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02x04 - Tarantela Telaraña

Posted: 12/30/23 20:23
by bunniefuu
You could have as little

as six months to live.

"A Leap of Faith" is about the patients

other doctors have given up on.

And I love you, Benita.

That is not how I

wanted you to find out.

You don't cross those lines!

Tomorrow I'm going

into a 14-hour surgery.

They're gonna replace half of my chest.

What are you doing?

Would you like to have dinner with me?

My place, 10:30?

- That works.

- Life is good

when you believe good things can happen.

Where's Chris Lyles?

He passed away last night.


Dr. Macchiarini is asking

what happened with your trials.

Any mistakes could

slow down our progress.

Make sure that doesn't happen.

I want to know you better than anyone.

- Arresto?

- You got arrested?

Speed limits are just suggestions to me.

What if we could continue like this

at home in Barcelona?

We found a priest for the wedding.

ThePope is gonna marry you?

Pope Francis will be traveling

to South America this summer,

not Italy, not your wedding.

You've always had great instincts.


Maybe you should trust them.

Padraic, I need you to

look into someone for me.

The name is Paolo Macchiarini.




You were right.

The Vatican is not

happy that Jorge agreed

to marry two divorcées in the church.

Our wedding's in three weeks.

I know. I thought I could change

things on my own. I thought I

honestly, I don't know what I thought.

Okay. Y-you do realize this isn't

about the Pope though, right?

You you're hiding things from me.

I know you want to know everything.

But it's not easy for me.

I have been alone too long.

I'm trying to create something,

and all I have is me.

And each time I come close,

there's always someone

fighting against it,

trying to stop me, so I

I don't share.

I'm not used to it. I don't know how.

I I stay alone.

And it's very difficult to let that go.


I didn't even know you felt that way.

How would you?

I mean, honestly, sometimes I think

I cannot trust anyone but myself.

And you.

I'm just trying to make

this wedding perfect.

I never asked you to do that.

But I wanted to.

I wanted to because I know

how difficult it is for you

to give up your life here, your job.

I didn't want to add more to your worry.

Honestly, I didn't want

to give you a reason

to change your mind.

But the church, the reception,

nothing else has to change.

All I can hope is when you

walk out of that church,

when you listen to those bells ringing,

that you will be happy.






Excuse me. Where is Dr. Macchiarini?

Oh, Dr. Svensson.

They are all at the press

conference in the lecture hall.



Today is a very special day

for all of us here at Karolinska.

Today, our "Lancet" paper was ranked

among the top ten most important studies

on regenerative research.

However, I would like to remind us

that we're all here because

of the courage of one man,

Andemariam Beyene.

Andemariam was handed a death sentence

before he came to us here in Stockholm.

But today, six months after his surgery,

he is cancer-free

[MUFFLED] And he's been able to return

to Iceland, to his family

[CLEARLY] Where I believe that he's

nearly completed his doctoral

in geothermal engineering.

[MUFFLED] Am I correct, Andemariam?


[CLEARLY] His breath,

and therefore his life,

has been restored.

Ande, you are a living proof

of what these transplants can achieve.

And we're just at the

beginning of this technology,

so you can all imagine what we can do

for so many patients

like him around the world.

Ande, thank you very much.

And thank you all for being here.




Thank you.

Thank you.


Yeah, but Ana, Ana.

Do you have five minutes?

- Of course.

- Yes? Okay.

Uh, let's go this way.

- Let's go to my office.

- Okay.

Thank you.


Quite the turnout for the event.


So, uh, six months,

no additional surgeries,

no tangible advancements

in the technology.

I would say your research is stagnating.

I would argue it's just the opposite.

We have a successful

operation, a published article,

an additional surgery

from which we can draw

a great deal of conclusions.

But the most important

thing that we've learned

is that we cannot

execute our research here,

not with your team,

not in your facilities.

I beg your pardon?

It's only the fault of the

regulations here in Sweden.

We're shackled by compassionate use.

Our patients here are just too sick.

