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02x05 - 191

Posted: 12/30/23 20:24
by bunniefuu
You're here for a consultation, I see.

They recommended Dr. Macchiarini.

He's the best in the world.

These are the brave

patients who are stepping up

in the name of science.

And he is the daring

doctor who is determined

to give them that chance.

We're shackled by compassionate use.

Well, that is quite an

ask to have Karolinska

hand you over to Russia.

I was hoping to have Dr. Lasbrey set up

and run a lab there.



How could he say those

things when I feel like this?

I could be fired for coming to you,

breaching an ethical

wall, crossing enemy lines.

My trials failed.

They were doomed to fail.

Because they never did any

trials in the first place.

The patients are the trials.

He's experimenting on people.









Hey, hey, hey!

Hey, hey, hey!

Hey, hey, hey!



What we're trying to do is a

very risky surgical procedure.

Why I come to Dr. Macchiarini.

He is the best in the world.


There's my lovely young patient.

So good to finally meet

you in person, Yesim.

Welcome to Karolinska.

- This is Dr. Lasbrey.

- Hello.

Dr. Gamelli, thank you very much.

It really pains me to

see someone as young

and beautiful as you

are suffering like this.

But we're also very happy

that you're here with us today.


And we're also very lucky

that the talented Dr. Lasbrey

is with us for one last procedure.

Where are you going, Dr. Lasbrey?

I'm headed to Russia to set up

another facility for Dr. Macchiarini.

My baba would ask if

you've packed a jacket.

I packed two.

So based on the notes from

your doctors in Turkey,

this all started for you

after a surgery you had

to address excessive sweating.

Is that correct?

And from what we understand,

there was a tiny piece

of metal stuck in the machine.

When the oxygen was turned

on, the force shot it out

through your cannula

tubing into your throat,

and this caused severe

damage to your trachea,

which is where the trach is placed now,

and also your lung.

A freak accident.

And your doctors tried

a corrective graft.

That didn't work, right?

It also hurts when I cough.

We're so sorry, really, for all of this.

As we discussed on the phone,

the biosynthetic tracheas

are still to be approved

for elective surgery.

So we will have to determine

if your case warrants approval

for compassionate use.

To be honest, I would have

preferred 3D digital scans

because with these, it's very difficult

to see the extent of the damage.

To assess candidacy, we need

to see it with our own eyes.

What exactly does that mean?

Well, after a little bit of anesthesia,

we will make a tiny

incision in your abdomen,

run a camera inside, and take a look.

That way, we can be sure

that a biosynthetic trachea

is a viable option for you.

That is surgery?

Maybe I should wait for my father.

Well, it is a very simple procedure.

You should be back in your

hotel by dinnertime tomorrow.

That way, we can assess the site,

and when your father gets here,

then we can all decide

on next steps together.



I'm telling you, the

guy doesn't like me.

Bjorn is Swedish, which means

he's a little complicated.

So are you saying that

he was "bjorn" that way?

It's just every time I talk

to him, I get so "bjored."

If he didn't like

you, this might be why.

Look at you.

You were "bjorn" to run.


I like this on you.

Good, because I am keeping it.

- Oh, yeah?

- Yep.



It's Svensson.

He wants to meet me.

It's about Macchiarini.

But my friends will be here any minute.

I know. I'm sorry.

I'll come back as soon as I can.

Should I be worried

about this Dr. Macaroni?

- It's all you talk about.

- Absolutely not.

That dude's got ridiculously hairy arms.

- Bjorn, on the other hand, is

- Mm.

You're not funny.

You think you're funny, but you're not.


Hurry back.

The patients are the trials.

He's experimenting on people.

I thought but this


Oh, his claims of the tracheas

regenerating blood supply,

epithelium in animals, blah, blah, blah,

it was all made up.

Jesus Christ.

Christopher Lyles.

I'm sorry.

I can't imagine what he went through.

I can.

Your rats.

They all had different

causes of death

suffocation, heart attack, shock.

But they had one thing in

common: they all suffered.

Chris Lyles suffered.

We have to show this

to Hedley, all of this.

Yeah, I agree. We must inform Hedley.

But we cannot use Dufort's data.

What are you talking about?

We need as much damaging

information as possible

I crossed serious lines by going to her,

breached patient confidentiality.

I could get fired or worse.

- We need this.

- No, we don't.

My trials are enough.




- Shut up.

- I didn't say anything.

