giggle]

SQUID GUY: Mmm, squid-il-licious!