I have contacts in Russia

- [LAUGHS] Oh.

- Who have offered us

a campus to conduct additional research.

In Krasnodar, we can

work with full autonomy,

and any progress that we see there

can be used to gain approval

for patient trials back at Karolinska.

It only benefits our work here.

Well, that is quite an ask,

to have Karolinska hand you over

to Russia, of all people.

It's not an ask.

It is an opportunity.

And it's not me who you

will be handing over.

I was hoping to have Dr. Lasbrey

set up and run a lab there.

If Mr. Beyene showed us one thing,

it's that there is a

pervasive need here.

Now we just have to take the opportunity

that has been presented to us.


Yes, well, quite an opportunity.


Okay, tomato.

Okay. Two more.

- Cheese.

- Cheese.

Good morning.

BOTH: Good morning.

Wow. Maybe I should

sleep in more often, huh?

Can I wear my hair in braids?

No, we don't have time for that, tesoro.

You heard him.

I think your hair looks

really cute though.

- Do you have your homework?



[SIGHS] Oh, God.

- What is it?

- Oh, we've been having

these issues with our materials,

and it's causing these costly delays.

It's a nightmare.

But if you want, we

can have dinner tonight,

and I can explain to

you every boring detail.

It's a date.

And you? What is my superstar producer

going to do with her first days

of freedom from the newsroom?


I think I'll probably

finish packing here,

and then hopefully a

whole lot of nothing.



All right, you got your phone?



- Love.

- BOTH: Mwah.

- Bye, Mom.

- Bye.

- Okay. Bye, my love.

- Bye.


What is that?

What's what?

That ringing.

Hey, Lizzi, is that your phone?



Oh, mine.



- My work phone.


Okay, now we need to go.

Get my keys.

- Bye.

- See you tonight, okay?

Bye, guys.

Bye, Mom.


So you're looking for Dr.

Macchiarini's 2008 pig study, yeah?


Uh, you know, the

Bristol paper's online.

Well, I'm looking for raw data, eh,

notes, raw datasets,

any other trials that

might have gone unpublished.

I I'm hoping to cross-reference

for my own research here.

- So


Sure, uh, just need to get a

sign-off from the higher-ups.

Me boss is a bit of a sheephead

about that kind of stuff.

Uh, I'm one of the authors

of the follow-up study in "The Lancet."

- Ah.

- So, uh, I, uh

Fine, but I-I'll still have to get

Dr. Macchiarini to authorize.

Oh. Oh, Dr. Macchiarini?

- Yeah.

- Ah.

Well, I'm requesting directly from him.

Eh, he asked me to give you a call.

Okay, let me see what I

can find for you, mate.

Thank you.




Mr. Beyene, hello.

It's great to see you in person again.

I thought I was coming

here for a checkup.

But they told me to bring a suit.

Now I understand.

How could they say those

things when I feel like this?

We'd like to do an endoscopy

just to confirm your airway is looking

- exactly the way it should.

- Where is Dr. Macchiarini?

He's in an interview

at the moment, but

My wife begged me not to come.

I understand you're anxious.

You're tired.

The lingering symptoms are expected,

- but always taxing on the body.


Ande, you had six months to live.

Now you're sitting here with

your entire future ahead of you.

This was a success

for all of us.


Why don't you get some rest?

It's been a long day.

Thank you.

Thank you.

- Are you ready?

- I'm ready.

Mrs. Lyles.

I'm so sorry about Chris.

He was very special.

Thank you.

I know this isn't the best time

to burden you with more paperwork,

but, uh, this is an autopsy request.

I can help walk you

through it if you'd like.

The other doctor said an

autopsy wasn't necessary.

It's elective.

As the next of kin, you have

the right to request one.

Why would we request one?

Was there something

wrong with the procedure?

No, it's not that.

There are some battles

you simply can't win.

This is just for your own peace of mind.

Dr. Macchiarini fought for my son

when all the other doctors gave up.

We knew the risks.