Come in.

Her pain and persistent cough

are coming from somewhere.

Could be unseen damage to the membrane

along her tracheal cartilage.


- Dr. Macchiarini?

- I see it.

What is she on?

Standard cocktail.

BP's stable.

She's got no allergies listed.

It's not the medication.

Check the vent quickly.

It's not the vent.

Then it must be an air

leak in her trachea.

But it just


There's a bleed in her right lung.

I need to open up her chest.

But we're not prepared.

Just do it!


Stat thoracotomy OR three.

Thoracotomy OR three.

Blood's pooling in the right lung.

Blood pressure, O2's dropping.

Oh, my God. There's infected tissue.

We can't suture.

What do we do?

My report supports our

concerns, Dr. Hedley.

Well, it says here these rats

died of various complications:

heart failure, stroke, infection.

And the one thing in common?

The trachea.

The results are not definitive,

but we would argue they

may be enough to justify

running additional trials before

continued use on our patients.

These are experimental treatments,

and they're used to care for

patients with no other options.

I see a great deal of

evidence of positive results,

certainly nothing that could

be outweighed by one rat trial

that you yourself

defined as inconclusive.

Do you have any further data?


No, Dr. Hedley, not at this time.

Isn't this enough? This guy's a hack.

I've had a bad feeling about

him since he set foot

Dr. Hedley, we're urging

you to review the data,

- come to your own conclusion.






Yep, yep.


Thank you, gentlemen.

We will review your concerns internally.

What the hell was that?

You didn't give me a chance

to get my point across.

Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't

realize you had one.

- He needs all the information.

- At the expense of my career?

And he doesn't need your opinion.

What do you expect to achieve

by making personal att*cks?

Well, can you blame

me? Hedley's full of shit.

"We'll review your concerns internally."

His only priorities are

making money for Karolinska

and keeping money for Karolinska.

Well, we brought our

suspicions to his attention.

- So?

- So that's all we can do.

- That's not all we can do.

- That's all I can do then.

You were the one who went

after Dufort in the first place.

You're the one who went digging.

What was the point if you're not

gonna use everything you found?

We live in two very

different worlds, Nate.

I have to take care of my family.


You stick to your world.

I'll deal with Macchiarini in mine.


- Are you okay?

- Hey, what's wrong?

He just took it out.

Who took what out?

Paolo. Her lung, he just



Yesim Cetir?

But she's

She's only in for a consult.

It was supposed to be

a simple exploratory




- What the hell did you do?

- Excuse me?

Dr. Gamelli

Yesim Cetir, in for a consult.

Yes, that's right.

Yeah, how does that end

in a f*cking pneumonectomy?

- I saved her life.

- Are you out of your mind?

What was it, a bleed, infection?

You could have

cauterized, controlled it.

- Dr. Gamelli

- Run her through antibiotics, steroids.

Calm down.

Not just take her f*cking

lung out, God damn it!

Take it easy.

I guess that makes

her a perfect candidate

for one of your tracheas now, huh?

Dr. Gamelli.

Do you have any idea what

those f*cking slinkies do to people?

I'm sure Dr. Macchiarini did

what was right for the patient.

Oh, I bet you are.

Careful, Nate.

Dr. Gamelli, I apologize if

things seem confusing to you.

Don't give me that bullshit.

Unfortunately, me and my team deal

with very extreme cases.

Yes, just the ones extreme enough

that nobody will notice

when you k*ll them,

you reckless son of a bitch!

That is enough!

Dr. Gamelli, perhaps you should think

about taking some time off.

Are you kidding? Me?

- Yes, you.


And I hope you show enough self-control

to leave the hospital unescorted.


You got anything else to add?



Otherwise, you would

have been at great risk,

a risk that you would bleed to death.

I'm sorry, Dr. Macchiarini.

Can you say again, please?

This must be a shock for

you to wake up like this,

but unfortunately, we

discovered several issues

when we went in, existing damage

that we could not have anticipated.

And we had to remove your right lung.

This problem was always there.

Actually, we were very

lucky that you went critical

on the table instead of at home,

because without immediate

care, you would have

you would have certainly died.


I spoke to your father,

and he's on his way.

And regarding your biosynthetic trachea,

the procedure is already approved

under compassionate use.

I know this is frightening,

but this was what we were hoping for.

All right.

Thank you, Dr. Macchiarini.

I can't believe you've

never played this before.

I used to play it all the

time with my little sister.