We trust him.

So did Chris.

He believed in this

medicine, the research.

I think he would have wanted this.

So you're saying this is good

for Dr. Macchiarini's work?

Wh-why didn't he ask for it?

Like I said, it's your choice.

My job is just to make sure

you know what the choices are.


Buongiorno. Hotel Gandolfo.

Ciao. Uh, I'm I'm calling

about the Macchiarini

wedding on the 15th.

I just wanted to confirm

our reservation for the reception hall.

Of course. One moment.

- Thank you.

- Macchiarini, you say?


Uh, I'm very sorry, signora,

but I have no Macchiarini wedding.

No, no, no, no, th no,

th-that can't be right.

We're we're supposed to have

the entire place booked out.

I see here Dr. Macchiarini

has booked with us before,

but, uh, no wedding.



You have reached the

Bonaparte Luxury Resort.

- Please leave a message.


Hi. Uh, my name is Benita Alexander.

- I'm calling about my honeymoon.


No, signorina. Is it perhaps

- under another name?

- [SIT TONE] We're sorry.

- You have reached a number

- No.

Um, can can I speak

to the chef directly?


- Madame,

the chef has never catered

a wedding in his life.


Macchiarini? No. No.


- No, no, no.

We we should have rooms

reserved, including suites.

Yes, we should have rooms

reserved, including



Uh, I am I'm calling about the


Macchiarini? No. No.

The Macchiarini wedding.


No, no, no. No.

- Hi! Ah!

- Hello.

Welcome. Come on in.


Oh, hey, here. This is 80 proof.

I know you don't like the fruity stuff.

Wow. Thank you.

That's very kind, especially for you.

He even wore a jacket over

his Springsteen T-shirt.

- Mm.

- Mm-hmm.

Oh, this is my, uh




For God's sake, Nathan.

I'm Wilma, welcome.

That press conference

today was a f*cking circus.

Uh, shit, sorry.

You were there? I I didn't see you.

I skipped it. All I'm saying is that

it's ridiculous how

they paraded him around

in front of the cameras like that.

This was delicious, Anders.

- Thank you.

- Skal.

- Skal.

- Skal.

- Skal.

- Skal.


- Skal?

- Skal.

So how did the two of you meet?

I tend a bar near the hospital.

Ah. You're the one.

I don't usually date the

men who come into the bar,

especially doctors.

Most are arrogant assholes.

He's arrogant, just not an assh*le.

Sometimes I'm an assh*le.

And Nate mentioned you're a lawyer.

Yes, I am well, was.

I stepped down after Axel was born.

We wanted one of us to be here with him.

And somehow the rats

won out over the law.



Oh, playtime.

- That's my cue.

- Oh.

No, no, no, no, no, no, you sit.

- No, no

- I'll take it. I'll take it.

- Yeah, you sit. You sit.

- Are you sure?

- Yep.

- Okay.

You have boring medical

stuff to talk about.

Um, may I join you?

Uh, yes.

I'm better company anyway.

Mm, that is true.


I'll do the dishes.



I know that Macchiarini's

magic plastic had something

to do with Christopher Lyles' death.

You know this how?

That press conference today,

it was an infomercial.

Lyles died, and Karolinska

is covering their ass.

I know how I sound, but

I I'm not the only one.

There is a Belgian

researcher, Dr. Doris Dufort.

She has a blog called "Phase IV."

She wrote a peer response to

your paper in "The Lancet."

Mm. Mm-hmm.

You've read it?

No, uh, I don't entertain

fringe theories from

a rival in the field.

Doris Dufort is a troll.

What about your trial results?

Anything come up there?

That's a loaded silence.


I haven't released them, Nate.

I'm still compiling my report.

That's bullshit.

I know you've got a lot on the line.

You know, more more than

I could ever understand,

but I I know you.

I know that look on your face,

and I know you haven't said a

word all night to contradict me.

Just promise me that

if you find anything,

you'll let me know.


Okay, we're in the larynx now.

Okay, Ande, I'm going to push

- through the vestibular fold.

- [GAGS]

So you're gonna feel a little

pressure as I go in, okay?


All right.


The stitches look good.

They look very good.

You're doing beautifully, Mr. Beyene.

Okay, I see I see some

inflammation at the top here,

but you've been traveling,

so that's not unusual.


Okay, let's give you

let's give you a little break.

Okay, I think that

we're all finished here.

Everything looks as it should.

Do you want to retrieve any samples

from towards the bronchi?

No, no, no, that's not necessary.

I'm satisfied. But we're gonna give you

some antibiotics for that

inflammation, all right?

Good job, Ande.

I will check on you later.

- Okay?

- Okay.

Thank you.

Well done.

Dr. Lasbrey, so we're not gonna biopsy?

I don't follow.

The doctor said to leave it.

That's all you need to follow.

You only sent research

for bronchus testing.

I need trials for the

biosynthetic tracheas.

That's what the lab sent up.

Well [SIGHS]

These data tables are incomplete.

They are redacted.

There is no real information here.

If you want, I can talk to me boss.

No. Th-thanks.

Thank you.






Hey, I just sent something over to you.

Should be in your inbox.


Yep, got it.

If it's an American school,

why do they make us speak Spanish?

It's probably not what

you were hoping to find.

Uh, I I have to run,

but I'll call you back.

- Okay, bye.

- Hi.

- Hey.

- Hi.

- Hi.

- Who was that?

Uh, it was Luke about my

final wedding dress fitting.

What? Can I take a peek?

No, no.

Why not?

- Sorry.

- Ugh.

Tsk. Such a cruel tradition.

- Did you finish your homework?

- Almost.

Why don't you go finish

your homework before bed?

- Okay.

- Okay.

Buenos noches, papá.

Buenas noches, tesoro.

Ah, that's so cute.

You look exhausted.

- Oh, yeah.

- Was Lizzi a lot today?


- Oh, God.

No, she was great.

It's this thing that doesn't stop.

[SIGHS] I definitely

will have to go back.

- Back where?

- To Russia.

The problems at the lab, it

you understand, right?

Yeah. Of course, yeah.

Hey, I have a an idea.

What if we have chilled champagne

waiting for guests in the suite

when they arrive for the wedding?

Oh. Yeah, lovely. That's nice.

- Yeah?

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Is there someone I should contact

- at the hotel or

- No, no, no, no.

It's okay. I I got that.

Leave that with me. I already pay the

the final deposit for the

for the reception hall.

You're gonna love it. It's beautiful.

Do you have an early flight tomorrow?

- Yeah, I do.

- Yeah.

Why don't you go get some rest?

I'm never too tired for you.


I'm never too tired for you.

Huh? You want me to go to sleep alone?



What are you doing out here in the dark?


Russia's going to be the longest

few days of my life.


But I'm gonna have this place

pretty much entirely packed

up by the time you get back.

You don't want to be late.

- I love you.

- I love you.






Paolo was arraigned for extortion.

He made up some bullshit

excuse about the arrest.

I mean, this guy

this guy was in Italy.

His name is Matteo Peralta.

Says here he's a plaintiff, a widower.

He lost his wife.

And there were other charges

embezzlement, deception,

extortion by multiple patients.

These are felonies.

He he lied to my face so easily.

- Is he in the apartment right now?

- No.

- He's on his way to Russia.


I did a background check

and criminal history.

I looked into his

personal history myself.

How how did I miss all of this?

Our vetting is good, but this?

This is designed to be missed.

The charges were dropped.

I'm packing up my life

to move to Barcelona.

I gave notice on my lease.

I pulled Lizzi out of school.

I gave up my f*cking job.


What are you gonna do?

I have to go to Luke's for my

wedding dress fitting right now.

Are you gonna tell Luke?

I have to, right?


Why are we meeting like spies?


Okay, uh, Christopher

Lyles' mother came to see me.

She said you pressured her

into performing an autopsy.