Shh, doctor!

You're going to make me


- Oh, damn it!

Why is this game so

stressful? I don't like it.

[SIGHS] Do you want to play again?


Oh, okay. Only if you're sure.

Sorry. I'm distracted.

I just I can't

I can't stop thinking

about what Macchiarini

did to that poor girl.

You said the body is resourceful,

that you can lose a lung,

organs, and still be okay.

Yeah, you can.

She's young. She's strong.

I just I know there was another way.

It's your turn.


I'm sorry.

No, no, it's nothing to apologize for.

Worrying about your patients

is what makes you a good doctor.

But Macchiarini, work,

it's all you talk about.

You only have one day left on

this little forced vacation.

Maybe you should enjoy it.

I can't get my mind off the hospital.


Can't imagine why.



Or maybe you could call your wingman.

He was waiting for you at the

pub the other day all by himself.

It was pitiful.

I almost felt bad enough

to sleep with him too.

Have you spoken to him at all?

I have nothing to say to him.


Welcome back.

I assume Macchiarini's

halfway around the world

now that his work here is done.

You're ambitious, Ana.

I've always liked that about you.

I believe in our work.

You weren't there, Nate. You don't know.

The biosynthetic trachea

was the best option for her.

Good luck in Russia.



Oh, be careful. Don't pop a stitch.

Hello, Dr. Gamelli.

This is my baba.

Hi, Baba.

It's Hayrullah, actually.

Oh, nice.

You know what they say

about being an artist?

It's the closest thing to immortality.

I'm half the artist my father is.

I'm going to teach young students

about those immortals.

So, Yesim, your tracheostomy

has been removed,

and your damaged

trachea has been replaced

with one of Dr. Macchiarini's

biosynthetic tracheas.

I will keep him informed of our

progress, but moving forward,

I'll be on the front lines

to take good care of you.

And I will take good care of you.

It's something I do with my siblings.

When we make a promise,

we put our thumbs together.

It makes a heart.

It seals the contract forever.

A promise, huh?

A promise is a promise,

unless someone's getting surgery.






How is she?

How the hell do you think she is?

I hope you understand.

I want to change things,

to do the right thing,

- but the right way.


It doesn't make much f*cking

difference now, does it?



We found her cyanotic and

unresponsive two minutes ago.

Her vitals were stable all day.

Last PTT, pulmonary

scan and function tests?

PTT normal, pulmonary scan

negative for clots of the left lung.

- Chest echo and cardiac labs?

- Echo and labs normal.

No signs of heart failure.

We're pumping her full of oxygen,

and her O2 stats are still low.

Her airway is blocked.

She can't be intubated.

I need ECMO support and X-ray!

Let's go!

All right, we've got five

minutes until brain death.

We're already 2 1/2 minutes in.

Somebody contact Dr. Macchiarini.

Stop compressions.

- Where's X-ray?

- En route, Doctor.

X-ray, clear.

All right. We're all set, five minutes.

Start the machine.




Mucus plugs are forming in

your airway, causing a blockage.

It's a side effect from

the synthetic trachea.

We'll need to suction every few hours

to make sure that it stays clear.

- Suction?

- Yes.

We place a catheter

tube through your nose

into your throat.

That's attached to a vacuum in the wall

that'll draw out anything that your body

can't expel on its own.

Will it hurt?


We'll make sure she's as

comfortable as possible.

Dr. Macchiarini knows this?


I send him reports on

anything that happens here.

Yesim, your body has been through a lot.

It is possible that we could

see some problems arise.

But whatever comes, we'll handle it.


Oh, hey.

Why classic rock?

Why not something more

modern like Bruno Mars?

In the '60s, '70s, young

people protested against wars.

They questioned their government,

fought for basic rights.

The music reflects the same things

we are going through now in Turkey.

I guess, when I hear those old songs,

I don't feel so alone.

Fair enough. Okay.

Let me know what you think.




You all right?

If this is something I have

to do to get out of here,

I'll be okay.

Her spleen has to be removed

because of a blocked artery,

but the good news is,

she can live without it.

Why is this happening?

Is it the trachea?

Her body's been through a lot.

The mucus plugs when

you struggle for oxygen,

well, that kind of trauma can lead

to any number of complications.




So what'd you think?

It's good shit, huh?

Do not light anything on fire.

I promise you nothing.


Her gallbladder is almost

completely black from gallstones.

It's Whack-a-Mole.

You solve one problem,

something else pops up.

It's all because of

that synthetic trach.

Those mucus plugs are

choking her to death.

She's not getting enough oxygen.

It's putting too much

stress on her body.

Her organs are shutting down, and

it's getting worse with each surgery.

We can remove the trachea.

And replace it with what?

Even if we had the donors,

the area it's too damaged.

We just need to get a handle

on these complications,

stabilize her.

She's young, strong. She

can make it through this.

Good morning, Dr. Gamelli.

f*ck off.

These are the brave patients

who are stepping up

in the name of science.

And he is the daring

doctor who is determined

to give them that chance.

Even in the face of failure,

we should keep hope alive.

Hold on, listen.

She's losing her hair, her vision.

Half of her internal organs are gone.

It's all because of

that f*cking trachea.

Where is Macchiarini?

In the U.S., Russia?

We send these updates nothing.

This shit is on him.

Why are you not holding him accountable?




That's where I'll go next.


Boston's great.

The band Boston is playing there soon.

I looked it up.

Heaven on Earth tour.

- Boston in Boston.

- Boston in Boston.


- I made her a promise.

- You promised her this?

That I would take care of her.

How? How can you take care of her?

How can you do anything for

her when you are too exhausted

to take care of yourself?





I figured CDs are out of style,

so I got you an iPod.

I'm sorry it's not wrapped.

I put some albums on it.

"After the Gold Rush,"

"Darkness on the Edge of Town."

Your dad said it was cool, so

Thank you.








200 joules, clear!


Clear. Clear.




What happened?

Your heart stopped,

but we brought you back.

You're okay now.


Abnormal impulses can

override the system.


Why did you bring me back?



There's a fistula in her esophagus.

What about a two-layer closure?

I've gone through all

the routine options.

They won't take hold on Macchiarini's

biosynthetic trachea.

Well, if we remove it,

she won't be able to eat ever again.

Where is she?

She's okay. She just left.

She's getting transferred.


What the f*ck is going on?

Who authorized her move?

Who the hell are you?

Dr. Hedley signed a transfer order.

She's going to private wing.

They wanna hide me.

They want to hide me.


What do you want?

Just checking out the real estate.



I'm a medical scientist, so

I'm not intrinsically good

at this bedside manner.

But being able to express feelings,

it's essential.

Axel taught me that.

So I just came by to see how you are.

One of the first things

they teach you in med school

is never promise

anything to your patients.

The gods are a fickle bunch.

I promised I would take

care of her, and I failed.

She's alive, Nate, against all odds,

and we both know, if

she was anywhere else,

being treated by anyone else

I don't just want her alive.

I want her to live.

This all started with that trachea.

She should have never been

opened up in the first place,

but now

I need to get her away from here.

I need to get her away from me.

I found a surgeon in the States

who might be able to help,

because I can't.



- by Strider,

maybe a life-saving tactic.

Edwin felt he was fouled,

but Germany moving hard,

and they've been caught on the counter.

Dahl's burned. Gone.

Gonna get it down the field.


We are here today to

review the complications

of your patient, Yesim Cetir,

before she's transferred

to the United States.

Yesim Cetir suffered immensely.

And we offered her

another chance at life

with a biosynthetic trachea.

Dr. Macchiarini is here today.

I want to look nice.

Then she was left in

the hands of others.

I read Yesim's updated

chart and sat in horror

of what these doctors

put my patient through.

You removed her esophagus,

condemning her to what kind of life?

And then you summon me here.

The issues that arose afterwards

blood clots, organ

failure, and infections

are completely unrelated

to my procedure.

As I expanded our work

in Russia and America,

I trusted Karolinska

to care for the patients

that we have helped together.

I will never again

leave any of my patients

in the care of another, ever.

I didn't know he was back here.


He never left.



Dr. Macchiarini's not coming.

No, he's not.

But I spoke with your

new team in the U.S.,

and they're gonna take it out.

The trachea, they're gonna take it out.

Look at you.

You stand there,

thinking you're my savior.


No, I

What did you save?

What of me is left?

I tried.


I hate you.

I can't stand to look at you.

I hate you.

Do you hear me?

I hate you.


I hate everything about you.

You're nothing to me.

You're just a pair of blue scrubs.

I can't even see anymore.

I'm sorry.

Get the hell out.

Get out.

Toz ol.

Toz ol.

Toz ol.

Toz ol.