It was my professional opinion

Yeah, well, it seems

they weren't interested

in your professional opinion, Nate.

And yet, you offered it.

Look, an autopsy is not going

to bring their loved one back.

You should have let

them just mourn in peace.

Shouldn't that involve knowing

why they're mourning in the first place?

Okay, look, Nate,

you are an excellent surgeon.

You you care about your patients

more than anyone I have ever seen.

But really, just leave the

dirty politics to lesser men.

You went behind Macchiarini's back.

When Chris died, Macchiarini

was already out of the country.

We don't know which

way his back was turned.


I get it.

Every time we open a cadaver,

we're exposing this institution

to possible litigation.

Okay, Christopher Lyles was terminal.

Litigation didn't even cross my mind.

My job is to steer clear of bad optics.

So our patient died, it's unclear why

- I'm sorry, unclear to who?

- And you're concerned

about a stain on

Macchiarini's reputation?

Okay, I mean bad optics for you, Nate.

Paolo's reputation is impeccable.

And these claims are unfounded.

Some people could see these maneuverings

as something incendiary.

Like a personal rivalry.

Professional jealousy.

Just watch your step, Doctor.


We've had some success with

these cadaveric donor organs.

Although survival in

the body is short-term,

there's evidence of gas exchange

and vascular perfusion

after transplantation.

For how long?

Two hours.

It was a milestone.

Follow me.

Take a seat, Dr. Svensson.

Oh, thank you. [CHUCKLES]

I must admit, I was wary

when you first reached out to me.

Your name is on "The Lancet" paper.

Naturally, I questioned

your motivations.

You could say I'm the

one taking the risk.

I could be fired for coming to you

breaching an ethical

wall, crossing enemy lines.

Some ethical walls are

meant to be breached,

especially in service of the truth.


I read your blog,

your response to our

article about, um

Andemariam Beyene's transplant.

I'm currently running trials

to support the results.

Your paper was published

before you completed your study?

So you come to me,

an act of scientific espionage.

I must say, I like your

style, Dr. Svensson.

I I also requested research

from Dr. Macchiarini's

previous work in Bristol,

but, uh, I couldn't find anything.

No. You wouldn't, would you?

Nothing but a stone wall.

I had the same funny feeling as you

way back in 2008,

before anybody had grand designs.

Those are for you.

Go on.

Too late to turn back now.

Dr. Macchiarini is setting

a very dangerous precedent,

making this kind of

experimental surgery elective.

N-no, we haven't.

It is only approved

for compassionate use.

For now.




Hi. I'm Dr. Gamelli.

Uh, I'll be doing your intake today.

So you're here from Turkey.

Well, it's very brave to

come all this way on your own.

I've been to 12 countries,

but never to Sweden.

I'm worried more for my father.

He's meeting me here in a couple days,

but he's traveling on his own,

and his English is not so good.

Well, how about his Swedish?

Even worse.

I'm sure he'll do fine.

You're here for a consultation, I see.

Your trachea was injured

during an operation?

My hands, they sweated a lot.

My doctors back home,

they tried to fix it,

but something went wrong with the

What they tried to do is a

very risky surgical procedure.

After this, they couldn't help,

so they recommended Dr. Macchiarini.

He's the best in the world.


There's my lovely young patient.

So good to finally meet

you in person, Yesim.

Welcome to Karolinska.

- This is Dr. Lasbrey.

- Hi.

Thank you, Dr. Gamelli.


It really pains me to

see someone as young,

as beautiful as you

are suffering like this.

We are all so very happy that

you're here with us today.

We're also very lucky

that the talented Dr. Lasbrey is

with us for one last procedure.



I'm just taking the hem up a little bit.


What is it?

I promised Paolo I wouldn't

say anything, but

the Pope agreed

to give me and Michael Holy

Communion at the wedding.

- What?

- I know.

After all the shit our

families put us through

when we got married.

My mom, she refused to come.

No, I I remember that

And now the freaking Pope giving

giving her little boy Communion?

For her to see that now, it's just

Paolo's just

he's really special, Benita.


You ready?


- Axel, Axel.



- Axel!




[SIGHS] Okay. Well,

have fun with Aubrey.

I'll see you in the morning. Love you.

Good night.






- Do you trust me?

- Oh.

Oh, God.

What are you doing?

It's a surprise.


Are you ready?


You're supposed to be in Russia.

They delayed my flight.

And I have a beautiful idea.

Let's get married right here.

Friends and family

or just the two of us.

Tomorrow if you want.

Let's do it.

Was that your plan all along?

When everything eventually

fell apart, we would just

we would get married

up here on my rooftop?

I would marry you under

a bridge if I had to.

What's going on?

Paolo, I called everywhere.

No one knows anything

about our wedding


Is that what this is about?

Benita, we have important

guests that require discretion.

Our wedding was supposed

to be confidential.

What did you expect

to find out without me?

- What's going on?

- You're lying to me.

Why would I lie to you?

And I trusted you with my daughter.

I was getting ready to uproot

my entire f*cking life for a lie?

I made a few mistakes, and

you're still punishing me.

- No, no, no, no, I

- I thought we were past that.

I looked into everything.

I looked into you.

- You looked into me?

- Yeah.

Why would you look into me?

Why me, Paolo?

Why me?

I'm a journalist. You

had to know at some point,

I was gonna start asking questions.


That's what I love about you.

That man in Italy had a wife

- Oh, God.

- Who was your patient.

He wasn't mafia.

- He wasn't some stranger.

- Please, Benita.

- He wasn't an enemy.

- Please.

- What did you do to them?

- Baby, don't do this.

What did you do to them?


There are certain things I

didn't want to have to tell you.

You're giving me no choice.

Benita, my work, what I do,

is tied to governments, heads of state,


I've been forced to treat

some very bad people.

And you don't want to go

digging in there, Benita,

because it's dangerous.

It is dangerous for me.

It is dangerous for you.

It is dangerous for Lizzi.

What I'm trying to do is to protect you.



You need to leave.


All of his work,

his his grant, his everything,

it's all based on a lie.

They performed trials

with donors, cadavers,

but never with the

biosynthetic tracheas.

So those pigs from

that first presentation,

they were really just

happy f*cking pigs?

In my rat trials,

there were no evidence

of stem cell growth.

Once the implants went

into the bodies, just

Detachment, infection, fungus.

All leading to collapse of the airways.

No cartilage tissue, no

regenerated blood supply.

"It's like magic."

That's what he said,

how the tracheas work.

And it is.

It's all smoke and mirrors.


My trials failed.

They were doomed to fail.

Because he never did any

trials in the first place.


the patients are the trials.

He's experimenting on people.




♪ He looked right through me ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

"Come on home, girl,"

♪ he said with a smile ♪

"You don't have to love me

♪ yet, let's get high awhile ♪

♪ "But try to understand ♪

♪ "Try to understand ♪

♪ "Try, try, try to understand ♪

♪ I'm a magic man" ♪

♪ Winter nights, we sang in tune ♪

♪ Played inside the months of moon ♪

♪ Never think of never ♪

♪ Let this spell last forever ♪

♪ Well, summer lover passed to fall ♪

♪ Tried to realize it all ♪

♪ Mama says she worried ♪

♪ Growing up in a hurry ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

"Come on home, girl,"

♪ Mama cried on the phone ♪

♪ "Too soon to lose my baby yet ♪

♪ My girl should be at home" ♪

♪ But try to understand ♪

♪ Try to understand ♪

♪ Try, try, try to understand ♪

♪ He's a magic man, Mama ♪

♪ Ah, he's a magic man ♪

♪ "Come on home, girl,"

he said with a smile ♪

♪ "I cast my spell of love on you ♪

♪ A woman from a child" ♪

♪ But try to understand,

try to understand ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Try, try, try to understand ♪

♪ He's a magic man ♪